HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201300056 Assessment - Groundwater Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2014-11-24 Silka Environmental Services, Inc. PO Box 1283 Haymarket,VA 20168 (434)953-5468 LSILKA@COMCAST.NET November 25, 2014 Zoning& Current Development Division y3 �. Albemarle County — cz) s �. 401 McIntire Road w uLA Charlottesville, VA 22902 d RE: Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit Rivanna Community Church Aft 607 Earlysville Green ; Earlysville,Virginia , Dear Sir or Madame: -J This report provides the Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment for the subject special use permit for the Rivanna Community Church on the Albemarle County parcel TMP 31-32. Figure 1 (all figures are attached) shows the general location of the Site on the 1984 USGS topographic map. Figure 2 is the tax map with property boundaries overlaid on the 2013 aerial photograph(from ?-' the County GIS website). Figure 3 is a panoramic photograph of the Site as it appears from the intersection of Earlysville Road with Earlysville Forest Drive. 1. Proposed Development Figure 4 presents the proposed development plan dated July 2013 with County revisions from December 2013. The proposed plan consists of the remodeling of the existing one-story brick office building into offices/classrooms, and new construction of a fellowship hall and sanctuary for the Rivanna Community Church. 2. Topography Figure 5 shows the topography for the vicinity of the Site (from the County GIS website). The southeastern corner of the Site is at an elevation of approximately 640 feet and gradually slopes to 611 at the northwestern corner. The southwestern side of the Site fronting Earlysville Road is near the crest of a ridge that Earlysville Road runs along. 3. Surface Water The Site is within the watershed of the North Fork Rivanna River that is 2.5 miles to the northeast of the Site (see Figure 1). According to the USGS topographic map in Figure 1,there are no perennial streams within 1,000 feet of the proposed development. Jacobs Run is the nearest perennial stream and is 1.5 miles northeast of the Site. Surface runoff flows across the Site toward the north and enters ephemeral drainage that eventually enters Jacobs Run 1.5 miles 4 1110 Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church,Earlysville,Virginia Page 2 northeast of the Site. Jacobs Run eventually joins the North Fork Rivanna River in another two miles to the east. There are no ponds, springs, or streams on the Site or within 1,000 feet of the Site. The Site is outside both the 100- and 500-year flood plains. 4. Geological Contacts and Features The Site and proposed development are located within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province that was developed on igneous and metamorphic rocks of primarily gneiss and schist and covers Virginia from west of a line approximately following US Route 15 to the western base of the Blue Ridge Mountains. As shown in the enlargements of the 1993 Virginia Geologic Map in Figures 7 and 8,the Middle Proterozoic porphyroblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss(map symbol "Ybg")underlies the entire Site, including the proposed development, and the surrounding properties to a distance greater than 1,000 feet. The porphyroblastic biotite- plagioclase augen gneiss is believed to be a metamorphosed igneous intrusion.' The gneiss has been radiometrically dated at slightly more than one-billion years old. There are no known contacts within the gneiss and is relatively uniform throughout its extent. The gneiss is penetrated by numerous fractures and quartz veins, and may contain ancient faults, although no faults have been mapped in the vicinity of the proposed development. Overlying the bedrock is saprolite, or weathered bedrock,that grades from nearly unweathered bedrock at depth up to completely weathered soil consisting of clay and silt at the surface. The depth to hard bedrock on the Site is between 45 and 60 feet based on monitoring wells completed on the Site. The saprolite consists of a reddish-brown clayey silt in the upper 10 feet, grading into a yellow-red-brown silty saprolite. The saprolite contains relict fractures and quartz veins. 5. Soil Types Figure 9 presents the soil types for the Site and proposed development area. The soil map was obtained from the County GIS website. The soil key in Figure 10 was obtained from the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the USDA"Web Soil Survey" site at http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/. The Site is covered by soil belonging to the Hayesville loam, a reddish-brown, clayey silt loam. Most of the Site is within the two to seven percent slope category of the Hayesville loam(soil unit 36B). In the northwest corner,the slope is indicated to be within the seven to fifteen percent slope (soil unite 36C). The subsoil and saprolite become yellow-red-brown. Quartz pebbles and boulders are commonly found in the surface soil. 6. Groundwater Occurrence,Recharge Areas, and Groundwater How Groundwater occurs in both the saprolite and the underlying bedrock under unconfined conditions. Most of the rocks of the Blue Ridge region are not known as good aquifers. Drilled ' Virginia Geologic Map-Expanded Explanation,Virginia Department of Mines,Minerals,and Energy, 1993 Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 3 wells in the area generally have yields that range from two gallons per minute (gpm) to more than 20 gpm if completed in a good fracture or quartz vein,with the average closer to three to five gpm with well depths ranging from 75 feet to 400 feet. Bedrock such as at the Site, does not have appreciable primary porosity or permeability,but produces water from linear features such as fractures,joints, and quartz veins. Therefore, in order for a bedrock well to be successful, the well must intersect these linear features that are capable of yielding groundwater at rates and volumes required by the end user. Recharge to the groundwater in the Blue Ridge occurs over broad areas as a result of the infiltration of precipitation into the saprolite. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy has estimated that 15%of all precipitation infiltrates as recharge to groundwater. With an average rainfall of 47 inches (Charlottesville, 1961-1990), 7.0 inches of rainfall would be recharged to the groundwater in an average year. However, due to lingering drought over the last decade,the recharge in the North Fork Rivanna River basin has been estimated to be averaging less than two inches per year(Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum #3, PC 1999-5215, dated November 2014). The water table in the Blue Ridge area generally mimics the topographic surface with the water table being closer to the surface in valleys than in uplands. At the Site,the water level in monitoring wells has been measured at approximately 30 feet below the surface. Groundwater flow is from the upland areas to streams and rivers,providing base flow when no stormwater runoff occurs. At the proposed development,the entire area is within the groundwater recharge zone. The nearest discharge zone is believed to be close to the Jacobs Creek approximately 1.5 miles northeast of the Site. The groundwater flow direction across the Site is complicated by numerous nearby residential and community water supply wells and by groundwater flow through fractures in the bedrock. Figure 11 shows , the water-table elevation contour map taken from the Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum#3 (PC 1999-5215,November 2014). The information from Figure 11 was combined with the topographic map to create the estimated groundwater flow arrows presented in Figure 12. It is estimated that the"natural"groundwater divide approximately follows Earlysville Road with groundwater north of Earlysville Road flows in a northerly direction,while groundwater south of Earlysville Road flows in a southerly direction. Along with the unknown location and orientation of bedrock fractures/quartz veins,the numerous water supply wells in the area could distort the groundwater flow pattern. Based on Figure 12,there are no offsite areas that would be up gradient of the Site other than the former Kelly's Korner store that had the gasoline release. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 4 7. Survey of Surrounding Property Water Wells and Septic Systems Figure 13 shows the approximate locations of existing water supply wells and septic systems on the Site and on the neighboring properties within 1,000 feet of the Site. Also shown on Figure 13 is the existing water well and drain field locations for the proposed development. 8. All Potential and Known Contamination Sources Figure 14 is the map of leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) and the 2,000-foot buffer zone around LUSTs that are off the map. This map was produced from the County GIS website. Due to the groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of the Site, offsite contamination cases beyond the Kelly's Korner case (discussed below) do not potentially threaten the Site. Those offsite cases are down gradient of the Site. The closest LUST site is the former Kelly's Korner gasoline release (PC 1999-5215). The former gasoline USTs were removed in May of 1999. The soil contamination levels were not sufficiently high to cause DEQ to require soil to be removed from the Site. Subsequent groundwater monitoring identified gasoline contamination in the groundwater on Kelly's Korner property. A single monitoring well was installed on the Site with no contamination detected. In 2001,the DEQ closed the Kelly's Korner case since no water wells were contaminated and the contaminated groundwater did not appear to be threatening any water wells. In July 2013, as part of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the Rivanna Community Church„the water well on the Site was sampled and analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260. A small concentration of MTBE was detected in the well water sample at a concentration of 1.0 µg/1 (part per billion). This finding was reported to the DEQ in November 2013. DEQ reopened the original Kelly's Korner case and required analysis of bordering water supply wells surrounding Kelly's Korner. Figure 15 shows the results of the sampling of the water supply wells. The plume of contaminated groundwater has slowly migrated onto and across the Site toward the northeast where the Church water well was impacted and to the northwest where the Earlysville Auto Center and Mawyer water wells were impacted. In April 2014, DEQ authorized three monitoring wells be completed on the Site in the shallow groundwater opposite Kelly's Korner. MTBE was detected in these three wells. In October 2014, the DEQ authorized the installation of an addition shallow monitoring well (MW-4) and three deep monitoring wells (MW-5 through MW-7)that were screened between 90 and 140 feet of depth. Figure 16 shows the results of the analysis of groundwater samples collected in October 2014. Also shown are the original monitoring well data from 2001. MTBE is the only contaminant that has migrated beyond the immediate vicinity of the former gasoline station. The water supply well for Earlysville Auto Center had detectable MTBE at 4.3 µg/I. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 5 Note that the three deep monitoring wells produced groundwater that did not have detectable MTBE. Either these three deep wells did not intersect the fractures carrying the contaminated groundwater, or the contamination is being pulled deeper into the bedrock and has passed below these three deep wells. The Kelly's Korner case is still open and remediation options are being considered. A copy of the latest report submitted to DEQ is included with this Groundwater Assessment(Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum#3,PC 1999-5215,November 23, 2014). 9. Hydrogeology The proposed development overlies a fractured gneiss with a relatively thick saprolite developed on the surface of the gneiss. The saprolite is 45 to 60 feet thick on the Site. The groundwater pumped from drilled water wells is obtained from fractures in the gneiss bedrock. The bedrock is known for having widely varying production rates for wells depending on the characteristics of the fracture or quartz vein intercepted. 10. Groundwater Management Plan Well Construction Plan. If a new water well is drilled on the Site, the well will be completed in accordance with the Virginia Department of Health(VDH) requirements for location and construction design. The geology at the proposed development will require a Class IIIB drilled well that is cased to a minimum depth of 50 to 60 feet with the annular space grouted. Casing the well into competent bedrock is required to keep the hole from collapsing as it passes through the saprolite. Well Location. The current water well is located in the northeast corner of the Site. If a new replacement water well is drilled, the location has not been determined as yet. Upon completion of the proposed water well,the well water will be analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260B per DEQ requirements. This method satisfies County of Albemarle Code, Chapter Five, Sections 500 and 503 prior to obtaining the building permit. Post-Construction Practices. The Site owner/operator should be made aware of the safety considerations for the water well. Activities that could result in the release or spillage of petroleum or toxic substances should be avoided up gradient and up slope of the water well, i.e., the west side of the garage. The water use under the planned development is unknown, but should not be large, since the future church will have intermittent usage. Water conservation measures should be used at all times, including water-saving fixtures and good maintenance of all faucet and toilet valve seals. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 6 11. Contingency Plan for Dry Wells or Contaminated Wells The deeper drilled water wells located in this area, i.e., greater than 300 feet deep, have not experienced the loss of groundwater often. In the event,that a water well goes dry, there are several alternatives: a. Set the pump lower if there is sufficient depth available. b. Drill the well deeper. However,the deeper the well is drilled, the less likely that significant water-bearing fractures will be encountered. Generally, drilling deeper than 400 feet will not provide additional groundwater. c. Drill a new water well on the lot some distance from the dry well in the hope of intercepting a water-bearing fracture(s). d. In the event that the well remains dry for a prolonged period or attempts to locate replacement wells fail, determine the feasibility of property easements for locating a well on an adjacent property. c. If there are several wells that go dry for prolonged periods, determine the feasibility of a community water system that takes advantage of the entire development to locate higher- producing water wells. The contingency plan for a well that becomes contaminated is limited to placing a carbon filtration unit on the well. The nearestpublic water service provided by Albemarle County Service Authority is more than 2.5 miles from the Site to the east on Earlysville Road (from the County GIS website). 414 £ Lyle R. Silka Virginia Certified Professional Geologist No. 972 Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 7 !--........›,--8-M114714.ic:;ri a .','"' --, '' '-d .(- /---,-'y ,./i—\___;- 6 Jsi, ....-!:--.':x---,-/(,) 7-1-//.-—1)\c3-.i ‘2-7,-\ �� C. tJ J\\ V •.=LJ. i , •• 6 a 143/.z .411.. ,,. . . . ., /., .„. ,,:_,::, )25._/.., , \.., ,,71-/'-'7C). js. i1 �f�/�\�`, Jj--0::\-\;lcc),;(c � \...f • • • JY r Buck gANf :r� I� 1 •-�' )N- f ; ' �1// / ` , .A-,'.\..',..,•'•.:z1,...:..,>.'• SITE )S./ 0),/ i l / _.. 39 J ` - , -:::--/- Ni (------ '\V.r.-.'"--',..---•(C. .1,„...- c_ ----_,...,,,\ \ ,,, ......,, z.„ ........7 „ , ,...,, s,,,e) .,.... \I ' ) 1/7-4-)i 1. , __::. \ , ..- ''''- ) J'72)\ - '...-' ' -- ' .--:s\rs--\,' til-t, ._ - . -\ ,N,:;.,.___,..] //n) , .,,_ t. --7,-...,_--. . ._./ (� --_�� / it ii �\�/ Jam/ ,„\ \.......„, , B ;.. . . ._./1--7) . -,----/ j....) \1/4„:::...._‘ 1 ') / ' • Z:'.'1 '.,\A't*.,;_,„/ {1 fr.r.-.-2.- \/ '''-''V‘ 1/) ' , 1 /\ ) r ' S / • . (ey( . 5t..->"-) ' ,, eictr' $ '../ " -..-V • A - - - \ ) :"'• N., -:<.-"\-\ . n \''. 1 11 1)"j/„\,,.)/-)!) milli%C_ ,/....,.„. I, / 58 00-0-0 c( /.'J ) - \_`- ((`'=°/ y ` .,( J/ 5 4 77 c7ARL0 ESv L.X. \ Figure 1. Site location on the 1984 Earlysville topographic map.. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 8 .7" . . / 4 \ �1 k Ne# 45' �F ,ti :.\.. Zti „:„ , \ ., ,,, \"A 1.'1' 4 • AT,KA.,.. 4:182C ,(34'1.4%.\ ts,....' g.51.1-4 ni7,9' 's• ''''- ' ' ' :(ir ./1(4' V!w r 600 I ? TPr . • T,, fr, Y - x. .`Y 4'5 0t o , � � d '5.�' • "`4'4 re `off• ♦;,.- i' "�' •^ a. ,,;", 4, i „,,Post Office ::liz "N., yf e \ 0` Y39S X �� JR gym,. $1\ Figure 2. County tax map overlaid on the 2013 aerial photograph showing the location of the Site (outlined in red). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 9 ' #414pc.... , ��4 _., _ ..,. . _ _.-‘, ..,... . 7,- .....f.ic _ .1 , . :, , it, ..-.. �..�.�.... ..v..sr. _ �1a.v t.y'•w.s..rv.+a^. .ate.+-rr�^.�'_ Figure 3. Panoramic photograph of the Site, looking northwest from the intersection of Earlysville Road with Earlysville Forrest Drive (on the right). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 10 wr svatCI r--"-r— savL'i -- - --lu a vet) VARM rat a 7-wwwrslr — -- 'IS!...___ _ , - , Aria,,. ', ;Z.'4,4.4 t:,,,,... AF1.1%.--/ / ' /- / / r i - 1 I.Yiasi N w T .a\ f LAMA-W.rivwwlW \ tt \ Jd�t111,JWYt.6TA (1.0.1; /-a�%�%.ta-Nt -.._ .... .-.'�. �I ---- :tit .r : G1LiPXIC SCALE - roir umis.1•.'<%'' -` 1 £ 1 ri o_' ..m c�xnrr.or �4,. Q .0 1,r, / I Iit 5 ( h: . :2 _----_ ,mot J I r tF j I I I4": [1 IN,,, , . 'ti"�'c+tsS. t MY 'MN U:k C(TAEC }' rigq-.� 41. -iTl . _ 1- t iFi.4.1.. ...7 sr 't 4i � r.. 1.q.Jn �_rM�"t o �Q X, '_;♦ _ acc�[1c mar { s.nwr ti t 1 1 ..x .Yznrd W JIar.N ^<MJ1M rL(1 •... Y ,` i+w AVM , 1.'-Mort.K.or IMF 1 441 r ` _ `-X"' 1 1 tom..': 1 ! Ivy7Z;tp.6U7„.q \. \ f-Ru I- ay.:l ' f I. :..I '\ 1 n1,14„f w..n..1 _ Mute[ .. ! F.ti e.::.LM[If W�.GXYL C 1 ,�'„'s•.WmAir; •� r• '-..J-w... __ .. \ J'1 I.IGXT .; . �: T J. Figure 4. Proposed new development at the Site. (Blackwell Engineering,PLC, June 2013) Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 11 ir._:\ .1\ -Top / / ,. ,,,,,?,, / 4,-,(0 A ,-- / Alifi r— )-),,ot :eD r 1 -, 1 -,, -......"\\ ---.. 0, i ,?f-, E.,_-NNT,/\ :1; iiin r ',s, jiipsoe ,, i iik,oO\,,,(,, ' >> J h �� , em /~� J , f ,.,,t-.,-,) _ . . „,..%.44-L'Arisp1,7 0 , , :1,:-..,„,-..-.0, ,rc, 0 0,.--.-tw •i 4" ) - . .---,--NA,. .? 1 e , l-c/Y--#--z . 1 , 0 .,....,.4.7rz.,_,:„ .......;;;„,.,.:;.,k,.....,,,. .4 1 A ..,..e-,....24 .....s......j-I. L---/11— - -----j (:(;' L..../y_o_ �/ J :4 elf ` '� (0(filfr/ ' 111,,,-----0, - 1 `-81P-ft- � : ray i ^'r/LC-......._....4t.t,: z p.. ,...,,,, v /�-. �.4--d,. may• , /,..---- -.-7,-,.;, „ ,,,V. -7 j rij 0 v7 ./.)4A,,, (�(0;-"-- � mot.. 7 Z.. o. � i ,. Q il1/4. i . , .,,,2 tct: -:.,,,: o 43, LW 2. \ 4044. \ � \ - it V 1 A ; ----.v,- ,,v/,,, /ei-,,4 '�- " hAlai t. 4,,,. ..\\:„.„..,k - o :,. 16- 0p p., -, >Z Figure 5. Topography for the Site with the 1,000-foot radius superimposed. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 12 I • $r T , S 1` ; $ v 4, .4 ",�' � , ly t ♦l y t 4 1y -*`yi - ..,,,,_ ..,-. 4.4„,...-- 'Y F `6- # y� o 40044 - - `� . .4 ?ti a, „II ..r Jt Figure 6. 2007 aerial photograph for the Site with the 1,000-foot radius superimposed. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church,Earlysville,Virginia Page 13 / jff t. ' <7/5 r. '' r d F r, �i awIPP , V ‘ P• ' '- -, or ,,, ,,,, -4, 1 , „, .1.1 '*'' 4;. t 0 riy .4ii • • - . r , it. p - „.. i•1/4 ',141 1/4—.0. 'N4 , _p , t .,r, __,4 ,, ...,1 , li i ) Zifij f ' " �. rk. 1 'r .f - 4,,,;,r- 1,,, .4. , ) ,,i, ;` r. For } hn #'�• �F► - . it # , rs,, ,fr- ft i ., r 7 - .. -. , . Ybg.- :,,k. g:', , ./%0( , ., d '-' i ,,si rc). f t Figure 7. Bedrock geology underlying the Site(black outline) is the porphyroblastic biotite- plagioclase augen gneiss ("Ybg") (enlarged from the 1993 Virginia Geologic Map). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 14 Ilirr I. Yb. I tee` Caaby S. # lA 4 F' -a,-.r:` ----- - - -. - -- -- - - ---- ------- --- - -- --- Figure 8. Enlarged bedrock geology map showing the Site. The single bedrock unit that underlies the Site is the porphyroblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss ("Ybg"). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 15 v \.1 36C Or f # ilk 56B 0 /'''... I/ e 363 \ •...,......_ *tillik 37C3(0/ Ilir I 500 ft -- �.. .. Figure 9. Soil types for the Site. Most of the Site is underlain by soil type 36B with the northwest corner underlain by type 36C. The soil key follows on the next page. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 16 Albemarle County, Virginia (VA003) 20D3 Cullen clay loam, 7.0 0.9% Map Unit Map Unit Name Acres in Percent of 1s to 25 percent Symbol AOI AOI slopes, severely 4C Ashe loam, 7 to 2.8 0.4°%• eroded 15 percent slopes 36B Hayesville loam, 2 266.7 34.7% 4D Ashe loam, 15 to 51.5 6.7% to 7 percent 25 percent slopes slopes 4E Ashe loam, 25 to 26.2 3.4% 36C Hayesville loam, 7 179.1 23.3% 45 percent slopes to 15 percent slopes 148 Chester loam, 2 to 7.5 1.0% Hayesville loam, 9.7 1.3%36D Ha 7 percent slopes Y 15 to 25 percent 14C Chester loam, 7 to 38.1 5.0% slopes 15 percent slopes 37B3 Hayesville clay 10.6 1.4°/0 14D Chester loam, 15 15.3 2.0°k loam, 2 to 7 to 25 percent percent slopes, slopes severely eroded 19B Cullen loam, 2 to 27.6 3.6% 37C3 Hayesville clay 43.9 5.7% 7 percent slopes loam, 7 to 15 19C Cullen loam, 7 to 2.7 0.4% percent slopes, 15 percent slopes severely eroded 2083 Cullen clay loam, 2.5 0.3% 37D3 Hayesville clay 22.5 2.9% 2 to 7 percent loam, 15 to 25 slopes, severely percent slopes, eroded severely eroded 20C3 Cullen clay loam, 6.8 0.90,0 56B Meadowville loam, 23.2 3.0% 7 to 15 percent 2 to 7 percent slopes, severely slopes eroded • Figure 10. Soil unit key for Figure 7. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 17 OW-3 Auto 0 WW b► b,• DW-2 Church co oh wW O //Mw-7 04.41 �dCo. MW-5 606.34 • MW-6 M a •04.3: MW- MW-4 60:07 .608.42 0 607.5 loo, W-2 • 1 +� � 38.62 AllikMw� • MW-1 `�T1'l 608.39 • Deep MW • U 100 tt • Shallow MW Mw-+ ® Closed in 2001 4-GW Flow in 2001 Shallow GW Contour Mw-3 —Deep GW Contour Figure 11. Groundwater flow directions in the shallow(blue) and deep(red) groundwater zones (from Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum#3,PC 19 99-5215,November 2014). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 18 \ - ir =,- ,Y6('' -.\, .0 ';''/:/(kirl 'i ii I. /7 ,* -13--z' l% r♦ rl1J1�� 11, , 47' Abi,----- ',.--' 62‘-' '' c -may �\; // tr„: A, - 3: , (V_ ��' _yr\ ffeljr-4 1) .'e:* Ng?::t•-,/, -i' \- .'' ff f/;.°V ,::-‘,.-. *.‘4\4 JA 10_,_4,0'.,I(/z'' r,:-.4r,.-I.,,i0 . -. ,(J/A.IY )) I'''''' ',) ' .11 , **I A • '1 IA/0 . .t it •NoitS .4106Willri .N.mi /( d 'if 4' ,s,,...,.,. ,"7: ,.,•,___:._.___7._N--—-—...:,..-1 14$17 # ' r ..-7W llr-' 4%, .tc.---4,-r rl, SEi' `' I v r _ /slip AC .41 _„,//..),....? ,,or ' )\ 1111\5,-... :,-', , ., ' ._ \-- ---- t‘_____.2e*,;,,,fr i . ' 6,-..._4&/ 11 1, \-..-:fr ...._1,10,i Wrie,111% \71,:dop..>,..1. ":N„.„/..)... 6.•,,4 mow // �� ..U,_ _.6__0__4,._:,t ..,\ fr.:.‘N,,-o THY' i¢' 1 .. // �O /' n 1 ,,,,,, cfIA:,,W.,T \* ,/,' \ S _- . ,__A, h 4 i + yam f` ., ,,..., , ,, ,, ) Figure 12. Estimated groundwater flow directions extrapolated from topography and Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum#3 (PC 1999-5215,November 2014) and topography. These groundwater flow directions are the estimates for natural flow. Pumping of water wells will alter this flow pattern locally. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church,Earlysville, Virginia Page 19 lesi , : <., t � er C 'nips y ?ija;eriiicriiiiii;3444- ..„ : , jiPP14 c, „ie., ,,,„ ,,,, i 10„,,s,,,. <:', A i . <41r144 °I). • • r Q 'I R . 0 ` - II° 4'47 arlysville FoIiip v © , • Water Co ivi • Private Wafer Well �Public Water Well Septic System 0 Pi 0 pi ..- 4`-''• . 04 I I 1'A #1 441i4r4 APPP frit illO IN ._,N . . . \s' 44 ` • \4� .. . � a G \ 500 ft + Figure 13. Approximate locations of water wells and septic systems within 1,000 feet of the proposed development, including the existing well and drain field for the proposed development. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville,Virginia Page 20 Oltir4-*IN i r cor''•N'''‘. )" \--A. <, Iiii:c.f.iti 0 0 4 / 0 ,.. dikc. 0104r4t. he V/ f„.._,? \:y ,,.--- , 1 c 6 41 v ,-, -. - .,,, \ \ 0 , -----11 \ z, r- a „S s r. ., Figure 14. LUST and 2,000-foot zone for LUSTs from the County GIS website. PC 1999-5215, Kelly's Korner is a gasoline release from a former filling station that has contaminated water supply wells on the Site and Earlysville Auto Center abutting the west side of the Site and the Mawyer water well west of the Auto Center. Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment - Special Use Permit,Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 21 SIA--VA- "4iit '4 uA, a t'a--vw ,.. .._.- --� ... ... 31 t1 t ` 31A--0d�i 31A--OA 28 • =Priavate water well sampled for this event 31-3a ® =Private water well sampled previously ` ` • e1AO``` 31A0A-3 r� pia 1 '4' ag =Served by Earlysville Water Company 31-12A 5`,ywe �.-31-348 Horan c'�� -^ O ❑ =Served by Earlysville Forest Water Company '; •4691) 31A 0A-2 Z.q - D t 4094 n D 0.O t%625-, • 1: , L 31A--0G-77 p¢ O X.,. t 1 v- 31A--08-3 y. ' 3'1A--0A,1 ''.1Q 0 C • '. —. 31.A-•00-2 1 31-13 8.\ L ,i � o Kenty 1,,,,,„ O • r Sprouse�.� !��� , L Bateman 14.ar AP �,Dod• a';A-os 2 (a1.73 otir. a S3} rig - • B D L m • Mach 31A--05-5 .-tit 'lb 31 -0tJ•1• f . ,• 1 /: Sys \\ I ♦ 4t6o. /may •1A-SOB-1 t''' `. Mawyer .*,� Eatrljusville o• h� q ,4150? 2.2 �' Auto Center G` '31A=-0B-7 O j— ao$z� � 2002 Johnso y,�/ srf�<� 7 .` 4:T 7 GW Flow �v. 'r ��,-`-,, j f Yv`\ �/ 4. 7' ? i � Q 318-C2 :rV -s- • = 6 `.0pys . , PIA- ❑ N. 4. Perkins Eartysv ilia PostO1fces."- - \, Rental ri ., '. ��00�, -C4.:po -0,p , �.. ..�1ky:-1 1 ,,, E\ 69oi -. . •;,,-.;.t-;_ .. ,ie/r� lir- �o� �� �� . 4.7 = ugh MTBE 200 ft 200 ft S 31-16 i 1 - 31 1 1J ���P • BDL= Below Detection Limit` Figure 15. Plume of contamination emanating from the former gasoline USTs at the former Kelly's Korner gas station (from Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum#3, PC 1999-5215,November 2014). Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Special Use Permit, Rivanna Community Church, Earlysville, Virginia Page 22 OW-3 Auto . WW 4.7 DW-2 Church • WW MW-7 0.7 <2• MW-4 MW-5 <2 • <2• MW-6 <2 •*+01me •sop MW-3 MW-4 18.30 O <2 ODW-4 ♦ MW-2 f) 4036E.R. rP,v, 260 0 WW MW-1 <5 • .2 II 2.0 930 <5 ` • MW-1 0 50 100 ft 6.4 • Water Well-current • Water Well-recent • Deep MW-current <2 0 Shallow MW-current • MW 2001 (closed) 2.5 ugll MTBE Figure 16. MTBE concentrations in monitoring wells and water supply wells (from Kelly's Korner Site Characterization Report Addendum #3, PC 1999-5215, November 2014). While the Church well (DW-2) and the Auto Center well (DW-3) are contaminated with low concentrations of MTBE, the intervening deep monitoring wells have no detectable contamination. No contours are drawn out to those drinking water wells, since there is no information as to their geometry.