HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700118 Review Comments Architectural Review Board Approval 2017-11-1411/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm
From: Heather McMahon
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 5:03 PM
To: 'Carlin Campbell'
Cc: Margaret Maliszewski
Subject: RE: ARB2017-118: UVA Community Credit Union, Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124
Hi Carlin,
I have received your request (applica on ARB2017-118) for a Minor Amendment to Architectural Drawings of a previously approved Cer ficate of Appropriateness (CoA) for the
Birch Place bank building, now a prospec ve branch of the UVA Community Credit Union. Your applica on states that your minor amendment is merely a subs tu on of
materials that are no longer available, as the CoA was approved a decade ago (specifically, on 2/1/2007). On further inspec on, however, I discovered that your submi ed
drawings illustrate more than a materials change request: there are a number of design elements which differ from the approved drawings dated 12/11/06 and approved by the
ARB on 2/1/07; in addi on, the materials listed as original that you wish to be replaced are not the materials that were approved by the ARB. Please find the image of the
approved drawing in this email chain below, sent previously. You can also find more documents related to the approved plans at this link:
h p://cob-lfiche03/WebLinkWA/Search.aspx?dbid=2&searchcommand=%7B%5BCDD-
Planning%5D:%5BApplica onNumber%5D=%22ARB200600124%22,%5bTaxMapNumber%5d%3d%22*%22%7d&cr=1
The applicant has three op ons moving forward:
1) You can build to the approved design using the approved materials. I have copied and pasted an image of the approved materials list for this project below:
To that end, I have been able to locate the approved architectural grade asphalt shingles on-line; they are in Certain Teed’s Patriot series and can be found here:
11/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm
h ps://www.certainteed.com/resources/ExportRoofingGuide.pdf
h ps://www.certainteed.com/residen al-roofing /products/patriot/
2) You can request a materials change through a revised Minor Amendment applica on like the one you have submi ed. This request would have to be for new materials
only and I would need revised drawings at your earliest convenience. This would be approved administra vely by staff, such as myself.
3) You can request more substan al design changes through an Amendment to an approved Cer ficate of Appropriateness. This is not administra vely approvable and will
need to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Board. There is a fee of $242.00 and you would need to submit a new applica on with 8 copies of suppor ng materials
for the board and staff ’s review. As you have just missed today ’s filing deadline, I will make an excep on and say that if you can get me revised drawings (hard copies; ARB
does not accept digital submissions) by close of business this Thursday (Friday is a holiday), I will docket this for the December 18, 2017 ARB mee ng. If that is not
achievable, the next filing deadline is Monday, 11/20/17 with a corresponding ARB mee ng date of January 8, 2018. (Typically, our schedule is 6 weeks between filing
deadlines and ARB mee ngs, so staff can review applica ons and write staff reports in a mely manner to allow the board to review the projects before the mee ngs,
but this one is a li le longer because of the holidays).
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIn re Road
Charlo esville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
From: Carlin Campbell [mailto:carlin.campbell@PWCampbell.com] Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 2:51 PM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: ARB2017-118: UVA Community Credit Union, Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124
Our interior designer said everything on this list is available, except the roof shingles. Please send me the email you were referring to today so I can get with our client and
submit what is needed. I would like to get you something in the mail tomorrow, thank you.
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11/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm
From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 2:05 PM To: Carlin Campbell <carlin.campbell@PWCampbell.com> Subject: RE: ARB2017-118: UVA Community Credit Union, Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124
NOTICE: This message originated from outside the network. Please use caution.
11/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm
From: Carlin Campbell [mailto:carlin.campbell@PWCampbell.com] Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 1:20 PM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>
11/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm
Cc: Josh Longo <Josh.Longo@studio109designsllc.com> Subject: RE: ARB2017-118: UVA Community Credit Union, Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124
Josh and I are available today un l 4:45ish, so if you think the call at 4:30 will give us enough me, let’s plan on today. If you think we need more me, we are both available
tomorrow any me a er 1pm.
Please let me know.
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From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 12:34 PM To: Carlin Campbell <carlin.campbell@PWCampbell.com> Subject: ARB2017-118: UVA Community Credit Union, Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124
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Hi Carlin,
I have received your request (applica on ARB2017-118) for a minor amendment to architectural plans of a previously approved Cer ficate of Appropriateness for Birch Place
(ARB2006-124). I have a number of ques ons for you regarding this request, and would like to discuss them over the telephone. Would you be available this a ernoon a er 4:30
pm (I am in mee ngs un l then) or tomorrow a er 1 pm?
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIn re Road
Charlo esville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
11/7/2017 RE ARB2017-118 UVA Community Credit Union Minor Amendment to ARB2006-124.htm