HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197800075 Application 1978-12-14 $20. Permit Fee @ 1.2__— Appiication V fl- X -,441100 '7S Sign Erected By: Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application C f3, ILt , 19 1k OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: R AtI Name: Address: . P7 ! Address: U, (� . aaq 0 Telephone: 9 3 - 9 3 3 9 Telephone: Location of Property: e a a O � Le. .J� 31.E e- at, Tax Map Parcel a y. .6 Acreage o?, I / O Existing Zoning R S - I District Cf?A'ArLYVitic)' Existing Use: 0 (. (DD sAt9-Z �4 (43 Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : askiefu.e.ciatd hi/ 55a.44,v 3 -?•! rt 4-1 (ol boo sr. , ad r• d-�+- iv" u, ,4-• G w fs kt.t c.4Ariv.4.1 j ,S Se L.(A,K/+ . Sep M $7 S• 1• k • I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. G17.d-5 / -,e4p lc t to FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/lee net rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: /if 9 / 7 9 Final Decision Made: / /?l 71 P The variance sought was dcnicd/approved with the following conditions: dic.7,14.4.„040-e_a GU/ CA/10•••Ce -f 2 .. Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: L . le Date Building Permii.# STAFF REPORT VA-78-75. John R. Dorrier Tax Map: 62 Parcel: 24B Zoned: RS-1 Existing Activity 6 unit apartment building Proposed Variance Applicant seeks relief from section 3-2-1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance requiring 60,000 square feet per dwelling unit. 6 units are existing and non- conforming; 1 unit is a storage building and 1 unit is not built. Septic systems for these 2 proposed units exist. Zoning Ordinance Requirements 3-2-1 requires 60,000 square feet per dwelling unit if served by neither a central sewer system or a central water supply. Staff Recommendation The applicant made a rezoning request in 1972. (File attached) The rezoning at that time allowed for 1 acre per unit. The staff must recommend denial since the present acreage is for less than the required acreage. STAFF REPORT ZMP-213 John R . Dorrier Existing zoning : A-i Agriculture Requested zoning : RS-1 Residential Acreage : 3 . 61 Location Property is situated on Route 20 North , approximately one mile north of Route 20 intersection with Route 250 . Property is bounded by old Route 20 ( Route 1422 ) and the existing Route 20 . Character of Area The subject property is situated between Suburban Residential Development ( Key West) and urban development ( Route 250 area- Pantops ) . The property presently contains one four unit apartment structure . Two additional four unit apartment structures exist to the immediate west with no single family dwellings on property immediately south . Large acreage abounds in the immediate area . The property is well above the grade of Route 20 . Applicant ' s Justification Applicant desires to construct one single family dwelling . The intent is to consolidate the two parcels , one of which houses the apartment structure, and add one single unit on one acre and the remaining apartment structure to be housed on 2 . 61 acres . The 2 . 61 acres was sufficient land for the apartment structure prior to zoning . Comprehensive Plan This property is within the " urban area" as defined in the Com- prehensive Plan which indicates the property to be in the general area designated for one dwelling unit per acre average and just outside of areas designated for average 2 . 5 dwelling units per acre . Staff Comment The staff finds the request in keeping with the intent of the Plan as adopted . The apartment structure is presently non-conforming and will continue to be non-conforming under the request as petitioned . • } rk l $ LA CO"'NTY - . . \\ ;. -(,,4`.. / / , • r a \ ( . >/ . 00° ) 1\-.--- . % lk," J�� _,� ;°"1.1"11.1111)(° of /11.1: \"*"74\(\3 2 \' �• • 1".60:3.. .4...„... •'1 \ \ RIVgN __7:7. 1 N' i ]n - I CH4RLO��_ , sful•f4121 • SA �t"' ' TESV1l!E • 7' \ �•MIWI fact/ • �� y74IS ir'� \ \ 41/C O'O�� N NIMI �.J \ ` woo /. .. i fat<f«e) 1 10 \ .� • N �-" I fast J� • t 9� N,,....\- 1-.. ,../....›,S, n.� � .1 t',\� __ ___ --fir r \ 4" C .\'� , 0 se :V'''' • /�\• Rye,_ of a►. X H. �71 �_illi 'f.P'f fM 'S----- .../ l: ‘. ' .. . 69 - 1 \ 7il 0 ' ...\........ • • genes �.� v, /� / "f3S�//// • �\ \ 13 f7 n� .�. oc ` :. ,4 • . . . sec `9 j iiaNi -I / 0 �33 f 1° ! • /, .....-•-•-------- '.. ..,". MO).4\.... C. \ 04. N35- -.\ -NX. afln ,1 . « 'Ns_ \ `ia 1 \ uR 1 -"' V a 4/;' *0 . -• - '":"S-7`N, \k„,...).:.., \..._ • ._ .. e . • • ' \ i'/ . , ...---"' .-. -- --, iiit t. ,'. 0 7 GS vL.r •.--. 41/4.0V _ SCALE IN FEET CHAFLOTTESVILLE SECTION 62 . fcnn 0 16°° AND RIV NNA DISTRICTS OuNv " Y•-° VIRG1NIA � � BE "-AAtLE �� • APPLIC ATION ATION FOR REZONING sate of application _/4-7-2- • No. 2P ?"/ I / We as Owners, contract purchasers,of the property mentioned below, hereby ntiticn the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to amend the Zoning Map of Albemarle County as hereinafter requested. Location of property i 4 - , Frontage Map. Location - Acreage = , !0. 3 O f Proposed use S „. „e-i , /�� D B ,- Present Owner __-�l;y� It is requested that the foregoing property be rezoned 3/ ?al-----(;074141r acres from , t to_ . -/ Ad j ace nt Owners I,./We understand the fact that all adjacent property owners., including those across any street " are to be notified by registered/certified mail not less than ten (10) days prior to the first pub- i. lic hearing date and evidence of having accomplished this is to be submitted to the Zoning Adminit - t. istrator's office no later than five ( 5) days prior to the first public hearing date. Applicant cr representative must be present at both public hearings. 7 6/1/1 k. Address o � _93 Signature of Owner contract purchaser `77 � Planning Commission public hearing e" " :7-‘7?-,44---4, Date Time Actyor Beard of Supervisors public hearing 1 /A Q''2 ..? ��ctiijfi Date Time 1 Require meats to be attached to Petition • A. Site or plat plan 0 l ��NI OF ALmod; � k r, n i' % E1 4:.rsi j ii . Planning Departure at JOHN L. HUMPHREY COUNTY OFFICE EUILDING COUNTY PLANNER CHARLOTTL�YILLE. VIRGEN1A 22901 March 7 1972 Mr. John R. Dorrier Route 7 Box 18A Charlottesville , Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Dorrier Mr. John Humphrey , County Planner , has recommended that you seek an RS-1 Residential zoning in your application for AMP-213 . He also advises that the request be extended to i reel ude the additional . 9 of an acre , described as Parcel 31A. I have made the above changes on your applicaton anj an enclosing a copy for your reference . In addition , you will not be required to notify the adjoining property owner . A recent interpretation c.F the State Code by the Commonwealth Attorney makes 17.his practice no longer mandatory . If you have any questions , please contact this office at your convenience . Sincerely , iLliitil .( = fv AAI Linda Peitz • Secretary . Enclosure . t Ai a tr COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CITY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD., OFI SUPER1f1SORS 4 .,!!► � •«s•1.:.7( •dA^ .o,-.,_..1• _ _.c J. — ( = �1 •r"` ...._..__._ CHAIRMAN C�IA;RMAN ,/�� AIRMAN ( SEC. - / SEC, f I v 2- T _ " DATE DAiL t oAe I. OWNERS APPR OVAL 4, I CERTI FY THIS TO EE AN THIS DIVISION OF LAND MEETS WITH MY APPROVAL . THE STREETS SHOWN ACCURATE PLAT. HERLON ARE TENDERED FOR DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC USE . r"t ga J - A i , . ! Nj `� 11 0 \\ 10 �2 a 1 : N1 �4 di A= I1°42 N I R= 1405.92 3 vo u T= 113.31 N• cc 0 To 4 O 17- I Cn „• I N 1 ' IRON i ! 1 I A= 38°07' R= 289.60 T r 100.05.. ti r 0 0 I N N a• I 01 Z u , U I • I / cr i MON. i /qON I I ' 0 i N ( 0 ;I" / LOT A 1 . A= 6°19 m I T : 282.98f • / 2.7I Ac. (NI CL ptri / in (v.O N v 0 z CC 1 I / • (1J \O. ) 4 CO M ,� 4- 273.43 G� 1\P �o� `04 S 45°14 E QP4-2 83.48 P ' / o rt.40 1 2 co 1 PLAT SHOWING 1 LOT 'AI' CONTAINING 2.71.ACRES AND BEING EASTERN I MOST PORTION OF AN 8 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN D.B. 350 P. 175 LOCATED IN CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT LAND PARCEL 62-24A 1 SCALE' I": 100' ALBEMAR'._E COUNTY, VA. FEB. 1962 I