HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197300027 Action Letter 1973-10-15 Application for Variance or Special Exception • TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1RIANCE NO. V f`'P-'7 7)7 The undersigned applicant is(are) the owner of the following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE`TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. 'DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. I/We Great Eastern Companies respectfully request the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant the Variance or Special Exception stated below in the Charlottesville Magisterial District and desc,. .-• . County Tax Map 61 Parcel186, 188 contain' ,• ± .cres r.• zoned R-2- , . & 188(4� - ►i fil40e / /�/73 Applicant Signatur= The petitioner request that the Zoning Administrator grant: A variance eTTectivelyrdoing away with the minimum required distance between two or more buildings whose combined number of units is 10 or less - leaving required side, front and rear yards as minimum dimensions between these buildings- .. The applicant makes this request because: two 5 unitTuildings, under the current ordinance, may be connected, but may not be less than 30' apart. The 30' separation should remain as the minimum required separation distance for groups of ten units but not between the two 5 unit buildings that make up that 10 units. Action Taken by the Zbning Administrator: Approved Denied Signed -- - ------ -- TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS--- - - - -- --- Date I/We hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing application, and respectfully request a reversal of his decision by granting the request for a variance or special exception as stated above. Applicant Signature Address Phone Number ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS l' BA-T APPROVED DENIED ALBEMARLE COUNTY .. 1E0N .SS) • le0k4y%t1 ,i44,,, , 0 . 7 (1 //1Afi3 e,4,li . ii 0 ji23 -,2::4,. J ,/f 4i T ,..tr, 7 N ,....___s J \. Ir, ..00 2v I/Kest 4.i07,: ..® H SEC 61M /� ® ,A , BERKELEYE COMMUNITY (/� \ \\\',(\/�1{3j3 1 `vSECTY7N 62% 1 ‘ ��' )H . ' / �" 1�9A / �` /S1 N 6 till4t: 401110 lb!: . WI :441 ,- T,/ k i„f: x/ .‘ vikitroa %- N, ; ea pira,,• '••i. i_ 4 „e"c,'s,o ,,` ..\ / M l i-.I i ArA., •S R,/ice,.:,-_' 4,,_,t.__ ,�rt v- 42, ip,of rig 0 •� \ ` ` \ •'LINElk ,, ` R IyIT3 - © t,4I. SECM N f1S - 0 Ty - 1,20i Ire ';040-8;: - :**1 ° f * 4 lija N ., ,,,,,,,Q,49 60_0 , �_ d — 62 '7 ' ifii Cm 7/41...c. */ • / OF LI / _ winnow !FIP o Fr .___Aam_.-____ ,:,./. ''' ' 14114"3tiet ....i - I/ 't ,:\,'iNig‘t*/(Artil MEM „,,\,,tk41.,,,,,,t ma ' , `� \ei; a Q,..,. T N Y• r li , , lit-w Ilk NOOONRY6El1 \ / ,______ railt : _. ,_:. . , ",_ ____,, ,,_ _ _________i_ w 111111.ilmori . sir /1.:...., -- - -----1" -- -- '11---sve.-_ _ _,--,,,,,,-. 7. - -- SIM 11.1. — - imit / "Aikakk __-___t_____ 77 SCALE IN FEET CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 61 1600 0 • 1600 September 14, 1973 Mrs. Ruth Miller Albemarle County Zoning Administrator County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mrs. Miller: With reference to our conversation on September 12, 1973 regarding required distances between buildings, this letter is an attempt to clarify our questions and positions on that matter. In section 14 of the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance relating to Townhouse clusters the following items are noted. 1. 10 Townhouses may be attached. 2. End lots shall be minimum 40' wide. 3. Side yard - 10'. 4. 10' Front yards. 5. 30' Min. between main buildings. The problem presented is this: If a designer has two 5 unit buildings to place on a site he has two options: 1. Keep them 30' apart. 2. Attach them (making one 10 unit building.) These alternatives pose an interesting problem when considered from the position of the residents: I. The two families without any problem with the zoning ordinance or codes may share a 3/4 FIR fire rated wall - the distance between families perhaps 6" . ' 4 2. They may not however (without a variance or interpretation of "Attached") be separated 20 feet and have two 3/4 HR walls between them. (As would be required by the Boca Code.) Distance between families is 20'. The code is written in such a manner as to encourage 10 unit buildings. We do not wish to do this, but instead, maintain 15-20' minimum dimensions between buildings in order to create a visual containment in our Townhouse cluster. We request that a variance be granted effectively doing away with the minimum required distance between 2 or more buildings whose combined number of units is 10 or less. The required side, front & rear yards would remain and provide the minimum dimensions between these buildings. We further request that the term "Attached" as used in the Town House definition be clarified with respect as to what actually constitutes attachment of dwellings. Thank you for the time you have spent on this matter already and we hope that ' the apparent conflicts between what is acceptable under the Boca Code, the Albemarle Counting Zoning Ordinance and the best interests of the future residents vvlc,L be resolved. Sincerely, Mike Evans M'E:m j c f APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. • Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Z 620 > f 1! i 1'1 G ,'�Lt�°�L ,�3�- j'�'lvr,,, �v G� ,� �'�� r n 4'a i1, �,�/- z S l j`� Z Z y o / p 5 �- /���� �!��li�j 05 g 11 • Map Parcel Name Address 6� � / 41. W'- qeirivAxi p, a/a-re--el e 67s7,-9- / f' fr di #44140.74tAke4, f& i-vy I4 U Z2-Y7 / e -5 G;, ;4,)fired 60e 5 3 3 z 1) 4, , -k 6., J , ry )c1&o 4- * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS • 62) ►1 Application Number le 7 ( )) c."\44/v, p)fry -2 L 1 Y} rTP & IJii' &v/ u7 f '/ • i (vO,AAJ-14N.7/1 ?)Paw t C � APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. /g ) Map Parcel Name Address / /,Sg(3) G j C- (22 0 * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ig „ ( 3) Application Number \j A - ''1 Cam) / - icn - ( ) Items to accompany applications for 4ariances, Special Ex- ceptions and Appeals. I. Three copies of an accurate plat drawn to scale with a North arrow showing boundaries of the subject property. The property shall be outlined in red with approximate location of existing structures and/or proposed struct- ures. II . Three copies of an insert vicinity map showing subject property in relation to general area in which it is located. III . Statement of justification. IV. Check in the amount of $20. 00 made payable to the County • of Albemarle. V. Affidavit submitted to the Board at the time of the public hearing stating that the property has been posted as re- quired.