HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197200018 Application 1972-09-07 Application for Variance or Special Exception TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VARIANCE NO. -A/f The undersigned applicant is(are) the owner of the following described property: — A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE'TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. I/We R. D. Wade builder, Ln reespectfully request the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant the Variance or Special Exception stated below in theJack Jouett Magisterial District and described as County Tax Map Q,(� Parcel // containing acres and zoned Lot 24, block H, S c ion uanterbury Hills subdivision, Applicant Signature ; ' ��- A-.t-Mbate Sept. 7, 1972 • The petitioner requests that the Zoning Administrator grant: a variance from the minimum sideyard requirements on the northerly side line of said lot for the wood deck as shown on the attached plat of Wm_ Morris Foster dataa 5/4/72 , revised 8/18/72 . The applicant makes this request because: of the unusual shape and topography of said lot. Action Taken by the Zoning Admin' t ator: ) Approved Denied �' a ' � App 7 73igned . { 4 -* - - - ------ — TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS—— — — — —— ——— —- Builder, Inc. Date September 7, 1972 I/We R. D. Wade / hereby appealsthe ruling of the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing application, and respectfully request a reversal of his decision by granting the request for a variance or specia} exception as stated above. R. D. Wade Bui der, Inc. Applicant Signature By „k 11- � ,A; U ,,,,�,,,� . c,,. SLIJ- � F- Address 213 Surrey Road, Charlottesville, Va. Phone Number 2 9 5-7146 ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DATE APPROVED DENIED APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address ‘, 01) g(a,e6 3 > ,e ✓ c' * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 7A—/ er Application Number • Y 7- „e et__7 67a / �-� . - 6 ° I \e\ ,.,‘,/:" M,an ole lc, O ‘11 c'—\ N' \ - o - \ o w \ -. ' \ \ N \ \ es,- c:\ N \ \ cal _ \ © Lat 24 \\ \ a \ 0. 285 A eRE \ �. rn_ \ ' 0 N 23 NOTE V. T. 8 T R•11' within /O o \f of/ Lot Lines �` � \ O. 8. 4 4 9 P 42/ \ c- i `° \I\ 24 \ '4' \ -1.-<, c",„ \ woo.. Deck , \1 \ ay l3 8 \ me \ 1, rwo story Fra \ \ i� o \ \ ° iiin9 \ \ Owe 7, f, / 11� \, ."re i''''''' r '! -.. 1 q /, • �� �5 : 335 0 `id Itt .,_..:: 1 I Arc = l7 . '6 10. 00 i : _ .. iron 4 t1 5O RQA ® t t1' WOOD HURST .�i 1t tt \4 j ' 7' WVODMLIRST COUR T `''. PLAT SHOWING PHYSICAL SURVEY OF LOT 24 , BLOCK H , SECTION FIVE • ALBEMARLE COUNTY 1V ! RGINIA SCALE : 1 = �0 DATE: titAY. 4, 1972 l?� rF Wm. Morris Foster • Certified Land Surveyor - i Charlottesville 1 4a.