HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900018 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2019-04-05COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP Permit Plan review Project: Peabody School — VSMP/WP020190008 Plan preparer: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering; 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville ,VA 22902 [scott(a)collins-engineering com ] Owner or rep.: The Peabody School, 1232 Stoney Ridge Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-8703 [rob-orlandoApeabodyschool.org ] Plan received date: 7 Mar 2019 Date of comments: 5 Apr 2019 Reviewer: John Anderson WP0201900018 County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied for reasons outlined, below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all comment items are satisfactorily addressed. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. Link to County template: httn://www.albemarle.org/unload/imaees/forms center/denarhnents/Community Develonment/forms/Enein eering_and _WPO_ Forms/Stormwater _Pollution _ Prevention_Plan _SWPPP teMplate.pdf a. Please include reference to WP02019-00018 on SWPPP title page. b. Sec. 415: Include with final submittal, I I" X 17" ESC and SWM plan sheet inserts. c. Sec. 6 /Exhibit: i. Provide /show a trapping measure for treatment of vehicle wash waters. ii. Provide /show lined concrete washout adjacent to PCE. iii. Show location of. solid waste dumpster, rain gauge, portable sanitary facilities, on -site fuel storage (if any), paint/solvent storage (if any). d. Sec. 6E: List person/s responsible for pollution prevention practices; name individual/s. e. Sec. 8: Identify, by name, qualified personnel responsible for SWPPP inspections. f. Sec. 12: Provide inspection logs. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. See A, above. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 6 1. Eliminate reference to site plan in plan title, and sheet 3 title. This is not a site plan application. Include reference to VSMP/WP0201900018 in plan title. Recommend revise title of sheet 3 to read `Site Layout.' 2. Every plan sheet is titled Minor Site Plan Amendment; this is inaccurate. Please revise sheet titles. 3. Title sheet: provide vicinity map scale. 4. Note: VSMP /WPO plan approval may require a deed of dedication of easement for SWM facilities. Please furnish deed bk.-pg. of recorded deed of easement for the existing bioretention basin. 5. VSMP /WPO plan approval requires Forest /Open Space Easement plat application, which is a separate application; please submit at earliest convenience. 6. Incorporate SDP201900007 Engineering review comments d. 3/13/19 into revised WPO plan (comments 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11). 7. Insets, sheet 6, require attention. Inset left: SWM Approved with SDP2013-00006 includes this label: `Rerouted storm sewer configuration maintaining existing outfall to Southern Parkway.' Leader line does not point to a discernible feature. Likewise, `proposed bioretention basin' label /leader line do not point to a proposed biofilter. Please revise /delete. Inset right: Delete 5 leader lines without labels; label reading `Existing riprap ditch' (no discernible ditch); and select a more definite line -type or hatching to clearly show proposed 0.50 Ac. Forest /Open space. Proposed area is ambiguous. 8. Technical Criteria —Water Quality /Quantity (Also: WP0201300033) a. VAR10C512, a VPDES permit issued to Peabody School, was terminated on 7/17/18. b. The current application is a new application, subject to Part IIB technical criteria, and does not amend a still -active VAR10 VSMP permit. c. Review and revise SWM Narrative and design, as needed to meet stormwater quality requirements listed at 9VAC25-870-65, and stormwater quantity standards listed at 9VAC25-870-66. d. Since existing on -site bioretention basin is relied upon for the current application, plan must reflect As -built conditions consistent with VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Level 1 or Level 2. Specify which bioretention design level this plan intends to meet. An existing BMP built to plan design (approved 7/12/13) that pre -dates the VSMP program effective date of 7/1/14 must meet applicable quality and quantity design requirements. Grandfathering (9VAC25-870-48) or Applicability of Part IIC (9VAC25-870-47) does not apply. This is not an Amendment application to an approved VSMP plan. VAR10C512 was terminated, July 2018. This is a new application subject to Part IIB technical criteria. WP0201300033, sheet 5 /bioretention basin design: VARIES PER PLAN WATERTIGHT, THREADED PVC CAP 4' SOLID C CLEAN -OUT PIPE. CLEAN-0 TS TO BE PROVIDED AT THE END OF THE \�_ ING AND ALONG THE UNDERDRAIN 2.5' SYSTEM EVERY 50'O.C. - STATBhPPROVED MI$- , - _ - _, -. - _ - - - - - - - - 6-, SCHEDULE 40, PERFORATED - - - - - - - - - - - - PVC UNDERORAIN, SPACED PER r J r PLAN. SLOPE TO DRAIN NO. 78 S70NE COMPACTED 9' NO. 51 STONE COMPACTED NO. 78 STONE COMPACTED NOM SEE PLAN OETA& ON THIS SHEET FOR APPROXIMATE PLACEMENT OF UNDERORAINS e. First sentence of WPOO1900018 SWM narrative: "Stormwater quantity for this site is handled and treated by the regional stormwater management basin below this site and the other commercial and industrial parcels in this development area." Provide supportive information on the `regional basin,' including (but not limited to): i. County SDP or WPO file # where regional SWM basin is approved. Please ref. county SWM Facility ID 0192.01 or 0060.01, which appear to be the only likely options in GIS inventory of SWM facilities below the site. (Apart from these, an unnamed tributary to Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 6 Moore's Creek flows north, beneath interstate (1-64) without, apparently, encountering another SWM detention facility. ii. County GIS lists the following SWN i0.01): iii. Provide copy of legal instrument whereby Peabody School has right to release site runoff to Foxcroft detention basin (provide deed bk-pg. ref.), to Mill Creek P U D HOA retention basin, or any other stormwater management facility relied upon. iv. Provide as -built design information and routings for the dry detention basin /retention basin (wet), if relied upon, to show compliance with 9VAC25-870-66. v. If the Foxcroft /Mill Creek facilities are eligible for use by Peabody School, 9VAC25- 870-66 applies, a SWM Facility /BMP Maintenance Agreement listing Peabody School, and bk.-pg. ref. to Deed of Dedication for either Foxcroft or Mill Creek basin are required. vi. Show Foxcroft dry detention basin or Mill Creek wet retention basin on plans with bk.-pg. reference to deed of dedication of easement for whichever facility may be relied upon. vii. WP0201900018 SWM Narrative: SWM NARRATIVE: STORMWATERQUANTITY FOR THIS SITE IS HANDLED AND TREATED BY THE REGIONAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN BELOW THIS SITE AND THE OTHER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PARCELS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT AREA. WATER QUALITY IS ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE EXISTING 810-FILTER CONSTRUCTED UNDER SDP2013-OD006 AND WITH THE PLATTING OF FOREST AND OPEN SPACE OVER THE EXISTING 1.92 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE ON THE PROPERTY. THE PROPOSED SPORT COURT WITH THIS MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT WAS CONTEMPLATED WITH THE SWM DESIGN UNDER SITE PLAN SDP2-13-0006, AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. THE ADDITIONAL SWM WATER QUALITY REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED 6,875 SF CLASSROOM EXPANSION AND CONCRETE AMPHITHEATER IS MITIGATED WITH A FOREST AND OPEN SPACE BUFFER OVER A PORTION OF THE EXISTING 1.92 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE. THE TOTAL INCREASE OF PHOSPHOROUS REMOVAL RATE BASED ON THE AMENDMENT'S REDEVELOPMENT'S LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE IS 0.2o LBS/YR. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT MEETS THE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE WITH 0 So ACRES OF PRESERVED OPEN SPACE OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. THE PRESERVATION OF o.5o ACRES GENERATES 0.20 LBS/YR PHOSPHOROUS CREDIT FOR THIS SITE. THE REMAINING S1TE REMAINS IN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE WITH THE EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FEATURES AND EXISTING PERVIOUS PAVERS WITHIN THE PARKING LOT AREAS. Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 6 viii. WP0201300033 SWM Narrative: SWM NARRATIVE: THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROVIDES STORMWATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY TREATMENT FOR THE IMPERVIOUS AREAS ADDED. THE SITE HAS BEEN ANALYZED AND BREAKS DOWN THE DEVELOPMENT INTO TWO MAJOR SECTIONS, THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PARKING LOTAND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING & FUTURE HARD COURT. THE PROPOSED PARKING LOT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A PERMEABLE PAVER SYSTEM, WHICH HANDLES BOTH THE WATER QUALITY AND WATER QUANTITY TREATMENT FOR THIS IMPERVIOUS AREA. AFTER TREATMENT, THIS DRAINAGE OUTFALLS INTO THE EXISTING ROADSIDE DITCH ASSOCIATED WITH THE SOUTHERN PARKWAY, WHERE IT CURRENTLY DRAINS. SEE FINAL SITE PLANS FOR PARKING LOT PERMEABLE PAVER DESIGN. THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE PARTIALLY LOCATED OVERTOP OF AN EXISTING PAVED BASKETBALL COURT. IN ACCORDANCE WITH DIRECTION FROM COUNTY ENGINEERING, THE PROPOSED BIORETENTION BASIN FLOOR AREA SHALL BE SIZED TO BE 5%OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING & FUTURE HARD COURT's IMPERVIOUS AREAS, LESS THE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAS FROM THE BASKETBALL COURT BEING REMOVED. THIS BIORETENTION BASIN WILL PROVIDE WATER QUALITY FOR THIS PORTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, AND A CONTRIBUTION SHALL BE MADE TO THE PRO-RATA SHARE PROGRAM TO HANDLE THE WATER QUANTITY ASPECT OF THIS IMPERVIOUS AREA. THE PROPOSED BIORETENTION BASIN SHALL DRAIN TO THE ADJACENT FLOODPLAIN AREA & STREAM, CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT LOCATION OF RUNOFF FROM THE BASKETBALL COURT BEING REMOVED. ALL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREAS ARE TREATED THROUGH ONSITE FACILITIES, OR THROUGH THE PRO•RATA SHARE PROGRAM. 9. WP0201300033 SWM design may already credit removal of existing classroom building, but values presented as well as SWM narrative, leave uncertainty. If credit was taken for removal of the existing classroom (loss of impervious area) with WP0201300033, then WP0201900018 cannot take this credit. Please revise and clarify impervious values that appear on sheet 1 and 6. Compare with WP0201300033 (sheets 1, 5, SWM Narrative). Ensure values bridge to WP0201300033, accurately, that values reported on sheet 1 and 6 are consistent. If credit for removal of the existing classroom building was not taken with WP0201300033, provide table description of buildings with areas (name buildings/list sq.ft.), proposed and existing, that match WP0201300033 sheet 1 values. Revised WP0201900018 review will consider: WP0201300033, sheet 1 (values): EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAS ROADS/CIRCULATION.• IMPERNOUS AREAS: ROADS/CIRCULATION: EXISRNG BUILDING: 20,372 SF PROPOSED BUILDING: 8,785 SF EXISTING SIDEWALKS: 3,397 SF SIDEWALKS: 975 Sr EXISTING ROADS/PARKING. 19,937 SF ROADS/PARKING.- 72,280 SF EXISTING BASKETBALL COURT 5,012 SF (PERVIOUS PAVEMENT) WP0201900018, sheet 1: IMPERVIOUS AREAS PROPOSED TMPERW ROADS/CIRCULAT7GN: EXIS77NG 11{p FRUIOUS AREAS: PROPOSED EXIS TING 8401NG• BUILDING ADD1770N. 5,400 SF EXISTING SIDEWALKS; 29,157 SF SIDEWALKS CONCRETE SEA77NG: 2,150 SF sPORr COURT.- RQpDSIpARK1NG: 4,312 SF 4,060 SFEXISTING 32,217 SF S PAVEMENT) WP0201300033, sheet 5: Water Quality Volume Requirements: BIORETENTION BASIN REQUIREVENTS; Minimum Forebay Volume= 0.25 inches per impervious square acre Design Impervious Area 10,491 sf Minimum Forebay Volume= 219 cf Minimum Bioretention Floor Area at 5%= 525 sf Elevation Area of Volume Elevation Area of Forebay Volume Bioretention Basin c {tt) Contours (sf) (cf) (ft) Contours (sf1 ( f) 442 213 0 442 526 0 443 279 245 443 691 607 444 0 338 444 1,167 1,525 Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 6 WPO201900018, sheet 6: Total Impervious Area Breakdown Pre-ReDevelopment (Within Amendment's limits of Disturbance) ft` Acres Existing lmperviousAreas 12,175 0.29 Previously Approved Hardcourt 4,950 0.11 0.39 Post-ReDevelopmernt Within Amendment's Limits of Disturbance) ft2 Acres Existing Impervious Areas toRemain 7,650 0.18 Previously Approved Hardcourt 41950 0.11 Proposed/ Amended Impervious Areas 6,875 0.16 0.45 1 A5built Biof liter Land CaverBreakdown ftz Acres Manage6 Turf 11225 0.26 Approved IrriperviousArea 16500 0.38 (Approvea Building, Sidewalk & Hard Court Asbuilt Permeable Pavers Land Cover Breakd ft2 Acres Manages' T rf 5200 0,12 Approved lmperviousArea #REF! 4REF! (Approvers Pavers & Sidewakl<) D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 10. Sheet 5: Include paved wash rack detail. 11. Sheet 7: Include VESCH SAF detail. Sheet 8: 12. Provide trapping measure for sediment -laden or otherwise contaminated storm runoff from paved construction entrance, concrete wash -out, dumpster, porta John, etc. 13. Show concrete wash -out. 14. Ensure waste management vehicles can access dumpster, once construction fencing is set up. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been addressed. For re -submittal, please provide 2 copies of the permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process After approval, VESCP plan will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along Engineering Review Comments Page 6 of 6 with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements may also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. Link to bond estimate request form: hgps://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Developme nt/forms/bondsBond_Request _to Establish a Bond.pdf&sa=U&ved=OahUKEwjOsL- ctOXdAhWmOAKHbcVBwoOFggGMAE&client=internal-uds- cse&cx=013641561590022973988:g3cwj srdbli&usg=AOvVawl RFX8fSN 1_ObuZ8tTQgEEpK After bonding is complete and required easements are recorded (Forest /Open Space, for example), the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicant will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturbed, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre - construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a grading permit will be issued by the County so that work maybegin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; bltp://www.albemarle.ora/deptfonns.asp?department=cdenjzyMo Ifyou have questions /concerns, please contact me at janderson2galbemarle.org, or at 434.296-5832-0069. Thank you J. Anderson, Engineering Division WP0201900018 Peabody School 040519