HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197900067 Application 1979-09-24 • $20. Permit Fee Application No.'s✓ - 7' — 6 7 Sign Erected By: Staff:_ SAI3 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application 4optomhoh 94 , 19 OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) 1 OM Dominion Day SchaafName: '✓ _ I j!nfi 27 f1 L Name: Chaxte4 R. and Sharron L. 1oneA Address: �0 - A '5-2-6 Address: 400-404 Geonaetown Rog' �^Aalblkly ,l)e) y% ( , ',atc,eatte4vitte. Va. 22901 Telephone: 804-296-4141 Telephone: 804-977-0511 Location of Property: Last Aide cq. Geanaetown Road app'toximattiPu 900-9;0 ,4,50,41A 4n0r1 HydAautic Road at entnanee a! new.Py gnavetted noad. Tax Map 1,7, 1 Parcel cta A Acreage Existing Zoning (ti District Existing Use: ' . uk Variance sou remit (describe briefly relief sought) : • Retie! ,/ynom the 30'noaiway negu2atton to p Paee a diteetLona? Aign on the nonth Aide o the new noad £eating to the Day Schaoi. Reluesting that A.ign be p-eLaced _T0' notctG, pi+ the uti°ity pole and 23' /nom .the edge c) e, the pne4ent noadway (Geongetown Road). . Rea4on {on appt cation: Day Sehoot toca Lon -%4 4ueh that it cannot be seen ()tom main noadway. PnevLoud van.iance gnanted 'on placement o{ z-ign at C'estgate Apt. enhance on Georgetown. MIth new noadmy near camp.2et on, we t+xi.4h to pace the h:ion at the 1 pnaack en itintce.. I hereby certify that the foregoing informati i true and correct t est of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner bove "/// Owner or Contra er ate FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: / d/9 '7, Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/a proved with the following conditions: ti / t'L.d • • v--ve..e. , " 3 e t--c-v e-x. , �� y2 s- 4 �C -+a-e. C� -ems Special Use Pet# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit:# A. INF 114 STAFF REPORT VA-79-67. BENNINGTON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tax MAP: 61 PARCEL: 42A ZONED: R-3 EXISTING ACTIVITY CHILD CARE CENTER — SP-79-08 PROPOSED VARIANCE APPLICANT REQUESTS RELIEF FROM SECTION 6-3-1 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZON— ING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW A DIRECTIONAL SIGN TO BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN THE REQUIRED 30 FEET. ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS ALL STRUCTURES, EXCEPT SIGNS ADVERTISING SALE OR RENT OF THE PROPERTY, , SHALL BE LOCATED THIRTY (30) FEET OR MORE FROM ANY STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY. (AMENDED 3-29-78) STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS There are some small trees and bushes on the north side of the entrance which the owner states can be removed. The sign would then be visible to south bound traffic. Therefore, staff recommends denial.