HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197100003 Application 1971-03-26 • 4%1r 'NOV r e e AVariance for TO: THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA The undersigned applicant a.O (are) the ownera_of the following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. One block east of `.cute 2 s•1 r ., bd t 9 ; in �,o_�dbx°ock �u,�,u iv�s.�on DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. lOI.O on curve at street x i54.4 3 x 65.0' s t hack 135.5 In ChsrlottesvilleMagisterial District • . The petitioner_LrequestILthat the said Board Both grant: t o v rig. ,cF fo:' the pL.1 rose of r;-,Erp the residence . said Earaze 1Lbe built, +.n wit.;iin 5 feet of north boundary line. The r applicant Lmakea this request because: no this e lot is small and tee 1� T'} L err t.o huli is Earkze but on the north end of the house . This house r1.7eg not have a basement, to 7111t a L srsLA +}-ergo n(' so tHat t r, harkr ' yard can be left ss i t. i s ^n.'1 riot cau +here naval of trees thereby re-lovinE the naly shade wr' Lle ve_ 4410, NS The person and (Kid.) DM (their) address owning and/or occupying adjacent pro- perty to the property sought to be affected (are) (is): (Give names of all owners adjacent, across the road or highway and facing the property and any owners across any railroad right- of-way from such property. In the event the property affected is situated at or within 100 feet of the intersection of any two or more roads or highways, at or within one hundred feet of the intersection of the rights-of-way of any two railroads, give names of property owners at all corners of any such intersection). Name Lot or tract Mailing Address Carey Francis , Moan 7 44 2902 Prnnkmerp R7 _ C!i ty 22901 `catkins ,a j .John A. & Alice F. 46A 204 Joodbrook ')r. "i t.y 25)901 Harris Ter+,, ei p S 42i1 10 2rookrrere 7d city r2290 z�T y All_.i �..� Vann �. �,1 J �� l Townsend 7.3. ete'l 004 2909 7 ' ni "i re F C1ty 2201 Claude Cotten, Inc . • 19.A 7.t. 649 City 22901 Pickers , ..ei ed ith T. etal 18A 2;0? nrookinere PA City PC901 • I/we hereby depose and say that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any exhibits transmitted are true. "2 (--- ----4,_...---ji,, ''')/1:-.„-, 19// Applicant '11 )27 ///; i'. -b- M ing a toss 2�04 7rool Pere d ",i+arIott ecivi 1 I F, 7r . ''99fl • Telephone Number 973-3004 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of2/Z`,f,1 191/ ( My commission expires ',,.L-< 7 . t/ 4%mie 'load APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address /1w2.d /3ruo/c 07erediuSC• zut R✓ F►rrnC/1 A. t 1l164, 1 4'j. r,f),/ 7 1y0/ $ +.4 A 77‘7; /-1 r r l') a 71 O e r004 1)1f l��( tr 4 241 wprr / .� 4.Le �r ,1 Ann , 1-7 i1 ,0/ ...f'i.r y/�# rr 4� A90 9 / rvo/r c ere 'F1 c: //0 .4 /y yyyd/ 6Ill, r/P rG t . n /h6. It I.9 A Per / Efsa .?063 Croo4 irk er'f R(7/ If 181A /�� rr ‘/, r L,,,/ e. 1y 9W/ * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number )IA-m-71- 04S Jow M.MWILsoaJ toimp qf4 AGENDA ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS APRIL 13 , 1971 1 . Call to order. 2 . Establishment of a quorum. 3 . Approval of minutes : February 9 , 1971 4 . Public Hearing : 1 . VA-71 -03. John M . Wilson . To request a 5 foot variance from the minimum setback from side yard requirement of 10 feet in an R-1 Residential Zone . Property is located in Woodbrook Subdivision off of Route 29 North is described as County Tax Map 45C , Parcel 43A , Charlottesville Magisterial District . 5 . Old Business . 6 . New Business . 7 . Adjournment . • ` d ! t f Page 62 April 13, 1971 This was a regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals held on Tuesday, April 13, 1971 , at 5:30 P.M. in the Board of Supervisors meeting room with the following members present: Savory Amato, Chairman; Herbert Pickford, Vice-Chairman; E. H. Bain, W. P. Heath , and Harry Brown. The Chairman established that a quorum was, present. The minutes were approved -� as submitted. A. VA-71-03 John M. Wilson. To request a 5 foot variance from the minimum setback from side yard requirements of 10 feet in an R-1 Residential Zone. Property which is located in Woodbrook Subdivision off of Route 29 North is described as County Tax Map 45 C, Parcel 43 A, Charlottesville Magisterial District. Mr. Wilson was not present, and therefore, it was decided by the Chairman to defer the matter until Tuesday, April 20, 1971 . (Note - It was found that an error in Planning Staff procedure has caused the failure in notification of Mr. Wilson as to the date and time of the hearing to be held by the Boi•.rd of Zoning Appeals - This situation was corrected. ) Discussion by the Board and the Zoning Administrator on section 15 A-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance as pertains to Sign Permits was held. It was the general opinion of the Board that this section as well as others relating to it, should be amended to clarify it. There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned. Secretary t t j"'•' +:�'� •f 1 GnA�iMA/f -✓� - f.41A ll lo.S. V f{ vH All MAIN j f L- . — --- - i , r' i 5#CIETARY l� • 4 SECIIETARY L�r� „ SEC4ETAR• L- L^Z ii I I } OWNERS APPROVAL THIS SL.'DJiVISICN "$_MA.^.E WITH T- CONSENT OF Tt- UNDERSIGNED OWNERS. PROPRIETORS. I AD/OR TRUSTEES_ ALL ROADS } i .`�,A►AND,,STREETS. X OT P .Ct 5:Y DEDICATc ARE HERESY TENDERED-FOR DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE -*---- I J. r 1 i�_`- - Lv/c�G„S� ;- Cis _.,C c C- . t-{— •- • I • .•-1 t : ' 0 ,t...' 0 ' ,"C-44 0 • .,.c.,- , ,,- 3.,,,.) .„-<:,.,-•- ; 1 • 4• .� 1 / ,3)/fi Lam,:, l` / `/ `'_`... �. a z ..f - .� l./ F , .... .��tr --- - �1' - -- - - - -- 1 - < } S`t'c. 9• ��•— ,'' °I:2'N j 2.6_:..37 i �rj- a-i • r - c. 0}� 'cif -OI Ili �% o �` 3'.-- ---- -- 1 - 4G, ------,o• -�,- t _-_ - -_ tNi�tCAT_ iF. tiS B .n O _ _ z� k o -,0- .• --• -- - - v ';.� 1 t2•.a2 f2:.C v�. • 1 t• ,�/ ' -, ' ' " ;.'.I� 4 f. + - -2'` n =: - r-. I . 1 1 v1 /-- 1 • % .�..`l, — I • , �, ti- y 1 t t t r t COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIC' CITY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tir✓ 6 CHAIRMAN ? ,CMAIRMAN/. L-_ V ke- C.HAIRMAM 4 SECRETARY �'� SECRETARY .,- -`O^+4Z SECRETARY `--_ DATE DA E DATE OWNERS APPROVAL THIS SUBDIVISION 15..,MADE WITH THE CONSENT OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS, AND/OR TRUSTEES. ALL ROADS ` ,^ND STREETS, i NOf PREVIOUSLY DEDICAT , ARE HEREB TENDERED'FOR DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE. ''''-2. ./ r'-,,'' i "i/Alitc-0<//"CI '\-- •-':-"(-40---"I'' r `,,I . p'L-La te r.... .. L . ,/J, r [�„ ..J/_ �..- ..._... , r. • hO 44/ N. i , (j) �' �! / Aloe p 8 •S Fi , !O/ 05• , • /`�- ,� ° 143A ,, 1 / • Q} `, ' tea°' 2e ` . // 1. �: / /,' ,. 0 1r �� /h --a� 42 Ay Sc' y�' C' N4°12'W . • 260.37 eic, J Lit• — . of ..... __�.._.._.__._.. 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