HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197700011 Application 1977-03-11 $20. Permit Fee D1 Application No. Sign Erected By: Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application , 19 . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: Name: Address: -y 14..,,ilv%~ .- Address: (" ,h,,, 1L, , Telephone: Telephone: Location of Property: (l 1, - x . ' \ . c- e r 1?--- .-477 ~' Tax Map Parcel Acreage Existing Zoning District 0,7..,; ,, _. Existing Use: Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : r '--k1".F A Ct 2 C.;� . ( I,oop Tci -v. \ -- r,‘< I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. A' .„ /1 (I,./; , ,--, plicant i',_, �/ • 7 • Date 'n r>_ , =ram., ( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY t. ., Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: i ,, Final Decision Made: A^n rAe_(\ The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Petuiit# BY: Date Building Permit# • APPLICANT'S LIST OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS • The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. • Applicant is to then take this .form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. Map Parcel Name Address • 3Z -Z1 c(f) G Ncx-, LAa re,c.t, . 11 , paak 3Z- c(3) • —7 0 St L() r-VyvoAA,c CA:. loop. Ck 'ZZ.9to1 * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number YA - -7� - z, • • • *ow .rw+ APPLICANT'S LIST- OF ADJACENT OR ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS The Planning Department will list all Map and Parcel Numbers of Adjacent or Abutting Property Owners. • Applicant is to then take this form to the Real Estate Office where personnel in that office will aid applicant in listing property owners and addresses of all Map and Parcel Numbers given below. Real Estate Office is to return blue copy to Planning Department. • • Map Parcel Name Address • C.732 PlAdle4Ai Si, 32 - ga 7. 4.1\ 13,\\\. C. Pci.1. SQ.,., Veld kick. a - SZ' - TZ)J.. Iv�C , , r L. -k 6,.nnA J. a 441 L9 1..A .1401 32- as 'kt..trws{ co. - .f VA. � t �.�041"A - SQL C� �Y%AS 17 i s Kertwoor Lrj n e. 32-ao R1-AAAOyscn G. men n j t ix\. c `kt zisol 3;- a-a E. 5L��\2 ' Anna.. �. C 61 cl io, • * Note - This form is for REZONING, SPECIAL PERMITS, VARIANCES, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Application Number VA -71- 11 err v*is' STAFF REPORT VA-77-11 Gelletly Properties Tax Map: 32 parcel 22C Acreage: Zoning: M-2 Existing Activity To the north of this property is a mobile home park and to the west is property for an industrial park. To the east lies A-1 land. Pyrofax Gas Company has located on the property for appliance retail and gas supply. Route 29, south- bound land, runs in front of the site. Proposed Variance Applicant requests a 26 foot variance from the M-2 zone side yard setback op- posite a residential or agricultural zone. A small accessory fuel tank is located 80 feet from the adjoining agricultural property which has a mobile home park upon it. The park has no homes near the location of the fuel tank. Ordinance Requirements The minimum side and rear yard adjoining or adjacent to a residential or agricultural district shall be one hundred feet or more. (Section 9-5, M-2 zone) Staff Comment The location of the small fuel tank was an inadvertent error and a self-imposed hardship. The site plan review nor staff caught the violation until the tank was erected. The Fire Marshal is of the opinion that the error has nonetheless provided a safer location of the small tank. The staff recommends no corlitions if the Board should choose to grant the variance. a ` G. 8,F/VT7/VP47rE950/V ^ REJ/DU�E Or/0rNo. 2 S. CRASH PQST UNLOADING RISER Lig F,4CE DWG. PyPB-3605-D PIERS TAN WITH EDGE OF BUILDING 0 rA.NK z AIR COND. PROPOSED R SPRINKLER SYSTEM DETAIL SHOWROOM '--_BULK TRUCK DWG.PyPB LOADING RISE 45. "_-CASING SLOPEf 801 U. 20 -FOR FUELING a SUMP 3' SH'RM. BOX F N. GRADE ELEV. SEE DING. DIP . s U V Vi,�TE� LINE-5= ./ - � . zF1./ ' / | `��' - `, � � ~-�" `, ^""- ` -`` `�----- / ` �SERVICE ROAD TO INDUSTRIAL PARK . `. . `° [5DAR`K/Z1 X4O8//F//O14584I?K — ZONE A'/ L'x/^//ng Trees & J12/u6, in this Area Provide Adequate Screening ' ' GENERAL. NOTES REFERENCE- DRAWINGS STORAGE TANK 3O,0O0GAL. BUILT |NACCORDANCE vY|TH STORAGE TANK PvPD-3605'D 4ums CODE, SECT. VV|,D/y|,VIORK|NS PRESSURE TANK FOUNDATION PrPC'384d-D 250psio.0w\..730"|D:4d-10'5/8". MF0.8Y. 5MOWK0DN\ FL0DRPLAN3 PvPB'3814-A TRINITY |ND,INC. af PALL45,TEX. 5HD\VRC-0M ELEVATIONS PrPD'305-A ` INDUSTRIAL -7'- 0"04M 96A.[HA|NUNK WITH PROFILE P/PA-3949'D 'TOP BAR &3STRANDS BARB v/|RE,3-4'&l-20SArE. CONCRETEBULKHEADPrPC-3084'Q ENTRANCE ROAD '[DN3TRUCTED TO pk0P.AiBExAAKLE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PvP8'3910-D COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS &20'Y/|DE. OUTSIDE LIGHTING - TO DE DIRECTED 8 SHIELDED SOAS NOT PROPERTY. SITE DATATODiJTUR8AD]0|N�NQ -_-_______ SPRINKLER SYSTEM-VY|Li 8E PROVIDED AS --' �OR�TOR�GE��w�ASAppk�VEDDYtOUNTY AREA ------------------- ----- 1.83 ACRES ' FIRE /0A85H4Li. ZONING ----------------------/�-2 _ RETAIL SALES AREA ),76OS0.FT. CUSTOMER PARKING --------'------9STALLS ' [X|5T. [DGTOURs PROP O3NTOURS----------___'~--`�__� DR4/NACE -____� ___ TREF3-SH�UB3 --~---- —'~~ THIS PLANT SHALL 8E BUILT TO (­`(}NF[)R&A WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIONA5SO[. PAKAPHLETNo.58 ram) MAHAGER OF PLANT[N0w[ER|NG ooJ CONSTRUCTION �A&Ti,�LNJP�L To Airport - LOCATION MAP SCALE :r~zoupc FIN. GRAVEL SCREEN |N6 OIL PENETRATION I/T- 3/4" BROKEN STONE COMPACTED EARTH -----^�- Dk|YGVYAY CORE DETAIL— NT3 ~ L[}CAT |0N PiAN CH4RL()TT2SV{LLE,V|RG|N|/\ l x L T U