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SP201700026 Staff Report Special Use Permit 2018-09-12
Eos 4,r-ak,r0,_-(-- ------____________ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TRANSMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA TITLE: AGENDA DATE: SP201700026 Western Albemarle High September 12, 2018 School-Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility STAFF CONTACT(S): Walker, Kamptner, Graham, Gast-Bray, SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Benish, Perez Special use permit request to install a 145 foot tall steel monopole with three antenna arrays. PRESENTER (S): The tower is located behind the bleachers Christopher Perez adjacent to the football field on the eastern side of the parcel. Included are special exceptions to Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b) (size of antenna), Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) (antenna projection), and Section 4.2.5 (disturbance of critical slopes). SCHOOL DISTRICT: Elementary: Brownsville; Middle: Henley; High:Western Albemarle BACKGROUND: At its meeting on June 26, 2018, the Planning Commission voted 4:1 (Bivins Nay)(Spain, Riley absent)to recommend denial of SP201700026 and all associated Special Exceptions. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission's Staff Report, Action letter, and Minutes from the June 26th meeting are attached. Additionally staff received significant citizen communication after the PC meeting and has provided these communications in Attachment D. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommendation is unchanged from the staff report. Staff recommends denial of SP201700026 and the SE to Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b) (size of antenna). Staff has no objections to the approval of the special exceptions for Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(antenna projection), and Section 4.2.5 (disturbance of critical slopes). If the Board approves this special use permit application, staff recommends that the Board adopt the resolution to approve SP201700026, subject to the conditions contained therein (Attachment E). Attachments F, G, and H are the proposed Resolutions approving the three special exceptions. ATTACHMENTS: A—Planning Commission staff report �; B—Planning Commission action letter i,,,.�� C—Planning Commission minutes �-1 D—Updated citizen communication received since the PC meeting (previously Attachment H in the PC staff report) V �,t, E—Resolution to approve SP 17-26 �/ F—Resolution to approve antenna projection special exception G—Resolution to approve critical slopes disturbance special exception H—Resolution to approve antenna size special exception tSi ALEN RaINIP • ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP201700026—Western Albemarle High Staff: Christopher Perez School —Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility • Planning Commission Public Hearing: June 26,2018 Board of Supervisors Hearing:Tentatively scheduled for September 10,2018 Owners:County of Albemarle School Board Applicant:Milestone Communications,Cristian Hernandez Acreage: 75 acres Special Use Permit for: 10.2.2(48)Special Use Permit,which allows for (Lease Area:2,625 square feet)• Tier III personal wireless facilities in the RA Zoning District. TMP:Tax Map 56 Parcel 17C By-right use:Rural Areas(RA)and Entrance Corridor(EC) Location:5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike,Crozet(Western Albemarle High School) Magisterial District:White Hall District Proffers/Conditions:No Requested#of Dwelling Units/Lots:N/A DA- RA—X Proposal:To install a 145-foot tall steel monopole,three flush Comp.Plan Designation:Rural Area in Rural Area 3. mounted antenna arrays,and associated ground-equipment in a 2,625 square foot fenced compound. Character of Property:A large partially developed county Use of Surrounding Properties:To the north is Old Trail development, owned property that is used as a public high school and a high-density mixed-use residential development.Also,to the north is contains many recreational fields void of vegetation(soccer Henley Middle School and Brownsville Elementary School.The rest of fields,football field,baseball field,tennis courts,and other the surrounding land is Rural Area,small lot,residential development. multipurpose fields). [See Attachment A for aerial photographs of the surrounding area.] Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The applicant has proposed evergreen landscaping as 1. The proposal fails to meet section 5.1.40(b)(6)of the ordinance suggested by the ARB,which will help minimize because the location and height of the monopole does not visibility from the EC/Scenic Byway. provide adequate opportunities for screening and the facility is 2. Increase wireless coverage in the area allowing people not sufficiently sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent to make emergency calls. parcels. 2. The proposal fails to meet section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)of the ordinance because the size of the Shentel antenna is larger than 1,400 square inches.This increases the bulk atop the tower, which increases visibility of a highly visible tower. 3. ARB does not support or recommend approval of the facility. 4. Under FCC regulations if approved the monopole would be permitted to increase in height by 20 feet and install antenna extending up to 20 feet from the monopole which would further increase the visibility of the facility. 5. The facility is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning Ordinance Waivers and Recommendations: 1. Included are special exceptions(SE)for Sections 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)(size of antenna),5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(antenna projection),and 4.2.5 (disturbance of critical slopes).Based on the findings presented in the staff report,staff recommends denial of SP201700026 and the SE to Sections 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)(size).Staff has no objections to the approval of the other special exceptions. STAFF CONTACT: Christopher Perez PLANNING COMMISSION: June 26,2018 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Tentatively scheduled for September 12,2018 PETITION: PROJECT: SP201700026—Western Albemarle High School—Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall District TAX MAP/PARCEL: 05600-00-00-017C0 LOCATION: 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet(Western Albemarle High School) PROPOSED:To install a 145-foot tall steel monopole,three flush mounted antenna arrays,and associated ground- equipment in a 2,625 square foot fenced compound. PETITION: Section 10.2.2(48)of the zoning ordinance which allows for Tier III personal wireless service facilities in the RA,Rural Areas district. ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: RA Rural Areas-agricultural,forestal,and fishery uses;residential density(0.5 unit/acre in development lots),Entrance Corridor-Overlay to protect properties of historic, architectural or cultural significance from visual impacts of development along routes of tourist access. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY:Rural Area 3 -preserve and protect agricultural,forestal,open space, and natural,historic and scenic resources/density(0.5 unit/acre in development lots) CHARACTER OF THE AREA: Attachment A contains an aerial photograph of the area. The area is a mixture of residential development, forests, and public schools. To the north is Rte. 250, Henley Middle School, Brownsville Elementary School the residential development of Old Trail subdivision,and a 7 lot subdivision.To the east and west are a multitude of residential lots between 3 and 5 acres in size. To the south is an 84-acre partially wooded property owned by Yancy Mills Holding, which is bordered by 1-64,which is 1,600 feet from the southern property boundary of the school. • RELAVENT PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: ARB2017-119 WAHS Tier III PWSF-On January 12, 2018 the ARB considered the current proposal. The ARB did not support or recommend approval of the application because of visibility from the Entrance Corridor. They stated that the facility is not sited to minimize its visibility,particularly if visual impacts are to be resolved on site. If off-site wooded areas adjacent to the Rte. 250 were lost then the view of the monopole from the EC would increase dramatically. While the ARB did not support or recommend approval of the application for the monopole they were able to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the ground equipment and base station because these items are not be visible from the EC. [Attachment B] SDP-402 Westside High School— Final Site Plan - The site plan for WAHS, titled Westside High School, was approved in 1975. The plan depicts the football field and, consequently, the creation of the critical slopes that are being impacted with the proposed travelway serving the proposed facility. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL: Request to install a 145-foot tall steel monopole,three flush mounted antenna arrays,and associated ground-equipment in a 2,625 square foot fenced compound. The facility is located 145 feet north of the football field. The site will be accessed by an existing access road through the school property served by Rte. 250. A short travelway extension will be provided behind the bleachers to link the school parking lot to the facility. [Attachment C] The application includes special exceptions to disturbed critical slopes, to allow antenna to exceed the size of one thousand four hundred(1400) square inches, and to allow the closest point of the back of the antenna be more than twelve (12) inches from the facility, while maintaining the farthest point of the back be no more than eighteen(18) inches from the facility. ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST: Section 33.8 of the Zoning Ordinance states that the Planning Commission (PC) and Board of Supervisors (BOS) shall reasonably consider the following factors when reviewing and acting upon an application for a Special Use Permit: No substantial detriment. The proposed special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots. The primary impact of this facility will be visibility. The facility will not prevent the use of any lots. However, the facility will be highly visible from 4 adjacent residential lots that will be exposed to extreme skylit views of facility, in most instances with the upper 45 feet of the monopole above the treeline, visible from these homes, their driveways,and their back yards. The facility will also be visible to approximately 12 other residential locations in the surrounding area; however, the level of visibility in these locations was not been field verified during the balloon test as these views are on private property. Rather the analysis was provided by County run viewshed mapping through GIS. For this facility, outside the 1/3 mile radius the visual impacts of the tower are sufficiently mitigated by distance and off site screening. [Attachment F] Staff opinion is that this level of visual impact is a detriment to the adjacent lots. Character of district unchanged. The character of the district will not be changed by the proposed special use. It is staff's opinion that the character of the district will be negatively affected by the use through a change in visibility. The negative visual impacts of the facility are being concentrated on 4 abutting residential properties. As they are exposed to extensive skylit views'of the facility (as noted previously). This impact is inconsistent with the character of the Rural Area. The other 12 residential lots mentioned above are also experiencing a change in visibility;however,the extent of this change in visibility is unknown. But based on similar topography, distance,and tree heights can be assumed some experience similar views as the 4 known effected views. Outside of these 16 properties,the regional impacts of the facility are currently limited based on the extent of the visual impacts as noted above. The ARB stated that the current screening of the monopole is provided primarily by off-site trees outside of the control of the School Board.Should these off-site wooded areas adjacent to the Rt. 250 EC be lost, the view of the monopole from the EC and surrounding areas is expected to increase dramatically. [Attachment E for photographs from the balloon test] Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter. Staff has reviewed this request as it relates to the "purpose and intent" that is set forth in Sections 1.4.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, and as it relates to the intent of the Rural Areas (Section 10.1). This request is not consistent with either section. Section 1.4.3 states that the zoning ordinance is designed "to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community." The siting of this proposed facility does not create an attractive community for the abutting residential lots whose owners and their families are being burdened with the negative visual impacts of the facility. Section 10.1 states that the Rural Areas district is established with the intent of: "conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources." The siting of this proposed facility does not conserve or preserve the natural/scenic views and vistas of the area for these abutting residential lots. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district The proposed facility will not restrict by-right uses within the RA,Rural Areas district. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the regulations in Sec 5 as applicable The location,height,and design of the monopole does not minimize visibility from adjacent properties. (See below for in depth review of compliance with section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance) Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the public health,safety and general welfare. The proposed facility is in harmony with the public health and safety due to the fact that it does provide coverage allowing people to make emergency calls. The top array will be used by local emergency service providers. The proposed facility is not in harmony with the general welfare as the location,height, and design of the monopole does not minimize visibility from adjacent. (See below for in depth review of compliance with section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance) Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Area 3. This designation includes preservation and protection of agricultural, forestal, and open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources. The siting and design of the proposed facility does not conserve or preserve the natural/scenic views and vistas of the area. The negative visual impacts of the facility are being concentrated on abutting residential properties. As they are exposed to extensive skylit views of the facility (as noted previously). This impact is inconsistent with the character of the Rural Area. Additionally, while the regional impacts (beyond 1/3 mile) of the facility are currently limited based on the extent of the visual impacts as noted above. The ARB stated that the current screening of the monopole is provided primarily by off-site trees outside of the control of the School Board. Should these off-site wooded areas adjacent to the Rt.250 EC be lost,the view of the monopole from the EC and surrounding areas is expected to increase dramatically. Furthermore, the County adopted the Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy as a component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Policy was put in place to ensure that the construction of new facilities have limited visual impact on the community. The proposed facility does not meet the following principles of the policy: 1)Be designed to minimize visibility-the location,height,and design of the facility fails to minimize visibility to abutting properties. 2) Utilize existing structures where possible—The football field has many existing wooden light poles around the football field. County staff suggested the applicant collocate their arrays on these poles.The applicant responded that the existing wooden poles would not be sufficient strength to hold the antenna nor of adequate height. Staff suggested that replacing the wooden light poles for multiple monopoles of comparable height and then mounting single antenna array at the top and the lights below may provide a sufficient collocation option. The applicant response for why they could not facilitate this design was financial, in that poles of such height would only serve one provider and barely peak above the tree tops, whereas the current proposal serves multiple providers. The proposal does not comply with the County's wireless policy. No applications for alternative sites have been submitted. Therefore, staff does not believe that the special use permitting process nor the denial of this application would have the effect of prohibiting or restricting the provision of personal wireless services. 3) Mount antennas close to the supporting structure—the extent of the SE request to the flush mount provisions of the ordinance meets this principle. The applicant has requested a SE to permit the closest point of the back of the antenna to project more than the permitted twelve (12) inches from the monopole. However, the farthest point of the back of the antenna shall not be more than eighteen (18) inches from the facility. With this request • all arrays are still flush mounted. 4)Not be located on ridgetops or along the ridgeline, and be provided with an adequate backdrop so that they are not skylined—as previously stated in this report and will be discussed in more detail below, the facility will be visible from adjacent residential lots.The facility is highly skylit from abutting properties. 5) Not adversely impact scenic resources - the siting, height, and design of the proposed facility adversely impacts the scenic views and vistas of the abutting residential lots. Rte. 250 carries a Scenic Byway designation; however, the Scenic Byway as an avoidance area is not triggered by this application because the facility is not within 200 feet of the Scenic Byway. In this circumstance,the Scenic Byway is 1,450 feet north of the proposed facility. Regardless,the tower's visibility from the Scenic Byway is still a relevant factor and the ARB stated that visibility of the pole from the portion of the EC adjacent to the school property can be reduced with the addition of evergreen trees in the lawn area adjacent to the chain link fence and the retention of existing trees (and replacement of trees that die) in this area. The applicant has proposed evergreen landscaping as suggested by the ARB,which will help minimize visibility from the EC/Scenic Byway. While the regional impacts(beyond 1/3 mile)of the facility are currently limited based on the extent of the visual impacts as noted above;the ARB stated that the current screening of the monopole is provided primarily by off- site trees outside of the control of the School Board. Should these off-site wooded areas adjacent to the Rt. 250 EC be lost,the view of the monopole from the EC and surrounding areas is expected to increase dramatically. Compliance with Section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance Each Tier III facility may be established upon approval of a special use permit issued pursuant to section 33.4 and 33.8 of this chapter, initiated upon an application satisfying the applicable requirements of subsection 5.1.40(a), and it shall be installed and operated in compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter and the following: 1. The facility shall comply with subsection 5.1.40(b), 5.1.40(c), 5.1.40(d), 5.1.40(e), and 5.1.40(f) — (j) of the ordinance unless modified by the board of supervisors during special use permit review. 2.The facility shall comply with all conditions of approval of the special use permit. The applicable requirements of subsection 5.1.40(a) application for approval and the requirements of section 33.4 uniform procedures for special use permits have been met.The requirements of subsection 5.1.40(c)applicability of other regulations in this chapter have been met. The County's specific design criteria for Tier III facilities set forth in section 5.1.40(b)are addressed as follows: [Ordinance sections are in bold italics] Subsection 5.1.40(b): Development requirements. Each facility or transmission equipment may be established upon approval as provided in subsection (c)provided that the application satisfies the applicable requirements of subsection (a) and demonstrates that the facility or transmission equipment will be installed and operated in compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter,and the following: 1. General Design. The facility shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: (a) guy wires are prohibited(b) Outdoor lighting for the facility shall be permitted only during maintenance periods;regardless of the lumens emitted, each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded as required by section 4.17;provided that these restrictions shall not apply to any outdoor lighting required by federal law. (c) Any ground equipment shelter not located within an eligible support structure or an existing building shall be screened from all lot lines either by terrain, existing structures, existing vegetation, or by added vegetation approved by the agent. (d) A whip antenna less than six (6) inches in diameter may exceed the height of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. (e) A grounding rod, whose height shall not exceed two (2)feet and whose width shall not exceed one (1) inch in diameter at the base and tapering to a point, may be installed at the top of the facility,the eligible support structure,or the existing building. The monopole does not require the installation of guy wires,nor will it be fitted with any whip antennas.No lighting is proposed with the facility. The ground equipment is screened by an 8-foot tall slatted chain link fence that surrounds the 2,625 square foot fenced compound as required by the ARB. All requirements of the above section have been met. 2. Antennas and associated equipment. Antennas and associated equipment that are not entirely within a proposed facility, an eligible support structure, or an existing building shall be subject to the following: (a) Number of arrays. The total number of arrays of antennas shall not exceed three (3).All types of antennas and dishes, regardless of their use,shall be counted toward the limit of three arrays. Three arrays are currently proposed on the 145' monopole. The uppermost array, at 145' AGL, is intended to be dedicated to the school system.The next array down, at 135' AGL,is designated to Shentel.The 3rd array is located at 105' AGL and is not currently assigned to any providers at this time. However, the applicant has received letters of interest from both T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless indicating that they have evaluated the location of the proposed PWSF and have determined that it would meet future goals of such company's wireless networks. Lease negotiations for collocation are underway. The applicant also believes that AT&T would have interest in this site because of numerous dropped calls in this area and the County Schools use of AT&T. Final designs for the lowest array have not been determined or finalized at the time of the atplication; however, antenna array parameters for these 3 arrays shall not exceed maximum dimensions being considered for Shentel's array. (b) Size. Each antenna proposed under the pending application shall not exceed the size shown on the application, which size shall not exceed one thousand four hundred(1400)square inches. As the needs of the wireless community change, so too has the design and layout of the antennas for providers. Antennas have gotten larger. The ordinance limits antenna size to 1,400 square inches and limits the number of arrays to three.All types of antennas and dishes, regardless of their use, shall be counted toward the limit of three arrays. An array consists of an orderly arrangement of antennas mounted at the same height on a tower and intended to transmit a signal providing coverage over a specific area for a single provider. In order to apply the County's ordinance to the rapidly changing wireless technology it has been County practice to permit multiple antennas and dishes at different heights serving a single provider to count as one array, as long as the total square inches making up the vertical array of a single provider does not exceed the 1,400 square inch antenna size. Staff permits this because the intent of the ordinance is upheld, which is to limit bulk at the top of the facility, which helps to minimize and mitigate visibility. If staff did not utilize this interpretation, then most facilities, including this one, would require special exceptions to the number of arrays to allow more than two providers on a single facility. Take for instance, the uppermost array of this facility, which is dedicated to WAHS. The strict application of the regulations would PROPOSED SCHOOL PANEL have this array count as two arrays because there is an antenna and a AND MW ANTENNAS FLUSH AND dish below it at two different heights. However, staffpermits this to 3 RRHS MOUNTED, SEE SHEET Z-8 g III count as a single array because the overall intent of the ordinance is met because the square inches of both devises are below 1,400 square inches size limit. The second array down is Shentel's, which contains 1 large antenna at 1,375 square inches f� ii••w and 3 remote radiohead (RRH) units which total 988.46 square inches' for a combined II �� antenna size of 2,388.46 square inches. The RRH units are considered part of the antenna for purposes of measuring size.Because the size of the antenna is larger than the ordinance permits,the antenna shall either be counted as two arrays or a special exception is needed to ���I permit antenna size to go beyond 1,400 square inches. As such, the applicant requests a 4; .1..1•�e it=d—il special exception to section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)to allow antenna size to exceed the 1,400 square inch size limit. Staff does not support the special exception request because the size of this tl1y�� arrayantenna has the appearance of more than one and increases the bulk and the mass at ---- '',I the top of the monopole, which increases its visibility. Staffs recommendation against this special exception is not the sole reason staff is recommending denial of the facility; rather, it is a contributing factor which increases visibility of an already highly visible tower. If the '(1900 RRH=254.4 square inches)+(2500 RRH=485.46 square inches)+(800 RRH=248.6 square inches)=988.46 square inches radioheads were removed, staff would still recommend denial of the facility. If the facility is approved staff suggested these radioheads be taken off the monopole and relocated at ground level to reduce bulk at the top of the facility. (d Projection. No antenna shall project from the facility,structure or building beyond the minimum required by the mounting equipment, and in no case shall the closest point of the back of the antenna be more than twelve (12) inches from the facility, structure, or building, and in no case shall the farthest point of the back of the antenna be more than eighteen (18)inches from the facility,structure,or building. The applicant requests a special exception to section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) of the ordinance to permit the closest point of the back of the antenna to be more than 12 inches from the monopole; however, the request does not seek to permit the furthest point of the back of the antenna to be further than 18 inches from the monopole. The intent of this dual requirement is to maintain flush mounting while permitting tilt of antennas.The proposed facility does.not utilize tilt in the antenna attachment or arrangement;rather, the antenna are to remain vertical to the monopole. The maximum • standoff distance of the furthest point of the back of the antennas shall remain no further than 18 inches from the monopole. Granting this request maintains the flush mount provisions in the ordinance and does not affect visibility. For the above reasons staff recommends approval of the SE request. LA Color. Each antenna and associated equipment shall be a color that matches the facility,structure or building. All antenna will be painted to match the color of the monopole,Java Brown. 3. Tree conservation plan; content. Before the building official issues a building permit for the facility, the applicant shall submit a tree conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist. The plan shall be submitted to the agent for review and approval to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The plan shall specify tree protection methods and procedures, identify all existing trees to be removed on the parcel for the installation, operation and maintenance of the facility, and identify all dead and dying trees that are recommended to be removed. In approving the plan, the agent may identify additional trees or lands up to two hundred(200)feet from the lease area to be included in the plan. As part of the request to locate the monopole and the ground equipment,79 trees are to be removed. In an effort to maintain existing onsite screening, the applicant proposes to preserve existing trees on the school property within 180—550 feet radius of the facility. [Attachment C,Sheet Z-1] On the northern and eastern most abutting parcels, TMP 56-17 & TMP 56-16D, is a stream with a 200 foot WPO buffer that is required by County code. Based on County code this area is to remain wooded and is not to be disturbed. This offsite environmental feature provides an additional 200 feet of permanent screening on offsite properties,which is regulated by County code. [Attachment A] The ARB did not support or recommend approval of the application because of visibility. They stated that the facility is not sited to minimize its visibility, particularly if visual impacts are to be resolved on site. If off site wooded areas adjacent to the Rte. 250 were lost then the view of the monopole from the EC would increase dramatically. Planning staff agrees with this finding. Additionally, if abutting or nearby wooded properties used their full by-right potential and fell trees to develop their properties further, possibly to put an addition onto their home or to build a first home on a vacant lot) the visibility of the tower from the district as a,whole may be dramatically increased. 4. Creation of slopes steeper than 2:1. No slopes associated with the installation of the facility and its accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2:1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the county engineer are employed. No 2:1 slopes are proposed to be created with the installation of the facility. S. Ground equipment shelter;fencing. Any ground equipment shelter not located within an existing building shall be fenced only with the approval of the agent upon finding that the fence: (0 would protect the facility from trespass in areas of high volumes of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or, in the rural areas, to protect the facility from livestock or wildlife; (ii) would not be detrimental to the character of the area; and (iii) would not be detrimental to the public health,safety or general welfare. The ground equipment is screened by an 8-foot tall slatted chain link fence that surrounds the lease area. Screening the ground equipment are eight(8) new plantings of agent approved evergreen screening trees (Eastern Red Cedar) that shall be 8 - 9 foot tall at the time of planting. [Attachment C, Sheet Z-12] Staff has determined that a fence is necessary because of the proximity to the school and associated playing fields. The fence will aid in preventing trespass.The fence is not expected to be visible from adjacent residential properties or from Rte.250 due to existing vegetation and distance from the roadway. The fence and ground equipment has received a certificate of appropriateness from the ARB. 6. Screening and siting to minimize visibility. The site shall provide adequate opportunities for screening and the facility shall be sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets, regardless of their distance from the facility. The facility also shall be sited to minimize its visibility from any entrance corridor overlay district, state scenic river, national park or national forest, regardless of whether the site is adjacent to the district, river, park or forest. If the facility would be located on lands subject to a conservation easement or an open space easement, or adjacent to a conservation easement or open space easement, the facility shall be sited so that it is not visible from any resources specifically identified for protection in the deed of easement A balloon test 2 was conducted on Thursday,December 7,2017. During the balloon test staff traveled Rockfish Gap Turnpike (Rte. 250), Old Trail Drive, Gold Drive, Ashlar Ave, Addler Hill Road, Claremont Lane, Woodbourne Lane, Woodbourne Court, Beechen lane, Fielding Run Drive, Forest Glen Drive, Savannah Court, Millers School Road(Rte. 635), Crozet Avenue(Rte. 240), Emerald Lane, Hillsboro Lane (Rte. 797), Half Mile Branch Road(Rte. 684)to observe the visibility of the balloon from these streets as well as adjacent parcels. The balloon was visible on Rte. 250, the Entrance Corridor, north of the facility from three prominent locations: 1)At the entrance of Old Trail subdivision, listed in Attachment E as"view A". 2)Along the frontage of the WARS property/TMP 56-17C, listed in Attachment E as"view Al". 3) Along the frontage of TMP 56-17F (5861 Rockfish Gap Turnpike) a property that abuts the site, listed in Attachment E as"view B"and"view B I". To enhance onsite screening of the facility from locations 1 and 2 listed above, the applicant proposes a row of 22 Eastern Red Cedar trees along the frontage of the WAHS property/TMP 56-17C. [Attachment C, Sheet Z-12] These plantings are approximately 1,700 feet away from the facility and are anticipated to sufficiently reduce visibility of the monopole from these viewpoints due to elevation and distance of the plantings to the monopole. Prior to planting, staff requests that the row of landscaping be shifted away from the overhead utility lines. The view of the monopole from location 3 listed above remains unmitigated (TMP 56-17F, 5861 Rockfish Gap Turnpike), listed in Attachment E as"view B"and"view B 1". The balloon was also visible, north of the facility, from TMP 56-17G1 (5805 Rockfish Gap Turnpike), listed in Attachment E as"view C".The balloon was visible from Savannah Court,east of the facility,fronting TMP 56-16E, 479 Savannah Court, listed in Attachment E as "view D". As you enter the property the balloon becomes highly visible and extends over the roofline of the home. The balloon was visible from Emerald Lane, south of the facility, which fronts TMP 56-19F, 5860 Emerald Lane, listed in Attachment E as "view E and view F". In an attempt to screen the facility along the southern view of the property the applicant proposes two rows of Eastern Red Cedars. The first row is provided directly adjacent to the facility and contains 8 plantings, and the other row is provided 400 feet away from the facility and contains 6 plantings on the other side of the football field. However due to the proximity of the screening trees to the facility and their similar topographic elevations in comparison to the lower elevation of Emerald Lane, these plantings are anticipated to only screen the lower 30 feet of the facility. [Attachment E] As a result, the southern view of the monopole remains unmitigated. In summary,based on the balloon test the proposed monopole will be highly visible from the following locations: 1)Northern view—from Rte. 250 the EC fronting TMP 56-17F (5861 Rockfish Gap Turnpike), "view B" & "view B1" 2)Northern view—from TMP 56-17G1 (5805 Rockfish Gap Turnpike),"view C" 3)Eastern view—from Savannah Court, from TMP 56-16E(479 Savannah Court),"view D" 4) Southern view—from Emerald Court,from TMP 56-19F(5860 Emerald Lane),"view E and view F" While it is not expected that facilities of this nature be totally concealed,staffs opinion is that the level of visibility from adjacent properties is significant.Additionally,staff has prepared a viewshed map',Attachment F.This map 2 A balloon test consists of raising one or more balloons from the site to a height equal to the proposed facility(County Code§ 18- 5.1.40(a)(6)(c)). • I The elevation surface used to create the viewshed was derived from LiDAR data flown in late 2015.This accounts for the height of buildings/vegetation/etc.at the date of acquisition. • The land cover data used to identify lice canopy is from the Statewide land cover datase(created by Worldview and organized by VGIN.In Albemarle, they used aerial photos from 2013. • Building footprints,parcels,and everything else on the map is from the county. utilizes the height of the tower provided by the applicant,the County's data on topography and tree heights and canopy to conservatively estimate where the tower will be visible. Based on the balloon test staff has high confidence in the accuracy of this map.It shows that the tower would be visible from 12 additional nearby properties to the north,east,south, and west of the site,as depicted on the map in red.The map does not identify the level of visibility from these locations,but merely references that the tower is visible from these location.The maps were developed after the balloon test and staff does not have photographs from all of these locations,as many of these locations are in the middle of private properties.This map is merely another tool to consider visual impacts of the facility on surrounding properties. 7. Open space plan resources. The facility shall not adversely impact resources identified in the natural resources chapter of the county's comprehensive plan and the parks and green systems chapters in any county master plan. The siting and design of the proposed facility has limited impact on the Entrance Corridor and the Scenic Byway designation. The Scenic Byway (Rte. 250) designation as an avoidance area is not triggered by this application because the facility is not within 200 feet of the Scenic Byway. In this circumstance,the Scenic Byway is 1,450 feet north of the proposed facility. Regardless, the tower's visibility from the Scenic Byway is still a relevant factor to consider for the SUP review and the ARB stated that visibility of the tower from the portion of the EC adjacent to the school property can be reduced with the addition of evergreen trees in the lawn area adjacent to the chain link fence and the retention of existing trees (and replacement of trees that die) in this area. The applicant has proposed evergreen landscaping as suggested by the ARB, which will help minimize visibility from the EC/Scenic Byway. While the regional impacts (beyond 1/3 mile) of the facility are currently limited based on the extent of the visual impacts as noted above;the ARB stated that the current screening of the monopole is provided primarily by off-site trees outside of the control of the School Board. Should these off-site wooded areas adjacent to the Rt. 250 EC be lost,the view of the monopole from the EC and surrounding areas is expected to increase dramatically. II. Color of monopole, antennas, and equipment Each monopole shall be a dark brown natural or painted wood color that blends into the surrounding trees. The antennas,supporting brackets,and all other equipment attached to the monopole shall be a color that closely matches that of the monopole. The ground equipment, the ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad shall also be a color that closely matches that of the monopole,provided that the ground equipment and the concrete pad need not closely match the color of the monopole if they are enclosed within a ground equipment shelter or within or behind an approved structure,facade or fencing that:(i) is a color that closely matches that of the monopole; (it) is consistent with the character of the area; and (iii) makes the ground equipment,ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad invisible at any time of year from any other parcel or a public or private street The applicant meets the requirements of this section by painting the facility and the monopole Java Brown. 13.Special use permit conditions.All conditions of approval of a special use permit The facility shall comply with all conditions of approval of the special use permit. Section 704(a)(7)(b)(1)(I1)of The Telecommunications Act of 1996: This application is subject to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which provides in part that the regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities by any State or local government or instrumentality thereof(I) shall not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; (II)shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision ofpersonal wireless services.47 U.S.C. In order to operate this•facility, the applicant is required to comply with the FCC guidelines for radio frequency emissions that are intended to protect the public health and safety. Neither the Comprehensive Plan nor the Zoning Ordinance prohibits the provision of personal wireless services. However, both do implement specific policies and regulations for the siting and design of wireless facilities. The applicant has not provided any additional information regarding the availability, or absence of alternative sites that could serve the same areas that would be covered with • the proposed facility at this site. No applications for alternative sites have been submitted. Therefore, staff does not believe that the special use permitting process nor the denial of this application would have the effect of prohibiting or restricting the provision of personal wireless services. Other Relevant Information A) FCC regulations would apply to a tower constructed as proposed in this application.The regulations would limit the County's ability to review additional uses and modifications to the facility once approved.The County may only deny changes to the facility if: - The tower is increased in height by more than 20 feet; or - Antenna or other equipment would protrude more than 20 feet from the tower; or - More than 4 ground-based cabinets are added;or - Excavation occurs outside the lease area;or - The change would defeat concealment elements. Simply stated, if the County approves this monopole at 145 feet,the applicant can administratively apply for a one time increase in height by 20 feet for a total height of 165 feet. It also means that if the county approves the special exception request to increase the standoff distance of the antenna,the applicant can administratively request an increase in standoff distance to a maximum of 20 feet. [See Attachment G for additional information on this issue.] It is staffs opinion that any administrative increase in height or antenna standoff would further increase the visual impacts of the facility. If the facility is approved staff recommends a condition which limits the height of the facility to 145 feet after the onetime administrative increase. B) Citizen Communication about the Proposed Facility[Attachment H] C) Special Exception request to allow disturbance of critical slopes The topography provided on the site plan was field run by the Timmons Group in September 2017 and depicts different areas of critical slopes than those provided on the County GIS. Field run topography is more accurate than County topography and is permitted to be used on development applications. As proposed the facility relies on the disturbance of critical slopes for access. Installation of the proposed travelway requires 1,837 SF of critical slopes to be impacted. In order to permit this disturbance a special exception is required under Section 4.2.3(b) and Section 4.2.5(2)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors may grant a special exception to disturb critical slopes onsite upon the following considerations: (Ordinance language is in bold. Staff comment is in plain text) Areas Acres Total Site Disturbed 0.28 acres of a 75 acre property approximately Critical Slopes Disturbed 0.04 14%of disturbed area is critical slopes Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable alternative locations:This disturbance is not exempt. Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18-4.2: "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction,control of drainage,and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stormwater runoff' Less than approximately 25% of the critical slopes to be disturbed will be converted to a gravel drive aisle and the remaining will remain critical slope.This will not result in excessive stormwater runoff. "siltation" VSMP permitting, inspections and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" This area is not wooded and the proposed grading will not change the character of the slopes once the slope is revegetated with grass.The critical slopes were created during the grading for the football field and track. "septic effluent" Not applicable to towers. The amount of proposed grading is minimal and there are no known septic effluent issues in this area. Based on the review above, there are no engineering concerns, which prohibit the disturbance of the critical slopes as shown. Planning staff reviewed the following factors under Section 4.2.5(a)(3) to be considered for this special exception: a. Strict application of the requirements of section 4.2 would not forward the purposes of this chapter or otherwise serve the public health,safety or welfare; b. Alternatives proposed by the developer or subdivider would satisfy the intent and purposes of section 4.2 to at least an equivalent degree; c. Due to the property's unusual size, topography, shape, location or other unusual conditions, excluding the proprietary interest of the developer or subdivider, prohibiting the disturbance of critical slopes would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property or would result in significant degradation of the property or adjacent properties; d. Granting the modification or waiver would serve a public purpose of greater import than would be served by strict application of the regulations sought to be modified or waived. It is staffs opinion that the proposed disturbance of critical slopes would favorably satisfy factor(a) above because the proposed disturbance would not be of a determent to public health, safety or welfare and the development, as proposed. Staff finds that the critical slopes proposed to be disturbed are manmade and were created during the development of the football field as depicted on SDP-402 Westside High School—Site Plan approved by the County in 1975. There are no Planning or Engineering concerns with the proposed critical slope disturbance request and resulting development. Staff opinion is that granting this special exception is appropriate. SUMMARY: Staff has identified factors that are favorable and unfavorable to this proposal: Factors favorable to this request include: 1. The applicant has proposed evergreen landscaping as suggested by the ARB,which will help minimize visibility from the EC/Scenic Byway. 2. Increase wireless coverage in the area allowing people to make emergency calls. Factors unfavorable to this request include: 1. The proposal fails to meet section 5.1.40(b)(6)of the ordinance because the location and height of the monopole does not provide adequate opportunities for screening and the facility is not sufficiently sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels. 2. The proposal fails to meet section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)of the ordinance because the size of the Shentel antenna is larger than 1,400 square inches.This increases the bulk atop the tower,which increases visibility of a highly visible tower. 3. ARB does not support or recommend approval of the facility. 4. Under FCC regulations if approved the monopole would be permitted to increase in height by 20 feet and install antenna extending up to 20 feet from the monopole which would further increase the visibility of the facility. 5. The facility is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of SP201700026 and the SE to Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)(size)based on the unfavorable factors noted above.Staff has no objections to the approval of the special exceptions for Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(antenna projection), and Section 4.2.5 (disturbance of critical slopes). If the PC recommends approval of this application,staff recommends the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The development of the site, and any modifications to the arrays, shall be in general accord with the plan titled "Milestone Communications — Shentel at Western Albemarle High School 5921 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932"dated 6/06/18 (hereafter"Conceptual Plan"), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development, including but not limited to all concealment elements, concealment technique, and concealment elements of the eligible support structure as shown and described on the Conceptual Plan and mentioned below: a. Tower height(125 feet tall) b. Color(equipment and monopole—Sherwin Williams—Java Brown) c. Flush mounting of antenna(18 inch maximum standoff distance) d. Tree preservation areas e. Location of ground equipment Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. 2. The facility shall comply with subsection 5.I.40(b), 5.1.40(c),5.1.40(d), 5.1.40(e),and 5.1.40(f)—(j)of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance unless modified by the board of supervisors during special use permit review. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit a VSMP permit will be required. 4. The VSMP plan shall depict both County provided topography from the CountyGIS and the field run topography used for the concept plan.Each shall be labeled appropriately. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit revised landscape plans depicting a slightly modified location of the row of Eastern Red Cedars being planted along the frontage of the WAHS property in order to avoid interfering with the overhead lines. ARB staff shall review and approve this modification. Motions(Two Separate): Motion One for Special Exceptions: The Planning Commission's role is to recommend approval or denial of the Special Exceptions to section 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)(size)and section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(projection)and section 4.2.5 (disturbance of critical slopes)of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Should the Planning Commission choose to follow staffs guidance and recommend denial of the SE to sections 5.1.40(b)(2)(b)(size)and recommend approval of section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(projection)and approval of the SE to section 4.2.5(disturbance of critical slopes): I move to recommend denial of the Special Exceptions to Sections 5.1.40(b)(2)(b) (size) and recommend approval of section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) (projection) and approval of the Special Exception to section 4.2.5(disturbance of critical slopes)for the reasons outlined in the staff report. (Planning Commission needs to give a reason for denial) B. Should the Planning Commission choose not to follow staffs guidance and recommend approval of all Special Exceptions: I move to recommend granting the Special Exceptions to sections 5.1.40(b)(2)(b) (size) and section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)(projection)and section 4.2.5(disturbance of critical slopes) Motion two for Special Use Permit: The Planning Commission's role in this case (SP201700026) is to make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. A. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend denial of this Tier III personal wireless service facility: I move to recommend denial of SP201700026. (Planning Commission needs to give a reason for denial) B. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend approval of this Tier HI personal wireless service facility: I move to recommend approval of SP201700026 with the conditions outlined in the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: A) Aerials,Parcel and Location Maps B) Architectural Review Board action letter C) Site Plan D) Applicant's information packet E) Photos from the balloon test&photo simulations F) Viewshed Analysis Map G) Memo from Bill Fritz discussing FCC rules related to eligible support structures H) Citizen Communication about the Proposed Facility 1‘, , . :14 v.., ,i,,..... Itil rig ; 4 tiN" 11 l �Lv I + ii Iv x, �- , ), . \ ‘,17. 1 '4. f� .. '� U„R� �� � �11�1. ,,,, 4\t11.4t '11 '1 1� ypVANNAIIS' _ t-r ' 1 , r -. rye' C.) --A v ,l,,. , �;'S __ ter— '+• c l ! t r r� ice, ,. : 0?t :, i 1 • i .1..,,,,„,..r 4 , 1! 44 . . i.r ¢ q ^ „, sd�'I!.,,` #`� t o�+ (,. if , ' „j -.- .' i t • 1. I ' . ?VII***'ik. "*. "� ,1L r •4.04,+.pi, k • ' �1 f v} i i Y v r,tt;a. . • 6 i t. t litar440:111,04 , , ON . ii , . \ ,• 10" ' \Ot''OP'" -14:-.4— - ''. 1 . ,,--.-----_ ., . :00001,10.. - - 1..t..yek, q. . , ,, \ '$'!,, _. --- ' . ; , . , . . ., ________. . . , , .. , . _____...... ase --\\ . i : ' • -:,:.1: a41...,. -.: . r H . '4. a z ^r 4.... , ' 1 ATTACHMENT A corr., 11.‘/-i...,..; .;', fat, , ,,, . , . . ,,.__3 .., „ilk.", izi_ ,t4,,,,_ _.i.. ;0 ,--, _ . , ,, r,./740.#9"..._ '.tii•og it.ti,k-' f 7 .. :14111( .' •, -......_ .vi. 1\,1, 1* N 1,1 t v4' At' 1p r I. +� .� ` "-1 11• ' yip' r • r cji \ i ;� r . .. ., . i-f...),. _.... ,....... ,, 4,4 11'..". \ - . ` �1 . . _ •.ter 11\ mac' r'r� . i , �7*'��f 1 �',.44 ` `` fir. .: �r. ..! + /ice\ �. �' r� d - I h, f�r� L •` : it • , , 1 . \,,s...,/ P !, 1 ; _ w } ,Y • Illt 'it -77"--:, . \A: . . \k _ 1 f •' ' 1- - - • y �,. 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LeClair Ryan 123 E Main St,8th Floor Charlottesville,VA 22902 RE: ARB-2017-119:Western Albemarle High School Tier 1H PWSF Dear Ms.Schweller, The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board,at its meeting on January 8,2018,reviewed the above noted petition to construct a 145'-tall steel monopole with associated equipment.Special exceptions have been requested to allow more than three(3)arrays,to allow mounting equipment to exceed the maximum standoffdistance,and to allow disturbance of critical slopes onsite.The ARB took the following actions: • Regarding the ground equipment and base station The Board,by a vote of 4:0,approved the application as proposed. Regarding the visibility of the monopole The Board,by a vote of 4:0,forwarded the following recommendation to the agent: As viewed from the Entrance Corridor(EC), screening of the monopole is provided primarily by off-site trees outside of the control of the School Board.Should that off-site wooded area adjacent to the Rt.250 EC be lost,the view of the monopole from the EC is expected to increase dramatically.Consequently,the facility is not being sited to minimize its visibility,particularly if visual impacts are to be resolved on site.Visibility of the pole from the EC adjacent to the school property can be reduced with the addition of evergreen frees in the lawn area adjacent to the chain link fence and the retention of existing trees(and replacement of trees that die)in this area.Consider a color other than Java Brown to further minimize the visibility of the pole. You may consider this letter your Certificate of Appropriateness for the ground equipment and base station.This approval is specifically conditioned on the following: 1. Execution of the design indicated on the final approved plans,attachments,materials,samples,and other submittal items presented. 2. Mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the Entrance Corridor. If you have any questions concerning any of the above,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, eindletra Margaret Maliszewsld Chief of Planning/Resource Management ATTACHMENT B W entrex —m MOO Rockledge nm aw.aa POTI10a0A MN-„ PFUC IOA[a.0a, 1 ........00.44, MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS - SHENTEL ,ALS AT WESTERN ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SUBMIT Milestone 5941 ROCKFISH GAP TURNPIKE COMMUNICATIONS CROZET, VA 22932 gw w.N SHENTEL aaumaN Wank MtluCAVOIS.LW VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX aauw wu.. ..,. �snm .w nsm,.VA lw ling wm SAWN US Na10a am v.--sn mwn Pav . Tel HTESHEET _ v m"wna.°�w�ew'�wsn"[um m.a'a.uo 'u'�`mw m auevmswc ux om In RAP mnrmwmmum ws/.u¢.wu im ONTO w-raA.ar,a,wma. ZI 811E RAN — wu[.:. far wv,wanea>,a,mm ZIA TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PLAN ' zae a �m)0000.a rm°ifxas1(00ram°w0000..� e"o.°wl `f' '�8 ,''' IlC a 7i''77k S2{...r4 Z1B AIIPPSERS P1 ..m uninn.nmawn .aP vn,rrnw as aainw lit �' � F .�.g L i 3yy ..h I �1 r-i.'- ` S k �;. . ,. 'i LTC EROSION PIAX pup MI �°al Ina m [P� M[ � r , L O. $` sr c , # tit ; � EROSION EBBmircamxGLRANAemGErAes Milestone .w: 'CM 7w.w.v SKILL P.a a.we cam:,a maw*.Nth.. k'9`S'm ' 2"' c ° .."«'a t LI YONOPdEELEVATNNI COMMUNICATIONS 4. °pum"�` w®m vawm.,w..mwa.a Loa 1� ✓ r „4 '`"". } 't Ld CENTEL WEI IA LAYOUT,SECTION,BEMAZZAAD SCHEDULE �" '' .r.. 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GPIN 05600-00-00-01700 y N/F GPIN 05500-00-00-106A1 HILLES.WIWAM SCOTT&EUZABEIH LEVERAGE HILLES N/FPARCEL ADDRESS: 100 MILLER SCHOOL ROAD 911 SCHORSCH.SUSANNE /O SUSANNE JUSINO I C ADDRESS:VA D2 41 PARCEL ADDRESS: N/A MAIUNG PCB 41 CROZET,VA 22932 MAIUNG ADDRESS: 11418 WHEAT RIDGE ROAD SEED BOOK 3934 PAGE 385 �i CHARLOTTE.NC 25277 ZONING: RURAL AREA DEED BOOK 1049 PAGE 710 AREA: 21.00 AC ZONING RURAL AREA AREA: 5.04 AC 10. 4 GPIN 05600-00-00-017ET Milestone GPM 05500-00-00-ID6A2 NNGUYEN,YOUNG OR NGUYEi COMMUNICATIONS N/F PARCEL.ADDRESS: 5055 ROCKFISH DAP TPKE ASA1,THOMAS ROGER CROZET,VA 22932 PARCEL ADDRESS: N/A SARONG ADDRESS: SAME MATING ADDRESS: 9445 MIRANDY DRIVE (DEED BOOK 3074 PAGE 452 1050.215 SACRAMENTO,CA 95826 ZONING: RURAL AREA D892T Na M.A. DEED BOOK 3204 PAGE 527 AREA: 3.00 AC DEADER M.A. ZONING: RURAL AREA E1[9RR Y.M. AREA: 9.09 AC 11. GPIN O560D-00-00-017E0 N L GPM 0710E 00-00-04200 BALL,MICHAEL A AS NORO M DRAWS N/F PARCEL LLC PARCEL ADDRESS: 5883 ROCKFISH GAP TPKE YANCEY MILLS CROZET,VA 22932 PARCEL ADDRESS: N/A MAIUNG ADDRESS: SAME MAIUNG ADDRESS: 3121 RIVANNA RIDGE (DEED BOOK 2897 PAGE 351 TROY.VA 22974 ' ZONING: RURAL AREA _ WESTERN ALBPL• DEED BOOK 3640 PACE 673 AREA: 3.00 AC ZONING RURAL AREA HIGH SCHOOL AREA. 84.B6 AC 5941 ROGUISH GAP THE CROZET,VA 22932 TM T•. so ADJOIN69S Ir 2 ' CD SHEET MOM I. 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NinED Z b OND MO .Lif IIO .t lima Vm ismsXM b�M 44®,�maxi rut in S ra mmuYe®m�lao.b 040D RedMM Mn.sw 011 B0m000A PPS MMT ILOPOS 19m.MAIL v r¢:p054M1960 AND WI(MINAS FUSS 000 TIP OP Rwow[ FAX I202140w961 3 Ms SOWED.SEE MET zi y�j� 0_145C PRIMED P0030. IF • it DE vR Mm9.;11)n LIMA AND .'. 10R R SI M VASE SPACE 500W1TMS (10).MIS a_IBM EMS EL Iss-G COMM. Fa s¢1 s 11.111,111 wail RM.[EMI LL1M-10 rills ouR M-0-n m am Lam 111111 _II II, Poi 015 R 0i 0IEAST SPA EL-N54 1 II maVTLY am 00 scat;MI d 103-t oeL X PRIMED SKIM CASES k.'Y MSE UMIAK PROPOSED n6100 III YCNPSI MING h /'\� TREES MC e i Milestone COMMUNICATIONS te MO{GT Kt 1050.215 Rile C5. M0YSR N.M. 0000 As NOIS M DROWNS WPM Sam SE 010:1Z M0 CAMS MOM! PROPOSED Sam WESTERNAIBEMARRIE I II 0 ilia MVP!M VOL wcxscxoa. AREA MOOS) BM ROMPLSH GIPT PKE PROPOSED MOslOxe4 . 4�Lv a OIL Wen R0TET,VA78q? Er___ `s OMOMttx5AR e Ru r mom 0.MAW NR MONOPOLE Ma moo Komi ELEVATION 2 CD 0 MONOPOLE ELEVATION .Y K.ra O AEU NrvOFR n Z-4 ATTACHMENT ANTENNA AND CABLE SCHEDULE ‘V ROCA= Annan cm% SIAM 1®MSWI ANBNYne. COMM B81= ICfWel IWWLGiiE@CWIE L ®@ntrex sun /INIA A-I M IN-ICE YRL40 - RiWIR-W - - MVO M/A ]AWNFAa 410 Mt 10-0' F M[�id EROm••�•W (i4Tn.116!•AY 0) 1aw.ID NW.AAI Wm'-MIMRNI M13-'L9 I PAX BCD . - SI•6.`mvu0.1211 - - _ _ BBOpq'+°wDA•ul...amm MVAII WI-n IxXX.ru IV< PHONE:(20.nnflA0 WO BETA N-1 ISP IW-1P pa®® I�ma (11T 4•lib•aat 2l Lon x/A SXAftO 1�?S1-0 FAX IIDAWUMI WA'doiOxW[ WM c-I :m III-IP HOPCSEC -/ W'.PUIp1_y - - I - P l a®1MA{W Lan Pa GYM SIN R•®Y (3vTx.I1B'•.srI) I roll ZOO M1.W x/A SHARED �IG1TW! mR a1N.mu.unl ma I MR m A a Lam anmn�I I CAME ENNUI BEND RAONS A CAOWAVEAFNUABDCOMCALE SCHEDULE rem aa-n mcau MEM �MIS Im.an mama ma '� mgaga. CHEI a �A i1� I r m mmwno tend �. Mnn•vx.Tq no nor pmua ' RIME • ANTENNA AND CABLE I•iy \._ i y 1na59m4S UMW mauS Waal. — LRPIII/f pub®Ama WE tin Linty I0EM I®1 aaa.m•61 a FM 1 WOW COMM Ra116•Rosen To warm6Y WALL mono som A own=swonsuu moo wrens co Eng 00CFMMOSCLOZIODISIZOCFAMDMrsom P nu nano lAD 4*S cam Imo w oslon RE757.7 Ins on chez soul ER nano Ant in NomamJ R16 a caw 77n.am¢IIL Ma 144 an S O1Nd roam in Fits"DA is w Damn nt on Erne ILL ALM%9W nu P4 PrARW1SL M S�65C1W£4145 cµ mM 1 ® 1€allA a14.p%wa�1011aMt"an""'Innminn 1a.mmm6.:n*1a6T% OVELVOCPCI 0 NI manna • sun WMPLn.uml IMAM mama%6 PM ALL CMSOYn.M Witte loam%o. MIMS• RlOSIR I swa am.mm Wit¢A®N m6M AG cam iamtas rot DE•WECR a¢IR m••A%m.RnN wLLIWIm%teYM ANRINA MOUNTOIG LAYOUT ® c6m m m/lm we Sate a Con min mmoT • It Oa1n011 Enono Ml6a mmn9 VW RWn. I#d W6aLII•am4@a 1. 'n�1 1 [� RC®M.A[ v( ' M .n Milestone rxm. II • . 0 �m COMMUNICATIONS RDx.mi.Yo) ' PROJECT NM 1050.215 �y P 65PUG ES. I•EEEE••181• I I AS HOBO CM WAM'45 TOP MEY/ Inanntarie er tea°" I•EaEinl93• 1RRgala. (Thu' m� wEsrEBNALeEaLARLE lil HIGH SCHOOL RIMA5R e4�ll�l it B E—I"—� i h �LrtoamsB GAP m� CRO4TIYA778R! m ®.a®m EaE•iaap ft° N� W ail _ FRONT WSW MEYOW ANTENNA LAYOUT. DETAILS @ SAANDsscEiEnuu K ANTENNA MOUNTINGSECTION ® ANTENNADETAILS MICROWAVEANTENNADETAIS e SLEET Avant nT :Mn 6/.I-0 a.In•m.I� 2-5 . ATTACpffNTC MHO ROTEL CM NUE It ®entrex TOP YEW MWA \Y tP�w PJY --_--_ �T E,P,YO9p1) Y-I L( 1N' •l� PNd6:p0SNGOJO ' _ - j FAl IStNMEY1 TIIPIII I b i? 11 _ C {J* Ir ^Illlllll IIIIIIIIU . B 9 1 ��-- _ is., J k_L•—J ` J P mMinn SOIL FMivmiwm I I•Na[r H w-an n Y�NTT -1�/f � N69unul •`vo`* w .. 11. - fP011TYEWsm =ES E=a3 _- — w e-__ 9E9 I PYI M,' IIYII I'IJH �avptW A7 E I•c .. Ir''IHYIId Yam'. . I Nn 1. �E .� I[ ,Al UM _male _ _ W°OH maw BOTOAIYEW .wxoY �U teasotroet Auv wmwcm OM V LEG ragoO20 Moran moo nomogram OEM.Iiii 0 :5*1511 0 me"umo swwc oMIS LIS • TL50 al EOM EQUIPMENT LAYOUT NAM eT.I. SOD MHz RAH DETAIL 1900 YHz REM DETAIL 7:W IOh REM DETAIL „ I v*aa .7/r -e .....-....,-.?nr a �, a e j'\\ Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 1 III 01 PROMO• CS. ROMO 1050.215 I )Y T ° — M]R4R N.M. SCALE; INIF➢CH YRIRLS c. �'� I. VI 12/ ° 0 O 1 - WESIERHAISEHAHIE I f1 HIGH SCHOOL Pe.n ®MI :e 5941 ROCIOL4N GAPTPHE ion 7amma...M W.m1 CROffT,YA779T! OR N — aP 111 . MAN YEW fRDX@ SCENES Nmxr4Ew SIEVES icut wiuuviwmmmw¢ RAS SEW SHENIEL n EQUIPMENT gall 5 In HMOIMO•WO WE 104.11.m LAYOUT AND a W0 DETAILS A 1900 @RH tR DETAIL ® 9928BTS CABINET DUALS 4WD BATTERY CABINET DETAILS Pin .-p.ra .y.4.-r /F�.P e SHEETrenm[e n - Z-6 - ATFAF'uaNTC f-IM L /.. a entrex to N 1-f M f-I Vt � Gro NUWgN DtIv im DAtlDIDNW FAX:(202)4.360931 _ l ® I 1 SUBMITTALS I; k s s s fl 3 z o-m-N Im Io, 9.11ML I I �„�N� IIIII III >• � rIiu- Dmu IIf I I nR �`mm'trZ I I I I x`aDail0)°" gw 0)Eon a PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW BIGHT SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW DEFT SIDF VIEW x Nun , in DavaDan gam usa.o-mom at'Aim Et/ FIBER DIBIRIBIMON CABINET DETAILS e M-ra I /'\\ Milestone CO MMIJiqICATIo ES or v pv ¢ 11. =�f iI ma®wi yawn ND: ,Dsaas }a sir — i.. __ DIDN CS. SCAM AS NEED ONS LRAIIN M I_ ND vwn 35 ,= 1 I 1 Tal 1 WESIERNAISEYARIE rwlx:a:.vm HIGH SCHWL mip1"",wa Min . ..Wm Oft INx I 594 RDCXFISHGAP7PNE mm3DNMtl[ - - CRD4T,VA7793t mm now,xm I -. 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IFales aOxq \/ -r i• %\//\/\/\/\ ,I i •/v. � � /W2?L J� \\\rr1`�orr1\rro�rp\�rpr\\\ � r i r✓✓ripri r i✓✓•i i- 'y, �\ err \/\/\/\/\/ i r \ m mono awww an 't14 C Ma 01 rrartr5,2 �\\ , F�fN a�. ��m. /. / /i SmWN � fM Via. act F�N�. Fnv �ID NIDgf RMaTS PT N[m W/.S L O.YIP®pR 0AB0W�IDI�oK Rn[Imn I.Ma AO mH AWL A Otlt®A 4 vu R19Sn ME=RCM L swim SA PAL F LAM[IR F MI to AI R6n SONG RS10. w. �i\ UTILITY FSAYE DETAIL ® 11ESAQUANTE BASE DETAIL ® fAYPOUNDSURFACDiG DETAIL ® GRAVE.ACCESS ROAD DETAIL 'W-IV yrypl?-14 Ind CAL rIS Milestone S 5 .., ADI 4D Rd ® o IL ram _ COMMUNICATIONS flOWNC. 1050.215 CerruZit MA a ....... it O ©.:. N.N. �ATI ��� II SWG • I u NOTED ON SLANGS WPM Eta F 1fF c II �0� .i� r ..a.....4.enrr"' j1 ALBEMARLE 4F e y�� .>;,,,..1 r,Waao. i1 ..�.oo°oeo1a 4Y 3S: 1.eA 19 1v mo.� �= �• i4 goy %YEMERHIGH SCROOL {� G W $41 ROCKFISH GAPIPAE O, attl ms9CNL O IR �' Nth ool. . 'DMZR..N.Al CROD:T,VAITiH ®Liars vfA mom:imp.m t0•LL a PrOFIt at man mw 15 a°6R m�OMrwasLC INTw ROnmS - slle Qi mm.Rmm IVT nv.u.m.ffi ' ^ Oi lint'? ¢sIIt Fu mrwcm N u wF 11?nawLmalm is IA mWmlA us Nm IR PWi uM@C ma"In oO't`I�.:;1�S1mb 1] u..atatscoa 1NrM NaOFnWNa,aa., SITE DETAILS VOW m w1 m x amFi1 AD Nn as FLF 1 NY urn A ®IL0@ ruµn®a0 AD MCP WOO. K0Rena unAMA le mfn FFNCEMID GATE DETAIL® ssEI10A1&R Oe smlaum 50C nu Z-9 ATTACKMENTC ' Stl1dAN1833SL _ _ .,a MN6VlwynvO6-Z N mamxlns - J - rata MN trili9 _ MUMS 33lll t C 3a ) lle L. n a m z ZEOVAlxx-Saz ` - — 3dldtlSHMflIA08{1rd fTIIJTT7L_ _ ' 100 �S �r .,.a �ii - - - ` `\ -- --- ---'— _—_-3—_ - _ ; `-�. MUMMYWIEA "� i' —4-m-. ,fit ' ati x n = - _ _ _ ��.—____ ____: snarm m¢lm9 s a 9s . 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CMLMa7 ,; ' ' .LA ,, .aU S Fa D25•1 Ira MORD° 10 woo arms a 4 ,• 4 , 72 • ' ,19 / ilitnZAS • 0 0 er / Illt.H 9/1. 1. loniumi SD. .7Z/Z/ / / —- , LANDSCAPE PLAN ALONG ROCKFISH GAP ME eiica .1„77 LANDSCAPE PLAN ALONG SOUTHEAST SIDE OF FOOTBALL FIELD eil. tise.*, 1, 7 ., • TREF SCHEMA F I. ea-i !Mean erenuecurome commormatE wre cat wan PLumm mum - .. JUPIPEFUSVAGNms EssintnEactaw IARGEEVEROIENTRIE 3a e es' A=7,=== 4W1,4•!=•EZillb, \ II I . . ..'..1 Milestone iy. . •s COMMUNICATIONS I li US 1 PROEM't1.3 105E215 EIt COMM R.S. I .•ar. I SCALE ... .. . AS IDlED DI MAXIM ...''':. :.•.%.1 I NES1ERNALBERARLE \ ::•.•;:;:.-...{..-.:..: ea El a gig HIGH SCHOOL 5941 ROCKFISH GAP ME O/t_ -JIL at jt zIff tri - ._ 2:43 .-,...,..±,_. CROZU,VA22932 IS re IS ne VS %c----, nr--- -74(4- ME ail; 1.1•TI5 \— A '''MITE\:1X • LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 n W 9 e _ el) la LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR EQUIPMENT NUM% ENT COMPOUND 3 Tgu MALL I-W-0' Z-12 n ATTACKS:SW C MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS WESTERN ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL TIER III PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY Resubmission 4/20/18 [Initial Submission: 10/30/17, rev'd 2/19/18] Project Description: Milestone Communications (the "Applicant") respectfully requests a Special Use Permit for a Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF) on property owned by the School Board of Albemarle County, Virginia, the campus of Western Albemarle High School, with address 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, VA 22932 on Tax Map parcel 05600-00-00-017C0 within the White Hall Magisterial District. The subject property is 75 acres, zoned Rural Areas (RA). The front of the parcel abuts Rockfish Gap Turnpike (U.S. 250W), which is an Entrance Corridor. The PWSF site is proposed for the southern edge of a large wooded area that buffers the school grounds from Rockfish Gap Turnpike, approximately 1,450 feet from Rockfish Gap Turnpike just north of the football field/track. The site is screened from residential neighborhoods and local roads by large tree buffers. Access would be through the existing parking lot near the football stadium along a new gravel road to be constructed behind the existing football stadium bleachers along the treeline. The site was selected by the Albemarle County Schools facilities manager and Western Albemarle High School principal so as not to interfere with current school uses and future development. Founded in 2000, Milestone Communications develops wireless facilities in partnership with school and government landowners to achieve network coverage priorities for the wireless industry by finding solutions that are aesthetically and functionally optimized for their environments. The proposed location within the Western Albemarle High School grounds will provide the community and school with increased wireless communications coverage and capacity, the school with a free, reserved space for school use, and a share of rents from all carriers on the Milestone Communications monopole. The proposed facility will provide wireless internet from the Albemarle County Schools' closed Internet system to the homes of approximately 400 students in the western Crozet area, many of whom currently have no access to broadband. Shentel, which is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide wireless communications services within Albemarle County, desires to use the facility to provide coverage in the area. Shentel's objective is to provide reliable communications, improved in-building coverage, and in-car and on-street coverage. Verizon Wireless has provided a letter of interest to use the third proposed array to expand its coverage and capacity in the area. The PWSF would consist of a 145' galvanized steel monopole with two-foot lightning rod within a 35' x 75' (2,625 square foot) compound. The facility would support antennas for use by Shentel at the 135' RAD center and would have room below that array for collocation opportunities for an additional carrier, as well as room within the compound for ground liPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 • ATTACHMENT D equipment for additional carriers. The uppermost antenna array position of 145' would be reserved for school use. No rent would be charged to the county for such collocation, and the school board would receive financial remuneration identical to the terms of the Albemarle High School PWSF, as summarized below: • School wireless facility at $0 rent ■ $20,000 one-time payment for the monopole • $5,000 payment for each carrier that collocates ■ 40% of gross rentals to Albemarle Schools o Each lease starts at $30,000 gross receipts per year and increases 3 percent annually, which equates to a minimum of$12,000 per year, per wireless provider. o Estimated income of $400,000+ over a ten-year period assuming at least three wireless providers for six years. Special Exceptions Requested: The Applicant requests Special Exceptions for (a) modification of Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) to permit antenna standoff greater than 12" at the closest point from the monopole to the back of • the antenna; the proposed arrays would meet the 18" standoff restriction for the farthest point from the monopole to the back of the .antennas; and (b), a critical slope waiver pursuant to Section 4.2.5(a)(3)(d). Initially, the applicant requested a modification of Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(d) to permit the monopole to retain its gray galvanized steel finish to minimize visibility against the sky rather than to be painted brown to blend with trees. The applicant recognizes that, depending on location and perspective, brown may be preferable, and will adhere to the County's decision whether brown or galvanized steel finish would be more appropriate for this facility. Antenna Standoff. All of the proposed users of this facility have created modified flush- mounted antenna designs to comply with the County's preferred 18" maximum standoff. These designs will not meet the 12" minimum standoff, so a special exception is requested. Color/Finish: The monopole may be visible through the trees from one or more off-site parcels when the leaves are off the trees; from those views, brown would blend with the trees. In addition, the light poles around the school track are wooden, so the top of the monopole would appear more like the existing structures from locations where a grouping of poles could be seen. In the few places where the monopole may be seen above the treeline; a galvanized gray steel finish will blend with the sky better than brown. For that reason, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) recommended galvanized steel to minimize the visibility of the facility above the treeline on the Entrance Corridor. Critical Slope Waiver. The applicant is requesting a critical slope waiver for grading needed for the site access behind the bleachers. 2IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D Wireless Coverage Needed: Albemarle County Schools Department of Learning Engineering, Access, and Design (LEAD) has provided a packet, enclosed, describing the need for this wireless facility and how it would benefit the county school students in the area. During the two community meetings held during the regular Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) meetings on December 20, 2017 and February 21, 2018, the majority of the questions from the Council and the public were about the benefits of the proposed facility to Albemarle County Public Schools (the "Schools") and students in the surrounding community. During the February meeting, Ira Socol, Chief Technology and Innovation Office for the Schools, described the needs left unfilled in the western part of the county and how this facility could close that gap. Mr. Socol has explained that school funding does not allow his team to erect wireless communications monopoles throughout the southern and western regions of the County, yet he has been "strongly challenged by School Board members from those areas on our ability to provide students with a signal sufficient to carry multimedia into the homes of our students." Quoting from the enclosed package from LINK/ACPS: "The Milestone Tower at Western Albemarle High School is an essential part of the commitment our Board of Education has made to provide connectivity to all students. If built at the requested height, this tower will do two critical things: First, it will allow our dedicated LTE signal to reach the homes of approximately 400 students, many of whom currently have no access to broadband. Second, the tower, if high enough to meet commercial needs, will provide a dedicated revenue stream that will help make our network self-sustaining after build out. That revenue will pay for system maintenance, system upgrades, and individual student connectivity devices .... In this century internet connectivity is as essential as electricity to a successful community. Connectivity was one of the key criteria Amazon listed in its search for a second headquarters. Connectivity options are high on the inquiry lists for those buying homes. Connectivity is essential to emergency services and general public safety. Connectivity is a basic part of business relocation choice — if workers cannot work from home as they do 'at the office,' many businesses will locate elsewhere. LINKIACPS is designed to fill another gap — a gap that leaves too many rural children behind, because their ability to explore their world is limited when they leave school. That gap exacerbates the impacts of poverty and rural isolation, and creates a wall that blocks opportunity. The Milestone Tower is thus part of those essential goals of our County Schools, that we create an equitable environment for our children, and that we open every possible opportunity for every child." Milestone Communications' business model is to construct a wireless facility on public property at no charge to the public and to permit the locality or school system to use the facility for its own communications system while sharing in the rent from commercial carriers that use the facility to enhance their commercial networks. The dedicated carrier for the second RAD center on the proposed site is Shentel, which desires to improve network coverage in the area. Please refer to the submitted propagation maps, which show a gap in coverage for in-building Shentel service east of the 1-64 access. The proposed site would fill in the service gap for homes, businesses, and travelers along U.S. Route 250 and 1-64 from the 1-64 interchange east to State Route 683 (Brownsville Road). Further, this site will provide much-needed 31Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D coverage to Western Albemarle High school. Shentel receives a high number of complaints about poor service from parents, teachers and students attending after school activities at the high school. Surrounding Properties: All parcels surrounding the school parcel on the south side of Rockfish Gap Turnpike/Route 250 are zoned Rural Area. Property across Rockfish Gap Turnpike (including Old Trail) is zoned Village Residential, Neighborhood Model District, and R-1 Residential. U.S. Route 250 hosts a mix of residential and commercial uses. Brownsville Elementary and J.T. Henley Middle Schools are located on a large parcel on the north side of the highway east of the subject parcel. U.S. Route 250 West is designated as an Entrance Corridor, so visibility is evaluated by the Architectural Review Board (ARB). The ARB reviewed the original application at its January 8, 2018 hearing and recommended approval of a Certificate of Authority for the ground equipment. The ARB provided advisory comments regarding color, plantings, and tree retention for screening the proposed monopole. Please note that the original application presented to the ARB was proposed with five (5) full (i.e. not flush-mounted) arrays. Special Use Permit Support: The County Code provides that the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors "shall reasonably consider the following factors when they are reviewing and acting upon an application for a special use permit(County Code sections are in italics and/or bold):. 1. No substantial detriment The proposed special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots. The proposed facility will provide wireless intemet from the Albemarle County schools' closed intemet system to the homes of approximately 400 students, many of whom currently have no access to broadband. Fire and police will have the use of the Schools' system. The facility will support the wireless communications infrastructure of commercial carriers serving customers in the Crozet area -with improved voice (including E911), data, and intemet services. Staff has commented that the upper portion of the monopole will be visible to the surrounding residential properties and that the level of visual impact is a detriment to the adjacent lots. However, the applicant conducted a widely-publicized balloon test and two community meetings and has received negative comments from the owners of only one nearby parcel. Analysis of photographs provided by the objecting owner and multiple photosimulations of those views clearly show that the visibility from that parcel is through a forest that obscures the view of the monopole even in winter. Other immediately joining neighbors have expressed support for the project. In addition, Milestone has received letters of support from approximately a dozen neighbors who want improved intemet and other communications services at their homes. The proposed PWSF would be approximately 1,450 feet from Rockfish Gap Turnpike in a wooded area providing a buffer to the north, west, and east. Because of the large size of the school parcel and the distance from Rockfish Gap Turnpike to the north and Brownsville Road to the east, the facility will not be visible from surrounding roadways except in passing at one point on Route 250 across from Brownsville Elementary School. Because of steep slopes, a pond, and a creek on the parcel north of the school property, the trees on this property would not be disturbed. 4IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D 2. Character of district unchanged. The character of the district will not be changed by the proposed special use. Utility infrastructure is commonplace in our rural areas. Wireless facilities are as indispensable as telephone poles and lines, cable lines, and other installations dotting the landscape around us. A single monopole will not change the character of the area any more than any other vertical above-ground utility infrastructure. The ARB commented during its hearing that this site presents a difference situation than the previously approved site at Albemarle High School in that it is surrounded by trees and much less visible from the Entrance Corridor. The ARB discussed the visual impact of the proposed facility on the Entrance Corridor(U.S. 250) based on its two points of visibility— at the high school entrance and on the stretch of road in front of Brownsville Elementary School. As to the former view, they concluded that the 22 trees that the applicant proposes to plant along the front of the school near the school entrance would eliminate that view. As to the stretch along U.S. 250, ARB members noted that a driver would only see a fleeting view of the monopole in passing. The ARB did note that such view would increase if the large undeveloped area of land between the school property and U.S. 250 were to be cleared. Most of this acreage is part of a residential parcel fronting Savannah Court. It contains steep slopes, a stream, and a pond. County regulations would prevent cutting trees over a large area of the parcel. Along with the tree plantings along Rosh Gap Turnpike, the applicant has also agreed to tree plantings along the southeast corner of the school track and has proposed two tree preservation areas as recommended by staff— a 200' tree preservation area around the monopole in the northeast corner of the parcel and a 200' tree preservation area in the southeast corner of the parcel. These tree preservations areas will buffer neighboring residential properties to the greatest extent possible. 3. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with the regulations provided in section 5 as applicable, and with the public health,safety and general welfare. Good wireless service is essential to a convenient community, attractive to residents, newcomers to the area, and local business. Good wireless service allows residents to work from home, it allows students to do their homework at home instead of in the school parking lot—or the parking lot of a business with free WiFi— before or after school. It allows citizens to make emergency calls from home or on the road. It allows surveyors, mechanics, farmers, and other workers who need wireless on the road and in the field, to do their work. Modern infrastructure is not inharmonious with agricultural and residential uses as any farmer or homeowner knows. 4.Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the uses permitted by right In the district The proposed facility will not only not restrict by-right uses within the RA, Rural Areas district but it will support voice, data, and video transmission on mobile devices and computers in the area, which are activities that citizens expect to be able to do throughout the county, in their homes and on the roadways. • 5. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the regulations in Sec 5 as applicable Please below for in-depth review of compliance with section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5 Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D 6. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony with the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed facility will provide much-needed coverage for the residences of 400 students who currently do not have access to the school internet. It will expand coverage and capacity for voice, data, and streaming for citizens in the western part of the county. The FCC estimates that 70% of 911 calls are made via mobile telephones. County fire and police will be able to use the Schools' wireless system. Information services via internet are important to public health as citizens access health information online or use the increasing number of medical record and health-related apps. Communications services are essential to general welfare so citizens can work at home, access information and entertainment, and communicate with family and friends. Compliance with the Requirements of Section 5.1.40 of the ZonInq Ordinance. 5.1.40(a)Application for Approval. 1.Application form and signatures.A completed application form, signed by the parcel owner, the parcel owner's agent or the contract purchaser, and the proposed facility's owner. If the owner's agent signs the application, he shall also submit written evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. If the contract purchaser signs the application, he shall also submit the owner's written consent to the application. The applicant has previously provided an application form signed by the authorized signatory of the Albemarle County School Board, which is the owner of the subject property. Enclosed is the resubmission form signed by the applicant's agent (attorney). 2. Plat or survey of the parcel.A recorded plat or recorded boundary survey of the parcel on which the facility will be located;provided, if neither a recorded plat nor boundary survey exists, a copy of the legal description of the parcel and the Albemarle County Circuit Court deed book and page number. A copy of the deed with legal description and plat of survey was submitted with the original application. The deed was recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Albemarle County in Deed Book 506, page 311. 3. Ownership. The identity of the owner of the parcel and, if the owner is other than a real person, the complete legal name of the entity, a description of the type of entity, and written documentation that the person signing on behalf of the entity is authorized'to do so. The owner of the subject property is the Albemarle County School Board, which has provided a letter authorizing the Applicant to proceed with zoning for the project. 4. Plans and supporting drawings, calculations, and documentation. Except where the facility will be located entirely within an eligible support structure or an existing building, a scaled plan and a scaled elevation view and other supporting drawings, calculations, and other documentation required by the agent, signed and sealed by an appropriate licensed professional. Please see enclosed the zoning drawings prepared by Entrex Communications Services, Inc., dated April 30, 2018, signed and sealed by J. Cabot Goudy, Professional Engineer. The plans and supporting drawings, calculations, and documentation shall show: (a)Existing and proposed improvements. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed Wage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D improvements on the parcel including access roads and structures, the location and dimensions of significant natural features, and the maximum height above ground of the facility(also identified in height above sea level). Sheet Z-1 shows the location of existing improvements on the parcel, including access roads and school buildings and other structures. Sheet Z-1A shows topography of the parcel, including critical slopes. Sheet Z-2 shows the location of the bleachers and topography of the proposed site access. Sheet Z-3 depicts a detailed compound plan for ground equipment with multiple lease areas and monopole. Sheet Z-4 provides an elevation of the proposed PWSF, with details of specific equipment on following sheets. (b)Elevation and coordinates. The benchmarks and datum used for elevations shall coincide with the State Plane VA South US Survey Feet based on the North American Datum of 1983(NAD 83), and the benchmarks shall be acceptable to the county engineer. The elevation of the tower base is shown on Sheet Z-4 as approximately 684.9'AMSL. (c) Design. The design of the facility, including the specific type of support structure and the design, type, location, size, height, and configuration of all existing and proposed antennas and other equipment. As shown on Sheet Z-4 a monopole design is proposed. The monopole would be tapered to a diameter of 27.58" at the top and would be 145' tall. The equipment and dimensions requested ' by Shentel are detailed on Sheets Z-5, Z-6, and Z-7; a cross-section of the antenna array and layout and antenna types and details for Shentel are shown are Sheet Z-5. Details of the antenna configuration, mount design, and antennas for the Schools are depicted on Sheet Z-8. (d) Color. Identification of each paint color on the facility, by manufacturer color name and color number.A paint chip or sample shall be provided for each color. The Applicant will paint the monopole and attached antennas Sherwin Williams Java Brown unless the County determines that a galvanized stainless steel finish is preferable. (e) Topography. Except where the facility would be attached to an eligible support structure or an existing building, the topography within two thousand(2,000)feet of the proposed facility, in contour intervals not to exceed ten(10)feet for all lands within Albemarle County and, in contour intervals shown on United States Geological Survey topographic survey maps or the best topographic data available, for lands not within Albemarle County. Please see Sheet Z-1A of the zoning drawings. (t) Trees. The caliper and species of all trees where the dripline is located within fifty(50) feet of the facility. The height, caliper, and species of any tree that the Applicant is relying on to provide screening of the monopole or tower. The height, caliper and species of the reference tree. The caliper and species of all trees that will be adversely impacted or removed during installation or maintenance of the facility shall be noted, regardless of their distances to,the facility. Please see Sheets 'Z-10 and Z-11 of the zoning drawings for tree survey details. As a proposed Tier Ill PWSF, the site does not have a reference tree for height evaluation purposes. (g) Setbacks,parking, fencing, and landscaping.All existing and proposed setbacks,parking, fencing, and landscaping. 7IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D The proposed site would be set back approximately 1,450' from U.S. Route 250/Rockfish Gap Turnpike. Sheet Z-1 shows that the distance to the nearest residence on the parcel to the east would be approximately 681.3'. This sheet also shows the distance from the monopole to the subject parcel's eastern boundary line as 160.6' and shows the 100% of height (145') required fall- zone radius within the subject parcel. Please see Sheet Z-9 for location of the chain link fence around the equipment compound and Sheet Z=12 for details of the landscape plans along Rockfish Gap Turnpike, along the southeast side of the track, and along the front of the equipment compound. • (h) Location of accessways. The location of all existing vehicular accessways and the location and design of all proposed vehicular accessways. Access to the site would be over the existing parking lot west of the football field, then along a ten foot(10') easement behind (north of)the bleachers along the forest line. (i) Location of certain structures and district boundaries. Except where the facility would be attached to an eligible support structure or an existing building, residential and commercial structures, and residential and rural areas district boundaries. Please see Sheet Z-1 of the zoning drawings. (1) Proximity to airports. If the proposed monopole or tower will be taller than one hundred fifty (150)feet, the proximity of the facility to commercial and private airports. The site will not be taller than 150 feet. 5. Photographs. Photographs of the location of the proposed monopole or tower shall be provided that include, for applications for Tier ll facilities, the reference tree, and for applications for Tier III facilities, the area within fifty(50)feet of the proposed monopole or tower. These photographs shall include reference points to enable the lease area, the vehicular access, the trees that will remain, and the trees that will be removed, to be identified. In addition,photographs, where possible, or perspective drawings of the facility site and all existing facilities within two hundred(200) feet of the site, if any, and the area surrounding the site. Please see the photographs of the proposed site area enclosed with the original application. 6. Balloon tests. For any proposed monopole or tower,photographs taken of a balloon test, which shall be conducted, if requested by the agent, as follows: (a) Scheduling. The Applicant shall contact the agent within ten (10) days after the date the application was submitted to schedule a date and time when the balloon test will be conducted. The test shall be conducted within forty(40) days after the date the application was submitted, and the Applicant shall provide the agent with at least seven (7) days prior notice;provided that this deadline may be extended due to inclement weather or by the agreement of the Applicant and the agent. (b) Marking key boundaries and locations. Prior to the balloon test, the locations of the access road, the lease area, the tower site, the reference tree, and the tallest tree within twenty five(25) feet of the proposed monopole shall be surveyed and staked or flagged in the field. (c) Balloon height. The test shall consist of raising one or more balloons from the,facility site to a height equal to the proposed facility. (d) Balloon color or material. The balloons shall be of a color or material that provides maximum visibility. (e) Photographing balloon test. The photographs of the balloon test shall be taken from the nearest residence and from appropriate locations on abutting properties, along each publicly used road from which the balloon is visible, and other properties and locations as deemed appropriate by the agent. The Applicant shall identify the camera type, film size, and focal length of the lens for 8Rage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D each photograph. The Applicant conducted a public balloon test pursuant to these requirements on December 6, 2017. Photosimulations of the proposed facility were created from the photographs taken by the applicant's engineer and by staff during the test. The original photosimulations depicted a steel monopole with a single full array. A revised set was prepared to show five arrays, which was the number of arrays requested in the initial application. Photosimulations of additional views were later added, as requested by staff. Using only those views identified by staff as most visible, revised photosims were prepared showing the facility as currently proposed with only three flush- mounted antenna arrays. Two sets of these photosims are provided to show the proposed facility as it would appear if painted brown and as it would appear with a stainless steel finish. 7.Additions of antennas. If antennas are proposed to be added to an eligible support structure or an existing building, all existing antennas and other equipment on the structure, building, or facility, as well as all ground equipment, shall be identified by owner, type, and size. The method(s)by which the antennas will be attached to the mounting structure shall be depicted. NA 8. Site under conservation or open space easement. If the proposed facility would be located on lands subject to a conservation easement or an open space easement, a copy of the recorded deed of easement and the express written consent of all easement holders to the proposed facility. NA 9. Photographic simulations.At the request of the agent,photographic simulations of the proposed facility. Please see subsection 6 above. 5.1.40(b)Development Requirements. 1. General design.,The facility shall be designed, installed, and maintained as follows: (a) Guy wires. Guy wires are prohibited. (b) Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting for the facility shall be permitted only during maintenance periods; regardless of the lumens emitted, each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded as required by section 4.17;provided that these restrictions shall not apply to any outdoor lighting required by federal law. (c) Ground equipment. Any ground equipment shelter not located within an eligible support structure or an existing building shall be screened from all lot lines either by terrain, existing structures, existing vegetation, or by added vegetation approved by the agent. (d) Whip antenna. A whip antenna less than six(6)inches in diameter may exceed the height of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. (e) Grounding rod.A grounding rod, whose height shall not exceed two(2)feet and whose width shall not exceed one (1)inch in diameter at the base and tapering to a point may be installed at the top of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. All of the foregoing general design guidelines shall be met by the proposed site and facility. 2.Antennas and associated equipment.Antennas and associated equipment that are not entirely within a proposed facility, an eligible support structure, or an existing building shall be subject to the following: (a) Number of arrays. The total number of arrays of antennas shall not exceed three(3).All types of antennas and dishes, regardless of their use, shall be counted toward the limit of three arrays. The Applicant proposes three antenna arrays, as is shown on Sheet Z-4 of the zoning drawings. (b) Size. Each antenna proposed under the pending application shall not exceed the size shown on the application, which size shall not exceed one thousand four hundred(1400)square inches. None of the proposed antennas would exceed 1400 square inches each. _ 9IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D (c) Projection. No antenna shall project from the facility, structure or building beyond the minimum required by the mounting equipment, and in no case shall the closest point on the back of the antenna be more than twelve(12)inches from the facility, structure, or building;and in no case shall the farthest point of the back of the antenna be more than eighteen (18) inches from the facility, structure, or building;and The Applicant proposes antenna mount designs that will meet the 18" maximum but will not meet the 12"standoff described above and requests a special exception for this modification. (d) Color. Each antenna and associated equipment shall be a color that matches the facility, structure, or building. The Applicant will ensure that the wireless providers using the facility match their antennas to the monopole. 3. Tree conservation plan;content. Before the building official issues a building permit for the facility, the Applicant shall submit a tree conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist The plan shall be submitted to the agent for review and approval to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The plan shall specify tree protection methods and procedures, identify all existing trees to be removed on the parcel for the installation, operation and maintenance of the facility, and identify all dead and dying trees that are recommended to be removed. In approving the plan, the agent may identify additional trees or lands up to two hundred(200)feet from the lease area to be included in the plan. The tree conservation plan shall be submitted prior to building permit approval. The enclosed plans include a tree survey on Sheet Z-10 showing the height and diameter of existing trees within the access route and within and around the compound. Sheet Z-11 identifies those trees to remain and trees to be removed. The applicant proposes to preserve existing trees on the school property in two areas: (a) within 180 — 200 feet radius of the facility in the northeast corner of the school property, and (b) in a roughly 200' radius in the southeast corner of the school property, which will help to maintain the wooded buffer between the site and parcels to the south. As the April 4, 2018 staff report explains, "(o)n the northern and easternmost abutting parcel, TMP 56-17 & TMP 56-16D, is a stream with a 200 foot WPO buffer that is required by County code. Based on County code this area is to remain wooded and is not to be disturbed. This offsite environmental feature provides an additional 200 feet of permanent screening on offsite properties, which is regulated by County code." The enclosed plans show these areas where trees would be preserved pursuant to the Albemarle County Code. With tree preservation on the school property around the site and south of the site and tree preservation on the parcel between the school property and U.S. 250, the potential increase of visual impact from tree cutting is minimized. 4. Creation of slopes steeper than 2:1. No slopes associated with the installation of the facility and its accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2:1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the county engineer are employed. The temporary construction access will affect steep slopes, and a Special Exception is requested to permit this limited use. 5. Ground equipment shelter;fencing.Any ground equipment shelter not located within an existing building shall be fenced only with the approval of the agent upon finding that the fence:(i) would protect the facility from trespass in areas of high volumes of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or, In the rural areas, to protect the facility from livestock or wildlife;(ii) would not be detrimental to the character of the area;and(iii) would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 10IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D As shown on Sheet Z-12 of the zoning drawings, the Applicant proposes a fence to protect the ground equipment from trespass and eight (8) Eastern red cedars to screen the compound from the track and field. 6. Screening and siting to minimize visibility. The site shall provide adequate opportunities for screening and the facility shall be sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets, regardless of their distance from the facility. The facility also shall be sited to minimize its visibility from any entrance corridor overlay district, state scenic river, national park, or national forest, regardless of whether the site is adjacent to the district, river, park or forest. If the facility would be located on lands subject to a conservation easement or an open space easement, or adjacent to a conservation easement or open space easement, the facility shall be sited so that it is not visible from any resources specifically identified for protection in the deed of easement. Ground equipment shall be screened from the school uses by a closed slatted fence and landscaped buffer as described above. Ground equipment also will be screened further from neighboring properties by tree buffers to the north, east, and south. Tree preservation areas are proposed in the northeast and southeast corners of the school property. Visibility of the facility from the school entrance and from the intersection of Rockfish Gap Turnpike/U.S. Route 250 and Old Trail Drive will be mitigated by tree plantings along the front of the school property. The other areas of concern for staff were residential properties surrounding, and closest to, the football field area. With the reduction in standoff and number of arrays, the visual impact will be mitigated as much as possible. The enclosed photosimulations depict four views identified by staff as most visible: (1) North of the site: view immediately in front of the residence at 5861 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, TMP 56-17F (photo is taken from the private drive); (2) North of the site: view from Rockfish Gap Turnpike at approximately 5870 Rockfish Gap Turnpike; (3) East of the site: view from the residential parcel east of the school at 479 Savannah Court, TMP 56-16E; (4) South of the site: view from the residential parcel immediately south of the football field at 5860-5880 Emerald Lane, TMPs 56-19F, 56-19G. The thick tree buffers to the north, east, and south and proposed tree preservation areas, along with the very narrow profile of the facility with flush-mounted antennas will mitigate the visibility of the facility. The property is not subject to a conservation easement and would not be visible from any state scenic river, national park, or national forest. 7. Open space plan resources. The facility shall not adversely impact resources identified in the natural resources chapter of the county's comprehensive plan and the parks and green systems chapters in any county master plan. The facility would not adversely impact natural resources. 8. Horizontal separation of multiple facilities. The facility shall not be located so that it and,three (3) or more existing or approved personal wireless service facilities would be within an area comprised of a circle centered anywhere on the ground having a radius of two hundred(200) feet. No other PWSFs are within 200' of the proposed facility. 111Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D 9. Diameter of monopole. The maximum base diameter of the monopole shall be thirty(30) inches and the maximum diameter at the top of the monopole shall be eighteen (18) inches. NA to Tier III PWSFs. 10. Height of monopole. The top of the monopole, measured in elevation above mean sea level, shall not be more than ten(10) feet taller than the tallest tree within twenty-five(25) feet of the monopole, and shall include any base, foundation or grading that raises the monopole above the pm-existing natural ground elevation. NA to Tier III PWSFs. The proposal is a Tier III because it does not meet the height requirements of a Tier II; the proposed height does not require a special exception. During community meetings,the applicant was asked whether reducing the number of arrays would reduce the height. As Ira Socol, Chief Technology and Innovation Office for the Albemarle County Schools, explained to the community during the second CCAC meeting, a reduction in number of arrays will not reduce the monopole height because the Department of Learning Engineering, Access, and Design (LEAD) needs at least 145 feet in height to reach the homes of approximately 400 students based on his department's "mapping of existing student addresses and the need for its signal to be at an angle that will allow penetration to homes located below the street address." He stated further that the "County does not fund us in a way that would allow us to erect those [wireless communications monopoles] throughout the southern and western regions of the County" and that he has been "strongly challenged by School Board members from those areas on our ability to provide students with a signal sufficient to carry multimedia into the homes of our students." As shown on the new photosimulations, enclosed, the change in design would mitigate the visibility of the monopole from the areas of most concern to staff. The site is located immediately north of the high school's track/football field in a heavily wooded area. Ball field lights, which are approximately 80'-90' tall, are located around the field. Staff has inquired why multiple short monopoles could not be installed in place of the ball field lights. The existing poles are not strong enough to hold the weight of wireless antennas and related equipment and are not tall enough for wireless equipment to meet RF needs. To use the ball field lights, multiple replacement poles would need to be installed around the track. Short monopoles just clear the trees so can only provide service for a single carrier; they are built by the carrier for the sole use of the carrier and benefit only the customers of the carrier. This project would not be economically viable other than as a multi-carrier facility. Each wireless facility requires many months—sometimes years—of planning and due diligence, and the project expenses are the same for a short pole as for a taller one, yet the short one supports only a single carrier. Multiple short poles would be required to provide the same benefit as this single proposed facility. 11. Color of monopole, antennas, and equipment Each monopole shall be a dark brown natural or painted wood color that blends into the surrounding trees. The antennas, supporting brackets, and all other equipment attached to the monopole shall be a color that closely matches that of the monopole. The ground equipment, the ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad shall also be a color that closely matches that of the monopole,provided that the ground equipment and the concrete pad need not closely match the color of the monopole if they are enclosed within a ground equipment shelter or within or behind an approved structure, facade or fencing that (0 is a color that closely matches that of the monopole; (ii) is consistent with the character of the area;and(iii) makes the ground equipment, ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad invisible at any time of year from any other parcel or a public or private street. 121Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D The Applicant's original application included a request for a special exception to this requirement in order to retain the galvanized steel color and finish of the monopole. This request was withdrawn with its February 19, 2018 revision based on the results of the balloon test and recognition that the ball field lights were wooden. However, based on the recommendation of the ARB, the applicant is willing to return to the stainless steel proposal if the County desires. The antennas and brackets will be painted or finished to blend with the monopole's color and finish. Ground equipment will be screened by fencing and trees. Enclosed with this resubmission are the four photosimulations described above in two versions — one showing the facility as galvanized steel and one as painted Sherwin Williams Java Brown. The ARB recommended galvanized steel to mitigate visibility where skylit along Rockfish Gap Turnpike. From locations where the view of the facility is through a forested area (e.g. from 479 Savannah Court), the facility would blend with its surroundings if painted Java Brown. The applicant is willing to accept the county's choice and would comply with a condition to use either color. 12. Placement of cables, wiring, and similar attachments. Each wood or concrete monopole shall be constructed so that all cables, wiring, and similar attachments that run vertically from the ground equipment to the antennas are placed on the monopole to face the interior of the site and away from public view, as determined by the agent. Metal monopoles shall be constructed so that vertical cables, wiring, and similar attachments are contained within the monopole's structure. NA to Tier Ill, but cables will be routed through the monopole. 13. Special use permit conditions.All conditions of approval of a special use permit. Noted. 5.1.40(c)Applicability of Other Regulations in this Chapter. 1. Building site. A facility is not required to be located within a building site. Noted. 2. Vehicular access. Vehicular access to the facility site or tower site shall be subject to the requirements of section 4.2 and shall not be exempt under section 4.2.6(c). A special exception is requested for a steep slopes waiver for the access route. 3. Setbacks. Notwithstanding section, the agent may authorize a facility to be located closer in distance than the height of the tower or other mounting structure to any lot line if the Applicant obtains an easement or other recordable document showing agreement between the lot owners, acceptable to the • county attorney as to addressing development on the part of the abutting parcel sharing the common lot line that is within the monopole or towers fall zone. If the right-of-way for a public street is within the fall zone, the Virginia Department of Transportation shall be included in the staff review, in lieu of recording an easement or other document. The 100% of height of the monopole setback will be met well within the parcel boundaries. 5.1.40(d) Performance Standards and Requirements for Approved Applications. 1. Building permit application;submitting certification of monopole height and revised plans. The following shall be submitted with the building permit application: (f) certification by a registered surveyor stating the height of the reference tree that is used to determine the permissible height of the monopole;and(ii) a final revised set of plans for the construction of the facility. The agent shall review the surveyor's certificate and the plans to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. Noted. 2. Tree conservation plan;compliance;amendment. The Installation, operation, and maintenance of the facility shall be conducted in accordance with the tree conservation plan. The Applicant shall not remove 13jPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D existing trees within the lease area or within one hundred(100) feet in all directions surrounding the lease area of any part of the facility except for those trees identified on the plan to be removed for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the facility and dead and dying trees. Before the Applicant removes any tree not designated for removal on the approved plan, the Applicant shall submit and obtain approval of an amended plan. The agent may approve the amended plan if the proposed tree removal will not adversely affect the visibility of the facility from any location off of the parcel. The agent may impose reasonable conditions to ensure that the purposes of this paragraph are achieved. Noted. 3. Completion of installation;submitting certifications of compliance. Within thirty(30) days after completion of the installation of the facility, the Applicant shall provide to the agent prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy: (i) certification by a registered surveyor stating the height of the tower or monopole, measured both in feet above ground level and in elevation above mean sea level, using the benchmarks or reference datum identified in the application;and(ii) certification stating that the lightning rod's height does not exceed two(2) feet above the top of the tower or monopole and its width does not exceed a diameter of one(1) inch. Noted. 4. Discontinuance of use;notice thereof;removal;surety. Within thirty(30) days after a tower or monopole's use for personal wireless service or any service facilitated by transmission equipment is discontinued, the owner of the facility shall notify the zoning administrator in writing that the facility's use has discontinued. The facility and any transmission equipment shall be disassembled and removed from the facility site within ninety(90) days after the date its use for personal wireless service or any service facilitated by transmission equipment is discontinued. If the agent determines at any time that surety is required to guarantee that the facility will be removed as required, the agent may require that the parcel owner or the owner of the facility submit a certified check, a bond with surety, or a letter of credit, in an amount sufficient for, and conditioned upon, the removal of the facility. The type and form of the surety guarantee shall be to the satisfaction of the agent and the county attorney. In determining whether surety should be required, the agent shall consider the following: (i) whether there is a change in technology that makes it likely that the monopole or tower will be unnecessary in the near future;(ii) the permittee fails to comply with applicable regulations or conditions; (iii) the permittee fails to timely remove another monopole or tower within the county;and(iv) whenever otherwise deemed necessary by the agent. Noted. Consistency with the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 12 -- Community Facilities. 1. Strategy 10e is to "(c)ontinue to ensure that Personal Wireless Service Facilities are provided in accordance with the County's personal wireless service policy." The Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy dates from December 2000 (the "Wireless Policy"). Since that time, the entire world has experienced a wireless revolution. According to the Pew Research Center, 75% of U.S. adults use a smart phone (92% of adults 18-25), 70% use social media, 50% own a tablet (see chart below). Approximately 50% of homes no longer have lanoline telephone service and rely on mobile phones for communication. Increasingly, consumers are foregoing cable for streaming services over the internet. Consumer demand for broadband in some areas has outstripped the capacity of available wireless networks, and in some rural areas, reliable broadband is still not available, creating a "wireless divide" that increasingly leaves behind those without access to modern technology. 14IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D The evolution of technology adoption and usage of U.S. adults who... 1M09i6 ..., >ll8 80 TT 1/1 use the i nternet Hive broadband 61 at home 40 ~ ' 36 Use social own a Own a tablet media smartphone 20 1 5 3 2000 2005 2010 2011 2015 2016 Source:Surveys conducted 2000-2016.Internet use figures based on pooled analysis of all surveys conducted during each calendar year. PEW RESEARCH CENTER In 2000, when the Wireless Policy was created, Internet usage was in its infancy, and smart phones did not become widely used until the mid-2000s. The sole objective of the Wireless Policy is to minimize the visibility of PWSF's to protect the county's significant natural scenic, and historic resources by employing the strategies listed below. While protecting our rural areas, we must also recognize that wireless services have become indispensable to our lives and that wireless infrastructure is necessary to provide these services. Citizen demand requires providers to build facilities with greater capacity and technologies to serve more and more users using the services for more functions (e.g. internet, streaming video, video calling, etc.) in the same area that previously needed merely emergency cell phone coverage for a fraction of the population. Comments regarding the proposed facility follow each strategy in italics. • Be designed to minimize visibility; The proposed facility would be located within a wooded area having deep wooded buffers on all but the school side. The applicant proposes tree preservation areas and new plantings to screen views from all directions. Use of a monopole design will minimize the profile of the facility. The height is kept low enough to minimize visibility while providing room for multiple carriers to make the site economically feasible for the applicant and to maximize revenue for the schools. 15IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D • Utilize existing structures where possible; There are no vertical structures in the area that could be used for collocation. The existing ball field poles are not strong enough to support wireless equipment and are too short to meet RF objectives. • Utilize ground based equipment for new facilities; All ground equipment will be screened from other uses by a compound fence and landscaping along the front of the compound. • Mount antennas close to the supporting structure; The Schools, Shentel, and future collocators will adhere to an 18" maximum standoff as depicted in the plans. • Be limited in size and be designed in keeping with the character of the area; The height is kept low enough to minimize visibility while providing room for multiple carriers to make the site economically feasible for the applicant and to maximize revenue for the schools. Visual impact on the surrounding neighborhoods and roadways will be minimized by using flush-mounted antennas. • Not be located on ridgetops or along the ridgeline; The proposed site is not on a ridgetop or along a ridgeline. • Be provided with an adequate backdrop so that they are not skylined; The balloon test results show free cover and backdrop from different vantage points. • Not adversely impact slopes in excess of 25%, wooded areas, streams and stream buffers, and wetlands in the Rural Area; The proposed lease areas does not include steep slopes, stream protection areas, or wetlands and will entail minimal tree removal in order to hide the base of the monopole and ground equipment. The temporary construction easement will require grading a small area of slope in excess of 25%; therefore, a Special Exception is requested for this use. • Not adversely impact historic and scenic resources; and No historic resources will be affected. The impact on Route 250, an Entrance Corridor, will be evaluated during the application process. • Not adversely impact land shown as Parks and Green Systems in the Master Plans for the Development Areas. The proposed facility would not be visible from parks within the Crozet Village Development Area. 161Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D 2. Strategy 10f is to "(d)evelop a broadband policy to reflect the County's desire to have Internet service speeds appropriate for educational, business, and residential purposes in all parts of the County." In the 17 years since the Wireless Policy was adopted, wireless has become an integral part of life, and demand for wireless services has multiplied beyond all expectation. County officials have recognized that wireless service, including wireless cell phone coverage and internet service, is a necessity, not a luxury, for the county's citizens, that usage continues to increase rapidly, and that the single goal of minimizing visibility may not best serve citizens in-areas where wireless service is poor or inadequate. Wireless facilities, if appropriately sited and designed, may be appropriate in any zoning district, even in Avoidance Areas and on Entrance Corridors. It is the purview of the county .to weigh the 'benefits of each facility against any perceived visual impact, to determine if any visual impact is sufficiently mitigated, and to make decisions about SUP requests that are in the best interests of the county. The purpose of the Tier Ill PWSF is to permit PWSFs other than antenna attachments or treetop facilities in locations where they are appropriate, with conditions as may be adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The school board voted in favor of this facility and believes it is in the best interest of the school system, its students and faculty, and, by implication, the county at large. 3. Objective 3 is to "(p)rovide physical facilities that enable the School Division to provide a high quality educational system for students in Albemarle County." Traditional physical school facilities such as school buildings and sports fields are not the only resources needed to provide a high quality education today. Schools require students to have Internet connectivity in school and at home. Albemarle County Schools have a closed internet system for students and teachers to use for research, homework preparation and sharing, teaching websites, and many more applications. Robust wireless service in the schools and in homes is essential for educating county students. Conclusion: Milestone Communications has worked with the Albemarle County Schools to plan a communications facility that would serve citizens in an underserved area of Western Albemarle County. The facility would provide broadband internet to the homes of approximately 400 students who are not able to access Schools' closed internet at home to do schoolwork and submit assignments. It would expand wireless networks of Shentel and other wireless providers while providing economic benefit to the school system. The proposed facility would be sited to have minimal visual impact on roadways and neighboring residential areas. The location of the facility,has been dictated by the needs and future planning of the county schools' facility management and WARS principal. The height of the proposed monopole cannot be lower and still adequately serve the needs identified by the county schools. In this resubmission, in response to 17IPage Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D concerns expressed by county staff and the CCAC, the applicant has reduced the size of its proposed facility to three arrays instead of five with maximum antenna standoff of 18"to minimize the profile of the monopole as much as.possible. In addition to the plantings along the front of the school property and southeast of the track and the tree preservation area around the site, an additional tree preservation area on the school property southeast of the track is proposed, and existing areas of tree screening on the property between the school property and"U.S. 250 are identified as areas where trees cannot be cut under county regulation of slopes and stream buffers. We respectfully request approval of this Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility application and the related Special Exceptions in order to expand and improve wireless services to the designated portion of western Albemarle County. 181Page Milestone Communications Resubmission April 30, 2018 ATTACHMENT D .-.. Y j . .._. ,IIII- -mit ..n.4.4 FP illSomp 4 .i .. VW KEEPING OUR COMMITMENT TO ....... OUR CHILDREN ....... LINKIACPS Albemarle County Public Schools Department of Learning Engineering, Access, and Design !'3/4 $ �, ' Attachment I) 2 LEAD I ACPS Ira Socol Executive Director of Technologies and Innovation Jamie Foreman Director of Learning Technologies Becky Fisher Director of End User Experience Robert Rejonis Assistant Director for Infrastructure and Support Services Mark Leach Assistant Director for Enterprise Applications Gene Osborn Coordinator of Learning Technology Integration Kl2albemarle.org Attachment D 3 LINKIACPS Our Mission The mission of LINKIACPS is to help build equity of opportunity across the 25 schools and almost 14,000 students that make up the Albemarle County Public Schools. Because of a combination of topography, wealth disparity, and the widely spaced populations in our rural areas, some of our children can go home and continue their learning through broad access to the internet, while others cannot. LINKIACPS, a combination of dedicated fiber optic connectivity and LTE distribution capacity, is designed to close that home access gap, allowing a greater chance of success for every child. THE MILESTONE TOWER AT WESTERN ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL The Milestone Tower at Western Albemarle High School is an essential part of the commitment our Board of Education has made to provide connectivity to all students. If built at the requested height, this tower will do two critical things: First, it will allow our dedicated LTE signal to reach the homes of approximately 400 students, many of whom currently have no access to broadband. Second, the tower, if high enough to meet commercial needs, will provided a dedicated revenue stream that will help make our network self-sustaining after build out. That revenue will pay for system maintenance, system upgrades, and individual student connectivity devices. K12albemarle.org Attachment D 4 THE PROMISE OF EQUITY AND OPPORTUNITY "Last spring a junior at Western Albemarle High School described leaving his after school job at 9:00 or 10:00 pm and stopping, on his way home to Whitehall, at a gas station with a WiFi signal in order to do his homework. I know that we can do better for our children." - Ira Socol, Executive Director of Technologies and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools, to the School Board, January 2018 In this century internet connectivity is as essential as electricity to a successful community. Connectivity was one of the key criteria Amazon listed in its search for a second headquarters. Connectivity options are high on the inquiry lists for those buying homes. Connectivity is essential to emergency services and general public safety. Connectivity is a basic part of business relocation choice - if workers cannot work from home as they do 'at the office,' many businesses will locate elsewhere. LINKIACPS is designed to fill another gap - a gap that leaves too many rural children behind, because their ability to explore their world is limited when they leave school. That gap exacerbates the impacts of poverty and rural isolation, and creates a wall that blocks opportunity. The Milestone Tower is thus part of those essential goals of our County Schools, that we create an equitable environment for our children, and that we open every possible opportunity for every child. Kl2albemarle.org Attachment D 5 0 a /, . to in m 0 0 a eif m ° , 0 ari a'CY'.54,tot A et cl D . . t •, ei .1 IA a e et ir-- s oka el n a .4. ' Iii a a a a itstY1----: 1 0 I 0 p • a - C3 ,k ••• k , , + -Maynesboro 0 t.' cCro7e,,t AL1 ,sj‘s1"-it) a 0 0 • 0 • *a CI CA, or GI CI •. - , r••.?•- -• a , I'! I-C n , 1 Y \ • 41,411V5PT 91';'•• ' liveh' A, ,..i --1 \ - 01 • • t°' . 44 ' M ' 0 a. . i,i. ±1%,, - " ' • a_,,p ;1 a . "A' 4 a , rr.. 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" '1 a • 0 - Coverage at 80' Green = signal strength will likely allow `MiFi" type connection (LINKIACPS) Blue = signal strength will require antenna outside home (LINKIACPS) K12albemarle.org Attachment D I 10 The Albemarle County Public Schools LEAD I ACPS Pamela R. Moran Superintendent LINK1ACPS is a student access service of the Matt Haas Department of Learning Deputy Superintendent Engineering, Access, and Design of the Albemarle County Public Schools. Deborah Collins Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dean Tistadt Chief Operating Officer Ira Socol Executive Director of Technologies and Innovation Bernard Hairston Director of Community Engagement K12albemarle.org Attachment I) A . - , . • ‘'' . . .%. - . tl- Al .... v . Rockfish Gap;ref il ps k e• . _' -:, _' '. 1 Ii I ti 3. Balloon Test Photos ' • . . • N -N•., N• ,.,. ,i.k. "-...,. ...k -...,. Yellow — Mitigated View . „ • -.., •., 4 _ I, -N! .:,. • . I- '. _ Red — Unmitigated View , 1' ...:..: - ''',1- -• ' . •,- ...1. / li 7 -, ,. 4/. • .. ',.. Western,44,...taem.ge High.School .. • 1 ,. 'IA.. ... ... .. It . . . . , • :..1 ..... e- ...6-- ,, • t et • • -- .. _ . i il. , •di . ._...., f .. , . lik _ . et =" E r: = ,-1.. IT! ATTACHMENT E 0 Lb i AIL ..... 1... . • ,,,..„•. ;.,..„... . . .; , f, ..-• _. •\*, 7. 'i - -' • • A f• ' . . . ". . . , . .4110 ,.. . 4,,. . --- AN lorio--._ • , '...- Pd''','"-zli': -.. .i. z • _ ,)4 ,•••••••,,,,.. • _ • .• 117(114: ••••• . .....1., • .' ' .di•AP" — - :,: ...• ; 'N's:'': Olit-i.tho . .4,. . ----, 41). • 4:14.L. •.4. tor, i ----:. -------:--------- -- • 1 - ....-- .,........._ .......„......t. - • . , it- mom, • . . wr: * - . . . Ai. ------ --.1111------- -11-- ---„, - — ; ---.....,......-...„.. ,,....... 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' ...zahe . . ., 1 ., It-11 t / , . , ' 4311':4100‘. • '''t ardllik‘. 3 1 IV e• Pi!, ig$1 ,4104'.%‘:V4z, , , ,,, -.-_,-_. . . It f. ir:,vedii%0,w, t_tr- -401,11..,..,,,,;,,,-...:,„0:4; 04" Is 50F:01114 , , . . _t iii-7:- - ilk , -4 • ""*. -A. ,---,,' '.'•-`-igw.04, jr A s ,20.4iligfrA04 -- i -, giffh,- ...M. -,;-• , -.410.1rt..-wc : 100. Aloiiocillpik ;.-^," . 4 ir ,..- _.:40k..... _ - .... ,00,-,,,,, , .40,. ..... . .. 4 4. ilk igri.......g.iiit - .. • , " 4. 4.41111404ir , N., . II -* Ti die, .aigweilp, - —:.,•&,.. ,gilt VI ..4•111 .0-4 i VellihL -7-4 irpf;141..ms, _ ,4r- r --.t.„,:i ii.ifirwis,. 111 ,6, if A . ,4_, .......,.... .... • - •-„b 4,0.-.4&A '., "." kb' a ,x:4„*.fi,,,,„.. .,a, ........lim,. _ ., r,‘...i.,,,,,..iiii. „ilk 16. or P rth 3544Carnac145 Mer*Pcgre ' 1...*:4 11, 44- '4:- famb!"'.4''''4. 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Orr_ ir li .‘ ,,' -VI? - f L, arellie.:• . :-'• - 44. 0., s. • # ..... ., lc • UC ', '.' P 4..-"�•+s o.1...• - ` PIS .. , �a9 ' . , r 4. 'a{ I sr .., I re f a s ' .i r<3 • • 1 J- • 110r _ �; �<.a t 1 ' i F s r 1 r t . .. A jam,- ,MK• ty; ,, ' s. lt .e 1r, `, �,f ; e 1 y y,t . 4 -, �t4 f • r ` Y(t,1, i 1( t� ( --t .�i, a s • �C•t4r • H - '� ,I. t(r, j"` d S tli.}. ; �'-, t View E �t -ter . ; iii, • t'fi /�' do wi `�'r ,, ....G . >At'_�? t`'� ...�/ha fj ? L•-f t• ti • r• - tt-- � . e— . ,, ,'r, .4'..- ft• ;- . .., i ,41340"1r r L7 ATTACHMENT E - ' :.;',..,`„,..rs.z.,•?..........., _1........, LA — .... i---- , = 1. 1100-` .. •.— z - •'41119.11&W.P. .. •• 11) .•ei„..,„0"....•_-- is, „ ; _ ...i'" • 2 itt... --- 1 -- : 0 1..--- .4•.....- .,;, ,.. jorivie , .. . e ; ,., I,11' a,t ! - N , . • a k. ri 1••'' ?t V• ..... ..?....,,,ti,stio,p, •0."''' € 0;:•44i1.'. ' i il • " ' be F.' . . 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BRovY HEI T N. ri _ - View X1 View X2 et 0 M ATTACHMENT E 0 CM 0 m 0 L n ____, a �� I o 8 2 ip i,..-i,. ❑ cgiN t ,1 �V fit.' _ �• /aO 0 .' , ` 0 , • o 1 Ad v s ................. , 1 000 4..' , . ., . \,. a .... lir . 4 ...,,...- F, > 1.a , .I ... f.. ... .,. , 0..4' ta ,y O, r a 0 O ea"-- -11011111 11,- I , 4 'I' -'- . - : • 1� o I' ? AO' ...1, /` ' Ir• III CI cd 1 . 0 . es� ai 4 , ..., 3 S„ tl .4111 -'' / ___ . _ CJ 0 ,_ _ ci, c„ i 1, 1 . , ,, ,7,...,.....,.... "'" "" « a N Q Cell Tower Tree Canopy _ w��1&s Feet o1/3 Mile Buffer I I Parcels W.�.._ .« — s0 0 200 400 800 =Visible E] Buildings F ,� +• �■ �. -, '� •fry�►`i'7,.. vr � \ �Prp ��������� �y t:�f'C��P •,cad s :','i� � � 's,„..„..„,..T.,...„...„ E v �� w r+ `� I 1�eo� f,' ,�`?�,,/�;., �`.or�0ny*y _�.�� �4+t rs �Q[OR6f1J�v 41"y1 o ,, .mil. a ',!c O��,, '�ar�i D�y�.vp4 F' ,� r , ,„,,R Diu ,,z •��;,,,,,... / o 1 Qv"j�—��LTfj+F r�Tr • t o _ p R �<i,. �\ �� ►•PRo iarill �; PIPPIN' 34:44'"; ;:'''' in6 tor'. L`1� 11 kwRhaA * Air agAragq 1 ° �-1•j'• ��' iii 1•nu P44111111V14-11 11404'41r4:',.:-'. ': . ill'j ICI. 11442*. 10.1iiiiiiii ;i . i f, 444", ippo ,,,,,,,.. 0, -.,.. '<' 414111-1 VIVICi.if e:.: LiN ♦ r _Y `kti t4 RO • `Willi •00 �-tevo e. �~ v n Rt`I i� .144,tiv1;14• , 4 ..., . ... 1 !A 410&V" r.,-‘. 1,... ...,*#._•,„'...%,.r ��••" 'r ! /r.4 I• `oi i,,, ',; s4"DR *. 42 ';k 1 i i e.lsk t ., ` , .,' o'%1•pt.ftr L. V4A/0 ''V is ,v_ At: , , k,„ , 019 \ . .. fp It .., T 11-11:1 " I r,..._,!•N l .itlit•..1*.; rall_ .4111., 49.6.-6,5 164=7-1-_,., ' .., ae". ..6." . it. 1 111511147r-----''410-0--iip .. : . allikelkaa ilk dr-ligilf 1111.V ----r'41.-H'. : - ilitillih la WI 414146r, „.......16-.174 .4 , ab, w 4ria,„millilal v.,- -lbw fiii . 'pi • 1. / 10,,,, Iii szigriiii _ _ 0.---- r AP . it.te7,. tw. iii( ,,,,w .i.,,,,i,..-„,-, - , e, • .. A0,-,, ,,,,, -,,....tb ,,,,,j, is•,.....- ,' .0=M s .. A AI. Atiitiryw I p.-, f . - iii r"cal,,1111%1 I, . ig. . . .„,14 )g r, of v it t to 0 iii ....4 Ps:vf :„, • .. , ‘ii 1 0:1 . t k,, I 4 I . I 4 f.l,,,,,,,10, _ - awillt .... 6, 1 ..1111r-adik 611111111111"19111‘11..). 101111% ter .."..°# 111 0 „....._ i . isi. . ...... giaill ...,„,„„ 41* g Ill S ILI ,pvip. :Mrfilliab • 111411‘ s 0101 0 * Vili % 111,11111011 Ilw 141,46re *44 • • r o po w*o Vi_ C 0 1 • '" ' ` III f' d a :8111111111111L _AI A k g`. i I +• . """•""`""'" """ N 0 Cell Tower n Not Visible i J Buildings +!1I Miles .. :._.,d,".,..a F:=7 W T 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 ‘ .I mile Buffer =Visible Q Tree Cover County Boundary I I Parcels • County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Christopher Perez From: BM Fritz,AICP Date: March 21,2016 Subject: SP 2016-04 Albemarle High School Communication Facility If this application is approved it will be impacted by the FCC's action published January 8,2015 which includes provisions addressing State and Local Review of Applications for Wireless Service Facility Modification. The FCC rule,in part,limits the ability of the County to review additional uses and modifications to wireless facilities. The County's ability to deny additional antenna,modification of antenna and increases in the tower . height is limited. The County may only deny changes to the facility if: - The tower is increased in height by more than 20 feet;or - Antenna or other equipment would protrude more than twenty feet from the tower;or - More than four ground based cabinets are added;or - Excavation occurs outside the lease area;or - The change would defeat concealment elements. • The Zoning Ordinance defines"concealment elements of the eligible support structure"(this tower if approved would be an eligible support structure): "Concealment elements of the eligible support structure:Any condition of approval,including any applicable requirement of section 5.1.40 in effect at the time of approval,established and imposed on the personal wireless service facility as a concealment technique and which includes conditions or regulations pertaining to antenna size,color of the structure and all equipment,antenna mounting techniques, including the requirement that antennas be flush mounted,maximum tower diameters at the base and top, limitations on tower height relative to a reference tree,screening by trees including the restrictions on removing trees that are screening the tower,siting towers so that they are not skylighted, requirements as to how cables should be located on a tower,and the size,location,design,and screening for ground based equipment." It is recommended that staff identify for the Board what if any features of the facility may be considered "concealment elements of the eligible support structure". lithe Board of Supervisors approves this request it is recommended that they identify what,if any,conditions of approval should be considered"concealment elements of the eligible support structure". Without citing any"concealment elements of the eligible support structure"the County will be required to approve any requested changes that do not violate limitations cited above. If you would like something to be prepared as an attachment for the staff report please let me know and I will prepare something. ATTACHMENT G Attachment H Citizen Communication about the Proposed Facility Staff received the following communication: A) 18 emails from citizens Al) 12 in favor of the facility for reasons of increased service,finances to the school,and property values increased due to increased cell phone coverage. A2) 6 opposed to the facility because of visual impacts to the community, which will also drive down property values. The facility does not comply with the County ordinances for concealment.Additionally,a few citizens mention health effects caused by the facility.[Emails Attached] B) Additionally,staff received the following discussion points at the community meeting on Dec 20,2017. B1)There were three nearby households represented at the December 20th community meeting. The Hilles family,whose 21 acre parcel abuts the site(TMP 56-17, 100 Miller School Road), seemed to be in favor of it for the service,which could benefit them.Milestone has a letter of intent from Verizon,who says this site would work in its network to improve service in the area; apparently,lease negotiations are underway. Mr.Cushing(TMP 56-17F,5861 Rockfish Gap Turnpike)mentioned concern that the trees screening the pole in many of the pictures were not on the school property and may disappear,leaving the pole much more visible that suggested by the photos.The Jacksons(TMP 56-16E,479 Savannah Court)expressed great concern over visibility. B2)There was a lot of interest in seeing photo simulations with a pole that has 5 sets of antenna arrays on it. Some were concern that the photos did not fully equate to the anticipated visual impact. The height of the facility and associated visual impact were a significant concern to the CAC members. B3)Many questions about whether the pole really needs to be this tall and whether it could still be viable at a lower height with fewer arrays.I didn't hear anyone suggest a specific reduction, though a couple of people were focused on the height of the Albemarle HS facility.Tom Loach said he would like to see it shorter and asked about economic viability if shorter. B4)There was interest in visual comparisons with the Albemarle HS pole. B5)One concern was raised about possible erosion and sediment control impacts,feeling this was a sensitive area. B6)Concern that the trees screening the pole in many of the pictures were not on the property and may disappear,leaving the pole much more visible that suggested by the photos. B7)Some questions with how important this was to Schools. CAC expressed interest in having someone from School Board or Superintendent's Office speak to the value seen with this project.Though not specifically said,I took this to mean there was interest in knowing if this was "nice to have"versus an`important to have"facility. B8)Some concerns that there was no way to assure Schools plowed any monies received for the facility back into the local schools versus the school district as large. I took this to mean there was a feeling the impact was local and the benefit should all be local. ATTACHMENT H C)Additionally,staff received the following discussion points at the community meeting on February 21,2018. l Cl) 1 in person discussion of opposition from TMP 56-17G1,property owner William Buckon. The citizen caught up with staff in the parking lot to discuss the visual impacts on his property. He states that the facility was highly visible and skylite from his property during the balloon test.He is adamantly opposed to this facility being constructed in his viewshed,because the height of the facility is too great and will destroy their scenic views and vistas from their backyard as well as that of the community as a whole. His son also mention the devastating effects that these facilities have on beehives and bee population collapse in the area.He believes this should be considered and discussed because this area has a lot of farms and orchards,which rely on bees to pollinate their products, as well as ecological health of the area as a whole. C2) Many of the same discussion points from the Dec 20's meeting were reiterated and discussed further. - Questions about whether the pole really needs to be this tall and whether it could still be viable at a lower height with fewer arrays. -There was interest in visual comparisons with the Albemarle HS pole. - One concern was raised about possible erosion and sediment control impacts, feeling this was a sensitive area. -Some concerns that there was no way to assure Schools plowed any monies received for the facility back into the local schools versus the school district as large. I took this to mean there was a feeling the impact was local and the benefit should all be local. ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Ed <edquigs@comcast.net> Sent Wednesday, March 28,2018 7:47 PM To: Board of Supervisors members;Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject Letter of Support for Proposed Tower at WAHS My name is Ed Quigley and I am a current Albemarle County resident who lives at 5215 Park Ridge Court in Crozet. I am writing to voice my support of the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School currently under consideration.I have child who attends the school(or others who soon will)and believe it important that students and administrators have reliable wireless communications-particularly in support of emergency response,if needed. I also think that the improved cell coverage will be a benefit to our Crozet community.Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Ed Quigley Sent from my iPhone 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Kevin Murray<kevin29er@gmail.com> Sent Tuesday, March 27,2018 11:49 AM To: Board of Supervisors members; Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject Proposed Tower at WAHS My name is Kevin Murray,resident of Crozet, VA at 5074 Spring Cove Ct. Please support the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. We need reliable wireless communications at these schools, particularly for emergencies. r ATTACHMENT H • Christopher Perez From: Jeff Hoffman 'cjeff@virginiatower.com> Sent Tuesday,March 27,2018 10:26 AM To: Board of Supervisors members; Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; • CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject Cell Phone Tower at Western Albemarle High School My name is•Jeff Hoffman and I live at 3700 Magnolia Road,Gordonsville which is in Albemarle County. Please support the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. We need better wireless service in the County. We also need some sort of option for high speed intemet in the north east(forgotten)portion of the county. Thank you for your time, Jeff Jeff Hoffman Virginia Tower Construction,LLC jeff@virginiatower.com S40.241.0271 Afrnd, : V RGIHIA Its o41 uToYcu! = TOWER CONSTRUCTION ,ti • • t ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Diego Anderson <dander0412@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 26,2018 6:16 PM To: Board of Supervisors members;Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject: Cell coverage improvement Hello all, My name is Diego Anderson and I live at 1872 Rhett Court in Albemarle County. Please support the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School aimed at improving network coverage in that area. We need reliable wireless communications at our schools. Just a short note to express feedback about this pending matter. Best Regards, Diego 434.760.8778 • ATTACHMENT H • Christopher Perez From: Jeffrey Claman <Jeffrey.Claman@emp.shentel.com> Sent: Monday, March 26,2018 6:57 PM To: Board of Supervisors members;Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject Proposed Tower at Western Albemarle High School (WAHS)/Application #SP201700026 Hello, My name is Jeff Claman and I live at 5925 Weston Ln, Crozet in Albemarle County.Please support the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School We need better wireless service in the County and a safer school campus environment with the ability to have better communication with our students, children and staff. Thank you Get Outlook for iOS 1 ATTACHMENT H • Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent Monday, February 26,2018 9:14 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:WAHS cell tower From:Meagan MacQueen[mailto:meagan.macqueen@gmail.com] Sent:Sunday, February 25,2018 3:11 PM To:Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org> Subject:WARS cell tower Dear Planning Commission, I'm writing to say that I am a committed voter and I vehemently oppose the placement of a cell tower at Western Albemarle high school. As a mother of two children in the western feeder pattern, I do not want them to be exposed to that. I know that you are not supposed to consider health concerns,however I am compelled to share the following. I am a nurse and a cancer survivor and we do not yet know the full effects of having a cell tower in that close proximity to developing bodies. I don't want my children or anyone else's to be the experiment to find out what happens. This is an opportunity to demonstrate how committed we are to protecting our children in school. In addition to the potential harmful health effects of the cell tower,it is a complete eyesore. I know that the balloon test proved that the tower would be visible to those in old Trail thereby potentially decreasing property values and having the county and school be known for selling out and harming the community for profit. If the money is so needed,I feel sure that there is another way. We need to get creative and involve the community. Lastly,as I understand it,this violates the Counts own concealment and view-shed ordinances. This is an opportunity to demonstrate ethics and morality to our students and community,rather than going for the easy money play. Please do not allow the placement of the cell tower. I know that many in my community are as opposed to it as I am. Thank you, Meagan MacQueen Crozet,VA • ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: HEIDI BROWN <heidihbb@comcast.net> Sent: Thursday, February 22,2018 7:49 PM To: CHarold@milestonecorp.com;Board of Supervisors members;Planning Commission; Christopher Perez Subject Shentel Cellphone Tower at Western Albemarle High School My name is Heidi Brown: My address is 977 Clearfields Lane in Crozet. Please accept this email as my support for the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The schools need more funding, and we all need more reliable wireless service in Crozet. Thank you, Heidi Brown 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: leahudaniel <leahudaniel@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20,2018 8:04 PM To: Board of Supervisors members;Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Cc: Todd Daniel;Dan.Meenan@emp.shentel.com Subject: Cell Tower support My name is Leah Daniel. My address is 352 Grayrock Drive in Crozet. Please accept this email as my support for the proposed,cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School The schools need more funding, and we all need more reliable wireless service in Crozet. Leah Leah U. Daniel 434-409-1166 t ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez • From: Darcy Starsia <darcystarsia@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday,January 23,2018 11:12 AM To: CHarold@milestonecorp.com;Christopher Perez; Planning Commission; Board of Supervisors members Subject Proposed WARS cell tower My name is Darcy Starsia. I am a teacher within the Western District, and I have a student at WAHS. Please accept this email as my support for the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The schools need more funding, and we all need more reliable wireless service in Crozet. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Darcy A. Starsia 2659 Browns Gap Tpke Charlottesville VA 22901 845.803.4462 Darcy A. Starsia 845.803.4462 cell • ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Heilman,Carrie(cmh8p) <cmh8p@comm.virginia.edu> Sent: Saturday,January 20,2018 3:53 PM To: Board of Supervisors members; Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject: Cell Tower at WAHS Dear County and Milestone Communications Representatives: May name is Carrie Heilman(6559 Woodbourne Ln., Crozet)and I am writing to support the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The schools need more funding, and we all need more reliable wireless service in Crozet. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Carrie Heilman Crozet Resident Mother of 2nd&5°i graders (B'ville), 8th grader(Henley)and 11d grader(WAHS) Carrie M. Heilman Associate Professor of Marketing McIntire School of Commerce Faculty Athletics Rep University of Virginia Email: heilman@virginia.edu•Office:434-243-8738 htlps://www.commerce.vireinia.edullacultv/heilman ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Doug Barrese <doug@flavorguru.com> Sent Tuesday,January 23,2018 10:38 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: RE:Proposed Tower at Western Albemarle High School Thanks for your time and attention on this. We are at: 299 Field Pine Lane Crozet,VA 22932 r.mac pm- "-00240tialitele Doug Barrese Ben&Jerry's Franchisee Charlottesville VA 1112 Emmet Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-249-4896 doug®flavorguru.com From:Christopher Perez[maiito:cperez@aibemarle.org] Sent: Monday,January 22,2018 10:53 AM To:Doug Barrese<doug@flavorguru.com>;CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject:RE:Proposed Tower at Western Albemarle High School Doug, Thank you for your feedback.Your support of the project will be reflected in the staff report to the PC/605. What is your home address?I want to make sure I can locate your home on the GIS map.Thanks Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 From:Doug Barrese 1mailto:doug@flavorguru.com] Sent: Friday,January 19,2018 11:05 AM To:Board of Supervisors members<bos@albemarle.org>; Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>;CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject: Proposed Tower at Western Albemarle High School I'm writing today in support of the proposed tower at WARS. 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From:, Doug Barrese <doug@flavorguru.com> Sent: Friday,January 19, 2018 11:05 AM To: Board of Supervisors members; Planning Commission;Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject: Proposed Tower at Western Albemarle High School I'm writing today in support of the proposed tower at WAHS. Our home is located 300 yards off Route 250,only 1 mile from WARS,but based on our location we have no access to land based intemet. We have exhausted all our options in finding an affordable wireless service with unlimited data and check the marketplace regularly for new services. We currently use a Crozet based wireless provider and connect at speeds of 1.5 MB/sec or less. Based on weather and shared network demand our connection speed is often lower. Just last night,my son spent 20 minutes waiting to stream a 1 minute video as part of his homework. Both of my children (I have an 11 th grader at WARS and an 8th grader at Henley)struggle to complete their homework each day based on access to reliable high speed internet. Both of my children go to school early each day to complete their assignments using the school WiFi. I am certain that many other homes in our community suffer the same lack of access based on the challenges of long term investment in infrastructure. Please consider how important technology access is for the young men and women in our community and approve this tower which will dramatically impact so many of the developing leaders in our county. Please feel free to let me know if I can be of further assistance in any way. oprintreinve Doug Barrese Ben&Jerry's Franchisee Charlottesville VA 1112 Emmet Street Charlottesville,VA 22903 434-249-4896 doug®flavorguru.corn 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Matt Winkler <mattwinkler94@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday,January 18,2018 3:39 PM To: Board of Supervisors members; Planning Commission; Christopher Perez; CHarold@milestonecorp.com Subject: WAHS Cell Tower Hello, My name is Matt Winkler. My address is 1711 Wickham Way in Crozet. Please accept this email as my support for the proposed cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The schools need more funding,and we all need more reliable wireless service in Crozet. Thank you. • • • ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11,2018 9:33 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:proposed WARS cell phone tower From:Steve Turner<sdturner2a@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday,June 09,2018 4:22 PM To: Planning Commission<PlanningConimission@albemarle.org> Subject:proposed WAHS cell phone tower Dear Members of the Planning Commission, My name is Steve Turner and I am a long time resident of Crozet. I am writing to express my strong opposition to the installation of a cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The height of the proposed tower, 145 feet;is more than 80 feet above the trees around it. At this height,the tower will be visible from White Hall to Batesville,Afton to Foxchase.Moreover,If approved,the applicant could also raise the tower twenty feet without further permission,making it 165 feet tall!! Much of Crozet's appeal to homeowners lies in its small-town community feel,access to open spaces,and it's expansive pastoral and mountain vistas.An enormous cell phone tower,planted within sight of Crozet and beyond,absolutely shatters these highly-prized views. When conducting our own home search in 2008,we specifically avoided any real estate that was in sight of power lines or other large man-made eyesores for aesthetic reasons.Had there been cell phone towers in the area at the time,we would have declined to consider any properties within sight of these as well. A cell phone tower of this size and scope,built in such a centrally-located spot,will surely negatively impact the property values of those in the area. The Planning Commission should also consider that a tower of this size may soon be obsolete with the coming of 5G wireless technology. 5G service will require the installation of very small towers in close proximity,two to three hundred feet apart. As 5G will certainly become standard in the coming years,Crozet has little need for a large,ugly tower providing soon-to-be antiquated technology. As for the assertion that improved cell phone coverage in the area will increase property values,our family of cell phone users has had no issue with poor coverage in Crozet in our over 10 years in the area. Furthermore,the idea that 911 emergency response times would improve is also of marginal benefit.Our volunteer fire and rescue squad has a tremendous reputation in the community for not only providing outstanding levels care,but its incredibly swift response times. Moreover,any slight improdement in coverage that would result would be greatly outweighed by the negative impact to property values. I sincerely urge the Planning Commission to consider these compelling arguments.against approving the cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School and vote NO accordingly. • Sincerely, Steve Turner 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11, 2018 9:33 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:WAHS Cell Phone Tower • From:Jennifer Turner<jenniferturner2@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday,June 09,2018 8:22 AM To:Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org> Subject:WAHS Cell Phone Tower Dear Planning Commission Members, My name is Jennifer Turner and I am a resident of Crozet. I am writing to express my strong opposition to the installation of a cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The height of the proposed tower, 145 feet,is more than 80 feet above the trees around it. It will be fully visible for more than it Is screened.This is completely contrary to our county ordinance for tree top towers which specifies that towers should be 7-10 feet higher than the reference tree. Higher towers would only be approved by special permit,be that there was found to be no significant detriment to the surrounding area or residents'quality of life.Taller towers have been approved in places where there is mountain and forest behind them, making them much less visible. At this height,the tower will be visible from White Hall to Batesville,Afton to FoxChase. Moreover, If approved,the applicant could also raise the tower twenty feet without further permission, making it 165 feet tall and about 100 feet in full view. The Supreme Court of Virginia has upheld the Albemarle ordinance based on visibility and aesthetics.These rules are within the County's authority to uphold and must be done. Much of Crozet's appeal to homeowners lies in its small-town community feel, access to open spaces,and it's expansive pastoral and mountain vistas.An enormous cell phone tower, planted within sight of Crozet and beyond, absolutely shatters these highly-prized views. When conducting our own home search in 2008,we specifically avoided any real estate that was in sight of power lines,for aesthetic reasons. Had there been cell phone towers in the area at the time,we would have declined to consider any properties within sight of these as well. A cell phone tower of this size and scope, built in such a centrally-located spot,will surely negatively impact the property values of those in the area. As for the assertion that improved cell phone coverage in the area will increase property values,our family of cell phone users has had no issue with poor coverage in Crozet in our over 10 years in the area. Furthermore,the idea that 911 emergency response times would improve is also of marginal benefit. Our volunteer fire and rescue squad has a tremendous reputation in the community for not only providing outstanding levels care, but its incredibly swift response times. Moreover,any slight improvement in coverage that would result would be greatly outweighed by the negative impact to property values. I urge the Planning Commission to consider these compelling arguments against approving the cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School and vote NO accordingly. Sincerely, Jennifer Turner t ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11,2018 9:34 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:Cell tower at Western ---Original Message---- From:Atieno Bird<atieno@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday,June 09,2018 7:17 AM To:Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org> Subject: Cell tower at Western Will people want to live here and will our schools seem attractive to them if we do this?The benefits are so negligible compared to the drawbacks.I can't believe this is even being considered. Mrs Bird of Crozet (,,.•' (,,.•' `Atieno* 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11,2018 9:34 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject FW: Proposed Cell Tower-WAHS ----Original Message--- From:Sue Ann Conquest<sagconquestl@gmail.com> Sent:Sunday,June 10,2018 8:31 AM To: Board of Supervisors members<bos@albemarle.org>; Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org>; crocetcac@googlegroups.com Subject:Proposed Cell Tower-WAHS - My name is Sue Ann Conquest.I am a resident of Albemarle County and Realtor at Roy Wheeler Realty Co. I strongly support my daughter's valid concerns and comments outlined in her email to the Board of Supervisors. From my experience,potential buyers are most impressed with the open spaces with unrestricted view-shed, Mountain Views,and the overall"small town"community feel of Crozet.Sadly,this proposed tower would be seen from so many neighborhoods and locations. I urge the Board of Supervisors to vote, NO. Cordially, Sue Ann Conquest 2341 Abington Dr Charlottesville,Va 22911 *** My name is Jennifer Turner and I am a resident of Crozet. I am writing to express my strong opposition to the installation of a cell phone tower at Western Albemarle High School. The height of the proposed tower, 145 feet,is more than 80 feet above the trees around it. It will be fully visible for more than it is screened.This is completely contrary to our county ordinance for tree top towers which specifies that towers should be 7-10 feet higher than the reference tree. Higher towers would only be approved by special permit,be that there was found to be no significant detriment to the surrounding area or residents'quality of life.Taller towers have been approved in places where there is mountain and forest behind them,making them much less visible. At this height,the tower will be visible from White Hall to Batesville,Afton to FoxChase. Moreover,If approved,the applicant could also raise the tower twenty feet without further permission, making it 165 feet tall and about 100 feet in full view. The Supreme Court of Virginia has upheld the Albemarle ordinance based on visibility and aesthetics.These rules are within the County's authority to uphold and must be done. Much of Crozet's appeal to homeowners lies in its small- town community feel,access to open spaces,and it's expansive pastoral and mountain vistas. An enormous cell phone tower, planted within sight of Crozet and beyond,absolutely shatters these highly-prized views. When conducting our own home search in 2008,we specifically avoided any real estate that was in sight of power lines,for aesthetic reasons. Had there been cell phone towers in the area at the time,we would have declined to consider any properties within sight of these as well. A cell phone tower of this size and scope,built in such a centrally-located spot,will surely negatively impact the property values of those in the area. 1 ATTACHMENT H Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent Monday,June 11,2018 10:06 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:Proposed WAHS Cell Tower From:Amanda Alger<amanda_alger@hotmail.com> Sent:Thursday,June 07,2018 4:06 AM To: Board of Supervisors members<bos@albemarle.org>; Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org>; crozetcac@googlegroups.com Subject: Proposed WAHS Cell Tower Dear Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and CCAC members, When I read Mike Marshall's 1/5/18 article in the Crozet Gazette that explained the "Federal Communication Commission rules prevent local governments from considering the possible health affects from cell towers when making decisions about approving them" at ourCHILDREN'S school, I was shocked. I started researching and reading articles -some that were very concerning and others that claimed cell towers are safe. I also reflected upon when cigarettes and thalidomide for morning sickness were considered safe and I realized as a mother of three (one in elementary, middle and high school next year)there simply doesn't exist definitive data that would assure me that my children will be safe with this cell tower next to them for most of their waking hours. We know that cell towers and electrical lines negatively affect property values. Also, I believe the biggest reason people move to Crozet is for our schools.Will they want to move here with a school(s)that has a cell tower?The fact that they CAN'T consider scientific information that exists tells me that SOMEONE is more concerned with protecting business interests and growing an industry than they are about our community's children. The height of the proposed tower, 145 feet, is more than 80 feet above the trees around it. It will be fully visible for more than it is screened.This is completely contrary to our county ordinance for tree top towers which specifies that towers should be 7-10 feet higher than the reference tree. Higher towers would only be approved by special permit, *if*there was found to be no significant detriment to the surrounding area or residents' quality of life, Taller towers have been approved in places where there is mountain and forest behind them, making them much less visible. If approved,the applicant could also raise the tower twenty feet without further permission, making it 165 feet tall and about 100 feet in full view.The Supreme Court of Virginia has upheld the Albemarle ordinance based on visibility and aesthetics. These rules are within county authority to uphold. I urge you to vote NO to this proposed cell tower for our children and our community. Thank you, • Amanda Alger Crozet,VA 1 ATTACHMENT H • Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11,2018 10:05 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW:[CCAC] Proposed WAHS Cell Tower From: David Mitchell<david@southern-classic.com> Sent:Thursday,June 07,2018 2:27 PM To: Board of Supervisors members<bos@albemarle.org>; Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org>; crozetcac@googlegroups.com Cc:amanda_alger@hotmail.com Subject:Re: [CCAC] Proposed WARS Cell Tower ALL,due to fat fingers and being on a cell phone my complete email did not get sent...here is my intended text Dear BOS, PC and Fellow CCAC members, SAFETY From the American Cancer Society website... "First,the energy level of radiofrequency(RF)waves is relatively low, especially when compared with the types of radiation that are known to increase cancer risk, such as gamma rays,x-rays, and ultraviolet(UV)light. The energy of RF waves given off by cell phone towers is not enough to break chemical bonds in DNA molecules, which is how these stronger forms of radiation may lead to cancer. A second issue has to do with wavelength. RF waves have long wavelengths,which can only be concentrated to about an inch or two in size.This makes it unlikely that the energy from RF waves could be concentrated enough to affect individual cells in the body. Third,even if RF waves were somehow able to affect cells in the body at higher doses, the level of RF waves present at ground level is very low—well below the recommended limits. Levels of energy from RF waves near cell phone towers are not significantly different from the background levels of RF radiation in urban areas from other sources, such as radio and television broadcast stations." I encourage the PC and BOS to value the increase safety and lives saved through better cell coverage and 911 call/response. PROPERTY VALUES Full and redundant cell coverage is not just an amenity it a requirement and only increase property values. I encourage the PC&BOS to support the cell tower at Western 1 ATTACHMENT H • Christopher Perez From: Elaine Echols Sent: Monday,June 11,2018 10:03 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: FW: [CCAC] Proposed WAHS Cell Tower From:David Mitchell<david@southern-classic.com> Sent:Thursday;June 07,2018 2:14 PM To: Board of Supervisors members<bos@albemarle.org>; Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@albemarle.org>; crozetcac@googlegroups.com Cc:amanda_alger@hotmail.com Subject: Re: [CCAC] Proposed WAHS Cell Tower Just to add a few facts to this discussion https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/cellular-phone-towers.html David Mitchell Please forgive brevity and spelling. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8. • • • ATTACHMENT.H