HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197000010 Application 1970-08-04 Application for Variance TO: THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA The undersigned applicant__(is) (are) the owner_of the following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPL Ir.lcrinro * GIVEItOCATUNtUVASPEVENCID TO NEAREST ROAD iwiwnec—Notir-.. ** DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. Charlottesville. In Magisterial District The petitioner_request_that the said Board doth grant: A hardsai -) exists relative to the loyatin7 of six odos--.::a. paddle tennis courts at the Boar s 'lead snorts . The appljcapt make_tbjs requeg because: ouicient land is not available to permit their placement unless a property line is bridged. Said adlacent nronertY is owned bY the Village ''7reen Corn. , is unsuitable for the construction 8T any buildin4aAd4PAA available to the Boar' s Head Sports Club en 'a lease basis. The courts are constructed as an elevated wooden structure and may be removed should the need arise. * Located in back of the Boar' s Head Inn just off 250 East Hdnam Forest. ** 901 :2.30 ' The person___and (his) (her) (their) address owning and/or occupying adjacent pro- perty to the property sought to be affected (are) (is): (Give names of all owners adjacent, across the road or highway and facing the property and any owners across any railroad right- of-way from such property. In the event the property affected is situated at or within 100 feet of the intersection of any two or more roads or highways, at or within one hundred feet of the intersection of the rights-of-way of any two railroads, give names of property owners at all corners of any such intersection). Name Lot or tract Mailing Address Village green Corn. Fdnarr Forest Charlottesville, Va. University. of Va. .har�ottesv'ille, Va. • I/we hereby depose and say that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any exhibits transmitted are true. zucxust 4 1970 ,� • 1C 1�.a�� y or Applicant._—. -- — ----- Boar's Head Snorts Club Maili-a�1c --;tes orest, Charlottesville, Virginia Telephone Number 296-4188 Subscribed and sworn to before me thisi.day of(,Z . t 19 70 My commission expires 19.1 Notary C://y,,-74 .ram • _! '-c,A-e',-L.<2___i i Applicationfor Variance TO: THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA The undersigned applicant__(is) ( ) the owner___of the following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. Just off of US 250 west. In FCinazn :Forest in back of the Boar' s Head Inn. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. Approximately 1/2 an acre In Charlottesville Magisterial District The petitioner_request_that the said Board doth grant: To utilize that parcel of land now under lease to the Boar's Head Sport's Club from the Boar' s Head Inn/Village (=Teen Corn, for such related peripheral, support and ancillary activities as nay he necessary and to construct unon said oronerty parking, service drive- ways , walkways , fencing, utilities, shuffleboard, sandbox, horseshoes and general nlavgr_ound facilities includin R grilles_ The ap{alicant— ake—this request because: Boar s Head Sports Club has alreadY been granted a variance to cross and stradai& the pronerty line of Boar' s Head Inn/"illac-e 7reen Corn. to place paddle tennis courts. The Snorts Club would like to utilize the unused area for the above general nur_roses should the need arise. The person—_and (his) (her) (their) address_owning and/or occupying adjacent pro- perty to the property sought to be affected (are) (is): (Give names of all owners adjacent, across the road or highway and facing the property and any owners across any railroad right- of-way from such property In the event the property affected is situated at or within 100 feet of the intersection of any two or more roads or highways, at or within one hundred feet of the intersection of the rights-of way of any two railroads, give names of property owners at all corners of any such intersection). Name Lot or tract Mailing Address tin. of Virginia Charlottesville, Va. Village Green Corp. Ednam _Forest, Charlottesville, Va. ) I/we hereby depose and say that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any exhibits transmitted are true. August 31 19 70 Apt);icant La-01' aeadt: Boar' s Head . arts Club' ) Mailing address 2 Boar' s Head Lane Charlottesville, t7a. Telephone Number 296-4180 Subscribed and sworn to before me this„{day off. '- 19 My commission expires( _c> 19 7 T Notary ,// • - ti c n_� Apphction fcr Va TO: THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA The undersigned applicant—(is) (are) the owner_of the following described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. Just off of U5 250 West. In Ednam Forest in back of the Boar's Head Inn. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. Approximately 24,000 sq. ft. (Shall follow the existing line to the S.W.) In Charlottesville Magisterial District The petitioner_requestl_that the said Board doth grant: To utilize that parcel of land now under lease to the Boar's Head Sports Club from the Boar's Head Inn/Village Green Corp_ for such related peripheral, said property parking, service driveways, walkways, utilities, fences, and recreational facilities, including horseshoes, shuffleboard, children's swings, and playground equipment. The applicant__make&this request because: Boar's Head Sports Club has alregdy been grated a variance to cross and straddle the property line of Boars Head Inn/Village Green Corp. to place paddle tennis courts thereon. The Sports Club would like to utilize the re- mnirlder of its lensed property for the nhnve clenernl pnrpnses should the nocd arisc. The person___and (his) (her) (their) address owning and/or occupying adjacent pro- perty to the property sought to be affected (are) (is): (Give names of all owners adjacent, across the road or highway and facing the property and any owners across any railroad right- of-way from such property In the event the property affected is situated at or within 100 feet of the intersection of any two or more roads or highways, at or within one hundred feet of the intersection of the rights-of-way of any two railroads, give names of property owners at all corners of any such intersection). Name Lot or tract Mailing Address Uniygrsit)Lof Virginia — ` Charlottesville, Virginia Village Green Cap, _ _ Ednam Forest, Charlottesyille, Virginia _ v I/we hereby depose and say that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any exhibits transmitted are true. 0cltober 19 197° Applicant .✓� .10, Mailing address Boar's Head Sports Clu 2 Boar's Head Lane, Charlottesville, Virginia Telephone Number 296-4188 Subscribed and sworn to before me thisL?day of_ _19_7 0 My commission expires { i' 7, 19 12 1 Notar • AGENDA Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals August 25 , 1970 5 : 30 P .M. 1 . Call to order. 2 . Establishment of quorum. 3 . Approval of minutes : A. July 28 , 1970 4. Public Hearing : A. Variance . Boar ' s Head Sports Club. Applicant has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance to permit the construction of six (6) paddle tennis courts over the property line connecting the properties of the Boar ' s Head Sports Club and Village Green Corp . . These properties are described as County Tax Map 59D(2 ) , Parcels 2 and 12 . Charlottesville Magisterial District. 5 . Old Business . 6 . New Business . 7 . Adjournment .