HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197400009 Application 1974-03-01 • Appl i catn for Va r i a r,,.. a or Special Exception TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA \RIANCE NO. VA-14-Qq The undersigned applicant is(are) the owner of the following described property: — A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE'TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DI M SIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. I/We �_ C."u -.'" respectfully request the Zoning Administrate/ of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant,�e tth Variance or Special Exception stated below in the L ij j_ Magisterial District and described as County Tax Map 6 Z A C Parcel /d Z- containing 6/Z.sy ('ac-res and zoned r_i. IA Applicant Signature ate s'/i/) Y The petitioner re t_ at the Zoning Administrator grant: ii uRr,A �` 3 : T b (j , 5� - b -4 in.,- Yay,.-4^ 4 c_ eeo,c+... .. (9J (arLcc ,.,-., y- / - 2_— The applicant make this request because: e C-et -i l ,c i..e9'+-, c)) 14.4,1.2_ 1 4.-�''— S^j. icd„ to,SrI Action Taken by the Zoning Administrator: 1 t • Approved Denied L� Si ed APP 8n � Li -- - ------ - TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS—— — — — —— ——— —• Date I/We /'// ,� hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning Admi �i�*tra r o Al emarle County on the foregoing application, and respectfully request a reversal of his decision by granting the request for a variance or special exception as stated above. Applicant Signature )�J`��-Y-� Address Phone Number ACTION BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DATE APPROVED DENIED AGENDA ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS April 9, 1974 1 . Call to order. 2 . Establishment of a quorum. 3 . Public Hearings : a) VA- 74- 08 . Arrow Hart, Inc. , Murray Division. Applicant requests the Board of Zoning Appeals of Albemarle County to grant a variance of 30 feet from the required 50 foot setback in an M-1 Industrial Zone. Property is located on the south side of Route 660 , one mile west of its intersection with Route 743 . Property is further described as County Tax Map 31 , Parcel 21A, Charlottes- ville Magisterial District . b) VA-74-09 . Mr. Harry Coukos . Applicant requests the Board of Zoning Appeals of Albemarle County to grant a variance of 8 feet from the required 30 foot building setback in an R- 1 Residential Zone . Property is located in the Northfields Subdivision, at the intersection of Route 651 and Huntington Road. Property is further described as County Tax Map 62A (3) , Part of Parcel 1 , Charlottesville Magisterial District. c) VA-74-11 . Georgetown Veterinary Hospital . Applicant requests the Board of Zoning Appeals of Albemarle County to permit an addition to a nonconforming use - Veterinary Hospital in an R-3 Zone. Property is located z mile from intersection of Route 654 (Barracks Road) and Route 656 (Georgetown Road) . Property is further described as County Tax Map 60A, Section 1 , Parcel 21 , Jack Jouett Magisterial District . 4. Old Business . 5. New Business . 6. Adjournment. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Zoning Permit No. , Date of Application When structure has been completed and this certificate has been filled out, return to: PLANNING & ZONING OFFICE COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING COURT SQUARE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 Note: Before Returning, Fill in Actual Cost and Sign Name or Corporation The undersigned owner or lessee hereby applies for a certificate of occupancy in accordance with the pro- visions of the Zoning Ordinance, for the following use, for the hereinafter described building, and hereby agrees to fully conform to all the terms of any permit which may be issued on account of the application. It is understood that this Certificate of Occupancy does not take the place of any license that may be re- q u i red by law, and also that it does not confer the right to install or erect any kind of signs, boilers, motors, or machinery. Name of Owner Address of Building • Tax Map Parcel Zone Proposed Use Material of Building r - • Number of Stories Address to which Certificate is to be mailed Actual Cost Remarks This certificate will be issued to the applicant after construction has been completed and the structure made ready for occupancy in the manner stated above. date signature'of Owner or Lessee Approved/Disapproved by Zoning Administrator tiro • APPLICANT'S LIST OF • ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. • Map Parcel Name Address • 2521 Huntington Road 62A(1) Sec. 1 Blk. K LotS Rhoda B. Minetree Charlottesville, Virginia Route 29 North 62A(1) Sec.1 Blk.K Lot15 Dr. Charles Hurt Charlottesville, Virginia 2305 Wakefield Road 62A(1) Sec.1 Blk.A Lot8 E. Marshall Pryor III Charlottesville, Virginia • 2307 Wakefield Road 62A(1) Sec.1 B1kA Lot9 Beverly F. Butler Charlottesville, Virginia 2309 Wakefield Road 62A(1) Sec.l Blk.A Lot 10 William F. & Magaret S. Marley City 2311 Wakefield Road 62A(1) Sec.l Blk.A Lot 11 Louis B. II $ Magaret Proffitt City • * Note. - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number VA-74-09 Harry Coukos • APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. • Map Parcel Name Address • 62A(1) Sec.1 Blk.F Lot12 Dr. Charles Hurt ' St. Annes Road 62A(1) Sec.1 Blk.F Lot 11 Samuel G. Alrich Charlottesville, Virginia • * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS • • Application Number VA-74-09 Harry Coukos THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON F E B R U A R Y 2 7 , 1 9 7 4 , I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE SHOWN HEREON. �� ARTHUR F E D WARDS , C L S CERTFCATE NO I I 7 C .4000000.0001 N 0 T E i..-'''''—'1 aLc.+J 1 ,7 f / o J. %?62 Sid. Building Lint 35' R ear Building Line \,\ \ Ser Iron \ \ N 29 ° 46 E Set \\\ 6 / 22 • 1101 L1' fro .aey 9, \ � N. i v \ U/ 42 v a� _ ~N �\ N\\. \ , �a S t t \ .\\� TIT F0 '�ER N. T K SpL El ENCE `. F .., O W .1I 4. / Ior t: L O T 22 '• I� 'o 30 ' Building Lin. • V ! A : 62 l 6 . 1 I R - 25.00' /1 y r n / 7 0 0 i' O - S 26 ° 28' W Set Iron 1 H UN TING TON RDA ID . 1 PH YSICAL SURVEY SHOWING L 0 T 2 2 , BLOCK K , SECTION 7 NORTHFIELDS Scale I = 30 ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGIN IA February 2 5, 19 74 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA P S 31 t COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I I I CHAIRMAN i 9-Id CV-. SIGNATEJ tEt4T I Y_I tet_-1__7- - DATE 6 4e/7AS DATE CERTIFICATION: OWNER'S APPROVAL: THIS IS A CORRECT AND ACCURATE PLAT THIS SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE CONSENT OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PRO PRIETORS, AND/OR TRUSTEES. ALL ROADS AND STREETS. IF NOT PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED. ARE HEREBY TENDERED FOR DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE. .. � ` 9. REY HUFF At-ENGINEER CURVE DATA LOCATION 'CURVE SKETCH N0 DELTA RADIUS TANGENT ARC. odI 142°28' 250 73.58 62 16 Ro id R1 Nor/hf 2 90000' 25.0 25.00 39.27 3 52°28' 75.00 36.96 68.68 0 .-to 4 10°54' ' 275.00 26.24 52.32 Waref,e/d Rd. / 5 10054' 225.00 21.47 4281 Nun trn•ton *,:--- Rd. //,. 6 143°I9'40° 25.0 75.43 8254 7 36°40'20" 306.02 101 42 195 87 Aern Rai/rood NOTE. /RON PINS TO BE SET AT ALL CORNERS 3O' FRONT BLDG. LINE I 25' SIDE BLDG LINE 1 1 35' REAR BLDG LINE LOT /3 1BLOCK F i col- /2 / LOT 12 i LOT 'I V 3go/3,40„E 'A q_43e �F7e4 0 4 a3 •642 SE -------------________1:,_ C Lor /6 tih * 9 "^�„ R0qO ��LOT /5 0 0 p y'h ``�s2o • / ,.. ".. 4) it.) li 40 �4) • 8? N 38 0 I 1L . LOT 24 _ /3'*p'•E _ /26 ST' 26,478 SF 3 _ /p00 S 2s� 2so' sa.a5' s • o LOT T 2/ p /2 22 W ' e "or coo 26,580 S£ /� �. / sso NOTE: / o a *. ,-v -/ p0 . - 4,642 SO. FT TO BE' ADDED b b �� ryy° 1� 0 • O AND BOT ECOME 'A PART N 26°28'E N29°48'E S1 140.00 6!,., 2 6 v S s -. � 'o o LOT 20 • 3 3 �a oop' 3/,984 S.F 0 ti LOT 5 n�', O 3 ss °o• '�...6 , °' ° LOT /9 0 0 N O i F° �4, cP s.- ti h tO �' LOT 23 0 o LOT 22 o O �" 2/,25/ SF �� 4.O. T. " h 20,6/0 S.F N. '.'' 2Z. 0'B/d� Li m - - \� 1 •m �30'Bldg Line-- 30' •9 /4000' /70.01' Q z •°'a. 77. •7' 4 N 26°28'E N 26°28 E HUNTINGTON ROAD __ { .. d. E ., . .--it), Orli. ENGINEER t o y CERTIFICATE No. , 70.) ") 41 e.C'srSSO �k PLAT SHOWING LOTS 20 - 24 BLOCK K • SECTION 7 V z 74 {. N O R T H F I E L D S y 2. 4---- ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGINIA A/v'srl` M a y 3I , I973 ,_•-.- p 0 100 200 300 400 500 1 /44 IIMMINMIIIIMMINI GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET B. AUBREY HUFFMAN and ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING , LAND SURVEYING and LAND PLANNING C H A R L O T T E S V I L LE , VIRGINIA Sou+h.rn Photo Print & Supply—Greensboro. N C--100—,-F_'- 125 62 A I I 1 t21 t t1