HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197800025 Application 1978-04-21 A $20. Permit Fee Appiication 3 V 1 — t7 8' o� Sign Erected By: Staff: /PDE- APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street ,� �'1 Charlottesville, VA 22901 s. '°- County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application 1 0 , 19 '7 V{ . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) �— _ � i Name: �t�..�.u)keff; Name: 1-.4 a Address: 6 O1/. j ap t7 Address: ( I , r 1 ,L IAA o f v-u� ,Vcf' . 9 IX 6 i Li. Telephone: 1'70 cj(- .-- Telephone: Location of Property: n (, Cc , (fir v. v C7liti +E QOe fi. Li�. . G)owtrar s . • .r c . . Tax Map j 3 G Q C ( 1 Parcel Cp 4 ( >Acreage tcl(.:. /2..._ Existing Zoning ij-I �' R- I District Existing Use: �f( e ; : tz: Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : /�-' it �✓T �.�71-34c.-/31,17T i.✓. .G) 7/14: Dj� .2 sq /K,c ` - /77/‘e:/)-7/f/2-4-1-7 64‘01-1.5.5n)/Ai 44/ .n.._f - .vo , t�2t li. =- Eicc. f jts' /ice' pC .Z .O,/.off /'v A, G/9S� a�� = ir.,✓ f%l,N!/ Skdi ell me- /sc /S d/. 7 74/e_s .rye if-o,/-cufle� /?.'1 - Aci/S I.5 A./"r e /01-- • I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best ()fray knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. L44, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: ✓' The variance sought was dcnicdjetpproved with the following conditions: 6 /10/ 7t /r Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit# Nor STAFF REPORT VA-78-25. Scottsville Volunteer Fire Department Tax Map: 130A(1) Parcel: 64 (Pt.Of) Acreage: 1% (approx.) Zoned: B-1 & R-1 Existing Activity Vacant Lot Proposed Variance Applicant requests relief from section 18-3-1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a structure to be located 75 feet from the right-of-way; a variance of 75 feet. Zoning Ordinance Requirement Section 18-3-1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance states: No structure, except as hereinafter provided in the case of certain signs, shall be constructed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the right-of-way of any designated scenic highway or Virginia byway having a right-of-way width of fifty (50) feet or more, nor within one hundred seventy-five (175) feet of the right-of-way of any such highway or byway having a right-of-way width of less than fifty (50) feet. Staff Recommendation The staff notes the great need of a fire company location in the Scotts- ville area but also must note that the Board of Zoning Appeals has not yet established a presedent for the R-1 zone for any use other than perhaps residential. The staff wished to distinguish the use of a fire company as opposed to a retail store such as W. F. Paulette Co. which argued they needed the variance for sight identification by their customers and the problem of some low ground. This is not the case for the Fire Company. Staff feels a greater setback or possibly the 150 foot setback should be met. Topographic conditions are gentle and no sharp slopes exist. Unless the applicant can show a demonstrable hardship or other extraordinary circumstances for the variance or the size of the variance, staff recommends denial. If the Board chooses to approve any variance, the staff recommends the following conditions: 1) Parking of Fire Company personnel be restricted to the rear of the building. 2) A landscape plan of evergreen screening be submitted in conjunction with the site plan submittal. c5r±ttziiilit paituttetr 'ire prpartment . co. pax 381 ctattatille, pirginia 24598 1 . Department desire to own its own building, so can better serve the people of its fire protection area. A. Our present quarters is lower floor of Town Municipal Building. Inadequate space for housing our fire trucks and equipment and no working area. B. Due to other organizational activities in this building, we are unable to preform necessary functions of department as needed and at times is necessary to move fire trucks out building regardless of weather conditions. No central place to keep department records. Pulbic has access to building, we are unable to secure building for proper protection of trucks and equipment. 2. To get out of flood area. A. Previous floods in town, water has been in building causing damage to equipment and having to move trucks out building from flood waters. 3. No parking present site for firemen, causing loss in response time to fires. 4. Condition of building. A. Dampness, cold, one door for getting trucks in and out, trucks could be blocked in, blockage of sewage, part building over creek and storage area floor about to cave in. 5. Hazardous getting in and out building with trucks, due to heavy traffic. A. Heavy tractor trailers to and from Uniroyal Plant turning in front building at Valley Street and Bird Street. 6. Proposed location will result in quicker response time for emergency calls in parts of area served by department. L IT ET IDGE GROCERY COMPANY, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 1207 WAYNESBORO,VIRGINIA 22980 WHOLESALE ONLY DIAL 703:942-8361 RECEIVED JUN 91978 June 8 , 1978 Ms . Sharon Byrd Zoning Department County of Albemarle 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Ms . Byrd: The attached letter was received on behalf of Scottsville Shopping Center in care of Blue Ridge Grocery Company, Waynesboro , Virginia. Please mark your records to show that National Bank & Trust Company is now the owner of 100% of the outstanding stock of Scottsville Shopping Center, Inc . Therefore, the proper address for Scottsville Shopping Center is : National Bank & Trust Company, Charlottesville, Virg- ginia, c/o W. A. Pace, Vice President. Thank you. Sincerely, „J(7 Karl S . Sheffield lr Enclosure AWN i • • i:n•, � ?, -1r)7n I • :)^.•-err.^`. }e� VA ,)ETC (1;" E . Frorospi - I,nnd purchnse Flo- se '•ccF'nt `,.`» . nt..c,r :J1++. of '_ na $ems '-�`•� { the ,-reel of 1 'n'-? , F`?7^'rn ')nT'•cr'i :i :: - r:"rt C-:n• of Pn.' e? A. i" ' t -3 ;,�,�'1:�.o E t• fre-1 "-r=' . -• ,th '- ':'h-ll ^nd frc"t;r-. en Rt. (6 , ne4r -.:; .•.,_4_r.C�v}.•C .r portion of the pro"t' t- 'ncquirE>... i,7 Scott,-' lle Shor.o. -!n7 Center. Inc _from E. A Pr ir'(? ) in. the S('o t:t. 1.fl_a !l nn.i s l c r. i t 1 District of A he--..-rl a for n or .T�1.n:7n.n0. ''P , r. o"Pr t nurc se yl.,. l se GnvrP *r cor''in^ent on t e Soot :11] e Vr•' imtf'e h'_•_rr_ "r.:-. ��.-_- .. io ('i 1StA-!r n11 • rr;•-- c'_ -. 1onn j- rnd stntn f ovrni.»-: 1--ed-' en to con tr -, e . _ fire stn'A..cn on snid site. his offer '0 nlp-(0,-,•r, hr. ! PyniMr, Sipmed Slimed r . 1 . .J. C :. _ ors to purch-re :Is rl o contim; nt on the ^`).'^-.^; '•l of the ne ibr.rshln o.' the Scot•tsvi 11 e :%o1unt - . _ ire Derrrtrtent 't: their "loft:In - • s r,d,jl . , 4'er April O, 1.03( • • • ' I I ..........................---—y ...----- S APPR COU OtMER OVAI NTY PLANNING CO1f11” BOARD or SUPERVISORS Toll EVICIVISION 11, MADE 4110 IDE EODEINt CT Imf UNOI ED DIEDID.,, ppopDTIEDED, A., ON INOSItfl. OTT POPO: ONO &METE. IT III PRIV DEVIEAIID, API N(*Iff - — . 01 if-17F-4AN . Pf0 IDA DEDICATION TO fUelle UCE. RESI6trATO AUX.! NOW . '40100--- ---tiar---- . ' ..a • r '/•$' . . • . ....;5• / • . / .....'y \ \\............/ • • - ( . • I , . . \\\ • • • E ' • ' ) . S.C.%'1->•• • . qt4'•‘•s S 15b41.k.' .. • . , ' . • / • , • f?, /0'00' lei, 4 c ... . 6 •-•'\,... / 2,1- — ; , =78.0 •1•,> 4' f LI) / i 4 ' ' L=122.52 '. • , , ', . 8 .......Z. . , . ,,' ,:, . ' ' •,' ' ' , i ift,,t)?4' I . . ....„.... / / ,' / , . . . D.B. 313 Pg. 65 n, ., • ,....... i / • ; • if D.B. 496 Pg. 32 /.,,.! , , /6..,, s"...../ / • . •5',? '4' '' • fl. ' • ',... ,.:...>, !- . . . i004 s •••••. P.--. %, ' / / /-.-• • . ft, 01, 7,„.„. • / _ . . 1 . • - ,/ ../ ,' .,-. .. / , /.: ,. • e.i,*/ ; . , ,- . ,. . . . . . . . , , , PARCEL A 3.... . • . ., . , */ I , - /. , I/I / . 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P.: ,-- . ,,, / . 7 : .6. 364 Pq. 139 s --4 . -; , D.E. 456 Pg. 606 ' / / ....-o.-. NWV. RN MONUMENT • N 11'4‘.: :.:!_"--. t ---'' • / RUN ti. MARSHALL • ,.,.„ .. .•": ' // / '.. // / / , .4.1..;( (P.3/9:.1-.1 .7 //ek........r. 1 D.B. 344 Py. 30? '' , / • / D.B. 422 Pg. 475 • / VIRGIE C. WILLIS ---------„... •pi ,..,..„.,,,... ,••• N eto/1U 7 64'67 'pi.'7 e • • D.B. 344 Pg. 307 / / / D.B. 417 Pg. 169 / / .: e' . • • ;..,,...!1,1-11 ci, ' r• PLAT SHOWING SURVEY OF • PARCELS A,B, & C .„...„...dy r.•'i ' • TO BE ACQUIRED BY N. B. MORTGAGE CCRPORATION • NEAR SCOTTSVILLE --:, "5„ ,...1., \--,—\ 1-- \J, ALBEMARLE COUNI Y, VIPGINIA • .. ''!, I .I, '.6,0 \-0 1 I -) . . • . 1 . , . .) . WILLIAM S. IOUDABUSH, JR. CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR DATE:.D.Ef,_1.9.22.. CinotoHervill* Virgin:a ......—..— ...........— _ FILL NO....- u40__...... . _ .•...[........p+..r W41 1[1la.41c.c.a. Fir-tyf, Mr-MnitaINM Mt F'LII IEN1i Ut j S1Jt'3DIYISIDN5. COUNTY RDM. BY F -- 'DR I TY OF SECTION 3 OF THE 70 WIT THE MESONS IUSTRU- ‘0 x Z .-- 727/76' FLU FLUNISH CO. FWD. ARDINf*CE. MENT NB5 HCKt tIXEDEE BEFORE ME THIS DRY OF IS7B MY 011. EXP. ` 4-5- JwT 08L. �4T sr —_ __ w.o. — '�U, 4.. �. s 8,?o /.2' ,3q ,.E �_�'---- '35,5.a ' __``-- • • a tO /. 39 3 ACRES hf N • a ® D B. 542 -629 Acv .4" t �',,A 7 ;.' �?�l 38IL .-= qC ,N t� „.._ , f , co SCOT7S 4L LEMRSHALL i„ p,---/.,,?-, er /Lz/%'/ -- _ _ �T_ _ = " : SHOPP/NG ?B422 - / = - qa�V 79 WI-------- CEVTE R 272 • 2 —-- w�,�•� I D. B. 542 - 629 s 81 o oI Is ;NOW W E. • �DWARD PAY PAUL E Ti 8 SONI ' . ` 4 NE I D.B. 456 - 606 INC. o���A/ L 'H o�.t- r . 2 RU3ERT L. L f I CERTIFICATE No. Y 0 01157 PI PLRT o PLRT SHOWING \,'�.r1)LN so', 20 5CDTTSV I LLE SHDPP I NE (ENTER 795 3COTTSV I LLE DISTRICT' ALBE.MARLE COUNTY' V I RG I N I A 2 SCALE I " : 50 FEET 6 IPR I L 271 1 B7B 737 726 SCOTT V/LL E MEW L. LfOM . ALBEMARLE COL. .TY - . / .1,N. / N\ . , - . r.....1 .4... • L ,. ....? \ t3� ,/II II i •/� 23 '19;20 \--*. \ 49 C\/ . 2 -I\ 13.,41:.\A \:•- "4 . 47 \\\-,4°\\\ . 7 4, - i 29 „..\* \\ 27 + 30 .1 33 \ 33 40 A41. ",GT.� w .�• 3141 \ Cf \ • 32 _ • j . t30A2) .••••iii‘• �'� b{ �� T ie '' •i� /� T26 /• - 43 / / * N. 130-31 A • 5P7& Z7 . . . . . , _ . • •$, ... SCALE IN FEET SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT 550 _��� 550 SCOTTSVILLE INSERT SECTION 1304(I)