HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201800155 Application 2019-12-10,., Albemarle Count ,' Planning Application >_.rnIII Ln L ,elopIII r,tDepartrnti-it TI,IP 032A0-02-000-00100 0,ner(s); MALLOY PROPERTIES III LLC Application # AIZB201800155 iPYROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description i ACREAGE TRACT g P i BBBeT BANK Piagisterial Gist, Rivanna Land Use primary Office+ Current AFD Not in A/F District i w f Current Zoning primary Highway Ci mmercial ( � Ir"OPLICATION INFORMATION - Street -.ddress � �'�cb —% FR— DiFFIT RD CHARLOTTES'1ILLE; 22911 vY ��— Entered B; Jurzy F�tartin T ,pplicationT,pe Architectural Review Board —' Project Wawa - Final Received Cate 11/30/18 Receked Cake Final ; Submittal Cate2/10/18 j Total Fees 1075j ..^.� Closing File Cate Submittal Cate Final_—��— Total paid �1025� Revision Plumber Comments t t i I I Legal =d SUB APPLICATION _ Final Plat 12/ 10/ 18 . _ i_omn,vrt !- PPLICANT� CONTACT INFORMATION tl-�,LLOV PROPERTIES III L LC 1300 FI.HNOND ROLL CH-.RLUTTES,.ILL ?911 301147H=,PI Q, RITCHIE,P,E,, BOHLER. 26 BL CKAELL p RK 1-4,NE. 'NARRE[IT 0N, 20156 Signature of Contractor or uthorized =gent Date 5403494500 FF recle-'Il Architectural Review Board Application : � H�� Part A: Applicant, Contact and Parcel Information Project Name: WaWa Tax map and parcel(s); 032A0-02-00-00100 Physical Street Address: 3267 Profflt Road Contact Person: Jonathan Q. Ritchie, P.E. Business Namc: Bohler Engineering VA, LLC Address 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 city Warrenton — _-,--__-- 5uuc VA ---ziP 20186 Daytime Phone (540) 349-4500 Fax 9 (540) 349-0321 l -mail jdtchie@bohlereng.com Ownerol'Record: Malloy Properties III LLC c/o Malloy Companies Address 1300 Richmond Road t,'it� Charlottesville — -- — ---,state VA zip 22911 _ Daytime Phone f—} _--- Fax N (_► _-- I -mail Part S: Review Type and Fee Select review type Review, by the Architectural Review Board r-j Conceptual Plan/ Advisory ftevica (flor a Special Use Permit or a No Fee Rezoning) Prciirninat'y':lnitial lieView ul'a Site Development Plan No Fee x Find Review of a Site Development Plan S1075.00 Amendment to an approved Certificate ol'Appropriateness $ 242.00 Building Permit lie%ic%% $ 634.00 County -wide Certificate of Appropriateness Structures 750' or more from the FC, no taller than 5 stories No Fec Structures located behind a structure that fronts the VC No free Personal wireless service facilities No Fee Fencing or Equipment or Lighting No Fcc Additions to AR13-approved buildings No Fee Minor amendments to site or architectural plans No Fcc Building permits where the change is 50% or less of the altered elevation No Fcc NOTE: For SIGNS, use the combined APPLICATION AND CHEKLIST FOR SIGNS. FOR 0FFlCF USF ONl )' RPt? Fee Arnount 5 Dare Paid 13 tivhn'' Receipt f< Check q (.'ounth• of Albemarle t)cpt of ('ommunity Development, 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottestille, %'.% 22902 \'nice: (434) 2r ,".42 Fax: (434) 972—(12G U 747 i P'rr I ,I OVER IPart C: Description of Proposal 1 Describe your proposal. Attach a separate sheet If necessary. I The nuroose of this oroicct is to demolish the existing site building and infrastructure and to construct a Wawa I Part D: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (I ) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. • Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without the appropriate checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. I hereby certify that I own the subject property or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in f ling this application. *See submittal requirements below. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true. and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by the appropriate checklist. //— :Z tg — / e- Signature of owner, owner's represen ve Date or contract purchaser 6eCt' lze7, lUf. MA4c.t-cr N nte.�,SPz _ 7y 3 30`1 -.2ooy Printed name, 'Title Daytime phone number of Signatory *Ownership Information: • If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organiTation including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing above has the authority to do so. • If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. • If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must he submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. Attach the owner's written consent. I t/20I G Page 2 ol'2 OVER B OHLER ENGINEERING Professional Engineering Services VIA: Hand Delivery TO: Albemarle County RE: Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)296-5832 ATTN: Heather McMahon DATE: JOB NO: 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201, Warrenton, VA 20186 Telephone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Final Review for Site Development Plan Wawa Charlottesville Seminole Trail and Proffit Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 Albemarle County November 30, 2018 V162083 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Prints ❑ Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V162083 11/28/18 Check #002824 Check in the amount of $1,075.00 made payable to County of Albemarle 1 V162083 11/28/18 1-2 of 2 Architectural Review Board Application 1 V162083 11/29/18 1-3 of 3 Final Review of a Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist 8 V162083 11/30/18 1 of 1 Narrative 8 V162083 1 of 1 Seminole Trail Site Photos 8 V162083 1 of 1 Proffit Road Site Photos 8 V162083 10/31/18 1 of 1 Exterior Elevation and Floor Plan 8 V162083 11/29/18 A4 Exterior Elevations 8 V162083 1-2 of 2 Perspective Renderings 8 V162083 6/22/18 2 11/30/18 1-23 of 23 Site Plan Documents 8 V162083 7/13/18 2 11/30/18 1-19 of 19 Virginia Stormwater Management Plan These Are Transmitted: ® For approval [-]For your use ®As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑Approved as submitted ❑Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections REMARKS: Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for the Wawa project in Charlottesville, Virginia. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540) 349-4500. COPY TO: RECENED S1 D- NOV 3 0 2018 COMMUNITY File DEVELOPMENT Jonathan Q rQ. Ritchie, P.E. 111 Architectural Review Board ment Plan �Final Review of a Site Development � r' p Submittal l4equirements Checklist I Part A: Applicant, Contact and Parcel Information Project Name: Wawa — PtrQ1a Tax map and parcel(s): 032AO-02-00-00200 Contact Person: Jonathan Q. Ritchie, P.E. Business Name: Bohler Engineering VA, LLC Address 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Daytime Phone (54A 349-4500 Part B: Submittal Requirements Physical street address: 3267 Proffit Road City Warrenton State VA Zip 20186 Fax # ( 540) 349-0321 E-mail ;ritichie a@bohlereng.cor Important: Submittal packages must contain 8 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. V ritten description of the proposal provide a description of the proposal. Identify changes from the preliminary submittal. Indicate specifically how each ARB comment from the preliminary review has been addressed. If there are no changes proposed, then explain why. Vxplain how the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor, 13. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1 "=20', clearly legible and folded): �;Kocation(s) of proposed building(s) on the site. Location of proposed parking, travelways, walkways and other improvements. Mechanical equipment, trash containers, loading and service areas, other similar features and improvements, and associated screening. Q""'Existing and proposed topography drawn with contour intervals of 5-feet or less, and with sufficient off -site topography to describe prominent and pertinent off -site features and physical characteristics, but in no case less than 50-feet outside of the site. Er"Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and easements. Identify type of utility and extent easement. Stormwater management plan. Location of retaining walls indicating top and bottom elevations, maximum wall height, and proposed materials, with material and color samples. [[Sheet number, total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision, and contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. For revised drawings, clearly identify revisions made. i OVER C. Landscape plan showing a following (drawn to the scale of 1 "=20' or,. ,er, clearly legible and folded): Proposed landscaping that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in the ARB guidelines. Existing landscaping to be removed. Include the location, size, and species. Landscape key including all landscape symbols and a description of what they represent. 20 Location of existing and proposed tree lines and tree save areas. i0oLocation of existing natural features. M Location of individual trees of 6-inch caliper or greater and all significant groups of trees indicated by botanical name and caliper. Location and height of above -ground utilities and associated easements, and location of below - �Sround utilities and associated easements. tormwater facilities. WX ❑ P ovide a signed, tree conservation checklist with all checklist items drawn on the landscape plans. Include tree protection fencing and limits of work on the landscape, grading and E&S plans. D..�Lighting plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1 "=20' or larger, clearly legible and folded): pJv Location of all proposed building and site lighting. [Lighting schedule identifying all proposed light fixtures, poles and brackets. V IAanufacturer`s cut sheets illustrating proposed lighting fixtures and information on illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, finish, and installation height. [KPhotometric plan addressing all fixtures and indicating that lighting does meet the requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. [Coordination of lighting with landscaping and other site elements. E. Appearance of the buildings) (architectural elevations, color perspective sketches, site sections): [Dimensioned architectural elevations of the proposed building(s). Elevations must be drawn to the scale of 1/8"=1'-0". Include a building materials schedule and key on the elevation drawings. Submittal of elevations that are not visible from the Entrance Corridor may be required to clarify the overall building design. [Site sections that clarify proposed changes in topography and illustrate the visibility of the proposed development from the Entrance Corridor. Site sections shall indicate the finish floor elevation(s) and oof height(s) relative to the natural elevations along the Entrance Corridor, Note: Scaled perspective renderings Vne set of all building materials / colors. have been provided floor plan adequate to show exterior walls, windows and doors. F. Additional material [Provide labeled, color, 8-'/2" x 11" photographs of the site as seen from both directions on the ntrance Corridor. Color perspective images (for example: sketches, renderings, photosimulations, etc.) that show the proposed development as seen from the Entrance Corridor are often useful for gaining a clear understanding of the proposal. The ARB may require such images in certain cases when other submitted documents do not answer all questions of building form, building details, materials, context, topography, and/or visibility. ❑ Any additional material that is necessary to address comments made by the ARB at the preliminary review with a memo itemizing how each of the preliminary comments have been addressed. ❑ The applicant is welcome to submit any additional material that will make the final site development review more productive. Drawings or other submittal items that clarify topography, visibility, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or unusual conditions are welcome. 2 OVER Part C: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. • All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing a final site development plan review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. • Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this checklist, completed signed and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, l hereby state that the information provided in this application, and all accompanying information, is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by this checklist. ture of person completing checklist clan«Y7'�aK ICL��t. �t. /rd►�c� /�aMp�c/ Printed Name / Title // 9g la Date Soo - 349-4 s0y Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel www.albemarle.org revised 10/24/2014 3 OVER - 'm BOHLER ENGINEER[ N G Albemarle County Architectural Review Board 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Heather McMahon Dear Ms. McMahon: 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 Warrenton, VA 20186 PHONE 540.349.4500 November 30, 2018 Via Hand Delivery Re: Wawa (Charlottesville) Seminole Trail and Proffit Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 Albemarle County BE #V 162083 The proposed project is for the construction of an approximately 6,049 SF gas convenience store with associated gas canopy, parking areas, landscaping and utilities at the north-east comer of Seminole Trail (Route 29) and Proffit Road in Albemarle County, Virginia. The current site exists as a vacant bank and parking lot area and adjoins the Sentara Hospital facility. As part of the development a right-in/right-out entrance with turn lane is proposed along the Route 29 frontage. Major changes from the approved Initial Site Plan include: relegation of air equipment to outside the Entrance Corridor view; fuel tank placemen; replacement of parking with landscaping by the Route 29 entrance; relocation of the trash enclosure; additional offsite buffering/screening utilizing landscape easements and ongoing coordination regarding the building including fagade revisions and the addition of outdoor seating; planter boxes; and landscaped islands. Capability and compliance with the Entrance Corridor guidelines have been met through ongoing and continued coordination with. the Architectural Review Board (ARB) including gas canopy size reductions, building design and material coordination, additional landscaping, and additional items requested by the ARB. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (540) 3494500. Sincerely, JRBIbb H:1161V1620831Administrative\Letters1181130 ARB Narrative.doc CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PROJECT MANAGERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WWW.BOHLERENGINEERING.COM