HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900023 Review Comments Final Plat 2019-04-18 (3)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 April 11, 2019 Nick Hutchinson Roudabush, Gale and Associates, Inc. 914 Monticello Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 nhutchinsonna.roudabush. com RE: SUB201900023 Old Trail Village, Block 32 — Final Plat Dear Mr. Hutchinson: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments from the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Building Inspections Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Service Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Plat approval. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Andy Reitelbach Senior Planner Planning Services 434-296-5832 ext. 3261 areitelbach(c�r�,albemarle. org Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Andy Reitelbach, areitelbach&albemarle.org — Requested changes: 1. [14-301(C)] Provide match lines on all sheets of the plat to show where the sheets join. 2. [14-302(A)(5)] As the second fire access way is proposed to be Bishopgate Lane Extended, an easement will need to be provided in that area. Show this proposed easement on sheet 2. In addition, an easement plat and deed will need to be recorded for the entirety of the fire access travelway, including where it extends off of the Block 32 property. 3. [14-302(A)(8)] Include the number of proposed lots on the cover sheet of the plat. 4. [14-302(A)(9)] Revise the zoning ordinance section in note #2 to say 4.2.1. 5. [14-302(A)(9)] Show building sites of an adequate size for lots 1, 7, 15, and 40. These lots are more narrow at the front of the lots, and sight distance easements reduce the size of buildable areas on these lots even more. There is also a 25' maximum setback line. 6. [14-302(A)(13)] Please show the location of all proposed drainage and stormwater management facilities and related improvements. Deeds of dedication may be needed if any of these easements will be dedicated to public use. 7. [14-302(A)(14)] Provide the acreage of land to be dedicated to either the County or to the Old Trail HOA on the cover sheet of the plat. On the plat, label whether lands are proposed to be dedicated to the Old Trail HOA, the County, or another agency, such as ACSA. 8. [14-302(A)(15)] There are easements shown extending onto neighboring properties. The owners of these properties will also have to sign the plat, and include additional signature panels. In addition, include these parcels in the site data information on the cover sheet, along with names and addresses of the property owners. Include the names and addresses of all existing easement holders for easements on this property. 9. [14-302(B)(1)] Include the date of the last revision on future submittals of the plat. 10. [14-302(B)(5)] Include "Steep Slopes — Managed" in the overlay districts on the cover sheet, as there are small areas of managed steep slopes on this property. In addition, in the zoning information on the cover sheet, include the variation for this property that was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 6, 2019, allowing for the reduction of the water protection ordinance (WPO) buffer in certain areas of this property. Include the conditions of the variation on the plat. 11. [14-302(B)(6)] Provide the name(s) of the property owner, the deed book and page numbers, and the TMP number for all parcels adjacent to Block 32, on both sheet 2 and on the subdivision plat sheets. 12. [14-302(B)(10)] Depict on this plat the WPO stream buffers that are located on this property. 13. [14-303(D)] Revise the acreage amounts on the cover sheet for the rights -of -way and the lots. Adding together the acreage of the 92 lots amounts to 12.666 acres, versus the 12.652 acres shown on the cover sheet. Please verify the total acreage of the lots. (I recognize that this discrepancy could be due to rounding issues.) 14. [14-303(D)] The acreage of the rights -of -way on the cover sheets says 4.773 acres. However, adding together the acreage of the rights -of -way comes to 8.061 acres. Bishopgate Lane has two areas with acreage labelled on the plat — one says 3.333 acres and one says 3.345 acres — so this may be where the discrepancy comes from. 15. [14-303(E)] Where are curves C100 and C 10 1 located? C99 is at the end of Bishopgate Lane Ext. and C 102 is between lots 86 and 87; however, I do not see C 100 and C 101. 16. [14-303(F)] Will this plat be phased in any way? The associated road plans for this block propose two phases. 17. [14-303(G)] Identify on the plat the intended owners of all common area parcels, including the pocket parks, the open green spaces, and the private streets. Are the private rights -of -way intended to be easements or fee simple? 18. [14-303(Q)] Please include a statement as to whether the proposed subdivision will be served by a public water and sewer system. 19. [14-302(A)(4) and 14-3171 An instrument/maintenance agreement evidencing maintenance of all improvements and easements that will be owned by the HOA will be needed before approval of the final plat. The maintenance agreement will need to specifically mention who is responsible for maintenance of improvements. The Old Trail Community Association, Inc. (if this is the correct organization maintaining the private improvements), will need to sign the maintenance agreement, and this will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Attorney and recorded with the County Clerk at the same time as the final plat. 20. [14-422] Please provide a note regarding landscaping and sidewalks on Sheet 1 that states that street trees and sidewalks will be provided in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Ordinance and are shown on the road plans for Old Trail Village Block 32, SUB201800164. 21. [ZMA2015-00001] Label the proposed affordable units on the plat, in accordance with proffer #2 of the ZMA. 22. [ZMA2015-00001] Include a table in the plat showing the numbers of affordable units for all blocks of the Old Trail development, so that staff can determine the percentage of affordable units in the development to this point. 23. [ZMA2015-00001] Include a table in the plat showing the acreage of pocket parks and green space for all blocks of the Old Trail development, so that staff can determine the percentage of parks and green space in the development to this point. 24. [ZMA2015-00001] Note #20 on the cover sheet identifies open space 22-4 as a pocket park. However, no 22-4 is labelled on the plat sheets. Please identify the pocket parks on the plat sheets. 25. [General Comment] On sheet 2 of the plat, there appears to be a label for Charnwood Street floating in the middle of the subject parcel, with no other identifying information. This may be an extra layer turned on. Please remove this label, or provide clarification for its existence. 26. [General Comment] Site plan(s) will be required for the attached units. 27. [General Comment] Clarify the types of housing units proposed for the lots, as there are different requirements for different types of lots. I believe lots 34-40 are attached single-family (townhouse) units. All other lots appear to be for detached single-family. However, lots 81-92 do not show side setback lines, suggesting attached units, although they meet the size requirements for single-family detached. 28. [General Comment] The road plan for this block must be approved before final approval of the final plat can be granted. In addition, the WPO plan and the ACSA utility plan must also be approved before approval of the final plat. 29. [Code of Development] The widths of several streets do not meet the requirements as shown in the street sections in the Code of Development. This issue will be resolved with the road plan; however, the final plat must match what is included on the approved final road plan. 30. [14-306, 14-233, 14-2341 Bishopgate Lane Extended has not been approved as a private street; however, a request has been submitted to the County for this street to be allowed as a private street, which is still under review. (See 14-233 and 14-234 for the requirements, justification, and findings that will need to be made for the private street.) Please see below for comments regarding the private street request for Bishopgate Lane Extended: A.) [14-233(A)(1)(i)] The designation of Bishopgate Lane Extended as a private street does not appear to allow the neighborhood model development style to be more fully implemented in this instance than if it were a public street. This street is not acting as an alley or as a private street providing access to amenity -oriented lots, but is instead acting as the main frontage for the lots on this street. B.) [14-233(A)(1)(ii)] It does not appear that this private street would allow for greater density as supported by the comprehensive plan. There is only 1, or at most 2, depending on fire access requirements, additional lots allowed frontage by this street. However, there are other open areas near the east side of this development that have not lots currently proposed (near the front of Block 32 at the intersection with Old Trail Drive). In addition, the overall density of the block has already been reduced from the preliminary plat, with the reduction in the number of proposed lots. The one or two lots with frontage on this proposed private street do not substantially increase the overall density of Block 32. Please provide density numbers for Block 32 for more analysis. C.) [14-233(A)(1)(iii)] These lots along Bishopgate Lane Ext. do not front a common amenity, and it does not appear that they would have rear vehicular access. D.) [14-233(A)(1)(iv)] It does not appear that a significant environmental resource would be protected by authorizing Bishopgate Lane Ext. as a private street. E.) [14-233(A)(1)(v)] It does not appear that relegated parking would be provided by authorizing Bishopgate Lane Ext. as a private street. F.) [14-234(C)(1)] As a street terminating in a vehicle turn -around and continuing on as a limited -access fire emergency lane, there would be minimal traffic on this street. G.) [14-234(C)(2)] Staff acknowledges that the ZMA application plan does not show a required public street in the vicinity of the proposed Bishopgate Lane Extended. However, please elaborate on why a private street, as opposed to a public street, would better allow for the density goals of the ZMA and comprehensive plan to be met in this location. There are no other proposed private streets in Block 32 except those associated with amenity -oriented lots, which is specifically supported by the COD. The lots with access from Bishopgate Lane Ext are not proposed to be amenity -oriented. H.) [14-234(C)(3)] An easement will be needed to allow for the emergency fire access to travel on this street, as this street is the proposed second entrance to Block 32. 1.) [14-234(C)(4)] Staff acknowledges that there will be no through -traffic on this street, as it dead -ends at the emergency fire access lane, and only intersects with a public street in one location. J.) [14-234(C)(5)] This proposed private street is not located within the Flood Hazard Overlay District. Comments from Other Reviewers: Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Emily Cox, ecoxkalbemarle.org — Requested changes: 1. Provide matchlines for sheets. 2. Note that nothing can be built in sight distance easements. For example, check Lot 40. 3. Easements will need deeds. Engineering can provide the SWM facility easement deed. Note that this will also need a SWM Maintenance agreement which will be processed with the WPO Plan. 4. Easements should say public or private. If public, should say dedicated to public use. 5. Road plan and WPO Plan must be approved and bonded before this subdivision plat can be approved. 6. Ensure ROW widths match the road plan. Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — Andrew Walker, aslack(&albemarle.org — No objection. Albemarle County Building Inspections — Michael Dellinger, mdellinger&albemarle.org — Requested changes: 1. Add the following note to the general notes page: ALL water lines, sewer lines, and fire lines from the main to the structure MUST have a visual inspection performed by the building department. Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — Shawn Maddox, smaddoxkalbemarle.org — Requested changes: 1. I do not see the second emergency access on this plat, it needs to be added. SNM. Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson, rnelsonnserviceauthority.org — Requested changes: 1. The final site plan of Old Trail Block 32 is under review. Any changes in easements from site plan comments should be made for SUB-2019-00023 Old Trail Village Block 32 — Final. Virginia Department of Transportation — Justin Deel, justin.deelgvdot.vir ig nia.gov — Requested Changes; please see the attached memo. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Culpeper Virginia 22701 Commissioner March 26, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Andy Reitelbach Re: Old Trail Village Block 32— Final Plat SUB-2019-00023 Review #1 Dear Mr. Reitelbach: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Roudabush, Gale, & Associates, dated 1 February 2019, and offers the following comments: 1. The Department does not recommend approval of the final plat until the road plans, which are currently under review, are approved 2. Streets intended to be made public must be decided to the County for Public Use, not just to "Public Use". Please add a note that reflects this and correct the callouts on the plat sheets. 3. Please add a note stating that sight distance easements are dedicated to public use and shall be kept clear of visual obstructions, including but not limited to fences, structures, and landscaping. 4. Also add a note stating that VDOT will only maintain within drainage easements to the extent necessary to protect the roadway from flooding or damage. Please provide a copy of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further information is desired, please contact Justin Dee] at 434-422-9894. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Adam J. M re, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING