HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197900034 Application 1979-05-29 $20. Permit Fee 74 Appiicaticn No. 7 9 -- S it Sign Erected By: Staff: / Rv - d APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application / (r ._., 19 � . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: �� Name: ' J ld Address: 3- Address: ` G 17-'4/ (M Telephone: c G 93 - z/S Telephone: Location of Property " 7 qt) ,�-y� 5,& - ‘i z.„ Axoe,, (t?",v1.49 T 1 p 3 Parcel /y 6 Acreage ^2 Exi ting Zoning l_ ':.(".a!e/&0,r.U�-, /1-l District Existing Use: „�L i Variance smelt (describe briefly relief sought) : � � a� ,1a $4 f14a,c, 1..4, t- 44,2,4,„& p je,c._ ice ' -� 1 ?G - '�►�-- fieir d _ 7:2;6 w e/ I herebycertifythat the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my g g fledge and belief and that 1 am the owner named above. Owner or Contract Pu aser at FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit:# NINF Nye STAFF REPORT VA-79-34. William T. Knight Tax Map: 103 Parcel: 36E Zoned: A-1 Existing Activity Single-family dwelling Proposed Variance The applicant requests relief from section 2-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a garage to be setback in line with the front of the house; a variance of 70 feet. Mr. Knight would like the garage in line with the existing driveway so that it borders the house and so it can be easily accessable. Zoning Ordinance Requirements All structures, as herein specifically defined, shall be located a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet from any street, road or access easement. Staff Recommendations The applicant's home was built some time ago and he wishes merely to have his garage in line with the house and no further forward. Since this road will not be improved by the Highway Department and it is more or less a private right-of-way, staff recommends approval. �-- \ ... S r L•151.16'' � ' S° E� y1 926A A 49°56 52` .re r9.92' J% S • L�� drB%v'4q"R=3NJ.75' RT:l7/60' • � r �64' �� �Mio 4/ 576%B21_E /Rfl COML .149.59' F� _ -^ tbi MN ENTRANCE STR. '!, � • I6YOR 0 .• ,<-,— 1 K 7R°40'20'V Y/RGIMA TEL•!I _ ,� ,- . III\33 EL.D.6.42/-/2 3f-4I,z,•••.a-•••••.... • EVENT /RON �`•- `WELL !.w�Y£pC0 �PGUS'DI _— �c+ 1 ROWER, 0,•/ LINE 1 1 /IrwND) STR. I i ,f LOT 6 • • ; \ 3.203 ACRES LOT 7 `�GRA1'EL D.B.572.359 ` \ DRIVE D.B.571-303(PLQT/ • HENRY {f! SMITH '% I ,, ^yr_ O.B. 57/30%303 1L �)., /-sTORr FRAM£W/TR (PLAT) N J'-crnF/N/SHED RASEIfCKT. / N30"2/5/"W, • 349.42' tia 1V • • • . p MO/IT/CELLO SLATE CORP IRON D.B. /93-580 a rFa/Nol D.B. /90-35 • N 87°PO'40•w •• 126.66' • a/RON (Fa/1/DI Vb • • o M I /Pr- o R. U. SNOW 7. U CERTIFICATE No. >' 54 173(a)543 H /� LA ND $OR4 • CERTIF/ED TO BE A CORRECT Pt. !1. _ • PLAT OF . tor 6, t.ocArry ON sr R r 795 ABOUT 0.5 MILES s.w OE ST HT 620,ALDELdARLE CCWl/7 Y,VIRG/N/A. FOR EARL r.4/6 tw • SCALE:t`--/00', DATE'8•/0.76 • R.IS.SNO r ft ASSla. CNARLOTT£SV/LLL,VIRGIN/4 Nor "woe . f` 1 ste _. ._ • d•2evrie' T•7T.I3' /• aTT \ R•306.07' 97./G' d.4Y^56 57! S65^ '.9 / SO♦<4)SiR • T.79.9P /she S /Jo• (It G�fl iv 4q"R•!(M.TS' R+/7/:GD' i. 4,. 2^NG / rr//9 376%6 --7/ _I"£ /8.61 6<' L.14 9.59' �/ �f/ TO ST Rr _ — COMMON CNTRANCE •~l• eP0--+ S 7ii./se 6. �' STR. //4,J9' ty -, N7R^4070'W V7Rc/NU TEL.ei - !f+^'^•-^�"'�' ' ''L/\33' CI_AV.42/-/2 0 q 33f' \\ rfVC[L i PCp .SEM£NT /R�TOUA•D) f pOtVER LIN£ ` • l t I/fCVNO/ \STR. I I• LOT 6 ‘ 3.203 ACRES LOT 7 • ' '-•� GRAVEL D.B.572.359 `� \ /PL cRIVE O.B.57/-303ATI • HENRY /f' S!,!/Th' i . ,, (,y, • O.B.57/-30; 03 t `-_' c-: /-STORY !RAMC w/TH (FLAT) ' ,,-:v` t:. UN!/N/SHED OAS3uCNT. • / • N30^2/S/"te • 549.42' 0. •P F ' p♦6 AfoNT/CELLO SLATE CORE IRON D.B. /93-5f'0 D.B. /90-35 • N e7•P0'40"M • I2e.G6' • ./RON 3 '0 • y` • ,7 cb �f 1tiL�''L o f. 8 ,,...., /•P\\„, r . • c R.0. SNOW y • U CERTIFICATE No, >- 54 17 3(a)543 ma`s 54I7.3{b)101 0 r -/fJf VCy� ♦ O LAND Sua •r/oriNt4 - •.... ' • CERT/F/ED TO fir. .E CORJ;fCT PLAT: ' 6A.0. ,.,r'_ PLAT OF . LOT O, LOCATED OA'Sr RT 795 ABOUT 0.5NILES Sig OF S7./r7: 62O,ALDE/fARLE • ca/N l r,t,9L6///IA. !OR , EARL f4/NT[R • SCALE:/ 10O. DATE:0•1O.76 • P.O SA•Da'R..f$SC:. cHARIOrr1s47LL I,VIRCIPIA 1 S ted By: _ Staff: / L. - d APPLICATION FOR VARIANC.... 1 Zoning Department I• 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 , I Date of Application g0_47 , 19 '7 . iWIER OF PROPERTY Name: . OCCUPANT (If other than owner) /42 �. N�ui�: I ��. ��..,J I Address: / / /oX/6-' SS Address: - . S r i-c14/ r e Telephone: 93 -�?Z/ S Telephone: /f ��— Location of Property l 9 �p � � 1 L7 Tax a/ f)3 e b-'7 �y Parcel z,6 Acreage 3^2 Existing 'Zoning C9:7_,, r_li�c�,i.-, /4-l District Existing Use: ,' ,Zi Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : /b a CT"": As ,d,.fi,- ` )-- - 7,.jcovu 11-772; i i ucn.u..-ea 7 14 7.----7 -.77.7'. ,.,c .,- ,4 7 V/A-e c °5-1?"—A7-7*-i--7'-e--4;-?. „-,-e _e_e.,, ,25,--- .-t-r":7-7 41'41-t-- . pz.:),( ---4 7- ,-- ,z,,,, , , Z e-i,„, _ , .. _ _,, . . ///j-- 7, _ ,) eel/ -e - :t- I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. !!Ans - /L%/ 7bti /0(.vv Owner or Contract Pu aser ate FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Data of Hearing: Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit; 1s