HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197500009 Application 1975-04-09 Applicat '• � n for sari ar -- e or Special Exception TO: THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, ALBEMARLE COUNTY,. VIRGINIA .1RIANCE NO. 1$"C The undersigned applicant is(are) the owner of the following 'described property: A PLAT OF THIS PROPERTY MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE • A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. ' ' ' • : GIVE LOCATION BY REFERENCE-TO NEAREST ROAD INTERSECTION. DIMENSIONS OP SITE MUST BE GIVEN. • • I/We �( .. ,4 A.,,A; „ ,., respectfully request the Zoning Administrator of lllbel iarle County, Virginia to grant the Variance or Special xceptian stated below in the Magisterial District and described as County Tax Map SS Parcel lotto. containing acres and zoned {3_ 1 . Applicant Signature Date -3._ t.t_ 1S' • .•; The petitioner_request that the Zoning Administrator grant: (il 3t` 1 \;(%l.l�r o e L. \ ,,,i,f. '--._ v e E 4 L..,i i.-_ki J i --}�. •` `.. A\fKa: tL The applicant make this request because: • • • Action Taken by the Zoning Administrator: . Approved Denied Signed "" "`----------- -- TO: THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS —--- ---- --- -- -- ----_ --_ Date 3 - 1 (-1S • I/We 1„ A&A,;_qurc,Lhereby appeal the ruling of the Zoning Administrator of A1Gemarie County on the foregoing application, and respectfully request a reversal of his decision by granting the request for a variance or special exception as stated above. Applicant Signature • • Address R-.v 1 ,_ 4-1 o G,i o z _A-- ZZ9'3-7..._ Phone Nt_,:her 43D.:3— 5 SCe3 S _ . \L ,----:\, ) ci . CA_ \,\----,--,'v,, Li (..x. ,1;--40-__, ACTION BY THE BOIJUJ OF ZONING APPEALS 4 ) cti- _ c y'ev�,, C�.. �1 DATE APPr JV D �' DENIEL Rt. 3, Box 457 Charlottesville, Va. 22901 April 4, 1975 Judge Savory Amato, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Zoning .Appeals Office of Zoning 411 East High Street Charlottesville, Va. Dear Judge Amato : Ref: VA-75-09, County Antiques, David Smith April 8, 1975 are opposed to the granting of this variance for the following reasons : 1. The Crozet area map in the labemarle County Comprehensive Plan indicates that a service road parallel to Route 250 west is necessary in this commercial and light industrial area. 2. The Albemarle County Planning Commission has already required that space be reserved for a future service road on a recent site plan in this same area, south of Route 250 west, for a recently approved and not yet built Mini-Mart. 3. We strongly support the requirement of a service road parallel to Route 250 west in this area as it is immediately west of a very large and multi-million dollar school complex which when the new high school is built will occupy parcels on both sides of Route 250 west. We support the concept of a service road with limited and carefully designed access to Route 250 west for reasons of safety and efficiency above all in view of the traffic that will be generated with future development of this area. We also feel a service road would provide more attractive development than the iattern of Route 29 north. The 30-foot setback presently required in a B-1 zone is probably not enough to accomplish this service road goal! Sincerely, 743A tiV, CI\ SQ4aStN) Martha M. Selden ) Citizens for Albemarle ®+rr • rwlry N..c/ OF ALES 4,1 • , • Office of Building Inspection 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 - HARTWELL P. CLARKE • ZONING ADMINISTRATOR March 24 , 1975 Thomas W. Henley Crozet, Virginia 22932 Re: Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing Ladies and Gentlemen: • This letter is to notify you, as an adjoining property owner, of Country Antiques ' application for VA-75-09 to grant a 30 ft . variance from the required zn ft . front setback in a B-1 Zone. located on County Tax Map 55 , Parcel 109A, Samuel Miller District . Public hearings will be held on this application by the Board of Zoning Appeals on April 8 , 1975 at 5: 30 p.m. , in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. This application is available for your review in the Albemarle County Zoning Office, 411 East High Street, Charlottes- , ville, Virginia. Albemarle County Zoning Department Ry Patricia L. Fleshman airy APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address (tom ` l.ti ;c.0 1'rc r•.�' '� < - �'Ei.`:t,L_;\• ( >tt ,t".k- ,yam, -,�C l......`., {. 55 110 i Joel M . Cochran , Trustee / 414 E. Jefferson Street ' 55 109 ' Joel M. Cochran, City, 22901 Trustee (' s Z� :i :_ _;a hi ..# .tik • 55 109B Thomas W. Henley }} �Crozet , Virginia 22932 T.nriict 22901 55 103 Sanford Vi � ��. �g.-i� a SY?8_ Avenue , 1716 Woodhouse Road 55 111C Calvin C . ColeirY Virginia Beach, Va. 23451 C `y J • * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number Country Antiques David Smith Va- 75-09 k iiiQ �.+r , .4„ 4 go -2, ...... Q. P d c- c `� fli s � J Z 3 o -S J • v -. -- 2 sit N Q - Q CZ 1 .;: ttl _ . p. E. -cti,, st, _ ii._ i ,0 ,t) 1; Im 5 ca' . 1 , , (— T I z 1 129 c4 2. z � � o 3 i z rt- a g Q. 1)3 M J J blt Z_(S.--rNmevv:LA--4..1.1SsIn ‘--5-1-\-Onr1 t N,, c A� T OIV'1 - _ ` Pa '1 ✓ old �l..j•5-C -NL-N . t "/ AAJ44 Ls" cc;i1 ) (NiN dLy, , *V51, ?1,kv,k. CkiA, STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER POSTAGE (first class or airmail), zV6 o/ s- �� 6 _-_-9 -3/ _.,.s\ /7?-vv- . _,/-s ---77-ivv i-r,w-4/ Eyc- EYe ____......... _..._____._ f.,/,07, --(7.--wa-vryia-t9parwir, tr z� _ `i} .. _ _., __ .. . - ._ ._, _._. ... 4 „..,..„..„, ' -f / ,Y `