HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900024 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2019-04-16COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
VSMP Permit Plan review
Project: Hillcrest Vineyard and Winery, LLC (VSMP)
Plan preparer: Tom Shumate, Jr, LS, 1000 W. Main St. Waynesboro, VA 22980
[tomj r(a)tomshumatesurveyor. com]
Owner or rep.: Augusta Professional Park, LLC —P.O. Box 300, Lyndhurst, VA 22952
[mmc ig nnisAr717.net]
Plan received date: 31 Jan 2019 (Initial submittal, VESCP
(Rev. 1) 28 Mar 2019
Date of comments: 12 Mar 2019
(Rev. 1) 16 Apr 2019
Reviewer: John Anderson
WP02019-00005 (WP0201900024 /VSMP File Assignment, should revert to WP02019-00005)
County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any
VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied for reasons outlined, below.
The application may be resubmitted for approval if all comment items are satisfactorily addressed.
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain
(1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. Link to County template:
http://www.albemarle.ore/ui)load/imaees/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Enein
eering_and _WPO_Forms/Stormwater_Pollution _ Prevention_Plan _SWPPP template.pdf
a. Please provide SWPPP; use county template.
b. Please pay particular attention to:
i. Sec. 1 (Registration Statement); link
https://www.deq.vir ig nia.gov/portals/O/DEQ/Water/Publications/CGPRegistrationStatement2Ol4.pdf
ii. Sec. 6.A. (I I" x 17" SWPPP Exhibit) (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Asefollow-up: See
item A.e., below.
iii. Sec. 6.E. (Persons responsible for pollution prevention practices) (Rev. 1) Addressed.
iv. Sec. 8 (Qualified personnel /SWPPP inspections) (Rev. 1) Addressed.
v. Sec. 9 (Signed Certification; SWPPP complete /accurate) (Rev. 1) Addressed.
vi. Sec. 12 (Inspection log /form /template). (Rev. 1) Addressed, but please see item e.ix.,
c. List WP02019-00005 on cover of SWPPP.
d. List project name as: Hillcrest Vineyard & Winery LLC (Rev. 1) Addressed.
e. Additional; Sec. 6.A. /Exhibit:
i. Show paint /stucco /solvent storage, and clean -out location, (Rev. 1) Partially
addressed. Sheet 2 Note: `This facility is for agricultural purposes, therefore, there will
be no storage of paint /stucco /solvent.' As follow-up: Please confirm there will be no on -
site storage of paint /stucco solvent during construction of proposed wine processing
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ii. Show solid waste (non -hazardous) waste receptacle (dumpster), (Rev. 1) Addressed.
iii. Show temporary sanitary facilities (porta John), accessible to service vendor, (Rev. 1)
Not addressed.
iv. Provide /show trapping measure for treatment of vehicle wash waters, (Rev. 1)
v. Provide /show lined concrete washout adjacent to PCE, (Rev. 1) Partially addressed.
Note states: `Actual location of concrete washout to be determined in field at time of
building pad pour. See sheet 4 for detail.' Revise Sec. 6, 11" x 17" SWPPP Exhibit to
include any on -site fuel storage, portable sanitary facilities, and indicate a preliminary
concrete wash -out location. Contractor may change initial location later. DEQ
inspections place special emphasis on this item, consistently (concrete washout).
vi. Provide /show paved construction entrance (PCE). (Rev. 1) Addressed.
vii. New: Relocate 21-pg. VAR10 from Sec. 2 to Sec. 11. Once 1-2 pg. DEQ VAR10
coverage letter is received, this document is included with SWPPP at Sec. 2.
viii. New: Indicate on -site location of rain gauge.
ix. New: Recommend include inspection frequency listed at VAR10 Part 1.B.4.d.(1/2), since
this inspection frequency applies [text image, below].
d. The applicable SWPPP inspection requirements specified in Part II F 2 shall be amended as
(1) Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four business days or
(ii) at least once every five business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable
storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48
hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day;
(2) Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other
similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls discharging to surface waters
identified as impaired or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and
approved prior to the term of this general permit.
The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404.
1. See A /Sec. 6 comments, above.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) Required.
VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP.
This plan is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The stormwater management plan content requirements
can be found in County Code section 17-403.
1. Please ref. 17-303. Proposed Vineyard Processing building is not exempt from VSMP
requirements; excerpt of Agricultural, horticultural, and forestal activities exemption, below.
B. Agricultural, horticultural, and forestal activities. Clearing of lands specifically for agricultural
purposes and the management, tilling, planting, or harvesting of agricultural, horticultural, or
forest crops, livestock feedlot operations, or as additionally set forth by the State Water Control
Board in regulations, including engineering operations as follows: construction of terraces, terrace
outlets, check dams, desilting basins, dikes, ponds, ditches, strip cropping, lister furrowing,
contour cultivating, contour furrowing, land drainage, and land irrigation; however, this exception
shall not apply to harvesting of forest crops unless the area on which harvesting occurs is
reforested artificially or naturally in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11 (Virginia Code
§ 10.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 10.1 of the Virginia Code or is converted to bona fide agricultural or
improved pasture use as described in Virginia Code § 10.1-1163(B).
2. Provide a SWM Plan that meets content requirements listed at 17-403, that meets water quality and
quantity requirements listed at 9VAC25-870-66. Note: pre- /post -development drainage maps are
required. Pre -post development hydrologic calculations are required. Technical criteria IIB
applies. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up:
a. If plan intends to show compliance with discharge to a manmade system, it is unclear that
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a manmade system exists along Dick Woods Road (SR 637). Provide plan detail.
Include topography, labels, narrative, etc. that explain compliance with 9VAC25-870-
66.B.1.a. Please note, velocity analysis required. If proposed Ex. detention outfall
discharges to a poorly -defined or non-existent roadside ditch, then design must consider
9VAC25-870-66.B.3 (Energy balance /Natural stormwater conveyance systems).
b. Engineering anticipates discharge to a roadside ditch (manmade conveyance), and
requests Ex. ditch details, section, and velocity analysis, per 9VAC25-870-66.B.1.
c. Limits of Analysis: Evaluate channel protection to point site DA < 1 % total watershed
Area of a receiving stream; ref. 9VAC25-870-66.B.4.
d. (9VAC25-870-66.C.1./2.): Design meets flood protection requirement at 9VAC25-870-
66.C.2.b. Please include this statement on plan sheet C-1.02.
e. It is not immediately apparent why a level spreader (LS) is required. SWM facilities
cannot be located within VDOT RW. This facility is not, but appears to lie near a
roadside ditch (2.a., above) which will cancel tendency for sheet flow to disperse.
(Ditches concentrate flow.) 9VAC25-870-66.D. is not applicable. Recommend remove
LS from plans, which may limit design, construction, and SWM Facility easement platting
expense. Last: if located too close to a ditch, VDOT equipment may damage this facility
during routine ditch maintenance operations.
f. Extended detention (DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 15):
i. Consider design parameters, specifications, and requirements at
https://www.swbmp.vwrrc.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/1I/BMP-Spec-No-15 EXT-
DETENTION-POND vl-9_03012011.pdfwith care.
1. Ref. Table 15.2, Extended Detention (ED) Pond Criteria
a. Calculate /report Tv. VaRRM .xls indicates Tv=4,027.49 ft.
Show design provides this Tv.
b. Provide a min. of 15% of the Tv in the permanent pool
(forebay, micropool) (does not appear to)
c. Ensure flow path /overall length = 0.4 or more (does not
appear to)
d. Report Tv ED time (Level 1)
e. Ensure vertical Tv ED fluctuation exceeds 4 ft.
f. Related to e., label critical elevations on Section through
Embankment Detention Basin profile, sheet C-1.03.
2. Related, profile, C-1.03, should reflect Typ. Ex. Detention Pond details
shown in DEQ BMP Spec. 15, Fig. 15.1. Profile provided, incomplete.
(Please ensure 5.5" orifice is shown on ED profile, at Elev., 791.0')
(Please ensure riser dimensions are shown in profile, with critical elev.)
3. Ref Sec. 6.3 of BMP Spec. 15, and provide geotechnical information.
4. Ref. Sec. 6.4, Pretreatment Facility, and revise forebay design.
5. Provide aquatic bench.
6. Proposed Ex. detention pond V-ditch shape does not meet Level 1
geometric std. (length /width ratio, or flow path); please revise.
7. C-1.02 label: 4H:1V side slopes. Proposed upslope side slopes are
2H:IV. Check DEQ Spec. 15, Sec. 6.6. -Max. = 4H:IV, or 5H:IV.
Please revise.
8. Ref. Spec. Sec. 6.6, Long Flow Path —Revise, consistent with design
9. Ref. Spec. Sec. 6.5, Adequate Outfall Protection (proposed 15" DIA
outfall): Ensure V2-year is non -erosive, i.e., 3.5-5 fps. Provide channel
lining, as required.
ii. Ref. Spec. Sec. 8.1, Construction Sequence: Include stepson plans.
g. Label 15" DIA outfall pipe (length, slope material) in plan and profile.
h. Plan /profile ED discharge labels are inconsistent: plan, 15", profile, 18". Revise label/s
for consistency.
i. Dimension all riprap (L X W X D), including: ED outfall, forebay stone diaphragm, stone
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armored swale/s.
j. Provide pre -post development drainage area maps.
k. Show drainage divides that convey 0.75 Ac. turf /1.01 Ac. impervious area runoff to ED.
1. Include Q2, Qio pre -post development discharge on plans (table format, preferred).
m. If proposed permanent diversion berm at top of cut slope concentrates sheet flow and
discharges runoff off -site, ensure concentrated flow is included with post -development
n. Label floor dimensions of revised Ex. detention pond.
o. Include attached periodic maintenance checklist for Ex. Detention basins on the plan
(Ref. VSMH, Ch. 9, Appx. C)
3. Sheet 3: Revise Stormwater Runoff Considerations text. Delete statement that there are no
stormwater runoff concerns, which implies there are no stormwater requirement requirements.
(Rev. 1) Addressed.
4. Note: LOD z 1.205 Ac.: Project requires a DEQ VPDES Construction General Permit (52,486 ft2).
(Rev. 1) Comment persists.
5. 11" x 17" VSMP SWM plan size is unacceptable. Submit conventional full-size plans, 24" X 36". (Rev. 1)
6. Revise plan title to: Hillcrest Vineyard & Winery LLC—VSMP/WPO 201900005. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
7. Note: 11" x 17" SWPPP Exhibit (Sec. 6.A.) is acceptable. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Please also see SWPPP
comments, above.
8. C-1.02 /Additional:
a. Show /label roof leader line, and release point (appears to be at south corner of building).
b. Show /label WPO (stream) buffer.
c. Label EP, SR 637.
d. Provide spot shot elevations at EP, SR 637, to guide grading.
e. Label proposed site entrances, use VDOT designation. Provide VDOT entrance detail.
f. Revise site driveway width to 14'. Engineering recommends an even wider drive aisle.
g. Show parking spaces —re£ design requirements at ACDSM. (Link:
hqp://www.albemarle.orgLunload/ima2es/forms_center/departments/communiiy development/form
s/design standards_ manuat/Albemarle_County_Design Standards _Manual _2015-04-25_draft.pdf)
h. Engineering recommends increase separation from south corner of building and drive EP;
1.5' separation is proposed. Engineering anticipates vehicle or building damage may
result under proposed design. Engineering recommends bollard at south corner of
building, at least 3' from EP.
i. Show limits of proposed 4.20 Ac. Forest /Open space on the plan (consistent with
separate easement plat under review as SUB2019-00053).
j. Provide swale Typ. detail (indicate 2- , 10-yr water elev.)
k. Provide swale design (capacity /velocity) calculations.
1. Define grading at inlet 15" RCP pipe under drive. Provide IP at this location.
m. Proposed drive grade appears to be 611:1 V, or 16.66%. Check to ensure drive design
grade does not exceed 16%.
n. Delete note `Drive slope to be determined in field.'
o. Provide culvert calculations. Culverts must flow in open channel regime (Qlo event).
p. Provide vegetative cover hardier than grass for proposed 2:1 cut slope. Ref. ACDSM,
Sec. 8.A.2.
q. Notes:
i. Third bullet: revise text to read `The areas will remain...'
ii. Fourth bullet: Include Construction Record Drawing (As -built) for VSMP on the
plans. Link to .PDF:
httn://www.albemarle.orQ/uDload/ima2es/forms center/departments/Community Develo
nment/forms/Eneineerine and WPO Forms/WPO VSMP Construction Record Drawi
ngs Policy 23May2014.pdf
iii. Sixth bullet: Revise to include `...and Extended Detention pond,' since Ex. Det.
is credited a 15% phosphorus reduction. (VaRRM .xls)
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r. Provide leader lines for `forebay with stone diaphragm,' `Riser w/ anti -flotation...' labels.
s. Show proposed SMW Facility /Access Easements.
9. C-1.01: Label EP, SR 637.
10. SWM Facility /Access Easement (plat /deed) must be recorded prior to VSMP Plan approval.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan
is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in
County Code section 17-402.
Sheet 1: Show and label critical slopes. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
I I" x 17" ESC plan size is unacceptable. Submit conventional full-size plans, 24" X 36". (Rev. 1)
Sheet 2:
3. If 1" = 601, State route 637 scales approx. 13.5' wide. Please confirm road width is accurate (to scale).
(Rev. 1) Addressed. Discussed in plan review meeting.
4. Show all roads /travel ways and proposed improvements. Ref. project description, sheet 3: "purpose of this
project is to construct a 14,117 sq. ft. wine processing building with a gravel road from a proposed farm
road off Route 637 into the property." Neither sheet 1 nor 2 show a gravel road or a proposed farm road.'
[emphasis added] (Rev. 1) Addressed.
5. Include newly constructed travel ways (area) that support wine processing in project LOD area calculation.
Revise LOD, as necessary. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
6. Label proposed contours.
7. Provide ESC legend. Include PCE in legend. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
8. Include paved washed rack (PCE) detail on plans; ref. p. 8, ACDSM. Link:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/communitydevelopment/forms/design standards manuaVA
lbemarle_County Desiyn Standards _Manual _2015-04-25_draft.pdf (Rev. 1) Addressed.
Sheet 3
9. Management Strategies/Sequence of Construction: (Rev. 1) Addressed.
a. (MS) 6. Add `with county inspector approval' to end of sentence (for ESC measure removal).
b. (SC) 2. Revise to read `install paved construction entrance.'
c. (SC) 5. SWPPP, Sec. 11, Delegation of Authority transfers ESC-related and construction -related
environmental responsibility from Construction Activity Operator identified in Sec. 1, Registration
Statement, to another party. The Owner is not responsible for E&S controls unless responsibility
is delegated. Revise SC 5.
d. (SC) 5. VPDES CGP Part LB.4.d. (discharge to impaired waters), and Part II.F.2., specify
inspection frequency. Revise SC 5 consistent with VAR10 CGP. Ref. Attached (.PDF, p. 2,11);
inspection requirements at Part II.F.3.
10. Sheet 4/Maintenance: Add `with county inspector approval' to end of sentence (for PCE removal). (Rev.
1) Addressed.
11. Please consolidate sheet 4-8 information on fewer plan sheets of typical size (24" X 36"). (Rev. 1)
12. Sheet 2: Provide deed bk.-pg. ref. to SR 637 for section of Dick Woods Road fronting property.
Sheet 1
13. Provide ownership data, TMP #69-20 (Owner Name /deed bk.-pg. ref.).
14. Show /label existing drive, shown only as a CL. Show approx. actual width.
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15. Provide vicinity map (1"—2,000' scalc).
16. Provide TMP zoning.
Sheet 3
17. Provide forestal district information.
18. Provide water supply /reservoir information.
19. Provide source of topography (LS /date of survey).
The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been
addressed. For re -submittal, please provide 2 copies of the permit package with a completed application form.
Engineering plan review staff is available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays if you wish to meet to discuss this review.
After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request
form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and
check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will
prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash,
certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County
Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms.
Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The
County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature
information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees.
After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database
for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority
approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest
processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application (SWPPP Registration Statement).
DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will
issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county.
Easements must be recorded prior to VSMP approval. Proof of purchase of nutrient credits (if any) is required to
receive a Grading Permit.
After DEQ coverage is issued, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete
the request using a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form
identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by
county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the
pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a grading permit will be issued by the County
so that work may begin.
County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering;
Ifyou have questions /concerns, please contact me at janderson2(a�albemarle.org or at 434.296-5832-x3069.
Thank you
J. Anderson, Engineering Div.
WP0201900005 - WP0201900024 Hillcrest Vineyard & Winery LLC 041619rev1