HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197100011 Application 1971-07-12 1.41`1 OF AL.1311,• q
Planning Department
July 12, 1971
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Mr. Raymond V. Long, Jr.
2510 Wakefield Road
Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901
Re: Motorcycle Shop-Rio Road
Violation Number V-71-34
Appeals Number VA-71-11
Dear Mr. Long:
We have received your letter dated July 9, 1971 , and have accepted
this as an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals as it pertains to my decision
on your Motorcycle Shop operation on Rio Road.
This appeal has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 1971 , at
5:30 P.M. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room.
It is required that you notify all adjacent or abutting property owners
of your intent at this meeting by certified or registered mail . The receipts
showing that these letters have been sent must be in this office five (5)
days prior to the public hearing. Notification must take place ten (10)
days before the hearing.
A temporary stay of this office's cease and desist is in effect until
ten (10) days after a decision is reached by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
If other questions can be answered please contact us at your convenience.
aseph M. 'Goldsmith
fining Administrator
cc: Savory Amato, Chairman
Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals
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Tuesday Afternoon, April 6, 1971
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Council Okay :„.„,„„,,„,
N. ‘,.:.:?;:.c;4; 11111.34
agreed that further suchresolutions shouldn't be con-thingsd. But he said, "Ailot of E ,
`things have changed since of
passed the 1969 resolution. . .I S
-,don't think we're backing a
' 'North Vietnamese resolution. I
By TED McKOWN and that it does not propose night's resolution, he thought think this comes from the pia
A "Write the White House" a date for withdrawal but asks the council could properly ; hearts of many people today
the President to. consider it. i
resolution on U.S. troop with , . . . We are sick and tired lit;
B e f o r e taking up the The debate on the resolution of the killing."drawal from Vietnam was
adopted by City Council last resolution, the council voted 4-1 opened with Davis charging
night after a bitter debate that to give it consideration, with that the idea behind it "should Both Wright and Davis said tyk
included charges the measure only Davis dissenting. have 'Made in Hanoi' stamped 1 they saw tic need to adopt a �,;
was "a complete fraud" and Fife said he tended to agree all over it, because it is based resolution to balance those
c a 11 e d into question the with Davis that questions of on the absolutely fraudulent I adopted in the past. The "Write
patriotism of its authors. foreign policy were out of the concept that America is the Hanoi" resolution was "an
The vote was 3 2, with council's jurisdiction, but he only activist in this war." effort to secure more humane
Democrats Francis Fife, noted that the council had To ask the President to state treatment for POWs, while C
Charles Barbour and Mayor p a s s e d a resolution in a date for complete withdrawal tonight's resolution is 'primarily s ;
Mitchell Van Yahres supporting December 1969 supporting the would be harmful from military propaganda of North Vietnam," th
the resolution and Republicans President's Vietnam policy and and bargaining standpoints, he Wright asserted. "I reject the
another this year supporting the . '_. d. ' '" idea that our nation has to Ci
Xenneth E. Davis and Joseph letters to Hanoi campaign on Davis said he was "most make all the overtures in order be
W. Wri ht r. µ __ r._,. er'i
e reso uti n, drafted by treatment of prisoners of war. imp r e s s e d w ' t h e to secure peace." di''
Fife, was a variation on one "It seems to me we have o • background" of Ogle and_ Germino, who presented the pt r
originally proposed to the more to adopt before we clo-• Germino,both antiw. activists, original resolution to the ctfla
council by Dante L. Germino the books," Fife said. and'i t'ed that Germino ha council, said he was doing so byt
i a Then after the resolution wa. been a campaign worker for or behalf of Ogle and the Rev. C c—
adopted, Fife proposed that Cit Fife and Barbour in last year's Henry B. Mitchell, a City School Schoolgovernmen an tty. Harry Marshall be aske. council election,_ Board member, among others. ,
r., a res yaerianr minis er to draft a policy guide in- "I see this as the kick-off for Mitchell was not present last of'$
a� ormer UVa to ent dicating that the council doesn't t e 'spring offensive' (planned night. p 1
ounce president. w a n t to consider future by anti-war groups," Davis G e r m i n o called it a H
` F' `gresolution proclaims proposals related to foreign declared. "I think it's a corn- "moderate resolution . . . that AF policy or other matters out of .1• • -ud." attracts broad support in the na
April 12-19 "Write the White
House Week" and recommends its jurisdiction. •avis ater insisted that he community " He noted that a Cc
that the people of Charlot- That passed 4-1 with Wright was not attacking Fife. "I look recent national Gallup Poll Ti.
tesville ewrite to the President dissenting. Wright made it at his•paper as an effort to showed 73 per cent of those pl Ne
clear, as he has in the past, get out of an embarrassing interviewed in favor of with- id
urging him to announce the
that though he opposed last situation," he said. "I can't say drawal from Vietnam by the heen
earliest possible date for the same for the others, end•of this year, at.
comp 1 e t e withdrawal from en
Vietnam of all U.S. troops."
Special Trash however." "The President needs further
It also recommends that indication, more official in- en�e
Fife took exception to the was r
citizens write to the Provisional Pickup Slated tdhroe on, than he can get
personal comments. "It is ancoht.
Government of Vietnam (Viet through the polls of the e,"
implication as to the patriotism to
Cong) and Democrat Republic me mise popular will for peace,"
p The city public service of people here," he said. "I'm code
of Vietnam (North Vietnam) Germino said.
department will make a special perfectly willing to have Ogle, who recently went to u 1
urging them to honor their spring pickup of trash tomorrow somebody examine my war Paris with a group to talk with cil el
pledge to negotiate a ceasefire, and the following Wednesday. record in World War II."
safe withdrawal of U.S. troops, Items must be out by 7:30 a.m. Fife continued, "I think it's delegates to the Vietnam peace o
and early release of all talks, said it was clear that the
and are to be placed in the a pity to tie this together with only way to obtain :elease of m` 1 prisoners of war. same location as trash and patriotism and non-patriotism.' al prisoners would be for the ewe
F i f e stressed that the garbage containers usually are. However, I'll say that the best President to specify a date for to
resolution was not addressed Items must not be heavier patriot is one who supports or,
directly to President Nixon but than two men can load on a what is best for his country." complete troop withdrawal. at it
{ •
urgest citizens to write to him, truck, the department said. Van Yahres said he was
"truly sorry to have it sink to
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TO: The Albemarle County Board of Zoning
RE: Parcels 116A and 1l46B, County Tax Map #61
We the undersigned residents of Rio Road, Huntington Road, and
Greenbrier areas respectfully request that the land described on the
County Tax Map #61 as parcels 146A and 146B, now zoned B-1 business,
not be allowed to contain a machinery sales and service shop operating
as a motorcycle shop. We respectfully request that the Board of Zoning
Appeals uphold the decision of the Albemarle County zone Administrator
as it pertains to this use.
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Page 1 of 2 pages
TO: The Albemarle County Board of 'oning
RE: Parcels 146A and 146B, County Tax Map #61. ``
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