HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700120 Correspondence 2017-11-17 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 5:25 PM To: 'Emmy Kline';Jorge Estrada Cc: Emily White Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Attachments: ARB2017-120 CoA with approved drawings.pdf Hi Emmy, Please find your CoA attached. I have also signed off on your building permit. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Emmy Kline [mailto:emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 4:46 PM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>;Jorge Estrada <jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Heather, Here are the adjusted renderings for the monuments. Please let me know if you need anything at all for this application! And thank you again for reaching out regarding our revised drawings! 0 Regards, Emmy Kline G iU i7uar here here i irme *pi 1 ill- e iLcll ri;ctiSag€' !I!u1' t.Unti-dri Confidential c! iNj.iairy` p!"viieged !Ili(ril!Cl';iOi1 and !s II1ti nded only for the use of the IlllenOod reuipent( ) Any i!('nlltlionic(! cl iusurE, dissemirlaliOn (i!t.tliL`ilt!oll Lopyinf o, the taking of any action in reliance: on the information noro i Is ['inhibited E-mails are not secure and cannot be guaranteed to be error free as they can he intercepted, amended or contain vi;ci cs Anyone wIto communicates with us by e-mail is deemed to have accepted these risks Signs Unlimited Is not responsible for errors or omissions in this message and deities any responsibility for any daniage arising from 1n( use of e-mail Any opinion and other statement contained in this message and any attachment are solely those of th k. author and do not necessarily represent those of the coninanv From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:35 PM To:Jorge Estrada<iorgeC@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Sorry Jorge, Three of your emails—the one you sent on November 7,this one, and another—went to my Spam folder, as you predicted; oddly,though,the receipt of payment your forwarded to me did come through, as have other emails from you; so I was under the impression that you hadn't responded—my apologies for that. I am trying to get IT to help me ensure mistakes and miscommunications such as this aren't repeated in future. Cheers, Heather McMahon,Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From:Jorge Estrada [mailto:lorge@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:57 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: FW: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello Heather, Thank you for your response, I just forwarded you the message with the updated drawings,guess it maybe went to your spam folder, I also forwarded you a copy of the payment receipt, please check all the revisions and let us know if you need anything else from us. Have a great day. Regards, Jorge Estrada 2 From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:45 PM To:Jorge Estrada<jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com>; Emily White<ewhite@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello again,Jorge, I just realized in the email I sent you a few minutes ago that I got the dates of our last email communication wrong repeatedly—I kept writing "Tuesday, November, 11" when last Tuesday was November 7. Below is the email thread of our conversation to date, minus the email I sent you just a few minutes ago. My apology for the typos. Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Heather McMahon Sent:Tuesday, November 07, 2017 12:51 PM To:Jorge Estrada<jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello Jorge, Thank you for sending me alternate versions of the "Monument B" illustration that clarify the two monument-sign locations the applicant wishes to reface and that fully renders the image of the proposed re-facing on the left side of the page. I have reviewed your application for completeness and information is missing that is needed for review to commence. Please see the attached letter for more detail. In addition, I have attached a copy of the Comprehensive Sign Program for this location Please note that this parcel/address has a Comprehensive Sign Plan, which means the design of signs at this location must meet the standards and criteria established therein by the ARB. I encourage you to look over the criteria before resubmitting revised drawings for review. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 3 From:Jorge Estrada [mailto:forge@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 07, 2017 12:20 PM To: Heather McMahon Subject: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello miss McMahon, As requested here are the revised drawings for the Vinyl Refacing of the 2 pylon signs,the change will only be vinyl on the faces. Please check them and let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you for all your help and have a great day. Regards, Jorge Estrada G / i tax 9 I(J_55/1 ):'2 (10/ His Rd, Suitt.: 51-A, fui aril N(1 2 /0`i http://www.signsunlimitedusa.com Iriaa \'V .Ite us a rovievi' nn C:1ortgle here! on I have a Gooale accourit';' t,r,. l Ite o ieview here 1 i I:' I: mail message rl C,t0rltdirl ron1IC1(;ITh31 or legoI )' f`rvIif:;50h information and i` intended only for the use t)' th( intended reeipiefli(`>) Any lll!;;u li reed tht—litsuCe, dissemination distribution (;.hying ;.)I the taking of any action in rice on the Inform rtiorl heroin i` i:ro i bli(9Ci E_ ni :iis irie net secure ano oanri( ' l`e 91;r-11w:re e(' id he error [roc ar lhey (tan `)E !ulirnonlee ,?rtlt=n,lE"' or C'L'11i'lli ti(-"-. Anyone who conit'':liliJ,'ait: ll't ltv t_: mail is hccir ed to have iiir J;. Ilill'II'1, cl i'i t ri'- )UII I.l'l: ft air, or i f , it :tit() ttsiicl l -iHllt'p for tly (.ii.magE arm on from tip- L;;.,e Airy ()pH- Jn and otiior sraierrieni contained in (Ills IIi85.`E','E. anti , r:t c:rhlileiit aie ti ose of the alltriul' c ... (I (lt IIecLovorll\' l.11rllparry 4 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:24 PM To: 'Emmy Kline';Jorge Estrada Cc: Emily White Subject: RE:Albemarle County - VA - Tax :: Payment Submitted Hi Emmy, Yes,thank you for alerting me to that—they are in my spam folder. I believe it must be because if the attachments, although I have received other emails from Jorge with attachments(and emails without attachments)that came through to my inbox without a problem. My apologies for that confusion; I will alert IT to this issue and hope to have it resolved so that we don't have future problems like this one. I will also look at your application today. Thanks, Heather McMahon,Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Emmy Kline [mailto:emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:11 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org>;Jorge Estrada <jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emily White<ewhite@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Albemarle County-VA-Tax:: Payment Submitted Heather, We have tried to reply to your initial email twice now with new renderings. Please check your spam folder for our responses, and I will follow this email up with a phone call shortly. Regards, Emmy Kline G Ls _ 1 V 'Mite is a I Vic i)1-1 (. .I` here' Don t h:.-ve a (;oogle. account', VVine I€V CW� here Ibis e-!nail message may r''nritain r ( 1111(it'nti l i,' legally `)rl\'IIeoed information ank' IS intended ()illy ICr the tics of tIr intended recipient(s) Any imaiitliorzec1 dr-closure dissemination, distribution copying or the taking of any ortic)r' III reliance on the information I;eroin IS piunit-died F-mails ate riot secure and carirnit t.,c. guaranteed to he error free Es they can be intercepted, airi( nnled or contain vl' ISet: ,4rIVUrle Wiio nommunicales 15Ith u( by e-mail is ricenied tt1 have ac,ce iiI (t Ilione risks Signs. Unlimited Is not r€o UOnsib!c for errc::IS (,r ornisSi(:li`. in this nic a]<ge and denies. ;m \ I('sponsibiluty for any dnnage arising 1mm tl'ie rrsc of e-ma'! Any opinion and oilier sintement r.nlitai'ie;t in gins riie�sage and any attactirir r i are `,olely ii,lrese of iPt: atlll'or and do riot necessarily represent tlici e of tie company From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:00 PM To:Jorge Estrada<jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com>; Emily White<ewhite@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Albemarle County-VA-Tax :: Payment Submitted Hello Jorge, I am just writing to remind you that revisions(or, at the very least, acknowledgment of the receipt of my letter stating that your application was incomplete and stated intention towards the requested changes) are due within 15 days from the day the letter was issued. As I sent the letter (via email and post) on November 7, 2017, that makes revisions or acknowledgment due no later than Wednesday, November 22. Please note, as per the letter,that if we do not hear from you before then the application will be denied and another application with a new fee will be necessary. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From:Jorge Estrada [mailto:gorge@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:56 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: FW:Albemarle County-VA-Tax :: Payment Submitted From:Albemarle County-VA-Tax [mailto:payments@sturgisdigital.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:30 PM To:Jorge Estrada<iorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject:Albemarle County-VA-Tax :: Payment Submitted 2 • Your Payment to Albemarle County - VA- Tax Was Submitted! Transaction ID: 8UV413386J590644G Payment: $59.00 Transaction Time: 11/14/2017 12:29:42 Type: Community Development Building Permits PM Notes: Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit number is B2017-02534. Total Paid: $60.63 Convenience Fee: $1.63 Total: $60.63 3 Heather McMahon From: Jorge Estrada <jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:56 PM To: Heather McMahon Cc: Emmy Kline Subject: FW: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Attachments: Pivot Charlottesville, VA - Channels Permitting Package - 110717.pdf From:Jorge Estrada Sent:Tuesday, November 7, 2017 3:21 PM To: 'Heather McMahon'<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello again Heather, Here is the new package with the changes and information you requested, please let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you for all your help, is greatly appreciated. Have a great day. Jorge Estrada From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent:Tuesday, November 7, 2017 12:51 PM To:Jorge Estrada <jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: Emmy Kline<emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com> Subject: RE: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello Jorge, Thank you for sending me alternate versions of the "Monument B" illustration that clarify the two monument-sign locations the applicant wishes to reface and that fully renders the image of the proposed re-facing on the left side of the page. I have reviewed your application for completeness and information is missing that is needed for review to commence. Please see the attached letter for more detail. In addition, I have attached a copy of the Comprehensive Sign Program for this location. Please note that this parcel/address has a Comprehensive Sign Plan, which means the design of signs at this location must meet the standards and criteria established therein by the ARB. I encourage you to look over the criteria before resubmitting revised drawings for review. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road 1 *lime *40 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From:Jorge Estrada [mailto:iorge@signsunlimitedusa.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 07, 2017 12:20 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject: Updated drawings for Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hello miss McMahon, As requested here are the revised drawings for the Vinyl Refacing of the 2 pylon signs,the change will only be vinyl on the faces. Please check them and let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you for all your help and have a great day. Regards, Jorge Estrada G � I[i .tA�iiLr:�} Office 919 1)52-8689 ( Fa 919-557132 2 e.:t.17 Flliti IZ(i, Suite 5 I-A, Durham NC 27703 http://www.signsunlimitedusa.com E0© W i!e us e leviev o C-.ongl( here! !l,.:l lil: .:I , ( llf'• I! . . !( ,r, here 1 Ili: -mail rliessu( col I!iilrl cunfice ilir:li cr privileged info;110 tieiI and Is intended only lot the Ilse of th( c c(i Il-'(.i ,!( riil; ) Any l` sduthen,-er di`closure disserriiiiatioll Ct!F�'!In tiOi. Uopyi 0 or the takinn of any action ifl reliance on. tlr�(. !IlG!,I;Ut!OI; IIc roil! Is prohibited E' Iliaii`i are not se:die aid oallnol ! ; (ouarariteed t0 he error free us they curl h intercepted 1 Eta' UI k.ontaiii virdLies. Ai von u t:Oli�nI11111C,.-it(r` vath ll; ( Ina!! ic ;leell'cn to have acrcepieci tip( or not respollsltil( for errors. or ions .n i!. , iriucrsape arid denies. •-;y responsibility!Ilty loi any damage arlSilin from tile 1100 of (; 0101l Any ofn '•'uiI and crier ` t. tern: iit contained in this' r11ernag ani' airy .'.it:IClllill:`!11 nit SUIely ft aul!lof Eif;C) (10 riot r1ece Swill\' fP fli(`;.('. flit z.( of the „i; IiFli:l y 2 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:19 PM To: jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com Cc: Emily White;emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com Subject: RE: Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Attachments: ARB2017-120 sign app is not complete.pdf;ARB2017-120 CSP for Hollymead Town Center-Area B.pdf;ARB201500023 Sign - Drawings 2015-04-27.pdf Hello Jorge, My colleague in Zoning, Emily White, has asked me to respond to your query about the status of your sign application for the Pivot Physical Therapy sign in Hollymead Town Center.The permit cannot be approved by ARB staff until the application—which I deemed incomplete on Tuesday, November 11—is resubmitted with the requested changes met and illustrated in new, revised drawings; in other words, I need to see revised drawings, resubmitted to me please (via email is fine). So far, I have received no revised drawings from you since sending you the letter last Tuesday, November 11; if you would like to see the totality of the email exchanges we made that day, I would be happy to forward them to you.To clarify, I sent you a letter by post and by email on Tuesday, November 11,which delineated all of the requested changes; Emily has forwarded that letter to you today and I am again attaching it to this email. To recap, the changes requested include: 1. The colors proposed for the lettering and background of the vinyl tenant panel signs, including standard color ID numbers(Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic,etc.) liar all materials, text,graphics, base, faces, trim caps, returns,etc. 2. The depth of the proposed channel letter wall sign, 3.The channel letter wall sign height above grade included as a dimension on the diagram. The colors proposed for the channel letter wall sign, including standard color ID numbers(Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic.etc.) four all materials, text,graphics,base, faces,trim caps, returns,etc. 4. Indication on the diagram of which areas of the illuminated channel letter wall sign are opaque and which arc illuminated, 5. Manufacturer's cut sheets describing illumination type. Intensity, style, shielding.color, and height_ In addition, in the letter I tried to save you some time in the review process by spelling out a few things we will be looking for: In addition,please note that: I. If LED lighting is proposed the sign drawing must state The level of illumination provided b'the LL'L)lights will no!exceed the illumination produced hr a single stroke 4'30 milliamp(ma)neon. 2. All illumination shall be non-blinking. Please make note of that on the drawing or with the submitted manufacturer's cut sheets. 3, Red acrylic #2283 has been determined to be an inappropriate color for signs. Pantone color match for 2283 is 485C. Red 02793 has been approved as an acceptable substitute. Pantone color match for 2793 is 187C. I also sent you the Comprehensive Sign Plan for this parcel, which I believe Emily has sent you previously as well In an effort to streamline the review process, I will just point out that the design you have submitted does not meet the criteria specified in the Comprehensive Sign Plan (which I have attached to this email).To be specific, in order to meet the criteria outlined in the CSP: 1. The channel letters must be Red (PMS 187C) or White; this Pantone ID number must be specified on the drawing The last drawing I received has gray lettering, which is not approvable. 2 The trim cap and return must be black(as that is the single color used throughout the center) The last drawing I received has white trim caps and returns, which is not approvable. 1 AIML. *OW *el 3. At least 4" of clear space shall be provided above and below each sign, within the single material color.This should be illustrated on the sign drawing. 4. In the Notes section at the bottom of the document,you'll see that Buildings D [which is where this shop is located], E, and K may have both red and white sign faces. 5. Furthermore, as per that Notes section at the bottom of the document, please note that "to scale drawings are required with building permits to confirm size and locations." 6. As for the freestanding (tenant panel) signs, "Tenant panel background color shall be white and lettering shall be red."The last drawing I received shows gray lettering, which is not approvable. (For your convenience, I have attached an approved sign drawing for a neighboring shop space in the Hollymead Town Center(ARB2015-23); as it has met all of the criteria outlined in the CSP, it may be a good reference for you.) Once I receive revised drawings from you that address all of the missing information, I will then undertake the review process.We make all of the various Comprehensive Sign Plans available to applicants on our website, and encourage applicants to read through them carefully in order to expedite that review process. If the revised drawings meet all of the criteria outlined in the CSP in addition to the standard Sign Guidelines for the properties in the Entrance Corridor overlay district,then I will approve them, issue you a Certificate of Appropriateness, and sign-off on your building permit. If they do not meet all of the aforementioned criteria,your sign application will be denied and you will be asked to revise the drawings until all of the criteria are met. I hope this clears up any confusion about the ARB review process, which is tangential and in conjunction with the Zoning compliance process that Emily administers. Please let me know if you have further questions. Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Emily White Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:27 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Cc:jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com; emmy@signsunlimitedusa.com Subject: RE: Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Greetings Heather, I just got off the phone with Jorge. He is paying the fee on-line. He was concerned that he had already submitted the information you requested, and I informed him I was out of the ARB process—you all should speak directly. If you don't mind,could you please reply to this e-mail if there is additional information Jorge needs to provide? Sorry to confuse the matter. Best, Emily 2 From: Emily White Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:15 PM To: 'jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com'<jorge@signsunlimitedusa.com> Cc: 'eemmy@signsunlimitedusa.com'<eemmyPsignsunlimitedusa.com>; Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>;Judy Martin-BC/ZS<jmartin4@albemarle.org> Subject: Pivot Charlottesville Sign Permit Hi Jorge, Sorry to respond to your phone call with an e-mail, but I have information I wanted to provide you in writing. Heather McMahon,with whom you have been corresponding, brought it to my attention that the sign permit application is not only for the wall sign, but two refacings. I have reviewed the drawings you provided Heather, and I can sign off on those from a zoning perspective. Before the sign permit for the three signs can be approved, you will need to address Heather's concerns and pay the additional fee for the third sign.The refacing permit fee is$59. You may pay the fee on-line as you did before. Credit card payments can be made at: http://www.albemarle.org/department.asp?department=cdd&relpage=21685. The permit number is B2017-02534. You'll need to send the receipt of payment with the application, as the system does not automatically update staff that a payment has been made. Please send that to all of the following: Judy Martin, jmartin4@albemarle.org Jen Smith, ismith2@albemarle.org Buck Smith, osmith@albemarle.org Please let me know if you'd still like me to call of if this e-mail covers your questions. Thanks, Emily Emily Nelson White Permit Planner, Community Development Albemarle County,Virginia (434) 296-5832 x3024 3