HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800091 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2019-04-14COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Project: Plan preparer: Owner or rep.: Plan received date: (Rev. 1) (Rev. 2) Date of comments: (Rev. 1) (Rev. 2) Reviewer: WP0201800091 NVESCP Permit Plan review Lewis and Clark Drive Sewer Ext. — VSMP Jonathan Showalter, Timmons Group f onathan.showalter(a)timmons.com] 608 Preston Ave., Suite 200 / Charlottesville, VA 22903 University of Virginia Foundation / P.O. Box 400218 Charlottesville, VA 22904 [tmarshall@uvafoundation.com] 5 Dec 2018 (digital) 25 Feb 2019 27 Mar 2019 27 Dec 2018 12 Mar 2019 14 Apr 2019 John Anderson County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied for reasons outlined, below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all comment items are satisfactorily addressed. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. Link to County template: http://www.albemarle.orgLuuload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/forms/En ing eeringand _WPO_Forms/Stormwater_Pollution _ Prevention_Plan _SWPPP template.pd a. List WP0201800091 on cover of SWPPP. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Sign/date Sec. 1, VPDES permit registration. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. c. Sec. 4/-5: Include revised ESC plans, once comments addressed. (Rev. 1) Addressed. d. Sec. 6 /Exhibit: i. Recommend ensure temporary sanitary facilities (porta John) are accessible to service vendor from existing paved surface. (Rev. 1) Addressed. ii. Provide /show a trapping measure for treatment of vehicle wash waters. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. Asefollow-up: If circle symbol with diagonal hatching indicates trapping measure, provide legend, or note, to clarify. If it does not indicate trapping measure, provide clear and understandable trapping measure. iii. Provide /show lined concrete washout adjacent to PCE. (Rev. 1) Addressed. e. Sec. 9: Sign /date Certification for SWPPP Approval. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. f. Sec. 11: Insert 21-p. CGP2014.PDF (Attached). (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Note: 21-p. CGP2014 appears to be inserted twice; remove first instance of permit, near beginning of SWPPP. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. At Sec. 2 of SWPPP, do not include pg.-1 of 21-pg. VAR10. This section is reserved for a copy of a typical 1-2 pg. DEQ permit coverage letter, specific to a project. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 5 This linear project will not receive a VAR10 permit. Please include statement to this effect, at Sec. 2. (`Linear project: will not receive notice of general permit coverage,' for example.) g. Sec. 12: Provide inspection logs similar to those included with Timmons Lewis & Clark Road Ext. VSMP SWPPP /WP020180007: (Rev. 1) Addressed. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. See A /Sec. 6 comments, above. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) SWM Plan —Project is eligible for alternative review of SWM requirements as a linear project, per DEQ Guidance Memo No. 15-2003, Melanie Davenport, April 23, 2015 (Attached: p. 3/4 conditions). Please incorporate 4 bullet items at bottom of pg. 3 of DEQ Memo into the VESCP Plan. Incorporate 16t bullet, p. 4 of Memo into SWPPP, Sec. 6. (Rev. 1) Addressed. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is approved. 1. Revise plan title to reference WP0201800091. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 2. Revise title to include VESCP; please do not ref. VSMP. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 3. Plan is eligible for Linear Project review, which exempts project from SWM Plan requirements provided certain specific requirements are met. As supplement to title sheet Note, to remain eligible for linear project review and SWM Plan exemption, provide the following, verbatim, on plan sheet/s. Project is required to accept clearing/stabilization and other requirements. (Ref. DEQ Guidance Memo No. 15-2003 /Attached) (Rev. 1) Addressed. [image /DEQ Guidance Memo text, deleted with Rev. 1 comments.] (Title sheet Note: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: THIS PROJECT IS THE LINEAR INSTALLATION OF AN UNDERGROUND SEWER LINE WHICH WILL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY ALTER THE PRE -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS AFTER COMPLETION AND FINAL STABILIZATION. PER DEQ GUIDANCE MEMO No 15-2003 NO STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IS REQUIRED. ) 4. Recommend note for San. MH Sir. in fill similar to Note 3. on Lewis and Clark Road Ext. Road Plan, C8.3, image below (SUB20800171). Engineering defers to ACSA on San. MH installation requirements. Recommend edit: replace inlet with San. MH, VDOT with ACSA. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Note: Since proposed and existing grades of sanitary line coincide, the requested note is in effect immaterial. Regret review error, but note is perhaps a useful reminder. [image /text of Note, deleted with Rev. 1 comments.] 5. Show /label proposed ACSA easement. Acquire and record easements, per ACSA easement document and plat requirements. Provide copy of recorded utility easement/s to Engineering as soon as possible, with the understanding that easements will be centered on the As -built location of installed utility improvements, which is typical for ACSA sanitary transmission lines. Note: please ref. and use easement width equation listed at ACDSM Fig., pg. 15. Easement width will exceed 25' at deeper trench locations. nee below. [image, deleted with Rev. 1 comments.] (Corridor width flares at certain locations, which may coincide with deeper trench locations.) (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response: `Per coordination with Richard Nelson of ACSA, 20' standard easements centered on the sewer pipe will be sufficient. Easement plats will be provided once sewer line is constructed.' County Information Services GIS/Mapping recently cautioned Engineering when reviewing design to reject design based on LiDAR data. Provide field -run survey for potions of project based upon LiDAR data. Text of October 22, 2018 3:51 PM email: "I'd like to take a moment to remind you all that using GIS data (contours/topo, LiDAR, etc.) for engineering purposes is not the same as having a survey done by a licensed surveyor, and as I understand it, violates state code. Only surveys by a licensed surveyor can be used for design / construction. The 2016 LiDAR dataset is from the USGS and the metadata from the Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 5 project does not indicate whether a surveyor who is licensed in the state of Virginia was on the project or whether any surveyor certifies or guarantees the accuracy. It's not my place to judge the intent of state code, but LiDAR data is not a survey, regardless of accuracy level claims. While I agree that the 2016 LiDAR data is more accurate vertically than the topo we have now, it still can contain unknown errors and relies on the user to know what they are doing with the data since it includes far more than just ground elevation points, has limited horizontal control, and cannot tell you where parcel boundaries are located. This was a big deal about a year ago (see attached documents) and came up again this month in Engineering, so please make sure your staff is aware of this. Note that on the elevation data on our data download page, we specifically say that our GIS data cannot be used for design / construction / modification of real property." Revise Timmons Group Sanitary Sewer Survey Notes, C2.0. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Applicant response: `Per coordination between Joe Medley, LS, of Timmons Group and John Anderson it has been clarified that the data provided has been certified by licensed surveyors for both surveys used. Please see sheet C2.0 for surveyor seals.' As follow-up: Please ensure final print copies of VESCP /WPO carry signed -dated LS-seal (G. V. "Kirk" Hughes LS-seal /sheet C2.0). (Rev. 2) Addressed. See Aaron Mabee email (4/9/2019 10:11 AM) w/ C2.0 Attachment (image, below) HUGHES & ASSOCIATES SURVEY NOTES: 1 1_) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD-83 VIRGINIA SOUTH ZONE 2.)VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD-88 BENCHMARK: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BRASS DISK'NF2," SET IN CONCRETE, LOCATED 4.5' FROM THE FACE OF CURB ON THE EAST SIDE OF LEWIS AND CLARK DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 370' NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION WITH DISCOVERY DRIVE. ELEVATION = 543.93' 3.) THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WERE UTILIZED W DRAFTING THE LOCATIONS OF _ �l` `tip t �I� I� Ijrlfiiffr rl��j UNDERGROUND UTILITIES' FIELD SURVEYS OF MARKED LINES: TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. AS -BUILT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION: AND UTILITY MAPS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION AND THE UTILITY 'r) COMPANIES. NO UNDERGROUND INVESTIGATION OF UTILITIES WAS PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. UTILITY OPERATORS: SANITARY SEWER - ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY WATER - ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY TELEPHONE -SPRINT, UVA TH op TELEVISION - ADELPHIA, COMCAST I ELECTRIC - DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER GAS - CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MISS UTILITY CONTACT INFORMATION. 1-800552-7001 (V.'' BUG! 4.) PREPARED FOR: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION • 1458 -17 5.) ONLY THE AREAS WITHIN THE "SURVEY LIMITS" SHOWN HEREON WERE SURVEYED BY KIRK HUGHES AND ASSOCIATES. THE TOPOGRAPHIC AND PLANIMETRIC INFORMATION OUTSIDE OFftvs`{0 THESE LIMITS WAS SURVEYED BY OTHERS AND PROVIDED TO US BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION. 6.) THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS COMPLETED UNDER THE DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF KIRK HUGHES, L.S. FROM AN ACTUAL GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER HIS SUPERVISION; THAT THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON STARTING IN MAY THRU OCTOBER 2017; AND THAT THIS MAP, MAP OR DIGITAL GEOSPATIAL DATA INCLUDING METADATA MEETS MINIMUM ACCURACY STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. Include Paved Wash Rack detail on plans; see ACDSM, pg. 8 (PCE). (Rev. 1) Addressed. 8. Label Limits of Construction linework, sheet C3.1, or list 6.87 Ac. in ESC Legend. (Rev. 1) Addressed. As follow-up: Please ensure rev. SWPPP Sec. 1 /Registration Statement, is consistent with sheet C3.2 Area, LOD =7.36 Ac. [county email: 3/11/2019 11:32 AM] [Timmons email 3/12/2019 11:29 AM, w/SWPPP — C3.2 and SWPPP consistent] 9. Eliminate cross -contour silt fence. Silt fence is installed parallel with contours. Staggered eyelash/scallop silt fence is an option. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 10. Show and label steep slopes. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 11. Provide sediment trapping /conveyance measures, as appropriate; please recall SF is inappropriate for locations with upslope length > 100'. Provide sediment traps. Provide diversions, DD / RWD, as needed. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response: `Clean water diversions have been added to divert the offsite water around pipe trenching and installation. Clean water diversions will outfall to stabilized silt fence breaks at low points.' 12. Provide San. Line stationing, at 100' intervals, for bond estimate, construction, and inspection point of reference. Show in plan view. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 4of5 13. Provide temporary vehicular stream crossing detail (SC, VESCH Std. & Spec. 3.24). Label SC wherever sanitary line or construction activity will cross or may impact a perennial stream. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 14. Acquire USACE permit/s, as needed. Provide copy of coordination correspondence with USAGE. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant acknowledges. `Permit application is in process and permit will be provided once received.' (Rev. 2) County confirmed VESCP approval requires USACE permit issuance, during tel. call 11-Apr (J. Anderson J. Showalter, Timmons Group). 15. For areas now in forest, show post -developed cleared utility RW corridor. Show as proposed new tree line consistent with linear project environmental impact minimization imperative. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 16. Include note/s that utility RW corridor will be managed as turf, not converted to impervious stone access. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 17. Relabel CE, sheet C3.1, as PCE. (Paved construction entrance). (Rev. 1) Addressed. 18. Provide /show PCE at north end of sewer line corridor, if CE is anticipated or may be needed at north end. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response: `A CE is not anticipated at the north end of the site due to the steep slopes and difficulty of access from that point.' 19. Revise Sequence of Construction, C3.0 to include placement of DD, RWD, ST, SC, etc. as needed. Also, revise consistent with linear project requirements (i.e., daily limit on area of disturbance, etc.). (Note: Review comments are consistent with comments on a recent RWSA water main project at Birdwood Golf Course, especially with respect to required minimum VESCH measures and linear project requirements.) (Rev. 1) Addressed. Asefollow up: Please revise C3.0 Sequence of Installation, Note 1 (county preconstruction meeting held at COB, not on -site). (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. As ollow-up: Please revise Note 1 to identify coon office building as site of meeting, rather than city office building. SEQUENCE OF INSTALLATION I. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING IS REQUIRED WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY E&S INSPECTOR, CONTRACTOR, OWNER, AND ENGINEER. THIS MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE ON -SITE. CLEARING LIMITS MUST BE FLAGGED PRIOR TO THE MEETING WITH ONE (1) WEEK OF NOTICE. 2. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION AND SILT FENCE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL DIVIDE PROJECT AREA INTO WORKING SEGMENTS. ALL STABILIZATION SHALL OCCUR UPON THE COMPLETION OF EACH SEGMENT. 4. EXCAVATE TRENCH, INSTALL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, AND BACKFILL TRENCH. 5. APPLY PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION TO THESE AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS ACHIEVED. 6. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND ALL CONTRIBUTING AREAS ARE STABILIZED, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED UPON APPROVAL FROM THE E&S INSPECTOR The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been addressed. For re -submittal, please provide 2 copies of the permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process After approval, VESCP plan will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner (or ACSA contractor, if contractor will post ESC Plan bond) and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Link to bond estimate request form: https://www.goo,gle.com/url?q—https://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Developme nt/forms/bonds/Bond Request to Establish a Bond.pdf&sa=U&ved=OahUKEwiOsL- ctOXdAhWrnOAKI IbcVBwoQF ggGMAE&client=internal-uds- Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 5 cse&cx=013641561590022973988:g3cwj srdbli&usg=AOvVawl RFX8fSN 1_ObuZ8tTO,gEyK After bonding is complete, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicant will need to complete the request for apre-construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee ($00). The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturbed, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a grading permit will be issued by the County so that workmaybegin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; hlt2://www.albemarle.oriz/deptforms.asp?del2arttnent--cdengMo Ifyou have questions /concerns, please contact me atjanderson2(&albemarle.org or at 434.296-5832 -0069. Thank you J. Anderson, Engineering Division WPO201800091 Lewis and Clark Drive Sewer Ext VSMP 041419rev2