HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800005 Plan - Approved Special Use Permit 2018-11-15existing i drainage Iandscapescreenng Conceptual Special Use Application Plan for j easements vehicles awaiting repair ft// 30 employee spaces Malloy OTMP04500-00-00-068C0 b Charlottesville Realty CorporationOdyshop #15P 20 18000055.73 acreslocationr- Amendment to 5P 20 1 6000 1188YFojEstingbu,ldng nth the zoned: Highway Commercial potential to be repurposed as a i May 2 I 20 18jbodyshop,as approved by J SPZa 60 c8, o other budding revised July I I , 20 18by-runt uses.as desired by,. j f; d g service bays I interinseu.'w. i,icts:ez, iicle, l streerees o screenin , - _ TMP 04500-00-00-0 8C I o00 shrubs TVlal-toy Properties III, LLC-- - 41 5 t9 cres est :: .a 0 zoned: highway Coin+ ercia aces 0• sales, service, : d i vehicle storage area vehicle and parts , 0 .'gTMP04500-00-00-t12B0 storage area f d dis a ,'B Properties LC I, b p `" 4.42 acres I edA° itit/ zoned: Highway Commercial screening ro f " rat estr ,p& trees o p ac:- y,`., stormwater w _- managment o im, lfacilityhf'9ccess Eased p ay, 1 mehtit 4.itom ), area Dl e a1 Cor'.unity Development Department i OPi,•,•, FlleSp 24C$-S• EIS Fib Cf}g.est ` ' i pt-l 1fT''7b l'-[i!t-LoY Apnrr-<voc' I^ the Bo-L:d of SiilpeR'isors 86t1 SWOP spaces Date /o//o/tt pIu1/gittlell.,(I k, i I; I IMP 04500-00-00-068A0 IIbedsheN=,Z a } p, Malloy Properties III,LLC QaCe Location #2, 2.06 acres il' oNoteI):This Concept Plan shall only apply if a body shop, as defined in the Albemarle County zoned: Highway Commercial I;o Zoning Code, is approved with a zoning clearance on the Property. If a body shop is not i zincapprovedwithazoningclearanceontheProperty, in either location, this Concept Plan I. 1 I vi QdoesnotrestrictdevelopmentofbyrightusesontheProperty. 1 1 I / j I liI Note 2): This Concept Plan amends the Concept Plan of SP20 I 6000 I 8 solely for the purpose of r; _r 11 1 adding the option of having a body shop use at Body Shop Location#2. No other T 1 1 changes were made.ii i I Note 3): There are no proposed changes to building, parking , or circulation areas.ii 1/ I It 1 Note 4): Parking requirements for Body Shop Location#2 are met with parking spaces on TMP Ij jl 45-68C I that meet requirements for a body shop use. Parking will be assured with a I , i Sheet I : Overview Exhibit formal shared parking agreement to be approved with a zoning clearance for the Body 1 i Shop use. Note 5): All outdoor storage and display of vehicles shall remain consistent with the conditionsSHIMPENGINE RING P. C. approved with SP 20 16-I I. 80 - 0 80 1 60 240t-------,....,..ENGINEERING-LANDPLANNING-PROJECT MANAGEMENT 61\ L - - - - Q 201 E. MAIN ST, SUITE M PHONE: (434) 207-6066 Graphic Scale: 1 "—8 0 I CMARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 JUSTINOSHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM double staggered row of evergreen trees planted 15' Conceptual Special Use Application Plan for existing hardwood on center (minimum height 4' at planting)trees to remain Malloy rdNote: substitute screening measuresm be omay incorporated in accordance with section 5P 20 1800005 existing drainage - SCREENING of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment to SP 20 I 6000 1 8 easement(s) May 2 I , 20 18 revised July I I , 20 18 Communityity Development Department File#SP-111:Z $-c; /,yy Approved by the Board of Su ervi ,p sonskk1Datecotb / scww/ k kk \\ k \\ k kk k kk k kkkk-; k\\ ,/ k kkk', k / Body Shop Location vehicle awaitin --- -- sic/ kkk ,y /kkJk kk" Ehinfthe g k kk kk k .kk kk kk/k ,tk k kk kk .Y ,rk k I i __ repair Is— 1! 1r• .. mil•` , k k k k k yy//[[,,,,, k,/ f g tore- Planner t-. k k k /3" k k k potenil to be repurposed as a k kk service k k k kk k k k k/ boy shop, as approved byP 1 building I kkkkk SP201600018, orotherby-rht 11, k kk k uses as desired by 1 k y Owner. 4 J; i1 7 1 mp. - pr in. IgL trees to remain pr, A.400 TMP 04500 00 00 OCSC I Malloy Properties III, LLC 5. 19 Acres existing access zoned: highway Commercial vehicle storage ', easement t-----*---------,.., area Sheet 2: Body Shop Vehicle Storage Area Exhibit 30 _ 0 30 60 90 SHIM"ENGINE RING, PC. ENGINEERING-LAND FLAMING-PROJECT MANAGEMENT LGraphic Scale: 1 "_301 201 E. MAIN $T. $VITE M PHONE: (434) 207-8086 CH ARLOTTE$VILLE. VA 22902 JV STIN®'HIMP-ENOINEERINGCOM I Conceptual Special Use A lication Plan forpp Malloy ord SP20I800005 Amendment to SP 20 I 0000 I 8 May 2 I , 20 1 8 j revised July I I , 20 I & I I 1 1 liiii-I 1 I 1iI1I% I 1 i;I.: IBody Shop 11 i I1 e l Location #2 Il TMP 04500-00-00-068A0 I,. J \ 1 1 9, 120 SF I Malloy Properties Ill, LLC I N Ci Q 1 Il 2.06 acres Ii1 Lu 'a I zoned: Highway Commercial i I f— I— 0 1=- I I I1II 1_,JZ6: DI I I I I O O OIll 0 I ; w1— coIIRemainingportionof t c i building not subject I11 Q 1 to SP 20 1 8- I I30096SF 1 I I D _ _ I I I I 1I I IICommunityDevelopmentDepartmentI .File#SP Zotg-$ : 1R'MtEKPKEKT 7b 1-fH 1-oY FdI D 1 AD Approve. by th' Soard of Supervisors • bD4 S tttP I I I I I I Date. ioioc3 1 L -f il 1li.i,47.ut 140/41C12— ii;_f;'* - nne I i i Sheet 3 : Body Shop Area ExhibitI' 1 30 0 30 60 90 I SHIMPRNGINJ RRING, P.C. L _ _ _ - 1 1 l j ENGINEERING-LAND PLANNING-PROJECT MANAGEMENT Graphic Scale: 1 "-3O' 201 E. MAIN ST, SUITE M PMONE: (434) 207-BO9 I CMARLOTTESVILLE. VA 22902 JUSTIN®SNIMP-ENGINEERING.COM I Regional Context Map for Malloy ord s,.... .,„ m' T SP 20 1800005 Ni Amendment to SP 20 1 6000 1 8 ye% .; Wilk May2I , 2018 J burn Ri. . 5,*.,LW arkel revised July I . 20 18 44- Al° 1 A nor Hurt j."-" Vik‘ I la 0*.,,..... w-d 1 School._ 1. 4WSAYJair:: - Rio Hill / Shopping Cent- iiir Community Development Department44110Likpc------- / 1 i iii File#p Mg' 41111.1111 i-, 1 iiIiiiiii: t tit, A bliaj{atr 75 ti1RZcaY R)RaApprovedbythehoardofSupervisors8(4)tisffaFopm Ail u n Filli z... INS.. :1 Date /6 N. , 11/3--------1_y,_ . if aob....42--____4 .1,1 ! II> ii 1_ - F' eVWoodbrookI t Signature - PlannerAlbeniquare dmi o ti, _`. ti School tire, o i .... ...... ..„,0 81te• wo. G) siffetist )411ilifI '9' 1 m .,..,,,,,,_,Nw__.:0410, r=,--- _7 iti, ii, 4. iL, 1 ...1...„_, 117 AN NZ EOM 40 4160/4/ \-- ire._PL-Z, . __,_.-- -.TE.--'r'''--,-, fill;ix unillirt4 o Jobb 0 L. 4.44870if i/ L MIi NW°UPI ' C l rrsbrook a 47,% 01(=; o 1 ic. broa Pa....,. wawi+m....,... s c0,, sw Ina o Rpl.+ poi • * 4 .A r...... Ie bog . I. raa rz9a KVMOO o...n I>"re o.,-e v.11 so.s EmraRre W rt,.re. n Ir.w rn Rrrserr.l.r a"ayw ra.s.,,lr ii 1r iia 1 1 1, , s . ,.w.a.:r.•1i0e.r ®w.ev aw l s.a a e l fliiiiiiik AS 116%- i;:ti / =-r :::'wwrwwa"ft nro m...ar.*urRaaas.te nura,...r••ro,.rnm c+uc..0 IF' y Sheet 4 : Regional Context Exhibit 1 0•00 0 1 000 2000 3000 Note: This map is provided by the Albemarle County Places 29 Master Plan SHIMP NGINE RING, P.C. and can be found at "Chapter 4: Future Land Ilse - Places 29 South." ENGINEERJNG•L9NDPL9NNJNG-PROJECT MANAGEMENT Graphic Scale: 1 II— 1 000' 201 E. MAIN ST, SUITE M PNONE: (AOA) 20T-e0e6 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 JUST1NOSHIMP-ENGINEERING-COM