HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900031 Checklist 2019-04-15 APPLICATION REVIEW HISTORY ARB #/Name_2019-31, Cremation Society Sign ACTION. ,- :• <: . -DATE., • NOTES ." 4 :~'_ County received application 03-14-19 Corresponding submittal 03-25-19 deadline/ARB meeting date 05-06-19 Transfer from intake to ARB Staff 03-26-19 First ARB staff review 04-03-19 Comments to applicant 04-03-19 Email. Resubmittal received by staff 04-10-19 Resubmittal reviewed by staff 04-11-19 Were all comments addressed? Yes Comments to applicant Resubmittal received by staff Resubmittal reviewed by staff Were all comments addressed? Comments to applicant Resubmittal received Resubmittal reviewed Approval letter sent 04-15-19 Email/mail ARB meeting date ARB action RESUBMITTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST PROJECT#/NAME: ARB 2019-31,Cremation Society of VA Date 04-11-19 Previous ARB Comment 04-11-19 Review X 1. Revise the sign drawings to: 1. Show a photo-rendering that is clear and legible. The one provided is too dark, blurry and unreadable. OK 2. Include the Pantone equivalent numbers for the graphic colors. OK 3. Show the edge of the sign band and indicate the distance of clearance from: 1. The top and bottom of the channel letters to the edge of the sign band. OK 2. The top and bottom of the graphic to the edge of the sign band. OK 3. A minimum of 6"of clearance is considered appropriate. OK 4. Include the following notes: 1. "Sign to be centered top to bottom and side to side in the approved sign band." OK 2. "Sign raceway to be painted to match color of surface it is attached to." OK 5. Indicate if the sign drawing details apply to both elevations. OK 6. Include a latest revision date for each sign drawing. OK Previous ARE; Comment 04-11-19 Review ARB COMPREtiENSIVE SIGN REVIEW APPROVED CONDITIONS PROJECT#/NAME: ARB-2013-134 Rivanna Plaza,Buildings A&B TAX MAP/PARCEL#: Tax Map 45,Parcel 109 ARB 19-31, Cremation Society of VA SIGN FEATURE APPROVED CONDITION NOTES SIGN TYPE Channel Letter OK—channel letter LETTER FACE COLOR White OK—white TRIM CAP COLOR/RETURN COLOR Bronze OK—Bronze RACEWAY COLOR To match the color of the wall to which it is OK—noted on drawing attached LOCATIONS photo- Centered horizontally and vertically in the Appears to be centered in approved sign band areas as shown on the rendering. approved elevation drawings Needs to be noted as being centered. LOGO/GRAPHICS No limit to graphic colors as long as total Needs to meet limit on color DETAILS number is limited to three,plus black and numbers. white Pantone#s not provided ILLUMINATION DETAILS Signs may be internally illuminated OK— internal LED LETTER TYPE/FONT Unlimited This form outlines the specific design criteria established for signs at this location. All standard ARB Sign Guidelines also apply. *As of August 3,2015,graphics with multiple colors may be used with channel letter signs,when the channel letter faces throughout the center are limited to a single color.Graphics shall be consistent with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines. SIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST with REFERENCES—Wall Sign, Single Business ARB 2019-31,Cremation Society of Virginia Updated: 6-17-2016 04-03-2019 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES TYPE X 9.b For internally illuminated signs, channel lettering OK—channel letter - per approved CSC (mounted on a raceway or individual letters) is preferred to cabinet signs. X 5.6 When channel letters cannot be adequately accommodated, internally illuminated cabinet signs may be considered. X 6 Reader boards are discouraged. None proposed MATERIALS X 4.c Materials used in the sign should complement the building OK being served by the sign. COLOR X 4.e Color for raceway-mounted channel letters, the raceway Drawing does not indicate raceway painted to match shall match the wall color. surface to which it is attached. Sign colors must be harmonious with each other. Pantone #s for graphic not provided. Sign colors must not clash with the site, when viewed in OK daylight and at night. Overly intense color, (such as dayglo or fluorescent OK colors), are prohibited. Use of three colors or less (black and white considered as OK colors) Additional colors may be approved if they contribute to the sign balance/unity. SIZE,SCALE,PROPORTION,AND LOCATION X 4.b Signs may not exceed the size, height and setback OK requirements as outlined in Section 4.15 of the Albemarle CLE2018-259 1 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES County Zoning Ordinance(unless sign has a variance). Max allowed: 1st frontage: (22.6 *1.5 =34 sq. ft) +2nd frontage: (22.6/3 =7.5*1.5 = 11.3)=45.3 sq. ft allowed Proposed: 2 signs @ 22.4 sq. ft=44.8 sq. ft proposed X Appendix A ratio of 1/3 text to 2/3 wall area or 1/4 text to 3/4 wall Clearance above/below letters and graphic not A.A area is a good working proportioning system for placing a provided. sign. X Appendix Color, form, surface pattern, shape, and disposition of OK A.A.4 elements and openings in an architectural design can affect our perception of scale and can impact the appearance of a sign on a building. X 9.d The wall sign's size must coordinate with the architectural OK—shown in approved sign band element's size. The sign should not over-crowd the architectural element, Clearance above/below letters and graphic not the wall, or the sign area. provided. Photo-rendering too dark and blurry Drawing needs to indicate whether or not sign dimensions apply to both elevations/locations. Buildings and building elements should not be used as OK billboards. X 9.a Wall signs must integrate with the building's architecture. OK—shown in approved sign band. The sign placement should not obscure architectural OK features or details, (such as cornices,windows, columns, pilasters and paneling). X 9.d An appropriate height for channel letters in a 30" high sign N/A band is 18". 2 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES This allows 6" of unoccupied space above and below the Clearance above/below letters and graphic not letters. provided. Photo-rendering too dark and blurry 4" of clear space above, below, and to the sides of a Clearance above/below letters and graphic not channel letter sign is considered a minimum, with larger provided. clearances required for larger sign bands. Photo-rendering too dark and blurry Degree of visibility, the distance from the Entrance Corridor, and the architectural design of the building/area will determine sign size, placement, and proportions. _ X 4.d Lettering should be in proportion (font size and typeface OK style)to the sign and the building. Use of three typefaces or less. OK—one Additional typefaces may be approved if they contribute to a balanced/legible/unified sign design. _ X 9.e.iv The width of the outline must be in proportion to the width None proposed of the letter. An outline width of 1/8" has been found to be an None proposed. appropriate sign dimension. TRADEMARKS,CORPORATE LOGOS AND GRAPHICS X 4.f The ARB may require that the color and scale of standard OK—integrated appearance. templates for trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and graphics be modified. When used,trademarks, service marks, corporate logos OK and/or graphics should be incorporated as an integral part of the overall sign. X 5.a External (or no) illumination is preferred for approved OK—internal graphics/logos; X 5.6 internal illumination may be considered for approval on a OK—internal case-by-case basis. 3 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES LIGHTING X 9.e.i External (or no) illumination is preferred for wall signs. OK—internal X 5.f Any internal illumination is considered to contribute to OK—internal visual clutter and will be limited. X 5.c Internal illumination design approval will be evaluated on OK size, balance, complexity, and distance from the Entrance Corridor. X 9.e.iv The backgrounds of such cabinet signs must be made None proposed opaque (zero light transmission). X 5.e External illumination should be shielded and not create None proposed glare. All external light sources shall be white. None proposed X 9.ii Sign lighting (external) should be shielded so that it None proposed illuminates only face of the sign and does not shine beyond the edge of the sign. X 9.iii Channel letters with translucent faces must have no light OK spilling outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. Faces and returns of channel letters shall be opaque when No halo-lighting back-lit(halo-lit). X 9.iv Cabinet signs shall have a non-illuminated background, or None proposed an opaque (zero light transmission) background. Cabinet signs shall be constructed such that no light spills outward from the top,bottom, sides or back. X 5.g All illumination shall be non-blinking. None proposed X S.h An exposed light source that forms the body of a sign, None proposed (such as exposed neon signs), shall not be used in the Entrance Corridors. ARB ACTIONS X If LED lighting is proposed the sign drawing must state OK—noted on drawing. 4 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES The level of illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon. X Action on ARB-P Red acrylic#2283 has been determined to be an None proposed. (BP)2001-12 inappropriate color for signs. Pantone color match Wood Grill for 2283 is 485C. Red#2793 has been approved as an acceptable substitute. Pantone color match for 2793 is 187C. (See below.) X 12/21/15 action on Generally, for signs in the Entrance Corridors, red 485 None proposed. ARB 2015-114 & - may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis as a 115 Shell Signs secondary color. X ARB Visual clutter resulting from adjacency, for example at the N/A Action Hardee's locations, is a reasonable basis for not allowing Memo: illumination of the graphic. 5/7/12 X ARB Accent color letters can be used in a sign when portrayed None proposed. Action as a graphic, up to 33% of the length of the sign. Memo: 8/3/2015 5