HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA197900080 Application 1979-11-26 It CLOVER REALTY COMPANY, INC. Court Square • P. O. Box 65 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Since 1904 Telephone 293-8104 November 15, 19?9 • Mr. Benjamin Dick Attorney at Law 427 Park Street Charlottesville, Va. 22902 Dear Ben: This letter is to authorize you to file the necessary papers with the Albemarle County Zoning Board to expedite zoning on the house I own in Crozet. Sincpr ly, ' M. B. Norford } I lit REALTOR RECORD OF PTSPECTION-SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Near �' Date ` 1,, 7 . ((:ase No.(404-"'-?3 — . ewner LPL/ C. 4 , ,) f'...-7.P)', Address l' C'f!?. f,/4.61'" - Phone ? ,.' - 2 4, 2 (Mailing rest) ('��y Occupant t ' Address __�. ��' Ph4one Q C/!, ding Addxed) j 2 7 !3 2-- Exactemises Location �� � � ��. j1 C.`- Pr of O {0 (i r L), 1 - s._ '')14 'vL . 2elf ; Subdivision,Street or Road Name,Section or t No.) •"2 WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION ,,,,dInstalled according to Permit Design Yes [] No. Distance to nearest House Sewer feet. Distance to nearest Sewage Disposal System feet. (Use Form LHS-143 for Detailed inspection of Water Supply Reference Materials.) SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION (1) LOCATION ,�/ (6) DISTRIBUTION BOX Allotted Area adequatg.. 1t Yes ❑ No) Distance from Wat and equal surcharge to each line by Water'Test .Z�. nearest lot lines feet. Trees A. feet. Yes 0 No. Distribution Box provided with Water Supplies 1 ( '\.Isdfeet. Buildings ,) feet. (Number) extra outlets for future use. (2) INSTALLATION AND DESIGN ,�. — Installed according to Permit Design L7 Yes ❑ No. (7) SUBSURFACE ABSORPTION FIELD `1 Have addi nal Household Appliances been added NOT on Permit: Total Area in bottom of d' hes i LI r'Q-uire feet, A matic Washer 0 Garbage Disposal Nu 4�mber of ditches Length of ditches f feet. her Grade of ditches Minimu1m -7_....- Inches per 100 feet. (Describe) Maximum try inches er 100 feet. Has system been (3) SOIL CONDITION checked by instruments (Le t) No. Are there soil conditions now evident which in3icateVsystem may be un- Type aggregate used satisfactory as designed: El Yes LI No. If Yes,show Depth of aggregate under Tile inches adjustments required under"Remarks"below. Total depth of aggregate / �r inches Depth of backfill over aggregate___ `'"- ?O _inches (4) HOUSE SEWER LINE , 1 Installed no Yes 0 No. Type of material C— `i"t'si (8) SURFACE DRAINAGE Size I Inches. Storm Drains from House and Basement flowing away from Subsur- CI (S) SEPTIC TANK �� �-- ( _ face Drainage Field: (4 Was Surface Drainage Constructed of ' k L1 C?Q required El Yes No. If Yes,has this been provided f r, (Kind of Materith j Li Yes D No. Has area bee drn d by lowering Inside Dimensions Length v.". C' feet. Width <) feet. ,Ground Water Table: Yes 0 No. Notsquired. Liquid Depth 4 t 0 feet. Depth of Air Space I 1() inches. Inside Fittings comply with requirements E Yes ❑ No. (9) Are follow-up inspections necessary 0 „Yes • Septic Tank � Ys. Contractor: /f'"i/. f C GAci a Address Phone 4., This Sewage D/Isposal Syste (Is) pproved by • lth Department 7 Signed (Sanitarian) Date Approved (Reviewing Authority) With proper maintenance, approved Sewage Disposal systems may be expected to function satisfactorily, provided no overloading or physical damage occurs to the system. Remarks: f r $ ,J' 5 Virginia Department of Health N y. LHS•141 Rev. 1/76 tr • ! %IS ,441,19' \ I I ( 1 ( i I I , 1 c IC t*TC Fic-13 1 4:1E- J l' Catt ge4 611 * 2fti ....._ r3d 0 9.101)04 , , I , , f , k L.owc.ft. , s'e)t..)i 1...r IP 1614q ' 1 1 , • • ,. Kk c a v ter 44.4 T1 .4.im,, !'l .. , . (sal>atom Ai„, 3 bast (3 t•OR c"ev. Li ? p.e_rt„ L -.0 et. ., 0 i (.1..- 1 0 cri CI 1, WE LI-- 4-0 vs 6 IA) ciaosT 1 iiii s I 1 dd 1 { i 1 ri -0 -,-, ..----;— -- --—=,--, , sme i ., � 11 OF ALE.3F-A 7 G© �" 1/Ik F • H.P. CLARKE ROBERT E. VAUGHN Inspections Department DUIL.DING or ow. DIRECTOR Or INS►ECTIONS ZONING ADMINISTRATOR • BUILDING,ZONING, SOIL EROSION JESSE HURT FIRE PREVENTION DEPUTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 414 EAST MARKET STREET IRA B. CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 VI RC PREVENTION orrlct4 (004) 296-5532 May 6, 1980 Anne B. Martin Route 2, Box 94 Crozet, Virginia 22932 Re: Property located on Tax Map 40A, Parcel 33, Zoned R-2 Dear Mrs. Martin, I am in receipt of your letter of May 1, 1980, regarding the use of the dwelling at the above site. The reason that the variance, VA-79-80, was denied was because that this lot did not meet the area requirements (section 5-2-2) of the Albemarle County Ordinance for a two-family dwelling. According to Section 16-31 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the defini- tion of family is as follows: a. An individual; or • b. Two or more persons related by blood,, marriage, adoption, or guardianship, and/or not more than two unrelated persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling or dwelling unit; or c. For the purposes of this ordinance, the following shall not apply to the RS-1 Residential Suburban, and R-1 Resi- dental Limited District; a group of not more than six(6) persons not related by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling or dwelling unit. You could not rent the basement out to anyone or allow anyone to occupy the basement area unless they met the requirements of Section 16-31 of the Zoning Ordinance. A close friend and "big brother" to your son would not meet these requirements. Therefore, this would not be permitted. You could not apply for a variance because a variance from the area requirements has already been denied by the Board of Zoning E.ppeals. ♦ • 141/ OF AL8 1 R(j ts cp 0,A 49 Lift G i".I�T M. P. oF• KE ROBERT E. VAUGHN ICI Inspections Department .u,I,DINa F/ICIAI- DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS _ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR BUILDING. ZONING. SOIL EROSION JESSIE HURT FIRE PREVENTION DEPUTY ZONING ADMINI R 414 EAST MARKET STREET IRA S CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 229O1 FIRS PREveNTION OFFICER (804) 296-5832 • Anne B. Martin Page 2 May 6, 1980 If you have any questions, please contact me at this office. With kindest regard, I remain Sincerely yours, Jesse R. Hurt Deputy Zoning Administrator JRH/sct cc: File 9 . I --- ' , 1 • •— ,,,.---' . a - 4.:_., )*' _ APPL:CATION f OR auttl):M11,3 PERMIT r.,‘ . , BUILI)!%(; - t....", ,,,,••.t i.- ) K ..--1 !'•-!!) I/• '. -,..L•e..'. c ,. .- -s -,,.. ..3is7 AI ' - l-, ' ' '-.,- Po P LANII r 7 - .....,,.7„...,„., . ---1 /..., 7 .c -1 , ,,,,,,, ., ___. .. ," 1 - 1,1 it A, itt :"illP,I,3,-, — ._ • „„"5•i' !mai_ i '_ • April 6'? „ -.2, ......,,, , .., -:.-.,...z a . .. 'ITY''.."‘:...,-4.,....„ ,--- ...,./ -f--- - x -ID'..;,- I:: ) {-7'...., , , , , Plumbing 4 ____ PHONE /.. ./-2-_.i.t.'s;.,,,_,Z.. 7 ground work___._ _ _ 1' r S/F -,.' . . • (----4'-- ' • final 'n NAME • ,_C_t ,...../ a 0.1-I; Rt. Si,' iii Cri):,..st-, Mechanical 0 1_ rooth.in___ -- -;•• orry_ ___ f.al_ : i :11. 3 3 Lott iPHONE _— ___ Electrical 4 401010211M t,,,,,I.3 521, —,-.LONG SY 1 State Req._ County_ State axcrnpt ---- cai Iv sere._ , 1. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT final ling over existing basdent. .,//' ___ .......____ New Construction __ Addition Alteration Other_ . • ' es-rimArED con*S '30 LIO0 T,',"' S_Lc.i.' 1i._ _ APPROVALS TYPE OF FRAME Plan Rexiew V'Run Ott Cior.trol Officer 4---' ,i'' ,______,—_ • t'"V"--Wood _ se:Lc,et:aex,. ,'...,. Masonry Steel Other ... '"!'..• Planntry DeOt. r,., r'' Heath Dept. Highway Dept.rn_i.,a,..-__. ;• TYPE OF HEATING/MECHANICAL .1! ,''i Fire Prevention i-r! Service Authority i Oil Gas v...."!-Electric Nett Pr-o ! S' —A.0 i Fireplace .11-1,-- re," Other J REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION i REMARKS ! VALUE TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL I r S , I . Public "......Septic I I 1l RAISED VALUE-ALL IMPROVErtE"ITS $ . , WATER SUPPLY Ceotrol i APPRAISED V.,,L.I.:e 1 Public I/......-1thyate—Well rtAtiO • S BU I L DINGS I .! PROPOSED USE TOTAL S . t ..../y One Family Bedrooms i,----rttaths . / i/if! 72. --Swage ----• Carport Zoning-ig:.7.._-"t.-_-_pist"'". School Dist.L •-- • __Other Tax Mal--‘7. ' _L_ Par lel ' Lot Elk.L_____ . ,Acres-- _•_- CdtslENSION Subdivision . ,.- ,/ :L. .-;iti,.•:'..rer- ..... i): Ca a -- No.of Stories Sq.Ft.Area i'Lt.?4' 4,, . • . 4,.. E)S.ACTLOCATION OF EMISE .. Basement__,....,.,..--t ..,---, Fin.Area /".lirP, )-:;-' 1 o',--a•. ,,--..... Est.Total Vain,.$-_',I' ,/, !,K t ' — Fee$__ iaiiLt2 t-1.- .2-1,7:* • PLOT PLAN . no . / „) , --. ••I y„-i 4..! ...-- rit!'") y II" %., . *I) j-- -) ..... A)..." ..,..., f: t 7. 1' ,,! ,--- : ,. I' P"' ...) ,-e.' , .(L ' ,iv „.t.' I . . "'..J'''''-A j .. 11 V ,....---, I her....,r..'en,,,...dr,.r• rr -,..«.-.rro rrr-«t-ri.:A,'...-V,I..e,:.,3,.S,1.3.0,,.--,•,r‘l ,,,,1,,,,,1,(.. -,.. 1-, ,e,$• ,ir r,-,,,,,,,,,,V.,d ..., SU', .'‘'s. ..e.'',- % ,'. '''-,-' r,'it A,,.',)I ktqrt,IV.,:err 5.9,..1,1 har,t..e-rt art- r,r,..:afire I,,,...r=).f,e-rn / i OWNiP taP Ar.rr.-t, , ...,. . ..._,...._ __ _ r I . . . • II II . I, II 1 III III fr May 1 , 1980 P6OE1VEb ; 1Y 2 13_ Dear Mr. Hurt: q/� My name is Anne Martin and I am writing this letter as a follow-up to our telephone conversation of April 30th in regard to an exception of the single family dwelling code of Albemarle County. The address of the property in question is Route 2, Box 94, Sunrise Acres , Crozet, Virginia 22932 . The property is being rented to me by Mr. Mel Norford. In my telephone • conversation with you, you mentioned that you were familiar with the house and it's design. For the record, I would like to make the following statement in regard to the house. The house is a brick structure and is designed as a two family dwelling. The main floor and the basement apartment are not ajoined by a stairway, and entrance to the apartment is separate from the entrance to the main floor living area. The house is well insulated and adequately soundproof. Very little noise, if any, can be heard from one floor to another. 1 2 . In addition to the separate entrance, there is a separate hot water heater and individual thermostats in each room for the electric heat units . The apart- ment features a large living room, full kitchen, wash room or utility room, two large bedrooms , and a full bath, all independent of the living quarters above. Connections such as TV cable and telephone are also separate from the living quarters above. As a safety feature, there is also a smoke and fire detector installed in the apartment unit. I fully understand that the rules governing a single family dwelling mean just that; - only one family may live in the house. I realize that this includes relatives outside of the immediate family in some cases . The person I would like to rent the apartment to is not a family member, but a very good friend that I have known for over four years . His name is Donald Steven West. Steve is a volunteer for the Big Brother Program sponsored through Madison House of the University of Virginia. I met him when he became the "big brother" to my son Troy in 1976. Documents to verify Steve 's involvement in the program and a notarized authorization for the health care of Troy are enclosed. • 3 . Steve has continued to work closely with Troy and we feel that he is a part of our family. He married in January of this year and has been looking for a quiet place to move. He and his wife are interested in renting the basement apartment and we would be very happy if we could offer the apartment to them. I recently asked Mr. Mel Norford, the owner of the house, about renting the apartment to Steve and his wife. He said that he had no objections , but mentioned that I should make a request to you in regard to an exception to the zoning in this case. Steve and his wife Joy are both employed on a full-time basis by the University of Virginia Law School and both work an 8am - 5pm shift:. They are very quiet, pleasant and friendly people. They have no children and have only one car. Although I have not discussed the renting of the apartment to the members of the neighborhood, I feel that there would be no reason for complaint in my renting to such well respected people. 1, 4. I realize that the approval for renting the apartment to these people would be an exception to the rule, but we are very close to Steve and Joy, and it would be strongly appreciated if an exception would be granted in this case. I thank you very much for your time and consider- ation and hope that my request will be approved. I look forward to hearing from you. A prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you very much! Sincerely, Anne B. Martin Sunrise Acres Route 2, Box 94 Crozet, Virginia 22932 MADISON HOUSE 170 RUGBY ROAD a CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22903 TELEPHONE: 8O4-977.7051 OFFICE OF VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY SERVICES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA May 1, 1980 To Whom It May Concern: D. Steven West has been assigned as a Big Brother to Troy Martin since April, 1976 in the Madison House Big Brother/Big Sister Program. 4(.6_.65 j/41A-,_ R. Dou' ]Lass Horn Executive Director 1 STAFF REPORT VA-79-80. M. B. Norford Tax Map: 40A Parcel : 33 Zoned: R-2 Existing Activity Single Family dwelling Proposed Variance The applicant requests relief from section 5-2-2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance requiring 40,000 square feet per dwelling unit where one utility, water or sewer, is available to allow for the use by right of a two family dwelling unit per section 5-1-14 of the R-2 zone. Zoning Ordinance Requirements Residential developments served by either a central sewer system or a central water supply shall provide a minimum area of forty thousand (40,000) square feet per dwelling unit. (Amended 12-14-77) Staff Recommendations Staff must recommend denial because it does not meet the area requirements. Mr. Norford was aware of these area requirements before he completed the dwelling, therefore, staff feels the hardship is self-imposed. ti � $20. Permit Fee ( c J App iication No. - 7 --8 Q_ Sign Erected By: Staff: Gc , i A,C, APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application 07 , 19 OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: /97. $ Wor orr ci Name: — 0. a . No r7 4,4,( Address: P 0 cj 4 Address: I r io )774"5 /-4 �� �� k,, #4s.✓,`//.e 02 qi,.3 8/D 9�3 -8/Q 2.�;�ir� Telephone: c�L Telephone: 3 6-=z 7 Location of Property: CI c_ . .c (,i .e( L, ' -2 iEci ct.-- Tax Map Lilo A. Parcel _ 7j Acreage �'_ ' i G�10LT , Existing Zoning R 2 District ALL,7. J/� Existing Use: :714:4 4 Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : °13 �ca ..- .. 6 / -e/ se Gii'a . 5 z - Z. M. .5— 2 , .IA-, `f.s`/71--- - 0- a u.-y4V se- eA. s2-yee ram+ aa-a,'/a- , a// _.„1?-1 1-4,A. At*S4--/- oi2 •4 44,4-1"14;, ti.$44:7Z- , C --- .i / 2 %' € ,e' 2 G �i-4. U I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. "14Z7P--4e- ft 2/24/7p- fharier orct Purchaser Date ey._ 261 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not icndered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Sign Permit# BY: Date Building Permit#