HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197500030 Application 1975-10-21 ---� p . Iicatio for Variance p • • Special Exceptioni.TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -E �� . RIANCE NO. VA-��- The undersigned applicants (are) the owner of the following described property: . A PLAT OF TThIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE ' i • • A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OF SITE MUST BE GIVEN. (, ;70 IY c 3'itEN�'nr C �Ner res ectfull request the Zoning C- I/We ��ls�:7 �" r YF�-�t C p y to\erAa.,, C, Administrator of Albemarle County, Virginia to grant the r- - Variance or Special Exception stated below in the C,h,,-I le, �nc��,� Magisterial District and described as County Tax Map Gi Parcel /ZD/il containing - .�-1 acres and zoned 1S--f.f • (--- / •,c‘ ) ‹:!, • APPLICANT' S SIGNATURE r C LC.-c ti - - -)..(e'-L ,: Date /f' ) ` .__, petitioner request that the Zoning Administrator grant: . .The petit q _._... �-T- �;`,� PC I I(' L ) i Pt- V- A_ The applicant make this request becau5 e; �.�� ��j i _-, C�� 1 T"JCie-:-7i i nlri<-7( 1 �C ` L As-i l C`/V`. �: I T AL- j''F- a .N V .K.-N v `--ram' Q rilc7 v` —r"{-1 7 ' TO, . Action Taken by the Zoning Administrator: • Approved Denied - Signed Zoning Administrator DATE LAW OFFICES Reference : Mc GLTIRE, WooDs & BATTLE P. 0 BOX 1 1 91 RICHMOND,VIRGINIA OFFICE 944467-004 COURT SQUARE BUILDING Ross BUILDING CHAELOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22902 TELEPHONE (804) 644-4131 TELEPHONE (804) 977-2500 November 17, 1975 Mr. H. P. Clarke Zoning Administrator, County of Albemarle 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Ward' s Mobile Home Sales : Sign Ordinance Dear Mr. Clarke: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Friday to discuss the Ward' s Mobile Home Sales sign problem. It is my understanding that on November 3, 1975 , the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals denied an application submitted by Ward' s wherein Ward's was seeking a variance of thirty-nine additional square feet with regard to their existing free-standing sign. Under the Ordinance,Ward's has thirty days to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court of Albemarle County. Although Ward' s has not made up its mind whether or not to proceed with an appeal, it is respectfully requested that Ward' s be given the full thirty-day period in which to note its appeal. This special request is necessary because of the letter received dated November 5 , 1975 in which Ward' s was given twelve days to comply with the zoning ordinance. Should you deem it necessary to proceed against Ward's within the thirty-day period, I would appreciate your notifying me before instituting any formal action. Very truly yours , i- ---, od T _.. w r- Jay T. Swett JTS/p 11111 K$., cc: Mr. Lewis T. Broy j�--r�4- rrry 1411 OF ALezM� 00‘) . ,, RAF Office of Building Inspection 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 • HARTWELL P. CLARKE October 29, 1975 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Coleman P. Gorham 254 Farm Road Marlborough, Mass. 01752 Re: Variance Application for Wards Mobile Home Sales of Va. , Inc. VA-75-30 Dear Mr. Gorham: I am in receipt of your letter of October 25, 1975. As owner of the property, I assumed that Wards Mobile Home Sales of Virginia, Inc. , had checked with you be- fore erecting subject signs. The signs have been erected and are oversized. (The Zoning Ordinance states that freestanding business signs shall not exceed 100 square feet in aggregate area. ) Enclosed you will find Wards variance application and all correspondence concerning this sign variance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, arrt-A- Patricia L. Fleshman Zoning Department plf Enclosed copies %rw ..ir+ 254 Farm Road Marlboro, pass. 01752 October 25, 1975 Dear Patricia L. Fleshman, I just received your certified letter announcing a meeting (Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing) on Noverber 5, 1975. It is unfortunate that the subject of hearing was not included in your notice to re - I mean the specific subject or issue that would pertain to or affect m_y interests at the corner of Route #29 North and Rio Road. Would you kindly forward this information to re immediately. Thank you. Respectfully, s 64;t74,a.1(.1-44,„- Coleman P. Gorham 4 1 The EQ ABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States j 2305 COMMONWEALTH DR. HOME OFFICE NEW YORK, NEW YORK P. O. BOX 7766 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22906 LANDON D. BRICKHEAD TELEPHONES: MEMBER EQUITABLE HALL OF FAME BUS: 804/973-8351 LIFE AND QUALIFYING RES: 804/973-3111 MEMBER MILLION DOLLAR ROUND TABLE October 29, 1975 Ms . Patricia L . Fleshman Albemarle County Zoning Dept . County of Albemarle 411 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE : Increase in Size Wards Mobile Home Sales Dear Ms . Fleshman : In reference to your October 23, 1975 letter re- garding the above subject, this is just a note to state that I do not have any objections to the increase in size. Sincerely, �� k t l t. kV' 1', Landon D . Birckhead LDB:bg CC : L . Baker Crenshaw CC : Lloyd F. Wood, Jr . pq, to .0 r'I _ L i +c 1,71 I i J • MEMO TO: Board of Zoning Appeals, Members FRAM: H. P. Clarke, Zoning Administrator 0," SUBJECT: VA-75-30 Size Variance DATE: October 24, 1975 This sign was 75 square feet before the two FHA signs were added. This office suggests that since one 25 square foot sign with the FHA message would be legal, an obvious solution would be to replace the two 32 square feet signs with one 25 square foot sign and no variance would be necessary. HPC: plf • • New Nsior JANCE NO.V(1\--15---$CTO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I/WetCC, (\--M Mint- ,L,r_WNY\E oF yet :n.40 hereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County on the foregoing ' application, and respectfully request a reversal of his/ her decision by granting the request for a variance or special exception as stated on the variance/special exception application. C_N APPLICANT' SIGNATURE t-Cn ADDR] SS \--;?---)C'N PHONE NUMBER91) C.") 17 3 -- Action By The Board of Zoning Appeals : id 4 ,, /7/7s- (krj, /611 -9-I) Date of Hearing: SIGNED: Chairman, Board of Zoning Appeals Date: • 3 /1:;"))- e'll of 7 c :- CP'"Tc7 i S� 7s j)_„ge,& , zpr-11— z /ex>1 eVir< " t 76( ,741 121— ajhZ6—ts ' (4:24.-.7>i't-6,,--- (20//_=%/f/lA/ ,/� 7.f' /-lle kilo' Y c ci u_e3k--:.s c- v .--H.,c_k_. - 3 1 , 4t,C3-4M,-,, --t-P.,, , ,----"nrt CA-144,N,, (-1 :41 -_ _— -�-.-� �, -. _ a-( ��..�. J6 G2:3( AT c-,,--,-69 ( 4- 6 3 i C e,,C, , V.,c y 4 ) tz,:60..., Sty f C 9 120 N l - &;,,r h A,,,-N a0I ,,...,&_, e• —� -- r zb few re,4-- A- . Pi, , I it pc. , .. ( , 0-10..-i A i 1_____ ___ ___, e ( -2, C) -3 A4 i' m(:) ,,* nao-kei 1 a-r,c_ . _ __________ 0 I -2., —,_, Ne...-4-,-0,...k„..k R ri„.iv. ...4. M.Lt_s-t- C.13,r.,,q)q...1 ____ — Cc l 2-1-AsQ c cO r ► CtxPx MIZ3f& 01 -"- e_1‘ ) u. . di` p , . 5 as4- F, , alA - iba ."-.1 ., sass , Z! O 24a C4 Z ��3 / __ 1 ... , O , f_� r C. ,0 4, , C 1 -L-1 z 2-Cc t'A — -- 1 % LA.$10R, , rC_t4•1e. .,-f P d, ga A • z �4 / Ces-1-7 _. z 2��0�— -- U � - 22. C*C3� 5r �'. ,f'�s 711 Cat a l l { I ?___ elv g:, 14oer. e 0;u-(... cL (3c oc ; 9-514 t Vc_ i t..,.�-& (31vJ4 ti._ (3_ {(6+, "3 0C,4 l ig N c.. / P Fl-r m % v.-)i C c 4--/ -`2-9 0 WARD MOBILE HOME SALES N FHAIII 64 , • MOBILE HOME f/NANCING {ivufaEFi ; FHA Modular&Dei hWde •'' FINANCING 4cifa6Ct 1 .