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CLE201900022 Action Letter 2019-05-01
APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Application for Zonin Clearance CLE # OFFICE USE ONLY �' -7 (G) PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS Check# Date: Receipt # Staff: PARCEL INFORMATION Tax Map and Parcel: ��tJr�00D0OIfl9BO Existing Zoning Parcel Owner: 41y"wly' 1V4 Parcel Address: 2?S' �!_/J A~6tyP el'W a Q If Iftate d Zip, "o (include suite or floor) RIMARY CONTACT Who should we call/write concerning this project? /��11ieAe �1-66! V Address: IaD F /i��iD� /' /"M/&z City e11m-.PiT�5 144'sfate l/f� Zip ��9D Office Phone: (_) Cell # 4!.' `7y9' Fax # E-mail Gt. _ �=t'Sliev � Gt�vlsl�� ,v �- Caws 9�zi� do APPLICANT INFORMATION Check any that apply: Change of ownership Change of useof name `?ew business _Change 1 Business Name/Type: Lox - Previous Business on this site�frl�if�� Describe the proposed business including use, number of employees, number of shifts, available parking spaces, number of vehicles, and any additional information that you can provide: *This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. 1 hereby certi a I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true an4aujrate o the best of my kn ledge. I have read the conditions of approv nd I understand them, and thatI will abide by them. SignatuPrinted./L//�/S/�t/ APPROVAL INFORMATION bQ Approved as proposed [ ] Approved with conditions [ ] Denied ] ackflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 977-4511, x117. [ ] No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing site„plan. [ ] This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Notes: A R .. SGieeAA ,q P�orbled LOJ444. Building Official Date z� 6 Zoning Official / Date Other Official(�� 'G��O� 0� (i0 b6j�t;�i�� Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 11/02/2015 Page 2 of 3 Intake to complete the following: Y/N Is use in LI, HI or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet. YWi thIt' ere be food preparation? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies Is parcel on private wellpublic water? If private well, provide Hea en form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that ap Is parcel on septic o public sewer? YLL N gill you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit # Y/N Will there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit # Zoning to complete the following: Reviewer to complete the following: Square footage of Use: : tted asAc tvr veh(�C S cl I eJ, fevvlCe �d � ( Under Section: �A, % 25 Supplementary regulations section: Parking formula: A c- ar1��� a�ou Required spaces: 2 5- Y/ Items o be verified in the field: Inspector : Date: _ Notes: Violations: Y/ N If so, List: j \ (t fi Proffers: Y/ N If so, List: 7 �, 4 — 7 Variance: Y/N If so, List: U 1 SP's: Y/N If so, List: V 1 .p Clearances: Q t _ 5-9 SDP's o05 _ q o n(R - 7,1 (1, 11 Avi iu br .,I 2 Revised 11/1/2015 Page 3 of 3 CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form must accompany zoning applications (Home Occupation, Zoning Clearance, Zoning Administrator Determinations or Appeals, Sign Permits, Building Permits) if the application is not the owner. I certify that notice of the application, was provided to [County application name and number] [name(s) of the record owners of the parcel] and Parcel Number manne identified below: Z Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner of record of Tax Map by delivering a copy of the application in the [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on Date ® Mailing a copy of the application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on Date to the following address: [address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. Si ture of Applicant 4WAI Print Applicant Name Date @) PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN lAVIS , @ PROPOSED ELEVATIONS e. O O I Al 4/26/2019 Mail - kmccollum@albemarle.org RE: Zoning Clearance Avis Budget Car Rental 325 Rivanna Plaza Dr Mark Green <markwgreen@gmail.com> Fri 4/26/2019 11:49 AM Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>; patty.fisher@avisbudget.c.om <patty.fisher@avisbudget.com>; .,-:Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle_org>; 9i 1 attachments ;222 K;3i Exhibit A-1 jpg; Hi Kevin A plan of the parking allocated to Avis is attached. No vehicles are "displayed" as they might be at an auto dealership, and there is no signage on the vehicles themselves. They are merely brought on site to meet reservation and walk-in needs of the customers. They park in existing parking spaces in the existing lot. Since the parking at Rivanna Plaza is already "relegated" you will see that nearly our entire lot is not visible from US-29. Between the elevation of the southern building, the dumpster enclosure, and the "great wall of Lowes" (as we like to call it) the southernmost parking is not practically visible from vehicles passing on the highway. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Mark Green Rivanna t.:t Plaza tt I [ -3313 From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 10:52 AM To: markwgreen@gmail.eom; patty.fisher@avisbudget.com Cc: Margaret Maliszewski <MMal iszewski@albemarle.org>; Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject: Zoning Clearance Avis Budget Car Rental 325 Rivanna Plaza Dr Good Morning, This email is in response to your requested zoning clearance for Avis Budget Car Rental at 325 Rivanna Plaza Dr. The County needs some additional information before we can approve it. The Property at 325 Rivanna Plaza Dr is located within the Entrance Corridor. The Entrance Corridor has some specific guidelines about the storing and display of vehicles that would likely coincide with your business. For us to approve the Clearance it is my understanding that you would need to show where the vehicles associated with this business would be located and we would have to confirm that they are not visible from the Entrance Corridor. Or alternatively, how you plan on https://outlook.office365,com/owa/?realm=Albemarle.org&exsvurl=1&II-cc=1033&modur1=0&path=/mail/inbox 1/2 4/26/2019 US-29 - Google Maps Google Maps US-29 Image capture: Jun 2018 © 2019 Google Charlottesville, Virginia Google Street View -Jun 2018 Agcegier'{ K � vve', e l T1p v nt https://www.google.com/maps/@38.09049,-78.4690812,3a,75y,330.75h,96.18tldata=!3m6! 1 e1 !3m4! 1 shTSdz8kigfG_bOOtFGgvuw!2e0!7i l 3312!8i6656 1 /1 Kevin McCollum From: Alexander Morrison <amorrison@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 7:35 AM To: Kevin McCollum; David Hannah; Frank Pohl Cc: Michael Dellinger Subject: RE: Clearance Avis Budget Car Rental Kevin, No issues here as it will not discharge to Sanitary Sewer. Alexander J. Morrison, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (0) 434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (C) 434-981-5577 (F) 434-979-0698 IM f From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 4:03 PM To: David Hannah <dhannah@albemarle.org>; Alexander Morrison <amorrison@serviceauthority.org>; Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org> Cc: Michael Dellinger <mdellinger@albemarle.org> Subject: Clearance Avis Budget Car Rental Hey All, I have a clearance I have been working on for Avis Budget Car Rental at the Rivanna Plaza shopping center up on 29. And on the last page of the application (attached) you can see they have a proposed location for vehicle washing. I wanted to run this by you all to see if there were any potential concerns or issues with this. The business is car rental and not car wash, so I don't think you would consider it "commercial" car washing, but simply the washing of rental cars every now and then. Anyways let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Kevi.w McCoUµwv Planner, Zoning Albemarle County Community Development kmccollum(@albemarle.orp- 434-296-5832 x 3141