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Proffer Form
Date: February 8, 2007
ZMA: 2006-011
Tax Map and Parcel Numbers:
214,5 Acres was rezoned from
12 conditions of approval. On Mav 21, 1980, condition 8 of said conditions of approval was amended by
way of ZMA-80-07, On December 10, 1980, said property was rezoned from RPN-RS-1 to PRO (Planned
Residential Development) by way of a comprehensive rezoninq of Albemarle County. 14.176 Acres, a
portion of Tax Map 89, Parcel 73A, was rezoned from PRO to RA per ZMA-2004-13. This Proffer Form
does hereby amend the 12 conditions as approved on November 16, 1977 and amended on May 21, 1980.
This amendment is in accordance with the Application Plan titled Whittinqton, dated June 26, 2006: revised
11/22/06 and prepared by Dominion Development Resources, LLC
89-95, 90-3, 90-45, 46, 47, 48
A-1 to RPN/RS-1 on November 16, 1977 as ZMA-77 -18 and included
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized
agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property.
These conditions are proffered as an amendment to the conditions, which were part of the approved
. rezoning, and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gave rise to the need for the conditions; and (2)
such conditions had a reasonable relation to the rezoning request.
1. Approval is for a maximum potential of 96 single-family residential lots. Open Space is intended
to be held in private ownership by dedication to a homeowners' association. Responsibility for
and maintenance of Open Space shall be outlined in the Covenants and Restrictions of the
homeowners association. Prior to final plat approval, this document shall be reviewed and
approved by the Albemarle County Attorney's office.
2. Each lot shall be at least 40,000 gross square feet in area.
3. All lots shall use internal roads as the sole means of ingress/egress. Direct access from lots to
Route 631 will not be permitted.
4. Disturbance of slopes of 25% or greater shall be administratively approved by Albemarle County
engineering staff under the following circumstances: Prior to or in conjunction with final plat
submittal, the applicant shall submit an overlot grading plan to Albemarle County for engineering
staff review. An overlot grading plan is defined as a drawing showing existing and proposed
topographic features to be considered in the development of the proposed subdivision,
and satisfying the following:
a. The plan shall show all proposed streets, building sites, surface drainage, driveways, trails,
and other features the agent determines are needed to verify that the plan conforms to the
Application Plan Amendment for Whittington, dated June 26, 2006, last revised November
22, 2006 by Dominion Development Resources, LLC.
b. The plan shall be drawn to a scale not greater than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet.
c. All proposed grading shall be shown with contour intervals not greater than two (2) feet. All
concentrated surface drainage over lots shall be clearly shown with the proposed grading.
Application Plan
Proffer Form
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All proposed grading shall be shown to assure that surface drainage can provide adequate
relief from flooding of dwellings in the event a storm sewer fails.
d. Graded slopes on lots proposed to be planted with turf grasses (lawns) shall not exceed a
gradient of three (3) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall
(3: 1), Steeper slopes shall be vegetated with low maintenance vegetation as determined to
be appropriate by the program authority in its approval of an erosion and sediment control
plan for the land disturbing activity. These steeper slopes shall not exceed a gradient of two
(2) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (2:1), unless the
agent finds that the grading recommendations for steeper slopes have adequately addressed
the impacts.
e. Surface drainage shall not flow across more than three (3) lots before being collected in a
storm sewer or directed to a drainage way outside of the lots, No surface drainage across a
residential lot shall have more than one-half (1/2) acre of land draining to it.
f. All drainage from streets shall be carried across lots in a storm sewer to a point beyond the
rear of the building site.
g. The plan shall demonstrate that driveways to lots will not be steeper than twenty (20) percent
and shall include grading transitions at the street that the agent determines will allow
passenger vehicles to avoid scraping the vehicle body on the driveway or the street.
Additionally, the driveway grading shall provide an area in front of the proposed garage, or
an area proposed for vehicle parking where no garage is proposed, that is not less than
eighteen (18) feet in length that will be graded no steeper than eight (8) percent.
h. The plan shall demonstrate that an area at least ten (10) feet in width, measured outward
from the face of the structure, has grades no steeper than ten (10) percent adjacent to
possible entrances to dwellings. This graded area shall extend from entrances to driveways
or walkways connecting the dwelling to the street.
5. The minimum building setback from all interior public street right-of-way lines shall be thirty feet.
6. Prior to or in conjunction with the first final subdivision plat for the project, the Owner shall
dedicate as public right-of-way and convey in fee simple to Albemarle County strips of land no
less than fifty-five (55) feet in depth across the Property identified as "55 FT ROW DEDICATION
FROM CENTERLINE OF 631" in the locations shown on Sheet No.2 of the Application Plan
Amendment for Whittington, dated June 26, 2006, last revised November 22, 2006, together with
the dedication and conveyance of all necessary drainage easements and the conveyance of
necessary construction easements for improvements to State Route 631. If the strips of land are
not dedicated as part of a subdivision plat, the Owner shall pay all costs of surveying and
preparing legal documents in a form acceptable to the County Attorney necessary to dedicate
and convey the right-of-way.
7. Development shall be in general accord with the attached Application Plan titled "Application
Plan Amendment for Whittington" dated June 26, 2006, revised 11/22/06, by Dominion
Development Resources, LLC,
8. The 25 feet screening and landscaping easement shown on the Application Plan shall be planted
and maintained to meet current regulations for screening as described in sections 18-
and 18- of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Screening shall be established
and completed by the developer of Whittington prior to the issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy for the 3rd dwelling unit. The developer shall also assume short-term responsibility for
the maintenance of the screening until a homeowners' association (HOA) for the development
has been established. Once established the easement shall be deeded to the HOA. Long-term
responsibility for and maintenance of screening within the easement shall be outlined in the
Application Plan
Proffer Form
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Covenants and Restrictions of the HOA. Prior to final plat approval, this document shall be
reviewed and approved by the Albemarle County Attorney's office. Additionally, a note alerting
affected owners to this easement restriction on their property shall be stated on the final plat for
those lots.
9. All trails shown on the Application Plan shall be constructed as a Class B "primitive" trail as
described in the Greenway Plan, Appendix A, of the current Albemarle County Comprehensive
Plan. The trails shall be completed prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the
48th dwelling unit.
10. Storm water quality and detention practices shall be as specified in Chapter 17, the Water
Protection Ordinance of the Albemarle County Code.
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Application Plan
Proffer Form
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