HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700090 Review Comments 2017-08-16 Cameron Langille From: Cameron Langille Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:05 PM To: 'TBurnett@fk-inc.com'; 'Rodney@crossdevelopment.net' Subject: PREAPP201700087 - Mandatory PREAPP for Body Shop at TMP 77-11F Attachments: PREAPP2017-87 Mandatory Pre-App Letter 8-16-2017.pdf Good Afternoon Todd & Rodney, Attached is a PDF of the mandatory preapplication letter for our preapp meeting held last Monday, August 7, 2017. At the end of page two,you will see a list of attachments relevant to the proposal. Some of the attachments are hyperlinks, and the others are included within the PDF. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Cameron Cameron Langille Senior Planner Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Ph: 434-296-5832 ext. 3432 blangille(c albemarle.orq *ii27 &//' / 7/i7 NNW *NS ioy Ai a, WA 51 tlfh Oft t IkGOt' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Memorandum To: Todd Burnett, P.E. (Tl3urncttra.ik-inc coin);Rodney Glessner (Rodneyasrtissdevelgpizlc_nt,pet) From: Cameron Langille Date: August 16,2017 Subject: Mandatory Pre-Application Meeting for TMP 07700-00-00-011F0 on 8-7-2017 The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre-application meeting.This meeting satisfies the requirement for a pre-application meeting prior to submittal of a special use permit (SP)application.The purpose of for the meeting can be found in Section 33.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and are italicized below, followed by staff comments: (i)provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project; The applicant is proposing a body shop on TMP 77-11F0 in keeping with the attached concept plan.Located along Avon Street Extended(State Route 742),the property is zoned Highway Commercial(HC)closest to Avon Street Extended and and Rural Areas(RA)zoning district closest to Moore's Creek.All portions of the parcel are within the Entrance Corridor (EC).The RA portion of the property is contains Flood Hazard(FH)and Steep Slopes—Managed Overlay District. In the HC zoning district,body shops require approval of a Special Use Permit. 1. Section 24.2.2(17)—By Special Use Permit(Body Shops). 2 Section 5 1.31 —Supplemental Regulations(Automobile or truck repair shops,body shops,motorcycle and off road vehicle sales and service shops,and public garages) (ii)Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan • The site is located in Neighborhood 4 of the Southern and Western Urban Area Master Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Industrial and Parks and Green Systems. The concept plan shows development in the area designated industrially and preservation of the area shown in Parks and Green Systems- Body shops are consistent with the Industrial land use designation called for by the Comprehensive Plan. • Proposals for development in the designated Development Areas are evaluated for conformity with the Neighborhood Model.Applicable principles arc redevelopment,relegated parking,a pedestrian orientation,and interconnectivity between parcels. The concept plan appropriately shows relegated parking.To achieve a pedestrian orientation,sidewalks and street trees should be planned and provided along Avon Street Extended. • The site is currently undeveloped and was previously used as a landfill Staff is unaware of the extent and volume of trash materials that may exist on site. The proposed use would trigger the need for approval of an initial and final site plan in accordance with Section 32 of the County Zoning Ordinance.There are no previous site plan,SP,or Zoning Map Amendments(ZMA)associated with the property. • Pedestrian Orientation: No sidewalks currently exist on the property frontage along Avon Street.Future construction will require installation of sidewalks and curb and gutter along the property frontage to tie into existing sidewalks on adjacent properties.If no sidewalks or curb and gutter currently exist on adjacent parcels,the applicant will be required to dedicate right-of-way along the frontage to allow future installation of curb and gutter and sidewalks along Avon Street. Nee Nme (iii)Broadly identify the planning,zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by the applicant • A major element of the review will be the ability to conform with the Entrance Corridor guidelines. The concept plan you provide with your special use permit application should respect those guidelines. Landscaping and lighting will be important features to bear in mind. Staff recommends that you make a separate ARB submittal concurrent with the special use permit review to ensure your ability to comply with the guidelines. • Shared access to TMP 77-11 is shown on the concept plan which will be beneficial to approval. Improvements will need to comply with VDOT access management requirements and standards. • From the County's maps, it appears that the property extends to the centerline of Avon Street Extended. Dedication of r.o.w.of 30 feet from the centerline is requested. • The property is within the public water supply and sewer system service area of the Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA)connection to these utilities will be required,except as authorized in Section 4.1 of the County Zoning Ordinance. Public water lines are located nearby and have the capacity to serve the development. Staff recognizes that there may be difficulty with connecting to public sewer • The concept plan you provided for the mandatory preapplication meeting showed storm outfall pipes passing through the preserved slopes in the area zoned RA. Such a disturbance is allowed,but must be minimized.All disturbed slopes will need to be re-installed and stabilized to their existing condition prior to disturbance. Flows from the pipe must be as low as possible(such as from using the DEQ Energy Balance)to prevent erosion of the existing channel and slope. These items will handled during the site plan stage. • The concept plan also shows grading proposed in the 20 foot required undisturbed buffer between residential or rural areas zoning districts. A special exception may he requested to allow for disturbances. Staff recommends that you make this request in conjunction with a special use permit application.(See Section 21.7(c)of the Zoning Ordinance.) • Information important to an ARB submittal and future site plan is attached to this letter. (iv)Identify other applicable procedures • A Community Meeting is required as part of the review of the rezoning/SP request. it is preferred that the community meeting be held in conjunction with a 5`1'and Avon Community Advisory Committee meeting. This CAC generally meets on the third(3')Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Monticello High School media center You are responsible for setting up that meeting with staff and the CAC chair, Rex Lin'.ille. This meeting should be held,if possible,within 30 days from the date the special use permit is submitted,and can be held prior to the submittal of the rezoning application.Adjacent property owners and neighborhoods(and the Coordinating Reviewer/planner)should receive advance notification of this meeting(date/time/location) • Staff will provide a template for the Community Meeting invitation letter during review of the SP application. (v)Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information • Sec attached checklist. If you have any further questions,please contact me at 434.296.5832 ext.3432 or blangillcra albemarle.org. Sincerely, Cameron Langille Senior Planner Attached. A) SP Application B)Mandatory Pre-application Checklist C)ARB Concept Plan/Advisory Review Application and ARB Pre-app meeting notes D) Community Meeting Guidelines E)Additional Information Required With Site Plan/ARB Review • SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST for TMP 07700-00-00-011F0 - Body Shop Special Use Permit Project Name/Tax Map Parcel Number After the mandatory pre-application meeting,county staff will mark this checklist appropriately so that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4(c)that must be submitted with the official application Required for Provided with application? application SECTION 33.4(c) (County Staff) (Applicant) X X YES NO X A narrative of the project proposal,including its public need or benefit; X A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; X A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure. X A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on environmental features. X A narrative of proposed ways to address impacts from the proposed project. X One or more maps showing the proposed project's regional context and existing natural and manmade physical conditions; X A conceptual plan showing,as applicable: X 1)the street network,including circulation within the project and connections to existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project; X 2)typical cross-sections to show proportions,scale and streetscape/cross- sections/circulation; X 3)the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities; X 4) building envelopes; X 5)parking envelopes; X 6)public spaces and amenities; X 7)areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas; SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 1 of 2 • sine rape X 8)conceptual stormwater detention facility locations; X 9)conceptual grading; X Other special studies or documentation, if applicable,and any other information identified as necessary by the county on the pre-application comment form. Please provide trip generation figures;a special exception request to disturb the buffer area may be submitted with the SP,or later during site plan review. Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit. Read and Sign I hereby state that,to the best of my knowledge,the official application submitted contains all information marked on this checklist as required for application. .47 ;Wilt,t4if August 16, 2017 Signature of person completing this checklist Date Cameron Langille (434)296-5832 ext. 3432 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 2 of 2 Attachment C: PREAPP2017-87—ARB Notes Heather McMahon 8/7/17 The applicant was made aware in the previous, exploratory pre-application meeting that this site lies within an Entrance Corridor(EC)overlay,and as such, is subject to Architectural Review Board (ARB) review.The applicant was advised to submit an ARB application for a conceptual plan concurrently with his submission for an SP.As per the design guidelines for development in the Entrance Corridors,the applicants were advised to: 1. eliminate the visibility of the dumpster pad/enclosure and the transformer by locating them out-of- sight from the EC and/or providing vegetative screening. If eliminating the visibility of either is not possible,then vegetative screening will be required to mitigate visibility. 2. eliminate the visibility of rooftop and/or ground-mounted equipment from the EC.Again,vegetative screening may be required for ground-mounted equipment. 3, eliminate the visibility of storage vehicles(vehicles awaiting repair)from the public street and from residential properties.This can be achieved via privacy fencing and vegetative screening or a combination thereof. a.chain-link fencing is not an appropriate material on the EC 4 reduce the size of parking spaces in order to provide the required parking area perimeter trees as well as parking area interior trees. For the former,trees of 2.5-inch caliper must be planted 40 feet on center. For interior trees,one 2.5-inch caliper tree is required for every ten parking spaces. 5. if site or building lighting is proposed,the applicant should submit a lighting plan which provides photometric values in footcandles with a maintenance (LLF)factor of 1. a. as per ARB guidelines,site lighting should not exceed 20 footcandles b. if wall-mounted lights are proposed,they should be shown on the architectural elevations as well as the site plans c.the lighting plan should include a lighting schedule and key,the mounting height of any freestanding pole fixtures,the color of the fixtures,and cut sheets. 6.the east(side)elevation should be rendered as if it were the front,as it faces the EC.This means that blank walls are not appropriate and the elevation should exhibit architectural detail, whether that be in the form of fenestration or material change, etc. 7. label the parking spaces on the site plan according to their intended use(i.e., customer parking, employee parking,and storage). 8. continue to show the location of the freestanding monument sign on the site plan, but be aware that a separate ARB application for signage (as well as a sign permit)will be required at a future time. 9. show the overhead/underground utilities on the site plans(especially the landscape plan) so that potential conflicts with the proposed landscaping can be determined. 10. provide street trees and shrubs that meet or exceed the ARB criteria and standards on the street frontage. Attachment E: List of Additional Information Required For Site Plan and ARB Review • Landscaping-Landscaping will be of primary concern during the ARB review.Assure the site complies with the EC landscaping requirements and mitigates the visual impacts from Avon Street. All proposed landscaping that will be counted toward meeting the requirements contained in Section 32.7.9 and must be installed within the HC zoning district portion of the property. Existing vegetation with the RA zoning cannot be used to meet the minimum required landscaping. • lighting—Site lighting will also he a concern for the ARB.Outdoor illumination may not exceed 30 footcandles(fc)in the display area and may not exceed 20 footcandles(fc)in other areas. The footcandle measurements may not exceed 0.5 footcandles within the public right-of-way of Avon Street or within the RA zoned portion of the property.The applicant must submit a photometric plan as well as cut sheets and a lighting schedule during ARB and site plan review. If wall-mounted lighting is proposed,the applicant must submit architectural elevations that show the placement of the lighting in addition to cut sheets and manufacturer's specifications as part of the ARB submittal. • Setbacks: All parking shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the public right-of-way All parking must be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the abutting RA zoning district.Buildings must be set back a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the public right-of-way.The building must be setback a minimum of 50 feet from the abutting RA zoning district. Please amend the setback notes shown on the concept drawings that were submitted by the applicant prior to the 8/7/2017 mandatory pre-application meeting. • Buildings: The ARB plans must demonstrate compliance with the supplemental regulations in Section 5.1.31 • Sales/Storage/Display Parking—Storage of parts, materials,equipment,and vehicles awaiting repair must comply with the supplemental regulations set forth in Section 5.1.31. Details of screening measures will be required for ARB and Planning/Zoning review to verify that these areas arc not visible from Avon Street. Please revise the label of parking spaces that will be used for vehicle storage spaces to "Sales/Storage/display parking area." Please clearly label and distinguish the location and number(s)of the proposed employee and customer parking spaces. • Parking Requirements/Standard. Automobile service station and truck repair shop—One(1)space per each employee plus two(2) spaces per each service stall.