HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197100010 Public Notification 1971-05-20 • . /
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A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 20th day of
May, 1971 .
Present: Messrs. E. N. Garnett, Joseph E. Gibson, F. E. Paulett, Gordon
L. Wheeler, Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. 'and R. A. Yancey.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney. r. .
The meeting opened with the Lord' s Prayer led by Mr. Garnett.
On motion by Mr. Paulett; seconded. by Mr. Wheeler, minutes of the meetings
of April 12 and April 15, 7)71 , were approved as submitted.
Communication was received from Alcova Associates, Inc. , requesting that
roads in Key West Subd-ivisior, be accepted into the Secondary System. Mr. R. G.
Warner, Resident Engineer, reported that as of the last inspection by his depart-
ment, most of the subject road improvements had been completed. The folloting
resolution was offered by Ir. Wood, seconded by Mr. Yancey, and unanimously
BE IT RECOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways be and
is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways,
subject to final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway
Department, the following roads located in Key West Subdivision,
Albemarle County, the total length of which is 1 .60 miles:
Key West Drive commencing at Route 8i6 and proceeding west •
and north to its intersection with Northwest Drive.
Entire length of Northwest Drive.
George Rogers Road beginning at its intersection with Key
West Drive and. continuing northerly to its intersection
with Bollingbrook Lrr ive.
Entire length of Bollingbrook Drive.
BE lT RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways
be and is hereby" guaranteed a 50 ft. unobstructed right of way and
drainage easements on these requested additions as recorded by plats
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County
as follo aa: Deed Meek 353, ;ages 193-197; Deed Book 371 , page 474; j
Deed Book 420, page 259;; Deed Book •182, page 233
Mr. Warner rcr,ort.ed on inluctri.al access project; Route 660 to Murray Manu-
facturing,, advising that cc:'. _t.'uc t':,n estimates have exceeded ;;?U0,000 and, if
ce::strue:,c a as Z].`.'c)`;). �d, . 1 !*,OUO would have to be financed from
:ec,..n j 7lry funds snre%i Ier a couple t'.' }; rlI':.i, lie stated thai. a decision would
2srtti':. to :f1mde rt '_i,, ; :.,h,: • . . :alt, ''c of thes.f funds. ire further advised.
h' l: o
. �� a . . i: .:i,~1 I, v_c :, of ra sing con.'t,ru:,tion cost,..;. Mr.
• 385
Wheeler stated that a committee from the Earlysville Ruritan Club is ready to
work with those landowners not willing to donate rights of way when these are
known and he will get with Mr. Warner with regard to this matter.
Mr. Warner also reported that the last two parcels needed for rights of
way in connection with Route 640 (A,T.&T. Industrial. Access Project) , involve
heirs to estates but this project should be ready to start by the middle of
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Board should go on record requesting that
consideration be given to funds for interchanges on Interstate 64 which are
switching traffic to different roads. It was pointed out that this matter
could be called. to ,the attention of the Highway Commission at the hearing
scheduled. for June 17. After discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by lr. Wood, and unanimously carried, directing the County Executive
to include this request in a communication addressed to the Highway Commission
to be presented at the said hearing by Mr. J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer.
Mr. Yancey again called Mr. Warner' s attention to Route 684. He said the
shoulders are low and there are many chuck holes. He is continuing to receive
numerous complaints about the condition of this road. Mr, Warner advised that
work was begun within the week on pulling shoulders up and patching.
Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenblum inquired regarding the status of Route 743. A
discussion followed in which the County Executive recommended that the Highway
Department do preliminary and final plans on this road based on planning depart-
ment estimates of development and traffic pattern. On motion by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, it was ordered that this request
also be included in the communication to be presented to the Highway Commission
on June 17 and that said request include the urgent need for expediency.
Communication was received from the State Highway Department advising that
as requested in resolution by this Board on February 18, 1971 , Windfield Cir e and
Pinehurst Court in Oak Hill Subdivision were accepted into the Secondary System,
effective April 15, 1971 .
Communication was received from the State Highway Department advising that
as requested in resolution by this Board on November 19, 1970, Ricky Road in
Queen Charlotte Subdivision was accepted into the Secondary System, effective
May 1 , 1971 .
Communication was received from the State Highway Department advi sing that
as requested in resolution by this Board on April 15, 1971 , the following addition
and abandonment was approved, effective 1..ay 7, 1971 :
Addition - S_'ction.. 4 an ri of now location of Route 618, from Station 15+00 to
Station ,l t P ,-mot ' > > S ( t � t
.1�� ..li, ii)�t �� �t_ li)^l�.i -.1�i3,,,->c11 length il.•/U mile.
Abandonncnt - Section::tion:: 1 any. 3 of old location of Route 618, between Station
15:ou and Station 39i20, l'ro,;ect O618-0u2-143,0-501 , .length 0. 17
/''� ILLL
Communication was received from the Department of Highways enclosing tenta-
tive allocations of Interstate and Rural Primary construction funds for the
fiscal year 1971-72 and announcing public hearing on same at 9:00 A.M. on June
17, 1971 , in the Department of Highways Auditorium, 1221 East Broad Street,
Richmond, Virginia.
Mr. Clarence McClure, Superintendent of Schools, appeared and submitted
resolutions of the School Board requesting permission to request loans in the
total sum of e1 ,600,000 to finance the construction of the proposed elementary I
school north of Charlottesville and to let bids at the earliest possible date.
The following resolution was received in connection with $900,000 loan from the
Virginia Supplemental Retirement System:
"PE IT RE LmD by the County School Board of Albemarle County, Virginia:
1 . It is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow
the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand DolRina (w900,000) for the purpose of
school. construction in Albee.axle County. It is desired to contract with •
the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System to
borrow such amount pursuant to Chapter 6, Title 15. 1 , Code of Virginia of
1950, as amended.
2. A certified copy of this resolution shall be presented by the Clerk
of this Board to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, with the
request that the Board of Supervisors approve the resolution. If the
Board of Supervisors approves this resolution, then the Chairman of this •
Board and the Superintendent of Schools, or either of them, are hereby
author.ised and directed to present a certified copy of this resolution
together with evidence of a„proval thereof by the Board. of Supervisors
to, and to endeavor to negotiate an agreement with, the Board of Trustees
of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for the borrowing of such
money. _
3. This resolution shall take effect immediately."
The following resolution. was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and
adopted by the following recorded vote:
. AYES: Messrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None. •
1 . The resolution adopted by the County School Board. of Albemarle County on
the 10th day of May, 1971 , determining the necessity and expedience of
borrowing Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000) from the Virginia Sup-
plemental Retirement System pursuant to Chapter 6, Title 15. 1 , Code of Vir-
ginia of 1950, as amended, for the purpose of school construction in Albemarle
County is hereby approved in all respects. A certified copy of such resolu-
tion shall be filed with the minutes of this meeting.
2. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Clerk of the
County Sehool Board. tt
3. This resolution shall teke effect imrnei_iatuly.
Mr. McClure also submitted application for a Literary And loan on the amount of
w ju0,00o. The :'o]L sl ut; re..olution was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler
and adopted by the following recorded vote: -
AYES: t:essrs. Garnett, Gibson, Paulett, Wheeler, Wood and Yancey.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, the School Board for the County of Albemarle, on the
20th day of May, 1971 , presented to this Board, an application addressed
to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing
from the Literary Fund $700,000 for the new school building five miles
north of Charlottesville, to be paid in 30 annual installments, and the
interest thereon at 3% paid annually;
RESOLVED, That the application of the County School Board to the
State Board of Education of Virginia for a loan of $700,000 from the
Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the
said County School Board to borrow the said amount for the purpose set
out in said application.
The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year during the
life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate
of levy for schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for opera-
tion expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and the interest
thereon, as required by law regulating loans from the Literary Fund.
On motion by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously carried, the
School Board was authorized to proceed with plans to receive bids for the con-
struction of the Northside Elementary School June 10 and to let contract for a
completion date by September, 1972, the total cost of which shall not exceed the
approved sum of $1 ,600,000.
At 10:00 A.M. the Chairman called for public hearing on zoning requests as
advertised in the Daily Progress on April 29, May 5 and May 12, 1971 :
'( 1) T2-157 - Application of Fountain Court Assoc. to rezone 2.18 acres from
R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential. Property located on Route 631 , 500 ft.
northwest of Greenbrier Drive.
The Chairman pointed out that this application was deferred from the regular May
meeting for field inspection by the Board. Yr. Humphrey reviewed recommendation
of the staff and Planning Commission which was for denial of the request. Mr.
Jack Schwab appeared in support of the application. A large delegation was present
in opposition, the spokesman for which was Mr. Steve Carwile, Attorney. Mr. George
Long, a City resident, also spoke in opposition. Communication was received from
the City :tanager advising that the storm sewer serving the subject area would not
be large enough to handle the normal runoff for the proposed use under R-3. Re-
port was also received from the County Engineer on probable effect of drainage.
After d.i eaueeion, motion was offered by Mr. Wood, se, onded by Mr. Gibson, and
t i! ou_ly al ,pted, the 1l :ni .: t . � 1ecc .:.0 ; i n to deny tin s
rI qut ..t.
(2) ZFT-162 - Application of Alexander and Mary Joan Rives and Elnora Brassfjeld
to rezone 1 .0 acre from A-1 to R-1 . Property located on -Route 740 near •
Ci.cmon t.
Mr. and Mrs. Rives were present with their attorney, Mr. Junius Eishburn who
spoke in their behalf. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. Humphrey advised that
the staff and Planning Commission recommended that the subject property be zoned
11S-1 which was agreeable to the applicant. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. Gibson and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission
was accepted. • I
(3) ZMP-163 - Application of David J. Wood Jr. to rezone 1 .463 acres from P-2
to l:-3. Property is loc ted between Hydraulic Road and. Route 29 North on a
proposed extension of Greenbrier Road.
Mr. Wood was present in support of his application. No one appeared in opposi-
tion. Mr. Humphrey reported that the staff and the Planning Commission recom-
mended that the request be granted. On motion by Yr. Gibson, seconded by Mr.
Yancey and unanimously adopted., the recommendation of the Planning Commission was
(4) ZMP-164 - Application of David J. Wood, Jr. to rezone four parcels ( 1 .942
acres, 1 .365 acres, 1 .365 acres and 1 .647 acres) from R-3 to B-1 . Property
is located between Hydraulic Road and Route 29 North of a proposed extension
of Greenbrier Road..
Mr. Humphrey advised that the staff and the Planning Commission, by a five to one
vote, recommended denial. Mr. Wood requested that he be given permission to r_
withdrawn without prejudice his application on parcels A anti D and leave the appli-
cation for rezoning of parcels B and C before the Board for consideration. After
discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey and unani-
mously adopted, to refer this amended request back to the Planning Commission for
(5) UP-71-01 - Application of Ted T. and Katherine Tucker to the Board of Super-
visors to amend the permitted use section in an A-1 Zone to permit with a
Special Permit a "Motor Sport Park" and related facilities.
Mr. Humphrey reported that the Planning Commission recommended denial of this ap-
plication. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were present, represented by their attorney, Mr.
R. B. Chandler, who described the proposed operation. Appearing in opposition
were Savory Amato (who presented petition signed by neighbors in the immediate
area) , a Mrs. McFarland, Elizabeth Rosenblum and Frank Kessler. Mr.. Robert Goad
and Mr. Tom Howard appeared in favor of the application. On motion by Mr.
Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Gibson and unanimously adopted, the recommendation of
the Planning Commission was accepted.
(6) CU-49, - Application of the A?'hear:rle County Service Authority to locate a
sewa, e trcatr::tnt plant on 15.0 acres o1' A-1 land on the S.auth Fork of the
Riv<aiana River northeast of Carrsbroo
No one from the pulglic appeared.. Mr. Humphrey advi eed. that the Planning Commis-
:si on rL;co-nenJwi. approval s„bj ect to mu i tat-o :screen being provided to screen from
view the facilities gas they relate to the aJjoinini; property to the north of the
1 j
subject property. On motion by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson and unani-
mously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was accepted.
Mr. John Smith of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Workshop appeared along
with Mr. Arthur G. Daniels, Chief Probation Officer of the Juvenile and Domes-
tic :Relations Court. Mr. Smith reviewed application for Law Enforcement
Administration Funds for a one year pilot program which would allow the court
to have funds at its disposal to purchase services in the prevention of de-
linquency through using the Workshop and, its work adjustment program. Mr.
Smith stated that he was seeking the endorsement of this body. The County
Executive recommended that it be made clear that, if this endorsement is given,
this does not indicate approval of the County as to local funds in the future
since he feels this is a problem of the State and not the local government.
Mr. Gibson advised that he was disqualifying himself from voting on this matter
since he was a member of the Board, but would hope the Board of Supervisors
would not make any stipulations regarding need for future funds since the care
of our children is our responsibility at the local level. After discussion,
motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and carried, endorsing
the program and application as outlined by Mr. Smith. Mr. Gibson did not vote.
The Board was advised that the proposed Soil Erosion Ordinance was not
drafted in time to be advertised for public hearing at this meeting. On motion
by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Yancey and unanimously carried, public hearing
on this ordinance was set for 1 :30 P.M. and June 17, 1971 . Mrs. Martin of the
Citizens for Albemarle reported on meeting of that group in regard to their
interest in this matter.
• Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. J. S. McIntyre for two
lambs killed by dogs. On motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. good, Mr. Mc-
Intyre was allowed $7.00 for the amaller of these lambs and. $15.00 for the larger
Claim against the Dog Tax Nand was received. from Mr. Guy Via for a number
of sheep killed by dogs. Mr. Via was present and stated that he felt that he
should be paid for damages incurred in addition to the market value. After a
short discussion, action on these claims w r5'e deferred and the Board requested
that Mr. Sam Robertson, Dog Warden, be requested to appear at the June meeting to
discuss this matter.
Mr. Joe Stephens reported_ that the cc::.mittee apj•oirlted by this Board to inter-
view prospective replacements for the position of LUU:lty EXLensiOn Agent wished to
reeo:: .111 the Etppcir:tm_nt of Mr. 1%ic112.rd ;,ili to of North Caroling.: who would 1)0
available July 1 ;St or di..scus pion ;.ith Mr. Stei,h._ns regarding Mr. White' :, -
c:?peri('rr,'.r' and cl ,j,'.:.i 1.a ty , motion as a . rod by Mr. Wheeler,r, seconded of Mr.
Gi ii..ori arid un:,nir,;cr.e ly car'ri ed , ac.;c epti r:L' the recom• r,dd ation or the committee.
Application was received from W. Gooch, Impey and J. Posey to operate
a golf driving range on the River Bend property, leased from Dr. Chas. Hurt,
said property bounded on the south and west by the Rivanna River, on the north
by Route 250, and on the east by the Dr. Pepper Bottling Company and the Thomas
Moore property, and containing,an area of pproximately 150 x 300 yards. On
motion by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Wood and unanimously carried, this appli-
cation was referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation and public
hearing on same by this Board was set for 2:30 P.M. on June 17, 1971 . rF
Mr. John Humphrey gave a,report on the problem of junk cars in the County,
advising that there are approximately 6500 such cars in Albemarle. He gave a
brief explanation of the facilities now available through Coiner for the com-
paction of junk cars and stated that his department was ready to again start
enforcing the ordinance. After some discussion, Mr. Humphrey was directed to
let summer internes in his office make a study of the location of such cars and
to seek cooperation of owners in the disposal of the cars, particularly those in
sight from the public highways.
Statements of expenses for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office
and the Office of the Commonwealth' s Attorney were submitted for the month of
April, 1971 . On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, -these statements
were approved.
Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail was
submitted along with summary statements of prisoner days and State inspection for
the month of April, 1971 . On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, these
statements were approved.
Claim of the Jail Physician was submitted for the month of April, 1971 , in
the amount of $34.00, of which two-third is reimbursable by the State. On motion
by tar. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Paulett, this claim was unanimously approved for
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare were submitted for the month of
April, 1971 , in accordance with Sections 63-67. 1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of
S.L.H. report for the month of April, 1971 , was received from Dr. George
Moore, Joint Health Director.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of w2167.53 was
submitted for hospitalization of indigent patients under S.L.II. for the month of
April , 1971 , and on motion by :,'.r. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Gibson, was unanimously
approved for payment.
}report of the County Executive was submi tted for the month of April , 1971 ,
for i nfor ration.
The County Executive reviewed communications with regard to this County' s
participation in use of Juvenile Detention Home in Staunton, pointing out that
the original localities were each charged the sum of S37,500.00 as their share
of capital costs. At the time this facility was completed, Albemarle was con-
sidering the construction of a home to serve localities in this area and did not
join in the capital but has been using the facilities on a contractural per diem
basis. At times, the present facilities are crowded and space is not available
to localities who are not part owners. In checking the need and in conferring
with the State, it was felt that Albemarle and Charlottesville should attempt to
buy into the home in Staunton rather than construct a facility in this area. The
cost to buy in at ,this time would be S53,838.00. This would provide for expansion
of the home when needed to assure facilities. After discussion, motion was of-
fered by Mr. Yancey, seconded by Mr. Paulett, and unanimously carried, to "buy in"
to the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home, suspend rules with regard to
second reading, and adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that S53,838.00 be and the same is hereby appro-
priated to cover the cost of Albemarle County becoming a partici •
pating member of the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home.
Notice was received of State Corporation Commission hearing at 10:00 A.M. on
May 18, 1971 , on application of Wilson Trucking Corporation to operate as a common
carrier on Interstate 64 between Short Pump and Yancey Mills.
On motion by Yr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously carried, the
firm of Dulaney, Salley and Company was selected to audit the County's accounts
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971 .
On motion by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Yancey, it was ordered that check
No. 7850 for $9.75, made payable to Teaching Aids Institute, be cancelled since
this account was previously paid by Red Hill School.
Report of the S.P.C.A. for the month of April, 1971 , was received as infor-
Communication was received from Yrs. Williston L. Clover advising that there
is no provision for children attending private schools to have Drivers' Education
although the parents of these children are liable for the same taxes as are other
residents. She requested that the Board give serious consideration to providing
this course to all Albemarle County young people. The matter was referred to the
Albemarle Highway Safety Commission.