HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197000001 Application 1970-01-20 Application for Variance
The undersigned applicant—(is) (ate) the owner_of the following described property:
In(?#4,'gagaUt1/t. Magisterial District
The petitioner_request5that the said Board doth grant:
96,7)/oPl Ty 70 //4 A `1 72177 1-4e,rFt -e6-
8&TIfE-4 ,4 Y/VA /54/;c V .24/0'7 v/c'�i�"�C�
tO to T / i r'.0 oct 6, 5 -C 7toi., A P 2),vr.0
The applicant—makel_this request because:
Fiexlew. All /114P4= /5y CFitrtt?/ few z`R 4'A -
Si77 n/C li d's /N TQ4' /C:bt'ITi.�1G / ,2 i i/V'
&l E `to Co/2 VA—fri/2 E' !d,/ f EY 7-a.4/ De vi:`
The person.and (their) address owning and/or occupying adjacent pro-
perty to the property sought to be affected (are) (is): (Give names of all owners adjacent,
across the road or highway and facing the property and any owners across any railroad right-
of-way from such property. In the event the property affected is situated at or within 100 feet
of the intersection of any two or more roads or highways, at or within one hundred feet of
the intersection of the rights-of-way of any two railroads, give names of property owners at
all corners of any such intersection).
Name Lot or tract Mailing Address
//L.*R; Nepears;ij( 4 Po,, ,& 99 P
9/3 teiMPLe?71 o r/c i LL yr
itz/'ia7/v E57 // rS". 4L5- /43
1/w,e-hereby depose and say that all of the above statements and the statements contained
in any exhibits transmitted are true.
cVaLL'ittL 9-6 19 '74'
Applicanthr tze
Mailing address /-3a i80,4 9)
te/dp '/0 ��i/t�,��/ 9-09e/
Telephone Number li'v'
Subscribed and sworn to before me this_day of 19
My commission expires 19
Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals
February 3 , 1970
5 : 30 P . M.
1 . Call to order .
2 . Establishment of quorum.
3 . Approval of minutes :
A . December 9 , 1969
4 . Public Hearing :
A. Variance . Henry W . Maclin , Jr . . Applicant has
petitioned the Albemarle Board of Zoning Appeals for
a 1 . 9 foot variance from the minimum setback as
found in Article 5-3 , Setback Regulations , in R-3
Residential Districts . Property is located at the
intersection of Peyton Drive and Commonwealth Drive
and described as Tax Map 61W , Parcel 9A , Lot 1 ,
Block G , Section III , "Westfield " . Charlottesville ,
Virginia .
5 . Old Business .
6 . New Business .
7 . Adjournment .
- Pag& 33 0-
December 9 , 1969
This was a regular meeting of the Albemarle County
Board of Zoning Appeals held on December 9 , 1969 at 5 : 30
P . M. in the Board of Supervisors meeting room with the
following members present : Judge Savory E . Amato , Chairman ;
Herbert Pickford , Vice-Chairman ; E . H . Bain and Harry Brown .
Absent was : W . P . Heath .
The Chairman established that a quorum was present .
The minutes of November 18 , 1969 were approved
unanimously as submitted .
At this time the Chairman called for the variance of
Jim Price and Hayne Dominick .
A . Variance . Jim Price and Hayne Dominick . Applicants
have requested a variance from the maximum high
of signs permitted in a B-1 Business zone of 17
feet for one and a 6 foot variance for one .
Applicants also are requesting a 15 foot variance
from the setback requirements for 4 signs in a
B-i zone . Property concerned is located on Pantop ' s
Mountain . Tax Map 78 , Parcels 15 and 15B ( 1 ) .
Charlottesville Magisterial District .
After which Hayne Dominick presented a petition of
Jim Price Chevrolet and Toyota Motor Company . After a general
discussion , relating to topography location and vehicle
safety , Mr . Bain made the following motion seconded by
Mr. Brown that Toyota Motor Company be granted a 15
foot variance from the minimum setback of 30 feet for 3
signs . Motion was approved unanimously by those members
present . A second motion was presented by Mr. Brown seconded
by Mr. Bain that Jim Price Chevrolet be granted a 15 foot
variance from the minimum setback as required and a 17 foot
variance in height requirements for the sign to be located
at the eastern most entrance of Jim Price Chevrolet and that
the petition for a variance for the second sign relating to
a 15 foot variance of the western most entrance be denied
but to approve the 6 foot variance in height as requested
for the second sign . The motion carried unanimously .
Page 34
( B . Variance . Carroll J . Jones , Sr . and A . Lyle
Ward . Applicants have petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Zoning Appeals for a 12 foot
variance from the required setback from a road of
30 feet to locate a sign . Property is located
on the south side of Route 250 East at the
intersection of Route 250 and Rivanna River . Tax
Map 78 , Parcel 17A( 1 ) , Charlottesville Magisterial
( District .
After a general discussion relating to site , distances
and location , Mr . Bain made the following motion seconded
by Mr . Brown that a 12 foot variance to the minimum setback
requirements of 30 feet be granted provided that the sign
as proposed by Mr . Ward is not to exceed the size of the
existing Shell sign (one face) and that a sign be located
so as to provide a 10 foot clearance from ground level to
the bottom of the proposed sign . The motion carried
unanimously by those members present .
At this time the Chairman called for the Special
Exception of Waverly Cosner .
C . Special Exception . Waverly Cosner . Applicant
has petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals for
a Special Exception to the minimum lot size as
found in an A-1 zone . Applicant requests a 0 . 19
acres exception . Property is located on south side
of Route 53 , immediately east of the intersection
of Route 729 and Route 53 , Tax Map 93 , Parcel 47A .
Scottsville District .
Mr . Cosner presented the petition stating the reasons
for the request . After a general discussion , Mr . Brown
made the following motion seconded by Mr . Pickford that
the Special Exception of Waverly Cosner as advertised be
approved as submitted . The motion carried unanimously .
• In approving this Special Exception , the Board of Appeals
found that the granting of this Special Exception to the
minimum lot size would in no way conflict with the intent
of the ordinance and they found that substantial justice
would be done by the granting of this .
At this time the Chairman called for the variance of
Safeway Stores Incorporated .
Page 35
D . Variance , Safeway Stores Incorporated . Applicant
has petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals for a
15 foot variance from the minimum setback from a
road of 30 feet as found in the B-1 Business District .
Property is located at the intersection of Route 743
and Route 29 N . , Tax Map 61W , Parcel 6 (4 ) , 6 ( 2) .
Charlottesville Magisterial District .
Mr . Beverly Page , representative of Safeway , presented
his petition . After a general discussion on the merits of
the petition , Mr . Bain made the following motion seconded
by Mr . Brown that the variance as submitted be approved for
a 15 foot variance from the minimum setback of 30 feet .
The motion carried unanimously .
At this time the Chairman asked the Board whether or
not they wished to instruct the secretary to inform the
Virgnia Department of Highways of Albemarle County ' s
requirements for locating signs to establish a better
channel of cooperation and to prevent future involuntary
violations relating to the required setback for signs . It
was the consensus of those present that this be done .
There being no further business , the meeting was
adjourned .
WILLIAM D. CANNON, JR. President t t JOHN E. DUDLEY, Vice-President
January 30, 1970
Mr. John L. Humphries , County Planner
Planning Department
County of Albemarle
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Dear Mr . Humphries :
This is to advise that I have no objection to the
Westfield Corporation' s application for a 1.9 foot
variance between Peyton Drive and the entrance set
out of the Westfield Club Apartments, building num-
ber 2407.
Sincerely ,
William D. Ca nOn, Jr .
IN'` � Sherwood Manor, North Lawn, Westfield Village. Colonial Towne
ROUTE 29 NORTH • CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 ® TELEPHONE: DAY 973-4311 & 973.4312 NIGHT 973-3128
January 23, 1970
Mr. John L. Humphrey
County Planner
Tannin; Dept.
County of Albemarle
Charlottesville, Virginia.
Dear Mr. Humphrey:
This is to advise you that I have no objections to the
Westfield Corporation' s application for a one point nine foot various
in between Peyton Drive and the entrance set out of the aestfield
Club Apartments Building #2407.
J,1/1) f/A0
S. (1. : ei_schman
O TH/ms
January 21, 1970
Mr. John L. Humphries, County Planner
Planning Department
County of Albemarle
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Dear Mr. Humphries:
This is to advise that I have no objection to the Westfield
Corporation's application for a 1.9 foot variance between
Peyton Drive and the entrance set out of the Westfield
Club Apartments, building number 2407.
He . Maclin, Jr.
January 21, 1970
Mr. John L. Humphries, County Planner
Planning Department
County of Albemarle
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Dear Mr. Humphries:
This is to advise that I have no objection to the Westfield
Corporation's application for a 1.9 foot variance between
Peyton Drive and the entrance set out of the Westfield
Club Apartments, building number 2407.
Dr. Charles W. Hurt
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