HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198100067 Application 1981-12-23 $20. Permit Fee � ! '' Application No. _Nor; / -- 6, 7 Sign Erected By: Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application ,\3 , 19 ( . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: Malcolm J . Reid Name: Hop-In Markets Address: 919 Mt. Elliott Street Address: P. 0. Box 260 Staunton, VA. 24401 Roanoke, VA. 24002 Telephone: (703) 886-1697 Telephone(703) 981-1464 Location of Property: 200 ' west of Georgetown Road, facing Hydraulic Road, just east of entrance to Georgetown Green. Tax Map 60 F Parcel 1 Acreage .585 Existing Zoning C-1 District Jack Jouett Existing Use: Retail - Grocery Sales. Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : Ai_ 0.040 Request that a variance from twenty (20) required parking spaces for . ft. of net rentable office space be reduced to eighteen (18) required parking spaces. This request sought as a result of the State Highway Department's taking of five (5) existing spaces. (Mt. eptt(Ant- rate..c -ttor, t,e or) 4, ,lo. jn, i (Cl) 04 -F-hc Albcrr de County ZOY'U(\5 rchn r> d t0 O(.A_) ir,14000 Srt1mQ 6,23 ,d *4_9. a Co. ; (lJI.t.Qrnk4 va it k c S-Fa cszt I hereby c rtify that the foregoing information is true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above.5�, ray Gt 1 � / bo's Applicant ate FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: aeThe variance sought wnied)approved with the following conditions: i% ffi'Iiz--(a.+.a�-�/�1..Z�' !/fib. 4/1/r6 74( ``A ,t-� 17-)/ c ::1:::! t1 Permi BO , 0 LNG APP • to Building Permit!! ...* - -.77:7".......„...„, ,_ .. . .,.. u), f..... ... .... i 1 ....... 1 -, I , .., -a- .:. t I ........ r..J...' . I7") wi 1 1 s i 1 1 ........ .4'........."'''''.....„ \ .414. .,.... ',.......,. 0 -,... 47."..."..S.'''''."'" -....... --a , -... N . . iA . E 1 T -rj ••••••d t • •.... ra X. 0> - . ..., . . V i it. z. .. C PO ,-, / wer. • V") I 1 I I I I I 0 03 410 „ . — , "4111 / f . / r.,--.rtrrt.v."--,:- ' -4"-' , /i , i 1 ; STORE i . 1 II :e ss'100 4L fi ; EXISTING I , aS 'to‘i-lr:it AREA ' . 1 t .._ . i kIWtv,IG AREA - . 1-007.--- . . 1— 11— 0 1 . , , I -:-.-4 ---— — . I 1 1 ,., / -------.-„-_k_C®, -../- ,”, / • i I / // 1 o f / 1 1I, i X - -------„,,,4 9/ ,,C‘ .T;1N' v' 7 Ns-. .,.,..,,,,: - ' [1.:.;, ! 1 1 26 ______ / C., kcil / 1/41/ , ,. ® I. '1/ i'<•, N. .,. _/ i , ,,, }74. I ''• ,1. . 0,s, '-:•<:.::',..:.::;• i....11 (r),I • -Pe . , 5ii. C)N ,71 # / N-, ,„4,N o <V <•;,. // ' 0 \\15o. --_,..„ . •-•„,<,/,‹:,e.,-N... /0- ..,' N ,6 •<(,..) - ,,...)dt.,„41 .,, ir- • /4) ) .1 . / S • 1, 1, I di, 1 "4/.•\,-t•,,,—)\' ' , ; - . , . ,- 7N(12- ./' ,. .,.. , . §is/- , •1, .. i . + iz \ /..P// 'A' C) . '‘. . ' ,.?).,si).„, 'N ,/,‘‘,„,.‘ • 101,... '‹? •• $ • t• ''.i.• -›,) . , . ! • • L I t • /1 1..7 11:.7 I / '/ ,r (-31•Z' ' , 4/ • • ., I •'.',/), 1 0 7il / \ / 4, ' r) / / / .N.„ . [ •, . ..• . ' 1 N./ ... ---------..,,, - t-----''''''''" i •-•-• ----.....,./ / \, / ') / II, 7 /--.."--....„.„..„, I . ,,,,....9.„..„.. / 1 . , . . , ,.. / • ': / 05 r 7 '--.---- . =•11 14,. . . ; 13 ' i 1.-• _____ _ _ _ / t I t•1 0 — _ 3' 5 I r i.,., , I J , ! i ./ ; I ® 1; [ i a' ---- --- . .1 ,•,tjl ; • 1 ; rk, . • ; / • •ir- N\i' tiarkc.) s- F7:6 I ›. ON liS I X 3 i ,c cr, / . 1 , -- 1 / 3801.7I / N t-d0H / / . ' r , ,--- -___.1 — --- —--- , ---------_------- N 'tore Igoe No00 "IIse Nee STAFF REPORT VA-81-67. Hop- In Markets Tax Map: 060F Parcel : 1 Zoned: C-1 Existing Activity Retail - Grocery Sales Proposed Variance The applicant requests relief from Section 4.12,6.6, 1 (d) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow 18 parking spaces for 4,000 square feet of rentable office space; a variance of 2 parking spaces. Zoning Ordinance Requirement Pursuant to Section 4. 12.6.6. 1 (d) , Determination of Number of Parking Spaces Required for Unspecified Uses; Where minimum parking or loading space is not specified herein for particular uses/structures or mixes of uses , or where conflicts exist between schedule and general requirements , the zoning adminis- trator shall determine requirements appropriate to the use/structure guided by characteristics of the proposed use including anticipated employment, number of residents and/or visitors , by requirements for similar uses or mixes and other relevant considerations. More specifically, the zoning administrator shall be guided by the following for uses not specified in Section 4. d. For uses of an office character: One (1 ) space per two hundred (200) square feet of net office floor area. Staff Recommendations On June 17, 1974, the Albemarle County Planning Commission approved the site plan for Hop- In Food Mart, condition #1 - contingent upon granting of a variance. On July 23, 1974, the Board of Zoning Appeals approved VA-74-25, a variance to allow 20 parking spaces instead of the required 28 spaces. A letter from Ron Keeler, Assistant Director of Planning, is in agreement with our recommendation. Two (2) or three (3) parking spaces that would have to be indicated on site would not be acceptable for topographic location. These spaces would not be accommodative to the patrons . The staff does recommend denial of the variance. Nome New 4100 March 10, 1981 • STAFF REPORT ZMA-81-7 Malcolm J. Reid • Requested Zoning: C-1 Commercial Acreage: 1.27 acres Existing Zoning: RA Rural Areas Location: Property, described as Tax Map 60F, Parcel 3, is located on the - north side of Georgetown Road (Route 656) at its intersection with Hydraulic Road (Route 743) . Character of the Area Westgate Apartments are to the south across Georgetown Road. Property to th= southeast is in singly-family usage. Georgetown Green and the Hop-In Market a to the north. Comprehensive Plan In adopting land use amendments in April, 1980, the Board deleted ththis area t r„m the Urban Area :of the Comprehensive Plan. This area is currently Plan as rural. Staff Comment This property is under contract to the adjoining Hop-In Market to be used i conjunction with that use. When the Hop-In site plan was approved in 1975, parking was adequate for the upper floor retail use only. The lower floor ,a designated as future office uses, which would require additional parking. Exist- ing parking will be reduced and the gas pumps will be removed or relocated inLLtthe fut ure due to improvements to Hydraulic Road. Due to new parkingoreg iatiorre�nt. adequate parking for. the market use could be provided after the improvm It does not appear that adequate parking could be provided on the existing Site for both the market and office uses without extensiver gradingt workdand parking setback variances. (This would be the case whWhile it is the applicant's stated intent to develop this property in conjunction with the existing Hop-In site, Staff would emphasize that this is a conventional • * It should be .emphasized that Hop-In was aware of the future road improvement and its consequences at time of site plan approval in 1975. Staff opinion is that any hardship, inconvenience, or loss of trade experienced by Hop-In as a result of this road improvement has been self-imposed. Simply stated, the site was inadequate from the outset; Hop-In was familiar with the proposed road improvements which would further reduce site capacity. Under the current Zoning Ordinance, an estimated 22-24 parking spaces would be required to serve both the market and proposed office uses. Twelvech wo spdaces sowould ld be adequate for the existing market uses, the m Y at the rear of the building. Slav' ''orii STAPP REPORT I . ZMA 81-7 Malcolm J. Reid March 10, 1081 Page 2 rezoning application and therefore, no representations made by the applicant are legally binding in regard to future development. Since this rezoning request is inconsistent with the recommendations of the ComprehensivePlan, Staff if recommends denial. However, Staff could recommend favorably on t application assurances were made to limit the development of the site to those features sd necessary to gain full usage of the existing [lop-In building (i.e. , parking; relocation of gasoline pumps. This approach, in Staff opinion, would not set precedent for other rezonings in the area since the intent is to accommo date existing development) . This could be accomplished through a planned proach which could also address the following concerns: 1) Proposed method of compliance with the run-off control ordinance; • 2) Access to existing public roads (see Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation comments) ; 3) Proposals for buffering and protection of adjoining uses. • • . I • N✓ _ jl ! HOP-I N / STORE i I 14 -1I_ 40 ;' / -t� l 91 — . . .._ EXISTING ,` �- •.ssi�Jo ES ,o�e>z AH1 . kRKtNG AREA / f — f i / N 86 44" E. 175.00 "�'� `Oj _- _ © _v L ' ._..f • N 1 . AISLE I 1 • cr . • -� i O / 0 1 I 7 ,. --...._ / - 'L� / / i z.../// I 1 , x.) . — ,•. / *i / Vet' - //go (c.:0 •I.,• I). 0 1 sip d>b {" I • 1 e %(Oiy k SrGN— CO • ,. NN•Ns,eP./ <", /\\,?)..• ti /tea ., 'goer / , ,,, 1 -I ,`,11'.sis %NO 41 -1------ r i -,•,; / • 1 I-IC)P-I N 1 . I . ' I STORE ' I , 4 , 1 1 - ! ,.., • , I '4 -I I- 40 • ' i CL . II . ./ - • , iodLL 1/ , ES x / EXISTING il :,. , (,)PR - - ; i... / . / . . 42.1-()'" ..._ i G Aft 4 ——" — —— - -— ---———— — .1:: "1 Wi•--- , -••:-.._ 1 i • 1 • / N 86° 44' E. /75.00 , ii , . . , . I ' ®, :, 1 I - •, ,A I I I 't • •\1-1 "il AISLE ••,,,i O. • 1 50'00„7 . 4..... , . I i . ...\' • .---„ 1 , I 1 / .1"..---'-'-----i i I 7 . , . ki '''C. . F•, , " I .// '''', , . ,-,C, v.' . • , - , 1 k-7,' (.., ,• • ,. -,.. . , ,...___+_________________ / ,f4' / ' (?) -4/.c, •-<,<, .,.. 26'" / , 1 ...:‘,.,,,. ..,‘,,•,,,.,,.. tf/(7 Z../. i 1 •,.. 1 1 ••••t / ,,,:i7/ 0 :•ss:,..:,\‘',.‘*,. / r)I `,(/ , 0 ../3PG, N:.: ,-'''',.•;:•".!`... Z.; (..) 4. 1/ 12/ ' s•*,... '•''',° : 0 t //0,0 od.'((':9 ,• , , i te,i1,-,..II ' %.1, • '. ...si() • •, i , .i Q.. i Sr° t51)b '9<<•• . I 3 I 4 ' 0• . , 1 . . • rf '‘'''/).."*.NNe' • // 'Ob/ j N.. •i ' , . 't1 . . /\ / • ,,,I t,, [ g....., . „ . ,,, ///ftp 1 • .-, cp,...., , . .1 ' . gt ...... ..:._____.____..........._____. VA-Si /**4.7' '%of TA i Ater at F .41 • PctrcmJ...4iiii . / • . • _. • ; , 0.- • . .. ..... . . , . .., 1 / . .• • • . •„ 0 i . • , 1 „, , \ .t . • Y - .. . \ • imi „iv, 4 . . - 1 . .0,17) . I ' t 0. \4O.a(a ,... . „. . # . . , . .,0 ,,,, 41 i ..0.1. ' rrrrrrrrrs ®` MIMI IN it/ Whiiiit ``°mot •64er., ) 2 it • ,e. _..... if . II 4 3 :. j o - ! I / M I 1 I..`1. 1 1 . • 1 1 GEORGETOWN GREEN D.6.440 PQ 93 il • I 'I •,V - =„�,,, _ .a CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION t60 F • r1 111101, `WN.� j of AL SEW, ��OF AL GG a�� kE` ko,RGll�t� Department of Planning ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. 804/296-5823 RONALD S. KEELER DIRECTOR OF PLANNING X.SKIXEIPWERIfintifOXIMARRR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING leti•KAMNYANtiggiVIWAMA 'i R. KEITH MABE COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING PRINCIPAL PLANNER 401 McIntire Road NANCY MASON CAPERTON Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 SENIOR PLANNER KATHERINE L. IMHOFF PLANNER MEMORANDUM Date: January 5, 1982 To: Mr. Andrew D. Evans, Deputy Zoning Administrator From: Mr. Ronald S. Keeler, Assistant Director of Planning Re: VA-81-67 Hop-In Markets Hop-In Market is requesting, among other things, a variance from the required number of parking spaces in order to convert the existing market on Hydraulic Road to office usage. Hop-In Market was successful in obtaining rezoning of the adjacent corner property from RA to C-1 in March, 1981, in order to relocate the market to that property and convert the existing store to office usage. In the Planning staff report for that rezoning, the staff offered the following comment: "It should be emphasized that Hop-In was aware of the future road improvement and its consequences at time of site plan approval in 1975. Staff opinion is that any hardship, inconvenience, or loss of trade experienced by Hop-In as a result of this road improvement has been self-imposed. Simply stated, the site was inadequate from the outset; Hop-In was familiar with the proposed road improvements which would further reduce site capacity." The staff went on to state that "staff could recommend favorably on this application if adequate assurances were made to limit the development of the site to those features necessary to gain full usage of the existing Hop-In building (i.e. , required parking; relocation of gasoline pumps. ..) ." On March 10, 1981, the applicant presented to the Planning Commission a preliminary plan of this corner property. This plan shows 6 parking spaces adjacent to the existing Hop-In store with stairs providing access to the lower existing parking area. Combined with the 14 existing spaces noted on the plan in the lower area, this layout would provide the 20 required spaces. (This plan was subsequently proffered as a part of the rezoning to the Board of Supervisors.) MEMORANDUM Date: January 5, 1982 To: Mr. Andrew D. Evans, Deputy Zoning Administrator From: Mr. Ronald S. Keeler, Assistant Director of Planning Re: VA-81-67 Hop-In Markets Page two The minutes of the Board of Supervisors public hearing of March 18, 1981, reflect the following: MN,Pe "Dr. Iachetta asked about the parking requirements for the proposed office building, and whether there was sufficient area on the lot Wz,.. .„ ,...,., to provide such parking. Mr (David) Wood said once the gasoline pumps are removed an d building renovated, there will be more than sufficient land area for the required number ofµparkingwspaces. Both the Planning Commission and Board were reluctant to approve Hop-In's rezoning request because the request was inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It is my opinion that a major consideration was to provide adequately zoned acreage to accommodate Hop-In's needs, including parking, so the use could continue after the widening of Hydraulic Road. This was the foundation of Hop-In's pleading in the case. Now that the rezoning has been approved, it appears that Hop-In, through the use of variances and unwise design, would continue as in the past with over- usage of its properties. For this reason, should the variances be granted, the Planning staff would decline any subsequent request for site plan amendment and would refer such request to the Planning Commission for disposition. Statements made in this memo are in part my recollection and interpretation. You may wish to review the files and public hearing minutes for your own purposes. RSK:slr ( --- 0 r ' .:L. . O.''W ' (: /::c' i)• - ,...il ..,...-',*.*.— 4 • t • • 1/4) - r'.i.,,E., l ' r, �..rr • �v •may l,4 ,Psue\� .J <:,..Ate + .1. `• 1 ,0 Department of Planning RoocRT W. TUCKER. JR. 0o4/e06-51123 RONALD S. KEELER DIRECTOR or PLANNING 414 EAf•T MARKET f TIIEET ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING CHARLGTTf::,VILLL. VI(UGINIA 22001 R. KEITH MADE PRINCIPAL PLANNER March• 20, 1981. NANCY MASON CAPERTON SENIOR PLANNi71i - • _ KATHERINE L. IMHOFF' • PLANNER Mr. Malcolm J. Reid • • 919 Mt. Elliott Avenue . Staunton, Virginia 24401 '' • RE: ZMA-81-7 Malcolm J. Reid . Dear Mr. Reid: • The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors at its meeting on March 18, 1981, voted to approve your petition to rezone 1.27 acres from RA Rural Areas to C-1 Commercial. Property described as Tax Map. 60F, Parcel 3, located on the north side of Georgetown Road (Route 656) at its intersection with Hydraulic Road (Route 743) , with the following amended proffer: . March 13, 1981 Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County Charlottesville, Virginia Re: • Relocation - Hop-In Food Stores, Inc. • 1 ' Gentlemen: i An application for rezoning from RA-Agriculture to C-1 Business of the lot 1 belonging to Exxon, located at the intersection of Georgetown Road and Hydraulic Road, was heard before the Planning Commission on March 10th. The ' Planning Compassion is recommending denial of the application but indicated it would recommend approval of the application if the applicant proffered certain conditions or restrictions on the subject property. Therefore, Hop-In Food Stores, Inc. , the contract purchaser of the above described property, would like to, and does hereby, proffer the following conditions for development of the subject property: 1. The only entrance to the subject property shall be located on Hydraulic Road so that the northern margin of the entrance at the property line will be located 121; feet south of the northern boundary of the subject: property; 140100 Mr. Malcolm J. Reid 919 Mt. Elliott Avenue • Staunton, Virginia 24401 March 20, 1991 Page two • relocation of the convenience be used for a the enclosed preliminary property will l lay-out of resented at 2. The subject p �' with the genera plan will be presented more definitive siteenre than a 2,300 square store in accordance not cover or less; site plan. Of course, store shall 51.4 feet, more . a later date.r The new to be 42 x foot land area and is expected water requirements of the storm with allthe residential zone, adjacent to I The runoffor applicant will comply foot buffer possible will be tee 3. A 50 trees as • • will lnbecm and as many trees are not retained, areas, d in this area, and , if sufficient to provide of retained, plant sufficient evergreens retained in area' bly applicant will a guax•d • adequate screening; s • after rezoning, within 60 'dayof Georgetown Greri. • to the play area in the 4• The applicant will install, . pipes planted This the boundaryhb adjacent4 foot L p posts.rail along rail shall be constructed of The guard pipes running between Beni reap Tots. groun11a io horizontalasproved very y satisfactory in ° a- n has damaged by the installation gill be severely f the of the Hop-In Store removed, some o gas pumps are being severely -damaged. This i The existing operation The ok Hydraulic Road• of the storein the neigh • attractiveness operation of -its store • widening the a the op lot in order to parking taken, and to continue adjoining 1980 l wishes the expensive er of applicant simply to purchase executed in November property • f iscontract tog this lot wasknowni that ro arty boyhood andpurchase it beE:iThe property do so. A p sooner. had December loth. a wouldnd wouldbe ave been closedo much to agriculture of the uses permitted in riculture on SSessed from business but none arty at the a be rezoned top 1 is assessed for possibly justify the purchase of the p � � zone could p urges you to 1 figure. respectfully. ! Hop-In Food Stores, Inc.c. Zone. the above reasons, from R71 Zone For property rezone the subjectYours very truly, • (signed) David J. Wood, Jr. . you, please do not hesitate to further assistance to • If we can be of any contact this office. Sincerely, .-e VAND1 'a 5t.uart I�• Richard il • s: i Department .of Planning sly Wood Jr. cc: Mr. DaVi.d J•. , wJ Hors y 75.n0 x Application No. : ��� _ '_ 5-10 Acres ,s.oo --- 1 r.� over- 10 Acres 100.00 + - Staff: i ($1.00 per acre in excess of 10.) ,/ t 1 APPLICATION FOR ZONINC.MAP AMENDMENT Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 County of Albemarle • 296-5832 • Date of Application January 30, ,19 81 L . OWNER OF PROPERTY " .:: i_ APPLICANT (if other than owner) Name: EXXON, USA Name: Malcolm J. Reid Address: P. 0. Box 2567 Address: 919 Mt. Elliott Houston, Texas 77001 - - Staunton, VA. 24401 (Re: John T. Green) Telephone: (713) 680-5618 Telephone: (703) Q86-1697 • 1 Tax Map: . Section 60F Parcel: #/3 Acreage: 1 .27 j Existing Zoning RA Zoning Desired C-1' f a ...!sting Use: Vacant • fa • F r; • I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my i, knowledge and belief, that I have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle 1 f County Zoning Ordinance under which this application is made, and that I am the owner/contract purchaser of the property described abo Is Fi Malcolm J. Redd 1 .30/81ti) � ; c DATE Ok<ytC Authorizes A ent `'� ' . , 9 Bert 1-_ Smith, Agent FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ! p 1 Planning Commission Action: Date of Hearing ,!)19Ch jV • Decision: Iv( �� l�s 1�i*t +n•114i4- �f'�L1C.1 i� ttr r1 ' ./ �! r t� F _ i ) Recommendation: \. + ' „►►', r,. 1 'J r • �� .' 1.; ,-,1,-. ' ,? ! ' 0,'',._t •,' , ( '-4- ':. ! .; ..,..,'; ‘.! if Mrio p V(la[1i/" 1 Hoard of Supervisors Action: Date of Hearing: , !'1 _1 Decision: 1 . : 1 if ' f i . '' �, . ketion: - ( C I , 1 I 1 NOW ov4..0( OF ALF3 G® � � . < lif-r • • Planning Department 411 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JOHN L. HUMPHREY A. RUTH MILLER COUNTY PLANNER - ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. 7 /7 MARY JOY WHITE ASSISTANT COUNTY PLANNER - June 19, 1 9/4. SENIOR PLANNER Mr. James E. Harper 12 Terry Court Staunton, Virginia 24401 RE: Hop--In Food Mart Dear Mr. Harper: The Albemarle County Planning Commission at their meeting on June 17, 1974, approved your site plan with the following conditions: 1. Parking being contingent upon granting of a vari- ance; 2. Additional fencing andjor screening as required bZ tnff from Georgetown Green; 3. Lighting according to. site plan to be directed away from Georgetown Green and traffic; 4. Thirty (30) foot wide entrance; 5. Undeveloped portion of the property is considered a part of .this site plan and is to he used as shown on the site plan; 6. Submittal to the Department of Planning and Zoning, confirmation from Daley Crq}ig of Ho In' s right to use the pumping station; No y�(r-�• `"t- ."t ,E " Z" ` V) 7. Topographic line correction of 559--should be` 599. In addition to the above conditions, the Planning Commission is recommending that the developer consider locating a graveled path across the undeveloped portion of the property for nearby residents. • Once two (2) revised copies of this site plan have been submitted to this office, your grading permit may be obtained. Fere3 ly,• rt W. Tucker, Jr. Assistant County Planner RWTjr:dac f • , 1 l d • , '''9 1 1 z ?f-t/De-td'Q.zt W I N u VrtC 11 u f H 1 _41 -: 7 _ L J ,. C " -V.V. t i4 C1 i a Wo t' R W le.....c: 0"'" o U Cyp/ 1 z O N W U �,'( • F W U V1w 0 t�` O N❑ W J !�+ 44 Y • Wail 1 -C 2k Q - O I-- aim •• cold ouo Z -- _"t]'-ma • U Z 3 QtQl`�pN L. 1 1 1 f-• Zp F ~W 5 V 0 t; a�F ?WAN I- a � a W ~ C..... It Z o �,r �:a ar orm W la_ S:i • LW o t. p J r2C a a C Z GI � r;v Y} Y y o Q Z - 0 a • r C•••1 w V ''.:,,a - } uNi m a w�S''d C C} U w lPaEd Dci a I. f • p 2 2 J -.IQ U C F *` } w W LO IL in .. .. 0 1 _ $i la I oz ; t WW a _ W G m m w W _z 3 4 - • o i S . U. �_ u w m 2_ _ i _ U o ., ) • W > • C� w '-, • m -. _ . -- -• di p F, z . z 1- U W N 0 W IC N W to 0 W Z d K 02 W - _ U 2 J 3F J ",� < WJ Z O CL p; F W - [C O Q a 6961 d9-tl309 'ON WMOd • ' - • I .. I 1 - • .. . ' . 141100, I . . • 'Awe ' . I .. . ... . 4 1 , . 1 , : , - • ; ,,. , ,., ,, DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE . • . , • . • of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE .. , , . • To be filled in by each division indicated hereon upon completion'of its final inspection. , • 1 1 - i • • BUILDINGS P mit No. 7- - It Approved by __. ."---, -------Date.f t" 2 . , I . Remarks , . , . II PLUMBING Permit No._j--75------- .- -• 1 1. . Approved by .c,—, 61 ,;•;77 Date 3 •-(, - 2 S . 1 -- • 1 , Remarks , t . . . , i . ELECTRICAL Permit No. , t . r-r- 7_r ,1 • Approved by e)//./P/S Date , , ! 611,\, . ! , • . Remarks , , ' . • . i' 1 . . _ 1 OTHER 551A • Permit No. I I , Approved by, - .../le.--1..4----,) Date ‘A ,c-- -,1 •-1 1 2 . 1 o • OTHER Permit No. I . Approved b3fir:71.E7E0 E7 - Date . , • . Remarks 1 ALBEMARLE GOUTY FIE[ r.1.4...9PAL ' . .. • , . i '=.11.wic., • 1.4.2.LI -,..,...:-....... .r......„.......' # ".'........S.L.--,••::::....14. .......... . , . 1 . 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