HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700112 Plan - Approved 2018-03-01 (2)LEGEND EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION 16" TC x 125 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 10 x 125 SPOT ELEVATION I e vN x 125 TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 166 BW x 125 Bw BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION BENCHMARK .--__�-- STORM SEWER RD ROOF DRAIN SEWER LINE WATER LINE - GAS GAS LINE CHE.-_...,. - OHE- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE - _ UGE - - DOE - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC QHT -- OHT ----- OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE - _ UOT -- DOT - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE -- PROPERTY LINE - - - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK _X PARKING SETBACK BENCHMARK DRAIN INLET (DI) 0 n a STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE F PLUG W v WATER VALVE & BOX FIRE HYDRANT � WATER METER •-� LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE __ A ---- SANITARY EASEMENT --- - `� GRADING EASEMENT - ---- DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT - WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT TREE LINE FENCE STREAM - 312--- 12 - INTERVAL CONTOUR -300__ oo INDEX CONTOUR CG-2 CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG__6 CC-s COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER aCONCRETE PAVEMENT j SIDEWALK 4 RIPRAP 11711 %�F`°-. .�:,. ASPHALT ° C�=_� GRASS Em EC-2 MATTING EC--3 MATTING Q� WETLAND 10 1a PARKING COUNT CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE A-, CG-12 &_ HANDICAP PARKING NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. f INAL 51TE DEVELOFMENT FLAN fOR RIVER51DE VILLA�GE E3LOCK I ELI 5DF 201700OG2 RIVANNIA DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ik#m^mwi11rV RAAD at"'Al IC• o*y-ot nano IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS L-cl =I 0 1:4 1 OKI F � TM d 1] SHEET INDEX C I - COVER 5 EE C2 - APPROVED PROEEER5 � LOT REGULATION5 C3 - 'FLOCK * LANDSCAPE 5UMMARIE5 C4 - EXI5TING CONDITIONS * DEMO PLAN C5 - 51TE PLAN CG - GRADING PLAN C7 - UTILITY PLAN C6 - UTILITY PROEI LE5 C9 - UTILITY DETAI L5 C ICJ - INTER5ECTON 51GHT DISTANCE C 1 I - MOT * ROADWAY D ETA L5 C 12 - LAN D5CAPI N G PLAN * DETAILS C 13 - LAN D5CAPI NG DETAILS C 14 - LIGHTING PLAN * DETAI L5 C 15 - LIGHTING DETAI L5 SIGNATURE BLOCK FIRE OFFICIAL / BUILDING OFFICIAL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a (permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless (otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or (better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, oir designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class 111. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industrry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER AND SEWER NOTES 1. WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY INSPECTORS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE PROPER SERVICE AUTHORITY OFFICIALS AT THE START OF THE WORK. 2. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ACROSS THE LINE OF THE PROPOSED WORK ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN, ARE ONLY APPROXIMATELY CORRECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ON HIS OWN INITIATIVE LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. 3. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE GENERAL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AS ADOPTED BY THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY. 4. DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. ALL WATER AND SEWER PIPES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3.5 FEET OF COVER MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF PIPE, OVER THE CENTERLINE OF PIPE. THIS INCLUDES ALL FIRE HYDRANT LINES, SERVICE LATERALS AND WATER LINES, ETC. 7. ALL WATER AND SEWER APPURTENANCES ARE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF ROADSIDE DITCHES. 8. VALVES ON DEADEND LINES SHALL BE RODDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESTRAINT FOR THE VALVE DURING A FUTURE EXTENSION OF THE LINE. 9. TREES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE ACSA EASEMENT. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THE NO -LEAD REGULATION REGARDING BRASS FITfTINGS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 4, 2014 (SENATE BILL 3874 WHICH AMENDS THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT). rip b Y r J 'jam t ykm 11 IrK OWNER I DEVELOPER Riverside Village Properties, Inc. 200 Garrett St, Suite 0 Charlottesville, VA 22902 ZONING TMP 78G-1-A NMD - Neighborhood Model Development ZMA 2012--00002. EC - Entrance Corridor Dam Inundation Zone Scenic Byways Overlay Steep Slopes - Managed Variations to approved ZMA for landscaping and setbacks approved by the board of supervisors on 12/10/2014. Affordable housing proffer revision approved on 09/02/2015 ZMA-2015-00003, ZMA 2016-019 for additional density for Block 1 was approved by the Board of TH Supervisors on 5/10/2017. SOURCE OF TITLE Tax Map 78G, Block 1, Parcel A M. SFUMP > DB 4150 PG 20 Li c o 45183 DB 4475 PG 705 (Plat) Z 16 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT o �SSIONAL Rivanna SOURCE OF TOPO Datum for topography is NAVD88. Benchmark located 40 feet South of the utility pole at East corner of Block 1 adjacent to Route 20 and located on the property of The Elk's Lodge. Benchmark Elevation - 381.5' Field survey provided by Roger Ray & Associates on 7/24/2017. Site plan for original subdivision, field verified by Shimp Engineering staff on 5/16/2017 SOURCE OF BOUNDARY Recorded Plat: D.B. 4475 PG. 705 BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum: 45' Per approved ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C2. SETBACKS Per approved ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C2 or page 4 of the ZMA. EXISTING USE Vacant Land PROPOSED USE 24 Multi -family residential 213r dwelling units: Recreational Use: 9,012 SF Commercial Use: 13,284 SF AFFORDABLE UNITS BY TYPE & BLOCK 15% Affordable dwellings per C.O.D. section VI Total Riverside Village residents = 93 x .15 = 14 Affordable units required Blocks 5 provided 4 units + Block 2 provided 6 units = 10 affordable units. Block 1 provides 4 affordable units + 10 = 14 affordable units LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Undeveloped Area 104,980 SF 100.0% Total= 104,980 SF (2.41 ac.) PROPOSED Area New Building 13,290 SF 12.66% New Pavement 39,463 SF 38.46% New Sidewalk 7,524 SF 7.16% Recreation Space 7,045 SF 6.71% Open Space 36,743 SF 35.00% Total= 104,980 SF (2.41 ac.) Total Impervious Area = 62,419 SF (59.46%) WATERSHEDS This site lies within the Upper Rivanna River Watershed, outside any Water Supply Protection Areas. FLOOD ZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO287D), Block 1 is located in an area of minimal flood hazard. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENT Knox Box Required, Contact Albemarle County Fire Marshal Office For Location. PARKING Required Parking: 2 Spaces per Unit (2 Bedroom) 24 X 2 = 48 Spaces 1 Per 250 SF of commercial 13284 / 250 = 54 Spaces 1 loading space per 8,000 SF. 13284 / 8,000 = 1.7 spaces Provided Parking: 111 Spaces 5 handicap & 1 loading spaces TRIP GENERATION AM PM Use Description ITE Qty in out Total in out Apartment 220 24 units 4 11 15 18 12Commercial t29 13294SF 61 13 74 74 45Total 65 24 89 92 56 0 Q) o v lip -- E E rvLU o > oC, O�Q r 00 (1)oQ N N (9 N N Scale N/A Sheet No. C1 OF15 File No. 12.009 , � f Con'rilutgi;y UeYeiopment Department File# ''Z f� 1 coo 19 Approveo by the Board of Supervisors Date PROFFER STATEMENT signature - i7lilnner ZMA Number: 201600019 Original Proffers Amendment X Tax Map and Parcel Number: 078GO-00-0I-00OA0 Owner: Riverside Village Properties, Inc. 200 Garrett Street, Suite O Charlottesville, VA 22902 Date of Previous Proffer Signature: August 22, 2015 Date of Proffer Amendment Signature: April 28, 2017 2.41 acres to be rezoned from NMD to NMD Riverside Village Properties, .Inc, is the owner (the "Owner") of Tax Map and Parcel Number 078GO-00-01-00OA0 (the "Property") which is the subject of rezoning application ZMA No. 2016-00019, a project known as "Riverside Village: Block 1" (the "Project!'). For the purpose of these proffers, the Project is further described in the Code of Development and application plan (the "Plan") enttitled "Rezoning Application Plan Amendment to Block 1 for Riverside Village" prepared May 21, 2012 by Shimp Engineering PC, and last revised on April 10 2017. This current proffer statement for Block 1 (the "Proffer Statement") supersedes the proffer statement dated[ August 20, 2015, for ZMA 201500003 as it pertains to Block lonly. The Plan supersedes, as to Block 1 only, the previous Code of Development and application plan. entitled, "Rezoning Application Plan Amendment for Riverside Village", prepared by Shimp Engineering PC, last updated June 18, 2015, which 2015 Application Plan pertained to the entire Riverside Village development project (18.66 acres referred to at the time as Tax Map 78 Parcel 58). Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the zoning district identified above. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and the Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. Each signatory below signing on behalf of the Owner covenants and warrants that it is an authorized si wawry of the Owner for this Proffer Statement. 1. Affordable Housine. Within the Project, the Owner shall provide fifteen percent (15%) of the housing units as affordable housing units ("Affordable Housing Units") in the form of for -sale and/or for -rent condominiums or apartment units. The Project Affordable Rousing Units shall be subject to the requirements as set forth in Section VI of the Code of Development. The Project Affordable Housing Units shall be constructed within Block l as shown on the Plan. A. For -Sale Affordable Units. All purchasers of the for -sale Affordable Housing Units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office or its designee. The for -sale Affordable Housing Units will be designed for households with incomes less than eighty percent (80%) of the area median income such that housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate takes, and homeowners insurance (PITI) do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the gross household income. The Owner shall provide the County or its designee a period of ninety (90) days to identify and prequalify an eligible purchaser for the for -sale Affordable Housing Units. The ninety (90) day period shall commence upon written notice from the Owner that the unit(s) will be available for sale. This notice shall not be given more than sixty (60) days prior to receipt of the Certificate of Occupancy for the applicable Affordable Housing Unit; the Gaunty or its designee may then have thirty (30) days within which to provide a qualified purchaser for such Affordable Housing Unit. If the County or its designee does not provide a qualified purchaser during the ninety (90) day period, the Owner shall have the right to sell the unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of the puuchaser(s). This proffer shall apply only to the first sale of each of the for -sale Aiffordable Housing Units. B. For -Rent Affordable Units. (1). Rental Rates. The initial net rent for each for -rent Affordable Housing Unit shall not exceed the then -current and applicable maximum net rent rate approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office. In each subsequent calendar year, the monthly net rent for each for -rent Affordable Housing Unit may be increased up to three percent (31/o). For purpose of this proffer statement, the term "net rent" means that the rent does not include tenant -paid utilities. The requirement that the rents for such Tor- rent Affordable Housing Units may not exceed the maximum rents established in this paragraph 1B shall apply for a period of ten (10) years following the date the certificate of 'occupancy is issued by the County for each for -rent Affordable Housing Unit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate cost units qualifying as such under either the Viirginia Housing Development Authority, Farmers Home Administration, or Housing and Urban Development, Section 8, whichever comes first (the "Affordable Term"). (2). Conveyance of Interest. All deeds conveying any interest in the for -rent Affordable Housing Units during the Affordable Term shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms of this paragraph 1. In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for -rent Affordable Housing Unit, or any part thereof, during the Affordable Term shall contain a complete and full disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this paragraph 1B. At least thirty (30) days prior to the conveyance of any interest in any for -rent Affordable Housing Unit during the Affordable Page 2 t A a Term, the then -current owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements of this paragraph, IB(2) have been satisfied. (3). Reporting Rental Rates. During the Affordable Term, within thirty (30) days of each rental or lease terms for each for -rent Affordable Housing Unit, the then. -current owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a copy of the rental or lease agreement for each such unit rented that shows the rental rate for such unit and the term of the rental or lease agreement. In addition, during the Affordable Term, the then -current Owner shall provide to the County, if requested, any reports, copies of rental or lease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. 2. Cash Proffers for Residential Units. Subject to the credits for in kind and cash contributions and subject to the credits for by -right units allowed in the previous zoning as outlined in proffer #5 approved with ZMA 201500003, the Owner shall contribute cash for each new, residential unit that is not classified as an Affordable Housing Unit for the purposes of addressing the fiscal impacts of development on the County's public facilities and infrastructure, i.e., schools, public safety, libraries, parks and transportation. The cash contributions shall be at the following rate: Seven Thousand Four Hundred Nineteen and 91/100 dollars ($7,419.91) cash for each new multi -family dwelling unit. The cash contribution shall be paid at the time of the issuance of the building permit for each new unit within Block 1, unless the tinging of the payment is otherwise specified by state law. In the event that the Project is completed prior to the balance of the In -kind Contributions, as defined in ZMA 201500003 being exhausted, no remaining balance of the In -kind Contribution may 4wt-be applied for any other project or development. PQP1 O"ER: Riverside Village Properties,lnc. By: Paul B. Manning Title: President Tax Map and Parcel Number: 078GO-00-01-OOOAO Page 3 LOT / PARKING / BUILDING RfGULATIONS BLOCK Mlle LOT fPONT fPONT PARKING 51DE BUILDING 51DE PARKING REAR BUILDING REAR PARKING MIN/MAX MAX BLDG CON5TRUCTED MAX WIIDTN BUILD -TO -LINES SETBACK SETBACK 5ETBACK 51ETBACK SETBACK STORIE5 HEIGHT BLDG HEIGHT BLOCK 1 20' 5.R.20 10'-25' TRAIL51DE DR. 25'-75' 5.R.20 50' TRAIL5IDE DR, 50' 5' 5' 30, 5' 2-3 45' 45' BLOCK 2 116, TRAILSIDE DR. b'-50' TRAIL5IDE DR. 30' 31 51 1 BLOCK 2A/2C: 5' RIVERWALK XING 5'-1 5' RIVERWALK XING 1 5' BLOCK 213: 0' I _4 50` 35' SEE NOTE 2 BLOCK 3 30' TRAIL5IDE DR. I b'-25' TRAIL5IDE DR. 1 5' 31 5' 10, 5' TRAIL5IDE CT, 18'-25' TPAIL51DE CT. 10' I -3 45' 35' SEE NOTE 2 BLOCK 4 201 TRA(L51DE DR. 5'-1 2' TRAILSIDE CT. 16'-25' TRAII 5IDE DR. 1 5' TRAILSIDE CT. 10' 3' 5' 20' 10' I -3 45' 35' SEE NOTE 2 BLOCK cJ 30' CT. COMMERCIAL) Tf= AND (MF AND COMMERCIAL) TRAILSIDE CT. 0' 0' 5' 0' 0' 2-4 GO' 5 1 ' BLOCK �flA S.R. I421 : 50' (MIN. SETBACK) S.R. 20: 75' (MIN. 5erBACK) 20 10, 20 50 20' 1-2 30' 0' ACCESSORY STRUCTURES N/A it1 N/A (3) N/A (3) N/A 1-2 35 N/A vv L. it\t1LJtVL UI\, t\uu\J W r\VKU IA , r—\IVLMVV/ALr\ AIINU Nr_!'LKJ IU KUAU U , AINU IKAIL5IUL UI. KLI­LKS IU KUAU b UN HALE 4 OF ]HE C.Q.D. 2) Estimate from builder Rf5TRICTION5/RIfQUIKEMEINT5 A550CIATED WITH STANDARDS ABOVE: I . PARKING WETBACKS SHOWN ARE ONLY FOR PARKING LOTS WITH FIVE OR MORE SPACES. 2. A G' MAINTENANCE EASEMENT, CENTERED ON EACH SIDE LOT LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN BLOCKS 2, 3, � 4. 3. NO ENCROACHMENT Of ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OR OVERHANGS ARE PERMITTED WITHIN SIDE 5ETBACK5 FOR BLOICKS 2, 3, � 4. RE5TI,ICTION5/REQUII,EMEIlT5 A550CIATED WITH STANDAKD5 ABOVE: I . Accessory structures are not allowed between the building and the street. 2. The side setback for acc;e55ory structures shall be the same as the setback for the primary structure. 3. Accessory structures may not be more than two 5torie5 and may not be taller than the primary structure on the lot. An additional setback may be required by County Engineer If acce55ory structure 15 accessed from an alley. 4. Porches, eaves, and awnings are considered to be part of the structure and shall not extend closer to the street than the build -to 'lines. 5. Church spires may extend above the maximum height of building. G. Churches shall not be regulated by stories, but by height only. 7. A G' maintenance ea5emcnt, centered on each side lot fine, shall be provided in Blocks 2, 3, and 4. 6. No encroachments of architectural features or overhangs are permitted within aide setbacks for blocks 2, 3, and 4. ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C4 & C6. �7�Pl2tsVCD PEFP— Ar-5 {fNM �Vt/Ig ° 0 �o ° N W Z z I IIJ Q V/)� M D "^t N N 4 V > w 12 J V, J z W o Ld J 1 o Q N Q 0�0 � O � J lam. P J4 183 r o��Slsx©NAL cr, C v) r� a � Z O O �a a c� CL Q LLj li_.! IL/ O I-- nz O n- `J wc'I I 4 a Date 06/16/2017 Scale N/A Sheet No, C2 OF 15 File No. 1 2. nnq Developed 5gvare footacje FroF05ed * Provided BUILT / MIN. -MAX. Ar'I~CORDABLE PERMITTED BUILT / BUILT / BUILT / MIN. -MAX. PLATTED AEEC)RDABLE DWELLING MAX. GRO55 BUiLT / PLATTED PERMITTED BUILT / PLATTED / MIN. -MAX. PLATTED / ACREAGE PLATTED / USE PEP. PLATTED / RESIDENTIAL /PROVIDED DWELLING UNITS DENSITY /PROVIDED RESIDENTIAL PROVIDED COMMERCIAL PROVIDED BLOCK PER C.O.D. PROVIDED C.O.D. PROVIDED UNITS PER KE51DENTIAL PER BLOCK PROVIDED DU/ARCS PER GKO55 DEN5ITY HOU51NG PER RE5IDENTIAL 50. IT. PER COMMERCIAL ACREAGE U5E C.O.D. UNITS PER C.O.D. PER BLOCK C.O.D. DU/ARCS C.O.D. HOUSING C.O.D. 5Q. ET. 2.47 2.41 MIXED USE MIXED USE 0-36 24 0-6 4 14.6 10.0 MULTI -FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY(24) 8,000- 36,000 13,264 SF BLOCK 1 SDi= ATTACHED BLOCK 2 2.71 2.33 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 1 2-26 26 0-10 6 10.3 10.3 SF DETACHED TOWNHOUSE SF DETACHED(i 6) MULTI-FAMILY(I 2) 0 0 MULTI -FAMILY BLOCK 3 1 .56 1.71 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 6-14 1 1 0-0 0 9.0 G.4 SF ATTACHED SF DETACHED SF ATTACHED(I 0) SF DETACHED(i) 0 0 SF ATTACHED SF BLOCK 4 0.77 0.77 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 5-12 6 0-0 0 15.6 7.8 DETACHED SF ATTACHED(6) 0 0 TOWNHOUSE BLOCK 5 0.99 0.99 MIXED USE KESDINTIAL 5-24 24 0-6 4 24.2 24.2 MULTI -FAMILY MULTi-FAMILY(24) 0-10,000 SF 0 OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE NO RESIDENTIAL NO RESIDENTIAL 0-0 0 N/A N/A NO RESIDENTIAL NO RESIDENTIAL 0 0 BLOCK C 8.27 8.09 (PARK (PARK USES USES USES PERMITTED USES PERMITTED DEDICATION) DEDICATION) PERMITTED PERMITTED ROUTE 20 ROUTE 20 PUBLIC ROAD I 1 3 I 1 INTERNAL INTERNAL N/A NIA N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EASEMENTS ' '2 ROAD ROAD DEDICATION DEDICATION PRIVATE INTERNAL INTERNAL ROAD 0.75 0.77 ROAD ROAD N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EASEMENTS EASEMENTS EASEMENTS �8,,000-36,000 TOTAL 18.65000 18.28000 31-105 93 14 5.7- i 2.4 UNITS/ACRE 109 UNETSIACRE 5F 13284 SF ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C4. NOTE: 1. THE BUILT/PLATTED/PROVIDED COLUMNS FOR BLOC: i REPRESENT THE CURRENT SDP 201700038 (AS OF 01 /18/2018) 2. Maximum commercial SF is reduced by 500 SF for every residential unit. 24 units provided on Block one. 36,000 SF allowable commercial is reduced to 24,000 SF. Total commercial SF provided on Block 13,284 is SF Required & Provided Green Space, Civic Areas, and Amenities by Block Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided Required Green q Provided Green Block Amenity Area Amenity Area Amenities Amenities Green Space Green Space Space Elements Space Elements Sq.Ft S►q Ft Sq, Ft. Sq. Ft. Block I Concrete and/or brick patio(s), one Concrete patio, 12 benches in four Turf lawn and/or landscaping:and Landscaping and benches Civic Area -Plaza 5,000 7,294 with min. 4 benches and patios. One win a min. of 4 5,000 7,294 benches around patio provided in and around patios(4) landscaping benches. Min. 4 Large Shade trees, :3 6 Large Shade trees, 4 Medium Northern Buffer 7,000 10,867 Evergreen Trees, and 15 Everglreen Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Trees, Shrubs and 24 Evergreen Shrubs SVVM facility(ies) - if Required SWM Plan Revised - No Longer Provided Block 2 Min. 12 Ft Asphalt or Concrete 12 Ft Concrete Paver Path, 4 Turf lawn with plantings amd Turf lawn with plantings and Civic Area -Mews 13,000 J3,986 Path, 4 Benches, and 18 Flowering Benches, and 18 Flowering Trees 5 000 8 803 benches along walkway benches along walkway Trees Min. 10 Evergreen Trees andf 50 10 Evergreen Trees and 167 Northern Buffer 2,000 7,915 Evergreen Shrubs Evergreen &Flowering Shrubs Block 3 Landscaping along Entrance 3 Large Shade Trees, 2 Flowering SWMfacility(ies) - If Required 3,000 6,660 Corridor as per ARB Ornamental Trees, 17 Shrubs recommendations Park Connector 1,800 3,170 Min. 5 IT Asppalt or Concrete Path 6 ft Asphalt Path and 6 Flowering 1,800 2,566 Turf lawn between residencies Turf lawn between residences and 6 Flowering trees Ornamental Trees Block 4 Norther Buffer 6,000 6,388 Min. 6 Large Shade Trees 6Large Shade Trees Block 5 Civic Area -Plaza 2,000 2,030 Conctrete andlor brick patio 4thmin. 2 benches and Gravel patio with 2 benches and 2,000 2,030 Turf lawn and/or Ian i and benches aroundd apaatioo 2 Benches, 10 Trees Around Patio landscaping landscaping SVVM facility #2 (park) SWM Plan Revised - No Longer Provided Block 6 To Be Determined Conservation Area with Stream To Be Determined B y Civic Area -Park 350,000 5352,341 To Be Determined In Master Plan The CauntyofAibsmarls 350,000 353,273 Buffers, floodplain, and limited The County of Albemarle development for park uses Total 371,800 :378,821 381,800 405,796 ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C6. BUILT 1 PLATTED USE ACREAGE PER BUILT / PLATTED PERCENTAGE OF PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL C.Q.D. ACREAGE TOTAL SITE PER C.O.D. SITE COMMERCIAL USE 33.46 0.31 18.60% 1.69% RESIDENTIAL 5.04 5.06 27.00% 27.68% OPEN SPACE 8.27 11.05 44.30% 60.44% ROAD DEDICATIONS 11.88 1.86 10.10% 10,17% TOTAL 183.68 18.28 100,00% 100.00% ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C4. Landscaping Treatments Required & Provided Specific Min. Area Plant Type Spacing Specil Conditions Provided Location Quantity Street Frontage Street trees evenly spaced behindsidewalk State Route 20 Large Shade Trees (3 112" caliper) 35' OC 14 Large Shade Trees provided Flowering Ornamental Trees variable Interspersed between street trees 9 Ornamental Trees provided Street trees evenly spaced Roads 'A" and "B" Large Shade Trees (2 112" caliper) 40' OC between sidewalk and street Trees at 40' OC provided Raod "C" Flowering Ornamental Trees 40' OC Two roves spaced at 24' 20 Ornamental Trees provided Screening Northern Buffer of Evergreen Screen Trees (6) 40' QC Evenly spaced below retaining wall 3 Evergreen Screen Trees (6), Evenly spaced, above slope Block 2A As Required Interspersed between evergreens Evergreen Shrubs or grasses (36) 5' OG and below retaining wall Providsd flowering shrubs (24') 3' OC evenly spaced above retaining wall Provided Amenities Civic plaza(s) - Block 1 Flowering Ornamental Trees variable evenly spaced around patio(s) Provided interspersed between ornamental shrubs (24') variable trees and screening parking Provided Civic plaza - Block 5 Flowering Ornamental Trees variable evenly spaced around patio 10 Medium Shade Trees shrubs (24') variable interspersed between ornamental 8 Shrubs trees and screening parking Future Park To be determined variable Public trail to Rivanna River Yard Front yards Flowering Ornamental and or variable 1 28 Flowering Ornamentals and 16 Shade Trees provided in front yards across Blocks 2-5 shade trees _ Mitigation Areas Stormwater Management Areas See Special Conditions See Special See Special Incorporate screening as 3 Large Shade Trees, 2 Ornamental Trees, 17 Flowering Shrubs Condi#ions Conditions recommended by ARB within ARB Jurisdiction All Other Stormwater Evergreen Screen Trees (6) variable 6-8 Partial screening of structures 3 Large Shade Trees Management Areas from internal roads Ornamental Tress variable 8-12 Interspersed between evergreens 2 Ornamental Trees and around storm structures flowering shrubs and grasses variable 20-24 evenly spaced around trees 15 Shrubs Parking Area - Large Shade Trees (2 112" caliper) 40' OC 6-8 evenly spaced around perimeter 32 Shade Trees provided Block 1 Ornamental Trees variable 6-8 located at islands and pedestrian 9 Ornamental Trees provided crossings Screening shrubs (24') variable 30-40 screening at plaza along block 3 55 Screening Shrubs provided Parking Area - Large Shade Trees (2 1/2" caliper) 40' OC 10-12 evenly spaced around perimeter 14 Large Shade Trees Block 5 Ornamental Trees variable 8-10 located at islands and interspersed 9 Ornamental Trees with shade trees Screening shrubs (24') variable 30-40 screening at plaza and alley 46 Screening Shrubs entrances Other Evergreen trees (6`--8) provide along expansive runs of Commercial and mixed- Ornamental trees and variable as needed exposed foundation, and around Provided use buildings shrubs (24') window and door openings Entrance - Ornamental trees, shrubs (24"), variable 1 Large Shade Tree, 2 Flowering Ornamentals, and 7 Evergreen Shrubs Main Road ornamental grasses Entrance - Ornamental trees, shrubs (24'), variable Provided Block 1 ornamental grasses PP M. SKIMP Tfied VIM 1$3 � w _ IONAL ZMA #2016-00019. See sheet C6. ArPRON/Ep. A B tmm 3>1111- G 22 ------------------------------- i EXISTING TREES) Tp BE REMOVED do REPLACED ALONG STREET FRONTAGE NLTH ®� r 000 U JUSTIN M. sHllyfP > A9 i� r, EXISTING TREE(S)_ ',EXISTING TREE(S) — TO BE REMOVED REPLA TO BE REMOVED ;dc REPLACED >: , : — /,' ALONGREET STREET FRONTAGE ALONG STREET ONTAGEZ�l r i - i Y _ i3D 0 •4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Scale: 0 am�l g/l/ar Lic. No. 45183 �r , joINrAL 0 I er ies Riverside 'Vjjjage prop TMP 78G-2c,-28 Zonirig District: NMI) ' n use-.p,eside '601, SIORM01111 MANAGF-MENtV%EM2W32 PLfin (D.S. 4632-225 -7- 4 p a PROTECTION FENCING CONVERT V •%4 TO DI-3B7`� .001, #01 �# ##* a 01 .001 V00-0� 000.� .0 0., 6- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000� A-141Y �ENT*EASEM -- VSR JD� .TWo .- I., , . I : � @ V, -246 THRU�32 PLAT) 4"90' IBO '�['2- YARD DRAIN (TYP) n -n U U FD&-' 01 0- REMOVE DI AND SPLICE 6" PVC DRAIN PIPE New 3 Story Building 0- -'BETWEEN TRENCH DRAINS NEW PIPE SECTION 4,430 SF New 3 Story wilding WITH CONNECTION Retail wl 8 Units above GUTTER------- 4,430 Sl- TO 60 DRAIN PIPE i 'L (I Affordable unit) DRAIN Retail wl 8 Un s above (11 Affdbl ora( unit) (TYP) RIVERSIDE VILLAGE IIROPERTIES, INC. BLOCK 1 T.M. 78G--1-A D. B. 447! j -705 17W 6" D.B. 4632-226 T- RU 232 PLAT PVC TEE 104,85'� SF .- UU U U., — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- -F 7 E PROTECTION FENCIING TR EE PROTECTION FENCING 77*7­. ■ 1111 0 IN 0 TURNLANE TO BE RESTRIPPED J I!!9 HIM 0 100 00 - - � a- m Rrvant, TmP �0, Wm 4" 90 .0 .0 41 U L PVC DRAIN PIPE S. BETWEEN TRENCH DRAINS P 41 New 3 Story Building 4,430 SF Retail wl 8 Units above (2 Affordable units) `-GUTTER DRAIN (TYP) 12" YARV n DRAIN (TYP) U U U — — — — — — — — — — — — -- -J. PROTECTION FENCING 0 X---X--X—X---X—X— EA 93 RELOCATED TING LINE P"ARK EL 3ms TRusTEEs T.M.78-8A OF CFIARLOTTESVILLE BEN LODGE 389 OF T�fE MANAGED EVOLENT AND PROTECTNE ORDER OF ELKS STEEP 0. BD i& .7Oi-227 SLOPES -- 464 PLAT TOP=371.0' C—Al l(cD,, r- 5- 0 Z N W W Z n0 tiW 't z D- 7 0 3E z 0 cq 04 V) W F: V) ,R- Z (n W r O 0 1 N 0 SHIMP "IONAL 0 la m = 0 E E E E E E (D 0- J-= 75 m af < CL 4-1 C-j co C-4 E3 Of z 0 .0 IT U AAV0 H z > z z W :D 0 0 Uj W evo U- W P^ LLJ z LL Date 06/16/2017 Scale 1 ) =20 Sheet No. C7 OF15 File No. 12.009 `IL v 1 0 � 0 �z ,t: ,�. �III IIII II I I �IIr11rL�IIIN1:II■�1I� ,��,,�� IIII■M °iM� �II M � II I•I� r �, �. M ~ -7 fr !r � �• ���L II '=J I I �� ■II � IM � ■II� � IIIIIII I �� I r I 1l''1 I Ir IIl 1 II I1 IIII 1 1_1 I U �1►� ;r ( � I I I I 1I . II � /�I I � .w� W'■•— � r � �M ! ll��� !i" a _-- �,• �� I _. I II�Ii , II � M i �I IIIII11��� � � IiI lun`iMtl�! I "I Il�!1I1• IaIuI '1•r1���,1�1•1r• fMMl _I_aIM. I�I�nI I:IlnIr11i 1+�11 IIII lIl�III.III l.I .. ■ ■..•.� II.II. * IIIII � ■1.II I I� � _ I■I 1 I 1 IM I � r I I� _ ;� -, � I I I�1_ M�I �� � ' 1 ■r �1 ' I._ I II . ■I M �I I I I 1■ IIII �■ I M I 1. ■II�I I I�II �� INI' I.II � I■I � II.I�.II. �I� I I. I I�■ �I I r ,I �I I�U 11I II I �I II I I I � I III I II • I) .,: �I,I . I� � ►t .l••y�+. ._ I 1 a 1 �•• 1 �r.. 1 +I V I II�I ' ` I�I 1 • � �II „ � I I M III 1 � II I I'I�II1 � I 1�1I � I I r1■Ir 1 I 1I � I •I � I e• ■ � � �% �I�. i , I � I - I .` II iI • I • I sW ■�•• 1 I .•� 1 " I I ■twV Aj l / y I l � MI1 I I 1I 11"1�'I " I 1 II I"I IIIIM II II III I I � I I , I �* I� I � � I I ' I I .■�I ■ZI1II II I I I II I III��� 1 ■ '■ I II I IIIIM�III IIII � Ir I � I II II�1N1f11I � � 1 — r1 e 11I i �� ""' II I ' I � I rv IIII I 1II ° 1 rI 6I� EI1 1I1II1� 1 �� I, I �I I I�� I � IIII��II IIM I � M I II� 6F I • __ � ` �C - M�•I � I • � ��• �A��lli� I I III—��1I�L■IIA�II ��■.1I�rI�.M_.I�1/ � i• " � �� "�1` A � �� II 4 � ��� I • 1 �I � A■IM� / 1 ■ III�/• I� *INwtI�I3IlTlllIi�[i��'I �IIl iI _IIIIlIi IIlIlllI I ••r,I�I�I 6IIII GI �ll'ilMIl I�1I.'r. �lIll�i11l� 1 1I ■•,rEnM•�MI1�TI1• � 055,. 57 �33�580w 6380 �0 � �w—{��w"'"• � � " Y" 6 DETAIL • zw 37z375 370 370 365 365 360 360 355 >355 350 345 345 340 340 335 335 M. SHMP > I EX. WATERLINE ALi 5183 e'C8 N:1"=30' V: 1"=10 AA9A4 A5 A6 6A 375 375 � fa CO 370370 365365 L _ 360 NNW, I sxk360 355 355 350 350 - 345 C, 345 340 340 N 335 335 330 330 325 325 min �m 12+50 111 3+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 .5+00 15+bO + 50 U. LL 2 EX. STORM SEWER A4-All C8 H:1"=30' V: 1"=10D 365 365 u 360 ui 355 350 �350 ] LL 345 345 340 340 UQJ ui 335 330 330 L. Date 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 06f16/2017 Scale 30 0 30 60 90 N/A Sheet No. Scale: 1 "-30' (�3�SAN SEWER 606G WC8 OF15 C8 H:1"=3U v: 1"=10 rile No. 12.09` ' " � r I� II Irl I ■II II I III I IIIII I IIII II I IIIII Irll 111 ' M I�1 Ilw�l , II 1 A/ 1 i �I �I� I IIIIL 1 III � IIII I■ICI, I�I��I fl�r M I i �I I I�1� IIII■((.IIIII I�,�,I,II 111� II���II� � I IIIII�I� I IIIII IIII ��I„�I �I�II I �'I I��� �■ ■�� IIIII I�■ I� L II 1 • III III IM II ■ 1I IIr'�1 II�IIIM II ■I III IIIII ■1 IIIIII IIIA IIII I I� M III / IIIII IIIII II .II r• II� IIIII II� I li'id II IIIII II II II III IIII � 11 I�I11 II I IIr .s I 4111111 Irl � I I II IIII IIII I�r�� IIr111 ��11 I� I�III�,�„��� w. IIII 1 III III II L ■■N II � 111 I r•; 1 I I I � � I � I II�G7© ■ I M/II IIIIMII■ I �::� �� IIJ ���II 111 I � � I I IIIII�� III�I�I ��� � �II� IIII � II� III III �I II�M ���I��II■IIIII�III��N�r�■ Ills MII II I �� IIIII IIN �I���III I I'I� I III��' � • � I I��LI I I■III I I I � y ��■r1ltiTi'ti+---- MM I� III I II _--._..•"I""._"'���""""_ s _ �I� � r . i�� II I I I I M I II I I 1 II �� 1 ■II IIIIII' ��L11� I�I - '; _ •• � I IMII IIII. III ■IIII - +:�•• I IMIIIM �� . � III I I IIIII r� III i I IE r I III III IM r s TE QQVES_ ANDL-GRAM U-0 DET&S QE GUTIEE MQ 42ITER BAR ALM/FT. = METHOD DEELACEMENTr14BLILET STEEL OAR 0 7,65 -q , LM,/FTl, (ASTM A615, 0" 60. I, GRATE A, IS TO BE UTtLiZED IN LDCATM NOT NOWALLY -GRATE A I= ELD St"CT TO TRAFFIC 7 NO GUTTERS. 3C� 2. GRATE 9 IS 10 BE UTILIZED NDI, 7A NO GUTTER IN ONE DICIM, IIQNS 0 _`L M78 GUITERIN BOTH DIRJECTIONS. CT T;�T;AFIFA A A 2. JOINTS BETWEEN OUTTERS AND CONCRETE COVER b 3. FOR DETAILS OF LOAD CARRYINO AM TO BE DOWELED WM " X 13" SMOOTH L2'XVX GR�ATI (GRAM 0), SEE T-DI-7, ROOS a APPROX 1211 C-C TO PREVENT SETTLE- 4- ET 10,01S. DOWELS A 2- X 4- NOTCH MAY Q-1X 'ENT STUD BE P"D� CONNECT"C" DETAIL A 4. CITE COVER AND MATE SEE STANDARD T-DI-3, 4 ALTEFWTE DESIGM AM To, BE FL AS A ZAIE TYPE. OUTW, 3, VARrAKE 21 QR FLAITER. I OR 91 _45X51_011 BARS umck=1 ZI RATE TO (12 MOT.) 0 4l DITCH GRADE MUIST BE ADl)USTED TO WET .F. i74 IV' C*ATE A 2 x 3 Ij PLAN. VEW OR X 2,41 2" (GRATE DOER04M IN ELEVATION. SEE LONUTUDOAL I SEE AI.. 5. ALTERNATE METHODS OF sEcTm ANCFX,tRawr, Awu MW INCIL BE 5. IF DEPTH W) bEtOIAES LESS THEN 4'. LENGTH, tf*=�� PCCEPTAOM F APPROVIED BY THE OF WINGS ARE TO BE EXTENDED AS DIRECTED ENMEF• BY THE ENGINEER, t i SECTION A -A SECTION B-8 61 GRATE COLLAR ARE TO BE r OALV 6. CAJRIAIN WALL TO BE LOCATED At THE EW OF GRATE A, THE PAVED OrTCM SECTIOM OF THE Di -?A 7, r,'ONCRETE CQVER MAY M 01-70 THAT ARE NOT AMTED BY OTHER 13AR SPACING CHART DRANAGE, Al"OMMIATIE QUANTITIES GRATE NSION PRECAsT OR Cw IN PLxm 7. F NORWOL DITCH GRADE IS TOO FLAT TO ALLOW A ATE PLAN ZO K CLA�&AMC T FOR ADAMTED ORADE TO INLET A SPECIAL SLONOSRETE TYPE M _A A3 STEE WTIER MTN- WILL BE REOURb ON PLANS. sii 9- GRATE BARS TO K PARALLEL TO DITCH Ftow D - E NOTE 3 SECTION A -A BOTH SLOPES FLAT ONE !NT TIE SLOPE 114LET DITCH &-ET BACK LF BM GRADE TO 9 m OUTTER F PROVIDED T rj ADJUSTED TO MEET AS OPEC I TIME D 'Y 1 MET FLEVATM ?V A ONLY9. 7 NORMAL NEOU SEE NOTE TYPICAL ELEVATION SEE NOTE TCH, GIME SEE TIE 4 SEE NOTE 3 ONE STEP SLOPF-ONE FLAT SLOPE BOTH SLOPES STEEP APPROXIMATE QUANInTICS LONGIT19NNAL SECTION *MX FOR ME CURIA WALL, (WHEN NLET IS LOCATED MEW0U=hY8OTT0M OF GtTTER 01-7 Dr-7A DI-79 GONCKIA MOVE NOIRMOL WC14 GRADFI, CLASS A3 I I COWRETE O,241 GU, M. SEE NOTE 8, 'cu. Yos.)_ -1 22!�J If' 1 2m4a I ..... .... .... STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET REFERENCE ROAD MID BRIDGE STANOMW SHEET 2 or 3 IS" DATE 12" TO 42" PIPE 24$ 503 VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAMN 2 MIN !7"FM�Ns�N E TIE SE NOTE SEE NOTnE D14f vzl� D_ NOTES 1, DEPTH OF ET (H) 1170 BE 3"MN ON PLAONS. a SSII THE 'lH" IDWERMN TSt OWN ON TWE STAINUNWS AND SPECIFIED ON E PLANS WILL BE HEVtRT OF THE OUIFALL MEASr M INTHE WTVW PIPE: TZIOPI OF . STR PLAN DIMEMM ARE #PPROMATE ONLY FOR ESTIMATING PURPd§fS 90 THE AMIAL DIMENSIONS SK4.L BE: DETM04ED BY THE CONTRACTOR FROM FIELD CaHwfts, MAXIIAM, DEPTH Q* TO BE 12`8, PLAN. PLAN 3. W5MEN MCF]ED ON WHE PLANS THE INVERT 15 TO IOAFa= ZMPFATL 4MVER REMOVED) 6_1111*02Df 02-PIPED MATEIMS ANCIDWAL. TO THE SH~ IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THIL BID PMCEN FOR TIC STRUCTURE. A�+ PE RIJ01' (42" PI30" OOWKTE COY" (FOR DETAILS SEE 4� IN THE EVENT THE INIVERT OF THE GUTIFALL 00"CRETE COVER SHEET 2 OF 3) PIPE IS HIGHER THM THE BOTTOM OF Iff (FOR DETAILS SEE AGGREGATE, STRUCTURE, THE INVERT THE SW SHALL SHAPED WITH L jqUE SHEET OF 3) SNOTE7. 2 SEE _,AGGREGAM SEE NNOTME7, BE PRVENT STAMING, ON PC"Q WiATER R4 THE STRUCTURE. THE COST OF F%IRNISHING IP 1101-Fi. 11 EP LE_ A AD PLACING ALL MATERIALS INCIDENTAL TO THE SHAPING IS TO SE: INCLUDED N THE So NOTE PRICE FOR THE STwCTLm Im �1 LIFT M(L" 5� STEPS ARE TO BE PROVM WHEN H 13 4'-D" tE INCITE 5� STM� Sit OR GREATER, FOR LETAILS SEE STANDOAD ST -L U. REWORCED NG WAY K PRECAST ORom%T,*Fpw. IWO LIFTING HOOKS OF FASRICATOWS DESIGN TO BID PROVIDED IN PKCASIf FOOTING 7, V IDEPTH AGGAEGATE 466,#78, OR #5 X 6' WVTK SEE NOTE 4, B. 3- DWIETER EEP QLE WITH 12"Y12" PLASM HARf>WARE tL IH ?4" MESH OR GALjW2ED e A -A SECTION 8-8 STEEL WIRE. moo" WIRE DIAMETERSECTION NUMBER 4 MESH HARIDWAE CLOTH CAST IN PLACE PRECAST FIRMLY TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE SKICTUK FUSE WITH 12 O - TO 42' PIPES .R 9, THE TYPE Of INILET 14PRECAST OR CASA IN; PLACE), RECOMNIENDED mp"m KIGHT CHART PIPE SIZE 4 IDIOXNSION CSC, C*RR, WT-AL 12. V-61 21-55" -2 11-4011e* 21-1111 ir 24-1 Y-,,' 2-rl 3'-W 41 N'tv iwl !­5ll 4211 V-2W` I V-V' 241 soJ, NOTE (CONT.) fTW ON BE CCN5TWCTED.)Wi. BE ejo� THE CONTPACTOfL 15. W-7 -------- NO BUTTER 10, FOR DETAILS OF CONCRETE COVERl CQUht AND V17A ------- SINGLE GUTTER WWK DROP INLET 3PLACING APPROACH. WEERW D IMET�00, T SIEET5 T 'OF.OF 19 ON A GRAIDIL D1,713---­ DOUBLE GUTTER WHEN DROP INLET It C A3 IS N A SAG BETWEEN IWO GRADES. t&INPPLAI�PEECCCNOIIICEI&TTEOIIS-"-�rg-l55 1). P AST 4000 PSI. OF PRECAST PI-7 NOT SHOWN 4 jt, FOR DETA& UREON SF�� PRECAST UNIT ASSEMBLY PIAOnPAGE 10&0 1 FO PRE, CAST GENERAL KQTES� PAGE 1 3.02 90 �& 12. 01CRETE W SHOWN ARE FOR WICATED 11 1 HKP TIM! 1") WIT IPPES. THE AMOUNT 'S RISER 40 TOP DETAILS, DISPLACED BY Pft MUST BE DMXXM TO OOTA14 TRUE GUNIMIFIES. FOR INLETS OF DIFFERENT 13EPTHS AIM OR SUBTRACT TIRE 17. GRATE 84�$ 10 BE PAR&LEL TO CCTCH FLOW, MIAT11 XM0 YWWS OF CONCRETE FOR EACH -Owt 10' 19" a4" 10" 305' 42l' wa-tuam"Drip-T44 2`0" 2'--a/V Z-64/t` V-r W-71/2" 4­2'+ 4`Wle CONCRETE .947 Q&aAmis-1- L0414 IA43 IWI 1,535 1.731 L927 t,1 PAVED DITCHES ARE '10 BE TIRMSITIONED, TO WET MET CUTTER AS SHlOWN IN, STANDARD PC- -2,k 14. PROVIDE SAFETY SLAGS WHEH SPIECIFED ON THE PLANS. WREMEINT PER FOOT OF ADDITIONk DEPTH (H) 0 -a- 36- pft� ms 0:34100 YDS. (42' PKF STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET ROAD AM BRM STANDARDS 12' TO 42" PIPE wwkiitmi­[saIiii I OF WVAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAIM4 104.22 OF STRUCTURF- MH-1FRAME AND COVER PITEM= SHALL 0: MYKIED Ely r CLAWT011 M0LEbQV0VAL $LOT WOO t OR OTHER WOOT VIED 61E146M FOR 4-:STM OMMA BrOTE7 IFtER UNT rn) FSlEps vs wmv) C014CRETE TAPER UNIT ECCENTRIC TAPER UNIT ,NOTES-' 6. SPACER k#M SM" HEIRMN AM A.SO XWO AS t SEE GER13M NOTES FOR AMTKIN& WORMATM (M "ORM RRMI� OR AIDJUSI-AAW RINWO Es STEP 1111%�S. "W dMl FT, FOR . wiamm ca I I � . . 7. WHM SPAM LUTS ME F"VtW, BE SLAB TOP$ AND TAM LHM Wal,"M FRDW THE TOP OF THE WAC M- 2. ALL SPACM UNITS FLAT AM TO BE IN AdRiIItiAH6£ wrrH WaRawakwis ElliffoRM OF AM1470 MIN,, SLAB OR LVRTAW 10 TAPER 3. CONCRETE SHALL W 40M pst. 4, FOR STEP OffA" SEE STMOW ST-1, a, UMEWONS smm a4E WHOM. ACTUAL 6111imsom MAY VMIY MM -_ JUNCTIION BOXES, TRANSFORMER PADS, PEDESTALS, ETC, SHALL N07 K LOCATED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY, VARIES 51 1 5' WATER SEWER 66 LOCA71PN QF OTHER L.JTT.LTTJZS CGAS, ELECTRIC, MEPHUNE, CABLE, ETC,? rASEWNT W7,DTHiSt WATER OR SEW�,R ONLY - PO' MINIMUM WATER Il,.; SEVER 30' MINIMUM SEE PART 3, PARAGRAPH III SEPARATIGN OF WATER. SEWER SYSTEMS. UTILITIES CROSSING A WATER OR SEWER EASEMENT SHOULD BE AT gal FO THE RIGHT [IF WAY. UTILITY LOCATIONS EASEMENT WINHS NTS FIG, 'W-1 D1-3A, 343, 3c rPFR DETAILS OF INLET PVPAW� XWNT Amp't rnvrR nr c1rwmw PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS 0 AS DIRECTED. MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT .1 TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. FINISHED GRADE M.J. GATE VALVE WATER LINE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE S Va 2'x2' BEARING AREA. THRUST BLOCK4NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6)INCHES ABOVE GRADE. TYPICAL GATE VALVE NTS FIG. W-5 4 EXPANSION KCYm JOINT CoNsIr. BP 51 L TD-9 --- L3T WEEP HOLE, SEE NOTE 8 SECTION A -A KEYED PIQMT, JOINT WARPED GUTTER APPROACH CVTTE4 LIARS E NI-* J., DIAMETER AIRS 9 I WEEP '*Lc FRONT ELEVATION CWTTER REmOvM BENT PLATE SECTION 3-6 TYPE A NO5E DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITH CG,3 Cif.-7 STANDARDS. k T I TYPE 8 NOSE DEIP&L SHALL BE USED WITH CO-2 CG76 STANDAftS, A C YK TYPE 8 VZ" X 4" STUD SkEkR COMECTOR WELDED GALVANIZED PLATE FiDR TYPE A TO BE BENT ON AN ANGLE OF CaIZOI TO ANIOLE PON AT VC-C, COHMEOTORS " IS TO BE ANCHORED WITH V? X 4y'STUD. SHEAR NOSE DETAILS WELDED TO SENT PLATE AT 2'C APPR,PAVEMENT L WARKID PAVEMENT 01-3A L L DI.3c - - - - r T- m R OW DF-TAIL WHEN USED Fw., USE ON ORN-93 AWACENT TO CURB FOR. USE IN GAGS WITHOUT GLITTER RON %E$ TO BE SYMMETRICAL PECIFICARENCETION REFE \VDO STANDARD CURB DROP INLET S ROAD AND BRIDGE ST*0ARQ$ $HEET I OF 2 REVISION PATE 12" 3&' PIPE: MAXIMUM DEPTH. (H) 8' 233 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �2 VARIES VALVE BOX TO MEETER, BOX (SEE FIG. W--$,4 THRU W-7F). 41 COPPER ATa MAII Wil � 1-ff TING, 12" CORP. STOP W 4" P�LVG THREADED FOR 4" DIP 2" COMPRESSION FITTING RESTRAINED J(HINT FITTINGS NOTES: - GATE VALYEWILi BE 4" UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECfFIED BY THE ACSA. - 5,ERVIIC!t LINE TO CONNECT AT MAIN. WITH Xx4," TIM. # BEER 10 FIG, W-3 FOR THRLY�T BLO" CETARS ON TEE. # RVER TO HG, W-5 FOR TFRV5,T MOCK UIETA115 AND DEPTH OF CQVER ON GATE VALVE, NO CONCREETE SHOULD BEFOURM ON ANY PART OF THE RE -STRAINED JOINT. USE PLASTIC SHEETING AS PROTC-CTION FOR BOIT5, LISEZ500 P,51 CONCRETE. LARGE METER SERVICE LINE NTS FIG, W-6c 12N z �q METER SIZE DIMENSION DIMENSION DIMENSION A B C 311, 5113, 311- TO' 3' 5' MIN. 101 MIN, 4' 51 MIN. 121 MTR GREATER THAN 41 __fiL_MIN_ PROPOSALS WILL BE SUBMITTED. B DDOR HINGES IEU BE I LIFT HANDLE I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYPICAL METER VAULT N.T.S. FIG, W-7A SIDE VIEW DIAMETER DRILLED IOLE,FOR TOUCH READ NITS TOP VIEW 3" DIAMETER FLAT BEARING SURFACE UNDERNEATH 24' X 36' ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH (4) 1- (2,5mm.) DtA HOLES ON 32 3/+" (U34mm) DIA SOLT CIRCLE. 2' 051mm) LETTERS f`�, ..._ ,.(RECESSED FLUSH) [25mm] 0 > f-P(2IC) KHOLFS CLOSED > z 0 0 M (2) CORED PUCKGR S _n 1 1/13' (29mrm) DIA BOSS 27 1j2_ D1 1/2- IA [3a�mrn [599mm) I 26 1/4' DIA m [607MMI L178mrn] F 23" VIA 1 1/2' [38MMI 90 Id [6 1 [79MMI 24" DA NEOPRENE GASKET 0 0 2B 7/16* 09 SIB [722mml 2.3' DfA [5 rnm] m 36' DIA 25' OtA [914mrn) [635rnm]Q-D- OF GASKET GROOVE FRAMESECTION SECT0 N 300-0 PSI CONIC. BASE BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW CHANNEL 1/4" f MIN BRANCH FLEXIBLE CONNECT= NOTE: WITH STAINLESS STEEL At-L CONNECTIONS TO DANO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE CONNECT]ION BOOT INSTALLED TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN SHOWING BRANCH 'CIE I N NTS FIG, S-1-B TD-27 FRAME COVER (SEE FIG. 5-1,E) SLOPED AREA SIREET SURFACE OR NON--RAVEC AREA 5 _00 MAY RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-0- MIN, PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS �1 IN "0" RING SEALS A 16' ki AX MINIMUM ELEVATION DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5- FROM INLET TO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. CONCRETE- VARIES DEPTH OF FLOW FILLETS CHANNEL TO 8f: J_ - 3/4 ENAMETER OF CONTRIBUTING T SEWER. : 12 - A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOT TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN WET * MTLET RIPE SHALL. BE MJN, 6" BEDDING NOTE W/ NO, 68 STONE t BEDDING THICKNESS REQUJRFM�T SHOWN IS M!.NIMVM ANO SHALL K $ CONDI 0 S. SPECIFCALLY DETERMINED BY THE COIN _TANT FOR THE 01L T! N 2. THE QQN5ULTANTWLL KTIRMI NE WHIIER MANJHQLE5 5 AHAVE OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. EXTE 3, ALL. JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INILETS 5, OUTUETS TO BE SCALED GROUTED [INSIDE AND OUT. E_ TYPICAL MAN-H1,0111 SECTION SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN N'T.s FIQ, 5-1-A OR APPRM EWAI PM VW ATTA0FO 3MME PAULY REgOCNVAL Smigam m aukt RESUKKnAL AMC' IftW.A:MA W"CM . . 11 All Num, $VVA'M0 FIVOMOS It OMFW-%Kn A PALrrim omnm De APPROWD -OLML WFT PWf'lVR use "4 ocrAQ11cm SINM9 FAwky SIWLE SEW" 13 SAWX5 WkL w Oft P14 pff- CAW UMN 1-0 l/a MEND ak"AiG Lislsc CQww"lulf 5TW 4RICK AS TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION �5/8" & 1 " METERS) N TS fv-lu 24: 8" ICI EMBEDMENT SPRING LINE Of PtPE Now 68 STONE REMAINING BIACKFILL $111ALL MATtRIAL NOT CONtAm ROCK LARGER THAN 5' IN ANY DIMENSION -II~ MAL RACKFILL# LIFTS 1HOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER -HAVNC-HING -REDOING 6' rna x 4' min -FOUNDATION (SHALL BE REWIRED WAN SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UN$TA8LE NOTE - 1- OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFfLLE.0 END.RELY 'MTH. NO, 21A $TONC 2, FOR DUCTILE iR,GN PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH 5?qALL BE -SCRAPED 'TE 4:* AND COMPAC D, AND A�L STOWS REMOVED OR A REDDING OF NO, 6,8 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERE0 PIPE SHALL BE INS-TALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDOtNG OF NO, 58 STONE TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS FIC, S-3 SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES. I, WHEK A SE 59RVICE LATERAL CONNEM TO A MANHOLE AND NO INWRT ELEVA7RON FOP THE SEMACE LATERAL IS INDICATED . THE 'TOP (4=W14) ELEVATION OF THE SFORVICIE LATERAL. PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0Z HICHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE 114E LOWEST PRE CONNECTED TO TAF MANHOLE. 2t SZWEA LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXI$TWG SEWER MAIN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE, -3. I&NNUM GRAt* FOR ejEWER SERVICE CCffNFCM!N SHALL BE 2X (1/4' PER FOOT 4, ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER zf MIN 1 DIAMETER OF 4'. 1 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS, SHALL, HAW A MWIMUM COVER or 3 FEET. SALT TR-,-ATED FINtSHED OROUND It 4 2 ARKER F�_UG END OF MAIN LINE GERMCE SECTION LATERAL .. . . . . IN LINE WfE-TEE PLAN VARIES SEWER SERNACE LATERAL CONNECTtON N.TS. op 71k_ r j SHIMP > e+10�183 O �SSIONAL co co 45 co Q) __j .0 Q) E o E Lu c) o 0 CL m < CD cl-,I c:l z > z z uj L LL Lu > ui ui J < z UL Date .06/16/2017 Scale TD-1313 N/A Sheet No. C9 OF15 IM File No, 12.009 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 33§5+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 Pr EA((1 H: 1 "=30' ROUTE 20 TO ELK DR. INTERSECTION PLAN 1 "=40' 390 385 380 375 370 365 — HEIGHT OF OBJECT 3.5' HEIGHT OF EYE 3.5' "61+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 EAST ENTRANCE LEFT TURN SIGHT DISTANCE Ift uu I4tJu IZ)tuu 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 • • 30 •• •• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Scale:• --HEIGHT— OF OF EYE 3.5' _ - -- - ---- --- _ _ _ HEIGHT OF — OBJECT 3 5' cn 1T 1v JI JV 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 5 i6+00 c) j M. SHIMP > � il 183 � rSSIONAL V, AT THE DISCRETION OF VDOT, THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO ARRANGE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO CONTROL THE SIGNAL AT FONTANA TO MAINTAIN SHORT DELAYS FOR THE TRAFFIC TRAVELING FROM 250. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL VEHICLE STACKING EXTEND INTO THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTES 20 AND 250. Work Beyond thle h.>luu1dVr Operstion E 1+IT MRX VEHICLE Ditch Sections Section Lining Channel Depth Channel Width Left Side Right Side 2-Yr Welocity 10-Yr Depth Slope Slope Al EC-2 Matting 3 10' 3:1 6:1 2.99 0.13 All Established 6' 10' 3:1 6:1 2.94 0.14 Grass Width Lining Ii-iII1 IIIIII� III-� pe _I-IIIIIi� Ili- Depth I I=1 I ! 1 11=1 I Sae -III-I I i- -I I 1-i i I--_• • -III-I 1I- I I=11 I- • • • • " • 1=1 I l-1 T- {=III-III-I 11= -I�II� 1j1- 7 TYP CAL DITCH SECTION DETAIL C11 Not To Scale CG-6 NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) SHALL BE PAID FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER. 4• FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER, THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOP SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. $. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CG-6 IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A r4" 2 R OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. 6„ O D a D a a A ¢ D D o D 7" B a A A 11 • P P a ➢+ O a O a a a P a' 2,.0„ THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 7" IS MAINTAINED. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE COMBINATION f" CURB & GUTTER 105 REV. 9/06 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATI,ON 201.03 kwuidler Operation with Minor Encroachment 'igurie "I TT�1=.41 I0" (fir) 9.ov-,sus C' - 12V t' SHADOW VEHI;CILF REQUIRED T A OPTIONAL SEE NOTE IP �. X i S I moma SEE NOTE DEVICESSPACING SEE NOTE 7 to be mounted below accessibility parKing sign NAND CAPPED S GNAGE DETA LS C11 Not To Scale W-1 Lange Clasure an e Two -Lame Rqadwj3y 1rsin Ftng rs. (F igii re TT:TC-23.1 fi/+5/G .fi i Bollard �r DUMP5TER 4 x 4 STEEL COLUMN DUMP5TER PAD 5EE DETAIL 2/C I O DUMPSTER PAD PLAN C ELF NOTE 4 19HAPOW VE.HIQLE REOUI ED E N M4 ,r 1' FLAGGER STATION, SEE NOTE j.. TREATED WOOD GATE5 PIN1511 TO MATCH BLDGS 5TUCC0 BRICK = EL -_---- DUMPSTff_K EfNCLOSUKE --� STUCCO 40 @ I 0.,C. lJ l �#4 O @ 30" O.C. GxG KEY SECTION #3 0 @ 1 2" O.C. 3•_B� DUMPSTER PAD ENCLOSURE DETAIL C 11 Not To Scale NOTE: WHEN SCREENING CMU WALL IS USED AS RETAINING WALL PROVIDE STEEL AND GROUT AS REQUIRED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FINISH COAT APPROX. 3MM BASE COAT APPROX. 9.5MM ROUTE 20 LANE CLOSURES ARE ONLY PERMITTED IN THE FOLLOWING TIMES: 7PM-6AM ,er-a �. EGFE, Gf E% PAVH&Nf tA5 'RfiTf_R1kY'c4 IK FEf,Ut L`MIIAA KN 4R4.7 $gp'rw Azh kf t v's PROPO;SEA A M91 EAYEn ----------------- rwsTa3a x ,,= naaorosza mnAsc aoAwrcf[o £.4HGRWE CONSTRUCTION JOW DETAL 00 WhOY£ EN IHM %'VIKT S,NltfM SG €IVMM ',IA.'IE NIP WAA= W9 Ri F'PR.P` O='.Vfv1T 141M'm I,qM FHf,('PBE(` FCiCFJII P f GKN Tt1Y'.K A4MI+'tT 5l�'.bG£ GRllRE£ (5P£ 3AJT£ al, OR QW11ER K ETSHIRPIE♦f 67 Co<5 SEE TC4J T TO AWi iXF Mt TfiCHr@55 6F E�Y}TtlYG '".1,tAYERS. NOT€S+ A A91RAT PAV�#{EHT W"?o S L tk i A ?AT' 4a%T iN ➢ MMF AIY¢f. VTM 5➢R "r YWT WDaUY;ES MO 6 W ROk w THE mq J 2, ry AdYiFAL` y4(ffbVMErE If CIIf�E#. 64 p,V�N. �I'kGY•4�'O. vlkNMW V.4L fY. �8 NQVI€THE4PPAAYMN 1'Y„�CNE LA,YiiL' GG' SX6Y1�tt. PAVENENf. J. R»W�Yf2 LAY AS 7iR '«HN:ti tlE'3 AC£G d{tHS .M4�kpC�➢Y Nd &}06 .T6GS S�YSRAM VYE TU of mmllow 111E Trft ffiv 71W.k'�'.T3 VF E?PSYm i. iH'ht p R'MkiAENt +r Nc- 9,St:7w.C'�G 4'4a.C5's" .Mi eY1Y1 C f7AQ#LRNC fi6fY.➢+" 4PtT11 YV ASGMW',.4 SUCffPK4 C+#4R$E to Nd'1TeM TtlE rvrv� NctREER b4lY hC Q:'6? Tk1E Hd..ING I➢E . Of THE �ERr>m'I pk/ Kw Tb K .1*45 S9 A??E'?E X1 Aq fFAUtE Ph➢'F,?kAT G40.CSRvi»SYOb'E %+. Mx.l K+ eYugwNF N0.'➢.KINQ^s No MRVIENS ml- 11E NA"c% Lib M $H_1 ft ba?VUREVT 3u =l To THE 86P&gM I:F Vwl G?t v. ��++TAMa54T723 PA p V. %C�FRN,A $xF'fi.%I t+4 SNR. ol UTHkSFf i%i.V'. EKGiPI TH T Ml lJWs AILhfu CLO'JTor GNS)7q4R Rem., T ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING FORw(dE#rmNEs stcT to iR,�FF}c OPENINGS NOTES; ��'�`� 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2" R tI 3" 4" 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, A - P' R78ASE 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. CURB HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESSR� CURBOF CURB) WILL BE PAX) FOR ASSEE 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" NOTE 4(13" DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS 3" (19" DEPTH)IN ORDER THAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB WILL♦ COINCIDE GITH TH TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE a �''THERWISE THE DEPTH IS TQ_BE 16" AS SHOWN, NO ADJUSTMENTHCE BID IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN REASE IN DEPTH.$. CG-3 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING TH REQUIREMENTSFOR CG-7 AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL.6. $yHEN THIS STANDARD IS TO BE TIEEDD INT EXIST! 10' OR THEUCH,THE ANGE IN STSIANDARD! MADEEA ADREEGy HARD OPENINGS. tVVriLL 7" STANDARD 4" CURB (CG-3) - VDOT Not To Scale 84 4" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE n Q 4 a' 000000000000°�0 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE II��{ �Ilill�ll�(l�ll((l�llli�- COMPACTED SUBGRADE CBR=10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED ATYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION C1 1 j Not To Scale 2" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE 00000000000000o0 `6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE -III I III IIi� II � 1= CO PAOCTOED SUBGRADE TO BE FIELD VERIFIED PARKING AREA PAVEMENT SECTION Not To Scale 2" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE 001 3" - ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE TYPE BM-25.0 Q0O0O0O0 0 0OO 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T1 1 0" - VDOT 2l A BASESTONE IHI-- -1 I i I III -III -I I II -3- COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=10.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION FOR TRAVELWAYS Not To Scale 2 Dum ster Pad Detail C 11 J Not To Scale 6" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. MIN. WIRE REINFORCING OR #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. 4" COMPACTED VDOT #21A COMPACTED SUBGRADE �NLT ®� O ., JUST M. I1_VIP a L' t 5 83 ed CG-6 DETAILS Not To Scale Stucco Detail Not To Scale LANDSCAPING REQUIRED:... PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SHEDULE Total Paved Parking and Vehicle Circulation Area = 39,463 SF * .05 = 1,973 SF Min. 10 Year Internal Landscaping Required: Commercial Requires 10% of Total Site Area of Canopy. 104,980 SF .10 = 10,498 SF Residential Requires 20% of Total Site. Area of Canopy: 104,980 SF .20 = 20,996 SF Landscape Canopy Required: 20,996 SF Parking Lot Shade Trees: 1 Large or Medium Shade Tree Per 10 Parking Spaces: 117 Spaces/10 = 12 Trees Parking Area: Large Shade Trees (2.5" Cal.) — 10-12 at 40' O.C. Landscape Required Per IX of C.O.D. Street Frontage — State Route 20 Preserving existing street trees previously approved (SDP2014-00043), which met ornamental (interspersed) and street tree (35' O.C,) requirements. Due to pedestrian walkways 5 trees will be relocated. Amenities — Civic Plaza(s) — Block I Provided flowering ornamental trees evenly spaced around patios. Species include Flowering Dogwood, Allegheny Serviceberry, Serviceberry, and Cockspur Hawthorne. Shrubs provided beside plaza(s) to help screen parking, including Pinxter Bloom, Summersweet, Rosebay, Aborvitae, Mountain Laurel, und Black Chokeberry. Mitigation Areas — Parking Area — Shock 1 Provided 32 shade trees, 55 shrubs, and 9 ornamental trees. Other — Entrance — Main Road Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs provided and visible around northern plaza beside 'Main Road' entrance. —Entrance — Block 1 Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs provided and visible around southern plaza beside 'Block 1' entrance. Provided Parking Lot Shade Trees: 32 Trees w1walking Landscape Area = 5,725 SF Landscaping CanopyProvided: 26,5.2.81 SF QTY. SYMBOL IScientific Name Common Name Planting Type —]Cal./Height Spacing Root Notes Ganopy Canopy Total TREES 2 AA Amelanchier arborea Serviceberry Ornamental Deciduous 7-8' Hi. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Terrace 130 260 28 AC Amelanchier canadensis Serviceberry Ornamental Deciduous 6-7 Ht. AS SHOW N B&B Virginia Native; Terrace 130 3640 5 AL Amelanchier faevis Allegheny Serviceberry Ornamental Deciduous 6-7 Ht. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Terrace 130 650 1 AR Acer rubrum'Qctober Glory' Red Maple Large Shade Tree 3 1/7'Cal. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Nafiv e; Street Tree 397 397 6 BN Betula nigra River Birch Large Shade Tree 31 /2' Cal. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Street 397 2382 2 CR Carpinus caroliniana Amercian Hornbeam Large Shade Tree 7-8' Ht. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Nafiv e; Street and Screening 201 402 6 CC Cercis canadensis Red Bud Small Deciduous 7-8' Ht. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Terrace 124 744 3 CF Corpus Florida 'Cherokee Princess' Flowering Dogwood Ornamental Deciduous 7-8' Hf. ASSHOWN B&B, Virginia Native (culfivar); Terrace 124 372 4 CO Corpus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Ornamental Deciduous 7-8' Ht. AS SHOW N B&B Virginia Nafiv e; Terrace 124 496 4 CG Crataegus crus-galli Cockspur hawthorne Ornamental Deciduous 2 1 /Z'Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Street 184 736 1 FG Fagus granditoffa American Beech Large Shade Tree 2 1/2" Cal. ASSHOWN B&B. Virginia Native; Entrance 227 227 6 GT Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis Thornless Honey Locust Large Shade Tree 2 1/2" Cal. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Parking Lot 424 2544 5 HV Hamamelis virginiona Witchhazel Ornamental Deciduous 6-7 Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 113 565 3 LS Liquidambar stgaciff uct 'Ro tundif o Ila' Sweeigurn Large Shade Tree 3 1/2" Cal. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Street 249 747 3 MV Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Small Flowering 7-8' Ht. ASSHOWN B&B Virginia Native; Screening 113 339 2 NS Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Large Shade Tree 2 1/2" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Terrace 123 246 1 OA Oxydendron arboreum Sourwood Small Deciduous 74 Ht. ASSHOWN B&B screening 138 138 9 QB Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak Large Shade Tree 2 1/7'Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Parking Lot 299 2691 1 QC Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak Large Shade Tree 2 1/2" Cal. ASSHOWN B&B Parking Lot 370 370 9 QP Quercus phellos Willow Oak Large Shade Tree 2 1/2" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street Tree 370 3330 21276 SHRUBS. 14 PM Photinict melanocarpo 'Autumn Magic' Black Chokeberry Deciduous Shrub 2N'Hf. AS SHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 7 98 14 PR Photinia pyTifolia 'Brifflantissima' Red Chokeberry Deciduous Shrub 24' Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 7 98 14 Cy Calycanthus floridus Carolina Allspice Deciduous Shrub 24!' Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 26 364 25 CH C/e thra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' Summersweet Deciduous Shrub 24" Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native (culfivar) 16 400 23 CA Clethra alnif olia 'Ruby Spice' Summersweet Deciduous Shrub 24" Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native (cultivar) 16 368 4 RC Rhododendron catawbiense 'Album' Rosebay Evergreen Shrub 24' Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 7 28 60 HA Hydrangea arborescens Wild Hydrangea Deciduous Shrub 24" Ht. 36" O.C. 3 Gal. Virginia Native 16 960 12 IV llex verticillato 'Red Sprite' Winterberry Holly Evergreen Shrub 24" Ht. AS SHOWN 3 Gal. plant I Male form'Apollo'for pollinaltiO 23 276 3 KL Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel Evergreen Shrub 24" Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 28 84 12 LB Lindera Benzoin Spicebush Deciduous Shrub 24!' Ht. AS SHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 23 276 35 MC M orefla cerif era Wax Myrtle Evergreen Shrub 24!' Ht. 36'0.C, 3 Gal. Virginia Native (cultivar) 44 1540 20 RP Rhododendron periclymenoides Pinxterbloom Deciduous Shrub 24!' Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 7 140 9 VD Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Viburnum Deciduous Shrub 24!' Ht. ASSHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native 31 279 11 VDB Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' Blue Muffin Viburnum Deciduous Shrub 24" Ht, AS SHOWN 3 Gal. Virginia Native (cultivar) 31 341 57 TO Thujya occidentalis 'Emerald Green' Arborvitae Evergreen Shrub 24" Ht. ASSHOWN B&B Screening 5252 LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. Contractor to apply mulch bedding around all proposed trees and shrubs. 2. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 3. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 4. Trees to be relocated from previous planting are not included in landscape schedule or canopy calculations. Plantings include Private Landscape Easement on south eas end of parcel & street trees along Rt 20. The Landscape Plan does locate & label relocated plants. Relocated plantings not in Landscape Schedule. See Landscape Schedule on Sheet C13 for plant specifications, 4.1. A Private Landscape Easement includes — (2)KL, (5)RC, (2)AL, (1)BN 4.2. The street trees along Rte 20 include — (1)CF, (1)CC, (2)AR, (1)LS 5. Canopy for 'landscape screening to be planted per SUP2014-00043' not included in canopy calculations. 6. All existing replaced in landscaping that Is to remain will be kind if damaged during construction. MPPR_We� JUSTfN M . SHIMP Lic, 3o.(5 83 41S k _�101,la4L LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Area(SF) Graphic Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Min. Cal./Height Quantity Canopy at 10 Total Canopy SF yrs VJ Large Shade Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak See Above For Requirements 6 370 2220 Large Shade Tree Acer rubrurn "Autumn Flame" Red Maple See Above For Requirements 4 177 708 —IZV— Evergreen Screening Tree Thuja occidentalls Eastern Arborvitae 4' H 1. 3 10 30 Evergreen Shrub Rhododendron catawbiense Catawba Rhododendron 24" H t. 3 7 63 Evergreen Shrub Ilex vomitoria "Nana" Holly Dwarf Yaupon 24" Ht. 9 <*� ZA Evergreen Shrub Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel 24" Ht. 12 24 288 TOTAL 3309 SF: LANDSCAPING BUFFER PER SIDE 2014-00043: Northern BUffer (Block 1): 10 Large Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 24 Evergreen Shrubs. RELOCATION LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Area(SF) Graphic Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Min. Cal./Height Quantity Canopy a Py a t 10 ati 0 Total '01 Canopy SF yrs AR Large Shade Tree Acer rubrurn "Autumn Flame" Red Maple 2" Cal. 2 177 354 0 QP Large Shade Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak 2" Cal. 1 370 370 LS Large Shade Tree Liquidambar Styracifluo "Rotundiloba" 2" Cal, 1 249 249 "Rotundiloba" Sweetgurn BN Large Shade Tree Betula nigro "Heritage" "Heritage" River Birch 2" Cal. 1 397 397 1ZLI) CC Ornamental Tree Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 7-8' Ht. 2 124 248 d CF Ornamental Tree Coranus florido Flowering Dogwood 7-8' Ht. 1 124 124 AL Ornamental Tree Amelanchier laeVis Allegheny Serviceberry 7-8' Ht. 2 130 260 RC Evergreen Shrub Rhododendron Catawba 24" Ht. 5 7 35 catawbiense Rhododendron KIL Evergreen Shrub Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel 24" Ht. 2 28 56 TOTAL 2093 SF: fn STREET TREES & PRIVATE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT PER SDP 2014-00043: Street Trees (Block 1): 12 Large Shade Trees, 9 Flowering Ornamental Trees, & 5 Flowering Shrubs. Private Landscape Easement (Block 1): 1 Large Shade Tree, 2 Flowering Ornamental Trees, 7 Evergreen Shrubs. NOTE: Graphic matches existing conditions sheet (C4). Symbol matches Landscape Plan. sheet (C12).. MATCH TOP OF WALL ELEVATIONS AND CHAMFER TO ADJACENT RETAINING WALLS. RADIUS ON ALL CORNERS 43 TIES Q 24!' C.C. #4 REBAR 9? 1 Z' OfC - COT. TOPS01 FILTER FABRIC, OVERLAP CONCRETE #57 STONE X'PERFORATED PVC PIPE WITH PERFORATIONS #4 REBAR 3'-U'LONG -a IT a/c #4 REBAR CW 12" 01C - CONT. #4 REBAR Q I Z'O/C - ALT. DIRECTIONS CONIC, FOUNDATION -3500 P-S I COMPACTED SUBGRADE SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. TREE TIES, SEE SPECS. 1-112" SQ. OAK STAKES SET 180 DEGREES APART FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF MULCH AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EARTH WA TERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE SPECS FOR EXACT REQUIREMENTS, PLANTING SOIL, AND PLANTING SOIL AMENDMENTS. REMOVE BURLAP, WIRE & STRING FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL — TWO TIMES BALL DIA. (MIN) (1TREE PLANTING DETAIL �013,Not To —Scale County of Albemarle Conservation Plan Checklist — To be placed on Landscape Plans (Handbook, pp M-284-111-297 for complete specifications) I The fal :n f ms shall be shown on the glan. Trees to be saved; Limits of clearing (outside driplinc, of trees to be saved); �P Location and type of protective fencing, Cl Grade changes requiring tree wells or walls; Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond the limits of clearing. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. PLANTING PIT, PREPARED SOIL FOP, SHKU[35 501L SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL 1 Markings- 110 All trees to 44 saved shall be marked with print or_ri_bh_on_at. a height clearly visible to equipment operators. No grading shall begin until the t I rec marking has been inspected and approved by a County Inspector. 3. Pre -Construction Conference: OL — Tree preser.,ation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. 4. Nogipmmt QmRft and ft_rfte-,* Heavy equipment, ptnent, vehicular traffic and storage ofconstruction materials including soil shall not be permitted within the driplines of trees to be saved. S. Soil Erosion and StuLw_wfter Detention Devices: 0 Such devices shall not adversely affect trees to be saved, 6. Fires Fires are not permitted within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 7. Toxic Materials- 0 Toxic materials shall not he stored within 100 fact of the driplineoftrees to be saved. 8, Prote ,cfiy,@ Fe N Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. 11 Fencing shall be in place and shall be inspected and approved by a County inspector prior to grading or construction. 9. Tree ftift-, Ll When the ground level must be raised within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree well shall be provided and a construction detail submitted for approval. 10. luLwag-r, C3 When the ground level must be lowered within the driplinc a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided-, and a construction detail submitted for approval. 11. Lrepching and Tun nelmi When trenching is required within the limits of clearing, it shall be done as faraway from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunneling under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots. 12. Clenallo: 8 Protective fencing shall be the last it=s removed during the final cle;,mup. 13. Datna2ed Trees: Damaged trees shall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other methods recommended by a tree specialist. DEVELOPEWS RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER WITH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION UQUIUMOTS. ............. — '-TORNT"CT PURCHASER 9FG2NNA—TUU (ll)ATW — 511105 Page I of 1 3 CONSERVATION CHECKLIST �C13 Not To Scale SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP Of ROOT15ALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1 1 ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 Of ROOT5ALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE CL < K 2 --�SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL C1 3 Not To Scale DRIP LiNE SNOW FENCE BOARD FENCE L7L'-,,Cir1 i' G AND ARMORING :-'NCE CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING FENCE Source: Va. DSWC TREE FENCING DETAIL C13 Not To Scale 111-401 Plate 3.38-2 SHIMP ic. N r 3 TYPICAL RETAIN11"N'O WALL SECTION Not To Scale 4 Q LIGHTING SCHEDULE Symbol Label QTY Catalog Number Description Lamp Number Lamps Lumens per Lamp LLF Wattage per Lamp LITHONIA LIGHTING AREA LUMINAIRE ONE(1) 250 WATT CLEAR BT28 1 22500 1 288 A 7 KAD 250M SR 4SC HALIDE LAMP HORIZONTAL POSITION LITHONIA LIGHTING AREA LUMINAIR',E ONE(1) 250 WATT CLEAR BT28 1 18900 1 288 B 4 KAD 250M R2 HALIDE LAMP HORIZONTAL POSITION WAC LIGHTING WALL SCONCE UNIVERSAL DRIVER 120V-277V 1 570 1 20.7 („ 24 WS-W36614-AL COLOR TEMP:3000K CR1:90 LIGMAN LIGHTWAVE BOILLARD T4 CMH 39W 1 2450 1 47 0 D 10 ULW-10866 LIGMAN MiNI MUSHROOM GARDEN LIGHT 2 T4 HALOGEN CAPSULE 1 910 1 50 0 E 19 UMU-70241 50W 12V LiGMAN RADO 5 RECESSED LOCATION LIGHT 1X3 COB LED 3000K 1 331 1 11.5 F 21 URA-40582-W30 REV.2 0.4247,0.3936 3130K RA84 WAC LIGHTING LED CEILING/WALL MOUNT UNIVERSAL DRIVER 120V-277V 1 1140 1 21 0 G 21 FM W2612 COLOR TEMP:3000K CRI:90 Specification sheets for fixtures B-F can be found on Sheet C(15) Statistics Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Site Area -I- 1.1 fc 14.2 €e 0.0 fc N/A N/A LIGHTING NOTES: 1, Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half foot-candle. 2. All pole mounted luminaires shall be mounted at a max height 15' above the finished grade with the total height including the concrete base. 3. No fixture to be installed shall be aimed or positioned in an irregular manner. All lighting shall be directed straight down.WS-W36614-AL lights will have only one light fixture and point downward. 4. Fixture FM-W2612 Jes file unavailable. Due to proximity to building and lights facing plazas/parking lot the footcondles will not exceed .5 footcandle at edge of property. 5. Fixture FM-W2612 will only be mounted on ceilings and under canopies and will not be mounted on any wall. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE -- ideal for parking areas, street lighting, walkways and car lots, CONSTRUCTION -Rugged, die-cast, scritcomeraluminum housing wIthO.IZ'nominai wa€€thickness, Die-cast doorframe has impact-resistant,tempered, glass lens that is fully gasketed with one-piece tubular silicone. finish: Standard finish isdark bronze (DDB) polyester powderfinish, with otherarchitectural colors available. OPTICS --Anodized, aluminum reflectors: IES full cutoff distributions R2 (asymmetric), R3 (asymmetric), R4 (forward throw) and 95S (square) are interchangeable. High-performance anodized, segmented aluminum reflectors IES full cutoff distributions SR2 (asymmetric), SR3 (asymmetric) and SR4SC(forward throw, sharp cutoff). High-performance reflectors attach with tool -less fasteners and are rotatable and interchangeable. ELECTRICAL -- Ballast: Nigh pressure sodium: 70-15OW is high reactance, high power factor. Constant wattage autotransformer for 200-400W. Metal halide: 70-15OW is high reactance, high powerfactor and is standard with pulse -start ignitor technology. "SCWA' not required. Constant wattage autotransformer for 175-400W. Super CWA (pulse start ballast), 88% efficient and EISA legislation compliant, is required for metal halide 151-40OW (SCWA option) for US shipments only- (SA, MOM or INTL required for probe start shipments outside of the US. Pulse -start ballast (SCWA) required for 20OW, 320W, or 350W. Ballast is 100%factory-tested. Socket: Porcelain, horizontally oriented medium base socket for7O-150M. Mogul base socket for 175M and above, and 70 400S,withcopperalloy, nickel -plated screwshell and centercontact. UL listed 15OOW,500V. LISTINGS -UL Listed (standard). CSACertified (see Options). UL Iistedfor25°C ambientand wet locations. IP65 rated in accordance with standard IEC 529. WARRANTY ---1-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources(ferms and conditions.aspx-- N A Rote: Specifications subject to change without notice. FRE14mv Cyr was win iiT�'' g e6.• 534~Qkhe+"srernna I, kg ?A- @1 __ _-..._ og mber KAD-250M-SR4SC-SPD04-LPi 1 notes Type NOTE: LAMP TO BE 3000K Cno�iftrnfinnc MA: r.zrr.- *We€ght: 35.9lbs (16.28 kg) Length:17-1/2 (44.5) Width: l7-1/2" (44.5) Depth: 7-1/8 (18.1) All dimensions are inches (centimeters) unless otherwise specified. *Weight as configured in example below. Soft Square Lighting KAD METAL HALIDE:70-400w NIGH PRESSURE SODIUM: 70-400w 201035' MOUNTING 7-118 (11)2)k (44i5) I a�I1 1 710 ;lI i �I`(�t71 & forshortest lead times, configure product using bolded options. Exainple�KAD 400M R3 T8 SCwA SPD04 LPI KAD i f .. R' 4,F "FT TL 4 C( t'334fSf. Lti7fif. S .u' 4En, f L P U+ C h fi 4�.',T':4'fw lSii r ��,+.fi� . '�s 4i�rrr (ui �rro.. KAD et I hLkLe Nigh Ceramic SLandardreRectors is performance 120 (blank) Magnetic Shlps€nfixtVreQ_ rton Anieng1l metal R2 IEStype ll re ect Qne 7OM',I 250Ms pressure 208' ballast SPD_ Square pole 04 4'arm sodium 06 6"amr 10OM 32OM halide asymmetric' SR2 IEStypell 290° (WI Cantant RPD__ Round pole 150M 350M34 70S 7"C „ R3 €EStypeill asymmetric 277 wattage isolated WBD__ Wall bracket 09 9" arm 100S 10OMHC' asymmetric' SR3 IEStype ll€ 175M' 4001'1 150S 1SOMHC R4 IEStypelV asymmetric' 347 o< lrxrt ( WWD` Wood or pale wall 12 12" arm 200M° 2505 forwardthrow' SR45C IV � 4809 SCWA Super (WA Shignaratelv„74 sse 4005 R55 €ESVARVsquare forward throw TB" pulse -start DAD12P Degree arm (pole) 23050H2" ballast DADI2WB Degree arm (wali) t10f,forsl;7meMstoU3. WBA Decorative wall bracket'$ `rA spedP�dtommpiywithELSA KMA Mast arm external fitter KTMB Twin mounting bar " l'yij i£c y . 4� 44C��44 f54Yq'. '`Tbf b' y'S1 Tfi �Y.C�,'rTfi'}t.�� b YS b �y. 4y4 1L4 5l f4"'.7' �, f4Tfi 1. ,. 4. YS?.4?ZiS4 ffiSY.;lkiftfGfla a:a rge-t.F. ; •(' S� '.. A.s'.%n'"F%�X1ikt'i+if+�/�Kfe_tib'{t. SI{�t� ..'.CdYC{1T.4 ,T£.��Ytx,CSGL'.t� /fN�'Fi�� i5( l54, .4„+:.yt,GK4z t'S4f(Lsi�l'45sf„g rt. Y,1Ylxy r Shiooedinstalled infixture (SA CSA Certified PE3 NEMAtwist-ItxkPE(347V) (blank) Dark bronze DNAXD Naturalalum€num LPI Lamp SF Singlefuse(120,277,347V)" INTL. Available MHfor probe start PE4 NEMAtwist-lod(PE(48M DWH White DWHXD White included DF Double fuse(208,240,48OV)78 shipping outside theU-S. PE7 NEMAtwsI4odcPE(27M D8L 81a(k DDBTXD Textured dark bronze ULP Less PD Power tray" REGC1 California Title 20, effective SC Shorting cap for PER tumbronze DBLBXD Textured black lamp PER NEMA twist -lack receptacle 1/1/2010 option DNA Natural aluminum DNATXD Textured natural only (no photocontrol} Sh€ ed se aratel '� no p y VG Vandal guard ,g Surer Dui rabie mini;hes aluminum QRS Quartz restrike system" HS Housesideshield WG Wireguard'9 DDBXD Dark bronze DWHGXD Textured white QRSTO QRStimedelay" PE1 NEMA twist-IockPE(120, DBLXD Black 208, 24OV) W16 Terminal wiring block" Number of fixtures Tenon O.D. One Two@180° Two@90° Three@120° Three@90* FourP90° 2-3/8" T20-190 T20.280 T20-29012 T20-320t1 I20-390" T20-49021 2-7/8" T25-190 T25-280 T25-290d2 T25-320 T25-39011 T25-49022 4 T35-190 135-280 T35-29022 T35-320 T35-39022 T35-49022 OUTDOOR r_i__�LIGHTING DETAIL _- A Cl 4 Not. To Scale Notes I Not available with SCWk 2 Notavaifabiewith 489V. 3 these wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. 4 Must be ordered with SCWA. 5 These wattages require theRE6C1 option to be chosen for shipments into California for Title 20 compliance.230M REGC1 in not available In 347 or 48OV. 6 Reduced Jacket ED28 required for SR2, SR3 and SR4S£ optics. 7 House -side shield available. 8 Nigh performance reflectors not avail- 15 Available with SPD04 and SPD09 able withQMT0. 16 Must spedcyvoltage, N7Awith TB. 9 Must specify Cull for use in Canada. 17 Only available with 5112, SR3 and 10Optional multi -tap ballast (120,208, 5R45(optics. 240,277V,inCanada: 120,277,347V). 18 Max allowable wattage lamp included. 11 Consultfactoryfor available wattages, 19 Prefix with KAD when ordered asan 12 9" arm is required when two or more accessory. luminaires are oriented on a90'drilIJ69 20 Seewwvr.lithonia.com/archcolorsfor pattern, additional color options. 13 May be ordered as an accessory. 21 Must be specified, ULP not available 14 Must specify finish when ordered as an with MHC. accessory. 22 Must use RP009. EAU-M-S ! ! 20 40 • ■ - s- i rzox iv>wtIvarkrrtfr,�;m.�it�. i11iYt�ECjySE, (dIRAe�ISK�116e+�,it �r�r ��rtr� ��nFft�`T$I't'S�St�1't),Y.i!SY.IN{j 01JAUTY,'MATE#IPa.MAUQQWORMTO A8rra AWQ1?At1E3-°914*. FN��r#lirt�K�. "�"/,(�T7EPi6[�S4NGt4. :i5'Ifi�ii�'F.I�ttF���?Rlc�;:','YFiK'' Cpf?f >n6JA1i'H A1`' '�G: i7ALR9ifF.. Atey.5�fS0HA"!y"� - - d93F£tA�QA315cc8; 3'A.Mlf; •fiAAttF1C&PV£ fi`fidtiN.9E @W1T}IABEAQ`rCPFINf- 0(p f:SSiG�7t"�F;TNBRWfidJ,t€ t'{±,yY €r�.. :3tlCs 33:D,6 - ' 'g {i'J'MVINW AC e489Y P$FlEA,ALriEci 37E£4 Fit t ffi`?�1�,., ... 1, Y.f�?t Of;FAriTJ'4'tf}' �i'�7I�N.rG XA` KFFi:�1176'i f!rH nf4$ t}FktcFY�j71UbTkIT�iY${Ylfl�aAYAfSiiitl SY41EC:k6N PR0�4Ff14Nt+ • . wr�i�+shf . ., -_. .. ,I?iSTICE:tPARt"36. 1NOf 'ttG AYJ�i;,ME pW}ti�ti'f mt�NdlNLi �3Ct L"fQJrfJ �kAF1Pdf,4h'LyrdJ9: �e':77Cte'xe �r .i,:rlri e iiidale,2'c7te1'ssi�ti�ttATE.l7'E'EadiyK 3ifr�i6, �qpg: . 74Xi3 34C^ds.�, �-9arNrxtEY+e%"uEr?T�taflF���rbatn°rs�l 9C7dL�'S7NJi32tf:9�7tiiLrl.aEt ':'. :R Y $'f; 'i C+}t1 J.itrx �• . 2 YARD DRAIN GRATE DETAIL C14 Not To Scale A SHIMP > ic. 0.45183 =S�10NAL 1/1612018 KAD 250M R2 (PULSE START) OUTDOOR PHOTOMETRIC REPORT CATALOG: KAD 250M R2 (PULSE START) TEST #F: 1193091403P TEST LAB: SCALED PHOTOMETRY TEST DATE: 1/31/2008 CATALOG: KAD 250M R2 (PULSE START) DESCRIPTION: AREA LUMINAIRE, 250W MH, R2 REFLECTOR, FULL CUTOFF MEETS THE 'NIGHTTIME FRIENDLY' CRITERIA SERIES: KAD LAMP CATALOG: M250/U/BT28/PS IAMP: ONE (1) 250 WATT CLEAR BT28 PULSE START METAL HALIDE LAMP IN HORIZONTAL POSITION LAMP OUTPUT: 1 LAMP, RATED LUMENS/LAMP: 18900 INPUT WATTAGE; 288 LUMINOUS OPENING: RECTANGLE (L: 16.8", W: 16.8") TER VALUE: 50 (BF = 1) TER CATEGORY: AREA & SITE LIGHT - TYPE 11 MAY, CD: 12,452.3 AT HORIZONTAL: 650, VERTICAL: 67.5' CUTOFF CLASS: FULL CUTOFF ROADWAY CLASS: SHORT, TYPE II EFFICIENCY, 73.3% n.. NOTE: Image not accurate to fixture Polar Candela Distribution Isofooticanidle Plot 13,1)00 - -.. 13G{' 1'" 160- ISO- 1400 4 3 2 1 0 1 ,i 2 3 4. i1300 4; 8,667: 6,504 21167 0.00 ,; .... 900 1 4,333 500:, 1 6U° fib t u,bb7 , 2 — 10 , - VAi 131 101 201 301 40a E Max Cd: 650 H 4 I 0" H 900 H 5 20 fc >( 1 fr- 10fr- N 0.5fc 5 fc ::1t1! 0,1 fc ■ 50% Max Cd Distance in units of mount height (20ft) - - - Max Cd NOTE: 1. FIXTURE WILL BE PAINTED WITH BLACK FINISH 2. LAMP TO BE 3000K VISUAL PHOTOMETRIC TOOL 1.2.46 COPYRIGHT 2018, ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING, THIS PHOTOMETRIC REPORT HAS BEEN GENERATED USING (METHODS RECOMMENDED BY THE IESNA. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON PHOTOMETRIC DATA PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER, AND THE ACCURACY OF THIS PHOTOMETRIC REPORT IS DEPENDENT ON THE. ACCURACY OF THE DATA PROVIDED. END -USER ENVIRONMENT AND APPLICATION (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED To, VOLTAGE VARIATION AND DIRT ACCUMULATION) CAN CAUSE ACTUAL PHOTOMETRIC PERFORMANCE TO DIFFER FROM THE PERFORMANCE: CALCULATED USING THE DATA PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY AS TO ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, RELIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT WILL ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF THIS REPORT. °r'�`of 1193091403P PU$LISH :,.. VISUAL PHOTOMETRIC TOOL PAGE 1 OF 9 http://www.visual-3d.comltools/photometricviewerldefault. aspx?id=26892 LGHTING DETAIL - B C1 5 Not To Scale L.Ka"NG cry IP55 : Suitable for Wet Locations IK08 : Impact Resistant (Vandal Resistant) LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATION Head Office: Tel: 503-645-OSOO 7144 NW Progress Ct Fax: 503 645-8100 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 www.ligma n i ig hti ng usi.com Ordering Example : UMU - 70241 - T4 CAPSULE - 50w - 120v - Options U M U-70241 Mini mushroom garden light 2 A declarative garden light with a fully shielded lamp providing symmetrical light distribution with no glare and meeting Dark Sky criteria. For use in various applications includling - entrances, gardens, pathways. Extruded aluminum column and low copper content die cast housing with high corrosion resistance. Stainless steel screws. Durable silicone rubber gasket and clear toughlened glass diffuser. Housing is treated with a chemical chromatized protection before powder coating, ensuring high corrosion resistance. Integral control gear. Physiicai Data Lengtlh: 9.05" Heighlt: 19,92" Weight, 4,4 lbs Lamp ❑ T4 CAPSULE Sow 12v ter. (ror;0!c:e Lamp options including LED, please Consult the CataSogue, 4Veb. iteorContactl-hc,t,igmanLightin)Factory) Voltaige (Please Specify) Z 120V ❑ 277V ❑ Otlher Opti(Dns (Please Specify) Color, (Please Specify) 001-(Black - RAL 9011 0 02- Dark Grey - RAL 7043 ❑ 03-White - RAL 9003 1104 -Metallic Silver - RAL 9006 ❑ 05-IMatt :Silver - RAL 9006 ❑ 07- Custom - RAL ❑ 06 IBronz e - RAL 6014 ❑ Specify Custom Height ft PROJECT: DATE: TYPE: QUANTITY: NOTE, LAMP TO BE 3000K ` ! Mntertek Rev:11/13 Ligman Lighting USA reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice, please contact factory for latest information. Due to the continual Improvements in LED technology data and components may change without notice. 1/4 Light projection tuned with precision, Caliber is a discretie cylinder with minimal mounting hardware. Available in a single ar double light configuration which can be mounted both vertically and horizontaiy. The light engine is factory sealed for maximum protection against the harshest elements. FEATURES . Discrete cylinder with minimal mounting hardware * S-W316614 is Up &+down light, WS-W36610 Is one c1brection Light engine is factory sealed formaximuin protection from the elements • Can be mounted vertically or horizontally Solid aluminum constitution • Driverlocated in standard 4" junction box • Universal driver (I2OV-22OV-277V) - Color Temp: 3000K - CRI:90 - Dimming: I DO% .10% ELV - Rated Life.7ZOOO hours - Input; 120 m 277V LED Delivered i amens Lumens f) WS 36610 --.. ... 7 _. ii .._ .. J r P"14ttai. x?- WS WS66140 1 J 410 19K .._,.. ...-...__,.... _ .. ...._ .. .,.-_.-.... _i,......_.__ Example: WS-W36614-AL 1L,WIN Mal Project: Location: Constructioni Aluminum and White Diffuser Lens Light Saumat Nigh output LEIS. Finisht Brushed Aluminum (AL), Black (BK), Bronze (BZ) Staondwds: ETL & cETL wet location listed. IP 65. CEC Title 24 waidighting.com HeadquartersfEasterrn Distribution Center Central Distribution Center Western Distribution Center Phone (800) 526.2588 44 Harbor Park Drive 1600 Distribution Ct 1750 Archibald Avenue Fax (800) 526.2585 Port Washington, NY 11050 Lithla Springs, CIA 30122 Ontario, CA 91760 WACLightintg retains the right to modify the design of ourproducts at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. 2 LIGHTING DETAIL - G C15 Not To Scale Physical Data Length -10.2" Height • 3.6" Weight - 3 lbs IP65 • Suitable For Wet Locations IK04 - Impact Resistant (Vandal Resistant) toe. _.. t 3.ha' < 3.94' LIGHTING USA A range of rectangular and square wall recessed luminaires, with an indirect optical system, offering high vandal resistance. Suitable for indoor or outdoor applications. The recessed LED eliminates all discomfort glare as light is directed to the ground providing Illumination where it is needed and minimizing light spill. This luminaire is provided with a powdercoated high pressure die-cast aluminum back box and can be pre shipped to thejobsite for concrete pour or masonry applications. This fixture is suitable for lighting footpaths, stairs, squares and entrances. The Rado range has a matching bollard offering to complementthe recessed product. See bollard section on the Ligman website. All Ligman fixtures can be manufactured using a special pre-treatment and coating process that ensures the fixture can be installed in natatoriums as well as environments with high concentrations of chlorine or salt and still maintain the S year warranty. For this natatorium rated process please specify NAT in options. Aluminum Cantina Less than 0,1 % capper content — Marine Finishing All Ligman products go through an extensive Grade LM6 Aluminum High Pressure die casting finishing process that includes fettling to improve provides excellent mechanical strength, clean paint adherence, detailed product lines and excellent heat dissipation. Paint UV Stabilized 4.9Mil thick powder coat paint Pre paint and baked at 200 Deg C. 8 step degrease and phosphate process that This process ensures that Ligman products can includes deoxidizing and etching as well as a zinc withstand harsh environments. and nickel phosphate process before product Rated for use in natatoriums. painting, Hardware. Memory Retentive -Silicon Gasket Provided Hardware is Marine grade 316 Provided with special injection molded "fit for Stainless steel. purpose" long life high temperature memory retentive silicon gaskets. Maintains the gaskets Anti Seize Screw Holes exact profile and seal over years of use and Tapped holes are infused with a special anti seize compression, compound designed to prevent seizure of threaded connections, due to electrolysis from Thermal management. heat, corrosive atmospheres and moisture. LM6 Aluminum is used for its excellent mechanical strength and thermal dissipation Crystal Clear Low Iron Glass Lens. properties in low and high ambient temperatures. Provided with tempered, impact resistant crystal The superior thermal heat sink design by Ligman clear law iron glass ensuring no green glass used in conjunction with the driver, controls tinge. thermals below critical temperature range to ensure maximum luminous flux output, as well as optics & LED providing long LED service lifeand ensuring less Precise optic design provides exceptional light than 1o40lumen depreciation at 50,000 hours. control and precise distribution of light. LED CRI > 80 Surge Suppression Standard 1Okv surge suppressor provided with lumen -Maintenance Life all fixtures. L80 /1310 at 50,000 hours (This means that at least 90% of the LED still achieve 80% of their t3UG Rating original Flux) HO -Ul - GO Standard Options O bona (Consult Factory for Pricing) Lamp LED Color Finish Color of clack RAL9c1l 04 ® ANIB - Amber LED (Turtle Friendly) 14w LED W27 2!700K 02-NhkG-BAL9003 w30.31000K oa-wnae-RALaoos NAT- Natatorium&High Salt 331 lumens Environments W40-41000K 04-Metallic 5ilver-RAL94rxi 05 Man..Silver RAL'J-006 06-9mrz RN. 6014 DIM _O-1 Ov Dimming 07-C--PAL Ordering Example: URA - 40582 -14w- W30 - 02-120/277v Lam URA 40582 14w LED LED Color Color Voltage 0 lions 3000K Black 120v 1N'27 2700K 01 utzck rd0,`277v Aia1a lmbcr L@D W90 7UfiCK 07 W40 a009K us 04 Q: Vwk Grey lthertSrxci j! NAT Natatorium Rated white r11hM1 i]-lOv Uimrninq MetAk Str Matte silver W 07 Bronze Custom RAL PROJECT: DATE: QUANTITY: �� --I TYPE: NOTE: G% . Intertek Head Office: 7144 NW Progress Ct Tel:503.645-0500 uar�,..uyi,nt.;ts.,s:.r.-:mer3:,.,.a.,he>,;tr,s<r:.,r.,tr.:rs�....:ai�ce.re<:.,.��t:✓,c"ry s�meth.>. nail:mpg -EcFnology �., ,t<Yr.�r,3e.,,,. day a.,dco ar3^-r: i,F.a Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Fax:503-645-8100 www.ligmanlightingusa.eom r UGfMNG USA IP65 :Suitable for Wet Locations IK10 : Impact Resistant (Vandal Resistant) 3.35' 1.5' � T 22.24" 6.3' 1.06° _�. 00,67' Mounting detail Ordering Example: ULW - 10866 - T4-CMH-39w -12dv LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATION Head Offic: Tel: 503-645-050Q 7144NwProgressCt Fax:503-6458100 Hillsboro, 'Oregon 97124 w ww.l ig ma n l i g ht i n g u sa.co m -10866 U LW Lightwave bollard The innovative reflector technology of the Lightwave bollard guarantees a high degree of efficiency. Lightwave has been developed to have excellent controlled downward light eliminating any glare. The Lightwave is available column in a straight or conical shape design with two different heights. Designed for lighting of entrances and residential areas by providing wide spread illumination on driveways, pathways and squares. Extruded aluminum body and low copper content die-cast aluminum housing. Stainless steel screws. Durable silicone rubber gasket and clear impact resistant UV stabilized polycarbonate lens. Single cable entry. Housing is treated with a chemical chromatized protection before powder coating, ensuring high corrosion resistance. Integral control gear and anodized high purity aluminum reflector, Physical Data Length: 6.3" Height: 22.24" Weight:12.1 lbs Lamp ❑ T4 CMH 39w :-L=Af !For More camp opt€ons including LED, please Consult the Catalogue, `,'Jr, ,sue• or Contact nc�- Lpgrr an Lighting}=ae;r,.rY1 Voltage (Phase Specify) 120V ❑ 277V Other Options (Please Specify) Color (Please Specify) 001-13lack - RAL 9011 ❑ 02- Dark Grey - RAL 7043 ❑ 03-White - RAL 9003 ❑ 04 -Metallic Silver - RAL 9006 ❑ OS Matt Silver - RAL 9006 ❑ 07- Custom RAL ❑ 06-Bronze - RAL 6014 01101i 06 Mounting Accessories ❑ Anchor Bolt Kit PROJECT: DATE: 0 TYPE: QUANTITY: _ NOTE: LAMP TO BE 3000K y Rev: 11/13 l.iyman Liyliting USA reserves the right to chianye'Pecifications ,n-itnout Ixiur "note, please. cnwuxt factory for latest infprmatio." 1rYfertek Due to the continual firpro:'rments in LED te.'chnotogy data and corl'iponents maychange 4141hvut notice. LIGHTING DETAIL - D C15 Not To Scale PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sleek and stylish. Tube is offered in round and cylindrical profs les for various applications and design themes: Crafted of die cast aluminum with an etched glass diffuser for broad based or focused Illumination In baths, closets .and other rooms', as well as outdoor location's, in residential and commercial spaces. Mounts to walls or ceilings, Five handsome finishes, FEATURES • Wall or Ceiling Mount IP65 Rated, EFL & cETL wet location Usted Die -Cast Aluminum Construction - Universal Voltage input 0 20V - 277V) Dimming-, ELV (12aV) or 0-10V Fixture Type: IG Catalog Dumber: Project: Location: SPECIFICATIONS ConstructkrntAluminum with etched glass. Power: Integral driver In iuminaire.120V 277V Input.. Light Source: Nigh output LED Mounting: Mounts directly to junction box Dimming.0-10V Dimming:100%-i0% ELV Dimming: 10096-15% 020V only) Finish: Brushed Aluminum (AL), Black (13K), Bronze (BZ), Graphite (GH), White (WT) Color Tempi 3000K CRI: 90 Rated Life» 70,W0 hours Standardsi IP65 Rated, E L & cETL Wet Location Listed waclightfng.earn HeadquartersfEastern Distribution Center Central Distribution Center Western Distribution Centet Phone (WO) 526.2588 44 Harbor Park Orive 1600 Distribution Ct 1750 Archibald Avenue Fax (800) 526.258.5 Port Washington, NY 11050 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 £Ontario, CA 91760 INACLlghtingretainstherighttomodifythedesignofourproductsatanytimecsprartofthecompany'scontinuoustmprovementprogram. AUG2016 A-P-ott) ' A 0��ALTTI OP fir` U JUSTIN M. SHIMP � Lic. No. 45183 r4_'WGHT1NG DETAIL - E �5NoAboScale S LIGHTING DETAIL - F MNot To Scale LIGHTING DETAIL - G �� 5 Not To Scale