HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197500002 Public Notification 1975-02-04 11 OF ALP,- • Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVIL LE, VIRGINIA 22901 JOHN L. HUMPHREY COUNTY PLANNER A. RUTH MILLER ZONING:AOMINISTRATOI7 ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. February 4 , 1975 ASSISTANT COUNTY PLANNER MARY JOY WHITE St-NIO.t f'LANNt:R William A. Manson Bruce E. & Betsy D. Hathaway Wiliiani M. Robertson, ITT David J. Wood , Jr. North American Exploration Virgil Lee Hahn Gentlemen : This letter is to notify you, as an adjoining property owner, of EdC'rard P. and Gail S. McDonnell application, for VA-75-02 to grant a variance of 6 spaces for parking .as required in Sec. 11-7-7 located on County Tax Map 61U, Parcel 12, Charlottesville Magisterial District • Public hearings will be held on this application by the Board of Zoning Appeals on E'Phrua_y 11, 1975 at 5 : 30 p.m. , in the Board Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville , Virginia . This application is available for your review in the Albemarle County Planning and Zoning Office, 411 East High- Street , Charlottesville , Virginia . Albemarle County Zoning Office { BY Patricia L. Fleshman I OF AL tz,i, •vial Ntlie Planning Department 411 EAST {HIGH STREET JOHN L. HUMPHREY CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 COUNTY PLANNER A. NGR AG MILLER ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. February 4, 1975 IONI AO y Tlt.TOR ASSISTAN1 COUNTY PLANNER MARY JOY WHITE SENIOR PLANNER William A. Manson Bruce E. . & Betsy D. Hathaway William M. Robertson, III David J. Wood, Jr. .North American Exploration Virgil Lee Hahn • Gentlemen: . This letter is to notify you, as an adjoining property owner, of Edward P. and Gail S. McDonnell application, for VA-75-02 to grant a variance of 6 spaces for parking,as required in Sec. 11-7-7 Located on County Tax Map 61t1, Parcel 12, Charlottesville Magisterial trial District Public hearings wi.l.l be held on this application by the Board of Zoning Appeals on February 11, 1975 the Board Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville , Virginia . This application is available for your review in the Albemarle County Planning and Zoning Office, 411 East Iigh- Str. eet , Charlottesville , Virginia . Albemarle County Zoning Office fir► BY Patricia L. F"ieshman NIMMININfiNimmlageslifillftWarmii 3 J 44111144 -AN( OF ALE ., CP v(b sf J 3 .� -a RECEIVED FEB 2 k,2'75 Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH smccT JOHN L. HUn1PHREY CHAREO7TESVILLG, VIRGINIA 22901 COUNTY PLANNER A. RU".t 1 MILLER ROBE W. TUCKER. JR. February 4, 1975 MAR Au,+iNi:,TanToa R.Y ASSISTANT COUNTY PLANNER MAR .JOY WHITE SENIOR PLANNER William A. Manson Bruce E. & Bets William M. Robertson, IIIDavid J. T Y D. Hathaway North American Exploration Virgile Lee Hahn Jr. e Ha.hn • Gentlemen: This letter is to notify you, as an adjoining properly owner, of Fchard P and Gail S. McDonnell application, for VA-7_�-02 r 2 to grant. a variance of 6 .. zces for parking .as required in Sec. 11-7-7 located on Y� County Tax Map Gin , Parcel 12, Charlottesville Magisterial District Public hearings will be held on this application by the Board of Zoning Appeals on. F"ebru.ry 11, 1975 --- at 5 : 30 p.m. , in the Board. Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville , Virginia . This application is available for your review in the Albemarle s; County Planning and Zoning Office, 411. East High: Street , Charlottesville , Virginia. Albemarle County Zoning Offfc 13Y Patricia. L. Fleshrnan • L: • 1%kcr7 • Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH STREET . JOHN L. HUMP{TREY GHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 COUNTY PLANNER February A. RUTH MILLER ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. 6/ 1975 2C NING AOMiN 1SFF+ATOR ASSISTANT COUNTY PLANNERMARY JOY WHITE. . SENIOR PI.ANNrk • • Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward P. McDonnell• 66 Woo'dla1 e Drive Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Mr. and Mrs. McDonnell: • This is to advise that your application for VA-75-02 will be considered at a public hearing held by the Board. of Zoning Appeals on February 11, 1975 at 5 : 30 p . m. , in the • Board %,nom f'n„„ i-,. nab.; _ _ „ . � .. t c ara; i.ldi Ghar.iottesvi.?le , Virginia. • Albemarle County Zoning• Office • by_ Patricia L. Freshman • • • • • • • APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT. •