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ARB201700118 Review Comments Architectural Review Board Approval 2017-10-20
Name mpbell n?'.tr ►ti.c3 c f:� i r:N('E t'rvc:I 19tt) October 20,2017 County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Margaret Maliszewski RE: ARB Amendment = Margaret, Pursuant to your request, I am attaching all required documentation, applications, and samples in this package. We are requesting a simple substitution of materials that are no longer available. The ARB approved the original renderings in 2006 and some materials are no longer available. Our interior designer selected finishes that are the closest possible match to what was previously approved. I have included the substitution list below: • Original: Shingles: Certainteed New Horizon. Color: Shadow Black—DISCONTINUED o Proposed#1: Gat Timberline, Mission Brown o Proposed#1: Gaf,Timberline, Charcoal • Original: Shutters: Alcoa vinyl shutters, Raised Panel,Color: Brown o Proposed#1:Alcoa vinyl shutters, Raised Panel, Color: Pebblestone Clay 52 • Original : Field Brick Veneer:Type 1 General shale, Color: Buckingham Tudor- DISCONTINUED o Proposed#1:The Bowerston Shale Co., Hanover plant, #130-6 Sorrel w/c/modular • Original :Accent Brick Veneer:Typer 2, General Shale, Color: Dutch Chocolate - DISCONTINUED o Proposed#1:The Bowerston Shale Co., Hanover plant, #501 Cordovan w/c/modular • Original :Accent Brick Veneer:Typer 2, General Shale, Color: Dutch Chocolate- DISCONTINUED o Proposed#1:The Bowerston Shale Co., Hanover plant, #501 Cordovan w/c/modular Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, 6-Z(i.10 Carlin Campbell PWCampbell—Preconstruction,Team Leader 412-963-0100 x 322 1 4 oP�+ts " '' 'N Architectural Review Board Amendment to a Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist Part A: Applicant Contact and Parcel Information Project name: 01ik Wi' muA,-Vi Crtd,F un,,a,,, ARB# Tax map and parcel#: 0564,Q -01 -00- 03000 Physical street address (if assigned): 51 I ti -11„g-r,r A'`,1}*L'd Ro( Cru 4' a Location of property(landmarks, intersections, or other): gaLw0Ld id/Au DCvt Ion„}. Contact person: 6,,(,, 6�p�e(( Business name: �,0,r,,,eA i Address: I©1' 2e+4 Dr City: RiIsbvifL State: NI Zip: /6Zi8 Daytime phone: 4412. -c(03-0I OD Fax: I-(12-'44-U LGU Email: '/1;r. . C-4C lI L X3Zz PN[coq,ct1. Cor. .-equ Important Note: Submittal packages must contain (8)collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. A. Written description of the proposal [ ' Provide a description of the revised/amended proposal. Identify all proposed changes from the previously approved submittal. Eir Provide a revised materials list if any of the building materials or material color(s) have changed. B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1"=20', clearly legible and folded): Aj, 0 Show all proposed changes to the previously approved plan including site layout, landscaping, �"1 lighting, and all site features, with changed features clouded and clearly identified on the plan. 0j ❑ Sheet number,total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision, and 1�►� contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. t* ❑ Provide the original plan and existing conditions. C. Appearance of the building(s) (architectural elevations,color perspective sketches,site sections): E 1 Dimensioned architectural elevations of the proposed building(s) showing all changes to the previously approved building(s) design. Elevations must be drawn to a minimum scale of 1/16"=1'-0". A larger scale may be required. Include a building materials schedule and key on the elevation drawings. g One set of all building materials/colors if changed from the previously approved submittal. 1 Revised 7/28/10 mior D. Additional material ❑ The applicant is welcome to submit any additional material that will make the revision to a certificate t4\ of appropriateness/amendment to a site development plan review more productive. Drawings or other submittal items that clarify topography, visibility, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or unusual conditions are welcome. Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only(1)set of building material samples is required if the building materials have changed. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. • All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing a revision to a certificate of appropriateness / amendment to a site development plan review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. • Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, I hereby state that the information provided in this application, and all accompanying information, is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by this checklist. a /o, - S gnature of person completing checklist Date 62.(-- r, 1l ��rc�.slr���,� qt z —c103._0,.c ,. 3 2 t Printed Name/Titl Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Tel, (434)972-4126 Fax www.albemarle.org 2 Revised 7/28/10