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VA197500036 Application 1975-01-16
---` Application- " for Variance Nfamp . . Special Exception • TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEI 1A1 LE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MANCE NO. VA-T5-3 C The undersigned applicant is(are) the owner_ of the following described property: • A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE . • APART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE-TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. IiKe y roe-gyp 4,rn ,c,"— . respectfully request the Zoning Administrator of Alemarl County, Virginia to grant the Variance or Special Exception stated below in the Magisterial District and described as County Tax Map +3(0 Parcel 7 .6-1 containing - acres and zoned A- i • . ?c.t,(47 APPLICANT' S SIGNATURE ` 4 Lt, -1 f a 'x. \+ "=` "' • Date . .The petitioner request that the Zoning Administrator grant: • • The applicant • make this request because: Action Taken by the 'Zoning Administrator: Approved Denied Signed Zoning Administrator DATE Ntele „ . ainne'o - JeAe/d eXX 00/ 2132 � <load 7o�iaxlo��eozrille, 4;,,t;nca 2290.S 8 January 1976 Zoning Board of Appeals Albemarle County County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Gentlemen: I write to you on behalf of the Tros-Dale Home for Boys, on whose Board of Directors I have been privileged to serve for over three years. As you know Tros-Dale is very anxious to start a second home, located a short distance from the present house. Our present house has always been fortunate during its entire existence to have youngsters who are perfectly normal, well-behaved, good citizens, who were always accepted by the community. You can be assured that the same type of boy will be accepted into the new home and receive the very best of care and supervision from the director. Most sincerely, • 41- 4+, A. Hamilton Bishop, III Headmaster AHB/dwm "'tier rnr' 115 Carrsbrook Court Charlottesville, Virginia January 12, 1976 Zoning Board of Appeals Albemarle County County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Sirs: I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Trosdale Home for Boys. The boys of this home are at Trosdale because of their own broken homes and not because of delinquency or any difficulties they may have gotten into running afoul of the law. Someof the Trosdale boys return to their homes when their families have reunited. Otherwise , for the most part they remain at Trosdale until after graduation from high school. Some of the boys even further their education beyond the secondary school level. Following this, most return for occasional visits to the home. This is certainly indicative of the love and care they have received from the Executive Director and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Peter T. Way. The Board of Directors of Trosdale would like for more boys from broken homes to experience a home like enviornment like this one. We have therefore decided to provide tFs experience by building a home so that more boys can have this secure feeling of being loved, wanted and needed. I am enclosing for your review some material pertaining to Trosdale so that you may get a brief overview of services rendered by this great organization. In conjunction with this, I appeal to you to approve the proposed site near Warren, Virginia for the location of this house . By complying with my request you will be doing a great service to the County of Albemare and the Commonwealth of Virginia. We look forward to your decision i e very ne uture. Sincerely yours onald W. Jo Board Member Trosdale Home for Boys cos Mr. Farley Cox Rev. Peter T. Way ,.ww January 7, 1976 To Whom It May Concern: I live in the same neighborhood as the Tros-Dale Home For Boys near Keene and have found the Home to be a satisfactory and good neighbor. Sincerely yours, 044:0 ene, Virginia Y�ydrie Farm and Stud Esmont,Virginia 22937 Daniel G.Van Chief January B , 197 Albemarle County Board of Zoning Anneals County Office Building Charlottesville , Virginia 22901 Gentlemen : It is my understanding that you have before you a request for the rezoning of a certain parcel of land in Southern Albemarle County tendered by the Trosdale Home For Boys . While I am not directly involved in this appeal , I thought it might be helpful to the membership of the Board to know that I own all of the adjacent land to the present Trosdale Home , near Keene . These homes serve a very great need and must be considered a worthy cause . The proof lies in the fact that we have had no untoward events on our property nor do I know of any complaints against the boys , and , if I may be presumptuous enough , I would suggest that the Board give every consideration to this application . Hoping that we may continue to help such children as these and that you will look with favor upon same , I am 411111&spectfull yo , 1120 ri Daniel G . Van Chief DGVC/mm Area Code 804,286-3075 and 286-3077 • 411.0 woe ,Srettglint ritual OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL crottlibille, pirstnia 24590 January 12, 1976 Hoard of Zoning Appeals County Office Buil arm Charlottgsville, Virginia Gent'emen: Students from Tros-D,ge Home for Boys attended Snnttsvillo School from its beginning in Albemarle County until the attendance lines were changes two years ago. As principal of the Scottsville School, I know of no objection to another Tros-Dale Home for Soys heing located in Southern Albemarle County. /Sinc rely, , .-- ..7. Thomas A. Allison Principal TAA/ato R.L' al'i\, LL. , ,. BENJAMIN F. YANCEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL R.F.D. #1 BOX 211A ESMONT, VIRGINIA 22937 PHONE 286-3768 OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL Manie S. Phillips January 13, 1976 Board of Zones Appeal Albemarle County Court House Charlottesville, Virginia Dear Sirs: I am writing in behalf of, the appeal by Trosdale Home for permission to build on Hatton Road. This is to inform you that we have had Trosdale students at Yancey School and have found them to be satisfactory students in work and behavior. We have found that there is good cooperation in Trosdale and the school. Sincerely, Manie S. Phillips Principal RECEIVED 'N 1 3 i376 41),(‘ STAFF REPORT VA-75-36 Tros-Dale Home for Boys Existing Zoning: A-1, Agricultural Tax Map: 136 Parcel: 7, part of Request: Appeal decision of Zoning Administrator concerning definition of single family dwelling. Acreage: 2 . 0 Location: This property is located on the south side of Route 625 just west of the intersection of Route 726 . Staff Comment: The Zoning Administrator cannot comment on an appeal of his decision. Telephone 804-286-2879 TROTS -DALE HOME FOR BYS D. F. Cox, Jr. KEENE. VIRGINIA 22946 P . 0. Box 576 The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director Charlottesville, Va. 22902 Decenber 22, 1975 The Chairman, Board of Zoning Appeals c/o Zoning Administrator 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Sir: Tros-Dale Home for Boys is engaged in caring for boys whose own home conditions are unsatisfactory, but who are otherwise quite normal. The basic concept, as set forth in the attached brochure, is to keep our operation small and home-like, with no more than eight boys, for whom we provide not merely a home but love, affection and spiritual and educational guidance. The only way we can expand and help more boys, without destroy- ing the present home atmosphere, is to start another unit with a couple in residence, under the supervision of The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director and Founder of the present Home. We have been offered a two-acre tract located in Southern Albemarle in an area zoned A-1 (situated between "Hatton Grange" and "Donegal" , with three or four single family dwellings in the same area) . We propose to construct a single family dwelling, with occupancy limited to six boys, plus the couple in charge. It is our contention that this will constitute a family unit no different from others in the area, with parents and children who will become part of the community, attending the local schools, churches and other activities , and that it conforms in all respects to the spirit of the Zoning Law, even though owned and operated by Tros-Dale Home for Boys, a chari- table, non-commercial organization. The Zoning Administration has denied our request on a strict interpretation of the law, although expressing sympathy with our aims. We hereby appeal to your Board to permit this project to proceed, which will enable us to care for more boys who need a real home with all that this can provide . Sincerely, - D D. Farley Cox. , President DFC,Jr./glc Enclosure _tkl 1_- BOARD OF DIRECTORS D.Farley Cox,Jr.,President Mrs.James B.Murray W.Douglas White Robert N.Flood,Vice-President Mrs.Peter Manson Mrs.Frederick Whiteside Mrs.John Henneman,Secretary William S.Satterthwalte Donald W.Jones Robert Lloyd,Sr.,Treasurer Mrs.John Royer The Rev.Clifford Schane Mrs.Frank Hereford,Jr. 5.J.Boatwright A.Hamilton Bishop,III Telephone 804-286-2879 TR�S -DALE HOME FOR BAYS D. F. Cox, Jr. KEENE, VIRGINIA 22946 P. 0. Box 576 The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director Charlottesville, Va. 22902 December 22 , 1975 Mr. Hartwell Clarke Zoning Administrator 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Dear Mr. Clarke: Referring to our recent conversation, Tros-Dale Home for Boys hereby applies for approval of a single family dwelling to be built on a two-acre tract of land to be pur- chased from S . J. Boatwright. This land is located in an area zoned A-1, between "Hatton Grange" and "Donegal" in Southern Albemarle County, which presently contains three or four one-family dwellings. Tros-Dale intends this dwelling to house no more than six boys, with a couple in residence to care for them, under the supervision of the Rev. Peter T. Way, Director of the present Home. The entire concept of this operation is to create a family home for boys whose own home conditions are unsatisfactory. The couple in charge and the boys will com- prise a family which will be an integral part of the community, and will in every respect be like any other family, with parents and children, the only difference being that the home will be owned by the Tros-Dale Corporation. We feel very strongly that this constitutes a single family dwelling in conformance with the spirit of the Zoning Law (Remember - ''The Letter Killeth") and trust you will agree, in order that we may help more of those who are in need. Sincerely, 11„+ti� • D. Farley Cox, Jr. President DFC,Jr/glc FI l )711 , 1F _ LwL L6U U Lb . BOARD OF DIRECTORS D.Farley Cox,Jr.,President Mrs.James B.Murray W.Douglas White Robert N.Flood,Vice-President Mrs.Peter Manson Mrs.Frederick Whiteside Mrs.John Henneman,Secretary William S.Satterthwaite Donald W.Jones Robert Lloyd,Sr.,Treasurer Mrs.John Royer The Rev.Clifford Schane Mrs.Frank Hereford,Jr. S.J.Boatwright A.Hamilton Bishop,III Niftroe Telephone 804-286-2879 TROS - DALE HOME FOR BOYS KEENE. VIRGINIA 22946 D. F. Cox, Jr. P . 0. Box 576 The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director Charlottesville , Va. 22902 December 22, 1975 The Chairman, Board of Zoning Appeals c/o Zoning Administrator 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia. 22901 Dear Sir: Tros-Dale Home for Boys is engaged in caring for boys whose own home conditions are unsatisfactory, but who are otherwise quite normal. The basic concept, as set forth in the attached brochure , is to keep our operation small and home-like, with no more than eight boys, for whom we provide not merely a home but love, affection and spiritual and educational guidance. The only way we can expand and help more boys, without destroy- ing the present home atmosphere, is to start another unit with a couple in residence, under the supervision of The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director and Founder of the present Home. We have been offered a two-acre tract located in Southern Albemarle in an area zoned A-1 (situated between "Hatton Grange" and "Donegal" , with three or four single family dwellings in the same area) . We propose to construct a single family dwelling, with occupancy limited to six boys, plus the couple in charge. It is our contention that this will constitute a family unit no different from others in the area, with parents and children who will become part of the community, attending the local schools, churches and other activities , and that it conforms in all respects to the spirit of the Zoning Law, even though owned and operated by Tros-Dale Home for Boys, a chari- table, non-commercial organization. The Zoning Administration has denied our request on a strict interpretation of the law, although expressing sympathy with our aims. We hereby appeal to your Board to permit this project to proceed, which will enable us to care for more boys who need a real home with all that this can provide . Sincerely, D. Farley Cox. , President DFC,Jr./glc Enclosure BOARD OF DIRECTORS D.Farley Cox,Jr.,President Mrs.James B.Murray W.Douglas White Robert N.Flood,Vice-President Mrs.Peter Manson Mrs. Frederick Whiteside Mrs.John Henneman,Secretary William S.Satterthwaite Donald W.Jones Robert Lloyd,Sr.,Treasurer Mrs.John Royer The Rev.Clifford Schane Mrs.Frank Hereford,Jr. 5.J.Boatwright A.Hamilton Bishop,III Telephone 804-286-2879 • T R( - DALE HOME FOR B 'S KEENE. VIRGINIA 22946 D. F. Cox, Jr. P. O. Box 576 The Rev. Peter T. Way, Director Charlottesville, Va. 22902 December 22, 1975 The Board of Supervisors Albemarle County c/o The Zoning Administrator 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Gentlemen: Most of you are familiar with the operation of Tros- Dale Home for Boys as set forth in the attached brochure. We provide a home for boys whose own homes are unsatisfactory, and it is kept small -- not more than eight boys-- so as to preserve a home-like atmosphere, and in addition The Rev. and Mrs . Peter T. Way provide love, affection and spiritual and educational guidance. In order to preserve the atmosphere of a home our only avenue of expansion is by adding another unit in a separate loca- tion. We have been offered a two-acre tract on which to construct a dwelling for this purpose. It is located in an area zoned A-1 and situated in Southern Albemarle between "Hatton Grange" and "Donegal" in a section where there are already three or four other single family dwellings . Occupancy would be limited to six boys with a couple in residence to care for them under Mr. Way' s supervision. This would constitute a family unit, with parents and children, who would attend the local schools, churches and other activities of the community. It is our contention that this would conform with the spirit of the Zoning Law, the only exception being that it would be owned and operated by Tros-Dale Home for Boys , a chari- table, non-commercial organization. The Zoning Administrator has denied our request on a strict interpretation of the Zoning Law, although in sympathy with our aims,. We hereby request a permit to proceed with this pro- ject so that we can care for more boys who need a real home and all that this can provide . Sincerely, D. Farley, Cox, Jr. , President DFC,Jr./glc Enclosure BOARD OF DIRECTORS D.Farley Cox,Jr.,President Mrs.James B.Murray W.Douglas White Robert N.Flood,Vice-President Mrs.Peter Manson Mrs. Frederick Whiteside Mrs.John Henneman,Secretary William S.Satterthwalte Donald W.Jones Robert Lloyd,Sr.,Treasurer Mrs.John Royer The Rev.Clifford Schane Mrs.Frank Hereford,Jr. S.J.Boatwright A.Hamilton Bishop,111 • • tow. ,tme ,LANCE NO. TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I/We hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing • application, and respectfully request a reversal of his/ her decision by granting the request for a variance or special exception as stated on the variance/special exception application. APPLICANT' SIGNATUREr� i `" ' E� f C ADDRESS t � 1� R'. \,« _ L(_:` c. d i •-i Z z. e. c_" PHONE NUMBER aCt - 5 7 z S Action By The Board of Zoning Appeals: Variance application was unanimously granted. Date of Hearing: Jan. 13, 1976 SIGNED: '/,1 Chairman Board 4 o oning Appeals Date: g/Y 47%G' /'�� 1 I • COUNTY PIINIONING i.OMMISSION C.-.T.'PLANNING'COMM ISSKII BOARD Of SUPERVISORS I ij _DMA.., Larr gv% : ,.IRMAN /.. .„._ ... / ir CHAIRMANp—C CTA AY 4OA1N =T= RAT[ / Dn':- U TE OWNERS APPROVAL l 6+caret L Rnu •ATrE OF VIRGINIA A NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE THIS SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE CONSENT OF THE UNDER STATE AFORESAID(;O CERTIFY THAT.S., no gn�_/�M rgon ;.opV SIGNED OWNERS,PROPRIETORS,AND/OR TRU$IEES. ALL ROADS WHOSE NAMES Alit- SIGNED TO THE FOREGOING WRITING AND STREETS,IF NOT PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED,ARE HERESY UEARING DATE OF_ R,.r', ISZS HAVE ACKNOWL- TENDERED FOR DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE, EDGED THE SAME RE:FORE ME IN MY STATE.AFORESAID. i•'" tee • C /.,,t r .- - GIVEN UNDER MY RANT fldf`3'i DAY OF OEM 19 MY COMMISSION EXPIR FS_._ ._19__, � f..i_..�._ .__ _N.P. N • R T E \\\ \ \ j 726 \ • \ r Exist 40'R/W �/ _ ` I h o . c \ f V ~ ry V. tO R �xb LOCATION NAP 0 -a i •ea f'•or \ • ..f..b. 4,, •��0 l'7/CP./ ,.4 28� F �Q / 04) �9 2. U 0.=i C. �� ` P • .\ti a B. 4\\� „p� 390 ry ` �� �. ci AD.9 M P P 4 A T o O P • to R''s,d,e of poke i-, , qu SUBD/V/S/ON PLAT Sh'O!'Y,'N. o PARCEL'A;' A PORT/ON OF PA RCEL 7, TAX MAP/36 .. LOCATED ABOUT 3 ,n.//!E,^ S.W. SCOTTS✓/LLE oa I. • ALBEMARLE CO0 Al 7-7 V/R 6/N/A DEC. 23, /975 / '= 200' • •,4 1 ^54-1/-3(4 Id y� ` ', A WJ!tfAM S. Rnr!n,.R!JSH, INC. v:I CERTIFIED [PU!) SURVEYORS 6 3/ • NSW Ne100 • APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. • Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address Rt. 1 , Box 45C1 136-7 Clarence R. & Page T. Massie Scottsville , Va. 24590 Rt . 1, Box 38 136-20 I . B. & Emma K. Eriksen Scottsville , Va. 24590 Rt . 1 , Box 40 Scottsville 24590 136-22 Ella Mack Rt . l , Box 41 136-21 Samuel J . & Alease Harris Scottsville 24590 RFD 1 , Box 42 136-5B Charles M. & Mary W. Adcock Scottsville , 24590 Kt . 1 , Box 42 • 136-5 Ellen Gertrude Ward Scottsville 24590 * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS VA-75-36 Application Number Jal • APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. • . Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. • Map Parcel Name Address Rt . 1 , Box 42A 136-6D James Richard & Mary Jane Ward Scottsville 24590 Box 94 136-6C Luther Allen & Dora Blanche Jones Esmont 22937 Rt . .1 , Box 45B 136-8 F. Pierson Scott Scottsville , 24590 2966 Clover Street 136-19 Thomas C . & Janet C . McCobb Pittsford, N. Y. 14534 * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number VA-75-36 Bushy Park Farm Afton,Virginia 22920 January 7, 1976 Albemarle Zoning Board County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia Gentlemen: The Trosdale Home for Boys is requesting the Zoning Board of Albemarle County to issue them a permit to build a second Home in the area of Hattan Grange, Albemarle County. As a member of the Trosdale Home Board of Directors, I wish to advise the members of the Zoning Board that we have invited these boys to cur farm in Esmont for lunch, swimming and fish- ing several times, and to our home in Afton for a picnic and swimming. They are normal, well mannered intellegent boys, and we were happy to have them in our home. They enjoy a good reputation in the neighborhood, and are a credit to the community. Sincerely, / • .7 CARR'S HILL CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA 22903 ,artacv,t1) '7, /9 7 4 G 3Oz C� LA 7) ou:lh,c=.E L&keel utiuth c L- L -'C atsna. a'd] ©2 L- -nc i. . 4 1/4-..-ha3/.L, ,6 LAtj WaId.,beL CA>U_ Q- 1/42')(k.j)- 4) LL'1) LC-rtcjejl .�iea - Lam.Id_ �¢ l��c c c( 40LiI)_thpitilt.c2ILtp GLici-1) AV-Uaix-)kcol, Linb-63 atarr..k. Ak-Jekl-co7 , 9kr. .rr WOODSTOCK FARM Scottsville, Virginia 1 . 1 el 7 / P 24590 (o Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Whiteside Telephone 286-2964-Area Code 703 r o .. 73cra4 "1:7C.CrQ . 40-Zo (Ajl'i i ,l,fron,fra.. #a)1Lr5til414 LeAJ 6t 1A.A°4A(A_.1--7 161-r J ( tit41-- 9-j- SLT6- % ° ' V1A°4 - -vpr_be.)e."4.). r� / 1 ,4Ale) •a-/tAlt" ' 1 9` t‘di _ --)---,-.°D.r,Da- /-t,,:e,pix._ fra-v, . 7 Inre, --m--4-6 AdiciAsz, a,,,ipe. 1 ev-,1-4)r , . r t 0 'jlfri/fritr_. ,4 4--I,t/r v5- A'a '4*( f-' '' - 4 2 ,..' "so,A/vv - , b wo-vev--- Pzio, . . cii (.- tel. a,thoit of , mi:§v / / .44/0044;63 0 7/j("e' 4 4t A A 01 if / I' '641111+2€141 t 1 I � .i�6�1/r r/� t-1�/ � ..... January 5, 1976 We,the undersigned do hereby petition against the Albemarle County Zoning Board of approvinz the rezoning of land located on th,. aouth side of Route 625 further described as Tax map 136, Parcel 7, therefore we, the adjoining land owners and other interested parties owning and/or living within this region, are against having this land rezoned to accommodate the building of Trc,P-Dale Home for Boys. ---,.. ..„.. „ ,,..., . ...a.i.," 8 / 2,cAi41 - ,.._ J, (h„ftz.e., x /, (2,4k7.6c7:44 dbet<2;6, 727 i . 4 / ,..-! In . _, i (0/ 4 / .., / i ,. Me„,.',,t, vticifAA - 'lc\ oki , C)V)....,...erN,-----_ ''' ,..,..,, . . . ... ,-- - 7 , Z44./....‘7,,_ (-T- .;9. .„„ , .