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SUB200300036 Plan - Approved Road Plan and Comps. 2003-04-19
Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes for Public Roads 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. Construction inspection of all proposed roads within the development will be made by the County. The contractor must notify the Department of Engineering (296-5861) 48 hours in advance of the start of construction. 3. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT. Mi excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CER Part 1926). 4, Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and must be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 5. Upon completion of fine grading and preparation of the roadbed sub grade, the contractor shall have CER tests performed on the subgrade soil. Three (3) copies of the test results shall be submitted to the County. If a subgrade soil CDR of 10 or greater is not obtainable, a revised pavement design shall be made by the design engineer and submitted with the test results for approval. 6. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal vertical). where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4.1 or better are to be achieved. 7. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance by VDOT. All drainage outfall easements are to be extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. The contractor shall field verify the length of all storm drainage pipe. 8. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field determined at the 1- i me of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VDOT, the Director of Engineering, or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary. when guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (!1) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the f Jce of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 9. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CC-9(A,R or C). 10. Where rural cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PH -I. 11. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required to stabilize a drainage channel when, in the opinion of VDOT, the Director of Engineering or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary. 12. A minimum clear zone often (10) feet from the edge of pavement shall be maintained on all residential subdivision streets. Additional clear zone may be required depending on the category of road design. 13. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. The cross slope shall be maintained as shown on the plans. Exceptions will not be allowed. y V -i n i a uoun BEDFORD HILL S 1563 L0WELL PINES S VICINITY MAP h sca e 1 14. All required signs (stop, street name, speed limit signs, etc.) are to be famished and installed by the developer prior to acceptance Signs and their installation shall conform to Shoulder to be 7' "Albemarle County Road Naming and Property wide where guardra1 i Numbering Ordinance and Manual" and the Virginia is specified Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The q_ 40' R/W locations of all signs are shown on the plans. The developer sha I I be responsible for �3� 4� s s 4� 4.5� maintenance of the signs until the roads have W/ GRshdStd. Travel Lane TravelLane ndr Diten been accepted into the state secondary road i•' E .Ground system. The speed I i m i is to be posted on speed �]- limit signs are to be determined by VDOT prior to acceptance. The speed limit is to be posted •� ri r =u=ilia-: J � ui��=mi ni=ilia__ . 5mph below the design speed. 15. Road plan approval is subject to final Type oa Blotted _ j \�� Seal Coot � � D-1.5' (Min. subdivision plat validation. Should the final 8"VDOT Size 2,-� plat for this project expire prior to signing ���%j�Aggregate Bass and recordation, then approval of these plans ,2" Compacted Subbase w/ Min. CBR of 4 sha I I be nu I I and void. 16. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricades sha I I be installed by the developer TYPICAL VDOT SUBDIVISION TOAD SECTION when, in the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or the Director's designee, they Design Speed - 20 mph (UP TO 250 ADT) N.T.S. are deemed necessary in order to provide safe Traffic Estimate: 8 SFD, Residential lots 0 10 VPD- 80 VPD and convenient access. 17. Use VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 underdrains under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points. 18. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and for culverts that are deemd inaccessible to VDOT inspections. The video camera inspection shall be made with a VDOT or County inspector present. 19.For all HDPE storm drain pipe installed as a part of the drainage system proposed to be accepted and maintained by the state highway system, the Contractor and a representative from the pipe manufacturer should hold an on -site pre -construction meeting for installation training. The pipe manufacturer representative should spend a minimum of two hours on the job during the initial installation. I. TCS Co. has attempted to local &;a ating subsurface utilities; however, such tray exist that are not shown. The contractor shall exerc:Ise tare in this work so as to avoid damage to any utilities. Ariy damage shall be the contractor`s Pespons/b///fy. The contractor shall notify a// utility oompvnies as well as "Miss Ut1/Ity'"72 hours prior to const;anrtion. 2. Any unusual subsurface condhfona -ball be reported Immediately to the Engineer. J. The contractor shall obtain all ,a;ervdts required for this work and pay a// associated fees. 4. The contractor shall employ errr t"?trol devloes and methods as required to meet the Intent of the Local Erosion Control ordinance. S. Contractor to clean up and ridto-e disturbed areas immediately upon completion of final grading in the affected area. 6. All grading and Improvements Jo bs confined to the project area unless otherwise Indicated. Owner shad obtain any offsh'e easement.; rc quired. 7. All fill material shoal/ be compoofid fo 95% of theoretical maximum density as determined by A A SJ-1,0. T 99 Method A, within plt;as or minus 2 percentage points of optimum moisture for the full width of f/10 section. 6. Al/ site grading and restoration alvl/ be In accordance with these plans unless modified by the project engineer due to situations encaintered In the fled. 9. All dimensions, elevations and locatr'onns shall be verified In the field by the contractor prior to beginning the work. /0. TCS Enotheering Co, has cond'uot€ d no studies designed to discover the presence of ary hazardous substances ion this property and ass p rmes no responsibility or liability resulting from the presence on ar y such substance. //. Prior to commencement of at y con0ructlon w1fNn any existing public right of way, including connection to any existing road, a for sold construction shall be obtained from the Virginia Deportment of Transportation (Ia,A+°wat"ter abbreviated VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the Amraft. Where any descrepancies occur, the requirements of the permit shall govern.. 12. All materilals and construction sh,iU oonform to curent speolfloatlonns and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 13. Erosion and siltation oo&r o° :ji�r es shall be provided /n a000donoe with the approved Erosion control plan and shall be installed r`w,�.7r to any clearing, t,frading or other construction. 14. Al/ slopes and disturbed arceeps a ,u a to be fertl/Ized, seeded and mulched. Maximum allowable fill or out slope Is 2:1. where reosona_,14i' "� ,,7b/&, lesser slopes of 4=1 or biter are to be achleved 15. All drainage Inlets shall have c : n.. l depress/on. 16. Paved or rip rap ditch may t, o i, f qulred when, In the opin/on of the Resident Engineer or his designee, It Is deemed necessary in order A�4 .��ablllze a drainage channel. l7. All traffl/c control signs shall oornfeorm with the Vlrglnla Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition, and shall to provided * the contractor. /a. Unless otherwise noted, a// Aµ & v ll be Corrugated Metal PIP . 19. All excavation for underground pipe Installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Coneruotion Industry (29 CFR Part /926). 20. This Road /s Intended to be ore~ Into the State road system. Ger?era/ No%s. /- The dev%oer rep erves o /O ff utility or drof�oge eosrr7e1?f 67/01?9 o/,' :10t limes The deve per reserves v// r?ecessory uff/ify eas172er7fs for ded/' ?0,741012 fo /he aooroorlafe Ulf/1fy. �asvner�/s s/�o/i be eri,�ered o/? the v1Ll/1ty where ,00sslble croon A,o01 at6? utility and easmenf loco/lo1's ,��r the ,oroect, ore shown hereon. . The delve%oe� r ,"serves ®/ necessary drayage e0s177612fs for fo the 000roorlafe En?111 Easmcer�ts shc�// be ` e�fered 0/? the uf1111L where ,00ssjb/e coon corX``? 1ruction A,00roXl'na,'e s11rucfure al?d easmenf /oca�`a /�s for the rof'ec , ore shover? hereon 4 C'om�o� areas (ram e reservedwfM won-eXc/usfve ,ahcere oo,o/jcob/e. 5 Al/ roadways S/�!,4/? //? this PI-0jecf are I12/ended for vzL 0cceof012ce and 17201121Le1?ce 6. Each bulldingr '/e sha// rneef the req1_11re177e1?ts or G'our7/ Code 7 017e dwe/ling uz 1-,oer /off 8. No further d 11 1,4o/? of I?urr>bered lots or c017217701? area wi#hou/ ,o%r71''f?cam c01771771ss1017 000rovo% 9. All lo/s s/C// be erved by 11?d1v/duo/ we//s and drajiarleids asks e%c�`rfcf/y /,. A// /ofs by /he r?ew subdly✓sloe sfre& Contents 1 , Cover 2. Road Plan & Prof ile D. Erosion Control PlIn 3C. Erosion Control Ncrative 3D. Stormwater Managei-mt/13MP P lan 4. Subdivision Landsape Plan These drawings and plans, printed on qor/1 /6,2003 are to be cansldered. Draft, for Internal review and approval. X For Regulatory,submNal,revlew and approval Approved for Costrudion (Dale F E F co i _ E 00 za0 � E EL C iL o o N � v a. r7 o Ln =.� DZ c `. 11 e--> S--i CSZ c� cv �� b 0= 0 0 O � 0 U 4 6m Spline Grade to Ex. Ditchline Required Sight Distance= 450' (Per VDOT Site Visit 080CT02) 105.00 of 75.00 i i, 65.00 TIO i` LLJ a w Q P I STA = 1 '1"5.99 E = .94 = 4752 .37 I = 28' 3�2' 39 "L Do = 220 55' 06„ Dc = 23' 04' 26" L o 1_I_ 5 T= 63.59 0 3- 13 \ ' e R = 250. 00 U) C • C 123. 26I Lo-�`-"-- E 7. 6 \ t M 7.7 69 W co \ \ un rdr i n `Eck � a r , ` (V\ (RM/1� \� \ \ �\ \ / itch fining\ 1 ' x•;' Stop M/D BOP = 0+00-: 00 sign I I y ai \ \ „ �, D tch Liking _ � is o--" � � c\ � Protect i E 4 41 72 D _ y ' N= 5 95.6,5 t nde 2'N l •S x 1 '�' ` 1 /tD-1 rdr i _ 1 1 A 1 ' CiC, �x e' 2 o , Speed EC-2 1� Limit SCALES: - Ditch 1 ning -------- Name---- tI _ ---- - - -- 1 = 5 VER A. and er sir a i n 0-Ffset at Start o+ Entrance BENCHMARKCO Paved Radius PK Nail set in base o+ 12" Hol I free= 101.6 PI STA = 11 +18.78 E = 4680.60 N = 5083.42 I = 58019'06"L Sight Easment (See Plat) Da = 47044'47" Dc = 49014'55" T = 66.95 R = 120.00 L = 122.14 C = 116.94 E = 17.41 M = 15.21 /Coro f fe ',X o ,19 PI STA = 13+20.34 E = 4888.82 N = 5036.98 I = 73.34'52"R Do = 40055' 32" Dc = 41°50'59" T = 104.70 R = 140.00 L = 179.79 C = 167.69 E = 34.82 M = 27.88 _-EC.18i40(BM/1) 42 Itag,�-- ACPQ h.07 ' ( / Ditch Lim I 6 .4 'D u t= 68. 0� I _ L o �t �2_- � Oet Prdtectic�n d50= 6 Depth= 12' 1 A = 101' Holdv Pill plof'1111 PIVIC hold Pill Susan Drive Country Oaks Subbision TC9 Eosin -"Ka C:*-P-my. 1..1.40 741 D-m-m Hello- L«y Fibs. VA 2"38 SMW 2 of 4 434-561-1216 L o -t 4 5. 11 c] C . _- 20-',,,0ralnage Ea6, nt s \ OP 19+ \ \ ` • N = 4 37. 9$ L CO \ \ 6.0 ' Cu l I✓ert \ \ 18 "I RCP 10OCT02 Road Realigned 27JAN03 Final Plans 16APRO3 Per County Comments. f,- Wup= 6 f t. 9 Wl w= full Cho nel N VPI ST k = 12+50. 0 VPI EL C1 IRVE = 102.00 EN ?on. in K = 33.99 r_a VPI STk 11 +00. 0 \\� a' VPI EL = 101 .0@� �r"i vcr CURVE EN = 50c..b \ O ro 0 II � II II O v -J Q • L) C-) H V) J W o t(f OD > > U L) M > > M a F- J V) W \ \ a � , _5° 2 O O 0 co o Il \\�•�\ 11 Q W 00 it ®` to > I I W > \ V) > r \\ � a. \ \ \ \ V I EL = 72 C RVE LEN 50.E �` K = 26.29 to . iV O co r` r` r c� Cn el' r• N to O (V O r O r r O r .- O � O 1 O 'w- rn rn tD m m 00 co co r•- a) to do m E 12+00 mm 14+00 MY6624 IT Of IL w0, zz*UU �M 3 O � ©v ti Lr) V3 � o `" O o 1 -4- ct z`i' CZ, Ln 570 �` i1 �� o C-L � r —085 I O�" Tx �F April16, 2003 ' X / N a Jimmy L. Taggart No. 02281-1—dLO m \ a� anANAL Cs \ ~\ � ` o \ \ Ln QL E- I 0 Approximate ► �',� ` \ SSA_ '' g Main Existing w �-- Tree Line \ o 02, \ \ 550 Drain 1 LC)I I nt 1 I \ / \ x --] \ \ \ -'tee G• \ / \ i \ a \ L i O z ` 0 o Ln Ar 0 to I 7 ` d 2.181� Ac . \ \ ` O s`•, Tr es estrc\yed n this re�.�, y� 18'� RCP @ 1.0% dl"Irl i 1 diviLJdl lit deve me°n \\ , - sh�l ee la\ 5,�d b ' / scree inggectio-y of,, C) ,,,,,,Doubl6 stc OO er row`--_00 C,4lanN c ss (min f t �! ' /� '+ J -{,•, v '� ' / r /1 s O / ' / i� t n 1 n g / �V \ \' s \ ` a �� •��d �' c� / 5 f t t< g e r 9 1�'0 0 C. off\ \ ®® A roximate � ESSpp T THI ROAY Existing Merin® Tree Line �� I �Q -------- -------- ------------ 7 0 LOTS c I 540 Ln O try a� � o / c a) Standard & spec. 3.02is adequate due to the lack of available water to the site.Should the temporary,construction entrance not be properly maintained or an excessive amount B E D F O R D HILL of soil found tracked onto the public roadway, then a paved construction entrance, water tanker truck with two pressure washers and settling area may be required by the erosion control program administrator. b) In subdivision development, temporary sediment basins/traps must remain in place until 80% of the homes S�T \ within the drainage area to the basins/traps are complete and the disturbed areas stabilized. The removal or conversions of basins/traps may occur when the Erosion Control Program Administrator has determined they are no longer required for the protection, safety and well being of neighbors and adjoining property. 743 c) Inspections of �Ws must be c9nduct9d at two phases of the construction- rough grading and final conformance . County StOff, the developer or his/her representative and the 1563 developers engineer should be present at the inspection;the L O WE L L developer or his/her representat i ve i s responsible for notifying PINES the parties suggested to attend. d) All Entrances ecept the for the approved Construction entrance shall be blocked in such a manner as to not allow 15 69 access to the site. e) The developer reserves the right to install and maintain all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot® Y v ® 4- C / 570 i o Y mot ��0 �� a �,�� �,t �� Q ® �m w=o CC � e � � / `'�� --0 ® �® O \ :.@) s '^ 1-0 r' VICINITY MAP h scab) ----_ 55 �� •�`.." i M r AP P 0 X 13 0 1 S B o u n d � r� �— Soils® L'J 914 B CL I \ \ - y--- -Trap No. Wedowee ,�- \ � \ I D Sa a d y I \ cgs `\ S \ Length- 12 ft.-- `'��' t --`' v r' Soils: Loam I \ �— 65B Predev. `�' Bottom Wet Area= 23 x 1. ft. LIJ `� \ D r a i n a g e Area \ \ /, Depth of Wet Storage 7.73 �t \ s� I P a c o l e t 2.8 a C. \ \ om Dry Storage- 42 x 21 ft. `S 1 Sand + / ®� thy` Drye= 2 ft. \ Soils: I� Loamy '� S o 1 I+ ' \ f, \ Top Dry Storage- 77 x 35 ft. 36B /, H- ft. 10 2 , H a y e s v i l l e 1 I °- ,r, \ �"',. v \,/ \ W- 2 ®� \ \,` 550 -----_ Loam I ; `, <vCe S \ olnDr nt 0 1 LO O .(j Jj` S T ! �Q ® /�,,,.....•�` `1 I 0dry/ Its of ! Utlll toy Pole < 540 To be Relocated M 11 P.' !''®" /' I !`�°a s°fr \ \ � \ I �`®e � `'`•.,,r®. \ r.'� /J --.------- r\ -�'--" � �• s\ Qo .---.- --. _ -% � _-- _ _Lr UP \(— 0 Lr) DC! Drainage Are ,` y'--_-•,`�,sd,, \/' / s.�/1 _ _ _ _ _ _..__ - ..- _ .� _ C E Lot 11 e �C • 1 J�' jf f (� p ~`� ''+..,. oatDov. .-._- / -,--,-.-.-..-.-..- -- --------2 s , I &Bldg - __-- _ _ _ m '/^"®' J 1 P Culver `I`/ �`\'\ 'Drainage a Ar®a--- J / Lam! 1 / M 1 S' RCP 1 %ac, \ ' — ------ PcatDay. 'x ,�s1 pr e®�, o L ml is of U // \ - \onstructlon Cn rye r 0) Q {,�Q �\ I �� \ O('} \` e \ \ \ \ \ a - Drl veway T BR m \ Predev. -` __ __ Predev. °/ 19`--+—_ / / `e / Dra25 inage Area Drainage Area o' O e \ -- _ -- 1 c , = I \ Predev, _ - D.75 ac. i Drainage Area j 1 --- ------------------------------------- -------- _—__------------I -�;--� _- \ \ u u C + m \ a + CD 540 LL-®� tin 1Ln ( 55� o0 o I (0 41 v E 0 — Lj- O 0 ® N ID Io 00 �L � LO 1. Set the stakes. 6' Max sm 3. Staple filter material to stakes and extend it into the trench. V 2. Excavate a 4" x 4" trench upslope along the line of the stakes 4. Backfill and co act the excavated soil. Points "A" should be higher than Point "B" Drainageway Installation Silt Fence Installation c xistin .E 701 Min. avemen 11 W MountablQ Berm '1 (optional) O • O • O .O !/�i�\`�'.,� �• os �• Ex. 9round 70' Min. °o Optional Washrack 00 0 L— l0000 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 • oaa� 000 0 0 °e0 0 0 0 ° C o0 0 ° °0 0 ° � � •0 0go 0 ° p o $ ®ago®0 k7 000° °a o • 080 o °0 000go °® CV 00 8 0 0 0 o r o0 00 °O ® �A ° D\'� om. Ex. Pavement �IDOT No. 1 Course l ggregate � UUr� ddwitdtoftentrance ) Positive Drainage Stone Construction [ntrance Narrat I*vd PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is the construction of a new subdivision street. Approximately 3.5 acres are p l arced for d 1 sturbance EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS:The topography of the site Is roiling within the scope of the project. Landoover- is open near the existing house and road entrance but predominately wooded along the road route. ADJACENT AREAS: The project 1s bounded by Route 743 to the North, and by rural residential areas an all other slides. No offelte site activities which require erosion control are planned for this project. SOILS: Soils on the site appear to be predominantly looms of the HeyeaviIIs. P000let and Wedowee varletllea (36B. 658. 94B), each with moderate erosion hazards. runoff and permsabiIItIea. The sandy Icams (Paco Iat and Wedowee) appear beyond the crest of the h I I I CRITICAL AREAS: The area near the large crossing beyond the culdesao.. Construction activities should be specially monitored and protected. These areas InoIude the stream buffer and channel oroeaings. Contractor should use care in acheduIIng acid sequenoing to minimize excavation exposure In these areas. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: Measures shown on the accompanying drawings and In this narrative are to be installed In a000rdance with the speoifIact Ione and standards of the Virginia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook. 3rd Edition 1992. STABILIZATION PACTICES (Adopted from State Minimum Standards as effected. 13 SEP95). Standards listed here. are in summary fornn. In oases of question or controversy. the Virginia Regulation VR 625-02-00 shall govern. MS-1 Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grads is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary sot stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas withlin seven (7) days to denuded areasthat may not be at final grade. but will remain dormant for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to those areas which will remain dormant for longer than one year. MS-2 SoIi stook piles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant to responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all not stockpiles on alto as well as act intentionally transported -from the site. MS-3 A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover 1s achieved that, in the opinion of the local prrogrom administrator. or his agent, is uniform. mature enough to survive. and will inhibit erosion. MS-4 Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes. sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment on-sito must be constructed as a first step in grading and be mode funotiornal before upolope land disturbance takes place. MS-5 Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dame. dikes and diversions in.. lately after installation. MSS, Surface runoff from disturbed areas (hot to comprIsod of flow from drainage areas greater than orr equal to. three (3) acres, shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The sediment basin shall be designed and oonstructed to accommodate the ant iaipoted sediment loading from the land dIeturbing activity. The outfaII devIas or system design shall1 take into acocu-it the total drainage area flowing through the disturbed area to be served by the basin. MS-7 Cut and fill slopes shall be constructed In a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization. shall be provided with add itIand I aIope stab iIIzItng measures until the problem Is corrected. MS-8 Concentrated runoff shall not flow down out or fill aIapes unIsea contained within adequate temporary or permanent channel. flume or slope drain structure. MS-9 Whenever water sespe from a al ape face. adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. MS-10 All storm sewer inlets that are mode operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment -laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. MS-11 Before newly constructed stormwater conveyance chamois are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed In both the conveyance chalrlel and receiving charnel. MS-12 When work in a live watercourse is performed. precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment. control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest extent possible during construction. Nonerodible material shall be used for the construction of causeways and cofferdams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures If armored by nonerodible cover materials. MS-13 When a iIve watercourse !lust be crossed by construction vehicles more than twice in any six-month period, a temporary stream crossing constructed of nonerodib19 material shall be provided. MS-14 Al applicable federal. state and local regulations pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met. MS-15 The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized Immediately after work in the watercourse is comp Ioted. MS-16 Underground utility I mes shoII be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria: a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. c. Effluent from dewaterIng operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off -site property. d. Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. 9. Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. MS-17 Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sedimenrt is transported onto a public road surfaces the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the and of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed In this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as to larger land -disturbing activities. MS-18 All temporary erosion aid sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after finall site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stab IiIyod to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. MS-19 Calculations in separate package. Detention exemption requested at preliminary. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 1. Areas which are not to be disturbed shall be clearly marked by flags, signs, etc. at the owner's discretion. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control measures. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: Measures shown on the accompanying drawings are to be Installed in accordance with the specifications and standards of the Virginia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook. 3rd Edition 1992. MAINTENANCE: In general, allgErosion and Sediment control measures will be checkeckd a )IshouId sedeimemt basins orcapsTbearequired.ftheywwiIITbe cleaned and mointoInod ocular: according to the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. b) All gravel outlets will be checked regula I for sediment buildup that will prevent dralnage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, it shall be removed and cleaned or replaced. c) All silt barriers will be checked regularly for undermining or deterioration of the fabric and repaired as required. Sediment shall be removed when the level of sediment deposition reaches half way to the top of the barrier. d) All Seeded areas will be checked regularly to see that a good stand is maintained. Areas should be fertilized and reseeded as needed. e) The acceptance of approval implies that the applicant has agreed to use the materials as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, attachment and samples submitted. Any change to the approved design or materials will require amendment to the plan and must be reviewed and approved by the County of Albemarle Engineering Dept. CALCULATIONS: Under separate cover PERM. SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: (All units in Pounds per acre) Feb. 16 thru April 30: Kentucky 31 �ecue- 128 lbs.; Red Top Grass- 2 lbs.; Annual Rye- 20 lbs. Fertilize at 1,000 lb. per acre or as determined by soil test For Slopes steeper than 3:19 add 20 lb. Crownvetch May 1 thru August 15: Kontudky 31 Fecue- 128 lbs.; Red Top Gross- 2 lbs.; Foxtail Millet- 20 lbs. Fertilize at 1,000 Ib. per acre or as determined by soil test For Slooppes steeper than 3:19 add 20 lb. Crownvetch Aug. 16 thru Oct. 31: Kentucky 31 Fecue- 128 lbs.; Red Top Grass- 2 lbs.; Annual Rye- 20 lbs. Fertilize at 1,000 lb. per acre or as determined by soil test For Slopes steeper than 3:1, add 20 lb. Crownvetch Nov. 1 thru Feb. 15: Kentucky 31 Fecue- 128 lbs.; Red Top Grass- 2 Ibs.; Winter Rye- 20 lbs. Fertilize at 1,000 1b. per acre or as determined by soil test For Slopes steeper than 3:1, add 20 lb. Crownvetch GENERAL REMARKS: 1. Lime shall be applied at 3 tons per acre unless otherwise noted. 2. Fertilizer shall be Type 10-20-10 unless otherwise noted. TEMP. SEEDING SPECS. For Planting Dates of Sep. 1 to Feb. 15 Use a 50/50 Mix of Annual Rye and Winter Rye at 50 to 100 lb. per acre. For Plantingg Dates of Feb. 16 to Appril 30 Use Annual f�yegrass at 60 to 100 Ib. per acre. For Planting Dates of Mayy 1 to Aug. 31 Use German Fillet at 50 lb. per acre. Mulch Specifications Sirar or liar- 1.5 to 2.0 tan per ca. (2.0 sin. for winter saver)- free from reeds aid aaarse matter. Must be anehared. Spread by hold or blower. Fiber Mulch- Min. 1500 lb. per acre- Do not use as winder Dover or during hot, dry periodsm Apply as slurry. Cann Stalks - 4-6 ton per oare- Cut or alrefkied into 4-6° Ievit s. Air dried. Do not use In fine turf areas. Apply by hard or blower. Mood Chips - 4-6 tan per acnw- Free of omrse matter. Air dried. Treat with 12 lb. nitropnVtan Do not use in fine turf areas. Apply by hand, blower or clip handler. Bait Chips or Shredded Bark- 50-70 C.Y. per care- Free of Coarse setter. Air Dried. Do not use In fin o turf areas. Apply by hand, blower or clip handler Allen Fiber kilcl is the only available wich Bring perlods when straw should be used, apply at rate of 2,000 lb. per ao. Earthwork Summaryy It is expected tf�at the earthwork on this project will balance on site. Abut .__ _ 4 inches anVac irer' s nsua on Tgrio i 1n�i l Fold Outlet Protection Filter Cloth --- Key In 6- v recommended for entire perimeter 1.., Apron Lining Mal be Rip Rap, grouted Riprap GaN on asket, or concrete. 2. La- length of riprap apron as sipecified. S. d- 1.5time max stone diameter but not -loss than 6 in. Flow 5' 1 ' _2' Wooden Stakes (�r ig�l1 Fold Soil Stablization Blanket Details Rip Rap Heodwali 1 ft. Mau'n ndM Ifer 2 ft. 2:1 - -- --- I Culvert vm in Class I R1pRap Stone Culvert Inlet Protection Copyright 2003 TCS Engineering Co. P.O. Box 306 Nellysford, VA 22958 Vol pb � 41I � at 01"i r i • r� ct aDD r—� 0 w 4" Perf PVC V ' 20' D.0 Holdl g berm sections ONLY. 4" Perf PVC Longitundinally allong length of Berms w Cn •D Vari ble Cleanout w/ watertiglht cap VDOT No. 53 60 ft O C BMP RETR0F I TNO 31 Cale) sia ria. BMP �� Blofllter GIs Retrofit / °s 0 `1 Silt Trap co.,.� ` ow�ndivbuado* \n' N`NN\ 09s � Q, i v u�/le Dry P_Ii5 °� QGe r q u i r e dA' � this L4t— I,See ta,[l �o � F It( N\ s L o D Q . 'N� L0 o \ �° i�N`N1\\ ' Dra T nage s' \ lki ow 14 a nt 'N� - IndM ual H�Qe ® � P'° e n d-P as fi D e el e d /`� \\F \1�1 V.. Drina Div��eo TNN '� \'ter-_ °'° A\ Arei r n \ NN, N NNI, t e DF .� V F 1 ow � �. \ � � ' 1 1 -" NO � i a CZ C:) 00 ° ` ------------- —Fife a� P sf D�velo e / �, I I /,� P, I \pow `\ d oeJ ° r-- r on�ge/ iv e (Ty ------------------ Flow //'' / I I I / �'`� I I / \ ° I i I/ r e Flow -- \ All Roof Drains from Home _-_ shall be directed to one of �'•. ` these dry cells Inlet Cap% \ ` \ Splash Block.,with Screw Top \ �\ � ��Q-- Impervious Laver Computation (values in feet &square feet) - Item - - _ re—develo m_nt Area post—develo ment Area o ---� P P P P 4 Perforated PVC g g & Observation Well _____________________________ ®_ Roads Len th Width subtotal Len th Width subtotal ill______________6q__________________ 0 Road A 922 30 23660 0 fl - -- -------- 0 0 0 0 0 27660 0 Driveways Length Width no subtotal Length Width nosubtotal and walks 0 5 12 250 15000 0 Short Version BMP Computations For Worksheets 2 — 6 0 0 0 0 0 15000 m .X. 3Al --------------------------------------------- r` _-_--______ \ Stormwater Management Summary Country Oaks Stormwater Detention Summary: Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance: Modified Simple Method Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 — 10 ft. min -- a 1 E Foot 0 0 0 Plate 4_ Plan: Country Oaks Subdivision Water Resources Area: Drinking Watershed Gravel areas Area Area non —compacted Bedrock or Water Table i" subgrade g - x 0 $0 = 0 x 030 = 0 ,l , r } it 5 } ff i! i 11 i'if ��k,f t; Ili DOT No. 53 Linedcwith Filter Preparer JLT Date 23—Aug-02 Original Preliminary) ( Structures Area no. subtotal Area no subtotal �1 fi ' t { rr f-, r ;,# + T, 0 Homes 3500 5 13500 Project Drainage Area Designation Total Site Preliminary 0 L storm pollutant export in pounds, L= (P(Pj)Rv/12 ]( C(A)2.32 l 0 0 0 0 13500 Ind i v I dua I Home Dq We I I Actively -grazed pasture Area Area = 0.05 � 0.00 Rv mean runoff coefficient, Rv 90) yards and cultivated tur Ox OM = ORemainder Ox OM = 0 No Scale Pi small storm correction factor, 0.9 Active crop land Area Area I percent imperviousness P annual precipitation, 43" in Albemarle x 0.25 = 0 x 0.25 = 0 New Development (For Development Areas, existing impervious cover � 20%) A project area in acres in subject drainag A = 20.39 Other Impervious Areas C f I (pre) Rv(pre ) L(pre) Lipost) RR % RR Area Type C pollutant concentration, mg/t or ppm target phosphorus O 0 0.30 1.00 20% 0.23 28 y9 1389 —14.90 —103% Development Area f factor applied to RR Im envious Cover o 0 /o 0 /O 035 1.00 0% 0.05 3.13 6.94 3 82 55% Drinking Water Watersheds IsP 1(pre) I(post) 0 40 1 00 10/ 0 06 4 29 3 94 177 43% Other Rural Land V required treatment volume in cy, 0.5 over imperv. area = A(p43560(0.5/12)/2T Rv(post) V RR required removal , L(post) — f x L(pre) 011 928 %RR removal efficiency , RR100/L(post) w min. values ° Interim Manual, Page 70 rev. 16 Feb 1998 GEB » o L.- C%-a V chin ss � ss •• +- •ui '�— � 11 L 00 in LO _U :> V\ �z® � Q Ln ® L]L I w z N \\'W (c) 2003