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VA197300022 Application 1973-07-31
• Application for Variance or Special Exception • TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1RIANCE N0. y1 14'7 3-.X)- The undersigned applicant is(are) thecoiviieactqiutitthasers following described propel xxxxx- A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE-TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. *** H. Rubin I e *** respectfully request the Zoning Richardand Rob R. ! dministrator of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant the Sokolsky, t/a Variance or Special Exception stated below in the Charlottesville Magisterial D' trict and described as County Ta C clO esvi le Shopping World Parcel Magisterial_ ace d zoned Glri ��r , B 1 ' Applicant Signature B* 4 to -73 The petitioner request th 7-s Administrator q t�r�i g Adrat grant: - c to re0��ir ,t i4,c ... - ---.- -I*z=k� nee �occ for Bch aontcr. ing The applicants_make this request because: The, r� a rgi gfl o c a g a.F}d 9 O •—zi,�-vra3A,ance standardc octablichcd by the International Council ofnal Shopping Centers. Section 11-7-8 and 9 was docigncd for s'w?l retail stores and chould not apply to chopping centers. Action Taken by the Zoning Administrator: Approved Denied '-'-- SignedL.?_,L.-44 )4/74,_/_4,-.., - ------- - TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS--- - - - - - --_ _ • ** Richard H. Rubin ** Date July 31 197q �F/we hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning and Robert E. Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing application, Sokolsky, t/a and respectfully request a versal of his decision by granting Charlottesville the request for a varianc r s ial e ept' as stated above. Shopping World ** Applicant Signaturg3 : Attorn Address P. 0. Box 471, Ch ottesvill , Virginia Phone Number 296-6118 ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DATE APPROVED DENIED Application for Variance or Special Exception . TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VARIANCE NO. Vil ----733, The undersigned applicants (are) the©n ctol trhehasers following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. *** Richard H. Rubin i/We *** respectfully request the Zoning Robe R and rt E. ! Administrator of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant the and Robe t/a Variance or Special Exception stated below in th�hari cttpsvi lie Charlottesville Magisterial District and des ribed as County Tax Map 61M Shopping World Parcel l,4ontaining 12 aces d zoned Bl . Applicant Signature B e 7-31-73 The petitioners request tha Qr g Administrator grant: A variance from Section 1-7-8 and 9 of Zoning Ordinance to require not less than 5. 5 parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area in the shopping center. The applicants make this request because: The requirements of Section 11-7-8 and 9 of the Ordinance are impractical, uneconomic and contrary to the national standards established by the International Council of Shopping Centers. Section 11-7-8 and 9 was designed for single retail stores and should not apply to shopping centers. Action Taken by the Zoning Administrator: Approved Denied Signed - - - ------ - TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS-- - - - - - -- —- ** Date July 31, 1973 Richard H. Rubin i/We ** hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning and Robert E. Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing application, Sokolsky, t/a and respectfully request a versal of his decision by granting Charlottesville the request for a varianc sp ial e ept' as stated above. Shopping World ** Applicant Signatures ; Attor Address P. 0. Box 471, Chn ottesvi e, Virginia Phone Number 296-6118 ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DATE APPROVED DENIED MEMO TO: Members of Board of Zoning Appeals FROM: John L. Humphrey, County Planner SUBJECT: Off-Street Parking - Shopping Centers General STAFF COMMENT Our present Zoning Ordinance is very general in present off-street parking requirements relative to commercial facilities. All commercial acitivities do not have the same requirements and individual commercial facilities do not have the same demands for parking as do shopping centers. The parking areas in shopping centers have multiple use. Our present ordinance does not relate to shopping centers- only to individual retail outlets . The Planning Department is recommending to the Commission a revamping of the off-street parking requirements for all uses ; however, it is not expected that the Revised Zoning Ordinance will be adopted until some time in the spring of 1974. In view of the above time period, the staff has been instructed by the Board of Supervisors to proceed with an amendment to the existing ordinance which will bring about an updating of off-street parking requirements as soon as possible. In this revision, the staff is recommending that shopping center off-street parking be established as follows : Shopping Centers - 5. 5 spaces/1000 sq. ft. of gross floor area An investigation of a study of 103 centers indicates that the ratio of parking is established at 5. 5 spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area. This is the average across the United States. It was found during the course of a study that as the size of the center increases , the parking index is lower. MEMO TO: Members of Board of Zoning Appeals FROM: John L. Humphrey, County Planner SUBJECT: Off-Street Parking - Shopping Centers General STAFF COMMENT Our present Zoning Ordinance is very general in present off-street parking requirements relative to commercial facilities. All commercial acitivities do not have the same requirements and individual commercial facilities do not have the same demands for parking as do shopping centers. The parking areas in shopping centers have multiple use. Our present ordinance does not relate to shopping centers- only to individual retail outlets . The Planning Department is recommending to the Commission a revamping of the off-street parking requirements for all uses ; however, it is not expected that the Revised Zoning Ordinance will be adopted until some time in the spring of 1974. In view of the above time period, the staff has been instructed by the Board of Supervisors to proceed with an amendment to the existing ordinance which will bring about an updating of Off-street parking requirements as soon as possible. In this revision, the staff is recommending that shopping center off-street parking be established as follows : Shopping Centers - 5. 5 spaces/1000 sq. ft. of gross floor area An investigation of a study of 103 centers indicates that the ratio of parking is established at 5. 5 spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area. This is the average across the United States. It was found during the course of a study that as the size of the center increases , the parking index is lower. • fjc • )))1(' 11.) • • • 1j1)2-. • , //I- J./A/ 77/ • June 8, 1973 -71) Mr. Morton W. Noble McLean • Virginia 22101 Dear Mr. Noble : You requested a letter stating the requirement for parking spaces in shopping centers. Our policy in Albemarle County is to require at least 5.5.apaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, 1 Mary Joy White • • Assistant County Planner MJW/blc - • S • • • i IOW • • July 30 , 1973 Mr. J . H. Humphrey and Mary Joy White Mrs . Ruth Miller ubject : Off street parking requirements for Charlottesville Shoppdng World. \...:,) (C1) It is recommended that until the developer ofe the osubject shopping center can epeciby how many square floor space in the buildings will actually be devoted to business that ement8tbeplan deferredountilnthisrinformation street is parking requir � available. As you know Section 11-ch9100 square of the nfeet0ofibusinessgfloor T one parking space of ea space . • \ f_( --,.__ . 4 APPLICANT'S LIST OF V ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address Thy P' 's, - / . .� % n Via! t�Xgd4o/ _3 �i+oh►e) ,n /d� i,47 yd✓ ges w ict y V� f 1 63de / 3 �� o�` Eye j`'(� 14 7 G/41 as qo/ i JrvCI. l 1 . " 5 ,4(� t c 4 i h4 t'd 6/ 4e6` /C I VCA- �1�lYr1 L+ FC, ata / / Mawr (flafy Ulan r vs ('h'u 'l/e 414/ * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number i/ 4 - .73 / - / ( . / (/ '// APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. • Map Parcel Name Address c/b Lat 4 n 131 rc .h ct . a6 kx.5,l.fleIc( /-¢ c 1- 4)0114 'woe 1t. &lees S Z ti cker,5vi!lei VV 4,2,a9i' a , m n°1 a e/ an �p �i 3 71-h + iv, e /3 ,9- ?ichooald loso * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number • APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The F (arning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. - L7 A(L M� ? Parcels Name Address -2 - 016i4)44/ f z pf 1/4-1/el moral Jji / 7 Ii? A6i tar)1 Sher) /ear-/ysv/ 1/c i�.. as g34 Cit.flan` 5AO ei) et 1- A 3 0'/ / �`1,✓1�'d'%f� f '//" ' r t�' f.►'1 �v i ih� �G� � r3 . PO 416® // 4/ (7?_._ (j 1/r. /1/ 1501 6re7oiPeA * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name AddressOSt 1 iC ; i k . s io e pion 1.0e441 P (/mrm 7 - "./ Tea,soth, eefinedl Lid .141 <A, Coalman f t AA C S` 4 - a �tlrrti p cur T .+ j Cr ad9o/ a sit( C.umrrl:.r ..l. ;al* A( ri*e4 ) 0.4.(+11-41,, e440. �t09 &JI►hu.nt5bit F ( Lti,,eLt,t__0,„Li ). -,ti Lk1 t �. ): ,A/ d J wt�!►arr;�,b�1�� �� I.- 7. - Ilahna Vi(411 hroe 044 I e►�1 aqD/ c/ofir, L G. ei.at.o et r _ 7- as g it nary 5 bit r j ��r1 a�� k� Ct+ as90 ! * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address /3k. ... c/a w I �1 °U. e/ooe• Y -� l / 9- . � l /,/�� r I (� d m �c, � ad9/ 0i ) 1:43minoll Dr , / 0//'N1a.Al r !id / t-9 ala4b/ / i4ea iy Pober. Aeudia, al*e7 9a/ �.4) aS6 y 4 / Auert /1.1}fir 4 in c e4,61 ( Ct 9.ol eloniavo At ik 4- �_. ` Ob (..lDur.6 l a5U �� fir". * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address I M. l -3 Cap gibe 7 w� / 3 riblit tOia a 5i e4a! a / .3 TAeob?5, t k d Lafifilierc..s Fr{ e 60 /- ea 1,1 tztjK chard.. ei it/ .. / f.7 a-/1 / �7ar►��r�i n U r .0c-t/ / haft)( MiIIIii S' e--i4 as cp/ `j Af 4/7 e441 C/ a` ' '/ Kvi s, e/4tenee 46,, * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number lin -' '7 ,_ 4 • (>i / ` ° I _ /