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ZMA201900003 Recorded Plat 2019-04-09
CURVE DATA DETAIL 164 ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING SCALE: V - 30' \ F iIR 481.64 242.03 400.43 S69'20'20'W '� NOUNROAD D SITE, 160.19 91.07 179,23 S44 "51'01'W I ROAD WAH00 1 �k� WAY 384. 40 204.66 372.94 55B'59'34"W T. M.76--46CI 249.25 127,49 246.49 NB1'47'46'W G -k- 875 631 143.79 72.27 145.42 NM'50'49"E ` COUNTRY 52.9B 26.93 52.55 Nfi5'5B'00"E gOOppy LINES \ GREEN SITE. 5TH 150.00 75.49 149.52 N45'19'29"E ACCORDING Yb PLAT `IS �LiB ROAD 7BO STREET 132.10 65,66 131.51 N87'49'16"E RECORDED IN IS 160.471 80.25 1fi0.45 N39 `59'49-E C. B.303B-96 S 97 v OLD '. _ BOUNDARY LINE _ LYNCHBURG R/W DEDICATION 0.5010-420 PLAT) IRON SET AT 60.00' �567'01' 37'E a N SEE Y > DETAIL JY BOUNDARY LIDS ACCF(CING TO PLATS FEC92255-23fi A CND D.8.5p10-420 T.M.76-46CI MOUNTAIN WOOD PROPERTIES,L.L.C. D.B.1515-667 0.8.5010-420 PLAT U.B.925-236 PLAT C5 0.8.925-236 AND O.R.5010-420 IERLAP I ]Is Is I c.W.sa10-42G i S.F. / T.M.75-46A STATE ROUTE 1112 (MOUNTAIN MOOD ROAD) VARIABLE WIDTH R/W D,& 205-314 HWY.P.B.XI-257 THRU 252 4 IF S>2. yF i41, •F IRON FOUND TF-- --SGO'17'47-E 3.76' T.M.76-46A (NEST PORTION) 4.50 ACRES (DOES NOT INCLUDE BOUNDARY OVERLAP) D. B. 4573-270 D.6.4431-372 D. 8.3D38-80,96 8 97 PLAT O.B.2726-69 ❑, 6.2fEB-106 THRU 109 PLAT D.B.925-45G & 457 PLAT jT%�E~�t��31b.�.1 aG2 vPw9.9%j 1.04. 76-4EF (PDRTIONI VICINITY NAP - SCALE: 1' - 2000' / T.M.76-4EII ✓// REGION TER COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD.INC. D.B. 3039-205 0.8. 10 L'5 83 PLAT D. 8.722-518 PLAT -RCN FOUND S9 ':931'52'55'E 2.27' FROM CORNER IF ' MANHOLE IF ' jr 1 I 1 !iRNHOLE' f N r- n f 4 DRAINAGI L PIPE HEADWALL 230•SO ` T.M.76-46A \ IS H�9.OT•49L7 ' (EAST PORTION) S CIF -, fa IS FENCE .9 OR GE 0 �B. 4573 270 9 PI� FT 4 11 D.B .4431-372 D. B.3036-38, 86 & 97 PLAT `. S'� IS 0.8.2726-69 RIP- 0.8. 215B-IDS THRU IDS PLAT RAP D, 9.925-456 & 457 PLAT ROUTE 876 GREE1Y LANE) ( - r LVE T. M. 76-529 PULE VA PAUL RACE.JR. 30'PRE3CRIPTIYE & VALERIE P.RACE EASEMENT DIB.4254-197 O.B.G84-149 PLAT T,M.75-526 SIDOH. LLC GRAPHIC SCALE 1'-SCO' 9.0.4495-584.586 PLAT T.N. 76-52K WAYNE P. THCNAS & YIRGINRGIWFA P.COLLIER 0 100 200 300 C.B.4457-592 O.B.604-149 PLAT N3TE5: 1. BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY, 2. TITLE REPOP,T By: OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EFFECTIVE OATS JULY 31.2003 AT & 30 A,M.. COMMITMENT NO. 31799 S TITLE ABSTRACT: REPUBLIC TITLE SERVICES EFFE3349 SOMECEASEEMENTS SHOWN, ,THESE PROPERTIES3ARE SUBJECTETO ANY6ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS. UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AN7/OR COVENANTS THAT NAY EXIST. GL 3, THIS PLAT REPRESENTS A SURVEY OF THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES CF THE PABCEL(S) SHOWN HEREON AND THERE IS NO INTENT TO EXTINGUISH OR COMBINE ANY EXISTINS PAACELS OF RECORD. O m lo ✓ a�. t MANHCLE PIPE IB LaS% n.3•E L2 \atjjx6 o IS 1��A�` Site SGonCw 6 9 So.., oe. LEGEND: IF IRON FOUND IS IRON FOUND NAG NS MAGNETIC NAIL SET PF PIPE FOl O OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE -x- PENCE -.- GUARDRAIL T.M.76-5401 LOT B PEP-UVA, LLC D.B.4956-139 O.B.2168-106 THRU 109 PLAT 'vB -a i EXISTING PRIVATE ROAD r'd. f m. B. 2168-105, / SOB PLATY DRDP INLET Al.M CONCRETE 4 t NAIL FOUND 'U TIE LINE N3323.9'33"E y t IF T.M. 76-54 2.88 ACRES 0.0.4572-270 ` R.8.4367-496, QT •'� 5 50& 502 PLAT 0. 8.2158-106 �4. �Q" S �✓ -C'♦ 9t n THRU 4C9 PLR? 44� `a HEADWALL DRAINAGE /I PIPE ♦ NAG MANHOLE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY PLAT TAX MAP 76 PARCEL 46A COMPRISED OF 4.50 ACRES(MEST PORTION) AND 5.67 ACRES(EAST PORTION) AND TAX MAP 75 PARCEL 54.CONTAINING 2.06 ACRES THE PROPERTIES OF GAMBIT.LLC. SNOW PAWS LLC, PRANA LAND LLC AND(( 5TH STREET SW HOLDINGS"LLC LOCATEDSTATE STATE ROUTE875(I COUNTRYGSSTATE ROUTE 1 GREEN ROAD). STATE ROUTE RODU112(MDUNTAINWOODLD GROAD) AND WAHOO WAY SAMUEL MILLER MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY.VIRGINIA SCALE: V - 100' DATE: APRIL 13. 2018 FOR KYLE FIEOINGER ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC..INC. 863 BERKHAR COURT CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 RAYSURVEYING.CON I46ri2 004500 Return to: Payne & Hodous, L.L.P. Tax Map: 76-46A and 76-54 412 East Jefferson Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 CERTIFICATE OF PLAT The attached plat, and courses and distances description by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd., dated October 23, 2001, revised January 24, 2002, of the lands ofN+S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, situated in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, being a portion of the property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from Charles R. Pirkey, et al., dated March 1, 1971, recorded in the Clerk's Office of said County in Deed Book 485, page 246, and a small portion of the property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from Sydney W, Britton, et a1., dated August 11, 1971, recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 492, page 369, is hereby confirmed and submitted for record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. As evidenced by Articles of Organization filed with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N+S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. Given under my hand this ��J day of , 2002. N+S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company Doc ID; 000008610006 Type: DEE p y Book 2168 Page lea - 130 Filell 2002-0®094500 BY: (SEAL) John . Nunley, Authorized Ag t STATE OF V%%re M i al CITY/e@i:l�4* OF 5V! I C. : Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this g day of M911h, 2002, by John G: Nunley, authorized agent ofN+S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, on be If of the limited liability company. 42L p 6/b.00YM r commission ex fires: Notary Public 8K2 168PGO 10 COUNTYOF ALBEMARLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS fir. (,ADm�,rn,@„ DESIGNATED ENT MR-0 D A T E CERTIFICATION THIS IS A CORRECT AND ACCURATE PLAT, ARTHUR F. DWARDB, LE ... OWNER'S APPROVAL I THE DIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS AND/OR TRUSTEES. ALL STATEMENTS AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. COUNTY OFALBEMARLE, STATE OF VIRGI NIA,TO-WITI T bREV�ING I�NtSSTRUM T WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THI DAY MY COMMISSION EXPIRE COUNTY OF ALBE MARL E , STATE OF VI RGI N I A, TO -WIT: THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2 001BY AS OWNERS. PROPRIETORS AND/OR TRUSTEES. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES THE LAND USE REGULATIONS LISTED HEREIN ARE IMPOSED PURSUANT TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN EFFECT THIS DATE AND ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, THEY ARE NOT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RUNNING WI TH THE LAND AND THER APPEARANCE ON THIS PLAT IS NOT INTENDED TO IMPOSE THEM AS SUCH, PARCEL 46A STANDING IN THE NAME OF N 8 S. L.C. O.B. 492-369 a PARTNERSHIP BOOK 14 PAGE 615 PARCEL 54 STANDING IN THE NAME OF N a S. L.C. D.B. 05-246 8 PARTNERSHIP BOOK 14 PAGE 615 IRON PINS TO BE SET AT ALL CORNERS BY OCTOBER 1, 2002 SETBACKS: R-2 R-10 FRONT 25 25 SIDE 10 15 i 11 d REAR 20 20 COPYRIGNT ADC THE MAP PEOPLE' PERMITTED USE NUMBER 90111124 PLAT SHOWIN G DIVISION OF PARCELS 46A AND 54 ON SHEET 76 COUNTY TAX MAPS SCOTTSVILLE MAISISTERIAL DISTRiCT ALBEMARLE COUNTY ,VIRGINIA OCTOBER 23.2001 R E V f 5 O N S. AUBREY HUFFMAN 81 ASSOCIATES. LTD I-24-02 CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PANNING C HARLOTTESV ILLE , V IRGIN IA Zip F D13P.911 Sheet I Of 4 �Opv U1 1 04.19,17 1964.55 74.13' 148.19' I 864'28'05"W 146.16' OvOURG At���o A C2 1 01'27'17" 1983.86' 25.19' 50.37' S57'27'28"W 50.37' PORTION OF L44 �, PARCEL 46A Piedmont HOs p i to I LLC 0.084 ACRE =r S A D.B.1468- 575 Zoned R-2 PAR. 46 F l% 00'7,q 9C� �� "' �, T. M , 7 6 w z W v�• 2 6'9%i }T IRON S13o3.9 ci F f �t yA 2g 10 51 (f IRON MON. C yNcy ?80 t7 � r '� $Q RON 402 6 .90 L O T A so.Dx ° m U .4 2.359 Aca. 40" NF, PERSIMMON 01 nInja'4Z' ��6, Zoned R_10 _ tig ci mud w ,. .`o'!91 �° 'T nr g cc wA 'b �4" L 0 T 8 14 559 Acs. LL x QOwwm S Including 0.084AC.Portion MON. of Parcel 4 6 A oQo W Zoned R-10 J z j h r 1\ y�'G[,w S TORMWATER DETENTION BASIN EASEMENT V r++ m4 4 - z tal P AS SHOWN IN D.B.1648- 124 TO BE VACATED. L1 >a + h x Hp O W w1 SEE DETAIL C SHEET 4 FOR NEW ~ to : AATNUR cA�� 41 DRAINAGE/ DETENTION SN/MP ' 142�0-¢8 ffz w O EASEMENT. r MON. W m 7 z z o cd 1 � p• OW j x j 0 L DISTANCE BEARING a _y } 1 \ \ - �v L1 80.53' 548'32' 42"W ►W- Z a c I \ .�• L2 91.36' N34'36'28"W u� x `4 N " ` " m MON. ° L3 114.36' S78.58' 06"E L4 38.7i' � 0 S46*32'421W 25. 70' .r y m o � a '1 L22 44 6. 32' 1 v V L5 66.27' N79120' 16-W Ma�wl" r e a W +u S O oa' 00 E j n; L6 64.57' N19'56' 05"W v = m.A 0 x m 92.05' o _ L7 83, 86' 858'55'57-Iq p 0 a �- STORM WATER m u `" to y L,2A DETENTION BASIN to N L® 129. 22' N73 '26' 29"W aw`-"' w -f 25 )EASEMENT l m � L9 198.76' N04'15'20"W z to J z o a m I D.81648-124, / �' Lii 81.79' N47430' 30"W g cc W F w rq l / a s Lit 147.68' N35157' OQ"W r w Ln a 4 L13 277.95' S83'26' 57"E 4 w x <c�8 ` i° L 14 74.98' NO3.11 ' 59' W n u w Lis 200. 10' S82.59' 49"E = N a MON. O n w ti n1 ++ L16 114.79' S82'47' 07'W o� x=} x p44E 4 L17 i15.66' S77'29'19"W m~ -a r r 1_18 54.56' 564'05'35'W V L19 285.43' 581'54' 19"E z IRON L O T C o'4 L20 103.72' NO3'42'48"W o ni L21 166.22' N69'57'24'E 01 11.074 Acs. twn w L22 106.00' N00.25'20"E I ROµ Z o n e d R- 10 fO L23 117.75' 886'32' 36"E L20 rn L24 124.57' 821.38'59'E T.M.76 L25 63.00' S05.04-20"W PAR.541 r L26 90.68' 883.85'21"E a z� L27 54.99' N65-55'48"E PAR 541A" `�O %P� -1 yA1� MON. L28 30.20' N$4'02' 12"W L14 �Q4'g �l m L29 19. SB, S86'21'54-W T.M.76 r �, 1r, AAA L30 49.50' SB2'19'51"E PAR. 541 - i,�•� a L9 L31 187.94' S84-25'38"E I' r It ti0 L32 1419. 82' Nei '15' 59"E T.M.76 I L33 33.00' S13'31'40'E PAR. 54A-- I/ �,ti �04, L34 1 94.12' 846.00'00-E r 4o _L3sj 202.71' N33.48'55"E Oq. L31. ' N49.05' 39"E L37 8989.0404' N65'27' 27"E O•I• L38 53.34' N71`59'33'E PLAT S H O W I 6 739 111.73' N56'43' 47"E DIVISION OF PARCELS 46A AND 54 AS SHOWN ON Lao 42.54' NBSI #29' 25-E SHEET 76 ALBEMARLE COUNTY TAX MAPS L41 111.' 966'58'02'W L42 156.97 ' 933'13.02'E RE V I S 10 N L43 25.00' 856.46'58"W I - 24 - 02 L44 183.00' 903'20'23"W " ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINiA L45 91.84' 88758'11-EL4S 51.OQ' N56'4t3'S8"E BCALB 1' 200' O C T O B E R 19 2001 L47 230.97' S79.08' 29"W 8. AUBREY HUFFMAN AND ASSOCIATES, LTD, L48 31.27' 933'13'02"E CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND 9t1RVEYING - LAND PLANNING L49 15.03' N33'13'02"W CHARLOTTE9VILLE. VIRGINIA L50 175.30' 978-5B'O6-E L51 154.25' N13.39'22"E Sheet 2 of 4 ,. , .9 r-, n rr.p - - it w +i O [ ■ = O O N N h M 4-* .O M mb�< car A Y A M N U X x M •ip N Ol Y N •O O— N Oo Y 0 0 x N m D O N Cl M Ol � N fl •� Q N m 0 0- N 1- - z v ao w 1A — N 07 1! O! N d7 in n n in F 0 0 0 0 0 0 a O 0 Q N N N n d 1f3 m N A Ir JL' N 4D A N N h N O � •7 N m N wl M � `0 BKZ 168PGO 108 \� L. a r B NOTE - THIS PRIVATE ROAD MAY NOT MEET THE STANDARDS OR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM OF STATE HIGHWAYS AND WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED BY THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OR THE COUNTY OF ALBEM4RLE, �011 � = I �O 2► . C3 1rCMIlf'1E� • Y + 1420-6 tlr� S ,\ a — N M v M 0 PLAT SHOWIN G x o u u u u u D IVISION OF PARCELS 46A AND 54 ON SHEET 76 COUNTY TAX MAPS SCOTTSVILLE MAGISTERIAL DIS•TTR)OT ALBEYARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA .1ANUARY 4,-2002 R E V ISP O N B. AUSREY .HUFFMAN 6 ASSOC..IATES , LTD. I.24-02 CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEY) NG=LAND PLANNING CHA RLOTTESVILLE , V IRGINI A ocio F o.ap-ax ShOet 3 of 4 T-M. 76 Pare e/ 46 A N 34 036'20 "W 010.9 x v — y � o N Q � N N 55 °23 '33 "E /7. 22 ' L o r A �6zg►•69 a4 All H 09 901t' / X w G s c A9 p IA : 1d20-9 p Zi l asrf N2r°54'68"A' 89.40 � sslls�NHs� N46000'00"W 20,81 ' 'd� 1 -•S 56 ° 49' 09 "A' 92. 05 ' ao4 �b d ` tu „, a 1 i 1�- e LDi" B h1 h � lu o kt LIB m � • I � f� N47053'38"£ 9%I6' S47°35'38 N /° 02`36 "w .92.74 �b�V r 2 6 ' 120. 41 4D'Accsas B rj' fE3• Ulll fty 20'Teraparary 20'ri fart' f // _ N 70 GraQr9y l OD %3"W 95. 48' � 6rad/np e<ose, (0 f 1 DETENTION 8451N/ �°j• bI7 &UP EA-' EMENT q N Qz S8903/'23"W 54.23'--) 15a I., L o r c )al /' S 4 6 ° 0 3' 29 "£ 34.91 ' DE r A/ L Ii S 39 0/4'33"E 66.30' l "= too, PLAT SHOW IN G D IV IS I ON OF P A R C E L S 46A AND 5 4 ON SHEET 76 COUNTY TAX MAPS SCOTTSVILLE M A G I S T E R I A L DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA JANUARY 4, 2002 B. AUB REY HUFFMA N B ASSOCIATES q LTD. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING 0HARL077ESVILLE, VIRGINIA R E V S 1 0 N 1-24.02 Zip F o, sn.sm Sheet 4 of 4 CD Ln CD State Tax 039 $ County Tax 213 $ Transfer Fee 212 $ Clerk's Fee 301 $ St. Library 145 Tech Fund 106 $ State Tax 038 $ oc Tax 220 TOTAL VIRGIM A: In the Clerk's Office of the C' f enwle ty, VA IN 20�this w was admi to record at ��'cl .M. and the Tax imposed by ection 58.1-802 of the Code of vrginin as been paid r Instrument Control Number e140 0 Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Cover Sheet - Form A [ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.66] T C Date of Instrument: [6/23/2005 ] A 0 Instrument Type: [COR-PL ] X R P E Number of Parcels [ 51 Number of Pages [ 7] E M City ❑ County© [Albemarle Coun P Last Name pl ❑ ❑ [N + S LC ] C [ H I0IWIIIIN11111� Doe 1 0010g1920011 Type: OR Recorded: 08/01/2005 at 10:54:1e Aft Fee Zt• $52.00 Page 1 of !1 Albemarle County, VA shelbv Marshall Clerk Circuit Court File# 2005-00014030 ❑ ® [Gambit LLC ] [ ] [ ❑ ® [Prang Land LLC ] [ ] [ Grantee Address (Name) [Gambit LLC et als (Address 1) [P. O, Box 6846 (Address 2) [ (City, state, zip) [Charlottesville Consideration [1,542.828.77 ] Existing Debt [0,00 ] ---------- ------------------- (Box for Deed Stamp Only) l[ ] 3[ ] ] ] ] ] NA ] [22906-6849 Assumption Balance [0.00 ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County❑X [Albemarle County ] Percent. In this Juris. [ 1001 Book [2726 ] Page [69 ] Instr. No [ ] Parcel Identification No (PIN) [076000000054A2 ] Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [076000000054A2 ] Short Property Description [Interest in Lot C ] Current Property Address (Address 1) [ ] (Address 2) [ ] (City, State, zip) [Albemarle County ][VA ] [ Instrument Prepared by Recording Paid for by Return Recording to (Name) (Address 1) (Address 2) (City, State, Zip) Customer Case ID Cover Sheet Page # 1 of 3 [Payne & Hodous LLP [Payne & Hodous LLP [Payne & Hodous LLP [412 E Jefferson St [Charlottesville [03-3329 j l [VA ] [22902 ][ Instrument Control Number Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record instruments Continuation Cover Sheet Form C [ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.66) WM- GI n n Date of Instrument: [6/23/2005 A R R O Instrument Type: [COR-PL ] X A A R N N P Number of Parcels [ 5] E T T X O E Number of Pages [ 7] ;----_- ----------------------------------------••---•---•--------.-•-----•----- M R city ❑ County [] [Albemarle County ] (Box for Deed Stamp Dryly) P Grantom/Grantees/Parcel Continuation Form C Last Name F First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix ❑ ❑ ® x❑ [Hummingbird Holdings ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ❑❑❑❑ [ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑0000 Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County ® [Albemarle County ] Percent. in this Juris. [ 1001 Book [2726 j Page 169 ] Instr. No j Parcel Identification No (PIN) [076000000054A0 ] Tax Map Num. (if different than PIN) [076000000054A0 ] Short Property Description [Interest in 0.165 AC ] Current Property Address (Address 1 ) [ ] ] (Address 2) [ ] (City, state, zip) [Albemarle County ] [VA ] [ ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County ® [Albemarle County Book [2726 ] Page [69 1 Parcel Identification No (PIN) Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) Short Property Description Current Property Address (Address 1) (Address 2) (City, State, Zip) Cover Sheet Page # 2 of 3 [unnumbered [unnumbered [Interest in 0.392 AC [ [ [Albemarle County ] Percent. In this Juris. [ 100] Instr. No [ ] l 1 ] 1 ] l [VA l I ] Instrument Control Number Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Continuation Cover Sheet Form C i(ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.66] Tj n n n Date of Instrument: [6/23/2005 A R R O Instrument Type: [COR-PL ] X A A R E N T N T P Number of Parcels [ 51 x O E Number of Pages [ 71 '--------------------- ---•---------------------------- M R E City ❑ Coun �-1 (Box for Deed Stamp Only) ty[]x [Albemarle County ] P Grantors/Grantees/Parcel Continuation Form C T Last Name First Name Middle Name or initial Suffix EJQEjQ 1:11:11:1 El ❑❑❑❑0000 E lC ][ ][ ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County® [Albemarle County ] Percent. In this Juris. [ 1001 Book [2726 ] Page 169 ] Instr. No [ ] Parcel Identification No (PIN) [076000000046A0 ] Tax Map Num. (if different than PIN) [076000000046A0 ] Short Property Description [Interest in Parcel 46A ] Current Property Address (Address 1) [ ] (Address 2) [ ] ] (City, State, zip) [Albemarle County ][VA ] [ ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County® [Albemarle County ] Percent. In this Juris. [ 100] Book [2726 ] Page [69 ] Instr. No [ ) Parcel Identification No (PIN) [07600000005400 Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [07600000005400 ] Short Property Description [Interest in Lot A ] Current Property Address (Address 1) [ ] 1 (Address 2) [ ] (City, state, Zip) [Albemarle County ][VA If ] '`fi, '� L Cover Sheet Page # 3 of 3 aIf1030 Return to: Tax Map: 0760000054A2; 076000000054A0; an unnumbered parcel; 076000000046A0; and Elizabeth H. Woodard, Esquire 07600000005400 P. O. Box 438 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Prepared by: Payne & Hodous, L.L.P. THIS DEED OF CORRECTION made this 23rd day of June, 2005, by and between N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor; and GAMBIT. L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, whose address is: P.O. Box 6846, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6846, PRANA LAND LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, whose address is: P.O. Box 8336, Charlottesville, VA 22906-8336, and HUMMINGBIRD HOLDINGS, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, whose address is: P.O. Box 8336, Charlottesville, VA 22906-8336, hereinafter referred to as the Grantees, WITNESSETH; THAT, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the stun of ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT AND 77I100 Dollars ($1,542,828.77), cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and at the direction of Republic Title Services, as qualified intermediary in tax -deferred exchanges by Gambit, L.L.C., Prana Land LLC and Hummingbird Holdings, LLC, the Grantor does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY, with GENERAL WARRANTY and ENGLISH COVENANTS OF TITLE, unto Gambit, L.L.C. an undivided 25% interest, unto Prana Land LLC an undivided 20% interest and unto Hummingbird Holdings, LLC an undivided 5% interest, as tenants in common, in and to the following described property, to -wit: Parcel One: All that certain tract or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, on the south side of Interstate Route 64, containing 11.074 acres, more or less, shown as Lot C on a plat made by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd. dated October 23, 2001, revised January 24, 2002, recorded with a certificate of plat in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2168, page 105; BEING a portion of the property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from Charles H. Pirkey, et al., dated March 1, 1971, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 485, page 246. As evidenced by Articles of Organization filed with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. Parcel o: All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, on the north side of State Route 631, containing 0.165 acre, more or less, as shown on a plat by Huffman, Foster & Associates, dated February 16, 1971, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, in Deed Book 485, page 287; BEING the same property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a limited partnership, by deed from Nancy F. Lawson, widow, dated March 11, 1971, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 485, page 285. As evidenced by Articles of Organization filed with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. Parcel Three: All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, lying in the Scottsville Magisterial District, Albemarle County, Virginia, being as shown on Sheet 6 of the planes for Route 631, State Highway Project 0631-002-224, C-502, and recorded in State Highway Plat Book XII, page 117, and lying north of and adjacent to the north proposed right of way line of Route 631, from the lands now or formerly belonging to Southeast Limited Partnership, now N + S, L.C., at a point approximately 62 feet left of approximate Station 132+00.15 (survey and construction centerline) to the lands now or formerly belonging to Melvin R. and Edith M. Walker at a point approximately 59.88 feet left of approximate Station 135+85.35 (survey and construction centerline), containing 0.392 acre, more or less; BEING the same property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from the Commonwealth of Virginia, acting by and through the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner, dated March 29, 1994, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 1403, page 366. As evidenced by Articles of Organization fled with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. Parcel Four: All that certain tract or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, lying on both sides of State Route 780 (Relocated), containing in the aggregate 10.162 acres, more or less, a portion of which is shown as Parcel 46A on a plat by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd. dated October 23, 2001, revised January 24, 2002, recorded with a certificate of plat in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2168, page 105 and the remaining western side of which is shown as Parcel 46A on a plat by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd. dated July 16, 2002, revised May 26, 2005, attached hereto and recorded herewith; BEING a portion of the property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from Sydney W. Britton, et al., dated August 11, 1971, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 492, page 369. As evidenced by Articles of Organization filed with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. Parcel live: All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, on the north side of State Route 631 (Relocated), containing 2.359 acres, more or less, shown as Lot A on a plat by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd, dated October 23, 2001, revised January 24, 2002, recorded with a certificate of plat in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2168, page 105; BEING a portion of the property conveyed to Southeast Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited partnership, by deed from Charles H. Pirkey, et al., dated March 1, 1971, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 485, page 246. As evidenced by Articles of Organization filed with the State Corporation Commission and recorded in Partnership Book 14, page 615, N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, became successor in ownership to Southeast Limited Partnership. The property hereby conveyed is subject to any and all easements, restrictions, reservations, and conditions contained in duly recorded deeds, plats and other instruments constituting constructive notice in the chain of title to the above described property which have not expired by a time limitation contained therein or have not otherwise become ineffective. This Deed of Correction is executed solely to correct the deed dated April 2, 2004, from N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, to GAMBIT, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, PRANA LAND LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, and HUMMINGBIRD HOLDINGS, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, in Deed Book 2726, page 69, by revising the description of Parcel Four to correct the acreage and refer to the attached plat by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, Ltd. dated July 16, 2002, revised May 26, 2005. The recordation tax on said original deed was paid at the time of recordation and no additional tax is required for admitting to record this deed of correction, in accordance with Virginia Code Section 58.1-810.2 (1950), as amended. WITNESS the following duly authorized signature and seal; N + S, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By, AAJ11 , j''t 5 Y (SEAL) W. K. Heischman, Manager STATE OF VC nnt CITY/GGbWT `'OF L0 ..614 , to -wit: The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me this .,Z?�'� aay of 2005, by W. K. Heischman, Manager, on behalf of N + S, L.C., a Virginia limite iability company. My commission expires: g 3i /,W a{p a a � q a � � O a h h W 2 I1` W V d Iron Set PARCEL 46A 4. 495 Acres Iron $er 4 a O p0 Gam" s ger c* PARCEL 46F / iron cr Irelset 0.599 acre Sitc� �$et lro "Av e 'era 40 T0C% d Set Ire^ lop E a '�N GT BOUNDARY LINES ALONG STATE ROUTES TC9 700, 875 AND 1112 BASE'0 UPON R1W PLANS PROPOSED poor!/ rNE VIRB/NIA DEPARrA/EN r Or HISHWAYS. 1r0o Set O r, M. 76 Porcd/ 4601 m a o ti _ N � w fJL • � tm w _o d O rt O aQ iron get y 0 4 a # N -w b w N � w N •V O O r Se , t"I 6 k�, A 030� �0 Irs�Bt S x� 0 s:te� do u 41 € 5 P L A T S H O W I N G REMAIN I N Q WESTERN S113E OF PARCELS 46A 8 46F ON S H E E T 76 C D U N T Y TAX MA PS A L B E M A"R L E C 0 U_ N T Y , V I R 6 1 N I A J u l 1 6 2 0 0 2 REVISED, MAY 26 ,2003 0 no 100 ISO 200 tso 300 'nn! ,.,_. B. AUORE Y HUFFMAN AS.SOCIATES LTD. CtVt L ENGIN EER lKe, LAND BURY EYt He and LAND PLANK IN 6 CHA RLOTTESVILLE , • VIRGINIA SHEET 1 OF2 CURVE Z4rA / NO. DEL rA RADIUS rAN6EN r ARC C/ 7031"22 200.G7' 13.13, 26,26' C2 9034'33 200.0e), 16.75" 33.43, C3 250Z4'27" /19. 55 26.95' 53.01 , LINE OAr4 L I N 38°47'48"W L 2 N 33 a /3' 02" W L3 N 20 17'314£ L 4 5 2° 17'31 " W l .1 5 60 45' 42" E L 6 N 78035'44 " £ L 7 N 33011 '17" E r,M. 76 PorCel 52L 40.04' 26. 24 25. 08' 1 7. 9 0' ?5. 00' 30. 71' 23.02 Ito -1 4 got lb �0 0 r. M. 76 � y PorCel 52 L(1J � J 0 Q` IFap get o� 4 Q k Q PA R CEL 46A 4.495 Acres .. T.M. 76 ParCe / 4 6 C / a � ,n �V � m h w c ,q v �` ` I rsn e! �i Px N + a+ of 0 O Z ✓ f SA v- '„ ford a �► o j •O O h of p Isar o ° 0 O a M h PL A T S H 0 W I N G REMAI N 1 NG WESTERN SIDE OF PARCELS 46A Eat 46F ON SHEET 76 COUNTY TAX MAPS A L 0 E M A R L I! C 0 U N T Y , V I R 0 1 N I A J u l y 1 6, 2002 REVISEDr MAY 26, 2005 o go loo 150 00 ago Sao ` B. A U B R E Y H UFF-M A N Ek • A'S S•O CIATES LTD. j CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING and LAND PLOWNIN0 CHARLOT•TESVtLLE, VIRGINIA. SHEET 2 OF2 RECORDED IN CLERKS OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE ON August 01,2005 AT 10:54:19 AM $0.00 GRANTOR TAX PO AS REQUIRED BY VA CODE 168,1.802 STATE: $0,00 LOCAL: $0.00 ALBEMA E COUNTY VA SHELBY SH CLERF Cl CUIT COURT dC I P.C. 118+02.73 SK. Oman FEAVAM W-11 4 7o Cays'ekl6'110n OR J� 11 +01.92 AHD. N&C 1 SD RD0IM71001 AND CONTROL CF W-WO lair ae NA= IV OWN AS 0WED NEMMM 9Y + sw�E A16 WAXH/T € ROUIE 0 1 3(1"PO, 7IL D!°�ARTiOIT. 1 3 r VA. am 0631-Oat-224,�i102 5 ®CONSTRUCTICN €L BC CONSTRUCTION (L H/T y� 90' N&C s�N-w 7j :o S 6"Id&C MVAIt t.NIKANQt F-WVA It tNIKANUL 'a. ,,," STA. 110+00 RIGHT STA. 110+00 RIGHT 90 SET i 6 P.L-10+00.00,A=90' PJ.-10+D0.o0.A=90' A-78'43!DYLT. A-53119'21'RT. P.I. 125+i4.84 Dag}40`24" 0-15247'20" P.O.T. 134+34.30SET T-49.24' L=8 31' R=62.50' L-34.90' R:rU.50 mm �� •••nwns nw►.! 1x "L. P— -1 sat e 1a+45-00 P.R.C•-11+2&31 gor y. 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A-5448'20'LT_ f.,Data= VOLOURM nFROFM 7B 0=10'38'29" 1k25.49•i3• . a OF PAVEIAI nT O T=48.5d T T1500'� L=9&72' L-21219' Or)w �vs� r�s R-536.42' R-221.83' C F / P_C-=10+44.12 P.C.C--11+42.84 P.I.=10+93.62 P L-12+57J34 WOMB, PC•tb1ANi1i[ caPlslRuc11ae1 taO1s P-C_C.-T1+4284 P.T.-13+55-R3 DRMACE EASB M (C)— ffim•L Q 04 8 Southeast Ltd Pm'tne'Shp 46. M-W FE-e FEWK INWD. nm� x• rt� C les'b. il0se am mmomws ow UWECCL ayr F�--�L 5 3w,+.