HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197900063 Application 1979-09-14 $20. Permit Fee ___QAppiicaticn Nc _ V/- 79-,3 Sign Erected By: Staff: 2,...,,,,,, .,_ _Dj' APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE i 1 1 Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 1 Date of Application 4Lyt /T , 19 '79 . 1 CWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) i Name: 30 V 4,CAezip S .� O PP�It-- Name: Address: P Q . cos,2.3 Address: t' t)h.t.l e U 4- 721 tit,. Telephone: cj`i`i ‘cl.S 4" Telephone: 1 Location of Property: \Zgw"M (p 6 c - #.1 e,44.. ci4am li m t ouv 0, d c. C, ley) cI rt i ) .G.i.). trt- ; i i-I t'_1 i rah: G, 13 Ki e , G. ---. e_c_Y_. }- rr , . 3 Tax Map Parcel 4 Acreage 7_4) Existing Zoning A ^1 District W i 4A-Z,., Existing Use: AC,LA t° .*Tv iLe Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : T44.4i- A- V ko. Ago C. S 5' iv-ca; Ser g k- to. :ma $G a9 cb fivit e-64,40- Stl G. of l*� olorLav (toAi) C - Z v u lIS oF. Teo 6Akaf. AOUS 1141 0 114ed_q_ 0.4J 4 o+ cart-. a 4444 ;, 4.��.-�l-u ft�5. 4A-"�" Q�,A g tab�D 1�J ' c3T� ► I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. • eirill*C777ract Purchaser Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: j a q /��j Final Decision Made: The variance sought was d'eniddlapproved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit# Yin' flCis,3 JAMES E. CRAIG 908 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. 22901 26 November 1979 Mr. Jesse Hurt Deputy Zoning Administrator Albemarle County 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Douglas Thropp Property near Free Union Dear Mr. Hurt: Mr. Thropp is contesting the right-of-way through his property to a tract of land to which I am contract purchaser. Attached you will find some of the correspondence relating to this matter. In addition to the right-of-way matter, I am also holder of a deferred purchase money Deed of Trust on the property which Mr. Thropp owns, so my interest is more than passive. The outcome of this matter is important not only to the exact location of the right-of-way but as to the width of the right-of- way. As to the width, the Planning Commission required that Mr. Thropp dedicate a 30' easement through his property to a two acre tract which he also owns for the purpose of constructing a dwelling. It is my feeling that this 30' easement should be taken into con- sideration in determining any setback requirements. I hereby request that before any building permits, variances, etc. are issued to Mr. Thropp that the matter of the location of the right-of-way and its width be resolved. Sinc rely, '41 : -4 -4";:; J es E. Craig sw 2 t ✓C-s T dAnC. 0.,Q,a.t Co °(o Co w I q 79 e -L.-Lc( C�c vA-nt` Po 0 33 -T1 t✓ o�! T1 E E ►nl Fog- A-i i 1 S4a" t't.14" i. R Ct b n/ Ce TO G. W% t-k-T (7F c.►i-A-LA Q 2-mP -k-11 •\-v A P J?>L1 1 O 6�S. rl o ' Nl t>IQ.A-7-.3 "t AT L bU b MC Amy t lv 1-R-05.S ► A4 Q9 P0,A'--1.-1, At-t kyX I r µ - e- u T L c2tCc, + of w-A-tk DGcb Gdu. &S PMDc 11,14- (.po� A-0 714e ' "> I~X 175 o-t\I,t O Rb uTE h1. 1)7 Uc fl = Li IA t '11-'1 D AN 5 O Pt l_ V7 b a F M Pe-0 Ti-k- A-7- UJ'o'Jt-b' f, liln PC.S.( c,( M c ( I T C t=`k 1 STi Wrc.t o�-�►'UANC� i c M k - Q SIB atr.4 ot-I-k , 1 CD A- Ri d,r4-T Ex= vU { AA SS M I.-AiSt> 6 1 A Y c L. I N(a A- tom. c,t vc.� a�! g 4 e. Ai,' Al)D I }-1 ranl�4 t_ �2 o a c W 141 e H- Z�A" t_!S k— cf a o T_- t+T' e 2bsS M LA I., LD P .Lis c-. R,►►.►Cp I+ \ M y -A Tr -4-1 ��> -f-- 4.4 mac, tJ c= w -Tv\ lq•1c( ea_00 oE_ ? (01 T c% ►-ems M t P2. Pc -r-.4 ) 1 , 1 q�1 W I t_L eyJ ,Q(Loc -'1> C C / jt / oft- O 0A1.0 r . f-.-' o tA41 r•tt'a-10 11Ac( Q V-TROA 11 (2.-I671-4S . I f4 C".C?vLc L( 0 • 6ox (0sz34 C� �11 r t ' i, -779h1n STAFF REPORT VA-79-63. DOUGLAS S. THROPP, JR. TAX MAP: 30 PARCEL: 4 ZONE: A-1 EXISTING ACTIVITY AGRICULTURE PROPOSED VARIANCE APPLICANT REQUESTS RELIEF FROM SECTION 2-3 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW 2 TENANT HOUSES AND ANY OTHER FARM STRUCTURES NEEDED IN THE FUTURE TO BE LOCATED 20 FEET FROM THE EAST SIDE OF THE ACCESS EASEMENT; A VARIANCE OF 55 FEET. ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT ALL STRUCTURES, AS HEREIN SPECIFICALLY DEFINED, SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF SEVENTY-FIVE (75) FEET FROM ANY STREET, ROAD, OR ACCESS EASEMENT. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION ONLY, THE TERM "STRUCTURES" SHALL NCT BE DEEMED TO INCLUDE ON-SITE SIGNS FOR SALE OR RENTAL OF PROPERTY, SHELTERS DESIGNED AND USED BY SCHOOL CHILDREN TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL, OR STRUCTURES, OTHER THAN SIGNS, FOR WHICH NO PERMIT IS REQUIRED UNDER THE UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Unless the applicant can represent a demonstrable hardship, staff must recommend denial. I feel the applicant does have enough land to meet the setbacks without undue hardship. This request is for a blanket variance. 410 The next variance before the Board was VA-79-33,Douglas Thropp. Mr. Vaughn read the staff report at this time. VA-79-33. Douglas Thropp, property described as Tax Map 30, Parcel 4, Zoned A-1, located on a private road south of Route 655. The applicant requests relief from section 2-3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow two structures for greenhouses to be located 20 feet from an access road; a variance of 55 feet. The land to the east of the access road falls off very steeply and would increase costs very substantially. The land to the west is limited by the City's natural gas line. The 6 green- houses require 180 feet and they have approximately 202 square feet. The applicant claims the hardship of being bound by steep topography, gas line right-of-way and an old road. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. The accessory buildings be placed as far back as feasible so as not to violate the gas right-of-way nor to go over the steep slopes to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. 2. In no case shall the variance be less than 20 feet. Mr. Thropp was present to represent the application. He stated he was 688 feet off Route 665, east of Free Union. The rear edge of the building would be 18 feet below the road if they followed the code. He said they would be carrying 21/2 tons of tomatoes a week between the greenhouse and the shed building and to take the tomatoes down steps that far would pose a problem. The gas line requires Mr. Thropp to be set back 20 feet from the center of the line. Mr. Thropp stated he would be growing the tomatoes in the green- houses and packing and storing them in the shed building. Mr. Smith asked where the easement went or what property was served by it. Mr. Thropp stated the road led back to parcels 5, C and 7. He also stated that he was told when he went for his culvert permit that -16- { he and Mr. Birckhead (improving lot #6) would be the only building permits issued. Permits would not be issued for lots 5 and 7 unless the right-of-way is 30 feet wide. The right•-of-way is now 161 feet wide. This means there will be no other person using the road except the owner of Lot 6. The owners of .lot 5 and 7 will have to obtain access to the state road some other fashion. Mr. Thropp stated if you go west of the gas line, the land falls off vertically 60 feet. The greenhouses have one floor level. Mr. Kennedy stated Mr. Thropp was requesting relief for two buildings, the greenhouses and the shed. The access road will be between the shed and the greenhouses. Mr. Isaas Banks, an adjoining property owner, was present to speak. He stated he received the letter on June 7, so he only had two days to prepare his objection. Mr. Banks presented and read a letter of objection from Mr. Catterton. Mr. Catterton stated he felt the land should be left rural and that he opposed to the construction. of greenhouses. Mr. Banks then presented his letter of objection stating his objections as follows: 1. The construction and operation of the six greenhouses and shed building would occur in close proximity to the Banks family graveyard, thereby desecrating the • grave of John A. Banks. 2. The existence of the six greenhouses and a shed building in the proposed location would be visually offensive and interfere ':ith the comfortable enjoyment of life on the Banks property. 3. The vehicular traffic associated with the operation of six greenhouses would cause substantial damage to the Banks residence which is located in close proximity to the right-of-way. 4, The 16' ft. right-oI-wav is not capable of nor was it intended to accomodate the construction, employee and operational activity associated with six greenhouses and a shed building. ry -1.7- 5. The applicant was aware of the steep topography when the land was purchased. The applicant has expertise in the use of surveying instruments and made extensive measurements when considering the purchase of other parcels in Albemarle County. 6. The applicant had always planned to construct and operate greenhouses as demonstrated by the applicant's statements while examining other property in the County. 7. The applicant had no right to presume that the variance would be allowed for this property. 8. The construction and operation of the six green- houses and shed building in the proposed location would result in air and noise pollution of the Banks property. The letter of objection was signed by Isaac Banks, Sidney Banks, Willia L. Banks and Arlene D. Banks. Mr. Banks stated he lived in Washington but makes week-end visits to keep up the land. He stated by granting Mr. Thropp the variance, it would be imposing a hardship on him and he felt that was not the intent of the Ordinance. He felt they were equal before the Ordinance and a variance should not be granted to give Mr. Thropp an advantage at his expense. Mr. Kennedy asked the Zoning Administrator if Mr. Thropp was allowed to build the greenhouses if he did not require a variance. Mr. Vaughn, Zoning Administrator, stated if it was his own agricultural activity, it was an allowed use "by right" in the A-1 zone. Mr. Banks stated he had no objections to his proposal, only to where he proposed to locate it. If he followed the 75 foot setback, Mr. Banks stated he, would have no objection. He stated this variance would put greenhouses immediately behind his grandfathers' grave. He stated the scene out Ld.'k is now a rural scene,one which will he replaced with whatever it takes to transport tomatoes to a shed building. There will be traffic up and down the ri.,',ht-of-way. -18- Mr. Thropp stated he had a right to have the greenhouses on his property and where he put them on his property was his business so long as he maintained side yard setbacks. Fe stated that Mr. Banks was not a party to the right-of-way nor did he have any interest in the right- of-way. Mr. Banks felt to talk in exact terms of what would be going on in a business not yet started was inaccurate and could not be determined. Mr. Thropp stated the access road was only on paper. It is grown-up. He stated his request was in no way an infringement on Mr. Banks' rights. Mr. Smith stated he did not see Mr. Banks interest in the request. Mr. Kennedy stated the issue before the board was "has Mr. Thropp shown a hardship to warrant granting the variance?" Mr. Thropp stated the location proposed was the only place on the 20 acre parcel economically suitable for the greenhouses. As there was no one else present to speak for or against the variance, the public hearing was closed for action by the Board. Mr. Smith made a motion to grant the variance. Mr. Kennedy stated he was troubled by the fact of possible widening of the road in the future. Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion and the roll was called. Mr. Bain - Aye Mr. Kennedy - Aye Mr. Roberson - Aye Mr. Smith - Aye The variance was granted. The next variance before the Board was VA-79-34, William T. Knight. Mr. Vaughn read the staff report at this time. VA-79-34. William T. Knight, property described as Tax Map 103, Parcel 36E, Zoned A-1, located on Route 795 in Slate lull. The applicant requests relief from section 2-3 of the Albemacle County Zoning c)rdim nce to allow a garage to be setback in line • with the front of the house; a variance of 70 feet. -19- Mr. Knight would like the garage in line with the existing driveway so that it borders the house and so it can be easily accessable. All structures, as herein specifically defined, shall be located a minimum of seventy-five feet from any street, road or access easement. The applicant's home was built'some time ago and he wished merely to have his garage in line with the house and no further forward. Since this road will not be improved by the Highway Department and it is more or less a private right-of-way, staff recommends approval. Mr. Knight stated he had studied the property since acquiring it. He stated he taught Auto Mechanics at Piedmont Community College and very much wanted a garage. The property, he stated, is on the top of a hill and drops from every direction. He stated his adjoining property owner did not have any objections. Mr. Smith stated since the house already existed and since he had a real topographic problem he felt in favor of the variance. Mr. Smith made a motion to grant the variance. Mr. Bain seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Bain made a motion to approve the minutes of April 10, 1979. Mr. Smith seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The mcertng was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted //1„;-_,/4. (6-1. William C. Smith, Secretary ,4---,e)4(4 j V,//t_ BY: Glenna hate!it-fey`Secretary -20- 1 $20.00 Permit Fee �� , (a Permit NO.: M 4-I P_ it/g_ cc/ Sign Erected by:.. Staff: >. MOBILE HOME PERMIT APPLICATION Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA. 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application: kA 44-1 , 19.)9 . Location of Property e 1 F 4(, c 0.Ars-r e T e.cG V r1 n 0.4/ Tax Map 3 O Parcel '4 Acreage 7„p Existing Zoning A —I No. Existing Dwellings Nioo4e. District: (,V µ rre. 4,A OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCU ANlT (If other than property owner) Name: 1!Q v Gy m S • 1 t#jL+ii p Name: 5 hx4l.. Address: P.co• (2i {e c Z--S Address: Vl Ln` Telephone: Cl 3 — it.1 2 . Telephone: DESCRIPTION OF MDBTT F HOME: Year: 174+ Manufacturer: Viita4tAili Size: 1Z Coo Section of Zoning Ordinance under which application is made: 2-1-23A x 11-14-3 2-1-23B 11-14-4 2-1-25(32) We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and that we have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance under which this application is made. erty owner t2 Occupant Date FOR OFFICE USE, ONLY $ i Objections by neighboring property owners APPROVALS: (1) Building Official (3) Planning Commission Date Date Bldg. Permit No: (2) Zoning Administrator (4) Board of Supervisors Date Date SPECIAL USE PERMIT # • 0 '*‘,.. GA. 4f.x ir ,c, razz. 4 . . ". C . . 7., 0 -tta K.L9 . 4.)' 4:2 U k:ett' 4.41.444.4 a.0064 % CV a e ... .4.roteit,•.-7-6-1., k42.--- Lc)cror. 40 .?ci 6-1-41- iuryse.... 4*--4-- Q4.4ti- a:,..,‘ ...,&45... tri-tiL cuct.Loa A.G....e„,a443( i 0, uaitt.z.g.„0...,...c.)0.1 55 &c.d.,