HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800045 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2019-04-23County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
To: Scott Collins (scott@collins-engineering.com)
From: Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: April 23, 2019
Subject: SDP2018-45 North Pointe - Northwestern Residential Area - Final Site Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.):
[Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
[4.11.4, SP2002-35, SP2002-47, ZMA2000-91 Access Easement to TMP 32-22K]. Improvements are
proposed within the existing access easements serving TMP 32-22K1, DB 1663 PG 648. Revise the
plan to omit all proposed improvements from the easements or work with the easement holder to vacate
and relocate the access easements.
The following improvements shall be removed from the easements: sanitary sewer lines serving the
development, retaining walls, residential lot 1 & lots 22-35, stormwater pipes and drainage
pipes/easements, a monument sign, two parking spaces, portion of Girard lane (Private Road), and the
fire hydrant. As proposed these improvements impede the use of the easements and shall not be
permitted. Revise. Final. Remove the turnaround for Girard Lane from the easement. Additionally,
inlet and manhole structures shall be located outside of the 50'-radin'- easement leadin'- to the
adiacent parcel Landscapin,- shall also be removed from the easement. It also appears that pipes 5,
35, and 59 need to be deeper to allow construction of a future road in the easement. A profile and
roueh design of a connector road in the easement is needed to verify that storm and other utilities
are shown deep enou,-h. Provide this information for En,-ineerin,- review and approval prior to final
site plan approval. Rev 1. Comment addressed. Rev 2. It appears that 1 JV and 2 CF plantings
remain within the temporary grading easement. Please remove them.
2. [, 14-401] Double Frontage. Throughout the plan there are numerous lots which are proposed
as double frontage lots. This type of lot layout is prohibited. Where double frontage is unavoidable
because of the design/layout, either provide 20' of common area between the lot and the second street
or request an agent approved variation with required justification in 14-203.1(B). Staff is not
compelled to support such a waiver without a 20' buffer planted with screening trees as provided for
in Section Rev 2. As discussed over the phone on Friday 4-19-19. Please revise the 20'
buffer on the "rear" of lots 7-14 (Building 2) adiacent to Dillon Drive to depict and label a 6'
landscape strip and a 14' buffer easement, combined this area will make up the 20' buffer area
to plant the required screening and the required street trees.
Within the 20' buffer adiacent to Building 2 replace the following deciduous shrubs with evergreen
- Callicarpa Americana
- Henry's Garnet Sweetspire
Within the 20' buffer adiacent to Building 30 and 31 replace the following deciduous shrubs with
evergreen shrubs:
- Summersweet Clethra
-'Mount Airy' Fothergilla
- Little Gem Magnolia
Also, the portion of Lewis and Clark Drive adiacent to building # 30 and #31 is lacking the
required street trees within the 6' landscape strip. Rev 2. Comment addressed. The street trees
have been provided behind the sidewalk within 10' of the right-of-way.
[, 14-410(II), 14-234(C)3] Sidewalks and Landscape Strips. Provide sidewalks and landscape
strips on both sides of all private streets throughout the development, regardless of driveways.
Rev 2. As discussed above in comment #2, revise the 20' buffer on the "rear" of lots 7-14
(Building 2) adiacent to Dillon Drive to depict and label a 6' landscape strip and a 14' buffer
easement, combined this area will make up the 20' buffer area to plant the required screening
and the required street trees.
4. [, 14-410(II), 14-422(D), 14-422(E), 14-422(F), 32.3.5(b)] Sidewalk and Landscape Strip
Design. The planting strips shall be located between the curb and the sidewalk. Rev 2. In order to
flip the arrangement of the sidewalks and landscape strips a Special Exception shall be
approved by the PC. This item has been scheduled for the May 7th PC meeting.
5. [, 14-410, 14-412(4)B, Engineering Design Standard Manual] Sidewalks and Landscape
Strip. The private streets right-of-way is required to be a minimum of 30' wide. Rev 2. Comment
6. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Provide 5' wide bike lanes on each side of the Lewis and Clark. Revise.
Final: Comment not addressed. Cutsheets for the roads depict a 5' bike lane: however. sheet 5 and 6
label these lanes as 4' wide. VDOT requires a minimum of 5' bike lanes. Rev 1. Comment
7. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9] Provide a public access easement along the private street and sidewalks
for Aldrich Lane, which will connect to the publicly dedicated path within the greenway dedication
area. Final: Continue the 20' Dublic access easement along the road and both sidewalk of Aldrich
Lane to Lewis and Clark Drive. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
[ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Proffer 5.3.1(c)(1). Phase III Road Improvements required to be
approved and either build or bonded before final site plan approval.
(c) Phase III Road Improvements. Prior to approval of a subdivision plat or
site plan for any development of the Neighborhood Investments Property or any portion thereof,
Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the
construction of the following road improvements (collectively, the "Phase III Road
Improvements") to the extent any such road improvements have not already been completed:
(1) Northernmost Entrance (opposite Lewis & Clark Drivel on U.S.
Route 29:
(i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound — construction of left turn lane
with taper.
(ii) Northwest Passage from U.S. Route 29 to the south
property line of Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K as shown on the Application Plan.
(iii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound — construction of a right hand
turn lane, the geometrics of which will be subject to VDOT approval.
(iv) If the traffic signal to be constructed by others is in place
prior to Owner commencing work on this Northernmost Entrance, and such traffic signal only
includes three legs, Owner shall add the fourth leg to the signal, which shall include additional
mast arms, signal heads and ancillary equipment necessary to support Northwest Passage's use
of the intersection, as determined by VDOT. If such traffic signal is not in place and the
vehicular traffic generated by the Project causes the VDOT signal warrants to be met, and VDOT
requires that a traffic signal be installed as a condition of the entrance permit, Owner shall install
such traffic signal.
Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
9. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Proffer 5.3.3.
5.3.3 Prior to the approval of plans for improvements at any U.S. Route 29 intersection,
Owner shall provide VDOT traffic signal network timing plans that VDOT finds acceptably
address the impacts of the proposed traffic signals for peak traffic periods.
Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
10. [SP2006-34 Condition #3 & ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9 Proffer 4.1.] A revised CLOMR showing
the change in the floodplain will be required prior to final site plan and VSMP approval.
Rev 1. County Engineering has determined this is no longer needed based on the proposed
changes. Comment addressed.
11. [ZMA2013-07 Application Plan] Show areas of greenway and conservation areas from application
plan on all relevant sheets of the site plan. The plan should show clear labels and borders for each
feature. Areas to be dedicated to public use should be identified throughout the plan. Rev 1.
Comment addressed.
12. [ZMA2013-07 Application Plan] Once conservation lines are shown. Provide written certification
from a licensed surveyor or engineer confirming that the conservation line shown on the application
plan for ZMA 2013-07 and the conservation line shown on this site plan are in the exact same
location. A note on the plans will suffice. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
13. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9] To ensure the long-term implementation of the zoning for the North
Pointe development, prior to final site plan approval provide written documentation ... Rev 1.
Comment addressed.
la. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9, SP2002-721 Unit Types. The North Pointe development is required
to have a minimum of 205 multifamily units ... Final: Comment not addressed. Rev 1. Comment
lb. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Road Alignment. The alignment of Lewis and Clark Drive ... Rev 1.
Comment addressed.
lc. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Amenities and Open Space. The open space and amenities required
throughout the North Pointe development are to be accessible for use by all section of the
development... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
14. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Proffer 9.1. Prior to final site plan approval, demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the County Engineer that stormwater basin 10 (currently labeled as SWM Facility A)
has enough room to be redesigned and enlarged to accommodate all stormwater from the future
elementary school lot located on TMP 32-23... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
Additionally, provide the slope for the SWM access road. This shall meet county design standards.
Rev 1. Comment addressed.
15. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9] Proffer 8.2. Affordable Housing. Label the 28 units that are to be
affordable. Final: Comment not addressed. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
16. [Comment] Road Alignment. The current alignment for Lewis and Clark Drive crosses onto a small
portion of TMP 32-22P. Prior to final site plan approval a boundary line adjustment shall take place.
Rev 1. Comment addressed on latest version of the dedication plat, pendiniz approval and
17. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9] Revise the tracking of unit type throughout the plan. Rev 1. Comment
18. [4.12.16] Guest Spaces. Label all guest spaces on the plan. Final: Comment addressed.
19. [4.12.16] Parking Spaces. There is a typographical/math error for the parking provided. 409 is listed;
however, it should be 414, which equals parking required. Final: Comment addressed.
20. [Comment] Throughout the plan label and provide acreages of all open space, conservation,
greenway, and buffer areas. Final: Comment not addressed. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
21. [Comment] Please depict, label, and dimension the garages for each lot. Rev 2. Comment
22. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-9] Setbacks. Revise the setbacks to match the setbacks for the unit type
"Attached Townhomes": Front min 8' and max 30', side 6', rear minimum 10' and max none. Garage
doorway 18'. Final: Comment not addressed. Currently the plan lists the front setback
maximum as 50% however, 30' is the maximum. Revise it to 30' maximum. Also, Lot 143 and
144 do not meet maximum front setbacks. Rev 1. Comment addressed
23. [Comment] Why is "Building 6" listed as a building type B... Final: the developer's purview.
24. [SP2006-34] Condition #L County and VDOT approval of the final lane configuration for the
Northwest Passage over the stream crossing with the final road plans. Rev 2. Road plan still
25. [SP2006-34] Condition #2. County and VDOT approval of final design plans and
hydrologic/hydraulic computations for the stream crossing. Rev 2. Road plan still pending.
26. [SP2006-34] Condition #9. All of the above noted landscaping shall be shown on the road plans
submitted for the Northwest Passage prior to final site plan approval. The plans shall include complete
planting schedule key to the plan. The plans are subject to approval of the Design Planner.
Rev 2. Road plan still pending.
27. [SP2006-34] Condition #5. Provide a stream buffer mitigation plan for approval by the Natural
Resources Manager in accordance with this condition. Rev 2. Comments still relevant and is
included in WPO review.
28. [SP2006-34, SP2002-72] Conditions. All conditions of the SPs remain valid and shall be complied
with prior to final site plan approval. Rev 2. Comments still relevant.
29. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide profiles and cross sections of all water and sewer lines
including clearance where lines cross. Final: Comment addressed.
30. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide the station... Final: Comment addressed.
31. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide all sewer appurtenances by type and number. Final:
Comment addressed.
32. [32.6.2(e)] Public facilities and utilities. All water and sewer facilities to be dedicated to public...
Final: Comment addressed.
33. [32.5.20)] Building 26... Final: Building # have been rearranged since initial site plan review.
34. [32.5.2(n) & 4.16] Recreational requirements of section 4.16... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
35. [32.6.2(d)] Drainage easements... Final: Comments for informational purposes only.
36. [32.6.20)] Landscape plan. A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 is required with the
final site plan. Additionally, landscaping shall also be in conformity with the conditions of approval of
SP2006-34, ZMA2013-14. Rev 2. The landscape plan requires revisions pursuant to the
landscape comments throughout this comment review letter.
37. [] Existing trees may be preserved in lieu of planting ... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
38. [Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the
plan. Their comments attached. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
39. [Comment] Stormwater Basin B depicts ... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
40. [ZMA2013-14, ZMA2000-91 Application Plan. The open space ... Rev 1. Comment addressed.
41. [Proffer 2.1] Depict the entire 40-foot landscaped buffer on the landscape plan. Rev 1. Comment
omitted because the final plat for this area depicts and labels it.
42. [] Show trees to be preserved, the limits of clearing, the location and type of tree protective
fencing as required by this section. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
43. [Comment] Provide the SDP# on the cover sheet: SDP2018-45 North Pointe — Northwestern
Residential Area — Final Site Plan Rev 1. Comment addressed.
44. [Comment] This application was reviewed against Site Development Plan requirements only. Lot lines
and a `private road' are shown on the plan, but no subdivision application, nor private road request, nef
read pla-as have been submitted for this proposal. All subdivision and road related comments are
provided for reference only unless necessary for site plan approval. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
45. [Comment] Boundary line adjustment and easement plats, road plan, and WPO plan shall be approved
prior to final site plan approval. Please submit these plans for County review and approval. Ensure the
road plan depicts all public and private streets. Notably, the first version of the road plan, which was
reviewed by Rachel for the previous version of the proposal only depicts the public road. The private
streets shall be included in the road plan. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
46. [32.5.2(i), 15.2.1(3, 14-233(B)1, 14-233(B)1,14-234, 14-306] Submit a private street request, this must
be submitted and approved prior to final site plan approval. This private street request can be reviewed
administratively due to the presence of attached dwellings. Rev 2. Comment still relevant and has not
been addressed.
A maintenance agreement for the private street must be submitted for review and approval by the
County Attorney's Office with the final subdivision application. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
47. [ Street Trees. Street trees shall be selected from a current list of recommended large shade
trees approved by the agent, provided that medium shade trees may planted instead when the agent
determines that site conditions warrant smaller trees. Currently many of the street trees proposed along
the private streets are crape myrtles, redbuds, or yoshino cherries; however, these are not permitted and
shall be revised to medium deciduous trees. Revise these planting types to meet the minimum street tree
requirement of a medium or a large deciduous street tree throughout.
Rev 2. Revise the landscape schedule to provide the caliper and the height at time of planting for
all street trees. Medium street trees are required to be 1" to 1.25" min caliper. Revise the canopy
calculations provided for the trees, as many do not correspond with the County's approved tree
canopy chart.
Ex) - Black Willow - Sugar Hackberry - Red Maple
48. [] Street Trees. Revise the landscape and tree tabulation chart to utilize 1/40' standard of
medium shade trees for the private roads. Also, ensure all tree counts are correct with the modification.
49. [4.12] Parking. The 6 guest parking spaces at the end of Girard Drive do not meet the minimum 10'
width requirement on a 20' aisle width. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed.
50. [4.12] Parking. The 2 guest parking spaces at the end of Dillon Court do not meet the minimum 10'
width requirement on a 20' aisle width. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed.
51. [4.12] Parking. The 10 guest parking spaces along Girard Drive do not meet the minimum 10' width
requirement on a 20' aisle width. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed.
52. [Comment] While it was previously decided the proposed layout could be submitted for review without
the County requiring a variation to the rezoning, the proposal shall still meet all required county
standards or obtain waivers to these standards. The County permitting the project layout to move
forward without a variation shall not be a reason for justification of the waivers. It appears this
development is having substantial trouble meeting the minimum road standards for private streets. This
issue continues to be the driving force behind most of the remaining comments. Waivers are intended to
be the exception not a requirement for the project being able to be built. Staff suggests you redesign to
avoid any waivers. Rev 2. Waivers have been received and are scheduled to the PC's May 7tn
meeting for action.
53. [Comment] There are a couple lots which appear not to meet the setbacks now that the sidewalks are
incorporated into the private street R/W. Specifically lots 7, 74, and 98. Revise so the setbacks are met.
54. [Comment] The 6' planting strip scales 5' on the plans from the dashed line, which appears to
signifying the edge of the right-of-way, but crosses onto the driveways by 1', please explain what is
taking place. Is this a line error? Please correct it.
55. [Comment] The plan has a revised note which reads: "S' sidewalk and landscape maintenance
easement"; previously this easement was labeled as a 10.5' easement. Should it truly be a 6'
landscaping maintenance easement as the sidewalks are included in the private street right-of-way now
and the 6' planting strips are on individual properties? Please explain what is taking place.
56. [Comment] The plans provides "no parking signs" and "stop signs" on individual lots outside of the
planting strip maintenance easement and the R/W. How will these signs be maintained? Will easements
be places over them? If so, depict and label the easements.
57. [Comment] All ARB required plantings on individual lots shall be within maintenance easements (see
the rear of lots 22-35).
Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezgalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.
3443 for further information.
Fire and Rescue — Shawn Maddox
No objections
E911—Andy Slack
1. The road name of'Dillion Court' or'Dillion Drive' will need to be changed because the roads do not connect.
The applicant could use 'Dillion Ridge Court', for example, or another name could be used instead. Please
contact this office with a list of three (3) proposed road names to replace one of the existing road names that is
using the word'Dillion'.
Building Official — Mike Dellinger
1. No objection
ARB - Margaret Maliszewski
See attached ARB action letter dated 4-18-19
Engineering — Matthew Wentland
1. A revised VSMP plan will need to be approved prior to final site plan approval.
(Rev. 2) Response noted
2. Revised road plans will need to be approved prior to FSP approval.
(Rev. 2) Response noted
3. All plans related to the Rt. 29 improvements will need to be approved prior to FSP approval.
(Rev. 2) Response noted
4. The public road/ROW has been shifted about 20' SW of previously shown locations and improvements are
shown on an adjacent parcel. Please provide an easement/BLA and verify that the connection to the rest of
North Pointe is still viable. An easement will be needed if the barricade is to be placed on the adjacent parcel.
(Rev. 2) Response noted
5. Private roads are shown as being designed to 15mph AASHTO standards and will need to be revised to meet
the minimum requirements of the Design Standards Manual for multifamily private streets (K crest is 5
minimum and K sag is 15 minimum). The alley should be designed to these standards as well. [14-41213, DSM]
(Rev.2) Comment addressed. Any further comments will be on the road plans.
6. Trees are shown in the site distance easement for Aldrich Terrace at the intersection of Dillon Court. Please
include these on the sight distance profiles to verify they are not blocking the sight distance. (Rev. 1) Comment
7. Provide verification from FEMA that any changes from the approved CLOMR can be addressed later with the
LOMR. (Rev. 1) Comment withdrawn.
8. Show all SWM easements on the plans. Offsite easements will need to be recorded prior to VSMP approval.
The access to Facility A will also not work as shown with the 2:1 slopes. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed
9. Inlet and manhole structures should be located outside of the 50' grading easement leading to the adjacent
parcel. Landscaping should also be removed from the easement. It also appears that pipes 5, 35, and 59 should
be deeper to allow construction of a future road in the easement. A profile and rough design of a connector road
in the easement would be helpful to verify the storm and other utilities are shown deep enough. (Rev. 1)
Comment addressed
10. Show the extents of the geogrid behind the SWM Facility B retaining walls to ensure they are outside of the
grading easement. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed
11. Perpendicular spaces on 20' drive aisles will need to be a minimum of 10'xl8' []
(Rev. 2) Comment addressed.
ACSA - Richard Nelson
Final Site Plan is currently under review.
VDOT - Adam Moore
See attached review comments.
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
Phone (434) 296-5832 . - Fax (434) 972-4126
April 18, 2019
Scott Collins
c/o Collins Engineering
200 Garrett Street, Ste K
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: ARB-2018-136: North Pointe Northwest Residential Area Final Site Plan
Dear Scott,
I have reviewed the site plan with revision date of 3/5/19 submitted to address comments outlined in the action
Ietter from the December 3, 2018 ARB meeting. Issues remain outstanding as outlined below. Comment
numbers and blue text reference the December 6, 2018 action. letter.
2. Add sill courses below the second story windows on elevations facing Rt. 29.
Sill courses were added; however, at the ARB work session on April 1, 2019, the ARB indicated that the
following changes are required:
a. Remove the dormers.
b. Remove the closed gable and replace with an open gable.
C. Remove the small windows in the open gables and replace with vents.
7. Add 2 large shade trees, 2%z" caliper at planting, on both sides of Lewis & Clark Drive, (for a total
of 4 trees) within 400' of the Rt. 29 intersection.
It appears that one tree previously shown on the plan has been shifted closer to Lewis & CIark Drive,
but no trees have been added. Please add 2 large shade trees, 21/2" caliper at planting, on both sides of
Lewis & Clark Drive, (for a total of 4 trees) within 400' of the Rt. 29 intersection. Please provide an
annotated plan clearly identifying the added trees.
8. Add 4'-6' evergreen trees in the mixed median planting.
It appears that no trees have been added and no changes in species have been made. Please add 4'-6'
evergreen trees in the mixed median planting and provide an annotated plan clearly identifying the
added trees.
9. Provide a landscape maintenance agreement for the median plants.
11. Demonstrate that all landscaping will be maintained by the HOA.
Include on the subdivision plat a landcape easement(s) for all areas that show landscaping on
individual lots.
12. Revise the species of shrubs proposed along Lewis & Clark Drive to ones that can easily be
acquired at 24" planting height.
The shrub species retrain as in the previous plan. Please revise the species of shrubs proposed along
Lewis & Clark Drive to ones that can easily be acquired at 24" planting height. Please provide an
annotated plan clearly identifying the changes.
13. Confirm with Anchor block, and provide documentation, that 3' is sufficient spacing between
large trees and the retaining wall where geo-grid is used. Otherwise, increase planting area to
accommodate the trees.
No change appears on the plan. Please provide documentation from Anchor Block stating that
minimum spacing required between large trees and the retaining wall where geo-grid is used. If trees
are shifted to coordinate with Anchor Block planting requirements, provide an annotated plan clearly
identifying the changes.
14. Revise the plan to show landscaping at the stormwater facility located at the south end of the
project area consistent with the previous approval.
The previous approval showed landscaping along the west side of the maintenance access path to the
stormwater facilitly located at the south end of the project area. Please add this landscaping to the
current plan.
Acer Rubrum is listed as both a canopy tree and an understory tree, and Redbud is listed as a screening
tree in the plant schedule. Please place the trees in the correct categories and double-check all plant
Please provide:
1. One full set of revised drawings — SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL - addressing each of these
2. A memo including detailed responses indicating how each condition has been satisfied. Note that
detailed responses can facilitate plan review. For example, "species have been revised" is less helpful
than, "the dwarf hydrangea have been replaced with Otto Luyken cherry laurel'.
3. For the landscape changes, please provide an annotated plan clearly identfl} ing the changes.
4. A list of additional changes made that were not requested. Note that highlighting the changes in the
drawing with "clouding' or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
5. The attached `Revised Application Submittal" form. This form must be returned with your revisions to
ensure proper tracking and distribution.
'When staffs review of this information indicates that all conditions of approval have been met, a Certificate of
Appropriateness may be issued.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
'_Margaret Maliszewski
Chief of Planning/Resource 'Management
cc: Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC
810 Catalpa Ct
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Department of Community Development
This form must be returned with your revisions to ensure proper tracking and distribution. County staff
has indicated below what they think will be required as a resubmission of revisions. If you need to submit
additional information please explain on this form for the benefit of the intake staff. All plans must be
collated and folded to fit into legal size files, in order to be accepted for submittal.
PROJECT NAME: ARB-2018-136: North Pointe Northwest Residential Area Final Site Plan
Submittal Type Requiring Revisions () indicates submittal Code
County Project Number
# Copies
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan E&S
Mitigation Plan MP
Waiver Request WR
Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP
Road Plan
Private Road Request, with private/public comparison TRR
Private Road Request — Development Area (PRR-DA
Preliminary Site Plan (PSP)
Final Site Plan or amendment FSF
Final Plat P)
Preliminary Plat (PP)
Easement Plat (EP)
Boundary Adjustment Plat (BAP)
Rezoning Plan RE
Special Use Permit Concept Plan (SP-CP
Reduced Concept Plan. (R-CP)
Proffers P
Bond Estimate Request (BER)
Draft Groundwater Management Plan D-GWMP
Final Groundwater Management Plan (F-GWMP
Aquifer Testing Work Plan ATWP
Groundwater Assessment Report (GWAR)
Architectural Review Board ARB)
Other: Please explain
(For staff use only)
Submittal Code
# Copies
Distribute To:
Submittal Code
# Copies
Distribute To:
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper Virginia 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
April 19, 2019
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Christopher Perez
Re: North Pointe Northwest — Final Site Plan
Review #3
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Collins Engineering, revised 16
February 2019, and offers the following comments:
1. The Route 29 Improvements Plan (SUB201600196) for the entrance of this site, which
must be approved in conjunction with this plan, has not been approved.
2. Please include crossdrains (CD-1 & CD-2) as applicable on plans an profiles. Cross
drains must be shown to tie in to drainage structures.
3. The diamond -shaped bike Iine markings are no longer acceptable. Please see the Virginia
Supplement to the MUTCD. Additionally, note that the maximum spacing for markings
is 500 feet, with markings required at both sides of intersections.
4. The face of guardrail must be at least 1 foot behind sidewalks. Please show guardrail on
typical sections with station callouts.
If further information is desired, please contact Justin Deel at 434-422-9894.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
N� 40IN-V
Adam 1. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Christopher Perez
From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 8:46 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: SDP20180045 North Pointe Northwest Residential Area
SDP20180045 North Pointe Northwest Residential Area is currently under review.
Richard Nelson
Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
(434) 977-4511