HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800027 Calculations 2019-03-12MARTHA JEFFERSON HOSPITAL APARTMENTS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS PACKET (WPO 201800027) Date of Calculations J U LY 26, 2018 Revised on MARCH 12, 2019 PREPARED BY: COLLINS 200 GARRETT STREET, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 FX www.collins-engineering.com OIL SCL7T7- R. COLLINS Lip. A10. 03576-7 � w•y hr�" . �L•;. SCS TR-55 Calculations (The following summaries of the Stormwater Quantity Calculations/Compliances are provided for each subarea to assist the reviewer.) Subarea A Summary: Subarea A ( ) drains to a Level II wet pond that provides stormwater quality and quantity treatment. The 1-, 2-, 10- and 100-year design storm routings can be viewed in the ✓1JH Apartments- Level 11 Wet Pond rsourirn documents. Channel protection for subarea A is met through 9VAC25-870-66, subsection B.3.a. The limits of the channel protection analysis end at the wet pond since subdivision 3 of the aforementioned subsection is utilized. Flood protection is met through 9VAC25-870-66, subsection C.2.b. The limits of the flood protection analysis ends at the dry detention cell's outfall since section C.2.b is met. Subarea B Summary: Subarea B (DA B-UG►.) drains to an underground detention system for stormwater quantity treatment. The underground detention system then outfalls into a dry detention cell( -► rs-►ora,) for secondary stormwater quantity treatment. Because there are two separate subareas, four different design storms and multiple hydrographs, the applicant will attempt to assist the reviewer by providing a summary of the extensive work performed and its methodology. Subarea B was analyzed for stormwater quantity as follows: A. was analyzed in the TR-55 SCS Method worksheets 2, 3 and 4. This subarea was then routed in the 'MJH Apartments- UGD System' calculations. The routings were then used to generate the 1-, 2-, 10- and 100-year'Outflow Hydrgoraphs from UGD System'. Please note, the raw data with time increments of 0.02 hours for a duration of 24.5 hours for each storm event were used in the calculations throughout for optimal accuracy. However to avoid providing dozens of pages of raw data for each design storm, condensed summaries of the hydrographs have been provided within this packet. B. Following step A described above, 1-, 2-, 10- and 100-year'Inflow Hydrographs From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea' were created. These inflow hydrographs represent the area draining to the dry detention cell that were not routed in the underground detention system and previously accounted for in step A. These inflow hydrographs were created using the same 0.02 hour increments over a period of 24.5 hours. Similar to above, condensed summaries of the hydrographs have been provided to avoid dozens of pages of raw data for each design storm. C. The'Outflow Hydrgoraphs from UGD System' were then summed with the 'Inflow Hydrographs From DAB Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subaru '.The combined 1-, 2-, 10- and 100-year hydrograph data represent the flows feeding the dry detention cell. These combined hydrographs are named 1-, 2-, 10- and 100-Year "Combined Inflow Hydrographs to Detention Cel►'. These hydrographs were then routed in the 'MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings' and represent the inflow hydrographs to the facility. Channel protection for subarea B was analyzed in 9VAC25-870-66, subsection B.3.a. Please note, in order to meet 9VAC25-870-66 energy balance calculations with the small Q Allowed calculated, a low -flow orifice less than 3" is required. However a low -flow orifice this small, even with a trashrack, increases the risk of clogging. To resolve this concern the design provides an underground detention system with a 4" low -flow orifice followed by a dry detention cell with a 3" low -flow orifice. Having a minimum low -flow orifice diameter of 3" is in accordance with prior Albemarle County Engineering direction and with the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse, which states "Orifices less than 3 inches in diameter may require extra attention during design to minimize the potential for clogging." Flood protection was also analyzed for subarea B and is compliant with minimum requirements. Flood protection is met via subsection C.2.b of 9VAC25-870-66. The limits of the flood protection analysis ends at the dry detention cell's outfall since subsection C.2.b is met. Subarea C Summary: Subarea C ( ) drains to a proposed adequate channel that contains the 1-, 2- and 10-year design storms within its banks. The proposed manmade riprap-lined channel is not erosive during these design storms and was designed in accordance with the VESCH standard and specification 3.19. These flows, along with subareas A and B, were analyzed in the TR-55 SCS Method worksheets 2, 3 and 4. Please see the accompanying Riprap Lined Outfall Channel Calculations for subarea C for additional details. Channel protection for subarea C is met through 9VAC25-870-66, subsection B.1.a. The limits of the channel protection analysis ends at the riprap channel's outfall since its subarea is less than or equal to 1% of the existing downstream channel's overall watershed. This compliance is shown in 9VAC25-870-66, subsection B.4.a and the attached ` ,jbarea C- One Percent Exhibit'. Flood protection is met through 9VAC25-870-66, subsection C.2.a. The limits of the flood protection analysis also ends at the riprap channel's outfall since subarea C is less than or equal to 1% of the existing downstream channel's overall watershed. This compliance is shown in 9VAC25-870-66, subsection C.3.a. Soils Table (Source: NRCS Web Soil Survey Online Database) Albemarle County. Virginia (VA0031 Albemarle County, Virginia (VA003) Map Unit Map Unit Name Percent of AOI symbol 23C Davidson clay 1.811/0 loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 59❑ Myersville very 8.811/0 stony silt loam, 15to25 percent slopes 71❑ Rabun clay 0.6% loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 72C3 Rabun clay, 7 24.1% to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded 72D3 Rabun clay, 15 18.60/a to 25 percent slopes, severely eroded 73❑ Rabun very 18.60/0 stony clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 73E Rabun very 26.70/6 stony clay loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes 89B Unison silt 0.40/6 loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes W Water 0.30/6 Totals for Area of 100.00/0 Interest Note: The NRCS web soil survey has catorgized this parcel's soil types as predominantley having hydrologic group types of B. Precipitation Data (Source: NOAA's National Weather Service, Hydrometerorological Design Studies Center, Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates) slap ❑� Terrain f� ryp f4l�5' T �31�r 4�i r cc $r'! Sy �i�nl•'t•'rJ r i f sr f ro� ti ,y �7 M O�f6S GTctiK 1-9 ,,pr ES 0,4km 2mi POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY (PF) ESTIMATES WITH WX3 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 e d PDS-based precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 500 �� 7 2 5 7D 25 50 100 2D0 10D0 24-hr 3.02 3.65 d.66 5.52 6.78 7.87 9.07 70.4 12.4 94.7 (2 71-3 39) [3 28-4.10] (4.18-5 24) (4 92-6 18) [6 N-7 57] (6 93A 76) (7 92-10 1 } [8 98-713] [10 5-73 7] (71 8-15 6} U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service FL-ENG-21A 06/04 TR 55 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Project: Martha Jefferson Hospital Apartments Designed By: FGM, PE Date: 3/12/2019 Location: Peter Jefferson Parkway Checked By: SRC, PE Date: 3/12/2019 Check One: Present X Developed 1. Runoff curve Number (CN) Cover description CN (weighted) _Calculated Drainage Area Soil name and hydrologic (Cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent CN Area Product of CN total product/ 'S' Description group (Appendix A) impervious; unconnected/ connected impervious area ratio) (Acres) xArea total area Value Impervious Areas 98 0.05 5.1 DA A Woods in Good Condition 55 2.66 146.3 (Present) B Bare, Exposed Pervious Areas 86 1.55 133.3 64.2 5.57 Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 3.36 204.9 Impervious Areas 98 0.00 0.0 DA B Woods in Good Condition 55 1.10 60.5 (Present) B Bare, Exposed Pervious Areas 86 0.20 17.2 60.6 6.50 Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 2.79 170.2 Impervious Areas 98 3.80 372.6 DAA B Woods in Good Condition 55 0.00 0.0 84.4 1.85 (Developed) Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 2.22 135.3 Impervious Areas 98 2.85 279.3 DAB - Total (Developed) B Woods in Good Condition 55 0.00 0.0 81.2 2.31 Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 2.36 144.0 Impervious Areas 98 0.21 20.5 DA C B Woods in Good Condition 55 0.00 0.0 77.1 2.97 (Developed) Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 0.27 16.5 Impervious Areas 98 2.71 265.4 DA B- UGD B Woods in Good Condition 55 0.00 0.0 83.0 2.05 (Developed) Lawns in Good Condition (75%+Groundcover) 61 1.85 113.0 2. Runoff 1-Year Storm 2-Year Storm 10-Year Storm Drainage Area Description Frequency -years 1 2 10 n/a Rainfall, P (24 hour)- inches 3.02 3.65 5.52 n/a Runoff, Q- inches 0.49 0.79 1.95 DA A (Present) Runoff, Q- inches 0.36 0.62 1.66 DA B (Present) Runoff, Q- inches 1.56 2.10 3.79 DA A (Developed) Runoff, Q- inches 1.34 1.85 3.47 DA B-Total (Developed) Runoff, Q- inches 1.09 1.55 3.07 DA C(Developed) Runoff, Q-inches 1.46 1.98 3.65 DA B-UGD (Developed) U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (T) or Travel Time (T) Project: Martha Jefferson Hospital Apartments Location: Peter Jefferson Parkway Check One: Present X Developed X Check One: T, X Tt Sheet Flow: (Applicable to T, only) Designed By: FGM, PE Checked By: SRC, PE Through subarea n/a FL-ENG-21A 06/04 Date: 3/12/2019 Date: 3/12/2019 DA A DA B DA A DA B - Total DA C DA B- UGD Segment ID: (Present) (Present) (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) (Developed) 1 Surface description (Table 3-1) Dense Grass Dense Grass 2 Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1 0.24 0.24 3 Flow length, L (total L < 100) (ft) 100 100 4 Two-year 24-hour rainfall, PZ (in.) 3.7 3.7 5 Land slope, s (ft/ft) 0.19 0.16 6 Compute Tt = [0.007(n*L)08] / PZ .s s ° 0.09 0.10 Shallow Concentrated Flow: 7 Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved Unpaved 8 Flow Length, L (ft) 775 635 9 Watercourse slope, s (ft/ft) 0.108 0.110 10 Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) (ft/s) 5.2 5.3 11 Tt = L / 3600*V 0.04 0.03 Channel Flow: 12 Cross sectional flow area, a (ft) 13 Wetted perimeter, P. (ft) 14 Hydraulic radius, r = a/Pw (ft) 15 Channel Slope, s (ft/ft) 16 Manning's Roughness Coeff, n 17 V= [ 1.49r2/35 .5 ] / n 18 Flow length, L (ft) 19 Tt= L / 3600*V 20 Watershed or subarea TcorTt (Add Tt in steps 6, 11 and 19) 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30 Note: The most conservative post -development SCS Tc is 0.10 hrs. a) a) O O \ \ N N rl ci (M (M al al -0 -0 a) a) u on ar U1 L 0 U m v O Q •2 _ O a Li - cL e-I w O_ D O n O O u m O O M 00 `! O = O i Q Q Q O ra � O � Q O N U Q O O O as Q .° o a ci N C M N O 00 •i i 2 o c-i ci = O C vui m > O 00 O O Q Q Q O t6 _ i O O O N zT Q Q Q o V 0 to Qp > O Q O r6 O NQ m N loo lD M tou Q v O p '"1 - O Q o a O r o 0 t6 i O Q •2 Q O Q Q a ci N M m u Q QJ iON p a o to O a, a c a1 u O O N O O ai � u fa vi o u L Z a J N .--I Il O Ln 0) o Ln :3- O O iD c-I ci Ln O O O0 M O N Ln e-I ci o m -Zt N lq V ci o Q1 c-I M M o o 2 c-I Ln N c-I V m to m c l ui o o c-I M N ry lD Lfl c-I ^ Lfl iy c-I N Cil O Ln m O c-I o m " ^ o i--I W c•n o o m o N LD 00 O I, co 0 Ln -zt O 0 -zt i--I Ol vi o o 0 0 r6 o0 Mi 1p N 1p � - o cq c-I lD M O O 2c-I O N �o Ln LnM ZT i o v ci e a "i O O M 00 Ln M O 0 r� a --I N c-I m I, o 00 O Ln ry io m ci i o0 M O O N N N I, N m LD N c-I O M e-1 N Lq c-I o1 m O O c O U! ll/ N LnlD Ln c-I O c-I Ol ry m lD o M Lo M Ln - N lD i--I Dl o m -A o n o m ry O m Ln Lo Ln ci o m v I, rn ci Ln O N Ln .-i ei O N p p m Ol a --I o0 Lri ci O c-I o N ry Ln to ci a --I o M p Ln Ql I, ci -tt o M -i o - o 00 N a-i I- Ln Ol Ol a -I O -! In - Z� - 't M cq o N O LL N a1 o L u � � w N c N ai a)E L u O a) L u E u Y LL cL O_ U U L ° E m a E a on o n u O a, a � O w E v LL .Fu cc ._ - O v> O 7 cc O a ) a1 a t N I M V V) lD I-: 00 Ql 3 Watershed Summary CN Area 1-Year Flow 2-Year Flow 10-Year Flow DA A (Present) 64.2 7.62 4.49 8.04 20.87 DA A (Developed) 84.4 6.02 0.92 2.85 13.23 CN Area 1-Year Flow 2-Year Flow 10-Year Flow DA B (Present) 60.6 4.09 1.55 3.09 9.29 DA B -Total (Developed) 81.2 5.21 0.45 0.64 8.98 CN Area 1-Year Flow 2-Year Flow 10-Year Flow DA C (Developed) 77.1 0.48 0.80 1.13 2.31 Area Summary Ip re-Development DA A & B 11.71 ac. ost-Development DA A, B & C 11.71 ac. 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea A Section B: Channel Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet the criteria in subdivision 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection..." Section B.1: Manmade stormwater conveyance systems "When stormwater from a development is discharged to a manmade stormwater conveyance system, following the land -disturbing activity, either..." a. or b. shall be met: Section 13.1.1b. "The peak discharge requirements for concentrated stormwater flow to natural stormwater conveyance systems in subdivision 3 of this subsection shall be met." Section B.3 "When stormwater from a development is discharged to a natural stormwater conveyance system, the maximum peak flow rate from the one-year 24-hour storm following the land - disturbing activity shall be calculated either..." a. or b." Section B.3.a. In accordance with the following methodology: Q Developed _< I•F• (Q Pre -Developed RV Pre -Developed) RV Developed Q Allowed _< 1.12 cfs Q Developed < 0.92 cfs (From Routings) Section B.4 Limits of Analysis Where: Q Pre -Developed - 4.49 cfs CN Pre -Developed— 64.2 S Pre -Developed - 5.57 RV Pre -Developed - 0.49 In. CN Post -Developed- 84.4 S Post -Developed - 1.85 RV Post -Developed - 1.56 in. The analysis terminates at the SWM facility since "...subdivision 3 of this subsection is utiilzed to shown compliance with the channel protection criteria..." 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea A Section C: Flood Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet one of the following criteria as demonstrated by use of acceptable hydrologic and hydraulic methodologies:" Section C.2.b.: The point of discharge "releases a postdevelopment peak flow rate for the 10-year 24-hour storm event that is less than the predevelopment peak flow rate from the 10-year 24-hour storm event. Downstream stormwater conveyance systems do not require any additional analysis to show compliance with flood protection criteria if this option is utilized." Section C.3 Limits of Analysis The analysis terminates at the proposed SWM facility since subsection C.2.b is met. 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea B- Total Section B: Channel Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet the criteria in subdivision 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection..." Section B.1: Manmade stormwater conveyance systems "When stormwater from a development is discharged to a manmade stormwater conveyance system, following the land -disturbing activity, either..." a. or b. shall be met: Section 113.1.1b. "The peak discharge requirements for concentrated stormwater flow to natural stormwater conveyance systems in subdivision 3 of this subsection shall be met." Section B.3 "When stormwater from a development is discharged to a natural stormwater conveyance system, the maximum peak flow rate from the one-year 24-hour storm following the land - disturbing activity shall be calculated either..." a. or b." Section B.3.a. In accordance with the following methodology: Q Developed _ I.F. (Q Pre -Developed RV Pre -Developed) RV Developed Q Allowed < 0.33 cfs Where: Q Pre -Developed - 1.55 cfs CN Pre -Developed— 60.6 S Pre -Developed - 6.50 RV Pre -Developed - 0.36 in. CN Post -Developed— 81.2 S Post -Developed - 2.31 RV Past -Developed- 1.34 In. Energy Balance Notes: In order to meet 9VAC25-870-66 energy balance calculations with the small Q Allowed flow shown above, a low -flow orifice less than 3" is required. However a low -flow orifice, even with a trashrack, increases the risk of clogging. To resolve this concern the design provides an underground detention system with a 4" low -flow orifice followed by a dry detention cell with a 3" low -flow orifice. Having a minimum low -flow orifice diameter of 3" is in accordance with prior Albemarle County Engineering direction and with the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse, which states "Orifices less than 3 inches in diameter may require extra attention during design to minimize the potential for clogging." Q Developed 0.45 cfs (From Routings) 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea B- Total Section C: Flood Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet one of the following criteria as demonstrated by use of acceptable hydrologic and hydraulic methodologies:" Section C.2.b.: The point of discharge "releases a postdevelopment peak flow rate for the 10-year 24-hour storm event that is less than the predevelopment peak flow rate from the 10-year 24-hour storm event. Downstream stormwater conveyance systems do not require any additional analysis to show compliance with flood protection criteria if this option is utilized." Section C.3 Limits of Analysis The analysis terminates at the proposed SWM facility since subsection C.2.b is met. 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea C Section B: Channel Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet the criteria in subdivision 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection..." Section 13.1: Manmade stormwater conveyance systems "When stormwater from a development is discharged to a manmade stormwater conveyance system, following the land -disturbing activity, either..." a. or b. shall be met: Section 13.1.a. "The manmade stormwater conveyance system shall convey the postdevelopment peak flow rate from the two-year 24-hour storm event without causing erosion of the system." NOTE: The proposed storm sewer & riprap lined outfall channel convey the post -development peak flow rate from the two-year 24-hour storm event without causing erosion. Please see the following'Riprap Lined Outfall Channel Calculations' section. Section B Limits of Analysis "stormwater conveyance systems shall be analyzed for compliance with channel protection criteria to a point where either.." a. or b. are met Section B.4.a. "Based on land area, the site's contributing drainage area is less than or equal to 1.0% of the total watershed area;" NOTE: Subarea C is less than or equal to 1% of the existing channel's overall watershed at the end of the riprap / point of discharage. 9 VAC 25-870-66 Subarea C Section C: Flood Protection "Concentrated stormwater flow shall be released into a stormwater conveyance system and shall meet one of the following criteria as demonstrated by use of acceptable hydrologic and hydraulic methodologies:" Section C.2.a.: The point of discharge "Confines the postdevelopment peak flow rate from the 10-year 24- hour storm event within the stormwater conveyance system to avoid the localized flooding." Section C.3.a Limits of Analysis The analysis terminates at the proposed outfall since "The site's contributing drainage area is less than or equal to 1.0% of the total watershed area draining to a point of analysis in the downstream stormwater conveyance system." Level II Wet Pond Routing Calculations (DA A) MJH Apartments- Level II Wet Pond Routings BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: MJH Apartments- Level II Wet Pond Routings 6 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed Vol.(cy) 376.00 682.00 0.0 378.00 2623.00 114.6 379.00 4712.00 248.6 380.00 8311.00 486.6 382.00 14412.00 1317.9 384.00 20500.00 2604.3 Start_Elevation(ft) 380.00 Vol.(cy) Page 1 486.62 MJH Apartments- Level II Wet Pond Routings 4 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Orifice name: Barrel area (sf) 4.909 diameter or depth (in) 30.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 372.500 multiple 1 discharge out of riser Outlet structure 1 Orifice name: Low -Flow Orifice area (sf) 0.196 diameter or depth (in) 6.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 380.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser Outlet structure 2 Weir name: Riser diameter (in) 24.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 381.750 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft) 0.608 orifice coef. 0.500 orifice area (sf) 3.142 Outlet structure 3 Weir name: Emergency Spillway length (ft) 100.000 side angle 75.960 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 382.750 multiple 1 discharge through dam Page 2 MJH Apartments- Level II Wet Pond Routings 4 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 SCS name: 1-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm Area (acres) 6.020 CN 84.400 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 3.020 time of conc. (hrs) 0.1000 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 30.000 fudge factor 1.00 routed true peak flow (cfs) 11.927 peak time (hrs) 11.917 volume (cy) 1262.762 Hydrograph 1 SCS name: 2-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm Area (acres) 6.020 CN 84.400 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 3.650 time of conc. (hrs) 0.1000 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 30.000 fudge factor 1.00 routed true peak flow (cfs) 16.027 peak time (hrs) 11.917 volume (cy) 1696.813 Hydrograph 2 SCS name: 10-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm Area (acres) 6.020 CN 84.400 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 5.520 time of conc. (hrs) 0.1000 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 30.000 fudge factor 1.00 routed true peak flow (cfs) 28.952 peak time (hrs) 11.917 volume (cy) 3065.166 Page 3 Hydrograph 3 SCS name: Area (acres) CN Type rainfall, P (in) time of conc. (hrs) time increment (hrs) time limit (hrs) fudge factor routed peak flow (cfs) peak time (hrs) volume (cy) MJH Apartments- Level II Wet Pond Routings 100-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm 6.020 84.400 2 OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage -indication Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks: 1-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm inflow (cfs) 11.871 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 0.922 at 12.50 (hrs) water level (ft) 381.620 at 12.52 (hrs) storage (cy) 1124.076 Hydrograph 1 Routing Summary of Peaks: 2-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm inflow (cfs) 15.952 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 2.854 at 12.14 (hrs) water level (ft) 381.948 at 12.14 (hrs) storage (cy) 1290.384 Hydrograph 2 Routing Summary of Peaks: 10-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm inflow (cfs) 28.817 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 13.232 at 12.06 (hrs) water level (ft) 382.659 at 12.06 (hrs) storage (cy) 1692.170 Hydrograph 3 Routing Summary of Peaks: 100-yr 24-hr SCS Method Design Storm inflow (cfs) 54.558 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 51.778 at 11.94 (hrs) water level (ft) 382.979 at 11.94 (hrs) storage (cy) 1891.521 Wed Mar 06 10:35:57 EST 2019 Page 4 I owA'k 11I �ec�PT a�� WA�a b � bA'AIJ� LQve�� �oa� j= eR pp a VA F, it RPL't16 a = TQL" V� o � �ct�eh,+� os '7,a o.o\ h r`co- ;Rc L055 da- �)tQ Jc-<o;14nC-AOC R ��t" RCSGA-voiR Or FAc'rN aC- SAS Y 11 �.. FLzW L �KZL1< 15 +Ft ... t> ��a 7 11lTT 31 Ott Underground Detention System Routing Calculations and Hydrographs (DA B-UGD) MJH Apartments- UGD System BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: MJH Apartments- UGD System Facility 0 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed Vol.(cy) 1 Storage Pipes Storage pipe 0 name: Detention Pipe diameter (in) 120.000 length (ft) 162.000 invert (ft) 378.000 angle 0.287 volume (cy) 471.239 Start—Elevation(ft) 378.00 Vol.(cy) 0.00 6 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Orifice name: Outlet Pipe area (sf) 1.227 diameter or depth (in) 15.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 377.970 multiple 1 discharge out of riser Outlet structure 1 Orifice name: Low -Flow Orifice in Weir Plate area (sf) 0.087 diameter or depth (in) 4.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 378.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser Page 1 Outlet structure 2 Orifice MJH Apartments- UGD System name: Mid -Flow Orifice in Weir Plate area (sf) 0.136 diameter or depth (in) 5.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 385.150 multiple 6 discharge into riser Outlet structure 3 Orifice name: Emergeny Spillway Overflow- Weir Plate area (sf) 9.236 diameter or depth (in) 41.150 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 386.250 multiple 1 discharge into riser Outlet structure 4 Weir name: Access MH with Weir Plate diameter (in) 48.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 390.850 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft) 1.215 orifice coef. 0.500 orifice area (sf) 12.566 Outlet structure 5 Weir name: Emergency Bypass Pipe diameter (in) 15.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.000 invert (ft) 386.250 multiple 1 discharge out of riser Page 2 MJH Apartments- UGD System 4 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 SCS name: 1-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm Area (acres) 4.560 CN 83.000 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 3.020 time of conc. (hrs) 0.1000 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 36.000 fudge factor 1.00 routed true peak flow (cfs) 8.463 peak time (hrs) 11.917 volume (cy) 896.021 Hydrograph 1 SCS name: 2-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm Area (acres) 4.560 CN 83.000 Type 2 rainfall, P (in) 3.650 time of conc. (hrs) 0.1000 time increment (hrs) 0.0200 time limit (hrs) 36.000 fudge factor 1.00 routed true peak flow (cfs) 11.488 peak time (hrs) 11.917 volume (cy) 1216.218 Hydrograph 2 SCS name: Area (acres) CN Type rainfall, P (in) time of conc. (hrs) time increment (hrs) time limit (hrs) fudge factor routed peak flow (cfs) peak time (hrs) volume (cy) 10-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 4.560 83.000 2 5.520 0.1000 0.0200 36.000 1.00 true 21.109 11.917 2234.854 Page 3 Hydrograph 3 SCS name: 100-yr. Area (acres) CN Type 2 rainfall, P (in) time of conc. (hrs) time increment (hrs) time limit (hrs) fudge factor routed peak flow (cfs) peak time (hrs) volume (cy) MJH Apartments- UGD System 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 4.560 83.000 9.070 0.1000 0.0200 36.000 1.00 true 40.526 11.917 4290.539 OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage -indication Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks: inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 1 Routing Summary of Peaks: inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 2 Routing Summary of Peaks inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) Hydrograph 3 Routing Summary of Peaks: inflow (cfs) discharge (cfs) water level (ft) storage (cy) 1-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 8.424 at 11.92 (hrs) 0.925 at 12.22 (hrs) 385.147 at 12.24 (hrs) 337.766 2-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 11.434 at 11.92 (hrs) 5.340 at 12.06 (hrs) 386.522 at 12.06 (hrs) 409.373 10-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 21.010 at 11.92 (hrs) 20.194 at 11.92 (hrs) 387.524 at 11.92 (hrs) 450.343 100-yr. 24-yr Peak SCS Method Design Storm 40.336 at 11.92 (hrs) 38.161 at 11.92 (hrs) 388.397 at 11.92 (hrs) 469.816 Mon Mar 11 13:04:01 EDT 2019 Page 4 1-Year Outflow Hydrograph 1-Year Outflow Hydrograph From UGD System From UGD System Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.13 1.0 0.14 1.5 0.14 2.0 0.15 2.5 0.15 3.0 0.16 3.5 0.16 4.0 0.17 4.5 0.17 5.0 0.18 5.5 0.19 6.0 0.20 6.5 0.21 7.0 0.21 7.5 0.22 8.0 0.23 8.5 0.24 9.0 0.27 9.5 0.28 10.0 0.30 10.5 0.33 11.0 0.36 11.1 0.37 11.2 0.38 11.3 0.40 11.4 0.41 11.5 0.43 11.6 0.46 11.7 0.52 11.8 0.61 11.9 0.74 12.0 0.86 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 12.1 0.92 12.2 0.92 12.3 0.92 12.4 0.92 12.5 0.92 12.6 0.91 12.7 0.91 12.8 0.90 12.9 0.90 13.0 0.89 13.5 0.85 14.0 0.81 14.5 0.76 15.0 0.71 15.5 0.66 16.0 0.60 16.5 0.55 17.0 0.48 17.5 0.41 18.0 0.34 18.5 0.28 19.0 0.23 20.0 0.17 20.5 0.16 21.0 0.15 21.5 0.15 22.0 0.15 22.5 0.15 23.0 0.14 23.5 0.14 24.0 0.14 24.5 0.00 UGD Outflow Hydrograph (1-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 2-Year Outflow Hydrograph 2-Year Outflow Hydrograph From UGD System From UGD System Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.16 1.0 0.17 1.5 0.18 2.0 0.19 2.5 0.19 3.0 0.20 3.5 0.20 4.0 0.21 4.5 0.22 5.0 0.23 5.5 0.23 6.0 0.24 6.5 0.25 7.0 0.26 7.5 0.27 8.0 0.27 8.5 0.29 9.0 0.31 9.5 0.33 10.0 0.34 10.5 0.37 11.0 0.42 11.1 0.43 11.2 0.44 11.3 0.46 11.4 0.48 11.5 0.50 11.6 0.53 11.7 0.60 11.8 0.70 11.9 0.85 12.0 3.84 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 12.06 5.34 12.1 4.56 12.2 3.42 12.3 2.42 12.4 1.66 12.5 1.12 12.6 0.93 12.7 0.92 12.8 0.92 12.9 0.91 13.0 0.91 13.5 0.88 14.0 0.84 14.5 0.80 15.0 0.76 15.5 0.71 16.0 0.67 16.5 0.62 17.0 0.56 17.5 0.51 18.0 0.45 18.5 0.38 19.0 0.32 20.0 0.24 20.5 0.21 21.0 0.20 21.5 0.20 22.0 0.19 22.5 0.19 23.0 0.19 23.5 0.18 24.0 0.18 24.5 0.00 UGD Outflow Hydrograph (2-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 30-Year Outflow Hydrograph 30-Year Outflow Hydrograph From UGD System From UGD System Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.23 1.0 0.25 1.5 0.27 2.0 0.27 2.5 0.28 3.0 0.29 3.5 0.29 4.0 0.30 4.5 0.31 5.0 0.31 5.5 0.32 6.0 0.33 6.5 0.34 7.0 0.35 7.5 0.36 8.0 0.37 8.5 0.38 9.0 0.41 9.5 0.44 10.0 0.47 10.5 0.51 11.0 0.58 11.1 0.60 11.2 0.62 11.3 0.64 11.4 0.66 11.5 0.69 11.6 0.73 11.7 0.81 11.85 5.47 11.9 19.48 11.96 19.31 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 12.00 17.37 12.05 14.06 12.10 7.65 12.15 5.40 12.25 3.95 12.5 2.39 12.6 1.92 12.7 1.48 12.8 1.24 12.9 1.09 13.0 1.00 13.5 0.92 14.0 0.90 14.5 0.88 15.0 0.85 15.5 0.83 16.0 0.79 16.5 0.76 17.0 0.72 17.5 0.69 18.0 0.65 18.5 0.61 19.0 0.57 20.0 0.47 20.5 0.42 21.0 0.37 21.5 0.33 22.0 0.31 22.5 0.29 23.0 0.28 23.5 0.28 24.0 0.27 24.5 0.20 UGD Outflow Hydrograph (10-yr Design Storm) 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 300-Year Outflow Hydrograph 300-Year Outflow Hydrograph From UGD System From UGD System Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.30 1.0 0.34 1.5 0.36 2.0 0.37 2.5 0.38 3.0 0.39 3.5 0.40 4.0 0.41 4.5 0.42 5.0 0.44 5.5 0.46 6.0 0.48 6.5 0.50 7.0 0.52 7.5 0.54 8.0 0.56 8.5 0.59 9.0 0.63 9.5 0.67 10.0 0.71 10.5 0.78 11.0 0.87 11.1 0.89 11.2 0.92 11.3 1.89 11.4 2.67 11.5 3.12 11.6 4.11 11.7 12.21 11.85 25.43 11.90 37.94 11.92 38.16 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 Time (hrs) Outflow (cfs) 12.00 30.06 12.05 24.52 12.10 12.97 12.15 9.10 12.25 5.65 12.5 4.01 12.6 3.60 12.7 3.19 12.8 2.86 12.9 2.58 13.0 2.32 13.5 1.58 14.0 1.11 14.5 0.94 15.0 0.92 15.5 0.92 16.0 0.91 16.5 0.90 17.0 0.88 17.5 0.86 18.0 0.84 18.5 0.82 19.0 0.80 20.0 0.74 20.5 0.71 21.0 0.68 21.5 0.65 22.0 0.63 22.5 0.60 23.0 0.57 23.5 0.54 24.0 0.51 24.5 0.47 UGD Outflow Hydrograph (100-yr Design Storm) 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 Inflow Hydrographs for the Area Outside of the Underground Detention System that also Drains to the Dry Detention Cell 1-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.01 1.0 0.01 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.01 2.5 0.01 3.0 0.01 3.5 0.01 4.0 0.01 4.5 0.01 5.0 0.01 5.5 0.01 6.0 0.01 6.5 0.01 7.0 0.01 7.5 0.01 8.0 0.01 8.5 0.01 9.0 0.01 9.5 0.01 10.0 0.02 10.5 0.02 11.0 0.03 11.1 0.03 11.2 0.04 11.3 0.04 11.4 0.05 11.5 0.05 11.6 0.10 11.7 0.20 11.8 0.32 11.9 0.56 12.0 0.45 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.1 0.15 12.2 0.08 12.3 0.07 12.4 0.06 12.5 0.05 12.6 0.04 12.7 0.04 12.8 0.03 12.9 0.03 13.0 0.03 13.5 0.02 14.0 0.02 14.5 0.02 15.0 0.01 15.5 0.01 16.0 0.01 16.5 0.01 17.0 0.01 17.5 0.01 18.0 0.01 18.5 0.01 19.0 0.01 20.0 0.01 20.5 0.01 21.0 0.01 21.5 0.01 22.0 0.01 22.5 0.01 23.0 0.01 23.5 0.01 24.0 0.01 24.5 0.00 Inflow Hydrograph (1-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 2-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.01 1.0 0.01 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.01 2.5 0.01 3.0 0.01 3.5 0.01 4.0 0.01 4.5 0.01 5.0 0.01 5.5 0.01 6.0 0.01 6.5 0.01 7.0 0.01 7.5 0.01 8.0 0.02 8.5 0.02 9.0 0.02 9.5 0.02 10.0 0.03 10.5 0.04 11.0 0.05 11.1 0.05 11.2 0.06 11.3 0.07 11.4 0.07 11.5 0.08 11.6 0.15 11.7 0.30 11.8 0.49 11.9 0.86 12.0 0.69 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 2-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.1 0.23 12.2 0.12 12.3 0.10 12.4 0.09 12.5 0.07 12.6 0.06 12.7 0.06 12.8 0.05 12.9 0.05 13.0 0.04 13.5 0.03 14.0 0.03 14.5 0.02 15.0 0.02 15.5 0.02 16.0 0.02 16.5 0.02 17.0 0.01 17.5 0.01 18.0 0.01 18.5 0.01 19.0 0.01 20.0 0.01 20.5 0.01 21.0 0.01 21.5 0.01 22.0 0.01 22.5 0.01 23.0 0.01 23.5 0.01 24.0 0.01 24.5 0.00 Inflow Hydrograph (2-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 30-Yearinflow Hydrograph 30-Yearinflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.02 2.0 0.02 2.5 0.02 3.0 0.02 3.5 0.02 4.0 0.02 4.5 0.02 5.0 0.03 5.5 0.03 6.0 0.03 6.5 0.03 7.0 0.03 7.5 0.03 8.0 0.03 8.5 0.04 9.0 0.05 9.5 0.05 10.0 0.06 10.5 0.08 11.0 0.11 11.1 0.12 11.2 0.13 11.3 0.15 11.4 0.16 11.5 0.18 11.6 0.34 11.7 0.67 11.8 1.11 11.9 1.92 12.0 1.54 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.1 0.51 12.2 0.28 12.3 0.23 12.4 0.19 12.5 0.16 12.6 0.13 12.7 0.12 12.8 0.12 12.9 0.11 13.0 0.10 13.5 0.08 14.0 0.06 14.5 0.05 15.0 0.05 15.5 0.04 16.0 0.04 16.5 0.03 17.0 0.03 17.5 0.03 18.0 0.03 18.5 0.03 19.0 0.02 20.0 0.02 20.5 0.02 21.0 0.02 21.5 0.02 22.0 0.02 22.5 0.02 23.0 0.02 23.5 0.02 24.0 0.02 24.5 0.00 Inflow Hydrograph (10-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 100-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.04 1.0 0.04 1.5 0.04 2.0 0.04 2.5 0.04 3.0 0.05 3.5 0.05 4.0 0.05 4.5 0.05 5.0 0.06 5.5 0.06 6.0 0.06 6.5 0.06 7.0 0.07 7.5 0.07 8.0 0.08 8.5 0.09 9.0 0.11 9.5 0.11 10.0 0.13 10.5 0.17 11.0 0.24 11.1 0.26 11.2 0.29 11.3 0.33 11.4 0.36 11.5 0.40 11.6 0.76 11.7 1.51 11.8 2.49 11.9 4.33 12.0 3.46 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 100-Year Inflow Hydrograph (From DA B Outside the Limits of the UGD System's Subarea) Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.1 1.16 12.2 0.63 12.3 0.51 12.4 0.44 12.5 0.35 12.6 0.30 12.7 0.28 12.8 0.26 12.9 0.24 13.0 0.22 13.5 0.17 14.0 0.13 14.5 0.12 15.0 0.10 15.5 0.09 16.0 0.08 16.5 0.08 17.0 0.07 17.5 0.07 18.0 0.06 18.5 0.06 19.0 0.05 20.0 0.05 20.5 0.04 21.0 0.04 21.5 0.04 22.0 0.04 22.5 0.04 23.0 0.04 23.5 0.04 24.0 0.04 24.5 0.00 Inflow Hydrograph (100-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Combined Hydrographs (The following hydrograph data is a combination of the Underground Detention System's Outflow Hydrograph + the Inflow Hydrograph for the remaining DA B outside the UGD system's subarea.) * 1-Year Combined Inflow * 1-Year Combined Inflow Hydrograph To Detention Cell Hydrograph To Detention Cell Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.13 1.0 0.14 1.5 0.15 2.0 0.15 2.5 0.16 3.0 0.16 3.5 0.17 4.0 0.17 4.5 0.18 5.0 0.19 5.5 0.20 6.0 0.21 6.5 0.22 7.0 0.22 7.5 0.23 8.0 0.24 8.5 0.26 9.0 0.28 9.5 0.30 10.0 0.32 10.5 0.35 11.0 0.39 11.1 0.41 11.2 0.42 11.3 0.44 11.4 0.46 11.5 0.48 11.6 0.56 11.7 0.72 11.8 0.94 11.9 1.30 12.0 1.31 Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.05 1.23 12.1 1.07 12.2 1.01 12.3 0.99 12.4 0.98 12.5 0.96 12.6 0.95 12.7 0.94 12.8 0.94 12.9 0.93 13.0 0.92 13.5 0.87 14.0 0.82 14.5 0.77 15.0 0.72 15.5 0.67 16.0 0.61 16.5 0.56 17.0 0.49 17.5 0.42 18.0 0.35 18.5 0.29 19.0 0.24 20.0 0.17 20.5 0.16 21.0 0.16 21.5 0.16 22.0 0.15 22.5 0.15 23.0 0.15 23.5 0.15 24.0 0.14 24.5 0.00 * The hydrograph data shown above is a combination of the Underground Detention System's Outflow Hydrograph + the Inflow Hydrograph for the remaining DA B outside the UGD system's subarea. Combined Inflow Hydrograph (1-yr Design Storm) 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 * 2-Year Combined Inflow * 2-Year Combined Inflow Hvdrograph To Detention Cell Hvdrograph To Detention Cell Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.17 1.0 0.18 1.5 0.19 2.0 0.19 2.5 0.20 3.0 0.21 3.5 0.21 4.0 0.22 4.5 0.23 5.0 0.24 5.5 0.25 6.0 0.26 6.5 0.26 7.0 0.27 7.5 0.28 8.0 0.29 8.5 0.31 9.0 0.33 9.5 0.35 10.0 0.37 10.5 0.41 11.0 0.46 11.1 0.48 11.2 0.50 11.3 0.52 11.4 0.55 11.5 0.57 11.6 0.68 11.7 0.90 11.8 1.20 11.9 1.70 12.0 4.52 Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.05 5.66 12.1 4.79 12.2 3.54 12.3 2.52 12.4 1.75 12.5 1.19 12.6 0.99 12.7 0.98 12.8 0.97 12.9 0.96 13.0 0.95 13.5 0.91 14.0 0.87 14.5 0.82 15.0 0.78 15.5 0.73 16.0 0.68 16.5 0.63 17.0 0.58 17.5 0.52 18.0 0.46 18.5 0.40 19.0 0.33 20.0 0.25 20.5 0.22 21.0 0.21 21.5 0.20 22.0 0.20 22.5 0.20 23.0 0.19 23.5 0.19 24.0 0.19 24.5 0.00 * The hydrograph data shown above is a combination of the Underground Detention System's Outflow Hydrograph + the Inflow Hydrograph for the remaining DA B outside the UGD system's subarea. Combined Inflow Hydrograph (2-yr Design Storm) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 * 10-Year Combined Inflow * 10-Year Combined Inflow Hydrograph To Detention Cell Hydrograph To Detention Cell Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.25 1.0 0.27 1.5 0.28 2.0 0.29 2.5 0.30 3.0 0.31 3.5 0.31 4.0 0.32 4.5 0.33 5.0 0.34 5.5 0.35 6.0 0.36 6.5 0.37 7.0 0.38 7.5 0.39 8.0 0.40 8.5 0.42 9.0 0.46 9.5 0.48 10.0 0.53 10.5 0.59 11.0 0.69 11.1 0.71 11.2 0.75 11.3 0.78 11.4 0.82 11.5 0.86 11.6 1.06 11.7 1.48 11.8 3.39 11.9 21.39 12.0 18.91 Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.05 15.20 12.1 8.16 12.2 4.49 12.3 3.81 12.4 3.18 12.5 2.54 12.6 2.05 12.7 1.60 12.8 1.36 12.9 1.20 13.0 1.10 13.5 0.99 14.0 0.96 14.5 0.93 15.0 0.90 15.5 0.87 16.0 0.83 16.5 0.79 17.0 0.75 17.5 0.72 18.0 0.68 18.5 0.63 19.0 0.59 20.0 0.49 20.5 0.44 21.0 0.39 21.5 0.35 22.0 0.33 22.5 0.31 23.0 0.30 23.5 0.30 24.0 0.29 24.5 0.19 * The hydrograph data shown above is a combination of the Underground Detention System's Outflow Hydrograph + the Inflow Hydrograph for the remaining DA B outside the UGD system's subarea. 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Combined Inflow Hydrograph (10-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 * 100-Year Combined Inflow * 100-Year Combined Inflow Hydrograph To Detention Cell Hydrograph To Detention Cell Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 0.0 0.00 0.5 0.33 1.0 0.38 1.5 0.40 2.0 0.41 2.5 0.42 3.0 0.43 3.5 0.44 4.0 0.46 4.5 0.47 5.0 0.49 5.5 0.51 6.0 0.54 6.5 0.56 7.0 0.59 7.5 0.61 8.0 0.63 8.5 0.68 9.0 0.74 9.5 0.78 10.0 0.85 10.5 0.95 11.0 1.11 11.1 1.15 11.2 1.21 11.3 2.22 11.4 3.03 11.5 3.52 11.6 4.87 11.7 13.72 11.8 23.69 11.9 42.25 12.0 33.52 Time (hrs) Inflow (cfs) 12.05 27.10 12.1 14.13 12.2 7.08 12.3 5.48 12.4 4.83 12.5 4.36 12.6 3.90 12.7 3.47 12.8 3.12 12.9 2.81 13.0 2.55 13.5 1.75 14.0 1.24 14.5 1.05 15.0 1.03 15.5 1.01 16.0 0.99 16.5 0.97 17.0 0.95 17.5 0.93 18.0 0.90 18.5 0.88 19.0 0.85 20.0 0.79 20.5 0.75 21.0 0.72 21.5 0.70 22.0 0.67 22.5 0.64 23.0 0.61 23.5 0.58 24.0 0.55 24.5 0.47 * The hydrograph data shown above is a combination of the Underground Detention System's Outflow Hydrograph + the Inflow Hydrograph for the remaining DA B outside the UGD system's subarea. 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Combined Inflow Hydrograph (100-yr Design Storm) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Dry Detention Cell Routing Calculations (DA B-Tots I ) MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings BasinFlow printout INPUT: Basin: MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings.txt 5 Contour Areas Elevation(ft) Area(sf) Computed Vol.(cy) 352.00 78.00 0.0 354.00 908.00 30.9 356.00 2834.00 162.9 358.00 5217.00 456.7 360.00 8001.00 942.5 Start_Elevation(ft) 352.00 Vol.(cy) Page 1 MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings 4 Outlet Structures Outlet structure 0 Orifice name: Barrel area (sf) 0.785 diameter or depth (in) 12.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 350.000 multiple 1 discharge out of riser Outlet structure 1 Orifice name: Low -Flow Orifice area (sf) 0.049 diameter or depth (in) 3.000 width for rect. (in) 0.000 coefficient 0.500 invert (ft) 352.000 multiple 1 discharge into riser Outlet structure 2 Weir name: Riser diameter (in) 24.000 side angle 0.000 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 357.330 multiple 1 discharge into riser transition at (ft) 0.608 orifice coef. 0.500 orifice area (sf) 3.142 Outlet structure 3 Weir name: Emergency Spillway length (ft) 50.000 side angle 75.960 coefficient 3.300 invert (ft) 358.660 multiple 1 discharge through dam Page 2 MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings 4 Inflow Hydrographs Hydrograph 0 Curve name: 1-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm time incr (minlhrs) 0.02 time limit (minlhrs) 30.00 file: lyr Inflow Hydrograph Data.txt volume (cy) 1115.44 routed true time in hours true Hydrograph 1 Curve name: 2-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm time incr (minlhrs) 0.02 time limit (minlhrs) 30.00 file: 2yr Inflow Hydrograph Data.txt volume (cy) 1463.20 routed true time in hours true Hydrograph 2 Curve name: 10-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm time incr (minlhrs) 0.02 time limit (minlhrs) 30.00 file: 10yr Inflow Hydrograph Data.txt volume (cy) 2508.72 routed true time in hours true Hydrograph 3 Curve name: 100-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm time incr (minlhrs) 0.02 time limit (minlhrs) 30.00 file: 100yr Inflow Hydrograph Data.txt volume (cy) 4573.29 routed true time in hours true Page 3 MJH Apartments- Detention Cell Routings OUTPUT: Routing Method: storage -indication Hydrograph 0 Routing Summary of Peaks: 1-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm inflow (cfs) 1.331 at 11.94 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 0.447 at 17.00 (hrs) water level (ft) 357.275 at 17.30 (hrs) storage (cy) 329.482 Hydrograph 1 Routing Summary of Peaks: 2-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm inflow (cfs) 5.732 at 12.06 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 0.641 at 13.24 (hrs) water level (ft) 357.374 at 13.24 (hrs) storage (cy) 345.351 Hydrograph 2 Routing Summary of Peaks: 10-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm inflow (cfs) 22.118 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 8.982 at 12.08 (hrs) water level (ft) 358.630 at 12.08 (hrs) storage (cy) 587.671 Hydrograph 3 Routing Summary of Peaks: 100-yr TR-55 SCS 24-hr Design Storm inflow (cfs) 42.489 at 11.92 (hrs) discharge (cfs) 41.713 at 11.92 (hrs) water level (ft) 358.994 at 11.92 (hrs) storage (cy) 672.374 Mon Mar 11 14:04:35 EDT 2019 Page 4 Riprap Lined Outfall Channel Calculations (DA C) � r),, � A Q IDA ': + t CPS Cl�' SNrCty CIFS 'PEP, NOKNOlk 3.�`-A I paAo? 1,,j CHAW.4-L �,o ASO Y,3 ,FOR CLt"C-o -p,ke, A AL F-I pjAL. N OW\ P, L\ad -oa m 6ro.mz MJH Apartments Outfall Complex Channnel- Subarea C Outfall Channel Input: Slope Flow (given) Output: c•. line x y n 0 0.000 1.000 0.050 (first n value not used) 1 3.000 0.000 0.050 2 4.000 0.000 0.050 3 7.000 1.000 0.050 Depth 0.707 (y) ( 0.707) Channel bed segment output: line Q V 1 4.81 6.42 2 7.46 10.55 3 4.81 6.42 Thu Mar 07 14:46:10 EST 2019 A P 0.75 2.24 0.71 1.00 0.75 2.24 Page 1 DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Water Quality Calculations (COMPLIANCE IS MET THROUGH THE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF A LEVEL II WET POND & THE PURCHASING OF NUTRIENT CREDITS) DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Compliance Spreadsheet - Version 3.0 M 2011 BMP Standards and Specifications 02013 Draft BMP Standards and Specifications Project Name: Martha Jefferson Hospital Apartments Date: 3/22/2029 BMP Design Specifications List: 2011 Stds & Specs Site Information Post-Develooment Proiect (Treatment Volume and Loads) Land Cover (acres) A Soils BSolis CSoils DSoils Totals Forest/Open Space (acres) — undisturbed, 0.00 protected forest/open space or reforested land 0.00 Managed Tort (acres) — disturbed, graded for 20.01 ards or other turf to be mowed/managed 20.01 Impervious Cover (acres) 6.97 6.97 26.98 Constants Annual Raln" (inches) 43 Target Rainfall Event linches) 1.00 Total Phosphorus (TP EMC(mg/L) 0.26 Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC(mg/L) 1.86 Target TP Load (lb/acre/yr) 0.41 PJ(unitless correction factor) 0.90 Land Cover Summary Forest/Open Space Cover (acres) 0.00 Weighted RV (forest) 0.00 %Forest 0% Managed Turf Cover (acres) 20.01 Weighted Rv(turf) 0.20 %Managed Turf 74% Impervious Cover (acres) 6.97 RV (impervious) 0.95 %Impervious 26% Site Area (acres) 26.98 Site RV 0.39 Runoff Coefficients (Rv) Treatment Volume and Nutrient Loads Treatment Volume 0.8853 (acre-ft) Treatment Volume (cubic feet) 38,563 TP Load (lb/yr) 24.23 TN Load (Ib/yr) final results Drainage Area A .- .... ... .... � 1— 1.-1 T.11 lh-ph.r- - —.1 i. — A (lb/r) P- I—I.p.— net—t -.— m R.A. Air') St-,ra—ter R— M--m—t Practices (RR = R,n,ff R,d,,ti,nl an lArl as )rrl cs Ino RRI EDIA, DIRQp aw EEADHEDK.DK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. A (h') TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAI .A.Allb/yN 9.25 A.AIIb/yG 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS a[mAININGSAFTER API ING RUNOFF REDULTOx PRA .SIx D.A. A (lb/yr) SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS TOTALIMPFRVIOUS EOVER TREATED(") B.00 TOTAL MANAGEDTURIAREATREMEDI-) EA TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE(lb/y,) 13O.1T m.—IN D.A. A(lb/yl) 9.25 TD.A. A Ub/y,I TOTAL PHOSPHO .A. A 11b/yrI TOTAL PH Gp.ORUSLOA.0. AQb/yr) TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD RED—ONS IN D.A. A IIb/yN SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 0. A Qb/yN NDROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT .A.AQb/yN TOTAL nlmoGEx REmoveD m D.A. A (ln/yr) W Q O o O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 lJ Q 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Q O o O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 00000 0 0 Q Q O O O 00 O 00 N N N N Y O M M N N O Q '-I W Lu t.7 W W W W x Q t o> r oe r u E 4-1 m N O W I W W Z h oe LY oe W 3 M Q 0 O W r W ] f6 a N Q N > Z m O G IBC W w LU a c Q N m < 4' N N E 3 O C u 7 N O C 3 M F O N M M 0 01 l0 N N a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 011c, 0 '11 ' M fl 0 0o p 0 0 Q 0 0 0 �M� OC o 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aQ M1 N � 1 l0 N N NM ��"l LU W Q Z O S " W Z a W W W W CL (AO Q cc W W W ccQ Q W` u O agxa Z x s�axaCc'r Z czx W< W a W a a r cc a LLLL z O W Q t J O Z 0 C' 0 Z O 4i z 2 Z 0 Z 0 w 0 Z O -W c0 a Z i 0 F > Lu u 0 u H O u u 0 u £ 0 w u Z m: O J D W m= J=0. 0 O W! C L Lu r W CC w r W = — a a0 C a to apt L o O J J 'r^Op O J J O J LL O J CL r W CL J a r r d r C Z L W i F 0 Z W Z OD O 0 i oe r LL z r i z ¢ z Zt m O H P