HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800073 Correspondence 2019-03-270 `'
March 26, 2019
County of Albemarle
John Anderson, PE
Engineering Division
401 McIntire Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Charlottesville, VA 2294:3 www.timmons.com
RE: Lewis & Clark Drive Extension — VSMP Plan Review — WPO201800073 — Rev.1- Comment
Response Letter
Dear Mr. Anderson:
We have reviewed all of your comments from November 9, 2018 / November 14, 2018 /
January 7, 2019 and made the necessary revisions. Please find our responses to the comments
below in bold lettering.
a. Sign Sec. 1, VPDES Certification (Print, sign, title, date)
VPDES certification will be completed by the contractor once selected.
b. Lat./Lon. Provided appear to be a location in Louisa County. Please revise Lat./Lon.
The Latitude and Longitude have been checked and appear to be in the correct
location. Will verify again prior to next SWPPP Submission.
c. Sec. 5: Provide SWM Plan.
SWM plan will be provided on next SWPPP submission. Road plan cover sheet has
been removed.
d. Sec. 9, Signed Certification: please sign.
Certification will be signed by contractor once selected
e. Revise inspection log to provide space for a description of inspection observations — see
image, below.
Inspection Logs will be changed accordingly on next SWPPP submission.
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SWM Plan — Note: Overlap / redundancv likely in SWM Plan comments. below:
1. Show ponds land 2 approved with SDP 1997-00046, on current VSMP / WPO
Application. (Also, please see email including initial review comments sent 11/09/2018
12:07pm, and review -related email with photo attachments sent 11/13/2018 1:17pm.)
The runoff from this project drains to Pond 1 not Pond 2 which is to the north below
sub basin B2. Since no stormwater from the project drains to Pond 2 no label is
required. Pond 1 has been labeled on sheet C0.1.
3. Provide As -built plan / profile drawings (or As -built information on WPO201800073) for
ponds 1 and 2. No As -built drawings or information has been located in Engineering or
Water Resource Division files. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. May be discussed in comment
response letter; comment response letter requested via county email sent 1/7/2019
8:55 AM
As -built plans SDP199800043 have been located by county records and scanned into
their records per email and link provided by James Smith in his email 12/19/2018.
4. Show ponds 1 and 2 on VSMP /WPO201800073. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. If pond 2
is shown, please label —also, please see item 1, above (label ponds 1 and 2 on VSMP
Pond 1 is shown and labeled on C0.1. Pond 2 does not need to be shown per response
to comment 1 above.
13. List special conditions of US ACE permit on the plans. Identify, number, and quantify
area impact to wetlands (SF). Identify wetland type/s using text, labels/notes, graphic
symbols. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Also, see items 15, 19, Sec. C. (ESCP), below.
There are no specific "Special Conditions" in the USACE permitting side of things, just
general conditions. The general conditions for the USACE SPGP permit are included in
the attached "17SPGP01-29JUNE2017SIGNED" document. The DEQ VWP3 permit
Special Conditions are shown on plan sheet WIM1.0
14. New: Please revise plan title to include reference to VSMP/WPO201800073.
The VSMP cover sheet now includes the above reference.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404.
1. See A /Sec. 6 comments, above. Revise Sec. 6 Exhibit, as needed, if plan revised.
PPP has been updated as necessary.
C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP.
This plan is disapproved for reasons outlined, below. The erosion control plan content
requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402.
10. Revise critical slopes labels. Replace with managed or preserved steep slopes labels.
(Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Revise labels to show preserved slopes, consistent with GIS.
Image, below. County GIS (green shading indicates preserved (steep) slopes).
Labels have been revised to call out managed slopes and preserved slopes.
19. Show, estimate, label area of wetland impacts (SF). Identify wetland type: emergent,
riverine, palustrine. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Also, see Sec. A, item 13. Note: Copy of
USACE permit will likely address.
The above requirements have been added. See plan sheets WIM1.0-WIM3.0.
26. Show wetland protective measures; for example, timber matting and fencing equivalent
to tree protection, for wetlands to be preserved and not authorized by USACE permit to
be disturbed or impacted, either temporarily or permanently, by project activity. Plans
identify no wetlands to be preserved, except by virtue of location outside LOD.
Recommend wetland preservation as cornerstone of design. See other comments on
topic of impact avoidance and minimization, especially concerning Applicant need to
acquire and provide copy of relevant federal or state wetland, stream, or aquatic
resource permits. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Note: Copy of USACE permit will likely
We currently have tree protection fencing just inside our LOD whenever they boarder
the wetlands. This will serve as a physical barrier and marker of the limits disturbance
in the field. The permit silt fence inside LOD to which will serve as a physical item in
the felid between land disturbance and wetlands. A copy of the permit will be
provided once available.
27. Increase pitch of wetlands label downslope of proposed box culvert. Apply item #19,
above to sheet C3.3. (Rev. 1) Not addressed.
Labels have been revised accordingly.
30. If TSDs convey sediment -laden storm runoff, provide sediment trapping measure at TSD
outfalls. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Provide trapping measure for sediment -laden storm
runoff in plan view, or, alternatively, detail and with plan view (label) ref. to detail.
Per email from John Anderson 2/8 note has been added to TSD that additional
trapping measures will be added at TSD outfalls as necessary at ESC inspector's
31. Provide break in SSF at sediment trap weir outfalls (ST2, ST3). Provide break in SSF for
ST1 (C3.2). (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Provide break in SFF for ST1.
Silt Fence break has been provided for all weir outfalls.
33. Provide CL roadway stationing since blanket matting labels ref. stations. (Rev. 1) Not
Roadway centerline stationing has been added as requested.
Design Calculations & Narrative:
5. Provide outfall protection calculations. Ref. VESCH Std. & Spec. 3.18 plates 3.18-3 and
/or 3.18-4. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: please correlate p. 13-15, Design
Calculations and Narrative to culverts 1, 2, 3. It is not readily apparent which plates are
assigned to culverts 1, 2 3.
Plates have been updated to show which culvert they are assigned to.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.295.5624.
Jonathan Showalter, PE
Project Engineer