HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197600040 Application 1976-11-18 $20. Permit Fee Application No ''/a -1 '-{ 0 • Sign Erected By: Staff: ,�p.E{ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCEVARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application November 18 , 19 76 OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: MJM Lorenza Fields Name: Address: Rt. 1, Box 42 Address: Keswick, Va. 22947 Telephone: 2% T- 1( / Telephone: Location of Property: West side of St. Rt. 744, approx. 0. 5 mile North of U.S. 250/ Tax Map 080 Parcel 26 Acreage 1 .4 Existing Zoning A-i District Rivanna Existing Use: Residence - Mobile Home Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : Request approval for 25 foot side yard setback in lieu of 75 feet now required, because of Right-of Way on adjacent property. Refer to attached plat, (lot 5) , Existing Mobile Home will be removed upon completion of new home. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. 7 �.plicant ate FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: `�j ��e ye , ) n i c, Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit# IT o.)14 OF �LeEMq�4 �. G a2 -3., `lRG►l1�P Office of County Attorney FREDERICK W. PAYNE 416 PARK.STREET GEORGE R, ST.JOHN JAMES M. BOWLING, IV CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 COUNTY ATTORNEY DEPUTY COUNTY ATTORNEYS TELEPHONE 296-7138 December 15, 1976 Mr. J. Benjamin Dick Zoning Administrator 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Advertisement for VA-76-40 - Mr. and Mrs. Lorenza Fields (Our File #ACPZ76-66) Dear Ben: You have asked my opinion as to whether the advertisement provided in the above captioned case was adequate to permit action by the Board of Zoning Appeals on December 14. The facts of the case, as I understand them, are as follows: The applicant wishes to locate a house on a parcel of land on the west side of State Route 744. This parcel is extremely irregular in shape, it being rather long and very narrow. Mr. Fields was informed that he would need to apply for a variance from Section 2-3 of the ordinance providing for front setback from public road. In the event, this advice was incorrect and he really needed a variance from the side yard requirements (Section 2-5-1) . The advertisement was made for the Board' s hearing stating that the application was for a variance from the front setback. However, the owner of the property immediately adjacent to this on the north, Mrs. Field' s father, was well aware of the applicant ' s real intention and did not object to it. The obvious intent of Section 15.1-431 of the Virginia Code, which requires notice in cases such as this, is that adjacent property owners and the public at large be notified that a variance from the ordinance is being sought. I believe that this policy is particularly important when it involves a front setback or some other issue involving a public road, other public facility or the general public. In a case such as this, the person most intimately concerned is the adjacent property owner on the side where the variance is sought. In this case, this property owner seems to have had clear actual knowledge of the applicant' s intent. Mr. J. Benjamin Dick Page 2 December 15, 1976 Therefore, while I think it is clear that the advertisement was not technically correct, I believe that the dictates of the statute have been substantially complied with as to notice and the case was properly before the Board. If you have any other questions, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Frederick W. Payne FWP/tlh RECEIVED DEC 1 6 1976 r-i!) STAFF REPORT VA-76-40 Mr. & Mrs. Lorenza Fields Tax Map: 80-26 Zoning: A-1 Acreage: 1.4 Existing Activity The property in question is located off of Route 250, east of Shadwell, on Route 744, approximately 14 mile north of its intersection with Interstate 64. All lots in this vicinity seem to be less than 2.0 acres and put to record prior to the Zoning Ordinance becoming effective. Proposed Variance The applicant is requesting a variance of fifty feet from Section 2-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow dwelling to be set only 25 feet from the right-of-way of the adjacent property (side yard setback) . Hardship The property is less than 2 acres and very irregular in shape with an access easement running along the south side of the property which now requires a 75 foot setback. Zoning Ordinance Requirements Section 2-3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that "all structures, as herein specifically defined, shall be located a minimum of seventy-five feet from any street, road or access easement. For purposes of this section only, the term "structures" shall not be deemed to include on-site signs for sale or rental of property, shelters designed and used by school children travel- ing to and from school, or structures, other than signs, for which no permit is required under the Uniform Statewide Building Code". Staff Recommendation The staff feels that without a variance the property would not be usable. If there were not an easement to the south side of the property the proposed dwelling would meet the required side yard setback. If the variance is approved the staff would recommend the following conditions be required: 1) Building Permits be obtained, 2) Health Department approval be obtained. 13 ..., __.......• . /1\ , \ . . . ill ( ..- 7 1 140 . . . • , I.4.) .., • ... I) , ( . . , . ..... VI % L . . 4z . . . . . , sika V. — W • R c:,'• : . It)c.' 41( i` 4,N)t ft.c . , . . 1..1• (I . (3. ta 0........._____..... , . 4.1... •••• •.4........./0..` ....... . ' *1 . •.. ..... .......... ..,...... .-...... ......- . . . . . . . . . . .....••• , . • . % ‘ • • .. . . I I .'''''* iI . . . . . . .• e....- t1 ..n . . . , .j24 .• 'CO`I . . . . . • 0 1 ) . • . .rerlro '' ' j .• Iiiii :III kii.ititjkl i . • . . ... ' I t . . S. II . •,,---x—.— . III • I t, I. . . t k .-. 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