HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201800098 Checklist 2018-09-13 q/( Sil [/ 1. Please remove the note regarding tenants and brand identity from pages 1, 3 and 4. iliputv-CL 2. In the tables on sheets 3 through 8, please add "fixture(s)shall emit less than 3,000 lumens" after V `External lighting". alltiL V 3. On Sheets 3 through 5, revise the Text/Graphics note to read as follows: "Tenant panel material is aluminum; color is white. Panels are opaque. Panel text color shall be Clinton Brown. There is no limit to the colors of graphics on the tenant panels as long as individual tenant graphics total number is limited to three and all colors on the sign have a coordinated appearance."Font information can follow this njovoL. �. Change the title on sheet 5 from Sign B to Sign A. t,5. Consider whether a tenant panel may require two lines of text. If this is a possibility,adjust the drawings accordingly. / r .iiiii ,....., Wzth The following items were missing from your submittal: p e ✓1. The$129 ARB review fee. t ,,, (`- fro-scale color illustrations of the proposed signs. . Indication of all proposed sign materials on the drawings. To ma e the application complete,please submit the above-noted items and note the following details: • Include a note with the check indica ing that the payment is associated with ARB-2018-98. P ` • Regarding sign materials, please revise t e illustrations of th ' ns dicate all proposed.,, materials(overall sign fa(enant els,Oakleighpaane , letters on thiiBlake sign, a tree graphic,etc.)and use call-outs to show their locations. Inc a note on the OakleigzmrdHB ae drawings identifying the manuf ft6cer and cb16'r of the ' used for the bases. If the brick matches that approved for buildings on site,that information may be noted. If the brick differs from that approved for buildings on site, provpisample for review. f_ Provide additional information to clarify the proposed"foam base material"(manufacturer,which part of the sign it applies to,etc.).--p 0 cf.4 IAA_ l3/ _A.0 - I have reviewed the submitted information for conformity with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines. The following revisions are required to make the proposal consistent with those guidelines. (Note that additional comments may be generated once the application is made complete and re-submitted.) 4. The tenant panels must have some level of coordination in design. You are not required to provide the actual text for each tenant panel at this time, but the overall design must be established now. Indicate proposed materials, colors, and any other proposed design parameters. Clearly show how a level of coordination will be achieved. _ Z / hid— _471 3 ' Ivry V.<'lease provide the drawings labeled as Al, A3,Bl, B2 and D1 at a larger 'ze for improved legibility.Note that these drawings should be to scale. ,A,01/,a '44 l d S. Gam- Pr)C-4/ A" vitl— \\,....J ey' ,..,,,, ,,,,,,,,.., i 7 7E\ 0 \ 0 N.. r i Th.....___. a +an oo Po4 • y c 0 t CO ,?, (:) (-) (-) ›- -• O O (�D �,rt `CS Q. l. O `C , CM V1 C� 00 p� U04' (D Cr U�Q O "� ��+ n 0 4) ° a Co a "'t c USG f� `I C .s 0 CD Q 2 cr. P N CD = ° 0 co O K LS i '.+ . rn n ryq O p ,, .... cn O CD r. 0 N � � n CD Ct4444' 0 CD co va CD Q CD 0 N n O cn IN CL \ 4- 1‘ .t' N-- - .,,• otil 0 •,.,,,,,k. v) CD ,,) ii„:":"-r..- t...fk ' ''...k t 1.7--- i.... T, �, ' : Cr I5. o. Si ., _ ,. , • •.t, yept. V ry {Y,r:A. * r V .. ' *,,� ‘4114 1.'1\ v ti r ,•--, r ^F r ""•, N 3 5 ‘1` ..,{. -44 ......t,..4 li w ........,4_ ,. ----t' t''''' -) f ,T....) CA Ct _I '� °' ' I � � c 3 a) >, rJ0. 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Z .4 ''-' •'-'' ;11 V) , 1. 1 Q = a) —"--s m 2 -c •--• cd c, .- z c, +- E E 6 09 ,C‘L) , = I..; ..... ...., ..,... •t". '11.6, ••••1 ..., ...., ;,..., ...., •i.., "i9., 4,0.) . --, a$ v) z o •-) --,.41.,) 8 , .— -4 —, ',-, 5 P ,-, ° 0 Cl.' ;- ---, n 0 .... 7 4. .- — ,.., — ... i-4, , r.:s.., ..= CD t ..) 74 •,T:, ,,,, t) t...4) -> ;,, --. ;..g •'1 .:4 A '...) 1) a 7.5 •-4 ":--, -..Z t:-,,, ,= Q ..,1) (...) _2 *-crd c,..., ---. -__ - -,-, - -- e0 Ir.' E ••,:-..1 c c ,,zs (0 •,-.-.1 0 c'.3 v) - ••••... n $..... .... c) —••-• s- -. — LD ,,..., c:) ,..0 •• 0•\ = .C.:> N (n , N crk 0 C ci• el tr) a4 •*_,- ... ,rl P4 tl 1.,..%) 'E'' -6 , _-%-) '•;) = \ •.c •Q ,e kr) a) 'F,z3,.-, -,1.., ‘..-, -,-, ,,--.. .--' -CI CI. ' -'-''''''') 17\\.\•,, 1=1'''', . N ,.....-' ti ti. Completeness Check for Signs "`., G'Y� Project#/Name: nig 20/e - if ' " 0 ak „xi...A. Date Received at County: 6/)7/1 Date Received in Design Planning: Date of Checklist Check: '2lii! Y Assigned to/Date: All FEES 3. ARB Review— Will the permanent sign(s)be constructed in an Entrance Corridor? (See the Entrance Corridor map in the Sign Permit Application packet for a list of Entrance Corridors.) Yes (This sign will be constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does not meet the conditions of a $129.00 Waive Fee Comprehensive Sign Review. See ARB requirements next pages.) Yes (This sign will be constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does meet he conditions fa Comprehensive Sign Review. See ARB requirements next pages.) ❑ No (This sign will not be constructed in an Entrance Corridor) �d"G $0.00 FEE TOTAL(Please add all the amounts checked in sections 1—3): l $ � � $ FREESTANDING SIGNS _A. e/Sr6 bmittal Requirements �`L�� Site n or latest approved plat showing,to scale,the proposed location of the sign(s)with dimensions. istance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDOT right-of-way. the sign will be located in an easement,a letter of approval from the easement holder will be required. ❑ to-sc color illustration of the proposed sign showing Dimensions of the sign, including overall height from the ground;cabinet size, length, width and depth; base size, etc. (Be sure to also include these dimensions on the diagrams provided in the Sign Permit Application packet.) Proposed lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor,also provide a color illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing: „ey If internally illuminated, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated.Internally illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only from behind,t c o of anopagj material cannot be detected nor can objects be seen through it.) Identification of propose materia nd cdl6rs. Include standard color id numbers(Pantone, Benjamin Moore, o , Acrylic,etc.)for all materia , ext,graphics,base, faces,trim caps,returns,etc. /Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed,preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) ( o Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes. SI pi tt/ Additional submittal materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.) 40 kisof WALL SIGNS ❑ A drawing,to scale,showing di •nsions of the sign(length,height,depth). ❑ Elevation drawing(s)or modified ph D ograph of the entire building,to scale and in color,showing ❑ The sign location on the building,si.1 height above grade,and the length of building frontage.(Be sure to also include these dimensions on the diagrams .rovided in Appendix B) ❑ Sign lettering and/or graphics in their p Dosed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign i to be constructed in a 'ntrance Corridor also provide a color illustration of the front and side elevations of the si= showing: o Indication of sign type(channel letters,cabinet,p• el,etc.). o Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials an. c• ors. Include standard color identification numbers (Pantone,Benjamin Moore,Acrylic,etc.)for all ma •'.ls,text,graphics,faces,trim caps,etc.For channel letter signs,indicate on the drawing that the raceway c, or s Al match the color of the wall to which the raceway is attached. o Provide accurate physical samples of all . ors proposed in •e sign,preferably in the material proposed.(Paint chips that accurately reflect the propos.. colors are acceptabl- o Location of proposed light fixture. and manufacturer cut sheets •-scribing illumination type, intensity,style, shielding,color,and height.All ghting must meet ordinance requi -ments as outlined in Section 4.17. o For internally illuminated s'_ns, indicate which areas of the sign are op•que and which are illuminated.(Opaque materials don't allow lig• to pass through.When lit only from behind,t'- color of an opaque material cannot be detected nor can objec be seen through it.) ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS T ocation of proposed light fixtures identified on a plan and/or elevation Manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type,intensity,style, shielding,color,and height.All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOTES: I 0 0 II I I 4