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ARB201700117 Plan - Other (not approved) 2017-11-06 (3)
H 139' ±60 14' r ±99 oil - 1 FRONT VIEW 41%2,5 TRIM CAPS ARE'BLACk TYP RETURNS ARE 'BLACK TYP. ON/OFF TOGGLE SWITCH ALUM. FABRICATED RACEWAYS PAINTED BENJAMIN MOORE2091-20 'RUSTIC RED BRICK' - SMALL ALUM. FABRICATED RACEWAYS W/ SUPPORT TUBING PAINTED B.M. SIDE VIEW 2091-20'RUSTIC RED BRICK 1 fig• = 1 _0• I1__ TAGLINE PAINTED'BLACK iiir BASED ON 72` TALL X 276" WIDE SIGN BAND CHANNEL LETTER FACES ARE 3/1 U' WHITE' ACRYUC WI TRANSLUCENT GREEN VINYL TO MATCH'PMS 376 OVERLAY TYP FACES ARE 3/16"'WHITE' ACRYLIC FACES ARE 3/16" WHITE' ACRYLIC W/'BLACK VINYL ALUM. FABRICATED TAGLINE PAINTED'PMS $79 COPY IS ROUTED OUT OF FACE WI A 3/16" ACRYLIC BACKER TO SHOW THRU'WHITE' FILENAME � ,�Nn PHYaeCAi 7HFRAPY,eh,T77 LOCATION SIdD7 °RAWINO SALESMAN RANDY SMITH DESIGNER LANE p © 2017 COPYRIGHT TALLEY SIGN CO. Q This document is the sole properly of Talley Sign OD. All designs, menuradwing, reproduction, use and sales rights regarding the same are expressly forbidden. It is submilled under a confidential relationship for a special purpose, and the recipierd © DATE 10178l17 by accepting this document assumes cusilDdy and agrees that this document will not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, nor its oontents revealed in any manner © CUSTOMER SIGNATURE or to any person except tar the purpose fox which it was tendered, nor any special features; peculiar to this design be tncorporaled in other projects. SIGN COMPANY ARCHITECTURAL 6 CONAMERCIAL 10M Rurttan Bald. Chesapwk%VA 23324 Phone 757-545-M Fax 757-543-9132 TbT,fG �oZ• ,4-cAc �ar�3F`t 5r Jpr�It I�oP° r �;,,,;�N Q DAY VIEW NIGHT VIEW h x t„ �h i PRFIJAME ACAG/Wb PINSIrar_ntEnaw1o1717 0 © 2017 COPYRIGHT TALLEY SIGN CO. toCA71DN srioaoliwurNb SALESMAN RANDY SMI1H © he dole property of Talley Sign designs, This documeru is tuction, manufacturing,forbidden. re I d sales 6ghts regarding the same are expressly forCidden. It is use same a bmQed DESIGNER LANE _ � submitted under a �rlfldsnBel relationship will SIGN C G M PAN Y DATE JWJs li by accepting this document assumes custody and� that not ® be oppled or reproduced in whole or In part, nor Its contents revealad In any manner AROHITF-CTlJIaAi S COMMERCIAL GUSMMER or to any person era$pt for the purpose for which ft was tendered, nor any special 1044 Rurttan Blvd drempe"VA 23324 SIGNATURE ® feahses paadiar to this design be incorporated in other prpjacts. Phone757-545-8802 FNt757-543-9132