HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900022 Staff Report 2019-04-17ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2019-2: Flow Auto Audi and Porsche Showrooms
Review Type
Conceptual Plan/Advisory Review
Parcel Identification
1313 Richmond Road, on the south side of Rt. 250, approximately 700' east of People Place
Highway Commercial (HC)/Entrance Corridor (EC)
Janice S. Linkous/BRW Architects (David Timmerman)
Magisterial District
To renovate and construct additions to the existing Flow building to establish two new automobile showrooms with
associated site improvements.
The site of the proposed showrooms is the current location of the Flow Audi Volkswagen Porsche auto dealership. The
display parking lot is located on the parcel to the west. Automobile dealerships predominate along this stretch of Rt. 250.
Banks and restaurants are also located nearby.
The new showrooms will be clearly visible from the Entrance Corridor.
ARB Meeting Date
April 15, 2019
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
The ARB completed a preliminary review of a proposal to construct a new showroom.
The ARB held a work session on the architectural design of the showroom building.
The ARB approved the massing, size and location of the Audi showroom, with all other issues to be addressed in a
formal submittal.
The ARB approved the application pending staff approval of 5 conditions.
Initial plan submitted and reviewed by staff. The conditions from the 2/6/2017 ARB action remained outstanding.
ARB-2018-38 Certificate of Appropriateness issued. Project not constructed.
After the applicants approached the County with a revised concept
plan to upgrade the VW, Porsche, Audi and Mazda dealerships,
and after viewing the standard Porsche trademark design (image at
right), the ARB determined that the Porsche proposal should be
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reviewed in a work session.
The ARB held a work session on Pantops Flow Porsche. The Board discussed the Porsche design (copied below and in Attachment A)
and provided the following comments:
The standard Porsche trademark design must be revised to meet the Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines. The following items were
noted, but should not be considered a complete list of review comments:
1. Moderate the importance of the service entrances. A more unified overall complex may make the service area easier to deal with.
2. The design should reflect human scale.
3. How can the Porsche massing be modified to coordinate with the Audi building?
4. The blankness of the facade is an issue.
5. The sign appears over -scaled for the building. The building design acts as one large sign. See the zoning ordinance section 4.15 for
maximum allowable sign sizes. See the EC sign guidelines for guidance on sign scale and proportion.
6. Use the grade of the site to make the development more appealing. How the ground plane is manipulated and how the volumes sit in
relation to each other will be important.
7. A continuity in the glazing might be used to tie the two showrooms together.
8. The 28' Porsche height may need to be reduced for a more compatible appearance.
9. An overtly modern design can still relate to Classical precedents. Show how the proposed design is related to the historic
architecture of the County.
10. The previous Audi drawings illustrated a more sensitive design.
11. The treatment of the hyphen is important.
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Structure design
The goal of the regulation of the design of development
The proposed design of the Audi building is similar to
Revise the corrugated
within the designated Entrance Corridors is to insure that
the design that was approved in 2018. (In 2018, the
metal panel and
new development within the corridors reflects the
ARB determined that the design displayed a sufficient
concrete panel siding
traditional architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the
connection to the historic architecture of the area.)
to brick as in the
purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, that
Changes to the approved design now include: a 4'
2018 Audi design.
proposed development within the designated Entrance
height increase, an added asymmetrical metal surround
Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the
at the front entrance, and a change from brick on the
Revise the elevation
significant historical landmarks, buildings, and structures
approved side elevations to corrugated metal panel on
drawings to indicate
of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to promote
the west elevation and concrete panel siding on the east
Audi's interior ACM
orderly and attractive development within these
elevation. The brick helped relate the building to the
fascia and to identify
corridors. Applicants should note that replication of
historic architecture of the county. The loss of the brick
the material/color of
historic structures is neither required nor desired.
is not a positive change.
the Audi entrance
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the
Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience these sites
The Porsche building does not have a connection to the
as ensembles of buildings, land, and vegetation. In order
historic architecture of the county. The design contrasts
Revise the Porsche
to accomplish the integration of buildings, land, and
with the Audi building. Its two metal forms, though
design to increase its
vegetation characteristic of these sites, the Guidelines
sculptural, present as heavy, solid masses, even though
connection to the
require attention to four primary factors: compatibility
the size of the building has been reduced since the
historic architecture
with significant historic sites in the area; the character of
work session (by eliminating one of the service drop-
of the county and its
the Entrance Corridor; site development and layout; and
off lanes). The mass is emphasized by the thinness of
unity with the Audi
the support columns. The curved metal forms are the
most prominent building element of the proposal. The
New structures and substantial additions to existing
structures should respect the traditions of the architecture
focus of the architectural design should have a stronger
Reconsider the size
of historically significant buildings in the Charlottesville
connection to the traditional architecture of the area.
of the hyphen relative
and Albemarle area. Photographs of historic buildings in
to its visual impact.
the area, as well as drawings of architectural features,
The Porsche metal panels are identified as aluminum
which provide important examples of this tradition are
composite in "sunrise silver" color. A reflective finish
contained in Appendix A.
would not be appropriate for the EC. A sample is
needed to determine the appropriateness of the color
samples for review.
The examples contained in Appendix A should be used
as a guide for building design: the standard of
and finish. (Metal panels in tones of silver/gray were
compatibility with the area's historic structures is not
approved for Malloy Ford on Rt. 29 and Toyota at
intended to impose a rigid design solution for new
development. Replication of the design of the important
historic sites in the area is neither intended nor desired.
The Guideline's standard of compatibility can be met
through building scale, materials, and forms which may
be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as
well as traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality in
design to accommodate varying tastes as well as special
functional requirements.
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows,
doors, materials, colors and textures should be
compatible with the forms and features of the significant
historic buildings in the area, exemplified by (but not
limited to) the buildings described in Appendix A [of the
The dealerships wish to maintain separate identities. A
design guidelines]. The standard of compatibility can be
recessed metal panel, 2' wide, is proposed between the
met through scale, materials, and forms which may be
two "buildings." This "hyphen" physically separates
embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well
the designs and is visually coordinated with both.
as traditional. The replication of important historic sites
However, at 2' wide, it appears to have minimal
in Albemarle County is not the objective of these
The elevation drawings do not specify an interior ACM
fascia behind the glass curtain wall, although the fascia
appears in the renderings.
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to
At the February work session, the ARB indicated that
Revise the Porsche
establish a pattern of compatible architectural
the 28' Porsche height may need to be reduced for a
design to increase
characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order
more compatible appearance. Instead of reducing the
compatibility with
to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should
Porsche height, the Audi height was increased by 4'.
the Audi design.
demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within
The metal forms of the Porsche building have a very
the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is
solid, massive character. Reducing the height would
Reduce the mass of
substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking
help reduce the mass.
the Porsche metal
a careful balance between harmonizing new development
with the existing character of the corridor and achieving
At the February work session, the ARB asked how the
compatibility with the significant historic sites in the
Porsche massing could be modified to coordinate with
Provide an alternate
the Audi building. The ARB recommended that the
importance of the service entrances be moderated. The
treatment for the
drop-off bay to
Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding
context of buildings.
proposed Porsche design includes a metal form that
reduce the mass of
curves out over the travelway that provides access to
the curved metal
the service drop-off bay. This significantly — and
unnecessarily — increases the building mass. The drop-
off bay is set back approximately 40' from the front of
the building. An alternate treatment for the drop-off
bay could reduce the building mass and create an
opportunity to further relate the Porsche building to the
Audi building.
The overall design of buildings should have human scale.
The top-heavy quality of the curved metal forms on
Revise the Porsche
Scale should be integral to the building and site design.
slender supports has an uncomfortable appearance at
design to enhance
the Porsche entrance. The forms do not convey human
human scale.
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building
At the February work session, the ARB indicated that
Reduce the mass of
design should be relieved using design detail or
the blankness of the fagade was an issue. The metal
the curved metal
vegetation, or both.
building forms still retain a level of blankness. The
forms. Revising the
western part of the curved form, in particular, is
design to treat the
expected to appear blank to eastbound viewers.
drop-off bay as a
Reducing the mass of the curved metal form by treating
separate form may be
the drop-off bay as a separate form could reduce
an option.
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor
At the February work session, the ARB suggested that
Further revise the
should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a
a continuity in the glazing might be used to tie the two
design to establish
cohesive whole.
showrooms together. A level of coordination is seen in
the alignment of one of the Porsche metal bands with
greater unity between
the buildings.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting
devices should be used to unify groups of buildings
the horizontal joint in the Audi curtain wall. Also, the
within a development.
width of the glass wall between the Porsche metal
forms is proportional to the Audi windows. However,
these features do not establish a strong sense of unity.
The applicant notes that unity in the composition is
also achieved by aligning the roofs.
Trademark buildings and related features should be
Some modifications have been made, but the trademark
modified to meet the requirements of the Guidelines.
forms and features remain the strongest elements of the
above and below.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be
The conceptual drawings note the glass as curtain wall
Provide specs on the
highly tinted or highly reflective. Window glass in the
with anodized frame.
proposed window
Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria:
glass for both
Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below
dealerships, noting
40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed
how the glass meets
30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass
the EC criteria.
should be submitted with the application,forflnal review.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated
Information on mechanical equipment was not included
Provide information
into the overall plan of development and shall, to the
in the submittal.
on ro osed
extent possible, be compatible with the building designs
accessory structures
used on the site.
and equipment
showing appropriate
The following should be located to eliminate visibility from
the Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting,
treatments for the
these features will still have a negative visual impact on the
Entrance Corridor street, screening should be provided to
eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c.
Refuse areas, d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical equipment,
f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed
wire, razor wire, and similar security fencing devices.
Screening devices should be compatible with the design
of the buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and
may consist of. a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
The following note should be added to the site plan and the
The note will be needed on the site and architectural
Add the standard
architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment
from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
equipment note to the
site and architectural
No information on lighting has been submitted.
Provide a lighting
lan for review.
The conceptual site plan shows plant locations
Provide a landscape
consistent with the previously approved plan.
plan for review that
shows all proposed
changes to approved
Development pattern
Site development should be sensitive to the existing
A sketch plan has been provided. It shows parking
Submit a site plan
natural landscape and should contribute to the creation of
spaces removed from the front of the building and from
amendment for
an organized development plan. This may be
the west side of the building. A site plan amendment
accomplished, to the extent practical, by preserving the
will be required. It will need to show that parking
trees and rolling terrain typical of the area; planting new
requirements are being met. If new locations for
If new locations for
trees along streets and pedestrian ways and choosing
vehicle display are proposed (including the patio at the
vehicle display are
species that reflect native forest elements; insuring that
Porsche entrance), an amendment to the approved
proposed, an
any grading will blend into the surrounding topography
special use permit will be required.
amendment to the
thereby creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to
approved special use
the extent practical, existing significant river and stream
With the proposed design, the building would remain
permit will be
valleys which may be located on the site and integrating
parallel to the EC street. Stepping the building forms,
these features into the design of surrounding
and their roofs, down the slope, would acknowledge
development; and limiting the building mass and height
the local terrain.
Step the roofs of the
to a scale that does not overpower the natural settings of
buildings down the
the site, or the Entrance Corridor.
The relationship of buildings and other structures to the
Entrance Corridor street and to other development within
the corridor should be as follows:
a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike
paths, and pedestrian walks should guide the layout of
the site.
b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor
street should be parallel to the street. Building groupings
should be arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor
c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent
pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems.
d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to
provide continuity within the Entrance Corridor.
e. If significant natural features exist on the site
(including creek valleys, steep slopes, significant trees or
rock outcroppings), to the extent practical, then such
natural features should be reflected in the site layout. If
the provisions of Section 32.5.6.n of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance apply, then improvements
required by that section should be located so as to
maximize the use of existing features in screening such
improvements from Entrance Corridor streets.
f. The placement of structures on the site should respect
existing views and vistas on and around the site.
Site Grading
Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the
At the February work session, the ARB stated that the
Step the roofs of the
site to surrounding conditions by limiting the use of
grade of the site should be used to make the
buildings down the
retaining walls and by shaping the terrain through the use
development more appealing, noting that the way in
of smooth, rounded land forms that blend with the existing
which the ground plane is manipulated and the way the
terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are generally unacceptable.
volumes sit in relation to each other will be important.
Indicate the color of
Proposed contours on the grading plan shall be rounded
the brick site walls
with a ten -foot minimum radius where they meet the
The site slopes down from east to west. The Audi
on the drawings.
adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve a natural,
finished floor sits above the Porsche finished floor. The
Provide a sample for
rather than engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet
Audi building has a brick base that takes up the slope at
in height and taller, when necessary, shall be terraced and
the front of the building. The patio at the front of the
planted to blend with the landscape.
Porsche building has a brick base that also takes up the
slope; it wraps the corner to form the western base of
the Porsche showroom and continues eastward around
the Audi entrance. A brick -framed planter forms the
western edge of the Porsche service drop-off travelway.
Despite the change in grade, the tops of the buildings
are equal.
The color of the brick used for the site walls is not
identified on the drawings.
No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within the
Some landscaping in the vicinity of the service drop-off
Show adequate tree
drip line of any trees or other existing features designated
would be removed to accommodate the proposal.
protection on the
for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness.
Landscaping exists throughout the site. Tree protection
Adequate tree protection fencing should be shown on, and
may be necessary.
coordinated throughout, the grading, landscaping and
erosion and sediment control plans.
Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate
of Appropriateness should be clearly delineated and
protected on the site prior to any grading activity on the
site. This protection should remain in place until
completion of the development of the site.
Preservation areas should be protected from storage or
movement of heavy equipment within this area.
Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be
Drainage isn't addressed in this conceptual submittal.
None at this time.
designed to fit into the natural topography to avoid the
need for screening. When visible from the Entrance
Corridor street, these features must be fully integrated into
the landscape. They should not have the appearance of
engineered features.
Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new
drainage patterns) should be incorporated into the
finished site to the extent possible.
At the February work session, the ARB indicated that
Align the Audi and
the Porsche sign appeared over -scaled for the building.
Porsche wall signs
The letter height of the sign has been reduced in the
for increased unity in
current proposal. Alignment of the Audi and Porsche
the designs.
signs would further enhance unity in the designs.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The degree to which the Audi and Porsche designs reflect the traditional architecture of the area
2. The size, scale and proportions of the metal Porsche forms
3. The treatment of the Porsche service drop-off bay
4. The impact of the hyphen
5. The coordination of the two designs
Staff offers the following comments on the proposal:
1. Revise the corrugated metal panel and concrete panel siding to brick as in the 2018 Audi design.
2. Revise the elevation drawings to indicate Audi's interior ACM fascia and to identify the material/color of the Audi entrance surround.
3. Revise the Porsche design to increase its connection to the historic architecture of the county and its unity with the Audi building.
4. Reconsider the size of the hyphen relative to its visual impact.
5. Provide material/color samples for review, including the brick for the site walls.
6. Revise the Porsche design to increase compatibility with the Audi design.
7. Reduce the mass of the curved metal forms in the Porsche design.
8. Provide an alternate treatment for the Porsche drop-off bay to reduce the mass of the curved metal forms.
9. Revise the Porsche design to enhance human scale.
10. Further revise the design to establish greater unity between the buildings.
11. Provide specs on the proposed window glass for both dealerships, noting how the glass meets the EC criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall
not drop below 4001o. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
12. Provide information on proposed accessory structures and equipment showing appropriate treatments for the EC.
13. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the site and architectural plans: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor
shall be eliminated.
14. Submit a site plan amendment for review. Include a lighting plan and a landscape plan that shows all proposed changes to approved plants. Show
adequate tree protection on the plans.
15. If new locations for vehicle display are proposed, an amendment to the approved special use permit will be required.
16. Step the roofs of the buildings down the slope.
17. Indicate the color of the brick site walls on the drawings.
18. Align the Audi and Porsche wall signs for increased unity in the designs.
TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date
Cover Sheet
Project Narrative
Site photos
Site Plan
Perspective Looking Southwest
Perspective Looking Southeast
Front Perspective
Front Building Elevation
East Elevation
West Elevation
Elements of Entry Corridor Guidelines 4 sheets
Attachment A - Porsche conceptual design presented at the 2/4/2019 work session — page 1
Attachment A - Porsche conceptual design presented at the 2/4/2019 work session — page 2
Al srte Plan
Porsche Charlottesville
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Attachment A - Porsche conce
PRAM Fl�.�
at the 2/4/2019 work session — page 3
Porsche CharlotMavflla
Attachment A - Porsche conce
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at the 2/4/2019 work session —
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Porsche Charlottesville
Attachment A - Porsche conce
at the 2/4/2019 work session — page 5
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