HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197800045 Application 1978-07-14 Lswe . 2o. , Permit Fee Application Nc VA Sign Erected By: Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application July 19, , 19 78 . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: Sperry Rand Corporation Name: Sperry Marine Systems Div. Sperry Rand Corp. Address: 1290 Avenue of the Americas Address: Route 29 North i New York, N. Y. 10019 Charlottesville, Va. 22906 Telephone: 212 - 956-2121 Telephone: 973-3371 j 0 Location of Property: Boundary by Hydraulic Road, Route 29 South Lane & Stromberg Carlson 1 Tax Map aw-o3-4ty Parcel ICI Acreage 82.8069 Existing Zoning M-1 District Charlottesville Existing Use: Manufacture Marine Electronics Navigational Equipment i Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : Sperry Marine Systems proposes to errect a new sign adjacent to Route 29 South bound lane. We ask approval of a distance variance to be 30 feet from the existing edge of Route 29 South bound lane. The old sign will be removed. Sketches and prints attached. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. /'/ 71 (12 ,V. Grp Applicant Dare FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Building Permit# Date `'`'' 1 OF ALB eqk Planning Department (804)296-5823 414 EAST MARKET STREET ROBERT W.TUCKER,JR. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 RONALDS.KEELER DIRECTOR OF PLANNING April 27, 1978 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING MARY JOY SCALA Sperry Marine Systems SENIOR PLANNER Route 29 North CARLOS M.MONTENEGRO PLANNER Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 ATTENTION: FRED L. FOSTER RE: SPERRY MARINE ADDITION SITE PLAN, • ROUTE 29 NORTH Dear Mr. Foster: The Albemarle County Planning Commission at their meeting on April 25, 1978 gave conditional approval to this plan, subject to: 1. Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approval of decel lane with 200' of storage and 100' of taper; 2. Grading permit; i ' 3. New sign to comply with ordinance; 4. Service Authority approval. Administrative approval will be given when these conditions have been met. You may not obtain a building permit until that approval has been secured. The Commission also recommended to the Board of Zoning Appeals that the new t sign be permitted where shown on the site plan. The Fire Official has reviewed your revised plan and has noted that the hydrant locations are approved. 21" C & 0 threads are required for hydrants and siamese fittings. Sincerely, cc: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Marys S Ala Ronald S. Keeler Senior Planner �. Carlos M. Montenegro Robert va ughn J. Benj urin Dim Byron Coburn F.A. Iachetta, Supervisor Roger H. 'Jaynes, Hill Associates MJS/ja ALBEMARLE COUNTY • • \7� SEC Q-4SA • \ O/ \ wfSp,,f,`O lb O 'TOgO Z UWESTFtELD ROAD ., /e A 7 ` 5 4 3 # I ` ` 1 Gara 6 9 10 li 7 it1 1 , .3 I 11111.0 2 ' 5 Q I 4 1 r ..��IYTON V DRY Hi Limits Line --� I \\_. 144 rs a J a \.....,,......_ ) r3 4 c e. t4 so JI / t (TI ! r •\ SCALE IN FEET CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 6I-W 550 0 550 Cr 4. ------------ STAFF REPORT VA-78-45. Sperry Marine Tax Map: 61W-03 Parcel: 19 Zone: M-1 Acreage: 82.8069 Existing Activity Manufacture Marine Electronics Navagational Equipment Proposed Variance Applicant requests relief from section 8-4 of the County Zoning Ordinance to allow a free standing sign to be located 30 feet from the right-of-way; a variance of 20 feet. Zoning Ordinance Requirement All structures except signs advertising sale or rent of the property shall be located fifty (50) feet of more from any street right-of-way. Staff Recommendation Unless the applicant can show a demonstrable hardship, the staff must recommend disapproval. -�L i E rev .� IIMARINE SYSTEMS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 TELEPHONE (804) 973-3371 TELEX 82-2411 TWX (510) 587-5463 CABLE SPERRYMARINCHVL July 19, 1978 County of Albemarle Zoning Division 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Attn: Mr. J. Benjamin Dick Dear Mr. Dick: The attachments are for the Sperry Marine sign relocation involving distance variance approval. I understand the Zoning Department will hold a hearing on this request August 2, 1978. Please advise the writer as to the exact date and time as I would like to attend. Very truly yours, SPERRY Marine Systems Fred L. Foster Facility Supervisor :js SPERRY IS A DIVISION OF SPERRY RAND CORPORATION 0 / 0 BUILDING AND SITE INFORMATION r I J �\\ EXISTING ®UILOING AREA 204,515 SOFT 1 / ! \ \ 1 /'�\ \ �/ NEW AOOITION AREA 251000 SQ.FT. \- ats -- — - —� / TOTAL AREA SITE AREA 02.& —ass TOTAL. PA 21<1LIG 554 tARS e/ l! III \\ \ 1\ \ , / �\ _ / / //! (•// \ I iia /III! \\ \\ \ _ '/• / / 111 • 8 , / o l l l l .III � \_�----\ I 1 / \ \. i l l l l l I / I a TKOTI TOWER �C'll V �/ I ! '� —�/ / I �I• I \ \\ 1 1 I 11 r /� /�/� / / / � // 1 / r I I I I I V. I II .I P 111{T I fi�T1lI I iI I I i a I I I 1 I I \ I T L w o A I sss•eew. 2w:i A .II�.//, / .! I I ����� V i� — I.+\ I ' r Illl'll \ r I 11 I Illl I I \\ II I•I r IS. ss 2o'w \ fie. s' . _. c�t9'O�w. trn�sY Ia-1o•a �• W. 2t&.­,,, \ ) ICONST. CONST Iwo A K AeeA IPNgkING STORAGE5� 1/ / l/ I I \ •\ \� d`\ \\ \. I I 0 �ll�� IN ao 60 — ice,. ° Q ; I / r l /^\ I � ! / •I \ l i l l i! /�I 1• I I I I I I /' \v E%ISTINO a w♦ I� I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( ucT O N�NUFOUTLD/.. OFFICE F .I 111j1 !\ I I I I i I i II �1 I No¢Tw o bl alAe el. set. s• I I I� \ 1\ 1 °\ f elllillll 11 1 1 \ 1\ \ - /2Soo' i I I I I I' C\\ 1\\\ \� `°a te NEW 2 5TORY o TceN l II I . -!Y OT oRlvlW.Y / CONST. i OFF/CE - \ - ais -- ,./// 11� III � y\ \I \ \ \•" \ 1s•04W. 42e.0' 20•42'!L 116.OP ._•1�.1'• �'�?�• l.DY 20'W. IN.4' J -- --- U.S. 'ROUTE 29 ITE PLAN OFFICE ADDITION5 F02 SPF-RR"( MARINE 5YSTEM5 ALBEMAR'.LE COUNTY, \/IRGINIA HILL ASs OC rAT ES ARCMITE 1 -ENE lINlES -SULTAN 11 EAST EUCLID AVENUE k AAWOONFIELO'NEW sERaEY DQ PWirIG GW .NO. SITE PLAN A"I MARHAE - - - - ----------- PROPOSED EROVj s•I�-7s -