HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200200337 Plan - Approved Stormwater Management Plan 2003-04-17GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES ES-1: Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the V_ip�q.Lqj.�c_osgn and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosiona_ndSediment Control Regulations. ES-2: The plan approving authority must he notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. ES-3: All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior, to or as the first step in clearing. ES-4: A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. ES-5: Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or wasted areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. ES--6: The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. ES-7: All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. ES-8: During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device, ES-9: The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff -producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. ES-10: Drainage swales must comply with MS-19. Swales may need rip rap or some other type of armament protection. ES-11: Concentrated drainage shall be conveyed down slopes in non -erosive channels or storm sewers designed to carry the 10 year storm. A higher frequency system presents a significant risk to life or property. Roof drains shall not discharge onto slopes steeper than 3:1 except within an adequate non -erosive conveyance. Design calculations for channels and pipes may be required by Engineering to demonstrate the adequacy of the conveyance. ES-12: The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove and stabilize all erosion controll measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot. ES-13: All entrances except for the approved constuction entrance shall be blocked in such a manner as to not allow access to the site. ES-14: Silt fence installation on critical slopes (4:1 and steeper) shall be wire supported as described in Std. & Spec. 3.05 VESCH. ES-15: Standard & Spec, 3.02 is adequate due to lack of available water to site. Should the temporary construction entrance not be maintained properly or an excessive amount of soil found tracked onto the public roadway, then a paved construction entrance, water tanker truck with 2 pressure washers and a settling area may be required by the erosion and sediment control program administrator ES-16: "A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT inspections and are to be accepted into VDOT's maintenance program and ownership. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera camera inspection procedure and with a VDOT and/or County inspector ppesent. In addition, if high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are or pipe system is installed, the contractor ,and a representative from the pipe manufacturer should hold a pre -construction meeting for installation training, ' fhe pipe manufacturer should spend a minimim of two hours on the job site during the initial pipe installation." LEGEND DESCRIPTION KEY SAFETY FENCE (3,01) (50 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (3.02) COE SILT FENCE (3.05) SF CHECK DAMS(3.20) @ CULVERT INLET PRO] _ ECTION(3.08) @ OUTLET PROTECTION (3. 18) POP SEDIMENT TRAP (3.13) @ SEDIMENT BASIN (3.14) & LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION DIKE @D) DIVERSIONS (3-12) DV TEMP. RIGHT OF WAY DIVERSION (3. 11) APPROX. DRIVEWAY LOCATION DRAINAGE CULVERT DRAINAGE DIVIDE L � r"'TORMWATER MANAGEMENT I �D This is a large lot subdivision for which after developed site runoff will remain almost constant, with any increase being negligible. Receiving drainage swales are well defined and should easily handle the developed site runoff from road and driveway culverts and road release ditches by the use of standard outlet protection and in several cases, additional Stormwater Management Strategies to retard outfall velocities before protection, receiving swales. The primary Stormwater Management strategy for this project will be the creation and protection of additional stream buffers, These buffers will appear on the final plat with protective %nguage controlling their use in the form of a protective covenant. The buffer locations, along with the protective language to appear on the final plat for all submission Phases, is shown on Exhibit A. Additional stormwater management strategies proposed to help control outlet velocities (in addition to standard outlet protection) are as follows: PHASE I: I 1) At the completion of construction in Phase I, and prior to the release of the erosion control bond, the developer shall submit a sketch plan (unless not deemed necessary by the water resources manager) to retrofit traps 10 and 11. The retrofit will require an underdrain system based on the gu idelines set forth in the interim design manual for the water protection ordinance. Any exceptions shall be approved. Vegetative cover may be native grasses only or native grasses with additional approved plantings 2) At the end of road culvert B1 (81-0) , between lots 19 and 20, a rip rap channel per detail A (Sheet ) shall extend from the culvert outlet protection approximately 220' to the drainage Swale running behind lot 19. At the terminus of the rip rap channel a permanent check dam (see detail B) shall be installed to help retard outlet velocity. 3) In the drainage Swale below culvert B2, prior to entering the drainage Swale at the rear of Lot 18, a permanent check dam (see detail B) shall be installed to help retard outlet velocity. PHASE II A: t B4 a rip rap channel per Detail A, approximately 350' in length shall be At the end of culvert rap channel a permanent installed to the receiving Swale Eehind Lot IA. At the terminus of the rip r check dam (see detail 8) shall be installed to help retard outlet velocity. PHASE II B. - Sediment Trap 19 will be subject to a retrofit prior to release of the erosion control bond. Determination shall be made near the end of construction p by A the water resources manager. If deemed appro riate, guidelines will be the same as sediment traps 0 and 11 iri Phase I (see Phase 1, (1), abovU. PHASING NOTE.' Indian Springs Subdivision is being developed by Haley, Chisholm and Morris, Inc. and James R. Hahn. James Kahn is developing six lots (lots 1-6) on the southern 2nd of the subdivision which will front on Hahn Drive (proposed new road) . This portion of tha project shall be Phase III, The remainder of the subdivision will consist of 53 lots, to be divided into the -following Phases: Phase I: Lots 1-5, Lots 16-33, and Lots 40-53 Phase IIA: Lots 6-17 Phase IIB: Lots 34-39 Phase III: Lots 1-5 (Hahn Lane) Site development contractor and developer are one and the same and project will he actively marketed during construction. A substantial effort will he made to continually stabilize and minimizedisturbed areas. Contractor intends to "finish" work as it progresses as much as is reasonably possible. As such, stone base will be placed as soon as possible, areas will be fine graded, topsoiled, stabilized, seeded and mulched as soon as possible. Seeding equipment, supplies and mulch will be based and stocked on site. (See Detail) X X X (See Detail) (See Detail) (See Detail) (See Detail) �(See Detail) (See Detail) Rr Fq rzz Twp, '10 1 A 4 VICINITY MAP T. S. FAF?�YSVUIE SEDIMENT TRAP C HA R T SILT TRAP H (HEIGHT OF DAM) HO (HEIGHT OF OUTLET) W (TOP WIDTH (OF DAM) LW (LENGTH OF OVERFLOW WEIR) TRAP J DIMENSIONS @ Ho BOTTOM TRAP (BOTTOM EXCAVATED AREA) WET STORAGE DEPTH STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED r1% (CF) DRAINAGE AREA TO TRAP (AC.) 1A 3.5' 2.5' 3.0' 21. 0' 40'X75' 22'X59' 4 12663 3.5 2 3.0' 2.0' 2.5' 3.0' 24X34' 8 IX181 4 1809 0.5 3 3.0' 2.0' 2.5' 6.01 25'X47' 9'X31 4 4' 3618 1.0 4 3.0' 2.0' 2.5' 8. 0' 29'X52' 13'X36' 4 4703 1.3 5 3.0' 2.01 2.5' 2.01 18'X35' 2 *X19' 4 1086 0.3 6 3.0' 2.0' 2.5' 2.0' 18'X35' 2'X19' 4 1086 0.3 7 3.0' 2.01 2.5' 2.0' 18'X35' 2'XI9' 4 1086 0.3 8 3.5' 2.5' 3.0' 10. 0' 32'X57! 14'X39' 4 6151 1.7 9 3.5' 2.5' 3.0 12. 0' 37X54' 19'X36' 4 7236 2.0 X 10 3.5' 2.5' 3.0' 21. 0' 40 * X75' 22 * X57' 4 12,663 3.5 X 11 3.5' 2.5' 3.0' 31 'X54 13'X36' 4 5427 1. 12 3.0' 2.0' 2.5' 6. 0' 25'X44' 9'X28' 4 3256 0.9 13 14 15 3.5 ' 3.5' 3.0' 2.5' 2.5' 2.0' 1 3.00 3.0' 3.0" 13 0' 10.01 40'X54' 40 *X54' 22'X89 22'X36' 22 * X36' 6X73' 4 4 4 7779 8321 6151 2.15 2.3 .1.7 16 3.0' 2.0' 3.0 5. 0' 23X44' 7'X28' 4 2895 0.8 17 3.o, 2. 0 5 8.( 2 9X52' 13'X36' 4* 4703 1.3 18 3.5 2.5' 3.0' 13, 0' 38'X54' 20 'X36 4# 7598 2.1 19 3.0 2.0' 2.5 2.0 18'X35" 2'X19 4' 1086 0.3 20 3.0 2.0' 2.5 2.0 18 - X35' 2 'X19' 4 1086 0.3 X 21 3.5' 2.5" 3.0 9.0 40'X75' 22'X5 7$ 4 12663 3.5 XSEE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SECTION CONCERNING RETROFITTING OF TRAPS 10, 11 21 AFTER CONSTRUCTION. rs SHEET INDEX SHEET I COVER SHEET -PLAN DETAILS AND NO SHEET 2 SHEE T 3 ADDITIONAL DETAILS 200 SCALE OVERVIEW -E 100 SCALE -PHASE I EROSION ...... IJ L Albe ,Marie County Engineering & Pubilic V�,k, Mte, I J 100 SCALE - PHASE 11-A & 11--B EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET 7 50 SCALE SEDIMENT BASIN DETAILS AND 50 SCALE PLAN VIEW FOR LOT 5 REVISIONS 03-26--03 Eng. Comm] Z 0 Z NOW w > MWOW #Vx% U W W Z LASM cc > Z Z 0) (9 U 0 0 Z t N Z W > W 0. 0 01 imam AO 46 U W Z F11 12 NUMBER 4345 Q1JPowe11/4345_WM-EC SHEET 8 SOILS & VEGETATION MAP 1117 SHEET EXHIBIT A STOPMWATER MANIACEMENT WORKSHEE7 70' MIN. Q FILTER CLOTH' 6" MINI Al SIDE ELEVATION 70' MIN. B WASHRACK I F- (OPTIONAL) 12' MINA. ZVOOT #1 1 � POSITIVE DRAINAGE COURSE AGGREGATE TO SEDIMENT B TRAPPING DEVICE x MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OPERATION PLAN VIEW REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTION B-B 10 IM EXISTING PAVEMENT 5. 1 MOUNTABLE BERM (OPTIONAL) T 10" MIN. EXISTING PAVEMENT --T- �' 10' MIN, DRAIN SPACE I SOURCE: ADAPTED from 1983 Maryland Standards for Soil erosion and Sediment Control, and Va. DSWC Plate 3.02-1 TEMPORARY RIGHT-10E-WAY DIVERSIONS VDOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE TYPICAL GRAVEL STRUCTURE COMPACTED SOIL gr TYPICAL EARTHEN STRUCTURE SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION I -CIA. I t- FLOW IS TOWARD !EMBANKMENT X OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION VtOT #3. #357. #5, #56 OR #57 COARSE AGGREGATE TO REPLACE SILT FENCE IN " HORSESHOE " WHEN HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED SOURCE: ADAPTED from VDOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSWC DIVERSIONS to% SLTrLmaw 0.3' FREE BOARD:�\ TYPICAL PARABOLIC DIVERSION 109 MTLawff 0.3' FREE BOARD DESM n1ow Bung Fa TYPICAL TRAPEZOIDAL DIVERSION 10% SEWLEMENT 0.3' FREE BOARD I IM 5111111- TYPICAL VEE-SHAPED DIVERSION PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS A A I RIPRAP Source: Va. SWCC Plate 3,11-1 Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3,12-1 N PLATE. 3,08-1 RIP RAP APRON DE TA IL FOR CUL VER T INL E TS PLAN VIEW DISTURBED UNDISTURBED N. T. S. GROUND GROUND do _"7 Outlet Pipe Diameter ado RIP RAP APRON DEPTH OF STONE = 12" STONE SIZE (d50) = 6" INLET PROTECTION AT CULVERT ENTRANCE FROM PIPE ENTRANCE TO UNDISTURBED GROUND. INSTALL WHERE AP•LICABLE. mire now ■ SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.09-1 RIP RAP DETAIL A 6' Min. (Below Culvert Outfall B2-0) 5' Min. (Below Culvert Outfall B4-0) NOTES., 1. STONE SIZE d5O = 9" Filter Cloth ROCK CHECK DAM 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: JOK *'47 FILTER CLOTH CLOTH 3' (OPTIONAL) (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) VDOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE FLOW 3' 2-10 ACRES OF DRAINAGE AREA: (DETAIL B) 6" 3' FILTER CLOTH (OPTIONAL) (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) CLASS I RIPRAP --------------------------Ij FLOW SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.20-1 IPE OUTLET TO FLAT REA WITH NO DEFINED HANNEL L a 0 % U SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9": RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PER ---I- 3do (MIN,) U 0 LU C4 '0 0) Cq ZO cc LU @) 0 C) -u- UJ Z rQ _j- -j ED cc < U? 0) 04 < 0 CO �oj co Uj z 0 CL . . ..... .. . . .... IPE OUTLET TO WELL EFINED CHANNEL -4- d SECTION A -A T FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9"; RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, GABION BASKET, OR CONCRETE. 2. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES, Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.18-1 OUfLET PROTECTION DETAIL La do Outlet Pipe W Diameter PLAN VIEW N.T.S.3do OUTLET PROTECTION CHART PIPE OUTFACE 010 (C f S) La (ft) W (ft) G150 (inches) d (inches) AO 7.9 7 9 6 12 * BI-O 16.7 9 10.0 1 6 12 x 82-0 10.2 7 7.5 6 12 x 83-0 5.0 6 6 6 12 *x 84-0 5.0 6 7.5 6 12 * 65-0 2.0 4 5 6 12 * C2-0 5.0 6 6 6 12 * El.-0 2.0 4 5 6 12 * Fl-O 4.0 5 5 6 12 RELEASE DITCHES BETWEEN LOTS 14/15 & 28/29 < 3.0 4 5 6 12 DRIVEWAY CULVERTS # Gio (C f S) La (ft) W (ft) 0150 (inches) d (inches) Below i & 2 (16"CMD115"Cmp) 8.3 11 12 6 12 ** 3 (15"Cmp) 4.5 6 7.5 6 12 *x 4 (15"Cmp) 3.5 6 7.5 6 12 5 (15"Cmp) 2.5 4 5 6 12 6 (15"Cmp) 1.8 4 5 6 12 7 (15"Cmp) 2.1 4 5 6 12 8 (15"Cmp) 1.8 4 5 6 12 9 (15"Cmp) 4.1 6 7.5 6 12 10 (15"Cmp) 4.1 6 7.5 6 12 11 (15"Cmp) 4.1 6 7,5 6 1 12 PROVIDE OUTLET PROTECTION PER DETAIL AT EACH PIPE OUTFALL TO THE DIMENSIONS NOTED ABOVE. BASED ON PLATE 3.18.4 (MAXIMUM TAILWATER CONDITION) BASED ON PLATE 3.18.3 (MINIMUM TAILWATER CONDITION) wo DATE FEB.0 2003 CONTOUR INTE FILE NUMBER 4345 ONPowell/4346-HCM-EC; SECTION A -A wo DATE FEB.0 2003 CONTOUR INTE FILE NUMBER 4345 ONPowell/4346-HCM-EC; SECTION A -A SECTION A -A , U 0 CO\l D 0 rr Lu 0 1� LL w iz 5: ?)) w 0 cc cq rr i Uj q4 < co Lu 0 LL C\j JU Lu Q� 41 z f,� 0 2 Z 0 CL 03-25-03 Eng. Comm.', DATE FEB. 05, 2003 CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FEET FILE NUMBER 4345 Q/Powell14345-HOM-EC SHE7Er 3/8 8 01 Q,1dg`-5itie 200.00'x 15.0.OQ 30,000 sf SCALE I" = 100' ioo 50 0 too 200 SCALE IN FEET 1 REVISIONS 03-26-03 Eng. Comm.1 DATE FEB. 05, 2003 SCALE 100'H RZ NTll OUR INTERVAL 2 FEET z 0 z LI) 5 > CL w F- J 0 Z < z ft) z 0 w z :0) 0 z o J 4c uj j cc 0. Z 00 < 2 ui m < z 0 0 cr 0 w z FILE NUMBER 4345 Q/JPowe11/4345-HCM-EC .... . ... .... G L /0 w Rio i, Fi"? �' ".", l_. , i� I­j W, Z 2w 6 PA UB 444, p. 15 % H 1 ...... CW ..... ..... -:77.- .............. .. n �K ii;�� W1.1 11M�,,�,: % -b CONCETTA-F-- L t M D U .k �k 6 F.. 00 J ZONING: RA, 01 ........... .. ........ M DB.,. 14� ................... 2A W-R DB /463, p 46 z , ., .. . 1, - *:': , . i, HEPRI LEE & S 33,.- .......... .. TMP 18 N V IN p 318�t, (desc ............. L A ......... . �N A F �p V, M ...... ... . .. N., X.M. ili, 11,,1*,,,:,, A V-- mx- ..... ..... , R, -"z,; iiF , t; i % ir v ........... ...... .. ........ ... ..... - ............ 9�5&122A �'B 1d6 % sf I - --------- 0 3 100 50 0 100 200 4—f �44. .......... .. . .. .. saw SCALE IN FEET N RETPOFIT 0 PEPM4NE. VE :i�F -,- - - V, - -E� .......... NOT 3 p ........... C TER,,\.-. ONSTPINTTO -,t -A F .0 1 OF��' T 75'X40' ... .. ..... WX54' .......... 77 ... .... .... . ........ . . . . . .. P� -Liz W-g ............ ...... . ... . .......... ... ffi 7`1 V 1� Fie R"i �0. ..'o, kx x:Oxf*: ...... z ................ 1 o o 73.2,1'xl73.21 .8 dg,Sdte� -C 3A, F, -c ....... ... N V- --7 X-- 77 j M ".7: .. ..... ... FN .:A1 z > M"i M, V V -R ........ . I f T, j jo Dou, ;3f . ...... �-73 2Vx173 �S :-A :Plri fi�� U+NE.,-�'1.1- /.`,MAT(�HL SHEEr YN1,SHEET4...,,. N 5/8 \"WATCH --------------- S 2 4.9E k2.4 GR.ro jV09 7 Va. t ............... Sou TH zo/VE CD Ir z cq CL 0 cc ll t0o uj u- z SHEE�4\ MATCH Bldg ......... �'212.77'xI41.0 .... .... 30i0o.0, S f w 0 t—j . ... .......... . I(b c� TA 0 RTN' TdH �ftj u U- Lu LO I0 Lu w 4-ol W. 64 vj z 1�- 0 Q. LIJ 4 7c 00 Lu z '7 t39, t REVISIONS 31dg Site. 101j 173.�'J' ��00 ... .... .. .. ..... .... .... *' .......... �v v . .... ...... ... DATE FEB. 05, 2003 �A Y CHI 0 -K-AN0,1 -21 202 I'06- S2 98( 478, �n 5'12" ItINTERVAL 1 1 00' HORZ tW P AG A ........ ... QB Z8 5 at) 0'72�k CONTOUR 2 FEET ET SHIFF 08, 4 "011 P, is t' - -e ........... . .......... ........ ... . . ....... 2-0006 'A�-_�� . . . . 0 ............. ............ ...... Lu Qld 14'XI41 4 �0'000 l.......... z 77 ...... ....... > .... .. . z uu 0 LD V+�"'j BY35 c< w lu �K/'D I I< M Io tI........... 0 cc 0000�� ..... .... ... .. ....... .. . ....... . ... ............ ...... ...... 15" � ..... T� I"X .2! -1 1. 2 . . . ..... .... ....... 3000 t4345 - - -------- FILE NUMBER . ........... ... ... .. i0o 50 0 100 200 .......... SCALE I" 100' I............ SCALE IN FEET w c O/Powell/4345-HMEC kn SHEET 6/8 ..... ........ 0 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.14-4 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.14-14 (A PORTION OF) RECOMMENDED DEWATERING SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT BASINS PROVIDE ADEQUATE STRAPPING POLYETHYLENE CAP DEPTH 8" Dia. VARIES AS TACK WELD ERFORATED POLYETHYLEREQUIRED FOR 'DRY DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETE STORAGE VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 3.14-A) WET "FERNCO-STYLE " COUPLING STORAGE 6" Dia. DEWATERING ORIFICE, SCHEDULE 40 STEEL STUB 1-FOOT MINIMUM, DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALUJLATIONS IN CORRUGATED METAL RISER APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER. USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE SOURCE: VA. DSWC in AAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 PLATE. 3.14-15 DETAILS OF CORRUGATED METAL ANTI -SEEP COLLAR INSTALL COLLAR WIT :��----COLLAR CORRUGATIONS VERTICAL TO BE OF SAME GAGE AS THE _ PIPE WITH WHICH IT IS USED CONTINUOUS WELD--� Z /2" X 2" SLOTTED HOLES FOR 12" MIN. 3/8" DIAMETER BOLTS O.D. OF PIPE INCLUDING PIPE + B o a T 2" BAND UA Z � WELD BOTH SIDES SLOTTED HOLES CORRUGATED METAL ,Z-----CONTINUOUS WELD AT 8' C.C. SHEET MELDED TO SECTION B-B CENTER !OF BAND ELEVATION OF UNASSEMBLED COLLAR NOTES FOR COLLARS: 3. UNASSEMBLED COLLARS SHALL BE MARKED BY 1. ALL MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAINTING OR TAGGING TO IDENTIFY MATCHING CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL PAIRS. SPECIFICATIONS. 4. THE LAP BETWEEN THE TWO HALF SECTHONS T AND BETWEEN THE PIPE AND CONNECTIMG BAND 2. WHEN SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS, COATING OF COLLARS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHALL BE CAULKED WITH ASPHALT MASTIC AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL 5. EACH COLLAR SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH TWO SPECIFICATIONS. 1/2" DIAMETER RODS WITH STANDARD TANK LUGS FOR CONNECTING COLLARS TO PIPE. SOURCE: USDA-SCS PLATE. 3.14-13 (A PORTION OF) TABLE 314-D - (A Portion Of) CONCENTRIC TRASH RACK AND ANTI -VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN TABLE Cylinder Minimum Top Riser Height, Minimum Size Diameter, Thickness, Diam inches Support Bar in. inches gage 36 54 14 17 #8 Rebar 14 ga.(C) 12ga. (F) Notei: The criteria for sizing the cylinder is that the area between the inside of the cylinder and the outide of the riser is equal to or greater than the area inside the riser. Therefore, the above table is invalid for use with concrete pipe risers Note2: Corrugation for 12"- 36" pipe measures 22/3"X 1/2"; for 42"- 84" the corrugation measures 5"x i" or 8`x i" Note3: C = corrugated; F = flat. Source: Adapted from USDA-SCS and Carl M. Henshaw Drainage Products Information. SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEMATIC ELEVATIONS CREST OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DESIGN HIGH WATER YR, STORM ELEV.) 11- A MIN. 1. RISER CREST 67 C.Y./ AC. . . . DEWATERING "DRY " STORAGE DEVICE 67 C.Y./ AC. "WET " STORAGE 1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT WET ` STORAGE REDUCED TO 34 C.Y./ ACRE) DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITH EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DESIGN HIGH WATER (25-YR. STORM ELEV.) MIN 2. '*1011N 17 MIN, 3. 0' MIN. 1.0' 67 C.Y,/ AC- "ORY STORAGE RISER CREST 67 C Y./ AC............... DEWATERING "WET STORAGE .......... ... ....... DEVICE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POI T DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITHOUT EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (RISER PASSES 25-YR. EVENT) SOURCE: VA, DSWC I PLATE. 3.14-2 SCALE I" = 50' 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET W-More-M I � i ��: lillo:F.A TOP DAM = 578. 0 TOP RISER =575. 0 INV OUT = 570.0 (RISER) 85'- 24" CMP @ 1. 18% INV OUT = 569. 0 (PIPE OUTFALL) CLEANOUT ELEV =571. 53 DEWA TER ORIFICE INV = 572.83 DEWA TER ORIFICE DIA = 6" PERFORATED FLEXIBLE TUBING OIA = 8" (1) 5.25'x 5,25' ANTISEEPAGE COLLAR (2. 25' FROM EDGE OF RISER, SEE PLATE 3.14-13 THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL) Anti -Vortex 6' Min Device 578.0 41 0� 575.0 Oi- ewaterng ;36"CMP Device Riser Bot, Elev. 570,0 Inv 85'-24 ClVp @ 1 18% C) CD M CD 570.0 Inv 559.0 X SEE PLATE 3.14-4, (THIS SHEET) FOR ANTI -SEEP COLLAR PLACEMENT. DAM SECTIO N. T. S. NO BUILDING PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED FOR LOTS 19 AND 20 UNTIL PERMISSION IS GRANTED BY THE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR, SCALE I" = 50' 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET 01 REVISIONS C-1- 04-01-03 Eng. Comm. B I ........... ot .......... 0 DATE MAFR. 26, 2003 L SCALE � 1 50'11 CONTOUR INTERVAL] 2 FEET 011 V) J Z 0 Z W w C) > EL _j a. < Z iM 0 CC 9 0 a: > `W F- Z 0 Z Z 0 Z 0 W ON 0 < cc (1) Z - (r) 0 W If cc Z W W Z RZ 9Z Vj FILE NUMBER 4345 Q/JPowe0/435-HC;M-EC; SHEET 7/8 REVISIONS 1 7FDATE MA R. A2' 6, 2 0 0 3 CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 FEET ....... ...... ILE N�UMBiER 4345 Wowell/4345-HMEC lAl EXHIBIT