HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201800083 Correspondence 2018-10-12 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 2:50 PM To: Ryan Yauger Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com; Brandy Booker; 'Derek Reardon'; Cameron Langille Subject: ARB2018-83: Brookhill Block 4 Final - COA Attachments: ARB2018-83 CoA.pdf Hi Ryan, Please find your Certificate of Appropriateness for Brookhill, Block 4, Final Site Plan attached. I will be able to sign off on the SDP (2018-50)once you have supplied Cameron with 4 sets of a revised site plan that include the four recently revised landscape and lighting sheets you gave me. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Derek Reardon [mailto:dreardon@bohlereng.com] Sent:Wednesday,October 10, 2018 5:06 PM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Cc: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com>;v152000@nf.bohlereng.com; Brandy Booker<bbooker@bohlereng.com> Subject: RE:ARB2018-83: Brookhill Block 4 Final -- latest revision, requested changes Hi Heather, Please find attached the electronic submission of the requested slip-sheets for the Brookhill Apartments Final Site Plan. I've also attached a comment response letter explaining the revisions made per your latest comments. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you! Derek Reardon, E.I.T. BOH LER I N t, \ I i• K I N <: 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 I Warrenton, VA 20186 P: 540-349-4500 I dreardon@bohlereng.com www.BohlerEngineering.com Confidentiality Note:This e-mail,and any attachment to it, contains confidential information intended only for the use of the designated recipients, which information may also be privileged. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, the document has been received in error and any 1 use,review, dissemination,distribution,disclosure or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.if yvu have received this e-mail in error,please notify the sender via reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail from your system. From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent:Wednesday, October 10, 2018 2:01 PM To: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject:ARB2018-83: Brookhill Block 4 Final -- latest revision, requested changes Hi Ryan, Please see my notes in regard to the outstanding errors on the landscape and lighting sheet within this letter requesting changes, attached. Please send me revised versions of C-701, C-702, C-703, and C-704 electronically; I will slip-sheet them into the set that you delivered to me on Monday. Thanks, Heather McMahon,Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 2 TM BOH LER28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 186Warrenton,Su to 201 PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING October 10,2018 Via Electronic Mail County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Attn: Heather McMahon Re: SDP2018000014 Final Site Plan (Block 4A and 4B Apartments) 3rd Review Response Brookhill Development Route 29 (Seminole Trail Road) and State Route 643 (Polo Grounds Road) Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V152000 Dear Ms. McMahon: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Riverbend Development, the 4'h Submission Final Site Plan for the Block 4 Apartments located in the Brookhill Development project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated October 10, 2018. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Comment 1: There is illumination spillover in excess of 0.5 footcandles into the public right-of-way (the Stella Lane entrance to Block 4B) on the eastern property line of Block 4B. Reduce the footcandles on the property line to 0.5 or less. Response 1: Light poles nearest to the Right-of-Way were shifted and photometric values have been updated so that the 0.5 fc max is no longer exceeded. Please see Sheet C-704. Comment 2: Errors exist in the Archer Avenue Tree Landscape Schedule (Including Roundabout within Crosswalks)on C-701, C-702,and C-703: a. The PXOL is not labeled. Please provide a label on the graphic illustration for the 66 PXOL(divided into 34 and 32 on the left and right sides,respectively,of Archer Avenue). b. 128 IGC (64 on each side of Archer Avenue) were counted, although the labels provided read 66 and 65; rectify this discrepancy and ensure that this total is added to the 60 IGC in the roundabout that is enumerated in the plant schedule. c. 56 RK were counted,not 49 as listed in the schedule. d. 48 JHP were counted,not 42 listed in the schedule. e. 146 PAH were counted,not 144 listed in the schedule. f. The subtotals need to be recalculated. Response 2: Errors in the table have been corrected as follows: a. PXOL labels have been added to account for the 66 total along Archer Avenue. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM () B 0 H L E R Heather McMahon ENGINEERING Brookhill Development Section 1,Block 4—Final Site Plan 3rd Review Response October 10,2018 Page 2 of 2 b. The 66 and 65 label counts are correct. Overlapping labels were blocking some of the IGC plantings from view. This has been corrected. c. Count for RK was corrected to 56. d. Count for JHP was corrected to 48. e. The labelling incorrectly called for 146 plantings, however there are 8 groups of 18 plants shown graphically,totaling 144 PAH plantings. Labels were corrected. f. Subtotals have been recalculated appropriately. Comment 3: Labels for the plants on the northern end of the stormwater management facility northwest of Block 4B are obscured bythe Albemarle e County Block 4B Compliance Chart. Please rectify. Response 3: Chart has been revised so that the labels are now visible. Please see Sheet C-701. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering VA,LLC Ryan Yauger, P.E. RY/jb/bb H:115\V 152000\Administrative\Letters\Block 4(Apartments)\ARB1181010 Block 4 ARB Final Site Plan 4th Review.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM • Heather McMahon From: Derek Reardon <dreardon@bohlereng.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2018 1:15 PM To: Heather McMahon Subject: Project:V152000 - File Transfer- Brookhill Apartments Final Site Plan - For Approval Attachments: Transmittal - 00093.pdf IMPORTANT: Click a link below to access files associated with this transmittal that came in through the Bohler Engineering Info Exchange web site. The attached file contains the transmittal details. Download all associated files Additional links: Reply to All Project Name: V152000 Project Number: V152000- Riverbend Management- Brookhill- Residential Development From: Derek Reardon (Bohler Engineering) To: hmcmahon@albemarle.org CC: Ryan Yauger(Bohler Engineering-Warrenton); bbooker@bohlereng.com Subject: Brookhill Apartments Final Site Plan - For Approval Purpose: For your review and comment Sent via: Info Exchange Expiration Date: 11/8/2018 Remarks: Hi Heather, In addition to the hard-copies being sent over today, please use the link provided to download these PDFs: • Apartments Final Site Plan (Rev-Clouded Set) • Comment Response Letter • Colorized Landscape Sheets o Put this together to assist you in your review. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything else during your review. Thank you! Derek Reardon Transferred Files NAME TYPE DATE TIME SIZE 181008-Brookhill PDF File 10/8/2018 6:28 55,433 Apartments Final Site Plan PM KB Rev 3 (ARB Set)- clouded.pdf 1 181008-Colorized PDF rue 10/8/2018 1:39 12, 13u Landscaping Plans.pdf PM KB 181008 Block 4 ARB Final PDF File 10/5/2018 6:07 285 Site Plan 3rd Review PM KB CRL.pdf 2 • Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 10:05 AM To: Ryan Yauger Subject: ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Block 4, Final SDP -- requested changes Attachments: Revised resubmittal SDP2018-50, comments 10-1-18.pdf Hi Ryan, I had to send two emails because the attachments are too large.This is to follow up on Cameron's email from last night: Cameron has presented you with the SRC comments for your revised site plan set, dated 8-31-18, which include my ARB comments for that site plan set. I realize that you rectified some discrepancies between the 8-31-18 and 9-10-18 drawings that addressed ARB requests, but many of the same errors persisted between the two sets. I have attached the annotated/colored drawings from that site plan set here as well for your reference. Please note that all site plan sets submitted to various divisions within our department should be consistent. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 1 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 10:03 AM To: Ryan Yauger Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Block 4, Final SDP -- requested changes Attachments: ARB2018-83 cofa requested changes 10-3-18.pdf Hi Ryan, I have reviewed your resubmission following the ARB meeting on 8-20-18,with revised drawings dated 9-10-18. Changes are requested. Please see the attached letter with annotated/colored drawings for reference. I understand you are on a tight schedule. Most of these comments require careful proofreading and time, but are not in any way significant changes. I feel confident that I can issue your CoA with the next round if all of the comments in this letter are addressed. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 8:59 AM To: Heather McMahon Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: Re:ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Block 4, Final SDP -- action letter Should be all set, but I'll let you know if something comes up. Thanks! Ryan Sent from my iPhone On Sep 7, 2018, at 8:47 AM, Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org>wrote: Hi Ryan, Thanks for these. I looked at the agenda for today's meeting and didn't think you had any ARB-related questions; if you do, have Cameron call up to my office and I'll come down for the meeting. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Ryan Yauger [mailto:ryauger@bohlereng.com] Sent:Thursday, September 06, 2018 10:01 PM To: Heather McMahon<hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Cc:v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: RE:ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Block 4, Final SDP--action letter Hey Heather, I don't believe I ever got these over to you, Please see attached for the digital format of the revised exhibits. I apologize for the delay. Thanks! Ryan 1 From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent:Wednesday,August 22, 2018 12:09 PM To: Ryan Yauger<rvauger@bohlereng.com> Subject:ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Block 4, Final SDP --action letter Hi Ryan, Please find the action letter following the ARB meeting on 8-20-18 attached. As stated therein,two revised copies (for staff review only) addressing the 19 recommended revisions agreed upon by the board will be necessary to receive the final CoA. Also, could you please send me digital versions of the two presentation drawings you brought to Monday's meeting that I did not have?They were of the revised Building C elevations and of the perspective of the stormwater management facility with proposed landscaping. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Ryan Yauger [mailto:ryauger@bohlereng.com] Sent: Friday,August 17, 2018 11:55 AM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject:Voicemail Hi Heather, Thank you for your voicemail, and I believe we are set to proceed with the revisions. I'll let you know if anything else comes up, and if not, I'll see you on Monday for our meeting. Thanks! Ryan Yauger, P.E. <image001.png> 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 I Warrenton,VA 20186 P: 540-349-4500 I M: 540-424-8854 I ryauger@bohlereng.com www.BohlerEngineering.com Confidentiality Note:This e-mail,and any attachment to it,contains confidential information intended only for the use of the designated recipients, which information may also be privileged.if the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient,the document has been received in error and any use,review,dissemination,distribution,disclosure or copying of this message is strictly prohibited.If you have received this e-mail in error,please notify the sender via reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail from your system. 2 Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 12:25 AM To: Heather McMahon Subject: Project:V152000 - File Transfer - Brookhill - Revised ARB Package - Block 4 Apartments Attachments: Transmittal - 00073.pdf IMPORTANT: Click a link below to access files associated with this transmittal that came in through the Bohler Engineering Info Exchange web site. The attached file contains the transmittal details. Download all associated files Additional links: Reply to All Project Name: V152000 Project Number: V152000- Riverbend Management- Brookhill - Residential Development From: Ryan Yauger(Bohler Engineering-Warrenton) To: hmcmahon@albemarle.org CC: alan@riverbenddev.com; adavies@williamsmullen.com Subject: Brookhill - Revised ARB Package- Block 4 Apartments Sent via: Info Exchange Expiration Date: 8/19/2018 Remarks: Hi Heather, As you are aware, we will be submitting our revised ARB package tomorrow in order to hopefully get onto the August 20th meeting agenda. We will be submitting hard copies as requested, but to help with your review I wanted to make sure you had digital copies of everything as well. This includes the a comment response letter, the revised Site Plan sheets, Revised Architecture elevations and Elevations, additional renderings showing multiple views along Route 29, and the material details for the SWM fence and Retaining walls. The only thing that is outstanding are the revised lighting sheets, as we are waiting on the lighting consultant to provide additional information. We will provide this ASAP (early next week), but should not be an issue as it was not a critical issue from the Board's perspective. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Ryan Transferred Files 1 NAME TYPE DATE TIME SIZE 180719-Revised Final Site PDF File 7/19/2018 11:43 39,252 Plan Set.pdf PM KB 180720-Revised PDF File 7/20/2018 12:06 40,744 Architecture Package.pdf AM KB 180720 ARB-Final Site Plan PDF File 7/19/2018 11:43 65 KB - Block 4-Comment PM Response Letter.pdf Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 5:06 9,247 Elevations-29 At Block PM KB 4A.ipg Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 4:33 9,381 Elevations-29 At Block PM KB 4B.ipe Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 4:44 6,067 Elevations-Archer Ave PM KB 1.Ipg Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 5:19 7,422 Elevations-Archer Ave PM KB 2.Ipg Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 11:37 9,823 Elevations- Photo Key.ipg PM KB Brookhill Perspective JPEG Image 7/19/2018 11:14 5,825 Elevations- Polo PM KB Grounds.jpg Brookhill Perspective- JPEG Image 7/19/2018 11:32 5,625 Elevations-SWM Pond.jpg PM KB Colorized Building A PDF File 7/20/2018 12:05 651 Elevation.pdf AM KB Retaining Wall Example PDF File 7/19/2018 6:15 511 - Anchor Diamond.pdf PM KB SWM Fence Example- PDF File 7/19/2018 6:29 853 Northern SWM Area.pdf PM KB 2 Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 10:35 PM To: Heather McMahon Subject: Project:V152000 - File Transfer- Brookhill Block 4B Digital Plans Attachments: Transmittal - 00071.pdf IMPORTANT: Click a link below to access files associated with this transmittal that came in through the Bohler Engineering Info Exchange web site. The attached file contains the transmittal details. Download all associated files Project Name: V152000 Project Number: V152000- Riverbend Management- Brookhill - Residential Development From: Ryan Yauger(Bohler Engineering-Warrenton) To: hmcmahon@albemarle.org CC: Subject: Brookhill Block 4B Digital Plans Sent via: Info Exchange Expiration Date: 8/16/2018 Remarks: Hi Heather, As requested, please find attached the following files that were used for the Brookhill Block 4 Apartments ARB Presentation: • Overall Site Plan • Overall Landscape Plan • Archer Ave Entrance Rendering • SWM Facility rendering • Overall Sight Section Rendering Let me know if you have any questions. thanks! Ryan Transferred Files NAME TYPE DATE TIME SIZE 180618-Brookhill-Block-4A- JPEG Image 6/18/2018 6:34 7,207 and-4B-Sections.ipg PM KB 180716 Archer Ave PDF File 7/17/2018 10:22 6,015 Entrance Corridor.pdf PM KB Brookhill Apartments- PDF File 7/17/2018 10:23 1,514 Landscape Screening Exhibit PM KB -071218.pdf 1_ J Overall Landscape Plan.pdf PDF Flee 7/16/2018 7:49 4,uz i AM KB Overall Site Plan.pdf PDF File 7/16/2018 7:49 2,550 AM KB 2 Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Tuesday,July 17, 2018 10:31 PM To: Heather McMahon Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: RE: Brookhill, Block 4, Final -- display materials at today's ARB meeting Thank you, Heather. Due to the size of the documents, I will follow this email up with the digital copies of the exhibits yesterday, per your request. As a reminder, they are: - Overall Site Plan - Overall Landscape Plan - Archer Ave Entrance Rendering - SWM Facility rendering - Overall Sight Section Rendering The Overall Site and Landscape plans were brought to the meeting, but were a snapshot in time, and will be more finalized with the submission package on Friday. They are also 36x48 in order to fit at the current scale. They could always be shrunk down to fit to 24x36, but they just won't be to scale. Our Team will be focusing on providing the additional materials requested, and are planning on resubmitting this Friday, 7/20 for your review. This will all be with the hope to possibly be able to get on the 8/20 agenda—(I know you've spoken to Ashley in regards to this,just trying to do our part with getting things back to you asap). Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Ryan From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,July 16, 2018 5:33 PM To: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject: Brookhill, Block 4, Final -- display materials at today's ARB meeting Hi Ryan, Thanks for coming to today's ARB meeting. I'll be following up with an action letter in the next few days which will more or less repeat the recommendations I named in my staff report. For the next submission, I think you should focus on providing revised site plans that address the VDOT SWMF buffer concern as well as easement language for review; provide revised architectural elevations and floor plans, especially elevations for the dumpster enclosures and maintenance buildings, as well as proposed materials and colors for those; and provide the materials/colors for the buildings, structures, and site objects (I haven't looked at what materials you provided in the big box today, but if you have materials for the fencing please name them at the very least—we may not need a sample of the segmental block for the 3' retaining walls along Archer Avenue if we have one in our materials closet/storage, but we at least will need to know the color so we can check).Without looking more carefully at the 40 items I listed in the staff report that deserve attention, I think these three areas are the focus. I believe the ARB would also appreciate additional renderings of the proposed buildings from other vantage points. 1 I would also ask, as a favor,that you send me digital copies of the displays you brougnt to the ARB meeting today so that I may add them to our files. I believe you had four, but I can only recount three:the overall site plan,the rendering perspective from Archer Avenue, and the rendering showing proposed landscaping in front of the VDOT SWMF. What was the fourth that I am forgetting? Could you please send them to me at a scale that I can print at 24" x 36" please? I would be most appreciative. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 2 11 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Tuesday,July 17, 2018 4:25 PM To: 'Ryan Yauger' Subject: RE: Brookhill, Block 4, Final -- display materials at today's ARB meeting Attachments: Brookhill action letter.pdf Hi Ryan, Please find the official action letter following yesterday's ARB meeting and a resubmittal form attached. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Heather McMahon Sent: Monday,July 16, 2018 5:33 PM To: 'Ryan Yauger' <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject: Brookhill, Block 4, Final --display materials at today's ARB meeting Hi Ryan, Thanks for coming to today's ARB meeting. I'll be following up with an action letter in the next few days which will more or less repeat the recommendations I named in my staff report. For the next submission, I think you should focus on providing revised site plans that address the VDOT SWMF buffer concern as well as easement language for review; provide revised architectural elevations and floor plans, especially elevations for the dumpster enclosures and maintenance buildings, as well as proposed materials and colors for those; and provide the materials/colors for the buildings, structures, and site objects (I haven't looked at what materials you provided in the big box today, but if you have materials for the fencing please name them at the very least—we may not need a sample of the segmental block for the 3' retaining walls along Archer Avenue if we have one in our materials closet/storage, but we at least will need to know the color so we can check). Without looking more carefully at the 40 items I listed in the staff report that deserve attention, I think these three areas are the focus. I believe the ARB would also appreciate additional renderings of the proposed buildings from other vantage points. I would also ask, as a favor,that you send me digital copies of the displays you brought to the ARB meeting today so that I may add them to our files. I believe you had four, but I can only recount three: the overall site plan, the rendering perspective from Archer Avenue, and the rendering showing proposed landscaping in front of the VDOT SWMF. What was the fourth that I am forgetting? Could you please send them to me at a scale that I can print at 24" x 36" please? I would be most appreciative. Thanks, i Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 2 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 5:24 PM To: 'Davies, Ashley' Subject: RE: Brookhill [IWOV-IWOVRIC.FID1700518] Hi Ashley, Since the ARB asked for a full review, I will need to write another staff report and have time to review the revised materials, etc.The next filing deadline is July 23'd for a September 4th meeting, but if you submit all revised and requested additional materials as soon as possible, I will see if I can accomplish my review in time to get you on the August 20th meeting agenda, although I cannot promise anything. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org From: Davies,Ashley [mailto:adavies@williamsmullen.com] Sent: Monday,July 16, 2018 3:18 PM To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org> Subject: Brookhill [IWOV-IWOVRIC.FID1700518] Hi Heather, Nice to see you today. Thanks for your input on the Brookhill project. I was hoping to get your input on how to expedite the follow-up round of review for the apartment buildings. We are prepared to turn around all of the submittal sheets within the next few days, as it seems like about 80%of the comments were regarding site plan notes and details. We also have the updated elevations of floor plans to include. The only items which would need to come back to you later this month would be the new renderings that Bruce requested to have a more comprehensive view of the project from the EC. Could you let me know whether it is possible to get on the August schedule if we can get materials that address staff comments to you this week? Thanks, Ashley Ashley Cooper Davies I Land Use Planner I Williams Mullen 321 East Main St. Suite 400 I Charlottesville, VA 22902-3200 T 434.951.5725 I F 434.817.0977 I adaviesaawilliamsmullen.com I www.williamsmullen.com NOTICE: Information contained in this transmission to the named addressee is proprietary and is subject to attorney-client privilege and work product confidentiality. If the recipient of this transmission is not the named addressee,the recipient should immediately notify the sender and destroy the information transmitted without making any copy or distribution thereof. 1 Heather McMahon From: Heather McMahon Sent: Friday,July 13, 2018 10:43 AM To: 'Ryan Yauger' Cc: Ashley Davies Subject: Brookhill, block 4, Final SDP: the 50' landscape buffer around the SWMF Hi Ryan and Ashley, I just heard from Rebecca Ragsdale in regard to the issue with the 50' landscape buffer around the existing VDOT stormwater management facility as it's described in the Code of Development for Brookhill.You will need to request a variation to the buffer standards in the code of development and application plan when you submit for a special exceptions(for the setbacks).The code of development language doesn't leave Zoning staff room to interpret it differently based on intent. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 1 Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2018 4:14 PM To: Heather McMahon Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: RE:ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Blocks 4A &4B, Final Thank you, Heather! I appreciate you working with us on this one to get it on the 16th agenda. -Ryan From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent:Thursday,July 05, 2018 4:04 PM To: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject:ARB2018-83: Brookhill, Blocks 4A&4B, Final Hi Ryan, Please find attached your notification letter relaying the ARB meeting date at which this case will be reviewed. Hard copies of the letter will go out in tomorrow's post. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org i Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Tuesday,June 19, 2018 3:34 PM To: Heather McMahon Cc: v152000@nf.bohlereng.com Subject: RE: Brookhill, Blocks 4a&b, Final -- slip-sheeting Hi Heather, Just wanted to follow up and let you know that everything has been slip sheeted, and is ready to go for your review. Thank you again for working with us, and hopefully we will be able to be placed on the July 16th meeting agenda. Thank you again, Ryan From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,June 18, 2018 5:34 PM To: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject: Brookhill, Blocks 4a&b, Final --slip-sheeting Hi Ryan, We are going to keep you docketed on the August 6 ARB meeting but endeavor to push you up on the July 16 meeting; however, we will need the correct plan set asap. Please come down and slip-sheet the eight site plan sets at your earliest convenience. I have left them down at intake for you. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 1 Heather McMahon From: Ryan Yauger <ryauger@bohlereng.com> Sent: Monday,June 18, 2018 5:46 PM To: Heather McMahon Subject: RE: Brookhill, Blocks 4a&b, Final -- slip-sheeting Thank you, Heather. We will be down first thing tomorrow morning in order to slip sheet and not delay your review any longer. Thank you for helping us out and working with us on this one. Thanks! Ryan From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,June 18, 2018 5:34 PM To: Ryan Yauger<ryauger@bohlereng.com> Subject: Brookhill, Blocks 4a&b, Final --slip-sheeting Hi Ryan, We are going to keep you docketed on the August 6 ARB meeting but endeavor to push you up on the July 16 meeting; however,we will need the correct plan set asap. Please come down and slip-sheet the eight site plan sets at your earliest convenience. I have left them down at intake for you. Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org 1 BOHLER ENGINEERING 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201,Warrenton,VA 20186 Professional Engineering Services Telephone:(540)349-4500 Fax: (540)349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VIA: Federal Express TO: Albemarle County RE: ARB-2018-83 Architecture Review Board Block 4 Apartments—3rd Submission 401 McIntire Road Brookhill Development Charlottesville, VA 22902 Route 29 (Seminole Trail Road) and State Route (434)296-5832 643 (Polo Grounds Road) Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County ATTN: Heather McMahon DATE: October 8,2018 JOB NO: V152000 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings ❑Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Prints ❑Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V152000 10/8/18 1-4 of 4 Comment Response Letter 1 V152000 6/8/18 3 10/8/18 C-701&C-702 Landscape Plan 2 V152000 6/8/18 3 10/8/18 1-27 of 27 Final Site Plan These Are Transmitted: ®For approval ['For your use ®As requested ❑For review and comment ['Approved as submitted ❑Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections REMARKS: Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for the Brookhill Development project in Charlottesville, VA. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540)349-4500. RECEIVED OCT 08Z1 cOMMUNkF Dwrof COPY TO: SIGNED: 7( We.... Ryan Yauger,P.E. File f! • IM B 0 H L E R 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201 () Warrenton,VA 20186 PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING October 8, 2018 Via Hand Delivery County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Attn: Heather McMahon Re: SDP2018000014 Final Site Plan (Block 4A and 4B Apartments) 3"Review Response Brookhill Development Route 29 (Seminole Trail Road) and State Route 643 (Polo Grounds Road) Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V 152000 Dear Ms. McMahon: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Riverbend Development, the 3' Submission Final Site Plan for the Block 4 Apartments located in the Brookhill Development project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated October 2,2018. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Comment 1: Provide a more complete site plan set for ARB review. Include the following sheets: 100- 106A, 201-203,301-502, 701-706,and 901-903. Response 1: Acknowledged. Comment 2: Check the parking calculations on C-701, C-702, and C-703. Response 2: Parking calculations have been corrected. Comment 3: Provide the total lumens and the full catalog description for models LT5 and LT6 in the luminaire schedules on C-704 and C-705. Graphically show the locations of these proposed model light fixtures(LT5 and LT6) on the photometric lighting plans. Response 3: Lumens have been provided and these fixtures have been shown graphically. Comment 4: There seem to be alternative catalog numbers for Models A-C as shown in the manufacturer's specifications on C-706 as opposed to the catalog numbers listed in the luminaire schedules on C-704 and C-705. Additionally, the catalog numbers for Models LT5 and LT6 listed in the luminaire schedules are either incomplete or incorrect when compared to the manufacturer's specifications provided on C-706. Rectify these discrepancies. Response 4: Specifications have been revised to resolve the discrepancies. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM (j B J H L E R Heather McMahon ENGINEERING Brookhill Development Section I,Block 4—Final Site Plan 3rd Review Response October 8,2018 Page 2 of 4 Comment 5: The number (quantity) of Model D lights listed in the luminaire schedule is 76, but only 72 were counted. Rectify the error or point out where the unaccounted for 4 are graphically drawn on the lighting plans. Response 5: This quantity has been corrected on the schedule. Comment 6: Provide photometric values in all areas of the lighting plans(C-704 and C-705)which are currently blank or white (highlighted yellow in the annotated drawings that accompany these comments). Ensure that no footcandle value exceeds the standard 20 footcandle maximum in the EC Overlay District. Response 6: Photometric values have been generated for the missing areas per markup provided. Comment 7: One Model A light has not been drawn on the northeast corner of the pool area in Block 4A on the landscape plan, C-702. Correctly correlate all free-standing light fixtures proposed in the lighting plans (C-704 and C-705) with landscape plans (C-701 and C- 702). Response 7: Light pole was hidden by an overlapping label. This has been corrected. Comment 8: There is spillover in excess of 0.5 footcandles in the entrances to both blocks from Archer Avenue that appear to be in the public right-of-way. These must be reduced to 0.5 or lower fc. Response 8: Light poles at the entrance were shifted and footcandle values were updated. Comment 9: Previous (8-24-18) ARB comments requested that the applicant "Revise the landscape plans on C-701 and C-702 to call out the number and types of shrubbery proposed for Stella Lane and Archer Avenue. Rectify the plant schedules to correspond to the illustration." This has been done except for the shrubbery proposed around the roundabout/circle at the conjunction of Stella Lane and Archer Avenue. That which is graphically represented and listed in plant schedules on C-703 should have labels as well so that the number of plants can be counted and verified by staff. Response 9: Labels have been provided for the plantings at the roundabout. Comment 10: There is a match line between sheets C-701 and C-702 which lies in the center of Archer Avenue; therefore, the landscape schedule on C-701 should provide the quantity of the street trees and shrubs within the scope of Block 4B while the landscape schedule on C- 702 should provide the quantity of street trees and shrubs within the scope of Block 4A— not the combined numbers across the match line. Response 10: Landscape schedules have been revised to differentiate plantings between each block. Please see Sheets C-701 and C-702. Comment 11: One Zelkova has been added to the southwest corner of the central civic space in Block 4B within 5' on center from a water line. Four Zelkovas on the southern end of Block 4A and one Zelkova on the western edge of Block 4A are proposed to be planted between 5' and 7' on center to water and sewer lines. Revise the landscape plan so that all large shade trees are planted with distances of 7' or greater from the center of water and sewer lines. Response 11: Shade trees specified have been shifted to provide adequate separation. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM • () B O H L E R Heather McMahon ENGINEERING Brookhill Development Section 1,Block 4—Final Site Plan 3`d Review Response October 8,2018 Page 3 of 4 Comment 12: Foundation landscaping has been added graphically to the revised plans and the plants are listed in a plant schedule on C-703 entitled "Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule." However, the schedule appears to be a combined landscape schedule of all plants proposed across the entire site (foundation plantings, street plantings, and landscape buffer plantings); this misnomer should be rectified. Furthermore, some species listed in the Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule have not been graphically located on the landscape plans or they are the roundabout/circle plantings and have not been labeled; this should be rectified. Additionally, the quantities of the foundation plantings provided in the Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule on C-703 do not correspond with the numbers of those species drawn on C-701 and C-702 and the abbreviations in the Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule for the species are not consistent with the abbreviations given in other schedules. Rectify these errors and discrepancies. Response 12: Per discussion with the ARB, the foundation plantings have been removed from this plan set. Comment 13: Rectify the discrepancy in the number of Zelkovas illustrated on C-701 and those in the detail of the tree canopy in Block 4B provided on sheet C-703. Response 13: Discrepancy has been resolved. Comment 14: Errors persist in the plant schedules: • Schedule on C-701: o QPH= 10,not 11 4 subtotal of shade trees=98,not 99 o CKM=6,not 5 4 subtotal of ornamental trees=49,not 48 o MG= 11,not 9 4 subtotal of evergreen trees= 136,not 134 o IV=44 (possibly 57,because another 13 without a label were found in the SW corner of the SWMF),not 34 4 subtotal of deciduous shrubs=90 (possibly 103),not 80. o Cannot locate graphically on the plans(no labels): 30 ICG, 69 IGC,or 47 TMD o UAP = 7, not 9; QS = 21,not 23 4 subtotal = 28, not 32 (do not count the UAP and QS on the other side of the match line,i.e. in Block 4A) o PXOL = 107, not 193; MCE not located on C-702 and should not be listed in schedule; IGC = 66, not 129; and subtotal= 173, not 360. Do not count the PXOL, MCE, and IGC on the other side of the match line,i.e. in Block 4A. • Schedule on C-702: o Cannot locate graphically on the plans (no labels): ICG, IGC,or TMD o UAP = 26, not 18 (count the ones on the east side and south end of Stella Lane!); QS = 10, not 12 4 subtotal shade street trees = 36, not 49. Do not count the QS on the other side of the match line,in Block 4B. o PXOL = 181, not 193; MCE = 76, not 38; IGC = 63, not 129; subtotal = 320. Do not count the PXOL,MCE, and IGC on the other side of the match line,i.e. in Block 4B. o There are foundation plants along Building A in both blocks that are missing labels. There are missing and incorrect labels throughout the landscape plans, which have been circled or annotated in red. • Schedule on C-703: o ALL foundation plants shown along the building walls that are listed in the schedule have incorrect quantities. o The "Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule" includes trees not graphically shown along the building walls AND several plants not shown/labeled on either landscape plans (C- 701 or C-702). CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM • EillB O H L E R Heather McMahon E. G I N E E R I N G Brookhill Development Section 1,Block 4—Final Site Plan 3rd Review Response October 8,2018 Page 4 of 4 o Why does the myrica cerifora listed in the plant schedules on C-701, C-702, and C-703 have three different abbreviations (i.e., MYC, MCR, and MCE) when they appear to be the same plant species? Furthermore, why do almost all of the species listed in the "Foundation Landscape Plan Schedule"on C-703 have differing abbreviations from those in the"Combined Landscape Schedule"?They should be consistent throughout. Response 14: All listed errors have been resolved. Please see Sheets C-701,C-702,and C-703 Comment 15: There is a label for 11 NDCP on the south side of the clubhouse in Block 4A that do not have graphic representations. Conversely, there are graphics that don't have labels throughout the plan, especially in the landscape buffer area and along the streets. Additionally several labels are in error. These have been noted as "no label"or"n.l." and circled in red on the annotated plans that have been provided with these comments. Response 15: Labeling errors have been resolved. Please see Sheets C-701 & C-702. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering VA, LLC 2P-S/- 3.s4r- Ryan Yauger, P.E. RY/jb/bb H:\151V 152000\Administrative\Letters\Block 4(Apartments)\ARB\181008 Block 4 ARB Final Site Plan 3rd Review.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM RECEIVEC- OCT99 ZiAa BOHLER ENGIINEERING 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201,Warrenton,VA 20186 Professional Engineering Services Telephone: (540)349-4500 Fax:(540)349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VIA: Federal Express TO: Albemarle County RE: ARB-2018-83 Architecture Review Board Block 4 Apartments—2'Submission 401 McIntire Road Brookhill Development Charlottesville,VA 22902 Route 29 (Seminole Trail Road) and State Route (434)296-5832 643 (Polo Grounds Road) Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County ATTN: Heather McMahon DATE: September 17, 2018 JOB NO: V152000 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings 0 Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Prints 0 Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V152000 9/14/18 1 of 1 Revised Application Submittal Form 1 V152000 9/17/18 1-3 of 3 Comment Response Letter 2 V152000 7/2/18 3 8/10/18 A4.01 Building Type A—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A4.02 Building Type A—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A4.11 Building Type B—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A4.21 Building Type C—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A4.31 Building Type D—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A4.41 Building Type E—Elevations 2 V152000 7/2/18 8/10/18 A52.01 Trash Enclosure and Elevations 1 2 V152000 6/8/18 2 9/10/18 1-14 of 14 Final Site Plan These Are Transmitted: ®For approval ❑For your use As requested ❑For review and comment ❑Approved as submitted ❑Approved as noted ❑Returned for corrections REMARKS: Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for the Brookhill Development project in Charlottesville,VA. Should you have any questions or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540)349-4500. COPY TO: SIGNED: RECEIVED SEP8 2018 7NC...°-' COMMUNITY Ryan Yauger, P.E. File DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development REVISED APPLICATION SUBMITTAL This form must be returned with your revisions to ensure proper tracking and distribution.County staff has indicated below what they think will be required as a resubmission of revisions. If you need to submit additional information please explain on this form for the benefit of the intake staff. All plans must be collated and folded to fit into legal size files,in order to be accepted for submittal. TO: Heather McMahon DATE: q/) -I ! (73 PROJECT NAME: ARB-2018-83 Brookhill Blocks 4A and 4B Final Submittal Type Requiring Revisions O indicates Submittal Code County Project Number #Copies Erosion&Sediment Control Plan(E&S) Mitigation Plan(MP) Waiver Request(WR) Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP) Road Plan(RP) Private Road Request,with private/public comparison(PRR) Private Road Request—Development Area(PRR-DA) Preliminary Site Plan(PSP) Final Site Plan(or amendment)(FSP) Final Plat(FP) Preliminary Plat(PP) Easement Plat(EP) Boundary Adjustment Plat(BAP) Rezoning Plan(REZ) Special Use Permit Concept Plan(SP-CP) Reduced Concept Plan(R-CP) Proffers(P) Bond Estimate Request(BER) Draft Groundwater Management Plan(D-GWMP) Final Groundwater Management Plan(F-GWMP) Aquifer Testing Work Plan(ATWP) Groundwater Assessment Report(GWAR) Architectural Review Board(ARB) 2 Other: Please explain (For staff use only) Submittal Code #Copies Distribute To: Submittal Code #Copies Distribute To: ARB 1 Heather McMahon TM BOH LER 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201 Warrenton,VA 20186 PHONE 540.349.4500 ENGINEERING September 17,2018 Via Federal Express County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Attn: Heather McMahon Re: SDP2018000014 Final Site Plan (Block 4A and 4B Apartments) 2"d Review Response Brookhill Development Route 29 (Seminole Trail Road) and State Route 643 (Polo Grounds Road) Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County BE#V152000 Dear Ms. McMahon: Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Riverbend Development, the 2"d Submission Final Site Plan for the Block 4 Apartments located in the Brookhill Development project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated August 24,2018. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Comment 1: Revise the architectural elevations to call out the materials listed in the Elevation Key Notes. Revise the Elevation Key Notes to omit those materials or architectural features that are not proposed for these buildings. Response 1: Elevation key notes have been revised as requested. Comment 2: Coordinate the dimensions of the trash enclosures between the architectural and site plans. Show the ramp/stair structures on the site plan.Coordinate the ramp/stair structures with proposed landscaping without reducing plant quantities or degree of screening. Response 2: Site Plan has been revised to accurately show the proposed trash enclosure per the architectural drawings. Please see Sheets C-301 and C-302. Comment 3: Consider increasing the level of detail in the west elevation of Building C, Block 4B, consistent with that provided in Building B. Response 3: Elevations have been updated accordingly. Comment 4: Provide the window glass note on the architectural elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review. Response 4: The requested note has been added. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM BO H L E R Heather McMahon I c: i ` I I H I u Brookhill Development Section 1,Block 4—Final Site Plan 2nd Review Response September 17,2018 Page 2 of 3 Comment 5: Illustrate electric, gas,telephone and cable utilities on the site plan, or indicate that no such utilities are proposed. Response 5: No dry utilities will be proposed with the civil plan set. Please see note added to the Utility Plan sheets. Comment 6: Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the architectural elevations: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. Response 6: Standard note has been added. Comment 7: Provide total lumens in the luminaire schedule for all proposed lights. Response 7: Luminaire schedule has been updated as requested. Comment 8: Revise the lighting plans to include the illumination output from the proposed light fixtures on the Clubhouse and the Fitness Building in Block 4A. Add the proposed light fixtures graphically to the site plan. Include the light fixtures' specifications in the luminaire schedules. Response 8: Fixture locations have been added to the plan and the fixture specifications have been added to the luminaire schedule. However, per discussion with the lighting consultant, modelling files do not exist for these fixtures and they are not typically included in a site lighting model. Comment 9: Revise the lighting plan such that no footcandle value exceeds 20 fc. Response 9: Lighting Plan has been revised to show an accurate maximum fc value which does not exceed 20. Please see Sheets C-704 and C-705. Comment 10: Provide a note on the lighting plan that 18 feet is the maximum mounting height from grade for the pole lights, inclusive of the base. Response 10: Requested note has been added. Comment 11: Provide the standard lighting note on the lighting plans(C-704 and C-705). Response 11: Standard lighting note has been added. Please see Sheet C-704 and C-705. Comment 12: Revise the plan to eliminate conflicts between light poles and trees. Response 12: Plan has been revised to eliminate conflicts. Comment 13: Reduce the depth of the planting gap along the western wall of the southwestern building in Block 4B and the beginning of the landscape buffer to 10' by adding trees. Response 13: Plantings have been revised to reduce the gap in the area requested. Comment 14: Revise the landscape plans on C-701 and C-702 to call out the number and types of shrubbery proposed for Stella Lane and Archer Avenue. Rectify the plant schedules to correspond to the illustration. Response 14: Landscape plans have been revised to call out the trees and shrubs along Archer Avenue and Stella Lane. Street landscaping tables updated accordingly. Comment 15: Revise the plan to resolve all utility/landscape conflicts. Response 15: Plan has been revised to resolve utility conflicts. CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM • () B 0 H L E R Heather McMahon ENGINEERING Brookhill Development Section 1,Block 4—Final Site Plan 2nd Review Response September 17,2018 Page 3 of 3 Comment 16: Graphically provide the numbers and varieties of shrubs proposed for the foundations of those buildings lining Archer Avenue. Ensure that no proposed shrub exceeds in quantity 25%of the total shrub count. Response 16: Foundation shrubs have been added to the plan and schedule. Comment 17: Provide an additional 55 feet of landscape frontage on the west side of the stormwater management facility to the northwest of Block 4B to join the existing treeline or proposed 100' frontage landscape buffer. Response 17: Additional landscaping has been added in the area requested. Comment 18: Rectify the errors and discrepancies in the plant schedules on C-701,C-702,and C-703. Response 18: Discrepancies have been resolved. Comment 19: Address the discrepancy in the number of Zelkovas illustrated on C-701 and those in the detail of the tree canopy in Block 4B provided on sheet C-703. Response 19: Discrepancy has been resolved. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at(540)349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering VA,LLC ar. Ryan Yauger,P.E. RY/jb/bb H:\15\V 152000\Administrative\Letters\Block 4(Apartments)\ARB\180917 Block 4 ARB Final Site Plan 2nd Review.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOH LER ENGINEER ING.COM COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 July 3, 2018 Alan Taylor C/O Riverbend Development 455 2nd Street, NE Suite 400 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: ARB-2018-83 Brookhill Blocks 4A and 4B Final Dear Mr. Taylor, The above -noted item will be reviewed by the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board on Monday, July 16, 2018. The Board will review this item in Conference Room 241, at 1:00 p.m. in the County Office Building, Second Floor, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the application. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, t" 9d1bC1t_*" Heather McMahon Senior Planner Cc: Haugh, Charles R & E J Oglesby Jr T 435 Park St Charlottesville, Va 22901 Ryan Yauger C/O Bohler Engineering 28 Blackwell Park Lane Suite 201 Warrenton, Va 20186 File