HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198000009 Application 1980-02-01 February 5, 1980 The Albemarle County Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on Tuesday, February 5, 1980: 7:30 p.m. , Board Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. Those members present were Col. William Washington, Chairman; Mrs. Norma Diehl, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Layton McCann; Mr. Corwith Davis; Mr. James Skove; Mr. David Bowerman; Mr. Charles Vest; and Mr. Timothy Lindstrom, ex-Officio. Member who was absent was Mr. Kurt Gloeckner. Other officials present were Mr. Frederick Payne, Deputy County Attorney; Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. , Director of Planning; and Mr. Ronald Keeler, Assistant Director of Planning. Col. Washington called the meeting to order after establishing that a quorum was present. ZMA-80-01. James and Irene Fretwell have petitioned the Board of Supervisors to rezone 2.23 acres from A-1 Agriculture to RS-1 Residential. Property is located on the east side of Route 240, approximately 1/4 mile north Of the intersection of Routes 250 and 240 in the Brownsville area. County' Tax Map 56, Parcel 32C(1) , White Hall District. Mr. Keeler presented the staff report mentioning the existing dwelling is served by a well and that public water is available at the front property line. Mr. Fretwell stated he would like to keep the present water system. ' 1 Col. Washington closed the public hearing. ? Col. Washington commented that 60,000 square feet are needed for well and septic system and under the current ordinance 40,000 square feet are needed for public water. Therefore, if the applicant subdivides he will be 2900 square feet short. Mr. Payne stated that in order to subdivide, Mr. Fretwell would have to have a variance and he is not entitled to one. However, if Mr. Fretwell hooked up to the public water, he could subdivide. (Mr. Lindstrom entered the meeting.) Col. Washington commented that the applicant has three choices: hookin up to public water, asking his neighbor to sell him more square feet of land, or appealing to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. McCann said he had no problem with the applicant's request and mo e for approval. Mr. Vest seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approval. 1 { ZTA-79-04. Monticello Memory Gardens has petitioned the Board of Superisors to amend Section 2-1-25 (8) to include "crematoriums. " 1 1 Mr. Keeler presented the staff report. STAFF REPORT VA-80-09. James M. Fretwell Tax Map: 56 Parcel : 32C(1 ) Zoned: RS-1 Existing Activity Single Family Dwelling Proposed Variance The applicant seeks relief from section 3-2-1 of the Zoning Ordinance I 1 to allow two single-family dwelling units to be constructed on an area of 97,139 square feet; a variance of 2,861 square feet. Zoning Ordinance Requirements 3-2-1 Area. Residential developments shall have a maximum density of one unit per acre; provided, however, that in approved subdivisions ,, I lots may have a minimum area of 40,000 square feet provided that the average lot area of all lots in such subdivisions is not less I than one acre; and provided further that any residential develop- ment served by neither a central sewer system nor a central water supply shall provide a minimum area of 60,000 square feet per dwelling unit; and provided further that, in case of unusual soil conditions or other physical factors which may impair the health and safety of the neighborhood, upon recommendation of the Virginia Department of Health, the Planning Commission may increase the area requirements specified hereinabove for uses utilizing other than a public sewer system. (Amended 12-14-77) Staff Recommendations At the time this property was rezoned, the owner was aware of what the Zoning regulations were. Public water is available at the front property line of this property. If the owner would hook the existing dwelling to public water, he would not need a variance. An area of 4,134 square feet was cut off this parcel and added to another parcel . If this area had not been cut off this parcel , then the applicant would have had enough square footage for the two dwellings; therefore, the staff does not see a hard- ship and must recommend denial . rt.r. .: 4J ..._...p : , _ :, ,,,, / ,' ,.,_. Departn:c.nt of Planning ROnr.RT W. TUCKER, JR, 0O4/20(3-n823 RONALD S. KEELEN DIRECTOR Or PL/.NNINC1 414 EAhT MARKET STREET AS61STANT DIRECTOR OP pLANNul;) CHARLOTiLOVILLE. VINGINIA 22901 DOUGLAS W. ECKEL SENIOR PLANNER NANCY MASON CAPERTON • February 22, 1980 PLANNER IDETTE CHARLIE KIMSEY I I PLANNER i James M. and Irene G. Fretwell • 1 Route 3, Box 650 , t Crozet, Virginia 22932 t r ( Re: Request for ZMA-80--01 Board of Supervisors Action , Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fretwell: i I This is to advise you that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors at its # meeting February 20, 1980, approved a change in zoning from the existing A-1 Agricultural designation on the Property described as Tax Map 56, Parcel 32C(1) , located on the east side of Route 240 approximately 700 feet north of its ! i intersection with Route 250 West, to RS Residential Suburban. i i If you have any questions regarding this letter., please contact Mr. Tucker at j 296-5823. Sincerely, { —LW,. CoVezecAl // • Jane Gloeckner Planning Department jg/ cc: File 1 i i N February 5, 1980 STAFF REPORT ZMA-80-01. James and Irene Fretwell Requested Zoning: RS-1 Residential Suburban Acreage: 2.23 acres 9/,=', Existing Zoning: A-1 Agriculture Location: Property, described as TM 56, parcel 32C(1) , is located on the east side of Route 240 approximately 700 feet north of its intersection with Route 250 West. Character of the Area ' 1 This area is primarily residential in character. The Meadows, housing for the elderly, is to the northwest. A convenience store is located at the Route 240/2 West intersection. A dwelling exists on this property. Comprehensive Plan This property, located within the Crozet community, is recommended for low- density residential use in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment • The existing dwelling is served by a well. Public water is available at the front property line. Under existing regulations, both the existing dwelling and a new dwelling would have to be connected to public water. (The site is about 3,000 square feet under the required area for individual well and septic system. ) Staff opinion is that this request complies with the Comprehensive Plan and' staff recommends approval. j r 1 /' PLAT SHOWING SURVEY pF 1 .000 AC. TO BE ADDED TO AND I 0. BECOME A PART OF THE JAMES M. FRETWELL PROPERTY ,$ 3' `°" ° ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA co v 0 `O SCALE I 50' AUGUST 24, 1979 I W m Morris Fo s f e r w loco- o h,8TD Prolessionor Lone Surveyor �55i0 o ) 0 `r Cn orlon es v 'lie, V ,rgsnio rri tno ALBFgr ' iv a 3A,•• H� n/rCHA-- 1 _Ct DB6DSP264 D 7 �� vk. N87 °� - ry3.4 ., z (1) N66°49E r.r:e E 56.50' `-4 14I.51 1.• -'^ BOUNDARY TO BE AGREED UPON Q p .. BY DEED BETWEEN PITCHFORD eAND HAYCEN O h T TM 56 PAR 56C(l) m o 1. 23 ACS. JAMES M. FRETWELL ' D B 418 P 129,131(PLAT) 1 ,� 1.000 AC. Few n° HAYDEN .W b :3 O; o if: !- 0 M ° f �, 2 0 cc, l) 2 V' T 4 4,i. , e r `` ti , \. 1. ' l . t f I 1 4 i 1 . ‘ IV , ALBEMARLE COUNTY 40 •',/ ./.. •/ --, 'se ‘. ati /*/ 2/4,,,•7',/,', ,,,./ , , ,;„ • / . ,. ..7i ,,,// ARI/ /////// /, '• ,//',/', / / , // / „r 7-', . / A IF,42/- ••,,,_ A ,' '',"/-74',"‘.‘. /'-'• . ••,•''/,, ,/,/ .•„,../. ', SC c 1 1 ON 409„. ,.‘ I Nk '/'4•//./:Alerk:• , ' ' '/' / / /.1 • 68 //// , / ,,, • . / // / icy9 /,',• . /I • - .' . ., • / , tp*.:, , / . 4 ,,,/ , ./ / ' ./ //. .,..........r............t.-e/......+_ . ,.,• / . - .---' r------. /.. ,,,,,,.• - 1 oranch•-----\ ,------ . . I . ..' . a.\..r4iO/s.gy-,%„4V•,/-,-' -.c. r.-*..•\..*..\4,4 .•/9. 4•-/.•v2,'/.i,,,c,,-,44O o1N:7—,,"'7-1 ri/,4ro -!.!—/4.-4I-,-:.r01-.„•o'.'r,..is.t--.(•'.2-..•‘k. • ;.. ..V 9 7 / ' ..........f...--9„5-6 7-„, /. • .,1.—.-.\-•\•. ...N4. ..\... - _. ,4 4,7•i2r;, 663 66A \ 15 78 : / N / / ' • N / 6 83 I S91.- / . .• r-.9\K•1.k.'.''.,'..i'>I r 1 7A 4 • 2 7 4 i 2 ..r.:. • ... \\\ ---_. 55 13 Illif --'111.. 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"`"---.1!7°si. 14)..i .,..\...y ‘ ,tO9A , t ' ;.., i 17 — - ;29) 26A t 1 109 fit 751 1118 int 31 •30 i / ,,, i 't,-/"'4.ic ,r 4 to41Ri- i ' . Nall6'Wig\ 10469)14_4:4117 N • .... , I ' 1 OP . ---.....----• 25A Ilt•tt.:.. Ii464 " 21, it4 .,,--- , •• •• , ----- \ 1,89, ...\,,....„,.... 4.----<L ' - - --., v• t 12 _„,_ - Iv... 191i stoct. si_ 11 \.......... 20 --- .,------ -'s\ 1 \ h l SCALE IN 5111 •• .1i6 NA ea'''sonnolows , INNOMOINIMI WHITE HALLMMTRicl SF CTIOi-1 56 , - $2 . Permit Fe APPi.i.c13tion No. V SO - . - Sign Erected By: Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application 7Z.,44- 2, / , 19 72 . CUM OF PROP= OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: -0----A iv\6-• s' kl . fa e_11,..hs_Lt._ Name: - _ i Address: P+ 43 1 ,c) y. (ocv Address: i • , I i C_A•ozia_ii Telephone: SO- 3 5-5- 1 0 -_ Telephone: • Location of Property: E. c't (,r--, ,.., f P_f- 2--i--D__±_errio(Le,, . f7o op. k)e)-4- , 11-f- 2.,c 0 (Jals • - Dm 144) 56 Parcel 2 2- C(1 ) Acreage , Z. 23 Existing Zoning As - / ioiffs.24rfiVo ) District (Ajk: erg- IA N.LL, ' : Existing Use: :S1.1.)/i_e__ Variaalce sought (describe briefly relief sought) : 2.12;__45$7416Live71 - reer zeol/6//24"-- -6-e . 3- .Z.- / ..7,z. ..-0,_ fe.64.,c.t.,.-46_,‘,..x.d•-,x___ ' 740 Aiilivta .424_4211. - . ..&_,AiiiANLZE,___A_Aek7_e02 -_,dg_, .1Ailihriewa A L.A2)._z_ar) AA 93 /3 1/!_t /..#s La-iei,A• - 14 ___.•_2_,,- 14 / ..,.... I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of i kmowltdge and belief and that I am the owner named above. yfler or Contrac- Purchaser Date ....... FOR-GrPICE Ug'E ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rmdered a decision. If so, state substance of detision: -_-_-- — , Date of Hearing: /s:- ,, .i- - 4 0 Final Decision Made: ,-- 6r----d4P-- --- Decision Ma. variance sought was' 'enied/appr v_ with the following conditions: 1 .—__ ____ Special Use Permit# BOM F ZO1' APPEALS / z / Sign Perniit# BY7 ail , -:7 ...._. — Building Permit# 3/2S/fis _